How to find out if your partner is using Tinder without you knowing. How to find a person’s personal data from a photo on Tinder and how to protect yourself from it. Experiment on ordinary people

Polina Todorova

Online dating app Tinder uses data to assign each user a "desirability" rating. Austin Carr, journalist for FastCompany, how this rating is calculated and how attractive it is. What came out of this, read the translation of his notes.

How welcome are you? You may not know, but every user of this popular online dating app receives an internal rating: the company determines the most and least desirable people using its services. This rating is not available to the public, but Tinder recently gave me access to it - and I really regretted it.

Inside the company, it is called the “Elo rating” - just like the term from the world of chess, which is used to calculate a player’s skill level. Tinder's rating system processes the database to find the best "matches" (matches). This system uses compatibility ratings to show more options for a possible date. But I, like probably most Tinder users, have a hard time thinking that this rating doesn't actually provide an absolute measure of attractiveness. Should a company show this rating to users? And if she gave such an opportunity, would you like to know him?

Tinder CEO Sean Rad confirmed that internal ratings do exist. According to him, he has an “above average” rating. However, Red emphasized that technically it does not show the level of attractiveness, but the degree of “desirability”, since the rating is not determined only by your profile photo.

“It's not just the number of people who swipe right when they see your profile,” Red explained. - Everything is very difficult. It took us two and a half months to create the algorithm because it had to take into account many factors.”

Red didn't go into detail, but one can easily imagine that the "desirability" rating is formed from large quantity data. How many people you swiped right at saw did the same? How many of them didn't? Have you included education and career information in your profile? And everything like that.

Jonathan Badin, Tinder's vice president of product, says the system is reminiscent of ratings in the video game Warcraft.

“Once upon a time I played this game. If you played against a high-rated player, you would get more points at the end of the match than if you played against a lower-rated opponent,” he said. “The system is able to match users faster and more accurately when it is based on who they typically play against.”

But despite the complexity of Tinder's algorithm, in the end it all comes down to a "mass voting system," as company analyst Chris Dumler puts it.

"Every time you swipe right on one person and left on another, you're saying, 'This user is more attractive than that one,'" Dumler said. - Each swipe is a kind of vote: I think this person is more desirable. And it doesn’t matter how you motivated your decision. Perhaps this user looks more attractive, or maybe he just has a nicely filled out profile.”

Tinder engineers said they can use this information to understand which profiles people are more attracted to overall.

But usually Tinder users like something “in common.”

“People are attracted to all sorts of things, even at the level of a profile photo: some people like facial hair, some don't. The same goes for tattoos, photos of pets and children, too-nice outdoor shots, or photos of you and a tiger, says Thor Solly-Nowlan, a data engineer. So a photo of you skydiving may or may not be attractive. various reasons- someone will appreciate the spirit of adventure, while others will like the way you look. “This (Elo) rating does not provide an absolute measure of attractiveness.”

These days, tech companies often assign ratings to their users—and for good reason. Currently in the field

According to a VTsIOM survey, 35% of Russians meet online. The Tinder service is only three years old, but it has completely changed our attitude towards sex - now we can meet at work, on the street and on the subway, but not with the “real” people around us. Now, in 2015, does the ease and speed with which we can get sex affect our daily reality and capacity for fidelity and intimacy?

Dating sites are said to have changed people's courtship rituals in the same way that the transition from hunting to farming once transformed a nomad into a family-friendly man. Moralists accuse (the service has more than 20 million users, more than 1.5 million couples are created on it every day), and others popular apps and dating sites in devaluing relationships: why go on dates and strive to start a family if after an hour on the Internet you have a choice with whom to spend this evening, tomorrow, and so on?

But is there anything to depreciate in 2015? If you look at the situation in Moscow, where the ratio of men to women is about the same as in New York (46% versus 54%), most of the city’s active population meets on social networks and applications. The most progressive ones prefer Tinder, Badoo and, which are considered resources for people over 35, and for teenagers 17-20 years old. Marriage statistics after the serious setbacks of 1998-99 are at approximately the same level, regardless of technological innovation. But the fact remains: the average middle-aged person recent years 3-4 sits in the subway or cafe, buried in a smartphone, and does not pester passers-by on the streets with the offer: “Girl, let’s get acquainted,” as in old Soviet films. It's funny that Tinder, which has only been around for three years (an insignificant number in a historical and evolutionary sense), and other applications are often used by us for the anthropological study of others out of interest and vanity, and not for the conscious search for temporary or permanent partners. Ask your friends what they think about online dating, and the most common complaint you'll hear from women is that men are passive and uninventive, and men complain about boredom.

“To be honest, I’m too lazy to invite someone over, make coffee, all that. That’s why there haven’t been any dates yet.”

18-year-old student Sofia says: “Sometimes they write such nonsense in Hot or Not that it’s almost impossible to find a couple there. These are either the obscene fantasies of a pubescent teenager, or something like “girl, can I meet you?” Well, who will react to this?

PR manager Anna (25 years old) admits that she has been on Tinder for a year: “I have 5415 matches! And I have paid account, I'm a geek, I like to have fun with Internet activities. I correspond a lot, but there were only two dates. I would date everyone, but really active profiles few, everyone writes platitudes or is silent. Therefore, at some point I decided to use Tinder as a PR person - to increase the number of subscribers on Instagram.”

35-year-old promoter Oleg has been using the application since May: “I set the age filter to 18-22. I have a lot of matches, and I often write first. But as soon as I realize that I am receiving meaningless nonsense in response, I stop. And, to be honest, I’m too lazy to invite someone over, make coffee, all that. That’s why there haven’t been any dates yet.”

Just as in the good old days, meeting someone in a crowded club did not guarantee one hundred percent success, so apps with dating sites actually do not guarantee that the girl that matches your profile will turn out to be the one you imagined her to be. No matter how many guys look at you on the dance floor, no matter how many girls make eyes at you, not all of them will offer you a drink and not all will agree to accept your offer to go to the bar to chat. And even if the second the stage will pass successfully, you won’t necessarily have sex.

Women often cite ageism and sexism as the main reasons for unsuccessful dating. Men, on the contrary, assure that age is not a hindrance, and failures happen only from a divergence of interests.

"I use it to find adventure and interesting people, and what follows from this - sex, relationships or just a crazy story for the grandchildren - will become clear in the process.”

Olga, 38, a lawyer, says that for now she left her real age in her profile, Russian men were not at all interested in her: “I conducted an experiment and changed the age to 26. That same evening, more than twenty guys of different ages wrote to me. When I changed it back, almost everyone left immediately. I can see it happening: “Oh, what a photo! Like! How many? 38??? Delete, urgently delete the old woman!”

At the same time, women claim that ageism is characteristic mainly of the Russian part of Tinder.

DJ Denis (26 years old) has been using Tinder for two years, but not regularly: “During active use, there can be up to several dates a week. For me, it’s not just sex that’s the main incentive to use the app. For me personally, the benefit of Tinder is the opportunity to meet people I would never otherwise meet in real life. I use it to find adventures and interesting people, and what follows from this - sex, relationships or just a crazy story for my grandchildren - will become clear in the process. Among my acquaintances there are examples of happy relationships after meeting on Tinder; recently there was even one wedding. So anything is possible - the main thing is to keep your head free from prejudice. I don't use an age filter. Firstly, there are girls who like to joke about being 99 years old, and secondly, it can be interesting with older ladies.”

Tinder's "conveyor" system disappoints many Russian users. Therefore, many people stop using the application or view it as a game. 26-year-old journalist Anna says she recently downloaded Tinder because her man was always on it: “He kept bragging: “I already have 300 matches, I already have 350 matches. Well, I set it up and made 70 pairs in a week. I don’t talk to any of them, it’s just a competition with my boyfriend.”

There are also people who possibility of easy sex and constant flirting are scary. 27-year-old manager Natalya does not meet people on Tinder, since she regards it as an application only for sex: “That is, it turns out that I give a signal to people that serious relationship I don't care. But I don’t want to waste time on empty meetings, without feelings, attachments and obligations. Correspondence gives a very incomplete picture of a person. A profile is a myth; a person puts up certain photographs of himself in order to present himself with the best side. But in life, everything is far from ideal. And how can one prefer even the most intellectual correspondence to live communication?”

Angelica, a 35-year-old producer, met about a dozen times, mostly with foreigners: “I was never looking for romance there, it’s an app for sex. Finding a permanent lover using the application is not a problem. But then I decided that I was tired of non-binding meetings and gave it up, I was more interested in reality.”

“Because of electricity, I completely stopped being interested in nature. An imperfect thing,” Mayakovsky wrote in 1922.

Tinder unexpectedly revived the themes of loneliness in the metropolis, the lack of romance and the triumph of cynicism, calculation and quick sex. Most likely, when agriculture replaced hunting, and when it, in turn, was replaced by manufacturing, and the technical revolution moved the healthy male population in search of work from villages and suburbs to cities, panic also occurred in society at first. Any round of technological development requires a period of adaptation to new phenomena: they sometimes introduce new strange habits into our lives, and sometimes give rise to new diseases. First computer games gave rise to gaming addiction. The availability of pornography has fueled cases of sexual obsession. Now, in 2015, does the ease and speed with which we can get sex affect our daily reality and capacity for fidelity and intimacy?

Internet dating has changed the life of every owner personal computer back in the 1990s, when a slow modem connection already made it possible to chat on any topic with a selected person on the other end globe. Instantly appeared sex chats existed even despite the fact that the network space was not yet safe: it was impossible to complain to anyone about indecent proposals, there was no pre-moderation, and video cameras on computers were science fiction. This did not prevent anyone from having sex online and meeting first online, and then in real life. Dating sites, and then social networks and instant messengers, made online dating even more convenient. And with the advent of Skype and smartphones with cameras, everything has become even easier. Indeed, the abundance of online contacts corrupts: people quickly get bored of each other, there is always the illusion of an alternative, it is difficult to settle on one partner and stop searching.

But this is just a side effect of progress. In fact, we are turning into creatures who can guess the mood of our interlocutor from a couple of words. personal messages on Facebook, declaring your love using emoji slang, understanding people faster than our parents, based on the nuances of behavior on the Internet, without ever seeing these people. Rather, it makes sense to talk not about the end of “old-fashioned” sexual relationships, but about the formation of a new person who quickly and sensitively reacts to the world around him. “Because of electricity, I completely stopped being interested in nature. An imperfect thing,” Mayakovsky wrote in 1922. As we can see, nature is still the same, electricity brings comfort to our lives, and people continue to be interested in both.

05.06.2018 23:29 1 question: How does Tinder work and how to use it?
Answer: Tinder is quite popular mobile app for Android and Apple iOS. With it, you can quickly find a partner for a romantic relationship thanks to the geolocation settings and the search window. In order to have this application on your phone, you need to go to App Store or Google Play Store and download Tinder. In order to create your account, you need to have a Facebook page.

2. Question: How to use the Tinder app?
Answer: The application itself works on the “mutual like” principle. If you want to show that you like a person, press the “heart”. In case of mutual interest, that is, if the applicant also “liked” you, the application “introduces” you. After this, the couple can freely communicate directly directly in the application via chat.

3. Question: How to get Tinder plus for free?
Answer: Tinder Plus is an extension that has additional features. This function only paid and on this moment You can't buy it for free.

4. Question: Tinder plus how to cancel paid subscription?
Answer: To cancel your Tinder Plus subscription, all you have to do is not pay for a while, and it will stop automatically.

5. Question: How to get Tinder gold for free?
Answer: Tinder Gold is an improved extension of Tinder Plus, thanks to which you can quickly start a chat and find out in advance who liked you. It cannot be purchased for free either, only by subscription.

6. Question: How to change your name on Tinder?
Answer: To change your name on Tinder, you need to go to your Fb page in settings, click edit and change your name. You can only change your first and last name once a month.

7. Question: How to see who liked and super liked on Tinder
Answer: You can like or super like on Tindere. You will receive a notification that someone has “liked” you. The one who put the mark will be highlighted in blue.

8. Question: How to meet people on Tinder?
Answer: You can start getting acquainted with those candidates who “liked” you or with whom the application connected you.

9. Question: How to use Tinder for free?
Answer: The Tinder app is free, you can only pay for the Tinder Plus and Tinder Gold extensions.

10. Question: How to write and chat on Tinder?
Answer: The application advises having a casual conversation, without aggression. The best thing to do is to remain yourself and try to get to know your interlocutor better.

11. Question: How to delete a profile on Tinder?
Answer: You can delete your Tinder account by finding the settings. At the very end of the menu there will be an option to delete your account. Return deleted profile impossible.

12. Question: How to find specific person on Tinder?
Answer: In order to find a specific person in the application, you need to enter his last name and first name into the search window, and if possible, indicate his age. If unsuccessful, technical support will help you within three days.

13. Question: How to write a message on Tinder?
Answer: To start a conversation on Tinder, you need to click on the dialogue icon and write a message or continue the conversation.

14. Question: How to update Tinder ios and android?
Answer: To prevent Tinder app crashes, it is recommended to update it more often. To do this, you need to open the Store and find Tinder. If the application requires an update, you will see the button say "update". Just click on it and wait a while.

15. Question: How to sign up for Tinder without Facebook?
Answer: Unfortunately, you cannot register on Tinder without having a Facebook page. If you don't want to spread confidential information from his Facebook account, it is possible to do new page with minimal information on it.

16. Question: How to remove interests on Tinder?
Answer: If you do not want to reveal a lot of information about yourself, you can remove your interests or hide them in the application itself. To do this, you need to go to your profile settings.

17. Question: How to unfollow Tinder?
Answer: To cancel your Tinder subscription, you need to go to the app store and open the options menu. Next, find your applications and Tinder is among them. Then cancel your subscription.

18. Question: How to change age on Tinder?
Answer: If you want to change your age, you need to go to your Facebook profile and edit necessary information, after which you need to delete your Tinder account, since without this the information will not be updated. Then download the application again.

19. Question: Tinder how to delete profile?
Answer: To permanently delete your profile from the Tinder application, you need to perform a number of steps. First cancel all paid and free subscriptions, remove the application itself from the phone and delete it from iTunes. Next, it’s best to write to the Tinder administration and ask them to delete all personal information. The last step The application will be removed from Facebook in the settings.

20. Question: Instagram which Tinder account is connected?
Answer: If you have an Instagram account, then it is possible to connect it to your profile. The latest photos from your account will be visible to other Tinder users. But users will also see your name in Instagram networks.

21. Question: How to change interests on Tinder?
Answer: If you want to change your interests on Tinder, you need to go to the settings and select “edit personal data.” Next, find the “interests” item and change the data to the desired ones.

22. Question: How to find matches on Tinder?
Answer: To find your match faster, try clicking the “like” mark more often.

23. Question: What does swiping look like on Tinder?
Answer: If you don’t like the user, you need to click the cross among the buttons at the bottom of the screen. You can also swipe across the screen for this action, or it’s easier to “swipe”, this is called a swipe.

24. Question: How to delete a couple on Tinder?
Answer: If you want to remove a couple from Tinder, you need to go into a conversation with this user and under his photo there will be a “remove from couples” function.

25. Question: Why doesn't anyone message on Tinder?
Answer: If no one is messaging you on Tinder, it may be because you haven't turned on the discovery feature. No one will see you unless you have the “show me on Tinder” feature enabled. To activate the feature, you need to press the red flame icon and then the corresponding button.

26. Question: Why are there no matches (can't find anyone) on Tinder?
Answer: It often happens that a user does not have any matches on Tinder. To avoid this, you should expand your geolocation geographically, change the desired age limits for other users and edit your profile (write more about yourself, upload other photos).

Many of us know about the Tinder app, which allows us to meet new people.

An e-book dedicated to this application was recently published. The author of the book is known as Max. Max claims that his book is based on "the generally accepted psychology of seduction" (sounds nice, whatever that means).

At first glance, it seems that the book was created specifically for pick-up artists who want to use one of the dating apps to increase their list of conquered female hearts.

But the author of the book says that this is not so. His the main objective- save people’s time and save users from the embarrassment that often accompanies new acquaintances. Tinder, according to Max, is not only an application for fleeting and meaningless dates, but also great way meet women you would never dare approach in real life.

Here are the top tips for men who like to hook up on Tinder.

1. Tinder is more than just a casual dating app.

Max says many people describe Tinder as an app for one-night stands. But this is wrong: only horny young ladies do not sit on Tinder. Essentially, the girls you meet on Tinder are not much different from the girls you would meet in a bar, for example.

“Understand that getting the attention of a girl you really like on Tinder is much more difficult than if you met her, for example, alone in a bar.

Imagine: you need to convince a girl who has never seen you in person to spend time with you face to face. And yes, do not forget that a lady should prefer meeting with you over meeting a man she knows or with millions of other guys who are also Tinder users.

But there is also good news: according to the law large numbers, you will achieve much more on Tinder more success than in a bar. Besides there is various tips, with which you can increase your chances of success."

2. Be the perfect lover

“I would like to mention about one guy with whom I had the opportunity to communicate on the Internet. His name is Ryan Gosling. He was brought up in such a way that he could not even think about offending women in any way, and always tried in every possible way to look after and take care of them.

Men like Ryan, who have so much respect for women, can be overly shy by nature and will never dare to approach and meet a lady on the street or start flirting with her in a bar.

This is the guy that millions of women dream about, but in real life they rarely pay attention to him. If you use the “ideal lover” approach, you can pleasantly surprise a woman.

This approach is successful because it applies to most girls. Don't forget that after network communication you have to meet a girl in real life, and then Ryan Gosling has to turn into James Bond.”

3. Set the optimal search range

Don’t rush to immediately look for a girlfriend thousands of kilometers away from you. Start small and increase your search range gradually. This way you will prioritize and increase your chances of success.

4. Take a high-quality photo for your profile

Here's what Max advises about your profile photo.

Do not post photos:

  • If it only shows your face.
  • In the frame you are standing somewhere far away.
  • You are out of focus.
  • You put on too serious a face.
  • You are captured with another person.
  • The photo looks blurry. Even girls have already stopped using this boring effect.
  • Darkened photos, as well as photos in which you are wearing glasses. Black and white photographs are also not acceptable.

Instead of this:

  • Take a photo of just you. The absence of strangers in the photograph ensures that the viewer will not be distracted by anyone.
  • Avoid exclusively portrait photos.
  • In the photo you should be looking at the camera.
  • Smile naturally, not fakely.
  • It is not forbidden to use various photo editors to correct minor appearance flaws such as acne or adjust the brightness of a photo. However, don't overdo it: you should, of course, be the best version yourself, but try to make sure that stranger, after looking at your photo on Tinder, he was later able to recognize you on the street.
  • Put some message into the photo. Show that you're stylish, show that you travel a lot, or show off your great fitness.

5. Scroll instead of clicking on the cross or heart

Max advises not to click on the cross or heart, but to scroll through it - this takes less time. In his book, Max examines the advantages and disadvantages of these methods. But despite the fact that, according to Max, using swipe is preferable, this method also has disadvantages. We spend less time studying the user's photo, and we can like or dislike purely intuitively, without thinking at all, and miss the person who deserves our attention.

6. Don't go on Tinder too often

“Of course, you can view photos and like them at any time of the day or night. However, it is best to do this in free time, for example, when you are waiting for something or someone. Or when you just can't find more useful way pastime.

If you combine gatherings on Tinder with some important matters, then you will not pay due attention to your activity in the application.

Even though Tinder won't take up much of your time, don't let it interfere with your relationship. Everyday life. Don't stay there for hours, but go once every one or two days.

Such time intervals are also good because it will allow the application to select the most suitable ones for you. active users. In addition, some people may view your time last approach on Tinder. And when you notice that a person logs into the application every five minutes, thoughts immediately appear like “Does he have nothing else to do?”, “Will he constantly pester me with his eternal online" etc.

Give the girls time, don’t bombard them with likes, but wait until they start giving you hearts. This way you will definitely be on top.”

7. Don't be too picky

Let's be honest: Tinder doesn't only feature girls who look like models. In addition, men tend to embellish their appearance, forgetting that they themselves are also far from ideal.

So don’t be too picky, and if appearance is so important to you, then get yourself a rating scale from 1 to 10 and mark only those ladies who you can give the highest (or almost the highest) rating on your scale.

8. Best time to chat on Tinder

Tinder, according to Max, has prime time:

  • Monday - Thursday from 19:00 to 23:00;
  • Friday - Saturday from 15:00 to 21:00;
  • Sunday from 16:00 to 23:00.

For example, Sunday is ideal for relaxation and some activity that doesn't bother you, like Tinder. This is the perfect day to set up dates for the coming week, because it is on Sunday that girls do not so often shy away from communicating with you using the favorite phrase “Sorry, I’m busy right now.”

Hundreds of girls from different cities followed a friend's advice and installed Tinder last weekend. On Sunday you have a lot of free time to make acquaintances with “newly minted” young ladies.

9. Find out who the girl you just met is

The information contained in a Tinder profile is clearly not enough to get a complete picture of a person and understand whether he is worth your attention. But there is a simple solution: find the girl you met through the app on Facebook. This way you can learn about her interests, understand what kind of people she prefers to communicate with, and also see more of her photos.

10. Don't rush things

Max advises: “Take your time, don’t rush the horses. You should not insist on a meeting immediately after a five-minute correspondence. Yes, it is quite possible that the girl with whom you have a mutual sympathy (even if it is purely virtual) sees you as a potential partner. But if you immediately start making unambiguous hints and insisting too zealously on a meeting, you will cause hostility and alienation from most girls.”

11. Apparently, racy images are not bad.

In his book, Max says that he always thought that sending racy images was the lot of Internet perverts and other sexually anxious people. But then he mentions a man who was his traveling companion on one of his trips. This person regularly sent intimate photos girls on Tinder - apparently with great success.

Tinder is a smartphone application designed for dating. It appeared in the USA back in 2012. But we learned about it relatively recently. Literally, Tinder is pronounced as “kindling for a fire.” That is, this service is designed to easily and simply rekindle relationships between people who want a relationship. And using such a thing is more than convenient.

What is Tinder?

In general, this is the simplest application. But what distinguishes it is the ability to widely use geolocation. That is, you not only see the interlocutor, but also know approximately where he lives. This is very convenient for finding a soul mate in your area or even on your block.

The main functions of this thing are:

  1. Communication by mutual consent. That is, you like someone’s profile. The user likes your profile. If he ignores, there will be no conversation;
  2. Pimping. You can introduce your friend to someone. This further simplifies the process of finding a match;
  3. Sorting. All users are divided by place of residence, interests, etc.;
  4. Instant photos. You can post photos that will be deleted after a day. If someone doesn't seize the moment, they won't see your photos.

In addition, there are many paid features. For example, you can buy super likes. After all, usually only one such gesture of attention is available per day.

You can purchase a package that does not include advertising. You can also buy the ability to view the profiles of all people, regardless of their location.

There is also a paid step back, which allows you to rewind an incorrect action.

How does the Tinder app work?

This application works through close cooperation with Google maps. This allows you to accurately calculate the location of people.

In addition, targeting principles are fully applied here. That is, people are grouped by various parameters, so that you can choose someone you like.

As already mentioned, Tinder works on the principle of mutual sympathy. Therefore, if you are not liked, then you cannot write to the user.

In addition, likes are placed here by swiping your finger across the screen. If you swipe right, the user will see your like. If to the left, the person will be removed from the dating list.

How to use?

In order to use Tinder you need to go to the application store and enter the name there this messenger in English.

Then download the application and install it on your smartphone. You will then be asked to log in using your Facebook account. Without registration in this social network you won't be able to activate Tinder.

Thus, Tinder is a typical dating site, only in a more modern format. Don't get your hopes up too high. But this new modern toy is definitely worth a try.