Beeline telephone exchanges. Beeline cloud PBX service overview

This article will talk about the service Cloud PBX from the Beeline company: what it is, how the system works, what are its advantages and disadvantages.C corporate telephony I have been working with Beeline for two years now. But cloud telephony is a fairly recent product, and I started working with it about two months ago, when a client contacted us - construction company. I would like to start the article with his case for a better understanding of what Cloud PBX from Beeline is. This company faced an acute issue with telephony: a virtual PBX was installed in the office, but most employees were almost constantly on the road and made their work calls via cellular communication. Accordingly, it was not possible for the company management to control the work of the departments (due to the lack of recording of telephone calls and summary statistics on calls from all employees). For this client, we chose a cloud PBX, which became a solution to most problems. The company acquired one external multi-channel number 8 (495) ... and required amount internal numbers that are linked to multi-channel. These included both landline and mobile phones. Now all calls, even those made on the road, are recorded and recorded in the cloud PBX. This allows you to monitor work and make appropriate decisions based on records and statistics. The issue of telephony when moving was accordingly removed by default. What is Cloud PBX from Beeline So, as can be seen from the case described above, Cloud PBX from Beeline is a virtual PBX in which subscribers can connect through mobile numbers. Thus, a cloud PBX includes the capabilities and virtual PBX, and cellular communications. The only difference is that in a regular virtual PBX we create the required number of virtual subscribers in personal account on the provider’s website, and in the case of a cloud PBX, all subscribers are connected via SIM cards. That is, to start working in a cloud PBX, you need to purchase SIM cards.

How does cloud PBX work?

Let's consider the communication mechanism in a cloud PBX. On its website and in other advertising sources, the company indicates one number that the client will call - a multi-channel number. At incoming call the voice menu will direct the client to the desired department. Calls from a general multi-channel number are automatically routed to the right specialist on his mobile phone. Wherever the employee is: in the office or outside, he will be in touch. At outgoing call instead of internal mobile number The employee will be provided with the company’s multi-channel number, which will be “displayed” by the client. All conversations are recorded, which the client is automatically warned about when picking up the phone. All conversation recordings are stored in cloud storage.

Cloud PBX Tariffs

Pricing in Beeline cloud PBX is not easy. It is problematic to name a specific figure of how much it might cost the client, since the final cost consists of several components and their parameters. Let's take a closer look at these components:

1. Service package. Beeline provides 5 packages that allow you to connect different quantities numbers and having different sets of services (such as voice menu, call recording, number of conference participants, widgets and many other parameters).

2. Multi-channel number. The second component of the price is the multi-channel number - the one to which the subscriber will connect and to which other company numbers will be linked. The number can be: Direct urban 8(495)… - this number requires a monthly subscription fee (500 rubles per month). If the company chooses a “beautiful” number (silver, gold, etc.), this involves a one-time payment, and its size depends on the number itself. federal 8(9XX)… - this number requires monthly payment according to the selected tariff. For a “beautiful” number, as in the case of a direct number, you need to pay a one-time fee.

3. Subscriber number. The third component of the price is the subscriber numbers - this is the same SIM card extension number subscriber, one of the channels of a multi-channel number. Each number has a tariff plan, the subscription fee of which can range from 300 to 3000 rubles per month. The service is provided in advance and is paid accordingly after the month. For different numbers tariff plans different ones can be selected. For example, for a manager who communicates via corporate communications no more than 30 minutes a day, and for a sales employee who is “on the phone” almost all the time, these may be different tariff plans. The subscriber number can be used both with a SIM card and in SIP telephony. That is, after purchasing a SIM card, you can put it aside and use only a SIP account: activate the number in your personal account and gain access to IP telephony.

4. And the last component of the price is various paid connected services within the selected package. As a rule, these are expanded capabilities within existing functions, for example, an additional voice menu, additional dialing groups, additional agents, etc. The price range here is quite wide. To make it easier to understand information on the cost of a Beeline cloud PBX, the table below presents all the expected costs associated with its acquisition and maintenance.

Tariff options for Beeline Cloud PBX

There are many tariff options for cloud PBX, about 30: this includes a call center, a voice menu, call groups and many others - but I will tell you about those that are the absolute advantage of the system and combine the functions of a virtual PBX and mobile communications.

Group Caller ID

The Group Caller ID (Automatic Caller ID) function allows users to use it as a Caller ID for outgoing calls. shared room company (and there is also an opportunity for different groups users to use as caller ID for outgoing calls different numbers). Let's say the company has external number 8(495)… and there is the mobile phone number of the connected employee. When an employee makes an outgoing call, thanks to the group Caller ID, the call is identified to the client being called as a landline number 8 (495) ... - the company number. That is, without being in the office, an employee can make an outgoing call from the federal as well as from the city.

Recording conversations

Cloud PBX from Beeline provides the function of recording and storing incoming and outgoing calls. This function is quite easy to connect. You can listen to the recordings in your personal account.

Cloud storage

All call recordings and faxes are stored in cloud storage. As for storing records, there are some differences from a virtual PBX. If Mango, for example, goes per minute billing, then here the tariff is per megabyte. Every call is specific file recording, and it takes up a certain amount of cloud storage. So that you understand, 1 minute of recording is about 0.9 MB (accordingly, 10 minutes is 9 MB). By default, each tariff includes only 1 GB of memory, which runs out quickly. For an additional fee, you can connect additional volume, for example, for 1000 rubles per month 200 GB - this is more than enough. In order not to go beyond the tariff, you can configure the deletion of files after expiration certain period storage time.


API is one of the most useful functions, providing direct (without using additional systems, for example, Asterisk) integration of telephony with external systems. The system is built on the basis software product BroadWorks is from BroadSoft, so it has all the capabilities that this system provides from an integration point. Nowadays it is difficult to imagine telephony for medium and large businesses without integration with a CRM system. IN in this case integration presented at top level and implements functions such as:

  • attaching a link to a recording to a call card (Portal API)
  • displaying the caller card in the CRM system and receiving a call (Events Subscription)
  • с2с (click to call) initialization of a call from CRM (ActionsAPI)

So, the Beeline cloud PBX API has wide capabilities. By the way, only API description occupies 455 pages. I can say from my own experience that we did not encounter any problems during the integration process, and no non-working API functions were discovered.


I will highlight the following advantages of the system:

  • mobile subscribers are connected and controlled in the PBX
  • it is possible to transfer data from mobile phones to the CRM system
  • In order to use GSM communication, it is not necessary to have an Internet connection to make and receive calls
  • subscribers can communicate via internal communication for free, this communication is not charged
  • The system interface is very convenient and pleasant, providing all the necessary settings
  • The quality of communication does not depend on the quality of the Internet channel to the subscriber

The system also has disadvantages:

  • The biggest disadvantage, in my opinion, is that to add an additional subscriber, you need to buy an additional physical SIM card.
  • API documentation is provided only on English language and is overloaded with descriptions of features that you will most likely never use
  • The disadvantages certainly include confusing pricing

The Cloud PBX service from Beeline, in my opinion, is optimal solution for companies with mobile workplaces, in addition the broadest opportunities integrations provide the ability to connect to virtually any CRM.

Doing business the old fashioned way is a waste of time. Progress is in a hurry, and you need to keep up with it. One of the progressive tools that helps you keep up with the times, save money and improve your image is the Beeline cloud PBX. This is a dangerous solution for corporate clients provider, allowing you to make communication targeted, economical, functional and eliminating such problems as missed calls. In addition, a company that has activated such a service, one might say, puts another tick on the list of things done to create the image of a progressive, trendy enterprise of the 21st century.

What is a cloud PBX

We are accustomed to the fact that automatic telephone exchange- this is a kind of building stuffed to capacity with all kinds of equipment that constantly makes noise, clatters and sometimes breaks down.

A cloud PBX is a virtual analogue of a physical station. It cannot be touched or seen. All you will feel is a result that is superior in quality to what we are used to. If you have decided that you need a virtual PBX, welcome to the world high technology ! From now on, your life will change because you have said a voluntary “Yes” to progress, which leads to the success of all who choose it. In essence, you get the same opportunities that a fixed PBX offers you, only in an improved, more convenient and functional version. In this case, there is no need for mobile internet

. All important tasks can be solved using cellular communications.

Why do you need a cloud station

  • In addition to those listed, there are other arguments in favor of such a decision. This:
  • reduction in telephony costs by approximately 3 times;
  • 100% call guarantee. Your customers will no longer need to call your competitors, who are easier to reach;

a voice greeting from a specific company. Practice shows that this factor significantly influences image enhancement. One more positive thing is the connection speed. If you are interested in the Beeline cloud PBX service, everything will be organized within a matter of minutes. Mobile operator specialists will not need to accept any important technical solutions

How cloud communication works

The virtual PBX is designed so that all calls are sent to single number. The system greets the caller and then connects him with the right specialist. You can merge into single network not only mobile phones, but also landline phones. Designed by whole line call distribution scenarios across different departments. You have the opportunity to get acquainted with each one and make the optimal and most profitable choice.

As for the cost, it all depends on your needs. You can choose an inexpensive mini package or give preference to a communications giant that is capable of managing the connections of a huge enterprise. A virtual PBX is a tool with which an enterprise increases the efficiency of external and internal communications.

Complex of station capabilities

A virtual PBX is a whole set of functions that simplify the work of a company and allow it to be organized as productively as possible. The station gives you:

  1. Multichannel number uniting all departments. Callers do not wait for the system to process previous calls. The PBX processes several connections at once. Forwarding is carried out to employees who are free at the time of connection and can receive the call. The station unites numbers, regardless of where their subscribers are located. If the company changes its address within the Russian Federation, the number will continue to work in the new location.
  2. The ability to receive call statistics, analyze it and filter it, considering the duration of calls, the presence of certain departments or individual numbers on the network. If necessary, you can generate a report required format in Excel.
  3. The ability to convene audio conferences, selecting only those employees who are needed to discuss certain issues.
  4. “Call from website” widget. Thanks to this option, your clients have the opportunity to order a call back to their phone.
  5. Possibility to combine SIP phones and mobile phones. All internal negotiations are free of charge.
  6. Call recording function. It has long been known that recording all negotiations between a company and clients can improve the quality of service. A virtual PBX in a mini or maxi version can record all calls, grouping and saving them in such a way that the manager can find them at any time the desired entry and listen to it.
  7. Functionality for distributing dialers between individual employees and departments of the company. The client will be connected to the free and least loaded on this moment employee.
  8. Voice menu. This option allows you to process incoming calls and direct calling customers to the right departments.

The most useful services. The PBX offers several dozen different options that can be connected as needed. A virtual PBX makes communications within the company work for success, making work more efficient and of higher quality.

Connection, setup, tariffs

To connect to the service, you need to log into your Personal Account on the official Beeline platform. Having selected the option “Cloud PBX”, you need to click “Try for free”. After you fill out and submit the proposed form, the company will prepare you a Demo login to its own PBX. You can use the trial services for free for the first month. On the official website, using the resource functionality, you can select a number for the company and a set of options. The choice is huge, about each separate option or the package can be read in the department dedicated to her or him. Settings are easily made using site tools or prompts.

Tariffs depend on the type of connection. One-time and monthly payments are available. The cost depends on the selected rooms. If you order a service package, depending on its content (number of rooms and set of options), the monthly payment ranges from 50 (mini package) to 4,500 (maxi package) rubles per month. If you have any questions, on the official website on the service page, click “Find out more.” Soon the manager will call you and help you figure everything out.

Communications are the heart of the company; these include telephony, the Internet, and video communications. The coordination of employees, the effectiveness of interaction with clients, as well as financial results business. Cloud telephony makes it possible to build a convenient and inexpensive communication in the office. It’s not for nothing that entrepreneurs themselves call a virtual PBX smart telephony. It allows you not only to quickly organize communication, but also to process and distribute client calls, regardless of where the employee is, and much more. Cloud PBX also makes it possible to optimize a company’s communication costs and develop a business, scaling it across regions.

Step 1. How cloud PBX works

The virtual telephone exchange is located on the server of the service provider, the provider, which can be, for example, mobile operator. The customer company thus uses a PBX located outside its own office. In this case, you can customize any set of options taking into account the needs of a specific business. All data is stored on the cloud, or rather cloud server provider, and your company does not need to buy own server and other equipment, look for a place for it in the room, maintain it, etc. Thus, a company (entrepreneur) receives an office PBX with the necessary functionality for a low cost.

Step 2. Assess the quality of telephony

Cloud telephony is usually accompanied by high quality communications, especially if you choose a reliable service provider as your provider.

Cloud PBX from Beeline Business

Transfer your communications to a cloud PBX format, combine mobile and landlines into a single telephone network.

Of course, the key advantage of PBX is the savings in communication costs. In addition, the time resource is noticeably reduced. After all, the customer company does not need to buy equipment, do wiring, all costs are reduced to a pleasant minimum. And everything is very fast! For example, connecting and setting up a virtual PBX from Beeline Business takes no more than 5 minutes and does not require special skills and skills. Another saving is the optimization of costs for personnel who would deal with telephone communication in state.

Any head of a legally registered company wants not only to see the results of his activities, but also to be able to control the work of his subordinates. It is for such purposes that the Beeline cloud PBX is perfect - relatively new development corporations. With its help, calls are recorded/recorded, which allows you to evaluate the work of the company, identifying weak spots process efficiency. Moreover, you can link both mobile and landline numbers to such a PBX. Let's look at what it is this type telephony, under what conditions the Beeline operator provides the service.

The essence of the service, its operating principles

In the introduction, we superficially explained what Beeline Cloud PBX is. More to the point accessible language- This virtual system, connection to which is made through the main, multi-channel number, after which other phone numbers (mobile + landline) are “connected” to it. Employees are virtual subscribers who connect to the program by purchasing a SIM card, their number is entered into the system. From this moment on, all calls of any employee (outgoing, incoming) are recorded in the cloud, allowing access to the conversation if necessary.

How does the PBX itself work? You've probably called a large company or network more than once when meeting with automatic recording voices on the other end of the line. The robot prompts the caller to act according to the recommendations voice menu, after which you will be switched to the department or employee you need. This is an automatic telephone exchange, only in the case of cloud version, the company provides the caller with the opportunity to contact not only employees present in the office, but also employees who are away. You can do this by knowing the internal number of a department or company representative, or the robot itself will tell you what combination of keys you need to dial tone. The system also saves a record of each conversation, which automatically alerts the client as soon as the connection is established.

If the employee himself contacts the client, electronic device the second, the multi-channel, main number of the legal entity will be displayed, and not personal phone caller

The development is in demand and appropriate to use for large organizations and when a manager wants to be able to control the work of his company, including each of its links. The proposal is considered economical since it does not require purchase additional equipment.

Under what conditions can I purchase the service?

If you are thinking about purchasing the package of services we are considering, you will be interested in the following information. The fact is that there is no clearly fixed price list for a cloud PBX. The cost is calculated based on several indicators, information about which is presented below.

First of all, what is important is how much telephone numbers you are planning to connect to the cloud. Beeline offers five packages with fixed options, each of which must be chosen potential client. To do this, you need to analyze the number of employees planned to connect, as well as other parameters that may seem necessary:

  • The first package is called “Personal” and is designed to connect one phone number. Subscription fee is only 50 rubles/month.
  • “Minimal” allows you to track the activity of five phone numbers and costs 450 rubles. Every additional subscriber can join the PBX for 90 rubles. In this case, conversations are not recorded, but three out of five colleagues will be able to connect with each other via conference call.
  • The “Basic” tariff contains 15 free seats for phones and is available for 1050 rubles. You can increase the number of rooms for 70 rubles per Additional Phone. The conference requires the participation of five employees. Additionally, the package includes 5 call center agents.
  • The “Standard” package significantly expands the client’s capabilities and can work with 50 numbers. In this case, you will have to pay 2,500 rubles, getting 3 groups of voice menus, a chance to record conversations of 10 employees, plus a widget for one call back. Connecting one additional number produced for 50 rubles.
  • If an organization has more than 100 people, it makes sense to pay attention to the most voluminous offer - the “Professional” tariff. For 4,500 rubles, the operator will allow you to connect as many as 150 numbers to the PBX. Additional options package: 5 voice menu directions, call recording for 15 workers, 20-channel conference calling, etc.

The choice for each legal entity is individual, made by its director or authorized representative.

The second thing you should pay attention to is what exactly your multiline telephone, city or mobile. It can consist of numbers either in a chaotic order or easily remembered - the so-called “beautiful” sequence. All these parameters affect the cost.

So a landline telephone (direct) starting with 8-495-xxx-xx-xx will cost the client 500 rubles/month. additional fee for quickly remembered numbers is entered once and depends on which number. The federal version of phones is paid depending on what package of minutes/messages/Internet is connected to them.

Existing tariff plans allow you to spend from 300 to 3000 rubles on communications in 30 days, using the post-payment system. The tariff is set individually for each employee, based on how much time he is in contact with clients by phone.

Of course, when connected additional services You will also have to pay extra for them. Each package can include both recording and other functions that expand the capabilities. More detailed cost and the nuances of each package can be found on the official Beeline website.

Current tariffs can be seen on the Beeline website.

Most requested features

Beeline cloud PBX is recognized as in demand due to the following options:

  • Automatic number identification. At outgoing call Caller ID can be either one main number or several telephones. Convenient for employees who are away – the client sees them incoming phone Not specific person, but the general company number.
  • Record telephone conversations, which can be studied by visiting the company’s personal account.
  • Storing information in the cloud. All outgoing and incoming data are converted and transferred to cloud storage. The option is charged according to the traffic spent when saving files. The basic traffic included in any of the service packages is 1 gigabyte, but it is possible to connect additional “memory” for an additional fee.
  • API is a function that provides direct connection with isolated third party systems. Using integration, you can display data about the caller in the CRM system, manipulate the call card, etc. This feature is described in detail at official resource corporations.

Beeline Cloud PBX also allows you to connect voicemail and much more.

To summarize, we can highlight the following advantages of the product:

  1. Accessible interface and system menu;
  2. Monitoring the work of subordinates;
  3. Transferring data to the CRM system;
  4. Internal communication between colleagues is not paid;
  5. High quality communication.

The development is definitely worthy of the attention of those managers whose field of activity involves a large number of calls, the profit and development of the company depends on efficiency. If you have any additional questions, it is recommended to contact the head office specialists who will help you understand all the nuances.

"Cloud PBX" allows you to set up telephony without expensive equipment, hiring wired technologies. PBX from Beeline is suitable for most modern models business. Including organizations working without an office, remotely.

Beeline's "Cloud PBX" technology comes down to configuration voice communication between employees and/or clients of the company. The PBX provides extensive functionality:

  1. The threshold for receiving simultaneous incoming calls on the line is up to 100 .
  2. It is possible to divide networks between company departments with appropriate addressing.
  3. Single configuration available voice greeting and menu for clients.
  4. Recording calls for subsequent analytics of employee performance.

You can fully activate the service for just 1 day. Network being created supports availability unlimited quantity numbers. One of the main advantages of cloud PBX is no connection to a specific physical address. The service is tied to the company with which the contract is concluded, the network is provided according to wireless technologies. Owners can be physically located anywhere.

The lack of connection to physical offices is especially convenient for companies with branches in different regions or cities. Each office can be connected to a cloud network, receive calls and communicate with each other via corporate communications.

Cloud PBX functions

It was already mentioned above that “Cloud PBX” from Beeline offers organizations a wide range of functions for comfortable work:

  1. Number starting with digits 8-800 . The selection of such a number is free of charge and comes as a bonus to the tariff payment. The advantages of 8-800 numbers include increased trust among the company’s clients, as well as free calls. 8-800 phones are associated with reliability, large organizations that you can trust. In addition, customers are more willing to contact companies where they can call for free. Calls to 8-800 are not charged. Beeline also leaves the opportunity to select beautiful set numbers
  2. Virtual numbers phones. New phone numbers are added in virtual network. Accordingly, no additional equipment, wiring, or telephone registration is required. Enough 1 time register the organization’s landline phone number in order to subsequently receive calls from clients anywhere in the world.
  3. If the company has grown so much that at one point in time it receives big number calls, there is not enough connection or operator limit, there is callback option. The caller is offered the opportunity to leave contact details so that the operator will call back. Customers like this and free them from having to hang on the line waiting for an answer.
  4. Recording conversations, automatically maintaining statistics in your personal account. Analysis of the efficiency of specialists, the duration of calls, and recording of dialogues with subscribers reduces costs for analytical departments in companies.
  5. Setting up the voice menu. Clients themselves choose the department of the company they want to contact.
  6. Virtual technologies. The cost of telephone communication does not change in any region, there is no roaming.
  7. Usage widgets feedback increases the number of daily calls made by 50% . Contacts of clients who used the widget are automatically entered into the CRM database.

"Astrological Portal" from Beeline: description of the service, how to connect and disconnect a horoscope?

The listed functions are either installed automatically, in conjunction with the network, or installed additionally. Average installation time additional functions 3–5 minutes.

Tariffs for the service

The proposed tariffs for the “Cloud PBX” service from Beeline are displayed in the table. Fixed cost, charged 1 time per month.

More information about the tariff rules can be found at the link.

Reviews about the service

Below are reviews of Beeline's cloud PBX from users who have used the technology in their own business.

Olga Egorova

PBX is easy to set up and connects quickly. Unfortunately, these are the only advantages of the service. The network takes a very long time to load, and if problems occur, it is difficult to fix everything. A call to the Beeline call center does not change anything. Only 1 operator from 5 helped me figure it out a little. The rest hung up without saying goodbye, no information SMS then it didn’t come. I especially didn’t like the fact that during the showdown they relied on part of the text in the contract, which for some reason was not transferred to the client. Accordingly, it is simply impossible to prove anything. I don't recommend it.

Alexey Kazakov

I connected a PBX from Beeline 2 years ago. At first there were problems, the service was new, this is normal. But now, later 2 year, a quiet nightmare began. The system crashes from time to time and clients cannot reach us at all. Redirection often breaks. Applications from my company are already on Beeline 2 weeks. No changes to better side, the work is idle and it is still unknown whether I can sue Beeline for compensation.

Anton Anpilov

We run a small family business from 3 Human. We connected at the standard rate because we liked the advertising, 1400 rubles. For all services at once, conveniently. It turned out that for analytical services, redirection, additional. rooms and all surcharges, the cost of the service increases by percent 50 . If you no longer need some of the services or want to disable them, you have to fill out a separate application and send it to the Beeline office. All this time, tariffs continue to accrue. It is almost useless to communicate with technical support; it does not bring any benefit. I strongly advise you to think several times before concluding a contract for PBX.