Create your own application. Choosing a programming environment

Do you have an idea to create a mobile application, but you doubt whether you have enough knowledge and skills to create it? Even if you don't know anything about creating mobile apps, you can still create one and even make money from it.


Work on creating an application begins with an idea. First, think about who you want to make the application for. For example, if you live in a big city where there are a lot of tourists, then you can think about creating an application for them. There are a lot of options.

Also, think about your hobbies and interests. Let's say you travel frequently and want to visit the most famous clubs around the world. You've made a list of your favorite places. Why not turn this database into a travel app?

Many well-known apps are not centered around specific interests, but the ones that always rank in the top three are games. You've probably already downloaded Temple Run, Minecraft to your smartphone. Gaming apps tend to make more money because users are more willing to pay for them, especially if they are very popular among your friends.

Don't be discouraged if you find something similar to your idea when searching through the App Store. Learn to think outside the box. For example, there are several apps that provide information and maps about all the most popular tourist spots in Moscow. But there is an application that provides information about unusual places in the city that not everyone knows about.

Try to come up with an idea that has few competitors. But if you are determined to turn your idea into an app despite the competition, take a look at your competitors and try to figure out what you can do to make your app better than theirs.

Here are some important points to consider as you think about your application:

Monetization options

Before you start developing an application, you need to decide how you will make money from it. There are several main ways to monetize applications:

  • Free application. Typically used by large companies, the app helps sell their products or services.
  • Free application with advertising. Used in popular applications that actively interact with the user
  • Paid application. The most popular and profitable type of monetization. Apple takes a 30% commission on every sale of your app.
  • Lite and Pro. The Lite app is free, but with a limited set of features. By purchasing Pro you will unlock all functionality
  • In-app purchases - you can sell new functionality or new game levels directly from the app


Now you have an idea. Great, that's already half the battle! But what now? We assume that you, like most people, have no programming experience. And that's great! There are tons of options.

If you want to take the easy but more expensive route, then check out mobile app developer sites. The AppBooker website allows you to enter your platform, country, and budget, and it will then return a list of developers that meet your needs. Once you select a developer, you can see a list of their clients and the types of applications they specialize in.

A good list of domestic developers can be found here – ratingruneta.

Another option to find a developer is to contact flinaser exchanges. It may even be cheaper, but more risky, since you may encounter an unscrupulous employee.

Here are some questions to ask your future developer:

What is the cost of their work?

Who have they worked for in the past?

Are their applications successful?

Will I have all rights to the application?

Do they have the experience and knowledge to bring your idea to life?

What platforms (IOS, Android, etc.) can they create applications for?

Development cost

As they say, to make money you must first spend it. This is not entirely true when it comes to mobile applications, but we will return to this below. For now, let's assume that you decide to order an application from the developer.

Depending on the type of application you want to make, the price can range from $500 to $100,000. This price may seem very high, but it is worth keeping in mind that the profit from a successful application covers the costs several times. In addition, gaming applications are the most expensive to develop and are also bestsellers.

If you already have some work in place (like layout and graphics), you can reduce the price significantly. Another way to reduce costs is to offer the developer a share of the profit from the application.

To find out approximately how much it will cost to develop an application, you can use the howmuchtomakeanapp calculator. It was created by the Canadian company The resulting price can be safely divided by 2, and you will find out the price of development from us. You can also look at examples of applications they have already created with prices -

Placing a ready-made application on the App store will cost you $99.9 per year. Placing an application on the Android Market costs $25.

How to create an application for free

If you do not want to create a game or some kind of application unique in its functions, then you can easily use special online mobile application designers. Using these sites you can make a simple application for free without any programming knowledge. But if you want something special, then you will have to switch to a paid plan.

How much can you earn?

Obviously, the money you make from your app will largely depend on its popularity, and how much you'll make is hard to say.

A study conducted by GigaOM Pro found that more than half of their 352 developers surveyed earned less than $500 per month.

This certainly isn't enough to live off of the app's earnings alone, but it's great if you just want to make a little extra money.

Of course, you can make another hit like Angry Birds that will earn you $100,000 a month!

In order to make good money on your application, read a few tips:

  • your application should be interesting to a wide audience
  • Explore the most popular apps on the market
  • Rate this article Votes: 1153 Average rating: 3.3

    Programming is one of those areas where everyone can feel like a creator. Usually it refers to the development of applications for personal computers, units of production equipment, or simply for electronic homemade products. But with the spread of touchscreen mobile devices, programming for Android, iOS or another system shell of a similar type is becoming increasingly popular. Well, I must admit, this is a promising occupation. Therefore, within the framework of the article, we will consider running Android from scratch. What features are there? What language is used?

    Creating programs

    Before writing programs yourself, you need to study all the components necessary for this:

    1. Language.
    2. Select your development environment. We will also dwell on the language in detail, as well as on the software products where applications will be created. But first, let's talk a little about development environments. Conventionally, they can be divided into three components:
    • graphic;
    • ordinary;
    • online.

    Regarding the creation of programs, it should be noted that now it is difficult to put forward an idea that has not already been worked out before. Therefore, if a problem arises or simply in the case of a lack of knowledge, it is necessary to correctly formulate the misunderstanding that has arisen and turn to more experienced programmers. They will be able to help you create programs with constructive advice.

    What language are programs written in?

    Java is used for these purposes. It should be noted that this is a rather complex programming language. But you don’t need to know it completely to create your own applications. Basic knowledge and skills in working with reference information will be enough to get answers to your questions. In addition, there are certain presets, using which you can take some steps to create an application without significant problems. Then programming for Android becomes a pleasure.

    Choosing a regular development environment

    Eclipse and the Android SDK are seen as the biggest players. They are both free. Overall, it should be noted that these development environments are serious competitors, and each of them has a number of strengths and weaknesses. Each of them is worth studying. Separately, let us just dwell a little on one aspect of the Android SDK - the emulator. It is a program that pretends to be a phone or tablet that runs on Android. The emulator runs smoothly on a regular computer and looks like a standard mobile device on the desktop. There is only one peculiarity - it is controlled using the mouse and keyboard, and not with your finger. In the emulator, you can check the functionality of the application for various screen extensions, as well as on different versions of the Android mobile operating system. Therefore, no matter how strange it may sound to you, when developing applications aimed at Android, it is not at all necessary to have a phone.

    What do you need to develop your application?

    Graphical development environments

    This option is suitable for those who have no idea about programming at all, but want to get their application here and now. First, you should familiarize yourself with the description and capabilities of graphical development environments. Thus, some can place only the simplest elements and attach minimal functionality to them. It is better not to use such resources, since with their help it will be difficult to understand the logic of work and create a developed final product. It is advisable to make a selection according to the following parameters:

    1. Availability of an intuitive interface.
    2. Using clear operating logic.
    3. Ability to create elements in graphical and code modes.
    4. Availability of documentation for working with the development environment and a support forum.

    Online development environment

    They can provide quite a wide range of functionality in a simple access point - the Internet. “Online development environment” probably says it all. Although it should be clarified that under Android it is still not an easy task. So, the most difficult will be to implement shooters and applications of similar complexity. But programs with text formatting and data transfer are easy.


    We hope there are no more questions about the first steps of preparing to create your own programs. If you decide to get serious about programming, then you can use special literature. For example, the book “Programming for Android” by Hardy Brian. Of course, this is not the only good work, but you have to start somewhere. By reading this manual, you can begin the path to success.

    Many programmers want to start developing applications for Android. But few people realize what steps need to be taken here. This collection is designed to help beginners in mastering Android development.

    Beginning of work

    For those new to programming ours will help.

    For Android newbies Google has made a good introduction to Android on their website. There's also a great crowdsourced Android guide. There is also a course from Google on Udacity.

    If you are experiencing problems with Android, it is highly recommended to check StackOverflow first. It is designed to answer technical questions and is even a .

    You can always find it on our website.


    I want to start developing for Android. Where do I begin?

    The first and most important step in Android development is learning Java and XML. Once you're more or less familiar with both, check out the official Android Documentation and take a few tutorials until you feel confident enough to create your own projects. Good luck!

    Do I need an Android device for development?

    You can write applications without any Android device using the included emulator (or the advanced Genymotion). However, to take into account hardware requirements, there is no substitute for testing on a real device.

    Which IDE should I use?

    • Android Studio- An officially supported IDE for Android development. This is what is used in modern guides and videos, including those from Google.
    • Eclipse has been the primary IDE for Android development for many years, which is why most of the legacy tutorials, resources, videos, and screenshots are made with it.
    • IntelliJ IDEA was an alternative to Eclipse, but nowadays it makes more sense to start with Android Studio. Android Studio is a fork of IntelliJ IDEA, so you get all its benefits plus Android bonuses.

    Maybe I should forget about Java and start learning Kotlin?

    Google now officially supports Kotlin as an Android development language, but that doesn't mean you can forget about Java support. In the near foreseeable future, documentation, tools, and new platform features will support both Kotlin and Java. Although Kotlin is a newer language with some nice features, you can still create great applications in Java. The choice is up to you, but if you don't care or are a beginner, then it may be better to opt for Kotlin.


    Here are the main resources for learning Android development in English. This is not a complete list, but it is sufficient to get you started.

    Official Android Resources


    • Beauties for Android - inspiration for creating graphical interfaces for Android.


    • Android Weekly is a great newsletter to help you stay up to date with the latest Android developments.

    Library collections


    • Genymotion is an extremely useful and functional emulator.
    • Android Asset Studio is an excellent collection of tools for creating/editing icons, images, etc.
    • Codota Plug-in for Android Studio - great code examples right in Android Studio.

    Examples of open source applications

    Application Ideas

    So you have an idea for an app... People write about it every day. But before you ask for help in implementing a project, you need to answer the following key questions:

    What's my budget?

    If you are serious and want to release your product, you should think about your budget. Even for a simple application, you need to think about several thousand dollars. At least.

    What is my marketing strategy?

    Are you going to use regular word of mouth or are you willing to pay for fame?

    What is the list of tasks for this project?

    Also, what are the restrictions? How many developers do I need?

    Where will the data come from/where will it be stored?

    And also, how will they be used? Do I have an appropriate privacy policy?

    Is there a goal to make money?

    If yes, how are you going to achieve it? Through advertising, IAP, subscriptions, paid applications? All of the above?

    How will you pay your developers?

    Do you have capital or are you going to pay them after the application starts generating income? Often independent contractors require a portion of the total cost up front. Most developers are not interested in revenue sharing unless they are investing in the app themselves.

    What will be the testing method?

    What type of device are you going to install it on? How many iterations do you need? What kind of people do you want to engage?

    How soon do you want to publish your app to the store?

    This will definitely affect the final income.

    Will you require or offer social media registration/integration?

    Consider implementing this functionality.

    What is your target audience?

    Is this a niche application or can it be distributed everywhere?

    Has my idea already been implemented?

    If so, how can I improve it or what is missing from it?

    What to do with app ideas if you're not a developer?

    You may be looking for developers to join your team to implement an application. If you have money and can pay a developer or company, then everything is simple and clear. Next we'll talk about what to do if you don't have enough money to pay someone.

    Realize that your idea may not be unique, and development requires significant effort.

    • Draw the design your application (appearance and functionality). It can be rough and drawn on paper. But it should be quite specific and not vague.
    • Make a list of your skills related to the idea.
    • Make a list of what you will invest into your idea.

    Understand that development requires significant effort. Imagine a developer working full time (8 hours) for 2 months to create your app. And you also work full time. What are you doing at this time? If your work, in your opinion, ends earlier, then you need to reconsider the idea. In this scenario, the developer does most of the work and you are, frankly, useless. What you can give after the app is finished doesn't really matter and won't motivate the developer to finish the product.

    Revisiting your idea

    If the developer is doing more work than you, the idea needs to be reconsidered to distribute the work more equitably. This will give you the benefits of working together. Look at your list of skills and think about how they can be applied. It's okay if the application differs from the initial idea. Revise it until your work and the developer's work are at least equal.

    • Distribute work as fairly as possible.
    • Focus on your skills first.
    • Your workload should be approximately equal to 2 months of full-time work. For simple applications the download may of course be less. You can ask the community (eg.

    How to create an application for Android - 10 steps + 5 websites + 10 tips for beginner programmers.

    People who know how create an application for android, can earn very good money.

    Learning to program and create games, libraries, and online stores is not difficult.

    This article will explain all the steps a beginner should take to create an app that will attract a large number of subscribers.

    Steps to creating an Android application

    After studying all the necessary steps, you can create your own program and put it up for sale.

    Think about an original topic.

    In order for an application to sell well, you need to make it not only convenient and beautiful, but also unique.
    Otherwise you will have a lot of competitors.

    Prepare to fail.

    Most likely, the first pancake will come out lumpy.

    Carefully test the result of your work.

    Users can express many opinions, both positive and negative, and this opinion is worth listening to.

    Select your age audience.

    An application for a child should be brighter and more colorful than for an adult.

    Give lots of information and menu options. People love to wander around pages, exploring the tabs.

    Few people will like a one-page program.

    Don't charge too much for your first job.

    First you need to fill your hand.

    How to write an application for Android?

    Almost anyone can become a developer of various games and programs.

    For some it will become a job and a profitable business, for others it will be just a hobby.

    However, as practice shows, those who are seriously interested, study the topic and create games carefully, step by step, achieve great success.

    To become a developer, you need:

    • To work you will need a personal computer with Internet access.
    • The assessment can only be made from a mobile phone on which the latest version of the Android system is installed.
    • Knowledge of English at least at a minimum level is desirable.
    • Knowledge of the Java language is required.
    • Knowing XML markup will make your work easier and allow you to create colorful, beautifully designed programs.

    All the described stages can be combined into three main ones:

    1. Development of the program interface, selection of images.
    2. Working with code.
    3. Testing.

    Each stage is important in its own way and should not be skipped.

    Some may decide that there is no point in spending time on the concept.

    But no one sits down to write a book without knowing what it will be about?

    An idea for a game or program needs to be developed and all weak points filled.

    It should be understood that there is no clear answer to the question: how to create an application for Android.

    It’s not enough just to create it, you need to make the program interesting.

    Modern websites allow you to quickly create what you have in mind without struggling with code.

    For amateurs, this option is quite suitable.

    If you want, you will have to do everything yourself.

    The testing phase should also be given due attention.

    Analysis of the opinions of testers allows us to draw a conclusion about how owners of Android smartphones will perceive the new product.

    How to create an application for Android and promote it?

    If you are not a popular blogger or creator of large games, then at the initial stage you will have to devote time to promoting the created program.

    For the fastest spread, you should:

    1. Use cross-references with other owners of social networks and blogs.
    2. Post links on your own blog.
    3. Tell your friends about the created program.

    The video below shows the process of creating an application using the Appsgeyser service:

    Many people don't know how to create an application for android, and are afraid of the phrase “programming language”.

    However, there is nothing scary or difficult in developing programs.

    Modern online sites perform all the necessary actions, you just need to give them direction.

    Greetings to all readers of the site! There is one wonderful free one on the Internet, and it is this that will be discussed in today’s article.
    Many users sometimes think about creating a computer program themselves, and there are various reasons for this, for example:

    Despite the diversity of these reasons, they all share one difficulty - to develop a program, you need to know programming languages. To study the syntax of any programming language, a couple of months is enough, but to understand the logic of the language and learn how to apply it in practice, it will take years. But, as you know, there are no hopeless situations! In our case it will help us program for creating computer programs, which you can download absolutely free!

    Looking ahead, I will say that after reading this article to the end, in just a couple of hours you will be able to create your own simple programs. So let's get started.
    Our program for creating computer programs called HiAsm.

    HiAsm is a powerful visual application development system with which you can develop your program without using programming. With HiAsm you can create various audio and video players, browsers, online chats and much more. You can create all these applications without a single line of code; the visual environment will do everything for you!

    Before you start working with software for creating programs for your computer, I suggest downloading and installing it.

    After downloading, you need to go through the standard installation procedure for this application.
    1 . Select the desired language, in my case it is Russian.

    2. Continue with the installation.

    3. We accept the terms of the license agreement.

    4. Select a location on your hard drive to install the program for creating programs for your computer.

    5. Specify your name and email address (since email confirmation is not required, you can specify any email)

    6. We complete the program installation process.

    Once you have installed HiAsm, you can proceed to launch. Having launched ours, we will see the following window:

    In order to start creating your application, you need to click on the main menu item “File”, then “ New…", choose " Windows"(if we want to create an application for Windows OS) and click " OK”.
    Thus, we will get a form for our future program, which for now contains a single element called MainForm.

    The form is the foundation of the program on which the various elements will be based. To add elements to our program, click on the item of the same name in the upper left part.

    A tab opened with a huge collection of various elements. Thanks to such a large arsenal, you can create a very serious application that will meet all your requirements.
    To show how HiAsm works, I will create a simple program that will have one button, clicking on which will change the title of the form from " Form" on " Hello».

    How to install an element on a form?

    So, we find the button in the elements panel (when you hover the cursor over an element, a tooltip with its name will pop up), left-click on it, then move the cursor to the part of the form in which we want to place it.

    How to change element settings?

    In order to configure our button, go to the upper right part of the program and click “ Properties" Now we see a tab with all the properties of our button. Now we are interested in the property " Caption", which is responsible for the label on the button. By default it has the value " Push", we will change it to " Click».

    How to set an action for an element?

    Now we come to the hardest part of creating an application using programs for creating computer programs- we need to make the button of our program start working. Once you understand the meaning of this operation, it will become simple and logical for you.
    In order for our button to change the name of the program form, we need to establish a connection between the button and the main form (MainForm element). To do this, move the mouse cursor over the green dot located on our button, then hold down the left mouse button and begin to draw a line to the center MainForm.

    Now you need to double-click on the laid segment and set the name of the form, which will appear after clicking on the button. After double clicking on the segment, “ Data editor».

    If you want to set a text name for the form, then select String, and if numeric, then select Integer or Real. Select the data type " String" and enter the word " Hello».
    At this point our program is ready and now we need to test it. To do this, we save our project - “ File", then " Save as" and select a location to save. To start we need to click on the green arrow or press the key F9.

    Our program has launched, now we check its functionality - click on our button.

    How can we replace the form title has changed and this means that the program is working! So that you can run the program without HiAsm, you need to create an exe file. To do this, click on the main menu item “ Launch" and click " Compile».
    Congratulations, you have just created a program for Windows! To make the process of creating programs easier, I recommend familiarizing yourself with the following programming concepts:

    • data types;
    • the concept of events in object-oriented programming;
    • properties of Delphi programming environment components.

    Knowing these concepts will greatly facilitate the process of creating programs in HiAsp. In this article we looked at an excellent free program for creating computer programs, also created their first application and tested it for functionality. To help you quickly understand the HiAsp program, I have selected several fairly good video lessons dedicated to this wonderful program creation environment. I wish you pleasant viewing!

    Undocumented HiAsm features

    HiAsm Settings

    Graphics in HiAsm

    Do you know which ones are free?