Ussd commands iota. Hold an incoming call in waiting mode. Managing additional options

Like most operators, Yota supports USSD commands, which can be dialed from your phone without using the application on your smartphone. In this material I will tell you what combinations the operator has and how to use them.

Using queries is very simple and they are available even on the simple phone. All you have to do is type the desired combination on your smartphone keyboard. Below you will see which of them are used to manage services.

Basic options

I will include the main options as those that are most often in demand from the subscriber. These include checking the balance and remaining minutes, connecting and changing minutes in the tariff, etc.

Check Yota balance

Perhaps the most popular option is that it displays the remaining balance on the display.

To request a balance, use the USSD command

*100# Call

Always up to date balance information on the map is available in a few keystrokes

Check remaining Yota minutes

The second most popular request is the remaining minutes on the tariff. As you know, the tariff includes N number of minutes and to find out their balance you need to dial the command

*101# Call

In addition to minutes, information about the remaining Internet traffic will also appear on the phone screen.

Connect and change the package of minutes to ETA

For those who have just connected and want to activate the tariff, or if you are already a subscriber and want to change the number of minutes up or down, with regular phone type the command


where N is the size of the package of minutes for unlimited tariffs (for clients who connected before 01/25/2017);


where N is the size of the package of minutes for tariffs with traffic packages.

Find out your number via USSD service

You can send the command


Additional options

  • Connect an additional 100 minutes to the current tariff package - *602#
  • Connect to the “Unlimited SMS” service for 50 rubles to the current tariff package - *603#
  • Activate the “Unlimited mobile applications” option for 100 rubles - *604#
  • To plug additional package 5GB of traffic - *605#

Send a message requesting a call back

To send a notification, dial on your phone


where ХХХХХХХХХХ is the number of the subscriber to whom the request is addressed to call you back. After entering the command, the subscriber will receive a message with your number and a request to call you back.

The maximum number of messages per day is 5.

Opting out of unwanted SMS messages


The following menu will appear on the screen:

“SMS control” service:

  1. Blocking a number
  2. Black list
  3. More details

IN automatic mode service activated call hold. It bothers someone and they want to turn it off. Use the following USSD commands to enable or disable the service:

  • Check the status of the Call Hold option: *#46#
  • Disable: #43#
  • Connect: *43#

This is probably all I know USSD request s that can be used with the Yota operator. If you have anything to add, write in the comments, I think it will help many.

USSD commands are short numbers that allow you to send requests to operators cellular communications. With their help, you can manage services, for example, change the tariff, forward a call to specific number. Also, using USSD commands, it is possible to obtain information on requests: find out your number, balance or remaining minutes.

How to use services USSDteams

To use USSD commands, you should remember their required format: any service command begins with an asterisk “*” and ends with a hash “#”. To enter a USSD command, you need to go into dialing mode on your smartphone and enter a message. Then click on the call (usually this green button). The response will be USSD message Yota or service connection.

Activationsim-Yota cards usingUSSDteams

The SIM card is activated automatically after the first connection to the network. You need to insert a card into the phone and after a while you will receive a message from Yota informing you that any of the cards require convenient ways confirm your consent to use Yota services. The simplest is sending USSD commands - *567#. This will be enough to activate the card. A welcome message will be sent to the number indicating successful connection to Yota.

You can also confirm your consent in your personal account or call special numbers mobile operator Yota.

Basic USSDteamsYota

Yota has specific set service teams, which, with constant use, are quickly remembered by clients. List of main USSDteamsYota:

*100# — balance of money on mobile account;

*101# - number of minutes and GB of traffic remaining;

*103# — subscriber number;

*105*xxx# - change of tariff, where xxx is the number of minutes in the new package. If instead of a number there is N, then the client orders a transition to an unlimited tariff.

*144*ххххххххххх# - please call back to the offered number хххххххххх. The subscriber whose number is specified in the USSD command will receive a message requesting a call.

*903# - adding a number to the “black list”. When entering the command, the Yota client will be able to select one of the following sections from the proposed menu:

  1. Blocking the number. All subscribers with assigned serial numbers from whom this client received messages are displayed on the screen. To be added to the “black list”, simply dial the serial number of the unwanted subscriber.
  2. Viewing the "black list". When you press button 2, a “black list” will be displayed on the smartphone screen of this client. To restore, you need, as in the first case, to enter the serial number of a specific subscriber.
  3. Details about the team. Provides instructions for using the query.

USSD commands for Yota Internet

Sign up for additional 100 minutes - *602#

Connect an additional 5GB traffic package - *605#

Activate the “Unlimited SMS” service - *603#

Yota USSD command to hold a call

Hold Yota call is the most convenient and simple Yota USSD command. You can enable hold of the subscriber with whom the client is currently communicating by entering the command *43#. If you need to cancel the hold, you can do this using the number #43#. Checking the hold status is done by entering the command - *#43# .

Yota USSD command for forwarding

Forwarding in Yota you can do this in several ways:

**21*+7ххххххххххх# — the subscriber is instantly redirected to specified number;

**61*+7хххххххххх# - redirection will occur in exactly 30 seconds;

**61*+7хххххххххх#Х#— the call will be redirected to another number after the number of seconds specified - X;

**62*+7хххххххххх# - the service will be performed if the called subscriber is unavailable;

**67*+7хххххххххх# - transfer to the specified call number will occur if this number will be busy.

Forwarding is disabled when you enter the USSD command ##002#.

The Yota operator has a set of USSD commands that help to obtain certain information (balance, remaining minutes) or manage services (tariff change, call forwarding, call hold).

Users can control numerous functions of their mobile number using USSD Yota teams. This solves some issues that arise during operation. They are performed using a mobile application from the company or, most easily, through your mobile phone. These commands make life much easier and save time on visiting mobile operator offices and calling technical support specialists.

Format used

Numerous options and services can be enabled or disabled via specified requests. Every telephone set, even the oldest one supports sending them. The format for SMS commands is a combination of sequentially arranged asterisk symbols, the command itself (consists of numbers) and the obligatory affixing of the hash symbol. For example, you can give the request *100# — a command to check the operator’s account balance. All you have to do is press the call key to get the result.

Yota company does not have short commands to manage tariffs and services. But if you go beyond the mobile application, you should consider several important commands for users. A lot of information on this matter can be obtained by calling the service. technical support by number 8-800-550-00-07. Another alternative short number Eta doesn't have it.

Balance check

Several things have already been said about the Yota team’s USSD balance. To do this, you need to dial the command on your mobile phone *100# and press the call key. A message will be sent to your phone with a response, which will indicate the amount of the mobile operator’s bill, as well as other related information. There may be cases that such a command does not work at the current moment. Then you should type an alternative - *101# . Here you can get information on the number of remaining megabytes, minutes and SMS to be sent to users. These data relate to the signed period, which can be days, weeks, months.

Two teams will provide complete information on the subscriber’s account in order to be aware of the need to top up the balance. You can memorize them or write them down in a book. mobile phone, assigning appropriate names.

Receiving information by number

By purchasing new SIM card It is very difficult to remember a phone number right away. You have to look for options to clarify where Yota USSD commands are used. After all, no one will write it down phone book and constantly look at him. By typing the command on the mobile phone keyboard *103# , the user will receive a response - a short SMS containing this information.

This service is useful when you need dictation. contact number when meeting someone, getting a job and for other reasons.

Internet services

Mobile operator subscribers can independently manage their traffic to access the Internet. It is worth remembering that there are no restrictions for some categories of social networks. To activate this service USSD request is used *604# . After this, you just need to wait a while to receive a confirmation message.

There may be cases when the main traffic has ended, but you desperately need access to the Internet and visiting certain web resources. A query will help here *605# , where users are provided with an additional 5 GB for established fee. Likewise, to gain access, you must wait for confirmation from your cellular operator.

These services will allow you to always stay connected without deviation. But in order to use them, the commands should be remembered or written down in a convenient way.

"Beacon" to a friend

With absence Money on the account balance, as well as in the absence of minutes and SMS included in the tariff, it is possible to “contact” another user. A kind of “beacon” is sent via USSD command Yota *144*contact number#. To display the number, you must enter it in 11-digit format. As a result, the receiving party will receive a request to call you.

For such a service there are restrictions in the form of 5 beacons per day. This was done to eliminate the barrage of requests. This does not apply to the specific number taken, but in general to the number of subscribers accepting the request.

Minutes and messages

If the minutes on the main tariff have run out, you can connect additional ones. You will need to use the USSD command Yota *105*100# . Thus, the user will receive another 100 minutes for calls on his balance. The request for users with tariffs effective from January 25, 2017 has changed slightly. It consists of the following characters: *106*x#. In this situation, “x” is focused on the number of necessary additional minutes. To the current one tariff plan you can add another 100 minutes via USSD *602# .

We must not forget about the opportunity to please other users beautiful messages. Unlimited SMS is connected using the command *603#. We must not forget that after each such command the call key must be pressed.


For redirection there is a large number of queries that may be useful when using the Eta mobile number:

  1. Forwarding to a specific number is carried out - **21*+7хххххххххх#. The main thing is to correctly indicate the receiving party along with international format display the contact.
  2. Forwarding can be carried out at a time when the phone does not work. This, for example, is being outside the city, traveling on the subway. The command used is **62*+7хххххххххх#
  3. Forwarding when the handset is not picked up. If the receiving party does not answer within 30 seconds, you will be redirected to the displayed phone number. Enter on the keyboard **61*+7хххххххххх#.
  4. You can independently configure the call waiting time. The command will be slightly different from the previous one and consist of the following characters: **61*+7хххххххххх*T#. T – time step, which can vary from 5 to 30 seconds.
  5. User occupancy. In this case, forwarding is enabled via USSD **67*+7хххххххххх#. Usually performed while making a call or talking on the phone.

All redirects, if not necessary, are disabled when pressed on the keyboard ##02# . This syntax is slightly different from the standard implementation. But it should also be remembered so that it is possible to use an Eta operator SIM card during use.

Additional services

Some services may be activated automatically or accidentally, which removes money from your balance. To avoid this, even if there is no information about a specific subscription or mailing list, select the command *903# . This will allow you to avoid unclear debits from your balance. In response to the request will be displayed on the screen special menu, where newsletters and existing subscriptions will appear that you can unsubscribe from. Numbers can be blacklisted to prevent them from being connected again.

Fourth Federal Yota operator began providing its services on April 24, 2014. On this moment This operator provides communication services in most regions of Russia. But the company plans to fully cover our country. You can connect to Yota either through sales offices or by ordering a SIM card online. The courier will deliver it directly to your home.


When connecting to the Yota operator, the subscriber will receive:

  • Services of 2G / 3G / 4G networks based on Scartel LLC and MegaFon OJSC
  • Unlimited Internet at maximum speed
  • Unlimited calls within the network
  • Federal number +7 999 and +7 991

The main advantage of this operator is that it allows you to choose optimal tariff for each subscriber. In fact, each user can choose one of three tariffs: for a smartphone, tablet and home internet. And within these tariffs, choose the most optimal package of minutes, SMS and Internet speed for yourself. Yes, exactly speed, as on all tariffs Yota internet traffic is not charged.

Like all federal operators, Yota supports USSD commands. With their help, you can quickly carry out most operations within your tariff. Thanks to such short commands, you can change your tariff, connect an additional SMS package, etc. without going online or calling support.

It is very easy to manage your communication services in Yota using USSD commands. But it’s difficult to remember all the commands and keep them in your head. Therefore, below we have collected all the short commands of this operator that can help you if necessary.

Balance check

The first short command that every Yota subscriber needs to know is checking the balance. In order to do this using a USSD request, you need to type on your smartphone:

Checking the remaining minutes

Within the tariff for Yota smartphones you can choose a package free minutes for calls to numbers of other operators and landlines. You can find out the balance of such free minutes using a short number:

My number

Sometimes situations happen when the subscriber does not remember his number. In order not to call your friends back to clarify your number, you can use the USSD command:

Additional package “100 minutes”

If you talk more minutes than allotted by your tariff, then Yota always has the opportunity to purchase 100 additional minutes. This can also be done with a short command:

Additional packages of minutes

If you are unable to install mobile app, then you can connect a package of minutes using the USSD command:

N – number of minutes in the selected package.

For example, *105*300# – will connect tariff package with 300 minutes of calls in Russia.

Additional package “50 SMS”

also in Yota tariff For a smartphone, you can always connect an additional SMS package. If you like to communicate short messages with your friends (although it’s not clear why you should do this if you have messengers), then connect 50 additional SMS you can use the USSD command:

SMS requesting a call back

Sometimes there are situations when you need to tell your friends or acquaintances to call you back. Of course, this can be done via SMS. But, if you do not have an SMS package connected, then the best option will send a notification using the USSD command:


XXXXXXXXXXXXX– this is the number of the subscriber you are asking to call back.

IMPORTANT: After you send such a notification to the subscriber, he will receive a message that you ask him to call you back. per day each Yota subscriber has the right to send 5 such requests.

Call forwarding

Sometimes there are situations when you need to forward calls coming to your Yota number to another phone number. This can also be done using short commands. There are several forwarding options in Yota:

  • Unconditional forwarding


  • Divert 30 seconds after you don't pick up


  • Forwarding if you do not pick up after a specified amount of time


t - time in seconds 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30

  • Forward if you are unavailable


In all cases +7XXXXXXXXXX– phone number to which the call is forwarded.

  • Disable forwarding

Blocking an unwanted number

If your phone is attacked by messages that are unnecessary for you, namely spam, then you can permanently block this number not only with the capabilities of your device (we have already written about this), but also using the Yota short number:

This service is completely free. Furthermore, be sure to send the spammer’s number to the employees of this operator. You can do this by number:

Call waiting and holding

If you often talk on the phone, then you have probably repeatedly found yourself in such a situation when, before finishing a conversation with one interlocutor, another calls you. Thanks to modern technologies, you can quickly respond to another without dismissing one conversation. To hold a number, you can use the following number:

Using it, you can activate the call waiting feature, disable it, or view the status of this service.

Contact Yota support

If you already have a Yota SIM card, then you can write an SMS to the number

If you have not found the answer to your question, you can always contact the service Yota support by phone number

8 800 550 00 07

You can also find other USSD commands from the Yota operator on the Internet. But they are not working today. All currently relevant commands for this operator are listed above. Save this page and you won't have to remember them. As new numbers and USSD commands become available, we will add them to this list.

Video. Mobile operator - Yota (Mini - review)

USSD commands are a set of symbols and numbers that allow the subscriber to independently activate or disable a particular service or send a request. This perfect solution, allowing you to unload hotline"Yota" and allow subscribers to independently manage their number. The main thing here is to know what each command corresponds to.

The most popular and popular ones can be added to the phone book so as not to remember, but nevertheless be able to use them if necessary. The teams themselves are divided into several groups depending on what function they perform.

After entering each command, you need to press the “call” button.

  1. *100# — find out the status of your personal account.
  2. By dialing *101#, you can find out how many GB and minutes the subscriber has available.
  3. Specify own number It will not be difficult for the user to -*103#.
  4. To connect or change the packages of services used, you need to enter the command *105*X#. (X is the size of the package of minutes included in unlimited tariffs. Valid for subscribers who activated the package before January 25, 2015).
  5. *106# is a command that allows you to control traffic packages if they are part of a tariff plan.
  6. If you do not have funds in your account, please send a request to the right user with a request to call back - *144*subscriber number via “8”#. You can send such a request no more than 5 times a day.

Managing additional options

Using ussd commands, various additions to the existing tariff plan that a person uses are also connected.

  1. To add 100 additional minutes you will need to dial *602#.
  2. The “Unlimited SMS” service will become available after the subscriber sends an activation request to *603#.
  3. Extend traffic - *605#. After this, the user will have access to an additional 5 GB of Internet.
  4. You can also activate unlimited Internet for use social networks or messengers. Each direction is controlled by its own combinations, that is, you select only one site or activate several, while the Internet while you are on this resource, will not be charged:
  • VK - *111*1#;
  • Facebook ( this includes his messenger) — *111*2#;
  • WhatsApp - *111*3#;
  • Viber - *111*4#;
  • Skype – *111*#;
  • Telegram – *111*6#;
  • Odnoklassniki – *111*7#;
  • Instagram – *111*8#;
  • Twitter - *111*9#.
  1. To activate access for several gadgets to the tariff plan and capabilities of your SIM card, you can activate the service “ General access" To do this, you need to activate it and connect Wi-Fi distribution from your mobile phone.
  • To activate for 2 hours - *838*2#;
  • For a day - *838*24#.
  1. To ensure that you no longer receive messages from unwanted numbers (spam mailing), you need to use the command *903#.

After this, the client will have access to a menu where:

  • Number blocking – 1;
  • Blacklist – 2;
  • Details – 3.

To stop spam from being sent to your number, send “1” to this number. In order to clarify who is on your blacklist – “2”. In order to get more details about the service, send the number “3”.

Holding calls

  • To connect a call to hold, you need to enter the combination *43#;
  • Deactivate - #43#;
  • Find out about the status of the option at the moment - *#43#.

To enable forwarding

  • Immediately after the call - **21*+7 number#;
  • After 30 seconds of waiting - **61*+7 number#;
  • With a selective response delay - **61*+7 number#X#, where X is the time you need from 5 to 30 seconds;
  • If unavailable - **62*+7 number#;
  • If busy - **67*+7 number#;
  • Disable option - ##002#.

Here are the popular ussd commands of the mobile operator Yota, which subscribers use most often. More specific and rare cases can be found on the Iota website. If you decide to connect a service, the description accompanying it usually indicates the commands with which it can be controlled. If you have enabled an option, but do not know the commands to disable it, then this can always be done in