Detailed review and testing of the Apple iPad mini with Retina display. Review of Apple iPad mini with Retina display. The best compact iPad tablet with retina display

iPad mini- an amazing device. When in 2012, rumors began to creep across the Internet that a smaller version of the familiar and beloved ten-inch iPad was being prepared in the depths of Apple headquarters, fans of the Cupertino technology rudely expressed their opinion, arguing the negative with fragmentation, imitation of the Android camp, impracticality, meaninglessness, etc. more... Few of them could have thought that literally a year later people would begin to abandon the classic iPad in favor of the iPad mini.

Having a good aspect ratio, the iPad is better suited for web surfing than widescreen tablets. The smaller version of the iPad turned out to be even more convenient for everyday use, all thanks to its excellent weight and size characteristics. The first iPad mini had only two significant drawbacks - its low resolution and the relatively weak A5 processor at the time of release. iPad mini 2 was deprived of these disadvantages and now it is, in my subjective opinion, the best tablet on the market.

We still have the same practical device, the design of which has not changed. The only visual difference between the iPad Mini Retina and the first-generation iPad Mini is color. The silver-white model remained unchanged, but the black one became gray; the color was officially named Space Gray, which in Russian localization sounds like “milky gray.”

What's inside the second generation iPad Mini? Let's talk about everything in order...

What's new in iPad mini 2 (Retina)

First, let's look at the differences between the iPad mini 2 and the previous model.

1. First and foremost is the Retina display with a resolution of 2048 x 1536.
This is exactly the same screen resolution as a ten-inch iPad, as a result of which the number of dots per inch of the iPad mini is exactly the same as the iPhone - 326 pieces! This is an impressive figure for a tablet, the image is simply stunning. The display has become brighter, more contrasty, and the colors are even more saturated; viewing angles are beyond praise, however, as always. It’s endlessly pleasant to look at both the elements of the iOS interface and programs, as well as games; there’s no need to talk about fonts at all. The text is a pleasure to read.

326 pixels per inch. Pixels cannot be seen with the eye

2. Powerful filling.
The new iPad mini is significantly more powerful than the first model. The outdated dual-core A5 processor (the same one in the iPad 2 and iPhone 4S) was replaced by a 64-bit A7 with a frequency of 1.3 GHz. Judging by synthetic tests, the performance increase is over 400%, and graphics processing speed has increased to 800%! The iPad mini Retina is almost the same in power as the iPad Air, the only difference in the filling is the lowered frequency of the A7 processor by 100 MHz. The tablet also has an M7 coprocessor, its task is to process data about the position of the device in space - gyroscope, accelerometer, GPS.

3. Other changes:

  • the new iPad mini 2 received a quad-core g6430 graphics processor;
  • the amount of RAM was increased from 512 Mb DDR2 to 1024 Mb DDR3;
  • The tablet has become 0.3 millimeters thicker;
  • the weight of the Wi-Fi version is increased from 308 g to 331 g, the weight of the Cellular version is increased from 312 g to 341 g;
  • The battery capacity has been increased.

Specifications iPad Mini 2 (Retina)

Display IPS 7.9 inches (4:3), oleophobic coating
Resolution 2048 × 1536 px (326 ppi)
CPU Apple A7 64-bit (2 cores, 28nm) + M7
Frequency 1.3 GHz
GPU PowerVR G6430 (4-core)
Memory 1 GB DRAM DDR3
Storage capacity 16/32/64/128 Gb
Camera iSight 5 Mpx
Full HD video recording 1080p/30fps, stabilization
Front-camera 1.2 Mpx
HD video recording 720p/30fps
Sensors, modules GPS, Glonass, light sensor, gyroscope, accelerometer

Micro-SIM, Digital Compass, 1 Microphone, Hotspot, Wireless Printing, AirPlay Mirroring

Battery (hours of operation)
Internet 3G*
Internet LTE*
Internet Wi-Fi
up to 140
to 10
until 9
until 9
to 10
up to 744
6471 mAh
iOS version


iOS 7.0

11/12/2013 - Present

Dimensions (mm)
331 (341*) grams
Communication standards GSM/GPRS/EDGE, UMTS/HSUPA/HSDPA (3G)*, CDMA, LTE (4G)*, Wi-Fi (802.11 a/b/g/n), Bluetooth 4.0
* - Cellular model

But what about the iPad Mini 2 in use?

iPad Mini Retina, like the previous generation tablet, is ergonomic to infinity. I’ll add that I, being a fan of Apple technology for many years now, have always not had a very good attitude towards the classic 9.7-inch iPad. I never liked it for many reasons, from weight and size characteristics to the visual component. Huge weight, inconvenient dimensions, a wide frame around the display - everything prevented me from using the large iPad as a portable and practical tablet, and it increasingly turned into a device for the home, and the tasks that I assigned to it were increasingly compensated by computers and phones, in As a result, I practically stopped using the “toy”.

In the case of the iPad Mini, the situation is diametrically opposite. The tablet is lightweight and extremely practical for portable use; it fits into the inner pocket of most jackets, jackets and down jackets, even in a case; taking it with you on the road is a pleasure; you can hold it with one hand for a long time, and playing is a special pleasure. Considering the powerful hardware, I can recommend choosing the iPad Mini Retina for games rather than the iPad Air; it’s really very convenient to play, primarily due to its small dimensions.

As for battery life, everything is great here, however, as always with Apple. iPad Mini Retina can survive heavy use with modern games (for example) for up to 7 hours. Of course, this figure depends on the individual brightness settings and the included modules, but I managed to squeeze out 10 hours in everyday use, which was mainly web surfing, light games, and email. There are screenshots online that someone managed to torture their iPad Mini 2 for 13 hours without recharging at low brightness. Agree, impressive numbers.

So, does the iPad Mini Retina have any downsides?

There are, where would we be without them, there are no ideal gadgets. But the second generation iPad Mini really has few downsides.

1. Apple has equipped its latest line of iOS devices with one gigabyte of RAM. Not only has there been more memory, it has also become faster, but by today's standards this is still not that much. In the Android camp, 2Gb of RAM is already the norm; if the iPad Mini 2 and iPad Air were equipped with the same amount, not many would want to change the gadget in a year, but at the end of the year Apple will happily announce that the next iPad will now have twice the RAM more and many of us will run to the store with a smile on our faces. Although, on the other hand, the existing hardware will be enough for modern games for another couple of years and this is more than enough not to think about the hardware inside the device.

2. Retina display. “How can this be, because this is its most important advantage!” - you say. Absolutely true, but this display is a little worse than the one on the iPad Air. The iPad Mini 2 display is inferior in contrast, brightness and color quality, but gains in picture clarity and this is visible to the naked eye. However, this small drawback should not be a reason to doubt the purchase; in practice, you will notice the difference only when directly comparing the iPad Mini 2 and iPad Air, but you can notice the higher clarity and pixel density of the Mini 2 without comparison.

3. The iPad Mini Retina is equipped with a 10-watt power supply, when a 12-watt power supply has been on sale for almost a year and a half. Thanks to this, charging the tablet takes a really long time.

4. When playing “heavy” toys for a long time, the Mini 2 case heats up significantly; the large iPad Air is less susceptible to this problem, thanks to the large aluminum case. Essentially, this is a radiator for a tablet, so it turns out that a smaller radiator takes less heat from the processor. Moreover, at some point games may begin to slow down, this happens because the processor frequency, upon reaching a certain temperature, begins to decrease in order to prevent overheating.

5. Perhaps the last drawback, which can be called temporary. It concerns modern games, on the iPad Mini Retina you can see some stuttering in them, I won’t say that they are very noticeable, but they are there. This is due to the fact that not all developers have yet updated their applications for 64-bit processor architecture, hence the corresponding problems.

It is also worth noting that some users have encountered the problem of a low-quality display, which allegedly distorts the color rendition the next second after a long display of a black image. I haven’t encountered this problem, but even if you are “unlucky”, you shouldn’t get hung up on it, it’s a trifle.

The first generation iPad Mini is still on sale, is it worth saving or is it better to buy an iPad Mini Retina?

You can save a lot and buy a first-generation iPad Mini, but you must realize that you are buying obsolete hardware that will not last for several years and soon you will experience slowdowns in both games and iOS. If possible, compare the screen of the first and second generation iPad Mini, you will understand that the choice is obvious in favor of the second.

But what to choose, iPad Mini 2 (Retina) or iPad Air?

Actually the question is quite simple. Both tablets are almost the same in power, you won’t notice the difference. The 9.7-inch iPad has become significantly lighter at 469 and 478 grams for the Wi-Fi and Cellular versions, respectively. Its frame around the edges has become thinner. In general, the iPad Mini 2 and iPad Air are almost identical tablets, which differ in only three things:
  • price – each iPad Air model is exactly 4000 more expensive than a similar iPad Mini 2;
  • size – iPad Air is significantly larger than Mini 2;
  • weight – iPad Air is approximately 140 grams heavier than iPad Mini 2.

iPad performance (single-core performance)

iPad performance (multi-core performance)

It’s simple, if you want a mobile, convenient, productive tablet, then don’t hesitate to take the iPad Mini 2 (Retina), if you want a larger screen, then the iPad Air. For everyday use, the iPad Mini 2 will be more convenient, more enjoyable to play, and higher image clarity. The iPad Air loses a little in portability and image clarity, but the screen is brighter and has better color reproduction, but still, it is more suitable for home use. The Mini is easier to carry, even if the Air were the same weight as the iPad Mini, it would still be large and bulky, while the Mini is compact and as practical as possible.

If we go to Wikipedia and look up the meaning of the word “Convenience”, we will see a detailed definition:

“Convenience is suitability for use, the presence of conditions, opportunities for easy, pleasant, unburdensome use of something or the satisfaction of any needs or requirements.”

And for the iPad Mini 2 these words are more applicable than for the iPad Air. Air is the same, only bigger, hence its disadvantages, if this is a plus for you, take the iPad Air.

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Today, Apple tablets with a retina display are at the peak of popularity. The picture quality on such screens is much better than on regular ones.

There are already several versions of the Apple iPad with such a display on the market. Our review will show which model is better.

The device comes with the following components:

  • Battery.
  • Documentation.
  • USB cable.
  • Accessory for removing SIM cards.

The new iPad mini 2 came with a Retina display. This model is powered by an A7 processor. The thickness of the iPad has increased slightly with the release of the iPad mini 2 device. The black color disappeared, and a dark gray gadget appeared in its place. The minimum memory capacity of the gadget is Apple iPad Wi-Fi 16 GB. The maximum version contains 128 GB of internal memory. And in all other respects, this is the good old mini model from Apple.

Apple iPad design

Of course, the main innovation of the Apple iPad model under consideration is the retina display. But the appearance of any device is an important characteristic, so we will present an overview of it as well.

The design of the model, as its review and comparison with previous versions shows, is no different from the first mini version. And most users considered this a plus.

But still, some prefer the Air model - it’s convenient to watch videos, access websites via Wi-Fi, and much more. The display dimensions allow this.

However, if you look at the sales statistics, the model mini holds a confident lead. For one large version there are about ten iPad mini A1490 or A1489 iPad mini.

This is quite simple to explain; you don’t even need to conduct a detailed comparative review of both types of models. And it's not even about the price. It’s just that mini is much easier to take with you, putting it in your jacket pocket. You don’t even have to take a bag with you, just put the gadget in the pocket of your down jacket. So, while in the city, a user can check his email or make a call via FaceTime. And all this thanks to its miniature size and Wi-Fi networks. In any case, this is not possible with Air.


In addition to rich functionality, Wi-Fi support and other advantages, full-screen versions are equipped with an excellent display. The diagonal of the IPS element is 7.9 inches. There is LED backlighting. The resolution is 2048x1536 pixels. The element is protected with an oleophobic coating.

By comparison, the first mini had a resolution of only 1024x768 pixels. However, the difference is not noticeable at first inspection. Because of the OS version 7, the capabilities of gadgets of different models are equalized. Therefore, not every user will notice at the first inspection of the display whether it functions on Retina or not. A number of users think that the picture on a small tablet is even more impressive. If you look closely, the icons are indeed clearer and more contrasting. But the differences are nonetheless not impressive.

However, once you connect to a Wi-Fi point and launch Safari, the advantages of the mini with Retina become obvious:

  • Super clear picture.
  • Drawn characters.
  • Lovely colors.
  • High density image.
  • Great pictures when using the software.

But even with these advantages, the difference cannot be called very significant, as is the case with laptops or PCs. Users, of course, expected more. But still, the developer did his best and released a good product onto the market. Obviously, the point is the decent diagonal and thin fonts of the OS version 7. The first users immediately noticed that yellow predominates among the colors. And later this was confirmed. But the shade of yellow is very light and, for many, unnoticeable. Until someone brings this fact to your attention, you probably won't notice it.


The full-screen version is powered by an A7 processor. 64 bit architecture. There is an M7 coprocessor. All these parameters together show excellent results. You can read about this in detail on the Internet. The tablet works significantly faster than a regular mini, and the difference is most noticeable when launching regular software. We are talking about the camera, browser, maps and the like. And even social networks like Facebook simply “fly”.

When heavy software like Infinity Blade is launched, the back of the device heats up. And the heating is very noticeable. So in cold seasons, mini can replace the stove. Of course, the gadget won’t burn your hands, but it will transfer a sufficient amount of heat.

The device includes a standard list of wireless elements, Wi-Fi, supports 2 bands 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, Bluetooth of the fourth format. By default it is always active. And this is possible thanks to the AirDrop function implemented in OS 7. But we note that it is not possible to exchange information with Apple computers, which is slightly frustrating.

iOS 7 Features

As was the case with the Air version, the small model came in 4 modifications - 16, 32, 64 and 128 GB. But, besides this, there are versions with Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi + 4G. There are only two color options.

Thus, the buyer has a decent choice. It's difficult to stop at just one thing. Many people choose the “golden mean” - the version with 64 GB on board and Wi-Fi + 4G. This is the best option. If the user plans to store a decent amount of music, games, and content on the device.

Many movies can be immediately uploaded to AVplayer. But if the user’s iPad is just a replacement for a laptop, he can get by with a tablet with 16 GB. It’s great that the company still gives the user a choice in this regard.


Of course, photography is one of the additional functions of the tablet. But far from the main one. Therefore, the quality of the frames is not ideal. But if an iPhone or camera is currently unavailable, it will do. Of course, the photographs will not qualify as professional, but they are quite suitable for posting on social networks.

There are filters that allow you to mask photos that are not of very good quality. The camera has a resolution of 5 MP. Selfie element – ​​1.2 MP.


Predicting what might happen with the iPad mini Retina next year, we can assume the following. Surely, the company will work to reduce the size and weight of the device. Touch ID and an improved camera will likely be added.

As for prices, their spread depending on the specific characteristics of the gadget is very large. So, the most inexpensive tablet costs about 20,000 rubles. The cost of expensive devices reaches 35,000 rubles. The version with 64 GB on board and 4 G costs approximately 29,000-30,000 rubles. If you don’t need 4G technology, great, enjoy the 4-5 thousand saved.

The most popular models in the future will be gadgets with 16 and 32 GB memory. Probably. There will be increased demand for them.

But generally speaking, is the Pad mini on Retina much better? Absolutely yes. And it's not just about the display. The model has a different processor and a variation with 128 GB of memory. Better yet, go to the store and see with your own eyes. But those who have not used mini before will not see the difference. They will be quite satisfied with the first generation tablets.

Overall, the small tablet is one of the best on the market, considering all its parameters. And if the larger Air model, despite the beauty of the large display, does not suit you, feel free to buy this one.

Information about the make, model, and alternative names of the specific device, if available.


Information about the dimensions and weight of the device, presented in different units of measurement. Materials used, colors offered, certificates.


Width information - refers to the horizontal side of the device in its standard orientation during use.

200 mm (millimeters)
20 cm (centimeters)
0.66 ft (feet)
7.87 in (inches)

Height information - refers to the vertical side of the device in its standard orientation during use.

134.7 mm (millimeters)
13.47 cm (centimeters)
0.44 ft (feet)
5.3 in (inches)

Information about the thickness of the device in different units of measurement.

7.5 mm (millimeters)
0.75 cm (centimeters)
0.02 ft (feet)
0.3 in (inches)

Information about the weight of the device in different units of measurement.

341 g (grams)
0.75 lbs
12.03 oz (ounces)

The approximate volume of the device, calculated based on the dimensions provided by the manufacturer. Refers to devices with the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped.

202.05 cm³ (cubic centimeters)
12.27 in³ (cubic inches)

Information about the colors in which this device is offered for sale.

Materials for making the case

Materials used to make the device body.

Aluminium alloy

SIM card

The SIM card is used in mobile devices to store data that certifies the authenticity of mobile service subscribers.

Mobile networks

A mobile network is a radio system that allows multiple mobile devices to communicate with each other.


GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) is designed to replace the analogue mobile network (1G). For this reason, GSM is often called a 2G mobile network. It is improved by the addition of GPRS (General Packet Radio Services), and later EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution) technologies.

GSM 850 MHz
GSM 900 MHz
GSM 1800 MHz
GSM 1900 MHz

CDMA (Code-Division Multiple Access) is a channel access method used in communications in mobile networks. Compared to other 2G and 2.5G standards like GSM and TDMA, it provides higher data transfer speeds and the ability to connect more consumers at the same time.

CDMA 800 MHz
CDMA 1900 MHz

CDMA2000 is a group of 3G mobile network standards based on CDMA. Their advantages include a more powerful signal, fewer interruptions and network breaks, support for an analog signal, wide spectral coverage, etc.

1xEV-DO Rev. A
1xEV-DO Rev. B

UMTS is an abbreviation for Universal Mobile Telecommunications System. It is based on the GSM standard and belongs to 3G mobile networks. Developed by 3GPP and its biggest advantage is providing greater speed and spectral efficiency thanks to W-CDMA technology.

UMTS 850 MHz
UMTS 900 MHz
UMTS 1900 MHz
UMTS 2100 MHz

LTE (Long Term Evolution) is defined as a fourth generation (4G) technology. It is developed by 3GPP based on GSM/EDGE and UMTS/HSPA to increase the capacity and speed of wireless mobile networks. The subsequent technology development is called LTE Advanced.

LTE 700 MHz Class 13
LTE 700 MHz Class 17
LTE 800 MHz
LTE 850 MHz
LTE 900 MHz
LTE 1700/2100 MHz
LTE 1800 MHz
LTE 1900 MHz
LTE 2100 MHz
LTE 2600 MHz

Mobile communication technologies and data transfer speeds

Communication between devices on mobile networks is carried out using technologies that provide different data transfer rates.

Operating system

An operating system is a system software that manages and coordinates the operation of hardware components in a device.

SoC (System on Chip)

A system on a chip (SoC) includes all the most important hardware components of a mobile device on one chip.

SoC (System on Chip)

A system on a chip (SoC) integrates various hardware components, such as a processor, graphics processor, memory, peripherals, interfaces, etc., as well as the software necessary for their operation.

Apple A7 APL0698
Technological process

Information about the technological process by which the chip is manufactured. Nanometers measure half the distance between elements in the processor.

28 nm (nanometers)
Processor (CPU)

The primary function of a mobile device's processor (CPU) is to interpret and execute instructions contained in software applications.

Apple Cyclone ARMv8
Processor size

The size (in bits) of a processor is determined by the size (in bits) of the registers, address buses, and data buses. 64-bit processors have higher performance compared to 32-bit processors, which in turn are more powerful than 16-bit processors.

64 bit
Instruction Set Architecture

Instructions are commands with which the software sets/controls the operation of the processor. Information about the instruction set (ISA) that the processor can execute.

Level 1 cache (L1)

Cache memory is used by the processor to reduce access time to more frequently used data and instructions. L1 (level 1) cache is small in size and works much faster than both system memory and other cache levels. If the processor does not find the requested data in L1, it continues to look for it in the L2 cache. On some processors, this search is performed simultaneously in L1 and L2.

64 kB + 64 kB (kilobytes)
Level 2 cache (L2)

L2 (level 2) cache is slower than L1 cache, but in return it has a higher capacity, allowing it to cache more data. It, like L1, is much faster than system memory (RAM). If the processor does not find the requested data in L2, it continues to look for it in the L3 cache (if available) or in RAM memory.

1024 kB (kilobytes)
1 MB (megabytes)
Level 3 cache (L3)

L3 (level 3) cache is slower than L2 cache, but in return it has a higher capacity, allowing it to cache more data. It, like L2, is much faster than system memory (RAM).

4096 kB (kilobytes)
4 MB (megabytes)
Number of processor cores

The processor core executes software instructions. There are processors with one, two or more cores. Having more cores increases performance by allowing multiple instructions to be executed in parallel.

CPU clock speed

The clock speed of a processor describes its speed in terms of cycles per second. It is measured in megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz).

1300 MHz (megahertz)
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) handles calculations for various 2D/3D graphics applications. In mobile devices, it is most often used by games, consumer interfaces, video applications, etc.

PowerVR G6430
Number of GPU cores

Like a CPU, a GPU is made up of several working parts called cores. They handle graphics calculations for various applications.

GPU clock speed

Running speed is the clock speed of the GPU, measured in megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz).

200 MHz (megahertz)
Amount of random access memory (RAM)

Random access memory (RAM) is used by the operating system and all installed applications. Data stored in RAM is lost after the device is turned off or restarted.

1 GB (gigabytes)
Type of random access memory (RAM)

Information about the type of random access memory (RAM) used by the device.

M7 motion coprocessor

Built-in memory

Each mobile device has built-in (non-removable) memory with a fixed capacity.


The screen of a mobile device is characterized by its technology, resolution, pixel density, diagonal length, color depth, etc.


One of the main characteristics of the screen is the technology by which it is made and on which the quality of the information image directly depends.


For mobile devices, screen size is expressed by the length of its diagonal, measured in inches.

7.9 in (inches)
200.66 mm (millimeters)
20.07 cm (centimeters)

Approximate screen width

6.32 in (inches)
160.53 mm (millimeters)
16.05 cm (centimeters)

Approximate screen height

4.74 in (inches)
120.4 mm (millimeters)
12.04 cm (centimeters)
Aspect Ratio

The ratio of the dimensions of the long side of the screen to its short side


Screen resolution shows the number of pixels vertically and horizontally on the screen. Higher resolution means clearer image detail.

2048 x 1536 pixels
Pixel Density

Information about the number of pixels per centimeter or inch of the screen. Higher density allows information to be displayed on the screen with clearer detail.

324 ppi (pixels per inch)
127ppcm (pixels per centimeter)
Color depth

Screen color depth reflects the total number of bits used for color components in one pixel. Information about the maximum number of colors that the screen can display.

24 bit
16777216 flowers
Screen area

Approximate percentage of screen area occupied by the screen on the front of the device.

71.97% (percent)
Other characteristics

Information about other screen features and characteristics.

Oleophobic (lipophobic) coating
Retina display


Different sensors perform different quantitative measurements and convert physical indicators into signals that a mobile device can recognize.

Rear camera

The main camera of a mobile device is usually located on its back panel and may be combined with one or more secondary cameras.

Sensor type

Information about the camera sensor type. Some of the most widely used types of sensors in mobile device cameras are CMOS, BSI, ISOCELL, etc.

CMOS BSI (backside illumination)

F-stop (also known as aperture, aperture, or f-number) is a measure of the size of a lens's aperture, which determines the amount of light entering the sensor. The lower the f-number, the larger the aperture and the more light reaches the sensor. Typically the f-number is specified to correspond to the maximum possible aperture of the aperture.

Image Resolution

One of the main characteristics of cameras is resolution. It represents the number of horizontal and vertical pixels in an image. For convenience, smartphone manufacturers often list resolution in megapixels, indicating the approximate number of pixels in millions.

2592 x 1936 pixels
5.02 MP (megapixels)
Video resolution

Information about the maximum video resolution that the camera can record.

1920 x 1080 pixels
2.07 MP (megapixels)
Video recording speed (frame rate)

Information about the maximum recording speed (frames per second, fps) supported by the camera at maximum resolution. Some of the most basic video recording speeds are 24 fps, 25 fps, 30 fps, 60 fps.

30fps (frames per second)

Information about additional software and hardware features of the rear (rear) camera.

Digital image stabilization
Geographical tags
HDR shooting
Touch Focus
Face recognition


Smartphones have one or more front cameras of various designs - a pop-up camera, a rotating camera, a cutout or hole in the display, an under-display camera.


Information about the type of speakers and audio technologies supported by the device.


The radio of the mobile device is a built-in FM receiver.

Location determination

Information about the navigation and location technologies supported by your device.


Wi-Fi is a technology that provides wireless communication for transmitting data over close distances between various devices.


Bluetooth is a standard for secure wireless data transfer between various devices of different types over short distances.


USB (Universal Serial Bus) is an industry standard that allows different electronic devices to exchange data.

Headphone jack

This is an audio connector, also called an audio jack. The most widely used standard in mobile devices is the 3.5mm headphone jack.

Connecting devices

Information about other important connection technologies supported by your device.


A web browser is a software application for accessing and viewing information on the Internet.

Video file formats/codecs

Mobile devices support different video file formats and codecs, which respectively store and encode/decode digital video data.


Mobile device batteries differ from each other in their capacity and technology. They provide the electrical charge necessary for their functioning.


A battery's capacity indicates the maximum charge it can hold, measured in milliamp-hours.

6450 mAh (milliamp-hours)

The type of battery is determined by its structure and, more precisely, the chemicals used. There are different types of batteries, with lithium-ion and lithium-ion polymer batteries being the most commonly used batteries in mobile devices.

2G talk time

2G talk time is the period of time during which the battery charge is completely discharged during a continuous conversation on a 2G network.

10 h (hours)
600 min (minutes)
0.4 days
3G talk time

3G talk time is the period of time during which the battery charge is completely discharged during a continuous conversation on a 3G network.

10 h (hours)
600 min (minutes)
0.4 days
4G talk time

4G talk time is the period of time during which the battery charge is completely discharged during a continuous conversation on a 4G network.

10 h (hours)
600 min (minutes)
0.4 days

Information about some additional characteristics of the device's battery.


The first generation of iPad mini tablets (a1455, a1454) caused mixed reactions. The question immediately arose whether the small iPad could cope with all the tasks assigned to advanced users.

The device not only coped technically and functionally, but also became more convenient to use due to its small 8-inch diagonal. The second generation pleased us many times over. The mini 2 version (a1490, a1489) with a Retina display and updated hardware shocked everyone.

Technical characteristics of the updated Apple iPad mini 2 Retina tablet

The diagonal of the IPS screen of the new model remains the same, but the resolution has increased significantly - from 1024 by 768 to 2048 by 1536 pixels. These figures are much higher than those of the iPad Air. At the same time, the cost of the 2013 device is more affordable. Several modification options are presented. You can choose a model with Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi +Cellular, in white or trendy Space Gray colors. As for memory, 128, 64, 32 and 16 GB are available.

One of the features of Apple is the ability to create unique design of equipment. Externally, the Apple iPad mini 2 Retina tablet is ergonomic and incredibly easy to use. Due to the reduced body size and 7.9-inch diagonal, the model was a huge success. The 2nd generation tablet does not look much different from the previous modification, but the thickness of the case has increased by 0.3 mm and the weight has increased by 30 g. This is due to the increase in the battery, which makes the device more powerful. Autonomy of continuous operation reaches 9 hours without additional recharging.

The shade of the tablet also changed from silvery-white Black & Slate to lighter ones – Space Gray and Silver. The updated black shade presented on the display side is less susceptible to chipping in the bevel area. Another difference is the presence of a second microphone on the back of the case, which helps reduce noise.

The front area of ​​the iPad mini 2 Retina tablet is equipped with an integrated capacitive sensor and is covered with protective glass. On top there is a 1.3 megapixel front camera, which has a light sensor, which improves the quality of pictures. The Home key is located at the bottom, but the side areas have minimal edging, which allows you to comfortably hold the device in one hand.

As for the technical characteristics, they have been significantly changed, which is good news:

  • Apple A7 dual-core processor clocked at 1.3 GHz;
  • PowerVR G6430 graphics;
  • Multi-Touch display with pixel density of 326 PPI, which is 2 times higher than the previously released model;
  • IPS technology and bright LED backlight;
  • RAM 1 GB and built-in 128Gb, ​​64Gb, 32Gb or 16Gb, depending on the selected modification;
  • iSight F/2.4 main camera with a resolution of 5 megapixels and front FaceTime with 1.3 megapixels;
  • five-element lens with ƒ/2.4 aperture;
  • convenient focusing and exposure control when shooting with just one touch;
  • panoramic shooting, HDR photos and their binding to the shooting location;
  • the presence of autofocus, face recognition functions, video recording in HD1080p format;
  • data transfer using Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi + Cellular, depending on the model;
  • additional features in the form of a three-axis gyroscope, ambient light sensor, accelerometer;
  • Oleophobic coating eliminates fingerprints.

Apple's iPad mini 2 Retina features an advanced 64-bit A7 processor with an M7 motion coprocessor that packs plenty of power for everyday productivity. Even in multitasking mode, graphics are displayed in high-quality resolution.

Also a plus is a large viewing angle, which allows you to use the device from any angle, and a reliable motherboard. The package includes instructions, a charger and a cable with a proprietary Lightning connector. Activation is carried out by connecting to a PC and launching iTunes.

Full review of the iPad mini 2 video

iOSimproved OS for modern devices

The Apple iPad mini 2 Retina tablet features the iOS 7 operating system, made with a new design and functions. Since the model was released in 2013, and Apple has not stood still, new iOS options have appeared that are available for the tablet in question. Each user can update the firmware to iOS 11.2.6.

To understand the differences between OSs, you need to consider their features:

  • iOS 7. Features a significantly redesigned and improved user interface. It has interesting fonts, new layers and icons that are intuitive, and a reduction in the number of skeuomorphic elements. Action Center is managed from the top down. It provides parameters such as display brightness, multimedia, airplane mode, and quick access to applications. There is also background application updating, smart search, the ability to switch the camera in 4 modes and use 9 filters. iTunes Radio has appeared in the music section, providing audio streaming.
  • iOS 8. The next version of the OS after 7 is presented with a new Health application, which allows you to measure health indicators, as well as an integrated Shazam interface, which allows you to search for the desired music using Siri. Updates are also visible in the interface design. There are: new opportunities for photo editing, the ability to send photos, audio, only captured videos and a map with location in dialogues, the ability to store various files in the cloud, install widgets from third-party developers, change the standard keyboard and much more.
  • iOS 9. Was introduced in September 2015. It added the ability to plot a route taking into account public transport in several cities in America and Europe, added a search by settings, and added a “News” application. The interface has completely changed, PassBook changed its name to Wallet, a new San Francisco font appeared, an energy saving function and other features.
  • iOS 10. Changes affected several areas at once. Apple News, Home, Maps, Photos and Apple Music have been completely redesigned. Siri now has the ability to integrate third-party SiriKit applications. You can also now send money using iMessage. Added a built-in extension store that allows you to update stickers, games and various applications.
  • iOS 11: The latest OS available for update is one of the most advanced in the entire world, allowing the tablet to surpass all possible features. It opens up more possibilities for applications and games, making them as real as possible. There are also more functions needed for work and study. The new Files application brings together all your documents. The Dock allows you to conveniently organize all your open tabs, ensuring optimal multitasking.

The Apple iPad mini 2 Retina tablet, like any Apple device, is not subject to rollback or downgrading of the iOS version. For each device, only the latest firmware is available, with all the necessary updates. The presence of the Jailbreak function in the improved OS allows you to further expand the capabilities of the device, regardless of the configuration, what year it was released and how many inches its screen is.

Advanced Tablet Battery

The 2nd generation model has a more powerful battery - a 23.8 Wh battery that provides up to 10 hours of operation during active use of the device. Its capacity has increased by 7.3 Wh. This is due to the fact that the Retina display requires more power. The increased battery affected the thickness of the case, but not significantly. According to test results, 1 charge was enough for 8 hours of continuous use and 11 hours in standby mode, which corresponds to the indicators declared by the manufacturer.

Differences between Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Cellular iPad mini 2

The iPad mini 2 Retina tablet is available in two versions regarding Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi + Cellular data transfer. The second option is suitable for those who are constantly located at a distance from an available Wi-Fi module. Such a device provides access to the Internet via mobile communications. It has an additional slot for a SIM card, otherwise the models do not differ.

Tablets that have a SIM card are not tied to points and provide Internet communication in almost any place where there is 3G or 4G (LTE) mobile coverage. At any time, the signal transmission mode from the operator can be changed to a Wi-Fi connection.

The comparison table shows the main differences between iPad mini 2 Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Cellular:

WiFi Cellular WiFi
Bluetooth 4.0 technology Bluetooth 4.0 technology
Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n); dual bands (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz) and MIMO
Multiple Access System: CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1900 MHz)
Mobile data transmission technology: GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz
Location Services: Wi-Fi, Digital Compass, Assisted GPS and GLONASS, Cellular Location Services: Wi-Fi, Digital Compass
Cellular technologies: UMTS/HSPA/HSUPA/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1900, 2100 MHz)
Data transfer rates range from 1 to 26 Mb/s, depending on terrain conditions

The Cellular model with a SIM card will cost more, and you will also need to pay a set tariff amount every month, but access to the Internet will always be uninterrupted regardless of location.

Retina Display Features

The main feature of the 2nd generation iPad mini is the new Retina display with increased resolution. After the release of the previous version, Apple began intensive development of the screen, which brought results. Features of the updated display include:

  • the front part of the display module is made of scratch-resistant glass;
  • anti-glare filter that reduces reflection brightness;
  • the presence of an air gap between the surface of the matrix and the glass, which allows, in case of damage to the outer part, to replace the glass without additional problems;
  • on the outer part of the constantly used area there is an oleophobic - grease-repellent coating that eliminates the appearance of stains from fingerprints;
  • pixel density of 324 ppi completely eliminates any signs of pixelation of the picture;
  • brightness reaches 407 cd/m 2 and a contrast ratio of 900:1, which is higher than that of the first generation iPad mini;
  • due to the anti-reflective coating, loss of contrast in daylight and external exposure are eliminated;
  • automatic brightness adjustment based on light sensor;
  • good viewing angles without inverting or color shifting effects.

The ultra-sensitive sensor responds quickly to touch. All midtones are displayed with good brightness, and there is also sufficient detail. In general, the display has been significantly improved due to higher resolution, increased brightness and additional functions, despite the small diagonal.

Features of replacing glass (touchscreen) on iPad mini 2 Retina

Due to the thoughtful design of the display, if it is damaged, the glass can be replaced. The front part of the Apple iPad mini 2 Retina tablet may split or crack if dropped from a height or receive strong impacts. For specialists, the glass replacement procedure will not be a problem, but it is one of the most expensive, since it is necessary to choose a high-quality module that will be original.

One of the advantages of the model is the collapsible design of the display. In the previously released version, it was solid, which created significant difficulties in restoring the screen. With the help of modern equipment, you can easily replace damaged glass.

Why doesn't my computer see my iPad mini 2?

Often, users encounter the fact that their PC or laptop does not recognize the tablet. The problem may be hidden in software failures or in the failure of some parts of the device. You need to make sure that the latest version of the software is installed. After updates, you must close iTunes and turn off the power, then restart the Apple Mobile Device Service. After the reboot, you need to open iTunes and make a new connection. If the problem is not resolved, it may be due to the following:

  • check the integrity of the cable; most often it is the cable that fails;
  • If, when replacing the cable, the device still does not recognize the device, the cause of the problem may be a faulty USB connector;
  • if the connector shows signs of corrosion and damage, it may need to be replaced;
  • malfunctions may also occur if the connector cable is faulty;
  • Lack of tablet recognition can also occur if the power controller chip is damaged.

If, after checking all the settings and visual inspection, no violations are found, you need to contact a specialist; repairs will probably be required.

If you forgot your i passwordPad mini 2, how to unlock the device

If the tablet enters the password incorrectly again after 6 attempts, it is automatically locked. Having a backup is very important. If it is missing, it will be impossible to restore the data, since you will have to erase all previously downloaded information and settings. There are several unlocking options: using iTunes, iCloud, recovery mode, via Pinfinderv and factory reset. Each option is discussed in more detail in the video.

iPad mini 2 password recovery video

Unlocking iPad mini 2 video

How to speed up iPad mini 2?

There are several ways to improve the performance of an Apple tablet. Program slowdowns are often associated with newer versions of iOS. To make your device faster, you can perform the following manipulations:

  • give time for new software to update;
  • reduce background transparency and icon movement on the desktop
  • disable background app updates;
  • free up storage space;
  • restart iPad .

How to restart iPad mini 2

To restart the tablet, you need to simultaneously press and hold the power key and the Home button. You must wait until the display turns white and the Apple logo appears. You can also use the standard off and on option.

How to take a screenshot on iPad mini 2?

Another popular question is how to photograph a tablet screen. To do this, simply press the Home key and the Power key at the same time. It is necessary to correctly calculate the simultaneity of operations to avoid shutting down equipment or closing the application.

Cost and user reviews

How much does a practical tablet cost? The starting price of the Apple iPad mini 2 Retina with Wi-Fi memory capacity of 16 GB was $329, 32 GB – $429, 64 GB – $529.

As for modifications with Wi-Fi + Cellular: 16GB – $459, 32GB – $559, 64GB – $659. Naturally, 5 years after the tablet was released, prices have dropped significantly. A model with a memory capacity of 64 GB Wi-Fi + Cellular now in 2018 costs about 26 thousand rubles, 16 GB – about 20 thousand rubles.

As for reviews, the average rating reaches 4 out of 5 points. Many people note the device’s high performance, high-quality display and ideal sensor performance. Compact size, large selection of applications and programs make the device indispensable in everyday use. Good battery life allows you to get the most out of your tablet all day long. Powerful sound and good shooting quality were also noted.

  • Tablet
  • power unit
  • USB cable
  • Documentation
  • SIM card ejector (for 4G models)

Updated iPad mini: Retina display, A7 processor, slightly increased thickness, dark gray body instead of black, version with 128 GB of memory, but otherwise it’s still the same familiar mini.


The design is practically no different from the first mini, and this is good - I personally really liked the device, although I never became a user of the small iPad. The Air is closer, it’s more convenient to watch movies, websites and do other things, the screen size decides. But when I look at those people with whom I often communicate, the situation there is completely different. For one large iPad there are a dozen small ones. And everyone’s explanation is very simple: mini is much more convenient to carry with you, and in the cold season it’s generally easy to put it in a jacket pocket. And remembering last winter, I can confirm these words. I often left the house without a bag at all, taking only a mini with me - it just fit into the inner pocket of my down jacket. With its help I worked, if you can call it that, checking email, correspondence on Facebook, calls on Facetime. In any case, this won’t work with the Air; it won’t fit into your pocket.

In general, this story with the pocket still works as it worked before. Many advanced people can easily be hooked and caught by saying that this gadget, traditionally large, now, after our improvements, can easily fit into a pocket. Don't you believe it? Well, remember the Sony VAIO P. It would seem, who would need a pocket laptop with such weak characteristics? Well, who will buy it? And there were a lot of buyers then, it was the winter of 2009, sales began at the end of March, and P became one of the most popular new products from Sony. Just a year later the iPad appeared, and the second version of P turned out to be unclaimed. The pocket theme in Sony's work surfaced a little later, when an Android-based tablet appeared with the corresponding abbreviation, P - but this P turned out to be of no use to anyone (almost no one, meager sales). To some extent, the Sony Xperia Z Ultra can be classified as a pocket tablet, but it’s hardly worth comparing with the iPad mini; each of these gadgets has its own purpose - by the way, I still like the Z Ultra, one of the best devices in the company’s line (in general, among all other devices). Apple, it seems to me, also walked on thin ice when introducing the iPad mini. Why won’t consumers try it? Why don’t they understand why they should pay a little less and lose diagonal? But consumers got it right, and it turned out that the iPad mini outsold the larger iPad. And many of my colleagues who are involved in retail generally say this: the iPad mini has killed sales of regular Apple tablets. At least before the release of Air, the situation was interesting; many stores even stopped ordering cases for iPad 2/3/4 - there was no demand for either accessories or the mentioned models. But the mini was and is being sold as if it were the only tablet in the company’s line. Why? The answer is simple, it’s all about the more than once mentioned “pocketability”, compactness while maintaining an acceptable display diagonal for a tablet. A regular iPad - only smaller, this is what captivates consumers. By the way, here’s another interesting fact: I’m always interested in seeing what fellow journalists use; we meet periodically at presentations, exhibitions and similar events. For example, when you see a Sony RX-100 from several editors of publications about gadgets, this is a sure sign that the camera is worth buying. When we were at IFA, I noticed that almost every second person had an iPad mini (and I also had one in my bag, there was no Air yet), everyone said one thing: it’s compact. Therefore attractive. The secret of success is very simple. And therefore, no one expected drastic changes from the presentation of the updated model.

The dimensions of the first iPad mini were 200x134.7x7.2 mm, weight - 308 grams (312 grams for the Wi-Fi + Cellular model). The thickness of the new product has changed slightly, 200 x 134.7 x 7.5 mm, weight - 331 grams (the version with 4G weighs 341 grams). Your old mini case may not be suitable for a new tablet; my colleagues and I tried several cases, but somehow managed to attach only the Vaja model.

The body is the same as the first mini, made of aluminum, made with love, pleasant to hold. The product, despite its size, is not perceived as some kind of toy, it is a stone in the garden of plastic Galaxy - they may have good characteristics, but outwardly they look like tablets for children. You can’t say the same about the mini; it’s a thing with a capital letter. The model with 4G has a plastic antenna cap on the top back, a microphone hole on it, and a camera lens next to it. At the top end there is a power button, on the right there is the usual set: a mute lever, volume buttons. At the bottom there is a Lightning connector, next to it there is perforation. By the way, the mini with Retina is very loud, you can watch a movie without using speakers, it literally screams - in the bathroom you can listen to music while you take a shower, and you can hear it quite well. The model with 4G has a SIM card tray on the right side, using nanoSIM. The 3.5 mm jack is on the top left, in the center there is another microphone hole.

The color has changed, instead of black it is now the signature dark gray, it looks great. Girls will like the silver tablet; the frame around the display is white, while the dark gray one has a black frame. I hope nothing will happen to the coating; on my black mini the paint has peeled off in some places, although the tablet was used mercilessly.


Diagonal IPS display - 7.9 inches, LED backlight, resolution - 2048x1536 pixels, oleophobic coating on the display protection. The first mini had a resolution of 1024x768 pixels. If you expect that you will immediately see the difference, I hasten to disappoint you: thanks to iOS 7, the chances have been equalized, and not everyone can understand at first glance at the tablet’s desktop where the Retina display is and where the regular display is. And some even think that the display of a simple mini is better. If you look closely, you can see that the icons and signatures are clearer, and the image has more contrast. But the difference, nevertheless, is not too noticeable, not striking.

Once you open Safari and any website, you immediately understand why you should choose mini with Retina. The clarity of the image that is familiar from other such products, like cut out letters, wonderful colors, the picture is dense - a sight for sore eyes. The same can be said about games and programs; they all look much better on the Retina display.

But the difference cannot be called amazing, as is the case with laptops or large iPads; I personally expected more, but it turned out just fine. Apparently, it's all about the display diagonal and thin iOS7 fonts. They say that the display turns a little yellow, I didn’t notice it at first, but now I see it. Just look at the white icons for reminders or calendar - a slight, very slight tint is observed, but until someone tells you about it, you will not pay attention.


It uses an A7 processor with 64-bit architecture plus an M7 coprocessor, this combination has already been talked about more than once - read the reviews of the iPhone 5S, iPad Air. The results of testing in the Geekbench 3 program can be seen in the photographs. The tablet works faster than a simple mini, this is especially noticeable when launching familiar programs, such as a browser, camera, Google Maps and others. Yes, even Facebook works faster.

The case gets noticeably warm at the back when running serious applications like the Infinity Blade - in winter you can use the mini as a small stove. It doesn't burn, but it gets seriously hot.

A traditional set of wireless interfaces, Wi-Fi (802.11 a/b/g/n), support for two bands 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, Bluetooth 4.0. By default, Bluetooth is turned on, this is due to the appearance of the AirDrop function in iOS7 - I note once again that it will not be possible to exchange information with Apple computers, it’s a pity.

iOS7 is used; you can find an overview of the operating system on the website.

Memory, modifications

As with the iPad Air, there are four versions: 16, 32, 64 and 128 GB, and there are also versions with Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi + 4G, and there are also two colors. I don’t recommend this to employees of online stores; there are a lot of versions, and there’s a lot of work to be done. In the case of tablets, it’s difficult to say which series to choose; they brought me a 64 GB modification, Wi-Fi + 4G, for testing, in a sense, this is the best option if you have a lot of applications, music, or if you like to watch movies on your tablet. In AVplayer you can immediately download several seasons of a series or many, many films. If for you the iPad mini is just a device to replace a laptop at meetings, then 16 GB will be enough. It’s very good that Apple still gives this opportunity to choose.


LTE works in Moscow, this applies to both Air and iPad mini with Retina. Verified using my colleague’s card - by the way, I recently had a curious incident with the purchase of a 4G SIM card from Euroset, I’ll tell you separately. If you often work anywhere and don’t sit in the office, then it’s worth buying a mini with 4G support, the speed is impressive.

Working hours

The stated operating time is about 10 hours of video playback; in fact, these figures are approximately true. Simply put, even if you fully use the tablet during the day, it will only run out in the evening. It is optimal to use the included power supply for charging; via USB this takes a very, very long time. In general, the food here is in perfect order.


It’s not the best device for photography, but if you don’t have a smartphone or camera at hand, it will do just fine, especially if you plan to post photos on Instagram later. Filters will help disguise not the best quality. The camera resolution is 5 MP, the front one is 1.2 MP, it supports HD video recording, autofocus and push-to-focus, face recognition, geotargeting, HDR. I really want to believe that the next iPad will have a camera at least like the iPhone 5.


What will happen to the iPad mini with Retina next year? I think you can guess it yourself. Firstly, they will work to reduce the weight and size of the device; this body has already served its purpose. Secondly, they will add TouchID, as in the iPhone 5S; the smartphone, as always, acts as a kind of platform for testing new technology. Thirdly, they will improve the camera, you can expect at least the same characteristics as the iPhone 5. New processor (A8?), and one more thing. For some, such changes will not be enough - I personally don’t think so.

Even seemingly minimal changes to the iPad mini with Retina have revived interest in this product. Yes, there is no such shortage as with the iPhone 5S, but demand is stable, retail is stocking up on new minis, and in November-December this will be one of the most popular gifts.

You can see the prices in the official Apple store in the screenshot, the cheapest tablet costs 15,990 rubles, the most expensive - 32,990 rubles. For myself, I chose the version with 64 GB of memory and 4G support; this mini costs 28,990 rubles. If you don't need 4G, you can save five thousand, not bad. The most popular tablets will be tablets with Wi-Fi capacity of 16/32 GB; we can already expect a shortage in the coming months.

In general about the device. Is the iPad mini any better? Yes, instead of a simple Retina screen, a different processor (and the difference in speed is noticeable), a version with 128 GB of memory has appeared. Is it worth upgrading your mini to a new one? Before doing this, I recommend going to the store and evaluating the display yourself. Only those who have already used mini will notice the difference; the rest will be satisfied with the first generation tablet.

In any case, this is one of the best tablets on the market in terms of all its characteristics, and if you are not satisfied with the size of the iPad Air, then go ahead and buy the iPad mini with Retina.

P.S. We will add a video to the review tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and by the end of the year we will try to publish the operating experience - if Artem has time, he will write this material. I know that Artem loves the iPad mini and can tell you a lot of interesting things.

The author expresses gratitude to the Computer Plaza store for providing the device for testing.

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Sergey Kuzmin ()