How to remove the last visit from a contact. How to remove date of birth in contact. How to remove or change date of birth on VKontakte

A function that appeared a couple of years ago, which displays the date and time of a user’s last visit to the social network VK, caused a flurry of outrage from some users. Especially for those who did not like this innovation, this article discusses the question of whether it is possible to remove the “online” mark and methods of how to hide the visit time in VKontakte.

For those who want to remain invisible on VK and use a computer to communicate on the social network, there are special browser extensions. They allow you to disable the tracking of visits to the website and remain invisible to other users.

Important! The VKfox plugin has a feature that should be taken into account: it stops working if you comment on posts and visit the pages of other users. It is suitable for those who use a social network for correspondence.

Most modern browsers are developed based on the Chromium engine, so all extensions from the Chrome store are suitable for them. If you use Google Chrome or Yandex Browser to surf the Internet and communicate on a social network, then you can download VKfox from the resource

  • Follow the provided link.
  • In the search bar, write “VKfox” and press “Enter”.
  • Click on the “Install” button to immediately add the plugin to your browser.
  • Click on the VKfox mini-image to go to the extension page and see detailed information.

After installing the plugin, an icon will appear on your browser toolbar. Click on it and allow access to your VK account.

Now you can make a visit to social media. network and use some functions of VKontakte, but not be online. To write a message, see the latest events on your page and find out who is online, click on the VKfox icon. Do not go to under any circumstances! This will make your presence known. Communicate only using the plugin.

Reference. If you use Mozilla Firefox as your main browser, then download the VKfox extension from the link After installation, follow the same instructions as for Google Chrome, Yandex Browser.

How to hide a visit from your phone

The developers of the official application for VK are not interested in you being able to remove the time of your last visit to the social network. To get this feature, you will have to use third-party developments.

The Kate Mobile application has long gained popularity among VKontakte users precisely thanks to special functions that are not available in the official application. – the ability to use a social network without displaying the “online” line on your page.

  • Select the “Online” mode settings options and check the box next to “Be offline if possible.”

The Kate Mobile app won't be able to hide you if you post to your wall or friends' feed. But you can write personal messages, read news and visit the pages of other users without hindrance.

Everyone knows that the social network VKontakte collects, stores and uses your data for its own purposes (advertising, statistics, etc.). But most users can follow you, even if you don’t post new photos, don’t write new posts, your status on VK is always updated and anyone can see you online or when you went online.

After updating VKontakte in 2017, there are only 2 ways out of this situation:

  1. Activate
  2. Try to hide the time of your last visit to VKontakte

In order to hide the last time you visited VKontakte, you need to use one of the most popular applications - kate mobile.

  • Download the application;
  • Open it and go in;
  • Look for three vertical dots in the upper right corner;
  • Click on it;
  • “Settings” will open in front of you;
  • Click on "Online";
  • Select "Online Settings";
  • And click on “Be offline if possible.”

You can also do it from your computer by downloading this program to your PC. Now you won’t have to wonder how to hide the time of your last visit to VKontakte on your phone, how to hide the time of your last visit to VKontakte on your computer, and how to remove the time of your last visit to VKontakte.

But, if you want to hide all information about yourself, then we will help you with this.

Social networks are a kind of surveillance of your life. Each user can monitor your actions using photos and videos; if you want to limit access to your page, you should follow these steps:

  • Friend list. If you have a lot of them, for example, more than a hundred, then you better divide them into several categories. This will help you and your friends customize what content each specific person can see.
  • Options. Open “My Settings” -> “Privacy” tab. Here you can choose what content will be hidden from public view (basically, you can hide anything from messages and photos to groups and notes).
  • Photos. When you upload photos to VK, you can tag where the photo was taken. Using these tags, the social network makes a map of your travels. We recommend that you restrict access to the specified card.
  • Link. Using a special link located on the “Privacy” tab, you can check how other people see your profile
  • Black list. Your profile photo is always public. The only way to hide it from a specific user is to ban them completely. You can do this from the Blacklist tab.
  • Friend requests. When you decline a friend's request, that person becomes your follower - he/she can still see all of your public updates. The same goes for former friends. So if you want to completely or completely cut ties with someone, don't just don't separate them, but add them to your blacklist.
  • Safety. Review the settings listed on the Security tab. Be sure to enable two-step verification. This measure will significantly improve the security of your profile.
  • Terminate the application. VK tracks the times, locations and devices your profile has recently been accessed. If you used the social network in an Internet cafe, from your friend's PC, or if you lost your phone with the VK application active, you should use the "End all sessions" button. This measure will prevent strangers from viewing your messages or completely stealing your account.
  • Secure connection. VKontakte users can enable a secure connection protocol, but in an unusual way. This option can be found in the Security tab, but it will be hidden until you open the site using a secure connection.

This is how easy it is to protect yourself by remaining invisible and hiding the time of your last visit to the VKontakte social network.

We continue to edit personal information. What else can we add to our personal data? Exactly - age. Moreover, doing this is not at all difficult.

Let me show you how to change date of birth in VK.

How to change date of birth in contact

To do this, we need to go to the menu for editing personal information. Go to your page, and just below the profile photo (see), click the link "Edit Page".

Here we are interested in the item “Birthday”. Here you need to specify the day, month and year.

Please note - if you want to hide part of the date, there will be a drop-down list below. There you can select the following items:

  • Show date of birth
  • Show only month and day
  • Don't show date of birth

What does age display affect?

Pay attention to the "Reminders" block. Here links to the pages of users who celebrate their birthday on this day are displayed.

If you do not set a date of birth for your VKontakte profile, you will not appear in this list for other users. And they won't be able to congratulate you on your holiday.

Also, people will not be able to see how old you are in the basic information block.

As I already noted, you can edit the display parameters.


In any case, you publish your age on VK at your own discretion. To hide it, use the suggested tools, or

Quite often, users of the social network VKontakte wonder how to hide the date and time of the last visit on a personal page and whether this is even possible. In this instruction we will look at the most optimal options for resolving this issue, however, it is possible to say with confidence in advance that there are very few ways to hide the time of a visit.

First of all, it is important to clarify that today a workable method of concealment is only one single and extremely inconvenient technique. At the same time, please note that the process of hiding the time of the last visit is not the same as activating the invisible mode.

When you activate stealth mode, your page becomes invisible to the tracking protocols of the website. The time of the last active session in any case will be displayed on your main page.

To partially solve the problem, you can try to hide your page from other users using special instructions.

Temporary account deactivation

As you know, the VK social network has a long-term deletion system, that is, after initializing the deactivation process of your personal profile, a predetermined period of time must pass, directly depending on the date when you decided to take this step. We have already discussed most of the nuances associated with deleting a profile in an article with a self-explanatory title.

This method of hiding the time of the last successful authorization is the only one that works, since the information we are interested in disappears only when your account is in the queue for deletion.

You will need to repeat all the described steps each time you log out and log out of VK.

In addition to information on hiding, it is worth mentioning that due to the irrelevance of many methods that were once workable on the early version of VKontakte, you can find a large number of different, obviously non-working methods on the network, in particular, by using or changing local time. Moreover, be careful when searching for such information, as scammers never sleep!

At some certain point, Pavel Durov decided to introduce a new feature to VK and added the time of the user’s last visit to his page. Now everyone can see when this or that user was on the social network. Question: is it possible to hide the time of visiting VKontakte?

No, there is no such function for users, that is, they cannot hide the time of their last login to VK. However, there are ways that allow you to use the site without being detected, which means that the actual time of the last visit to the site will remain the same. To do this, you can use the same methods as described in the adjacent article about. Let's consider several ways.

If you want to hide the real time spent on VK using a smartphone or tablet, you can use the Kate Mobile application.

Launch the application and go to Settings.

Here select the “Online” subsection.

The app will tell you that you can remain invisible if you don't write anything on the wall.

For the desktop version, you can use various browser add-ons. We have already talked about one of them - this is the VKfox add-on. After installation, you can communicate with other users and use VK using the plugin without going to the social network site. Then you will remain invisible and the time you visit the site will not change.

Finally, there is one very interesting, albeit strange way. As we know, it is in the database for several months, during which it is easy. Every time you leave the site, you can delete the page, then no one will know the time of the last visit to the page, since the inscription on it will say that the page has been deleted.

At each subsequent login, it can be restored, which, however, does not add convenience. Moreover, in such a case, no one will be able to write messages to you.

As you know, any user’s page shows the last time he logged into VK. Many people would like to hide this information. Is there such a possibility?

Let's figure it out how to hide the last visit time on VKontakte.

How to hide the last visit time on VK from your phone?

We will need the Kate Mobile app. Download and install it on your device. We have already met him in the article.

Launch the application and open the menu.

On the next page select the item “Online. Stealth settings".

Open the section “Online. Be offline if possible". And in the menu that opens, mark the item of the same name “Be offline if possible”.

You will receive a message stating that stealth mode will remain active until you write anything on the wall.

Now from your computer

If you use VK only for correspondence, then the VKfox plugin is suitable for you. %B4%D0%BB%D1%8F-%D0%B2%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0/adfbpongjnbjgbnjlahkoekcfnfjnnfa

To chat with friends, simply open the plugin by clicking on its icon. Login to VK will not be completed, and the visiting time will not be updated.

Video tutorial: how to hide visiting time in VK


These methods will allow you to hide the time when you logged into the social network.

In order for the answer to the question of how to change the age in a social network in contact to be more voluminous and complete, we will additionally include in it how to hide age, as well as how to find out age in VK. There may be many reasons why you decided to change the age in contact, but there is only one instruction and that’s where we’ll start.

Let us immediately note that, if the data you provide correctly, will have a positive effect on your account, without causing suspicion on the part of the administration in the contact. And the correct date, month and year of your birth will certainly be accurately displayed to your friends, for example, on your birthday.

Instructions on how to change age on VKontakte

After you have registered in a contact, you are asked to enter your basic data, as well as add contacts, your interests, information about education, of course, career, military service and your life position. But we are interested in how to change the age in a contact, and its immediate change is carried out in the [Basic] tab.

We go to the VKontakte website and log into our account through the authorization form. Then you need to edit the page, in our case, change the age, get to the edit section of your profile, in three ways. As shown in the image, the first link is located opposite the active button of the left menu [My Page], directly on the right side and has an abbreviation in the form [ed.]. The second way is to go to the editing section, there may be an active field under your photo, the link has a similar name [Edit Page]. A third, alternative way to get to the page with basic information for editing can be a direct link with the address

If the theoretical side of how to get to the editing section of my page is clear, then you can proceed to actions to change the age in contact. To do this, follow the links mentioned above, go to the [Main] tab and find the window responsible for the birthday. After this, you can use the numeric sliders, as well as indicating the month, to set the desired value for your date of birth, and click the save button. In the future, this will become your age in contact, which, as you already understand, will be calculated by the date, month and year of birth.

More information on how to change the age in a contact

If, for some reason, you do not want your age changes or simply the dates of your birthday themselves to be displayed on the contact page, then you can use an additional option, all in the same [Basic] section. To do this, you will need to lower the cursor to the next line, it is this line that is responsible for displaying age on your page. You will be offered three options - show the date of birth, show only the month and day, and not show the date at all. You choose your option, depending on your desire or secrecy, display your date and age, and save the option you need.

This was a basic instruction on how to change the age in a contact, we hope the sequence of actions is clear to you. Now, as promised, let's see how to hide age in contact.

How can you hide your age on VKontakte?

We decided to hide our age from public viewing; this can easily be done using the same analogy as in the paragraph described above. Go to my page, edit, main tab and under the [Birthday] window, choose not to show the date of birth on my page. Everything is ready, now your date of birth will not be displayed on your contact page, but you should understand that this is only a visual mechanism for hiding the date. Since you can find out the date of birth and age of a VK user even if it is hidden, this is what the next paragraph is about.

Find out the age of a contact

The level of confidentiality of your profile, if you have set the settings not to show the date of birth, is only visible, since the date is still indicated in your profile and is not displayed only on the page. But in search, it’s a completely different matter, for example, you know that you can find a person in a contact not only by first and last name, but, for example, by school, university, city, and also by age. To find out the age of a person, for example, knowing his first and last name, you need to enter [People], the person’s data, into the search, and then set the expected age one by one. Let's look at an example with the image below.

We entered the first and last name, clicked search, even without country, city, school, and so on, the search returns people with the given first and last name, and then all we have to do is put numbers, suggested age, and person in the drop-down list.

Please note that we were able to look at the age of both the profile of the person added as a friend, and of a complete stranger. A search in a contact displays the city, country and age, but even if the age is hidden, the number set, as in the example of 29 years, will be the person’s real age, more precisely indicated during registration, but hidden from users.

Age in contact

Confidentiality and everything connected with it is strictly regulated in the rules of media platforms and social networks, be it age or other information about you. You can change it, hide it, hide it from users who are not your friends, and so on. We hope that the instructions on how to change the age in a contact helped you solve this problem, but what about the material? which became an addition, gave you the opportunity to understand that the age of a certain person in social networks. The network in a contact can be recognized even if it is hidden.

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On the Internet you can find many different programs for working with VKontakte. VkLife is one of such programs. It is notable for its Offline function, thanks to which you can access the site while remaining. Downloading and installing the program in total will not take more than five minutes. You can download the program on the official website of the program at Be careful! Do not download the program from third-party resources, otherwise your account may end up in the hands of criminals who take advantage of your ignorance.

If downloading programs is not your method, then there is another solution. The fact is that online status is assigned to a user who visits profile.php, that is, to their own or any other page. But if the user does not go to profile.php, then his status will be offline. How to do this? Just follow the direct link: and do not click the “My Page” button.

In this mode, you will have access to all the main functions of VKontakte, except for one - you will not be able to view your page and the pages of other users. That is, you can view news, listen, read incoming personal messages, but under no circumstances click on the “My Page” link and under no circumstances go to the pages of other users, otherwise your status will again change to unwanted online.

There is another way for Firefox browser users. Enter about:config in the address bar - this function calls up the browser settings. Enter network.http.redirection-limit in the Filter field. Change its value to "0". Open a new tab and “log in” to the site, and if you did everything correctly, an error message should appear. Go to any VKontakte page, for example, “My News”. Return to the settings tab. Return the value of the network.http.redirection-limit parameter to what it was before the changes. Your status will become offline.

Related article


  • how to be invisible in contact

Have you ever wanted to find out something secret about a person, but at the same time remain unnoticed? To have such an invisibility cloak so that, like in a fairy tale, you can visit a friend, an enemy friend, he will never know about it, and at the same time tease him. Be in networks invisible is possible, especially if this network is social.


You will also be asked to select the period for which you want to enable this service. After payment, you will receive an activation code for the service, within 24 hours it will be activated, and for a whole month you will be able to walk “invisibly” on Odnoklassniki with impunity.

You can practically also get status in “My World”. To do this you need to become a VIP user. By paying one hundred rubles, you get a number of advantages, one of which is the ability to hide the worlds of other users under the guise of invisibility, and they will not be able to figure you out. You will have the opportunity as long as your VIP status is active. In addition, you choose the invisibility mask yourself.

You will need

  • - knowledge of the browser installed on your computer;
  • - Internet access.


If you use Mozilla Firefox to surf the Internet, go to the website " In contact with» and make sure that you are not authorized on the resource (if you are still authorized, click “Exit”). Then enter the command "about:config" in the address bar to open the browser settings menu.

In the menu that appears, look for the “Filter” field and enter the command “network.http.redirection-limit” into it. The parameter that appears after entering must be remembered and then changed to 0, which will mean that redirection processing is prohibited.

Next, you need to go to the VKontakte website and go through the authorization procedure. An error message may appear during this process - just ignore it. Now you need to go to any page except the main page of any user (it ends with profile.php or id12345678).

Return to the settings tab and change the value of the network.http.redirection-limit parameter to the original one. Now, if you do not visit the main pages of users, including your own, you will be invisible to other users.

If you prefer Opera, select the "Tools" button from the browser menu, then "Settings", "Advanced" and finally "Network". Here you need to uncheck the “Enable automatic redirection” option. After this, you need to complete the first four steps of the operations of this instruction.

There is another way, but it also works with limitations. Log in to the site " In contact with", go to any page except the main page and wait 15-20 minutes for the system connection timeout to complete. After this, you will be for network users if you do not visit the main pages (profile.php or id12345678). This method is relevant for Safari and Chrome browsers.

For the Chrome browser there is also a special application called “VKontakte Offline”, which, as the name suggests, allows you to work with the social network without visiting its website. This application is suitable for those who do not want to waste time waiting or dealing with browser settings.

Since the methods described above do not always satisfy all the requirements of a secret user " In contact with", it is best to download and install a special program to work with the above-mentioned social network. The best program for secret use " In contact with"is considered VKLife, the main thing is not to forget to click the "Offline" button on the control panel. Among other programs it is worth noting IceIM, VKSovety, VKGetter.


The mentioned programs for working with the VKontakte network are free and do not require registration. If you are required to send a message to a short number or transfer money to a specified account, most likely you have encountered scammers.


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Methods of gaining invisibility have long been well known - an invisibility hat, an invisibility spell and a special means for them. H.G. Wells. But Internet reality is a different world and the social network “VK Ontakte” implies the use of new methods.

In today's article we will look at how you can mask your Vkontakte online presence status, using all the capabilities of the service that allow you to appear offline to everyone who views your page. Hide online VKontakte using the social network itself and using third-party services.

Quick navigation:

Is there a need to hide your presence on VKontakte?

Many of us are accustomed to using the social network VKontakte every day. Each of us uses it for different purposes. Some people spend most of their time on VKontakte, communicating with friends, some listen to music from public pages of interest, some compete in flash games all day, and some are interested in news and watch videos.

However, all users have a certain desire to hide online VKontakte in functionality that unites us all, for example: we all want to view guests visiting our profile (See). Many users want to deliberately hide the Online sign, which is treacherously visible on the upper right side of the VK website interface, and some are even thinking about removing this sign forever.

In this section we will talk specifically about your presence in Vkontakte with an offline status and how to make sure that a visitor who has entered your profile cannot identify you, because he will think that you are absent.

Interestingly, after leaving VK, he asked the VK developers to remove the sign Online when he came online and the time when he was last online. This function is completely disabled. At the same time, there is a way by which you can track whether a person is online or not.

How to hide online in VK 2018

How to be invisible on VKontakte

First, you should consider the simplest method of how to hide your online status on VK and become invisible on a social network, however, in order to be invisible you will still have to go to the site once. So, we perform the actions in the following sequence:

We go to the site and go to the personal messages page.

We leave this section without activity and without additional transitions for 20 minutes.

After this, the VKontakte server closes the online session and does not kick you out of your account.

In this state, it is quite possible to view posts and other news, and you can even respond to them and comment, listen to music, play music, etc., but it is not recommended to go to your own or someone else’s page, otherwise there is a high possibility of ending up in an online session.

This mode is extremely simple and effective. A characteristic disadvantage is that it is impossible to visit users, even when it is really necessary.

ApiDog and VKlife - VKontakte invisible function

The next method of being invisible in VK involves installing Special programs, of which today you can find a fairly large number on the Internet. The most popular of the famous programs for this purpose are VkLife and ApiDog. The most important advantage of the programs is that when you fully use VKontakte, your account does not go online.

Downloading and installing programs is extremely simple, it will take a maximum of 5-7 minutes. time. It is better to download from the official website of the program and because on other websites you can come across copies of the program in which malicious code is embedded. Now you know how to hide VKontakte online on any browser except the following one.

Hide online VKontakte - mode in FireFox

For users of one of the most famous browsers, FireFox, there is another way to be invisible on this public network. First, you need to open a new tab and enter about: config in the address bar, opening the browser options extension page. In the filter field you need to use “network.http.redirection-limit” (without quotes) and change the value to 0, remembering the initial value indicator. After this, you need to open a fresh tab and log in to the public network. An error message will be generated there, this is normal. After this, you should go to some section, for example “my photos” or “my news”. Then we need to return to the tab where we have the options open and return the initial value to the parameter that we changed first. If everything was done without errors, then the account status will be offline. In order to continue to remain invisible, it is preferable not to go to your own profile and pages of other users, otherwise an online icon may appear and you will not be able to access VKontakte offline.

How to log into VK and not be online from your phone

Is it possible to make “Invisible” mode on an Android smartphone in VK in order to be present on the site but at the same time be offline?

Yes. This is quite possible to do using the unofficial function of the VK mobile application. In order to activate the VKontakte invisible mode on an Android device, you will need to take the following steps:

Invisibility mode on VKontakte on Android

First, let's download the official mobile client. It is quite possible to download the VKontakte application for free from the Play Store using a direct link.

After installation, launch the application. After starting the program, go to “Options”. In the options tab, go to the “About” section.

A window will be formed where you need to press (tap) on the illustration of the dog 3 times. After which nothing will change on the screen. Close the VKontakte for Android application. Now you need to go to the dialer of your phone and dial the following combination of numbers and symbols: *#*#856682583#*#*. This formula will help you hide VKontakte online.

After dialing, without clicking on the call button, a window for setting up hidden features for the VK application should appear.

In the window that opens, make a mark on the “Invisible” item.

That's it, Vkontakte stealth mode is now running. From this moment on, your presence on the VK social networking site will be hidden and your “Online” status will change to “Offline”.

VKontakte stealth mode on iPhone

To activate the stealth mode for devices based on iOS, you will need to follow the same steps as on Android. The hyperlink for downloading the VK add-on for iPhone will be the same.

Is it possible to log in from a phone in the same status as from a computer?

Now we will look at how to log into VKontakte not in phone status.

If you access the site through a browser and at the same time through the full version of the VKontakte site, and not the mobile one, then for sure, just a circle will be shown next to you, and not an image of a phone.

To do this, it is also better to access the network through a “proxy server”. This is, in fact, how “hackers” act, so that the real IP address is not determined and their presence on the network is hidden.

Similarly, you can log into VK from your phone as from a computer.

How to hide online VKontakte 2018

In this article, we looked in detail at ways to hide the “online” status from your computer and phone on the version of the VKontakte website that will be valid in 2017-2018. At the same time, do not forget that there are programs that limit this process, using which you can be visible.