Voice greeting after hours. Creative greeting on the phone for a pizzeria. Humorous greeting from a clothing store

If you decide to compose the text yourself, we suggest simple rules, which are suitable for composing an answering machine entry for all companies.


First, you introduce yourself and greet the caller. Everything should be simple and short.

There won't be many options here:

Welcome to the company "The Best Brand"

Hello! You called main office company "The Best Brand"

“The Best Brand” is a company that creates the most best brands greeting you!


Complete your greeting, for example, with the following words: “Thank you for contacting our company” or “Thank you for calling!” In the case of gratitude, it is important not to overdo it.

Designation of the company's activities

It is difficult for a sane person to imagine that a client who calls a company does not know what it does, but human factor amazing thing. He got wrapped up, mixed up his phone numbers, and now we have a client who doesn’t understand where he ended up. Therefore, we can remind you about the services that the company provides. One of the examples was already above: “The Best Brand” - a company that creates the best brands in Russia welcomes you! or "Company House 2" welcomes you! Design of frame houses is our specialization.

But here, too, brevity is, if not the sister of talent, then an assistant in business. If, God forbid, you are “generous” in describing your merits, know for sure that the client will be lost. Be modest, but choose a few-word phrase that accurately and concisely describes your line of business.

All conversations are recorded

The phrase “to improve the quality of service, all conversations are recorded” is more of a legal aspect that must be observed if conversations are recorded. On the other hand, the client thus understands that you are not indifferent to how employees talk to him. This will add more weight to the company in the eyes of the client.

External numbers

If there is a provision for dialing internal employee numbers, say this as early as possible. Long greetings are annoying. Say this first. Example: "If you know extension number employee, dial him in tone mode».


The distribution by department should be reflected in the voice menu, which briefly names the tasks that a particular department solves, as well as a number by pressing which the client can contact the necessary specialist.

When working with text, it is important not to duplicate words or phrases:

“to contact the department...press 1,

to contact the department... press 2..." and so on.

It is important that the text is varied:

“If you want to know about the status of your order, please dial...;

for consultation on the issue... click;

to place an order... click;

If you want to discuss the quality of our service, go to the section...;" etc

7. Button “0”—communication with the operator.

As a rule, people want to get an answer from a living person. Many companies use the “0” button to communicate with the operator. Whether this was agreed upon initially is unknown, but it is logical and, you see, there is concern for clients in this. After all, not everyone wants to listen to everything as a fascinating story, especially if this is a person who is calling not for the first time.

Example: “To contact an operator, press “0” and stay on the line.”

Answering machine and calls after hours

An answering machine is used if you cannot answer the phone for some reason or a client calls non-working hours. In this case, remind him to leave his contacts in the voice message, this will give you the opportunity to contact him and resolve his issue.

Example: “To send us a fax, dial “5”, you can also leave us a voice message, to do this, press “6” and speak after the tone. Please leave your contact information so that we can contact you on this issue!”

For non-working hours, come up with a separate scenario, indicate exact time work and promise to call back.

Example: You are greeted by the Vertical store. We will not be able to answer your call now because you called outside of business hours. We work from Monday to Friday from 10 to 20 hours. If you need to tell us something important, please leave us a voicemail by pressing "5". Speak after the signal and we will definitely call you back! Thank you for visiting our store!”

Patterns and creativity

Phrases like “Your call is very important to us”, “We value every client” will not evoke good emotions in the caller, if he still does not find an answer to his question, they will simply be annoying. However, so does excessive creativity. A phrase like: “Hello, I’m the director of this cool company and I’ll fire everyone now if they don’t answer the phone, but in the meantime, listen to my favorite music..” will be interesting to listen to only for the first time.

Opinions about the results of using voice menu (IVR) are the most controversial. They range from “When we started using it, our work efficiency immediately tripled” to “Customers started hanging up and the number of successful calls decreased.” The truth, as always, is in the middle. Properly configured voice menu will help increase the number of transactions, and a poorly configured one will scare away customers. Here are some tips for creating a “good” IVR.

1. The message should be short and succinct

Time is money. Clients calling you expect to get the result they need as quickly as possible - a connection with one or another specialist. Therefore, a voice message that is too long is usually perceived negatively.

The client needs to provide the initial information that is important to him in the most concise form - whether he got through by phone, and what to do next. Try to avoid cumbersome speech patterns. The voice should sound cheerful and not “stretch” the words.

The optimal duration for informational text is 5-10 seconds. Examples:

- Hello! You called the Happy Home company. The operator will answer you in a few seconds.

– Soyuz-Vostok Company. Dial the employee's internal number or wait for the secretary to answer.

If you are using single number for requests on several different issues, and it is necessary to voice choice options, the permissible message duration can be up to 20 seconds. For example:

- Hello! You called the Three Whales store. To place an order, click "one". For advice on repair and maintenance of equipment, press “two”. To connect with an employee, dial his extension number or wait for the secretary to answer.

We described how to record a message in the “IVR Voice Menu” recipe.

2. First of all - first priority

In the voice menu, not only the duration of the message matters, but also the order of the items. Analyze the number of customer requests to a particular department. This can be done using the “Call Statistics and Monitoring” tool, looking at the number of calls in different groups. When creating a voice menu, put first the items that correspond to the most common requests.

That way, most customers won't have to listen to the entire menu. They can immediately click the required key and immediately move on to solving your problems.

Setting up the sequence of menu items is described in the “IVR Voice Menu” recipe.

3. Reduce the number of menu items and levels

If you need to make a menu with several levels (for example, first choosing one of the regional branches, then choosing the subject of the appeal), your customers must be very patient. Not everyone will survive the procedure to the end.

In order not to lose potential customers, in such cases it is better to use other, automatic methods of handling calls, without forcing callers to wait and perform too many actions to select options.

Let's look at this with an example. To direct customers calling a single number to the nearest regional branch, it is best to use the Call Forwarding by Customer Number tool (this is the 9th step in the recipe). Configure several call forwarding masks by area code, and calls will be immediately directed to the right office. The client will only have to choose the topic of the appeal. The result is that the time spent in IVR will be reduced by 2 times!

The only exception to of this rule- these are the so-called “reference” IVRs, when the menu is simply a directory for obtaining one or another pre-recorded information. For example, work schedule and branch address. In this case, customers will be willing to wait patiently.

4. Configure what happens if there is no input

Even though this is the 21st century, not all clients want or can dial a command using tone. For example, the call may come from an old-fashioned rotary telephone or from a communicator program. Or the client will simply decide to wait for the operator’s response.

To avoid losing such clients, you should add a “No input” processing rule to the voice menu scheme. We recommend assigning call forwarding to a secretary or special operator. If this is not done, then the client who has not selected any of the items will play the voice menu a second time, or he will hear silence on the handset. Chances are he'll just hang it up.

Setting up actions in the event of no input is described in the same recipe “IVR Voice Menu”.

5. Various menus for different times

It would seem like a trifle. But calling clients will appreciate it if you greet them with something other than a faceless “Hello.” Write down three versions of the message, starting with " Good morning", "Good afternoon" and "Good evening", and set playback depending on the time of day.

Perhaps a fleeting surge of positive emotions caused by this little “zest” will be the drop that is necessary for making a decision to purchase from your company.

Also be sure to record a separate informational message that customers who call after hours will hear. It should contain information about your company's operating hours and the ability to leave a voice message (function " Voice mail"). For example:

- Good evening! You called the Cypress Tour company. Unfortunately, in this moment we cannot take your call. The company's operating hours are from 8:00 to 20:00, seven days a week. Please leave a message after the signal, and our manager will call you back.

Not every client will leave a message, but even some clients mean additional sales and additional profit.

Setting up the voice menu on a schedule is described in the seventh step of the recipe “New personal VATS account and 9 simple steps to set it up”.

Was the recipe useful for you? Express your opinion in the comments. And also write about what else you want to know - and we will talk about it in one of the next issues.

All options are free. No special knowledge is required, you just need to carefully read the instructions for each method.

To bookmarks

All methods have advantages - it's free and simple. But there is also a minus - an unprofessional voice or robotic speech.

How to record an answering machine in your voice

Recording apps

Microphones in modern phones record sound well for our purpose. It is important to know in which application to write the voice, what the volume should be, where better acoustics for recording. For those who have an IPhone, I recommend the built-in Voice Recorder or TW Recorder applications. The latter controls the volume of the sound you are recording with. For those who have Android, I recommend Smart recorder.

Applications for recording an answering machine

How to write correctly

Microphone. It is important to correctly determine where the microphone is located on your phone. If you record past the microphone, the sound will be bad. Hold the phone at lip level.

Microphone location on the phone

Distance. Sign up at a distance of 5–10 centimeters. If you move the microphone too far from your lips, the recording will have a strong echo. If you bring the phone too close, the sound will be muttering.

Corner. Don't speak directly into the phone's microphone; it's better to do it slightly past. When you record slightly past, you don't blow out the microphone, and all the plosive sounds -p, -b sound softer.

Correct and incorrect phone position

Sound level. Some applications show the sound level. Make sure that the level does not rise above the -1 mark.

App audio level

Choose small recording rooms. Although the microphone on the phone is small, it will pick up the echo and hum of the room. Write in the corner, where there is a lot of upholstered furniture and clothes. The ideal place is a closet with clothes. Bathrooms, long corridors, and staircases are not suitable.

File format

After you have recorded your greeting, you need to convert it into the format of your PBX. The two most popular formats- mp3 and wav. For mp3, select the bitrate 128 kpbs, for wav - 8 Khz, 8 bit. To avoid installing additional programs, use online converters, for example: audio.online-convert If needed special format or you can’t convert the sound, write to me by email.

An example of an answering machine: recording on an iPhone SE

How to record an answering machine with a robot for free

The disadvantage of this method is robotic speech. The caller will immediately hear that this is a synthesized voice. It will not be possible to achieve originality in recording a voice greeting: such voices sound monotonous. Let's understand the nuances of recording such a greeting.

Online services

Using the speech2go service, you can voice the answering machine text as male or in a female voice. I’ll say right away that male voice it sounds better there. The service is inexpensive: one greeting costs about 100 rubles. If the music doesn't bother you background, then you will receive a short answering machine for free.

When registering they give 2 credits for free. 200 characters - 1 credit.

Type of Speech2go service

Example of an answering machine: Speech2go service

Google translator

Another free way. The main disadvantage is that Google does not understand where the emphasis falls and offers only one option. The algorithm works worse than speech2go, but it is completely free.

After the robot has read your text, you need to save it. To do this, install the add-on for Chrome Audio Prime. Download the finished file and install it on your answering machine.

Spoken greeting text in Google translate

Autoresponder example: Google translate

1. Auto attendant- this is the voice that the caller hears first when dialing your company number. The auto attendant greets the caller and helps them gain sympathy and trust in your company. For example, the text for your auto attendant might look like this:


Hello. You have called company "company name". Your call is very important to us. Please wait for the operator's response. We work from 10:00 to 19:00 on weekdays. Please stay on the line. The first available operator will answer you.

2.Interactive Voice Response(abbreviated as IVR) - can be translated as a System of pre-recorded voice messages. After the caller has heard the auto attendant, the same voice offers the following options: if you know this, press 1, if this, press 2, and so on. You can inform about all your offices, talk about promotions or inform about opening hours. At the end, be sure to give the caller the opportunity to switch to the operator by pressing, for example, 0. The person does not have to listen to the entire list of offers; he has the opportunity to talk to a live person. Surveys have shown that people do not like to wait a long time for an answer, and by pressing a certain key they can find what they need. Be sure to plan for this item when you do it.


Hello. Thank you for calling company "company name". Please change your phone to tone mode or wait for the operator to respond. To contact the sales department press 1, with technical support 2, or stay on the line and we will answer any of your questions.

3. Waiting on line- now, when the caller is waiting for an answer, you have the opportunity to sell him some service or product. You can turn waiting time into a sale. Write three or four “polite messages” (about how long the wait is left or that you are glad to hear from him) and the same number of sales messages - alternate between them while the person is waiting on the line. While the caller is waiting for an answer, you can gently remind them that you value their time and choice. “Polite messages” are needed to reassure callers while they wait. And by the way, you have a reluctant listener! Exactly this best time to let him know about any special offer.


Hello. Thank you for calling company "company name". Your call is very important to us. Unfortunately, all operators are busy. Please stay on the line. The first available specialist will answer you.

4. Voicemail- You may need a company voicemail. Voicemail - will work as a universal greeting for any messages people leave outside of personal voicemail. Let's imagine that your client called after finishing work and there is no one who could answer him.


Welcome to the company "company name". Thank you for your call. We work from 10:00 to 19:00 on weekdays. Unfortunately, we are unable to answer your call at this time because you called outside of business hours. Please call back on weekdays, or leave a voice message after the tone.

Correctly composed voice greeting allows you to create a positive impression on the calling client and show all the professionalism of the company! Do it really right - success is guaranteed! The article examines in detail the features of the issue.

Think about whether your answering machine message is concise, informative and competent?

Yes, definitely standard notation greetings on the phone
« Hello, you've reached George. Unfortunately, I can't answer the phone right now. Please leave me a message after the signal and I will call you back...»
is still effective, but there are a few details you should pay attention to when composing your greeting. Such nuances include the length of the message and what needs to be said to the subscriber.
Let's look at the intricacies of composing an answering machine entry for personal use and for office.

Optimal length of a telephone greeting

Remember, the answering machine recording should not be longer than 20 seconds. In the vast majority of cases, 10-20 seconds will be more than enough to provide the subscriber with everything they need contact information and thank him for the call.
The basic criteria for creating a message are quite simple. So, in mandatory include the following parts in your greeting:

    - a quick thank you for the call. Each person can be busy, and if they call you, the subscriber is interested in the conversation and is ready to spend time communicating with you. Don't take the call for granted!
    - email address or a spare phone number. A good solution would also be to set up call forwarding;
    - time when you can call back;
    - a notice stating that you will be absent from the office for a long time and that one of your subordinates can answer the call;
    - instructions to the subscriber. You can ask the person to leave a message, call back later, or send an email.
    Many people will think that all of the above cannot be included in 20 seconds, but rest assured, this is more than possible. The main thing is to make the message as simple and clear as possible.
When composing a greeting for an office answering machine, there are several additional nuances to consider:
    - voice recording on the phone may be longer than the range indicated above. But use this only in rare cases, for example, when you need to direct the subscriber to a specific employee or to a specific department;
    - you must have a voice message for working hours and the period when the working day ends;
    - use departmental messages whenever possible.

Examples of greetings for a home answering machine

Still don't know where to start? Here are some examples to help you:

    - « Hello! You called "Flower delivery around the city." We apologize that we cannot answer the call. Please leave your contact information and we will call you back. Thanks and have a nice day!»
    - « Thanks for the call! You called Jim from the IT department. If you're hearing this message, I'm busier than usual today. Please leave your number and name and I will call you back within one business day. If it is urgent, then send an email to [email protected] Thank you
    - « You called Max. I'm not in the office right now and will be back tomorrow, Thursday, February 23rd. To leave your message, go to the voice menu by pressing 0. I apologize for any inconvenience
Do you see? The examples above are simple and concise.

Examples of voice messages for an office PBX

Voice menu:

    « Thank you for calling insurance company"Omega". We provide businesses and their employees with the insurance required by state, local, county and federal rules. To call call center and talk to an agent about an existing policy, press 1. If you are just applying for insurance and need help, press 2

Greeting message:

    « You have called the returns department Money. You can return an item you don't like or find unsuitable using the RMA provided. If you would like to speak with our representative, please leave your number, state your name and we will call you back shortly. Thank you for calling!»
As you can see, voice messages on an office IP phone is a little longer than on a personal one, and the voice menu may change depending on the subscriber’s suggestions and actions. The greeting may vary depending on the company's industry, but the basics remain the same. It should be noted that