What does it mean that the country number pool is not active. Country number pool is not active – Qiwi – what does this mean. What does “Country number pool is not active” mean?

Working with electronic wallets is really convenient, simple and fast. However, even the most advanced service is not immune to failures. In particular, recently the QIWI service has introduced new error codes, designated QWPRC. It is logical to assume that the error numbers indicate the specific reason that caused the failure. We will talk further about what they mean and how to correct them.


Error code 7101 when making a payment is a simple transfer failure. It is happening more and more often, in both directions. Presumably the reason is the company's server - they have been crashing a lot lately. Most often, the error occurs in regions with limited Qiwi functionality.

Most often, making transfers using the “Virtual Qiwi Card” helps solve the problem. In some situations, it is recommended to wait 30-36 hours for the transfer. Is the error still there? Then you definitely need to write to support about this thread - . There can be many nuances to this failure, so you should definitely contact support.

Error QWPRC-1018

Code 1018 “Country number pool is not active” is a message that says that this number format is not supported. The problem occurs during registration. The reason for this is that the Qiwi e-wallet only works for a few countries. If you try to register a user with a phone number from another country, then error 1018 will certainly appear.

In which countries does Qiwi operate:

  • Kazakhstan;
  • Brazil;
  • Romania;
  • Moldova;
  • Jordan;
  • Republic of Belarus (limited payment regime).

To correct the error: check the number provided, refresh the page, change the browser. A completely logical solution would be to register an account with a mobile phone number from a supported country.

Error 1021

QWPRC-1021 – user is limited to outgoing payments. This happens when you try to log into your account from another country or city and many other situations. The blocking is imposed automatically by the system as a result of certain conditions for using the wallet, or manually by a representative of the service’s Security Service if hacking, violation of the user agreement, fraud, etc. is suspected.

If the account is blocked as a result of suspicion, then you will need:

  • a scan of the passport and all its individual pages;
  • agreement with the operator;
  • providing scans of documents;
  • submitting an application for unlocking on the Qiwi website.

Please note that in some cases, Qiwi employees may ask you to undergo verification at certified points with the same set of documents.

QWRPC-300 problem

QWPRC-300 – error code indicates a technical problem has occurred on the server. In such a situation, the restriction may be temporary or one-time. As a rule, the error appears when trying to transfer money or log in to the site. As a rule, such a problem is solved without assistance from the support service.

What should be done:

  1. Check the correctness of the entered data.
  2. Try logging in and entering data using a different browser.
  3. If we are talking about translation, then you can try the terminal.
  4. Nothing helped - wait a few hours.

Error 319 in Qiwi

QWPRC-319 – error related to incorrect details or payment problems. As a rule, it occurs in cases where there is not enough amount in the account (there may be a commission) or an error was made when entering the recipient’s number (extra or missing characters). You can’t make a translation yourself either, and when you try, it will give you the following error code.

Solution to the problem: check the input fields and make sure they are filled out correctly. You can do all this in another browser.

Problem QWPRC-705

Code 705 – the monthly limit for transfers in both directions has been reached. In standard cases, this threshold is 200 thousand rubles. If we are talking about minimum status, then the threshold is only 40 thousand rubles.

  1. To solve the problem, you need to upgrade your account status to a higher level, and for this, at a minimum, you will need identity verification.
  2. There is a possibility that this error will occur when the server fails and the limit has not yet been reached. In this case, you need to wait until the problems are fixed or contact support.

Error code 7100

QWPRC-7100 – failure when replenishing via a bank card. As a rule, it is temporary. This message indicates an error on the part of the Qiwi service servers. The problem can be solved by reducing the size of the transfer (split it into 2, 3 or more times), as well as by contacting the support service regarding the issue of transfers -.

Solution for code 7602

QWPRC-7602 – a problem in the interaction between the Qiwi e-wallet and bank cards. Occurs in both directions. To solve the problem, it is recommended to use a virtual card.

Code QWPRC-7700

This failure means that the ISP you are using is blocked. This phenomenon is quite rare. The error may appear when access is blocked by Qiwi or by the provider, which for some reason prohibits access to the service. This phenomenon is usually encountered by residents of the Republic of Belarus, as well as users who try to access the Qiwi website from countries not included in the list of supported ones. As already mentioned, this phenomenon is not widespread and occurs in isolated cases.

  1. If waiting does not solve the problem, you need to try another Internet connection with a different provider.
  2. Try connecting to VPN services

So, this article establishes that the QWPRC error in Qiwi occurs both due to the fault of the user and the fault of the service and has different sources. To eliminate mistakes on your part, and therefore save time on waiting and searching for answers, we recommend that you follow these simple steps.

  1. Restart the browser.
  2. Refresh the browser and then restart.
  3. Cleaning temporary files and garbage. It is recommended to carry out a comprehensive cleaning of the computer using the CCleaner utility or its equivalent.
  4. Check your system for viruses, even if it’s a mobile device.
  5. After that, disable the security software and try to perform the operation.
  6. If all else fails, restart your PC or laptop.

Other useful tips.

  1. Often, the support service recommends waiting several hours until the cause of the error is eliminated.
  2. Use a virtual card - errors are less common here.
  3. Get an account with a higher status - personalize your data (passport, SNILS) for your wallet.
  4. Try a different browser.
  5. Don't forget about alternative devices - mobile application and terminal.

And finally, the most important and important advice - if you have a QWPRC error in Qiwi for a long time, then the first thing you need to do is report it to support and follow their instructions. Only the support team can analyze your account and provide important information about the cause of the failure and how to fix it.

The operation of the Qiwi payment system can be considered quite stable, but no one is immune from errors and failures. Thus, users often encounter various malfunctions in its operation, for example with the QWPRC code. We will tell you about its most common variations: 7101, 7100, 300, 1021 and others. You will find out what they mean and how they are solved.

This is a “technical error” and is the most common in the payment system. It can occur during transactions or during account activation. First, try to check the correctness of the entered data and details, if this is a transfer/replenishment, and, accordingly, the correctness of the authorization data. I also advise you to try the operation in another browser on your device - the point here is that the user can clutter up his working browser to the limit (extensions, cache, cookies, plugins).

  • Try performing the operation through the terminal.
  • If nothing else helps, then most likely there is an error on the server side and you will need to wait several hours.


Recently, people most often complain about the appearance of error 7101 in Qiwi. This "payment error" may occur with any transfer from a bank card to a wallet and vice versa. Most often, such system failures are temporary, but you can try changing your browser.

  • It's another matter if you have exceeded the transfer limit - technical support in this case advises you to wait about 30 hours and then try again.
  • Users from countries where the Qiwi service operates in a limited mode, for example Belarus, often encounter the same situation. In this case, you need to make a transfer not from a wallet to a card, but from a “Qiwi Virtual Card” to a bank card.
  • Write to the support thread for problems with payments.


In this case, the service writes: “Payment using a bank card is temporarily unavailable.” Here the situation is not entirely clear - Qiwi support in such situations indicates the bank as the source of the error, and they, in turn, send it back.

  • In addition, it is recommended to change the browser as standard, or wait up to 30 hours.
  • Many people note that it is necessary to reduce the transferred amount, for example, transfer not 500 rubles at once, but twice 250 rubles.
  • Write to the support using the Bank cards branch.


The explanation for this failure is as follows: “The country number pool is not active.” This usually occurs if you want to create your wallet in a country where the Qiwi service is not active (does not work, is blocked). Therefore, any telephone number from this country (number pool) is not supported. The system officially operates in Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Romania, USA, Jordan, Brazil and partially in Belarus.

  • Check that the number you are entering is in the correct format.
  • Change your browser to another one, most importantly updated to the latest version.
  • There is a time when a user tries to register on the Qiwi service website for another country, which will also cause failure 1018. For example, a user in Kazakhstan must register on the qiwi.kz resource.


This restriction on outgoing payments means that the wallet is blocked. Most often, the reason is the lack of documentary identification of the owner of the wallet in the system. You need to go through verification - send scanned copies of your passport, registration (they may ask for notarized copies), and an agreement with a mobile operator. This verification will allow you to:

  • increase the wallet limit and increases the amount of the maximum balance;
  • you can make purchases on foreign websites and gaming services;
  • The scheme of transfers to bank accounts and cards is simplified.

To clarify this situation, be sure to write to support regarding unlocking issues.


Payment is impossible - this failure occurs when you do not have enough money in your wallet account or your wallet number is entered incorrectly. In especially serious cases, the user tries to throw money into his own wallet - check that the details are filled out correctly.


It seems that we have considered all the most popular failures. In the end, I would like to add that very often people, in search of answers, write their help on forums and various public pages. After this, third parties may contact them with a request to clarify the number, payment amounts, etc. - most likely these are scammers. Keep in mind that Qiwi support specialists cannot have their own accounts and are never the first to contact you. You can get all the answers from the official support, or in the VK public page - QIWI Russia. That's all.

When trying to register in the Qiwi payment system, the user may encounter the message “Country number pool is not active,” after which it becomes impossible to continue registration. Typically, the occurrence of this message is associated with the absence of the user's country in the list of countries where Qiwi operates, as well as with the user's telephone number being entered incorrectly during registration. In this article I will tell you what “Country number pool is not active” means in Qiwi, and how to fix it.

Message “Country mobile number pool is not active” when registering a new wallet

What does “Country number pool is not active” mean?

The message “Country number pool is not active” usually indicates a situation when a user tries to create a wallet in a country in which the Qiwi payment system does not work, and telephone numbers of this country (i.e., the pool of numbers of this country) are not supported.

At the moment, Qiwi is supported in 8 countries (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Romania, USA, Jordan, Brazil). The current list of countries in which the Qiwi system is supported can be found on the website w.qiwi.com.

Also, the appearance of this message may indicate a situation where the user enters his phone number incorrectly (the most common mistake is entering his Russian number starting with the number “8”, when it is correct to start with “+7”).

List of countries that work with Qiwi

How to fix an error in Qiwi

To get rid of the “Country number pool is not active” error, do the following:

  • Make sure that you are in a country that supports the Qiwi payment system (or the number you are using belongs to mobile operators in countries where the Qiwi system operates);
  • Check that you are dialing your mobile number correctly (for Russia, the number starts with +7 (hereinafter referred to as the operator code and your mobile number);
  • If you have problems using Qiwi from a mobile phone, try accessing the website of the payment system qiwi.com from a desktop PC using a regular browser. For some users, this allowed them to fix the “number pool is not active” error;
  • Try a different browser when registering in the system. There have been situations where some browsers did not work correctly with “Qiwi” (in particular, there is evidence of “Qiwi” not working correctly with “Qiwi”). Try an alternative browser (Mozilla Firefox, IE, Google Chrome) to work correctly with Qiwi;
  • If you are in a country other than Russia, try registering with “Qiwi” on the website of this payment system in your country (for example, if you are in Kazakhstan, then use the qiwi.kz resource to register)
  • If you receive this message when trying to access an existing qiwi wallet, it means that it may be blocked for some reason. Contact Qiwi technical support for verification and clarification on this issue.


If, when registering your wallet in the Qiwi payment system, you encountered the message “Country number pool is not active,” this usually indicates a situation in which you are trying to register a phone number in the system that belongs to a country where the Qiwi system does not work. If you are in one of the mentioned 8 countries where the system works fine, then I recommend checking that your phone number is dialed correctly, and also going to a PC and changing your browser - this has helped create a Qiwi account in many cases.

QIWI- popular electronic payment system, which has several million registered users. It is not surprising that they sometimes have questions about its operation or the reasons for common errors.

One of the most common errors is one that displays the message “Country Number Pool is not active.” Many users do not know what it means and how to solve this problem.

The code for this error is QWPRC-1018, so if a separate code appears, you should know what exactly it means. This code appears for QIWI clients During registration. It reflects the fact that it is impossible to register in a country where this payment system does not serve customers.

Sometimes users in whose country this electronic payment system exists encounter this error, despite all the efforts made by the system to improve the quality of service. In this case, there is only one solution - contact the support service for this service, explain the situation and request manual registration. This option quite often helps solve technical problems, but there are exceptions when it does not work.

SIM card problem. It often happens that Qiwi wallets are registered with new SIM cards that have not been used before. If the phone is not registered in the system, then the electronic wallet may produce a variety of errors, including this one. That is why you should first activate your SIM card and only then carry out the registration process.

Problem with registration number. Sometimes there are situations in which a similar number is already registered on the network, but the system generates an error about the lack of a pool of country numbers, which is a standard situation.

Solving the problem is also possible through the support service. If a similar number has been discovered and registered, registration can also be done manually. The user may also be asked to wait until the system is operating normally.

The error appeared due to work on the server. This situation is also quite common, because often the problem arises on the side of the electronic payment system service, so it is standard and is resolved after some time. You can find out if everything is in order very simply: perform the same steps to register a day later.

Everything should disappear by itself and the client should be given the opportunity to register an account. If this does not happen and the system continues to produce this or other errors, then you should contact support to resolve the issues that have arisen.

The error may appear as a result of problems with the browser. Very often, people who encounter it are advised to change the active browser to another and try to enter their number again.

It is also worth noting that the problem may disappear after using an anonymous browser, so it is best to try several input options, because in most cases this is the problem.

The error is actually thrown as a result inconsistencies country code and customer service number. Some people want to solve the problem of creating their own wallet with the help of their relatives and friends living in the country where this electronic payment system operates, but this is far from the best idea, because each payment in Qiwi requires confirmation through the mobile phone number specified during registration.

If the client creates an account with the number of the country where Qiwi is used, then he can safely use it for its intended purpose, but one must be prepared for the fact that local banks or other institutions will not accept withdrawals in electronic currency.

If you need a wallet only for internal transactions on the network, then you can safely create it after purchasing even a virtual phone number and enjoy all the benefits of the service as a full and active client.

In general, the number of errors in QIWI related to the number pool is quite large. The reasons for the appearance vary greatly, so it’s worth checking them quite quickly in order to get a positive result and be able to use all the advantages of this electronic payment system, because Qiwi is very popular among clients and this system always offers its participants a lot of possibilities to solve complex financial situations.

The constantly active development of this system suggests a reduction in the number of errors that occur when registering a new user. This is achieved thanks to constant improvement of work algorithms and increasing the accuracy of information processing.