Fixed connection. Fixed line is dying. Fixed line or IP telephony: what to choose

Fixed telephone networks

Fixed, i.e. landline (non-mobile) telephone service.

Wired telephone connection (fixed line, local telephone service) – telephone connection between telephone users via wired connections. This term, as a rule, describes telephone services provided by telecom operators in various areas (cities, regions) of the country. The type of connection is significantly inferior to cellular communications, since its range is no more than 100 meters from the place where the access point is installed. In cellular communications, the access point is located in the telephone. There is also the concept of “local telephone service,” which describes a telephone connection within a populated area.

This is a traditional type of communication, which is a telephone point installed at a specific address. But, despite its traditional nature, fixed-line communications keep up with the times.

With the introduction of new software switching systems (such as soft-switch) on networks, the potential for effective notification increases significantly for this type of communication.


Internet - a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks for storing and transmitting information. Often referred to as World Wide Web And Global network, and also just Net. Built on the TCP/IP protocol stack. The World Wide Web (WWW) and many other data transmission systems operate on the basis of the Internet.

Currently, one of the main divisions in the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry is

interacting with the media and the public on issues of propaganda in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety, as well as in the field of civil defense and ensuring the safety of people on water bodies is the Department of Organization of Public Information, namely the Department of Organizational Work with the Internet -community and social networks.

Since January 2008, the Internet portal of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations has been operating, created on the basis of the official website of the Ministry. Every day, throughout the years, up-to-date information about the activities of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations was provided in sections of the portal, and work was also carried out to interact with the population and satisfy the growing number of requests for information related to the activities of the Ministry. Within the framework of the portal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia there are Internet sites: children's safety “Spas-extreme” of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, “Culture of Safety”, “Fire Safety” of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and others.

In accordance with the concept of the information policy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, which provides for an increase in the volume and accessibility of information for the population in all areas of activity of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Internet television channel “EMERCOM - 112” was created and operates - the first Internet television channel in Russia dedicated to this issue.

Integrated emergency warning system for the population about the threat or occurrence of emergency situations (CSES)

In order to ensure timely and guaranteed delivery to

for every person located in the territory where there is a threat of an emergency, or in an emergency zone, reliable information about the threat or occurrence of an emergency, rules of behavior and methods of protection in such a situation, work has been launched to create a comprehensive emergency warning system for the population about the threat of an emergency or about the occurrence of an emergency (hereinafter referred to as ESEC).

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scleronomic connection- skleronominis ryšys statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: engl. scleronomic constraint; stationary constraint vok. scleronome Bindung, f; stationäre Bindung, f rus. scleronomic connection, f; landline, f pranc. liaison scléronomique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas

Impact of the results of k.l. process on its course. If at the same time the intensity of the process increases, then O. s. called Positive, and in the opposite direction. the case is negative. Negative O.S. can provide automatic... ... Physical encyclopedia

It was used by troops in the 19th and early 20th centuries, including the 1st World War and the Russian Civil War. The base of pigeon communications was a stationary or mobile (field) pigeon station (dovecote). A written message was attached to the paw... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Information transfer: between earthly points and spacecraft; between two or more earthly points through space-based spacecraft or artificial means (Belt of needles, cloud of ionized particles and... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

It should not be confused with Pigeon mail using regular postal service. Pigeon communications service ... Wikipedia

Mechanical coupling refers to the restrictions imposed on the coordinates and velocities of a mechanical system, which must be satisfied during any of its movements. A relationship can be described mathematically as an equality or inequality containing time, ... ... Wikipedia

The theory of linear stationary systems is a section of the theory of dynamic systems that studies the behavior and dynamic properties of linear stationary systems (LSS). Widely used in the process of controlling technical systems, digital signal processing and ... Wikipedia

Telephone communications in Belarus include all networks and telecommunication equipment in Belarus, allowing the transmission and reception of audio information using special telecommunication devices (most often ... ... Wikipedia

Used by troops in the 19th century. 20th century, including World War I and the Russian Civil War. The base of pigeon communications was a stationary or mobile (field) pigeon station (dovecote). A written message was attached to the pigeon's foot... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

The purpose of this article is to explain the consumer properties of various technologies for providing telephone communications in the residential sector. Traditionally, for services based on information technology, the principle is “newer means better for consumers.” How could it be otherwise, since this is the basis of technological progress?

Since the invention of the telephone in the 19th century, technology has stepped far forward - not only the appearance of the devices is changing, but also the very principles of telephone communication - it is difficult to imagine a workplace, apartment or house in which there is no telephone...

However, in the case of such an “old-fashioned” service as fixed telephone communication for individuals, everything is not so simple. New technology, having appeared, sometimes for many years, makes its way into life, improving and overcoming numerous problems. The most difficult thing here is usually ensuring full compatibility with everything that has been created before (and over the more than 130-year history of telephony, a lot has been created). Until this process is completed, the consumer of such a service suffers. This is currently happening with IP telephony.

Disadvantages of IP telephony compared to traditional telephone communication

1. Georeferencing
Traditional fixed-line telephone communications, in accordance with legal requirements, provide subscribers with an emergency call (01, 02, 03). To do this, the telecom operator organizes connection at the local communication center and connection with local emergency services. This means that if you dial 01,02,03 or 04 in your city, you will be taken to the appropriate services in YOUR city, in addition, emergency services will immediately know where the call came from.
In the case of IP telephony, there is a 99% probability that there will be no contact with emergency services at all, or they will not be made in the area where the IP telephony service is provided. By calling an ambulance in Lyubertsy, you risk ending up, for example, in Krasnogorsk.

2. Energy independence and reliability
Traditional telephony is provided over copper wires running directly from the telephone exchange. The fault tolerance of such a network is as high as possible: a copper pair is intact - there is a connection. The reliability of the service actually depends only on the integrity of the cable; everything else is very stable. According to legal requirements, the PBX is provided with reliable uninterrupted power supply with 24-hour backup. Even if the lights in your home go out due to an accident, traditional telephone service continues to work! You can easily call emergency services using your phone.
IP telephony is provided over home data networks, and ends with subscriber active equipment (IP telephony gateway, which allows the subscriber to receive a regular telephone signal from the data network). This entire design has a lot of points of potential unreliability: problems with software, problems on the data network (viruses, attacks, network storms, etc.), problems with power supply at any stage, equipment freezing, etc.

3. Compatibility with telephony networks
By connecting to a fixed telephone connection, you can be sure: faxes and modems will work, calls to all telephone numbers and from all telephone numbers will reach the addressee. In the case of IP telephony, fax operation is not guaranteed. In some cases, all these services have to be set up and launched independently, for which the subscriber needs to have special knowledge.

4. Private security
Private security alarms (PSS) operate without problems through traditional fixed-line telephone networks. This service cannot be enabled via IP telephony; more expensive GSM alarm systems from commercial security agencies must be installed.

Someday, in 10 years, the boundaries between classical and IP telephony will be completely erased, but for now fixed-line telephony is preferable for consumers.

However, IP telephony also has its advantages - it is an alternative to conventional landline telephone or mobile communications if your home does not have a landline telephone or there are not enough telephone lines from the telecom operator, or perhaps you are in an area of ​​​​uncertain cellular network reception , but you have internet. This service is mainly aimed at corporate clients to create specific configurations that require greater capabilities.

Fixed telephone communication, as a rule, means continuous communication between two or more subscribers using painfully familiar wire connections.

Fixed telephone communication, as a rule, means continuous communication between two or more subscribers using a painfully familiar wired connection. It doesn’t matter where they are, no matter what their name is - the wires will provide reliable communication... and a significant bill - confirming the considerable labor costs of telecom operators’ employees.

Which of us is fixed?

Fixed line installation - what is it? Connecting device to device via analogue telephone network? Any contact whose duration is noteworthy? Every call, the original data of which is stored in the server’s memory, including recording of conversations and advanced voicemail capabilities?

If you are attracted by the last option, the best option is. Extensive functionality and relatively low cost of services are the main arguments in favor of this solution.

Most often, the concept of “fixed line” implies assigning a “city” telephone network number to the subscriber. The interlocutor on the other end of the line wants to be sure that calls to a number in the home city or region code will not cost him a pretty penny, and this is guaranteed by federal legislation.

Regardless of whether the regional number is leased by cellular, satellite, IP or analogue telephony operators, intrazonal communication tariffs will be lower. True, in this case, fixed telephone communication is the result of an agreement between communication service providers, enshrined in law.

Fixed telephony – recent years or just the beginning?

Just 20 years ago, having a landline telephone in your apartment was an important factor. For many people, it opened a window into the world of communication with relatives, friends and acquaintances, and distances played almost no role. The presence of a subscriber line increased not only the status of its inhabitants, but also the cost of housing. Moreover, potential subscribers were ready to pay any money, stand in queues and even go the “last mile” on their own for the sake of the coveted socket near the baseboard. However, with the advent of mobile communications, and especially cellular, the PSTN monopoly was destroyed. The benefits of a new means of communication are countless and now more and more people are choosing mobile communications. However, despite the comparable cost, lack of mobility and a wide range of additional services, it is still too early to say goodbye to landline communications. It has some advantages that are not visible at first glance, which give it the right to exist in the future.

The advantages of cellular communications over landline communications are obvious. Let's look at the other side of this issue. The most noticeable difference between fixed and mobile communications is the way of organizing the “last mile”, i.e. connections between the network core and. In any mobile network there is a section where a radio connection is used. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. The radio connection allows the subscriber to move in space. However, this is the least protected section of the network, because access to it is practically unprotected. It can be affected by both internal and external interference, and the only protection will be the noise immunity of the system itself. Despite the abundance of various algorithms for counteracting interference, some of them still have a negative impact. This, in turn, leads to interference during a telephone conversation, loss of communication and disconnection. In the PSTN, the access network is based on a wired connection (copper and/or optical network), which is much more noise-resistant. In addition, another disadvantage of a radio connection is its lower resistance to attackers, who can both read information from the radio air and interfere with the operation of the system. However, the latter problem has been largely resolved with the advent of third () and fourth () generation cellular communication systems. Also, a fixed network is usually built with much less potential for blocking on the access network than a cellular network. In addition, it should be noted that in practice fixed networks are more resistant to critical situations. During emergencies, cellular networks are overloaded faster than fixed-line networks and cannot serve as a guaranteed method of communication.

The noted advantages provide reasons for the existence of fixed networks in the future. But, most likely, they will no longer be similar to the previously existing networks. The networks currently in use are morally and physically obsolete and cannot meet all existing subscriber demands. The main changes will affect, firstly, the method of organization. These will no longer be “thick” bundles of worn-out copper wires, but ones that will fit all the way to the apartment. The use of broadband is due to the ever-increasing needs for the quality and speed of Internet access. It is clear that if you have a high-speed communication line, there is no need for twisted pair cables. The second major change will be the transition from circuit switching technology to packet switching. The protocol will most likely be used, which will ultimately give the technology an effective way to organize voice streams in data channels.

Surely, almost every person has a landline telephone at home, from which you can call both local and long-distance, mobile and even international numbers. Fixed communications is a branch of communication that has now been undeservedly relegated to the background and replaced with wireless mobile gadgets. However, are things really so deplorable, and is the deplorable situation of telephony not exaggerated? Let's try to understand all these nuances.

Fixed telephone service

A landline telephone is a very convenient means of communication that helps transmit audio messages between subscribers. The difference between this communication technology and mobile technology is that subscribers must have a fixed location; at most, they can move around the building if they use a radio. Fixed telephone communication is now very rarely used by ordinary consumers, since they prefer mobile phones, but for doing business this type of communication is simply irreplaceable and has a number of undeniable advantages :

  • Low monthly fee;
  • Availability of additional services;
  • The ability to unite branches from different cities into one corporation;
  • Security of information transmitted within the company;
  • Ability to exchange data in various formats;
  • Low costs for purchasing devices and maintaining networks.

Additional services from fixed-line operators?

Previously, a landline telephone was used only to receive and transmit audio messages. It was quite difficult to get a printout with phone numbers and call times; for this you had to write a special application, wait in line, in a word, a real epic. However, now fixed-line operators are doing everything possible to make their services as comfortable as possible for users. Now, in their personal account, each subscriber can view the history of their calls and use of additional functions, check their balance and top it up in a matter of minutes. It is also worth noting that fixed-line networks nowadays are serviced much better and faster than ten years ago; if breakdowns or failures occur, repair teams quickly fix them.

In addition to telephony, subscribers receive the following services:

  • Broadband Internet access at the highest speed;
  • Transfer of all types of information using any protocols, which is provided by SDH technology;
  • Consolidation of geographically remote offices and branches into one network.

Fixed line fading

Owners of cellular networks once predicted that multi-level regional industrial networks with fixed connections would simply disappear from the face of the Earth, as mobile communications could completely replace them. However, there is one very important component that did not allow the predictions to come true - financial. Despite the high capabilities of modern fixed-line communications, it costs subscribers much less than cellular. In a crisis, this factor played a decisive role; a type of communication that should have become obsolete began, contrary to competent opinions, to develop, on the contrary.

The greatest evidence of a not very rapid, but confident approach to a qualitatively new level is the introduction of fixed-line communications into the package of services from mobile operators. Everyone wants to have a wide customer base and satisfy the needs of as many subscribers as possible, which is why this type of communication is very widely used to build new partnerships between service sellers and their consumers.

Modern fixed line communications

Now fixed-line communication is most often used in enterprises and companies, but it has also become widespread among ordinary consumers, as it has begun to differ in much higher quality than what subscribers received before.

Modern fixed-line communications allow:

  • Make and receive calls;
  • Use additional services of operators;
  • Receive network service in a timely manner;
  • Organize highly effective communication systems between company employees.
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Telecommunications operators, consulting companies and equipment manufacturers unanimously say that fixed communications are currently on the verge of big changes. In this regard, the question inevitably arises: “What is this transition, and what will be the first step that operators should take along this path?”

Structural changes

In July 2005, the world-famous consulting agency Gartner published the results of a study conducted in the field of telecommunications. It turned out that total revenue from voice and data services in 2005 was $478 billion and $261 billion, respectively. It is expected that by 2009, revenue from fixed-line voice services will fall by 14% to 411 billion, while revenue from data services will grow by as much as 67% to 387 billion. Currently, the Asia-Pacific region is experiencing strong economic recovery, however, despite this, not many fixed network operators can boast of high incomes. Moreover, this trend is global.

The factors that stimulated such processes include: a) general saturation of the market for fixed-line communication services; b) a shift in subscriber preferences towards mobile communication networks when choosing voice services. Although advances in broadband access technologies have expanded the overall capacity of fixed-line networks, broadband networks cannot provide the same ROI (return on investment) as TDM multiplexing-based switching. In addition, new broadband technologies and applications such as VoIP, video services and text messaging are well within the profit margins of TDM voice technologies.

The rapid popularization of broadband access, as well as the emergence of a large number of Internet providers, stimulated the emergence of complex non-voice services, including data transmission, content and integrated data. It is obvious that currently there is still no established infrastructure for broadband services, there is no generally accepted management strategy and profit generation policy.

Recently, a huge number of new technologies and standards have appeared. Broadband technologies, WiMAX, HSDPA and GPON are able to provide efficient voice communication methods and, by and large, can completely replace traditional copper transmission methods. Technologies are being unified, and differences in the level of technical development between different countries are disappearing. A large number of Internet companies, software manufacturers and system integrators have turned to the field of voice communications. A significant event was the alignment of positions of brands such as Skype and MSN.

Today, the field of telecommunications is undergoing significant changes. Fixed network voice services are gradually being replaced by similar mobile communication services, some operators are absorbing others, completely new information and communication technologies are replacing traditional ones, and additional types of services are beginning to prevail over basic ones. The vast majority of the world's leading operators unanimously support the transition from traditional separate services to integrated ones.

Fixed network modernization strategies

The evolution of the fixed-line network is a long process involving several stages. It is very important that each of them is completed efficiently and in a timely manner, since the previous stage predetermines the success of the subsequent one.

Each stage must be preceded by painstaking technical and economic analysis. In order for all ongoing transformations to be successful, it is necessary to perform a number of tests and assessments and predict the results.

One of the most important aspects of modernization is the review by operators of traditional business models and the development of new operating mechanisms in accordance with the latest technologies. An integral part of this process is the transformation of the structure of the operator company itself.

From a service perspective, the NGN network aims to provide high-quality, differentiated, next-generation services. These services, operating alongside traditional services, are designed to provide telecommunications operators with new sources of profit. Revenue generated from traditional voice services is a source that can be used to finance the deployment of new equipment and services.

From a technical point of view, the restructuring of the network is carried out by adding SoftSwitch equipment to its structure, with the help of which a new type of IP network is created with an open, distributed architecture and support for various applications. Some of the advantages of this equipment are its large capacity, distributed and open architecture. They help reduce the cost of network construction, simplify the process of updating old services and introducing new services.

With such an IP solution in place, operators will not be afraid of any transformation that may occur in the future. After the SoftSwitch equipment is deployed in the network, you can begin to implement various service networks, unify the structure, and begin deploying certain services throughout the entire network. This avoids the large costs associated with the high cost of deploying and maintaining separate service networks, and also greatly simplifies the administration process.

SoftSwitch equipment has been successfully commercially validated and can be used to replace legacy switching equipment and provide long-distance VoIP services along with integrated C5 business applications. For most fixed-line operators, the availability of sufficient copper line resources is very important to operate broadband access.

Using SoftSwitch equipment, operators will be able to provide low-cost voice services with QoS guarantee. The next step after implementing SoftSwitch equipment is the creation of an IMS system that will be responsible for multimedia services.

Long term prospects

Long-term prospects for the development of fixed-line networks include the following areas: support for broadband access; introduction of intelligent and personalized services; focus on compactness and accessibility. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to carry out significant transformations at the level of the core network, access network, service platform, as well as in the field of management and operation.

Core network

One of the most important qualities that distinguishes NGN networks is effective management at the core network level.

Working with integrated services that combine voice, video and multimedia is impossible without effective management at the core network level. SoftSwitch equipment, by supporting all necessary protocols, including SS7, H.248/MGCP and SIP, allows operators to create competitive services of this type.

The second important condition is the presence of a unified user database. The disadvantage of traditional TDM switches is that their databases are integrated and, as a result, are isolated from the rest of the equipment. This creates certain difficulties during its deployment, which ultimately leads to high financial costs. The solution in this case is to create individual databases for each user, accessible from anywhere on the network. This will make user access more flexible and universal, and will provide the opportunity to work with various services. A single platform with broad functionality will allow you to effectively manage all parameters of subscriber services (quality and class of service, tariffs, etc.).

The third requirement is sufficient core network capacity. The traditional IP transport network is often unable to provide the speed required for the latest real-time services. In addition, subscribers, as a rule, draw conclusions about the quality of the operator’s work precisely on this basis. This is why operators simply need to increase the capacity of their core networks.

The fourth requirement is the availability of standard open communication and control interfaces. This allows you to significantly speed up the process of transition to a new type of network, involving a larger number of providers and stations, and fully use the available network resources. In the case of closed interfaces, the process of managing the network, its resources, databases, as well as centralized management of subscribers will be impossible, which will significantly complicate the transition.

Access network

Today, the key areas of development of core networks are DWDM, ASON and IPv6. As for access networks, the main trend here is the introduction of broadband technologies.

Operators try to select access equipment in accordance with the amount of resources available at a given level, the requirements for broadband access and service deployment, as well as the level of technical development and economic considerations. Currently, ADSL technology continues to develop. Its ADSL2+ version has already been launched into commercial use. Due to its practicality, an integrated MSAN access network based on this technology has become widely used among fixed-line operators. It supports TDM, ADSL, FTTH and WiMAX voice interfaces, a number of EPON and GRON optical interfaces, which, according to experts, will soon become one of the generally accepted standards for the access network.

Service platform

In the NGN architecture, the service layer is an integrated access platform, which, in addition to traditional services, is responsible for providing users with various remote services, multimedia services, and also performs management functions. For this purpose, a traditional intelligent SCP, an AAA server, an application server and an open interface gateway are used. In the future, NGNs are expected to have more open APIs and platforms to support a variety of broadband and mobile applications.

In terms of management and administration, it is necessary to develop effective management strategies, a convenient charging system and a profit distribution algorithm.

Stages of modernization of fixed communication networks

As noted above, the evolution of the PSTN network to NGN is a gradual, long-term process. It involves the introduction of new equipment at the core network level, broadband access network and the creation of a new service platform. This process includes the following steps:

Stage 1:
a) Implementation of Softswitch equipment
b) Cost reduction by optimizing the network structure

There are two strategies for PSTN network evolution. The first involves a complete restructuring of the network, the second - modernization using existing capacities.
It is clear that the latter is preferable for most operators. As part of this strategy, SoftSwitch equipment is being introduced into the network structure at the hardware level, on the basis of which the entire process of modernizing the PSTN network is being implemented.

The main goal of the modernization is to optimize the network architecture and reduce maintenance costs. At the same time, resources of copper lines are preserved and replacement of existing subscriber terminals is not required. As for the strategy that involves a complete restructuring of the network, it is more suitable for those operators who are introducing new remote services using special multimedia terminals. Statistics show that such people are in the minority.

In order to modernize based on this strategy, the operator's core network must be an IP network, and the core network must fully support MPLS. In addition to implementing SoftSwitch equipment, it is necessary to create user databases at the management level. In the future, this will enable smart narrowband and broadband services. In addition, BOSS and OSS should be fully supported.

Due to the global spread of broadband access and the popularization of IPTV services, the level of access is undergoing a major restructuring. Huawei proposes an integrated gateway architecture (MSAN) that operates over IP and provides narrowband and broadband services as the most rational solution for organizing the structure of this layer.

Stage 2:

a) Strategic business planning
b) Expanding the range of services by introducing video services, streaming and ICT

This stage can be divided into 3 phases:

The first phase involves optimizing the network architecture through the introduction of SoftSwitch equipment, an independent user database and an integrated MSAN access gateway. This allows you to work with a new IP network, preserving existing PSTN resources, and significantly reduce operating costs. At this stage, it is necessary to develop a business strategy that would stimulate the creation of new remote branches, and use the full potential of SoftSwitch and MSAN equipment.

Next, it becomes possible to use PCs and multimedia PDA terminals to work with video conferencing, universal personal services and ICT services. Content databases can be created, streaming, and multimedia services can be provided - such as IPTV, VOD, VoIP, Triple Play, etc.

The last phase involves a gradual expansion of network capacity, centralization of services and ICT provision, the creation of new methods of system integration, consulting and outsourcing.

The focus at this stage should be on creating a strong business model for the transition from CT to ICT, as well as an effective strategy for providing broadband access. A well-developed business model in this case is the key to transforming a telecommunications service operator, in the generally accepted sense, into a provider of universal information services.

Stage 3:

Evolution of Softswitch equipment

Softwitch equipment can further evolve to IMS (IP-based multimedia subsystem) and provide IP multimedia services with QoS guarantee. Over the next 3-5 years, IMS systems pioneered by 3GPP are expected to mature to a mature level. SoftSwitch hardware has the potential to evolve to IMS and further to AGCF and MGCF, and databases can be upgraded to HSS. Thanks to their expandability, access gateways can continually increase capacity at a relatively low cost. The use of the SIP protocol will make it possible to completely separate the network core from the access layer, combine fixed and mobile networks, share TDM and IP technologies, implement end-to-end resource management, dispatch and differentiate services (voice, video and multimedia) based on QoS.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 28, 2005 No. 161 “On approval of the Rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction,” a fixed-line network is understood as a public telephone network, defined geographically within the service territory and using the numbering resource of geographically defined numbering zones . Fixed telephone networks include local, zonal, long-distance and international telephone networks.

The undisputed leader in the market for fixed telephone services is currently the national telecommunications company of Russia OJSC Rostelecom. The company has existed in its current form since April 2011, when the national long-distance operator OJSC Rostelecom was joined by interregional communications companies OJSC Svyazinvest.

The united company OJSC Rostelecom currently has the largest backbone communication network in Russia with a length of more than 500 thousand km and a unique infrastructure for access to more than 35 million Russian households.

In the local telephone market, Rostelecom's share of subscribers is at least 70%. In the intrazonal communication services market, the share of OJSC Rostelecom in terms of revenue is about 71%, and the share in terms of revenue from long-distance and international telephone communication services is 66%.

It should be noted that the merged OJSC Rostelecom is not only a leader in fixed-line telephony, but also a leader in the Russian Internet access market. The total capacity of its client connections exceeds 1 Tb/s.

In total, more than 100 million people use the company’s various services.

In Russia as a whole, by the end of 2011, the number of fixed telephone connections was 30.93 per 100 people. However, it should be noted that this figure has been steadily declining for several years. The decline in the subscriber base in Russia as a whole is 2.5% - 3% per year. Thus, the total number of fixed telephone subscribers in 2012 decreased by more than 1 million and reached about 43 million people.

The main reason for this trend is the replacement of fixed telephone services with mobile services. This trend is mainly manifested in the segment of physical users. In the segment of legal entities, the decrease is very insignificant (0.4%) and therefore we can talk about the continued high demand for fixed telephone services in the corporate sector of the market.
It should be noted that against the backdrop of a general decline in demand for fixed-line telephone services, a reverse trend is observed in a number of regions (for example, Nizhny Novgorod), when the number of fixed-line subscribers has been steadily growing since 2009, contrary to the nationwide trend. This is explained by the fact that in these regions, in addition to telephone services, broadband Internet access services and various video services, including HD television services, are simultaneously provided via a fiber-optic subscriber access line.

All this suggests that fixed telephony has not yet exhausted its potential. Today it still has undeniable advantages over mobile communications. This is, first of all:

  • high communication security, since interception of messages is significantly difficult;
  • high reliability and quality of communication, which especially increases when access is organized via a fiber-optic communication line;
  • high stability of maintaining high quality of communication over time.

It should also be noted that the above advantages apply not only to the transmission of voice information, but also to the transmission of any other information, including broadband.

Considering that in Russia the broadband penetration level is only 14.7 connections per 100 people (which is half the level of developed countries), the provision of high-speed Internet access services and various video services for fixed-line network operators remains a fairly competitive growth point.

The main advantage of Russian fixed-line telephone network operators, and especially the company OJSC Rostelecom, is the presence of a developed packet network infrastructure, which makes it possible to transmit large volumes of information at the backbone and regional levels, and at the local level to “pull up” the optical cable infrastructure as close to the premises as possible user.

The main competitor to fixed broadband access using fiber-optic communication lines based on FTTX architecture or PON technology is broadband wireless mobile Internet access based on UMTS (3G) and LTE technologies.

According to experts, if the Big Three operators manage to provide coverage of a significant part of the Russian territory using LTE technology, then the ratio of income in mobile and fixed-line networks will remain unchanged. This means that more than half of all industry revenues will come from mobile services.

In this situation, fixed telephone networks must use technologies that ensure convergence of mobile and fixed telephony services. Thus, promising networks of large fixed-line operators should be built on the basis of IMS or IMS-Ready technology. Accordingly, all services in such a network must be provided over IP. This will allow, on the one hand. To provide subscribers with access to a very wide range of services, and on the other hand, to significantly reduce the costs of their provision.

A basic package of services in such networks may look like “Broadband Internet access + SIP telephony + IPTV”.

The Big Three operators have also realized the prospects of creating universal convergent communication networks and are actively building fixed-line networks in order to reduce the cost of transmitting their traffic, as well as introducing new multimedia services based on the SIP protocol for both mobile and fixed-line subscribers .

Thus, the main tasks of FSUE TsNIIS in the field of communication networks are:

  • development of standard network solutions for the implementation of competitive wired and wireless broadband access technologies in telecom operator networks;
  • development of system network solutions for the implementation of various video services in the networks of telecom operators, including HD television services;
  • development of system-network solutions for creating a network infrastructure of universal convergent ALL-IP networks, ensuring the provision of mobile and fixed communication services;
  • development of system and network solutions based on distributed combined NGN nodes, ensuring the provision of mobile and fixed telephone services;
  • development of proposals for introducing changes and additions to the legislative and regulatory framework of the industry in order to ensure secure interconnection of convergent communication networks using VoIP technology.