How to do safe search. How to disable safe search in VK: instructions

The social network provides users with the ability to use Safe Search, which is a feature enabled by default. If it is not necessary, you can deactivate it yourself. Before disabling safe search in VK, you should study the step-by-step guide so as not to encounter difficulties in the process.

Standard social network feature. Previously, it was used exclusively for video search. Today, Safe Search functions to search for communities and profiles. Due to this, there was a drop in traffic in many groups that received it from search.

Many high-quality communities failed to appear in the search results. The reason has not yet been established, because they do not contain unsafe content or propaganda. Despite this, the social network recognizes such groups as unsafe. To resolve the issue, you should write to technical support and remove the age restrictions; there are no other ways to search.

How to enable safe search in VK

To activate the function, just check the checkbox with the appropriate name located next to the “High quality” line. The function is activated automatically and does not require independent connection. As a rule, there is no special need for it, with the exception of age restrictions.

Disabling Safe Search

It is possible that there may be scenes of violence, photos of murders and road accidents.

How to remove safe search in VK on iPhone

Not every user can disable the filter on their smartphone. First you need to study the step-by-step guide:

  1. Open any browser and log into VK.
  2. Go through the menu to “Full version”.
  3. Open the “Videos” section.
  4. Turn on “Search Options”.
  5. We mark “No restrictions”.

How to turn off on a computer

To start a VKontakte search, just follow these steps:

  • Click on the line with the corresponding name or on the icon depicting a magnifying glass.
  • Enter a word or phrase, after which a list of information selected upon request will be displayed on the screen.

A corresponding menu for setting up the search will appear at the top, in which you can uncheck the box to deactivate safe search. This setup is much easier to do on a computer than in a mobile app.

Before removing safe search in VK, study all the necessary information. Follow the step-by-step guide to avoid any problem during the process.

IN VK". What kind of option is this anyway? Why is it needed? Understanding all these features is not as difficult as it seems. What does everyone need to know about this option and how to disable it?


Before you disable safe search in VK, you need to understand what we are talking about. The thing is that social networks use many data protection techniques. One of them is safe search.

If this option is enabled, some videos will be hidden from some users. If you try to find a hidden video through the search bar, you may not expect results. It's useless. To remove this restriction, you need to figure out how to disable safe search in VK. There are several options for the development of events.

Via browser

Let's start with the simplest solution - working with a browser. This technique allows you to refuse to use the previously mentioned function on any devices. To bring your idea to life, you need to:

  1. Open VK and log in to the service.
  2. Go to the "Search" menu item. You can go to the page
  3. Open the “Videos” item on the right side of the menu.
  4. Check the box next to "No restrictions".

After these steps, the mentioned mode will be removed. Now it’s clear how to disable safe search in VK on an iPhone or from any other device that has Internet access and the ability to work with a browser. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems.


There is another rather interesting technique. We'll tell you how to disable safe search in VK on iPhone without the browser. To do this, you can use a specialized application for the social network you are studying. iPhones support downloading the program for mobile devices from VK. After installing it you need:

  1. Launch the appropriate program.
  2. Log in to the social network using your profile.
  3. Open the menu and go to the "Videos" section.
  4. Type one or another query in the search bar. After that, open "Search Options".
  5. Uncheck the "Safe Search" box.
  6. Exit the menu and view the results that appear.

We hope you understand how to disable safe search in VK. But not all browsers and third-party applications for working with the social network have the mentioned option. Therefore, it will not be possible everywhere to abandon the initially established restrictions.


The task of how to disable safe search in VK will no longer seem difficult to you. This is a fairly simple operation and not too difficult to handle. Especially if you use official applications for working with VK.

There are no more options for the development of events. Disabling Safe Search, as already mentioned, is not always available. And the VK administration has not yet shown any plans to develop other methods for bypassing Safe Search.

Will any third-party programs help in achieving this task? No. No utility can disable safe search on the VKontakte social network. Only official applications. The Safe Search option can limit access to videos or remove existing restrictions.

IN VK". What kind of option is this anyway? Why is it needed? Understanding all these features is not as difficult as it seems. What does everyone need to know about this option and how to disable it?


Before you disable safe search in VK, you need to understand what we are talking about. The thing is that social networks use many data protection techniques. One of them is safe search.

If this option is enabled, some videos will be hidden from some users. If you try to find a hidden video through the search bar, you may not expect results. It's useless. To remove this restriction, you need to figure out how to disable safe search in VK. There are several options for the development of events.

Via browser

Let's start with the simplest solution - working with a browser. This technique allows you to refuse to use the previously mentioned function on any devices. To bring your idea to life, you need to:

  1. Open VK and log in to the service.
  2. Go to the "Search" menu item. You can go to the page
  3. Open the “Videos” item on the right side of the menu.
  4. Check the box next to "No restrictions".

After these steps, the mentioned mode will be removed. Now it’s clear how to disable safe search in VK on an iPhone or from any other device that has Internet access and the ability to work with a browser. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems.


There is another rather interesting technique. We'll tell you how to disable safe search in VK on iPhone without the browser. To do this, you can use a specialized application for the social network you are studying. iPhones support downloading the program for mobile devices from VK. After installing it you need:

  1. Launch the appropriate program.
  2. Log in to the social network using your profile.
  3. Open the menu and go to the "Videos" section.
  4. Type one or another query in the search bar. After that, open "Search Options".
  5. Uncheck the "Safe Search" box.
  6. Exit the menu and view the results that appear.

We hope you understand how to disable safe search in VK. But not all browsers and third-party applications for working with the social network have the mentioned option. Therefore, it will not be possible everywhere to abandon the initially established restrictions.


The task of how to disable safe search in VK will no longer seem difficult to you. This is a fairly simple operation and not too difficult to handle. Especially if you use official applications for working with VK.

There are no more options for the development of events. Disabling Safe Search, as already mentioned, is not always available. And the VK administration has not yet shown any plans to develop other methods for bypassing Safe Search.

Will any third-party programs help in achieving this task? No. No utility can disable safe search on the VKontakte social network. Only official applications. The Safe Search option can limit access to videos or remove existing restrictions.

Hello. Today you probably won’t meet a single person on the Internet who hasn’t searched for something on the World Wide Web. We use search engines to find information. The most popular in RuNet are Yandex and Google. But the Internet is an insidious thing, you should never forget about your safety. Even when using search. After all, in response to our request, the search engine provides links to sites that match our request. And it may happen that the search turns up sites with viruses or unwanted content, especially for our children.

Today we’ll look at how to make your search safe. Let's start with Yandex.

Yandex Safe Search

We go to the main page of the yandex search engine. Now, in order to get to Settings, we need to log in to our account. Click the “Login” button in the upper right corner of the browser and enter your data.

After this we are taken to the settings selection page. There are enough of them. We won't look at everything today. We are interested in Search results settings

Select it and go to the search results settings page

Let's look at some of them.

Description of the found document. The default is Standard. If you want the description of the document to be more complete, select the Advanced mode. See the screenshot below for how the document description will be given in this case.

Next are the results page settings. Here you can specify the number of documents on one page. And how they will open: in a new window or in the same one. For convenience, it is recommended to open in a new window. This way, you can always open the search page and select another document.

Let's move on to the Search Area. Here you can specify in which languages ​​to search for documents.

And this is the setting for which we came here. Page filtering. Has three modes: No limits- filtering is completely disabled, Moderate filter- with this mode, sites with erotic content are excluded from search results, Family search- excludes sites containing profanity (swear words) and porn. Based on this, if you want to protect yourself and your children from harmful sites, select the “Family Search” mode. To disable Safe Mode, select No Restrictions mode. In this case, you use the search at your own risk.

If you often use Yandex search and want to store all your queries and view search results, then in the “My Finds” section, enable the history recording process.

To view your requests, delete them and stop recording, go to and select

Google Safe Search

Go to the page, enter some query, press Enter. Next, a gear icon will appear in the upper right corner, click on it and select Search Settings

We get to the search settings page

We are interested in the first item, Safe Search. You can find out what it is from the description. Its goal is the same as that of Yandex - hiding information about adult sites, sexual content and pictures. To enable Safe Search, click on the “Enable Safe Search settings protection” link.

You will then be asked to enter your account password. Next we will go to a page where we can enable safe search mode by pressing the corresponding key

After a few seconds we will go to a page where we will be notified that safe mode is now enabled

From now on, you and your children are more protected from unwanted search results.

Today we learned how to make the search more secure for ourselves and our children. Good luck to all. See you soon.

Be hard on yourself and gentle on others. This way you will protect yourself from human hostility.
