Which DNS server is better to register when the standard one does not work. What is DNS, how DNS works and why domains don’t start working right away

A DNS server is a service that, based on a site's IP address, provides its alphabetic name. It is necessary for stable operation Internet networks. There is also such a thing as MDNS. This is essentially one computer network that accepts broadcast requests from various hosts, and in return issues an address for everyone.

How it works

If there are DNS servers in every company, then it is logical to assume that there are also public ones. They are registered under different large companies. For example, Google or Yandex. Benefits of public DNS is that they work around the clock and without interruption. This is due to the fact that corporations have backup servers.

Using public addresses allows users be sure that the communication channel will be stable. That is, if the client’s equipment from the provider that provided their DNS servers suddenly stops working, then an excellent alternative is Google or Yandex.

The second important factor is that the level of public servers is much higher compared to a local provider.

Yandex DNS

Yandex Corporation offers its public addresses at a tariff. The table below provides a description of Internet filters.

Protocols DNS Base Safe Family
IPv4 Primary
IPv4 Secondary
IPv6 Primary 2a02:6b8::feed:0ff 2a02:6b8::feed:bad 2a02:6b8::feed:a11
IPv6 Secondary 2a02:6b8:0:1::feed:0ff 2a02:6b8:0:1::feed:bad 2a02:6b8:0:1::feed:a11

You may notice that Yandex immediately offers options for the modern IP protocol version 6.

Let's consider What's the Difference between these three modes.

  1. « Base" Minimal functionality. Performs only DNS server functions;
  2. « Safe" Based on the name, it offers additional protection for the user’s workstation from scammers, bots and various phishing attacks;
  3. « Family" You can call it the full version. Added to all of the above are the functions of blocking web resources and advertisements that contain erotic or pornographic content.

For the most well-known router models (Asus, ZyXel, TP-Link), vendors have released firmware adapted for Yandex.DNS. That is, after the initial setup of a network device, the user, when connecting to the Internet, will use public addresses from Yandex.

Google public DNS

Google addresses look like this:

Google doesn't offer any additional features or separate pricing. The user simply enters these addresses, and the workstation automatically starts using them.

Other servers

In addition to the above services, there are other equally well-known public sites.


One of the original ones is Cisco Umbrella or the better known name OpenDNS.

Addresses, which users can use: preferred - and alternative -

Full portal in English. There are separate instructions on how to configure addresses on the equipment. The web resource can block sites with erotic content and protects against certain types of network attacks.

Available paid and free rates. The difference is in functionality and data transfer speed. OpenDNS also provides the ability to independently configure a content filter to suit the user’s tasks.


The third, no less famous project is Level3DNS. It provides the addresses: and

The company is a well-known provider, which means they have servers that keep DNS services running smoothly. The functionality is almost the same as OpenDNS. Tariff plans available for both personal (home) use and corporate clients. The provider registers all outgoing requests from users in its database.


The next project is DNS.Watch. One of the service representatives who does not register user requests. To use it no registration required, unlike the above. It offers options at both the IP version 4 and version 6 protocol levels.

Unfortunately, for Russian consumers there is a significant drawback - long delay when accessing: over 100 ms.

List of addresses: and

Comodo Secure DNS

Another representative in the public DNS address market is Comodo Secure DNS. This is one of the projects of the famous antivirus software provider – Comodo.

List of addresses: and

There are many functions available on the site other than DNS, but most of them require payment. The domain name service itself is free.


And the last project on the list is Sky DNS. This is a representative of the Russian public address market.

Exists four main directions: for home use, for schoolchildren, for the corporate segment and separately for providers. The service is paid, but a test mode is available for 15 calendar days. To use SkyDNS services you need to register.

For each direction, the portal has developed its own rules and filters.

How to set up a DNS server

Below you will find instructions for different operating systems on how to configure and enable DNS servers. Disabling occurs in exactly the same way, but in this case we delete the addresses.

Settings in Windows 8, 8.1, 10

In the lower right corner, click on the sign, as shown in the screenshot below, using the right mouse button.

In the window that opens, select the item marked in red. This is the name of the local network on the workstation.

Next, select the item “ Properties».

Mark the protocol with the left mouse button, and then click on “ Properties».

A dialog box will open in which you will need to indicate DNS addresses manually.

As an example, data from Google Corporation was used.

After that, close all windows using the “ OK».

Now you need to call command line(key combination Win+R, then type the command “cmd”). We write in it the following: ipconfig /flushdns. The command will update the DNS cache, which will allow you to use Google addresses without restarting your computer. If nothing has changed, then the workstation will still have to be rebooted.

Changing Settings in Windows 7

On a PC running Windows 7, the principle of operation is exactly the same. The only difference is system interface, which are slightly different from 8.1 or 10 versions.

After entering the DNS server addresses, be sure to run the command to clear the DNS cache. This was discussed in the previous section.

Settings on MacOS

The appearance of the MacOS operating system differs from the familiar Windows interface. We will attach screenshots to the instructions below to make the principle of operation clearer. As an example, addresses from SkyDns are used.

Click on the apple icon in the upper right corner, then “”.

The control panel will open. Select the section " Net».

Further consider two options. The first is that the user is using an AirPort wireless connection. Click on it and select “ Additionally».

In the new window, select the “DNS” tab and enter the required address.

The second option is that the client uses a wired connectionEthernet. Let's choose it.

As you can see from the screenshot above, the fields are immediately available to the user to fill out. Enter the required address. We also close the window with “OK”.

After all operations are completed, the workstation it is recommended to reboot.

Changing servers on Android

Let's now move on to mobile platforms. On the device, open the settings and go to the “ Wi-Fi" Select the required wireless connection.

The control panel will open. Select “IP Settings”.

Install static address.

A window will appear on the screen of your mobile device wireless connection settings. Enter the required public addresses.

Changing DNS on iOS

On a mobile device running iOS, you can also change addresses manually. Opening Phone settings, and select the “Wi-Fi” section.

Click on the icon next to the wireless connection, as shown in the screenshot below.

Will open configuration window. Select the “DNS” item and enter the required address.

This completes the setup. Exit the menu and reconnect via Wi-Fi.

Registering addresses on the router

If you also need to change parameters on the router, then first you need to go to control Panel via any browser. The solution is discussed using the example of the TP-Link TL-WR841N router. Next, select the “Network” section, “ WAN».

The screenshot shows the fields where you need to register public DNS servers. We indicate them. Next, press the button “ Save" The router must now be rebooted for the changes to take effect. Settings for all routers are identical, only slight differences in the interface.

In this article you will learn everything about the best DNS servers. We have compiled a list where you can find out all the information you need.

Your ISP automatically assigns DNS servers when your router or computer connects to the Internet via DHCP. But you shouldn't use them.

Below are free DNS servers that you can use instead of the assigned ones, the best and most reliable ones, such as those from Google and OpenDNS, can be found below:

Advice. Primary DNS servers are sometimes called preferred DNS servers, and secondary DNS servers are sometimes called alternate DNS servers. The primary and secondary DNS servers can be "mixed and matched" to provide another level of redundancy.

In general, DNS servers are called by all sorts of names such as DNS servers, Internet DNS servers, Internet servers, DNS DNS addresses, etc.

Why use different DNS servers?

One of the reasons why you may would need change the DNS servers assigned by your ISP - this is a suspicion that there is a problem with the ones you are using now. A simple way to test for a DNS server problem is to enter the website's IP address in your browser. If you can navigate to a website with an IP address but not that name, then the DNS server is likely having problems.

Another reason to change DNS servers is if you are looking for more effective service. Many people complain that their ISP-maintained DNS servers are sluggish and contribute to slower overall browsing.

Another increasingly common reason for using third party DNS servers is to prevent your web activity from being logged and to bypass blocking of certain websites.

Be aware, however, that not all DNS servers avoid logging traffic. If this is what you need, make sure you read all the details about the server so you know if it's the one you want to use.

Main functions

Finally, in case of any confusion, free DNS servers do not give you free internet access! You still need an ISP to connect to it for access - DNS servers simply translate IP addresses and domain names.

Verizon DNS servers and other ISP-defined DNS servers. The best DNS servers are presented in the form of a list, which you can find below.

If, on the other hand, you want to use DNS servers that are defined by your specific ISP, such as Verizon, AT&T, Comcast/XFINITY, etc., then do not manually set DNS server addresses manually. They are automatically assigned.

Verizon DNS servers are often listed elsewhere as,,, and/or, but they are actually alternatives to the Layer 3 DNS server addresses shown in the table above . Verizon, like most ISPs, prefers to balance DNS server traffic through local automatic assignments. For example, Verizon's primary DNS server in Atlanta, Georgia is, and in Chicago it is

Many of the DNS providers listed above have different levels of service (OpenDNS, Norton ConnectSafe, etc.), IPv6 DNS servers (Google, DNS.WATCH, etc.) and location-based servers (OpenNIC).


While you don't need to know anything other than what I've included in the table above, this bonus information may be useful for some of you depending on your needs:

  1. The free DNS servers listed above as Level3 will automatically route to the nearest DNS server operated by Level3 Communications, the company that provides most US ISPs with access to the Internet backbone. Alternatives are,,,, and These servers are often listed as Verizon's DNS servers, but that's technically not the case. See discussion above.
  2. Verisign says this regarding its free DNS servers: "We will not sell your public DNS data to third parties or redirect your queries to serve you any advertisements." Verisign also offers public IPv6 DNS servers: 2620:74:1b::1:1 and 2620:74:1c::2:2.
  3. Google also offers public IPv6 DNS servers: 2001:4860:4860::8888 and 2001:4860:4860::8844.
  4. DNS.WATCH also has IPv6 DNS servers at 2001:1608:10:25::1c04:b12f and 2001:1608:10:25::9249:d69b. In an unusual but highly appreciated move, DNS.WATCH publishes real-time statistics for both of its free DNS servers. Both servers are located in Germany, which may impact performance if used in the US or other remote locations.
  5. OpenDNS also offers DNS servers that block adult content, called OpenDNS FamilyShield. These DNS servers are and There is also a premium DNS offering called OpenDNS Home VIP.
  6. The free Norton ConnectSafe DNS servers listed above block sites that host malware, phishing and fraud schemes, called Policy 1. Use Policy 2 ( and to block these sites, as well as pornographic sites. content. Use policy 3 ( and to block all previously mentioned site categories, as well as those that Norton deems "non-family." Be sure to check out the list of things blocked in Policy 3 - there are some controversial topics here that you may find perfectly acceptable.
  7. GreenTeamDNS "blocks tens of thousands of dangerous sites, which include malware, botnets, adult content, aggressive/violent sites, and advertisements and drug-related sites" according to their FAQ page. Premium accounts have more control.
  8. Register SafeDNS here to filter content in multiple areas.
  9. The DNS servers listed here for OpenNIC are just two of many in the US and around the world. Instead of using the OpenNIC DNS servers listed above, see their full list of public DNS servers here and use the two that are near you, or better yet, have them tell you so automatically here. OpenNIC also offers some public IPv6 DNS servers.
  10. FreeDNS says they "never log DNS queries." Their free DNS servers are located in Austria.
  11. Alternative DNS says its DNS servers "block unwanted advertisements" and that they operate "no query logging." You can register for free on your registration page.
  12. The basic free Yandex DNS servers listed above are also available in IPv6 on channels 2a02:6b8::feed:0ff and 2a02:6b8:0:1::feed:0ff. There are two more free DNS levels available. The first is Safe, and or 2a02:6b8::feed:bad and 2a02:6b8:0:1::feed:bad, which blocks "infected sites, fraudulent sites and bots." The second category is Family, at and or 2a02:6b8::feed:a11 and 2a02:6b8:0:1::feed:a11, which blocks everything Safe does, plus “adult and adults advertising."
  13. UncensoredDNS (formerly censurfridns.dk) DNS servers are uncensored and privately run. The address is anycast from multiple locations, while is one physically located in Copenhagen, Denmark. You can read more about them here. IPv6 versions of its two DNS servers are also available at 2001:67c:28a4:: and 2a01:3a0:53:53::, respectively.
  14. Hurricane Electric also has a public IPv6 DNS server available: 2001:470:20::2.
  15. puntCAT is physically located near Barcelona, ​​Spain. The free IPv6 DNS server version is 2a00:1508:0:4::9.

Perhaps you have questions on the topic “Best DNS servers 2017”? Be sure to write them in the comments on our website.

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If you ask the average Internet user what a website is, most likely he will name, for example, yandex.ru, mail.ru, google.com, facebook.com, ...

In a practical sense, this is quite enough: I found an interesting site, told my friends its domain name (or more simply, “address”).

However, the domain name is not a real address. Well, this is about the same as sending a letter with the inscription on the envelope: “city of Yekaterinburg, to Peter Ivanov.” The point here is not even that there may be several Petrov Ivanovs in Yekaterinburg (let’s imagine that there is only one person with that name). The problem is that the addressee can move, at least, around the city, and handing him a letter will be extremely problematic.

But letters are delivered and received! - Yes, sure. Because they ship to postal addresses. For example, “city of Leningrad, 3rd Stroiteley Street, building 25, apartment 12.”

A postal address on the Internet is an IP address consisting of four numbers from 0 to 255, for example, This is one of the IP addresses of the google.com website. If you enter these numbers in the address bar of your browser, you will find yourself on the google.com portal, or more precisely, on google.ru, where you will be automatically redirected.

Why “one of the addresses” and what types of IP addresses there are, we will leave aside for now.

On the Internet, the IP address determines which computer the data should be delivered to.

Does the IP address remind you of anything? “It reminds me of a long mobile phone number.”

Phone book

Unfortunately, remembering long phone numbers is not easy. We add them to our notebooks (“contacts”, in mobile phone) and add clear names to them, for example,

Peter Ivanov, +7-343-123-45-67.

In the future, we will not need to remember Peter’s phone number itself; it is enough that this number is recorded in our phone book. When we need to call Peter, we will find him in our contacts list without even looking at his number.

On the Internet, the role of a phone book plays domain name system(DNS, Domain Name System). It stores the relationship between the relatively easy-to-remember site name and its hard-to-remember numeric address.

True, there is one significant difference between this “Internet book” and a telephone book. “It is not led by every acquaintance of Pyotr Ivanov individually, but by himself.

In a private phone book you can write: “Petya”, “Peter”, “Petrusha”, “Petrukha”, “Petrunya”, “beloved”, ..., and in the “Internet telephone book” entries are kept by the site owners themselves, for example:

Domain name Address

If someone wants to visit the website of Peter Ivanov, in the address bar of the browser he will type: pyotr-ivanov.ru, and the domain name system will tell the browser (more precisely, the computer on which the browser is running) the corresponding IP address, in our example: 123.123 .123.123. The computer located at this address will process the browser request and send it data to display the requested website page.

Now do you understand how domain names are used? “However, it has not yet been said where records of connections between domain names of sites and the IP addresses of the computers on which these sites are located are stored.

DNS server

It serves as a telephone book. It stores information about which IP address a particular domain name corresponds to. There are a lot of DNS servers on the Internet. They have a dual role:

  • the main one is “Internet phone book”;
  • additional (but also important) is caching records of other DNS servers.

First, a few words about caching. Finding out the connection between a site's name and its IP address is required every time you access that website. If the site you want to visit is quite far away, multiple queries to a distant primary DNS server can take a long time and slow down the loading of web pages. To avoid delays, the DNS server closest to your computer (usually located at your Internet service provider) stores information about previously requested IP addresses, and when you access the same site again, it will report its address very quickly, since it will store it in your cache.

But in order to cache something, you need to have a source of what is being cached. This source is the primary DNS servers, which store the initial relationships between domains and their IP addresses.

To register a domain name, you just need to come up with one. But in order for it to start working, you must tell the registrar the domain name of the DNS server, which will store detailed data about the domain you are registering. These data will be discussed a little later.

Typically, two DNS servers are used: primary and secondary. But there may be more. A larger number of DNS servers increases the reliability of access to your domain: if one is unavailable, another will respond.

In the real world, two are enough.

Many domain name registrars and Internet providers offer the use of their DNS servers as a paid service.

In my childhood, to prevent their children from falling into “bad company,” many parents left their children to sit at home. It was more reliable this way: on TV there were only “correct” films, and in the newspapers there was nothing superfluous. Now times have changed, most children cannot be kicked out into the street, everyone sits at home in front of their computers. But the current gatherings do not at all guarantee that children will not fall under the influence of “bad company.” After all, at home there is the Internet, which contains a lot of things that I, in particular, want to protect my children from.

How to protect children from unnecessary information

There are many options, for example, you can stand behind your back and see who is visiting which sites :-). But no matter how funny it may look, this method is completely impossible to implement when you are not at home. And I know of cases where mothers took computer power cords with them to work, in the hope that the child would not be able to use them. And in this regard, one question arises: why buy a computer for home if you don’t let your child use it? After all, it’s enough to configure it correctly and you won’t have anything to worry about.

Parental control

One option for filtering Internet content is to use the “parental control” functions that are built into many antivirus tools, for example, Kaspersky Internet Security for all devices. Or, you can purchase separate specialized software that will limit visits to resources harmful to children.

Secure DNS servers

However, the simplest, free and effective solution would be to use special DNS servers, which simply will not allow your computer to connect to an unnecessary site. By default, your computer automatically receives your ISP's DNS servers or public DNS servers, which do not perform any filtering. Which, in principle, is correct, because they do their job - they provide information about the correspondence between the domain name and the real server address.
But since the DNS server is not only hardware, but also software, it is easy to reconfigure it so that the server does not issue IP addresses for “harmful” sites to your computer, as if these sites do not exist.
This task is sometimes impossible for the average user, and the problem of filtering the Internet to protect children from unnecessary information is growing every day. Therefore, several companies have opened free public access to their DNS servers that use child filters.

Secure DNS Yandex

Yandex.DNS is a Yandex company service for protecting your home network. This is a free DNS service that works in three modes:

  • Basic mode. When using this address, no resources are blocked (no filtering mode).
  • Safe mode. When using this address, websites that may be potentially dangerous for the User are blocked, for example, those infected with malicious code or distributing malicious files, as well as websites that have signs of fraudulent (presumably created to extort money, steal passwords and other personal data, etc.) .P).
  • Family mode. “Safe Mode” functionality + websites with pornographic and/or erotic content are blocked (including links to other resources of similar content or topics).

Yandex.DNS IP addresses

Mode Primary IPv4 DNS Secondary IPv4 DNS

Secure DNS Norton

Norton DNS is an Internet service from Symantec Corporation that provides public DNS servers for public use:

  • With blocking of malicious sites (Security (malware, phishing sites and scam sites))
  • With blocking of malicious sites and sites for adults (Security + Pornography)
  • With blocking of malicious sites, sites for adults and sites that distribute files (Security + Pornography + Non-Family Friendly)

    Norton DNS IP addresses

Mode Primary IPv4 DNS Secondary IPv4 DNS
Security + Pornography
Security + Pornography + Non-Family Friendly

Secure DNS Comodo

Comodo Secure DNS is a service from Comodo, within which the Comodo Group provides DNS servers free of charge. This DNS solution is an alternative to DNS servers offered by your ISP. The idea is that all DNS requests will go through Comodo servers, where malicious sites will be filtered.
As a leading provider of computer security solutions, Comodo is acutely aware of the potential dangers on the Internet. SecureDNS checks in real time a blacklist of harmful sites (phishing sites, malicious sites, spy sites, and sites that contain excessive amounts of advertising, including pop-up messages, etc.), and will warn you when you try to access the site with potentially dangerous content.

IP addresses Comodo SecureDNS

Mode Primary IPv4 DNS Secondary IPv4 DNS

Secure SkyDNS

SkyDNS is a Russian cloud Internet service that provides content filtering services. The service operates both free and offers commercial products for individuals, organizations, educational institutions and telecom operators.
In free anonymous mode, the service blocks phishing sites and malicious sites with malware, viruses and Trojans. In the authorization mode, you are given the opportunity to independently manage and select categories of sites to which access is blocked.

SkyDNS IP addresses

Mode Primary IPv4 DNS Secondary IPv4 DNS

Whose DNS service is better?

I think there is no perfect service. But in order not to lose speed, you should choose those servers that are located closer to you. For residents of Russia, these are Yandex.DNS and SkyDNS.

The best way is to check the speed of DNS servers using the method described in this article -

How to set up DNS on your computer

To change DNS settings, or rather to force the operating system (computer) to use secure DNS servers in Windows 7, you need to go to Control PanelNetwork and InternetNetwork Connections and select your network adapter.

In the next window, click the “Properties” button

Next, select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” from the list and click the “Properties” button.

Write down the IP addresses of the desired DNS servers. And click "OK" in all windows.

In other versions of Windows we do it by analogy.

How to find out and where to see the DNS servers used

To find out which DNS servers are used by the operating system, run the following commands in the console:

Ipconfig /all

Check that the values ​​match your settings.

Next, it is advisable to reset the DNS cache of the operating system.

Ipconfig /flushdns

Setting up a home router

If there are several computers at home and they all connect to the Internet through a router, then there is no point in setting up each of them. Moreover, children can get rid of your “concern” by returning the DNS settings to default values. It is better to configure your home router to use secure DNS. Then all devices on your home network, be it a computer or a tablet, will automatically use secure DNS.
There are a great variety of router models. The settings for each of them are individual, and it is not possible to provide detailed instructions for each of them in the article. In general, you should configure the distribution of DNS server addresses to clients on your home network so that they receive secure DNS data.
In my router it looks like this:


May our children have a happy childhood.

When talking about securing your Internet connection or accessing blocked content in your geographic area, you've probably heard about DNS. Although all providers provide their own default DNS server, you can use an alternative one. The DNS service is used to determine the IP addresses of websites based on their domain. Everything is very simple - in fact, there are no letter addresses on the Internet like a website; all communications and messages between computers are carried out via IP address. To determine it by domain name, DNS servers are used, which store a huge table of correspondence between domain names and IP addresses.

Using an alternative DNS server provides several benefits:

  • The closer you are to the DNS server, the faster name resolution will be.
  • If your provider's DNS is not very reliable, an alternative DNS will improve stability.
  • You will get rid of restrictions on access to content based on geographic location.

If these reasons, or at least one of them, interest you, it's time to set up a DNS server on your system. In this article we will talk about how to set up a DNS server in Linux, how to find out its speed, and also look at the best DNS servers. You can choose the best one depending on your needs.

Since our site is still about Linux, let’s look at how to set up Linux DNS servers. The DNS server settings in any Linux distribution are located in the /etc/resolv.conf file. The DNS server address is specified in the following format:


Here is the DNS server address. But the setting in this file will only work until you reboot, since this file is regenerated every time the system boots.

If you use NetworkManager, you can configure the DNS server there, in the connection properties. Open network connection settings, click in the context menu ANDchange for the desired connection, then on the IPv4 tab specify the desired DNS server:

Now the settings are saved even after a reboot.

You can test the speed of the DNS server using the utility nslookup. For example:

time nslookup www.google.com

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: www.google.com
Name: www.google.com
Name: www.google.com
Name: www.google.com
Name: www.google.com
real 0m0.073s
user 0m0.012s

The first parameter is the address of the site that we will measure, the second is the DNS server address. Team time measures execution time nslookup in milliseconds. Now let’s move directly to the list of “good DNS servers”.

Best DNS Servers

1. Google Public DNS

The first DNS server on our list is a server from Google - Google Public DNS. It has been operating since December 2009 and its goal is to make users' online experience faster, safer and more convenient. It is currently the largest government DNS entity in the world. To use Google Public DNS, you only need to use the DNS server IP address or

Switching to Google Public DNS improves security and optimizes speed because Google actually uses Anycast routing to find the nearest server. Additionally, it is resistant to DNS Cache attacks as well as DoS.


If you're not just looking for a replacement for regular DNS, but an advanced version that gives you more control, try OpenDNS. According to the company, you will take another step towards security by implementing this service. There are two options for OpenDNS - home and corporate. The home version comes with parental controls, phishing protection, and improved speed. The enterprise version of OpenDNS has full functionality to protect the enterprise network. For home use, you can get OpenDNS for free. To configure Linux DNS servers, simply set the following DNS addresses: and OpenDNS also supports Anycast.


DNS.WATCH is a minimalistic DNS service that allows you to have fast internet access without censorship. Because this service is built on freedom principles, you can be sure that your request will reach its target and no redirects will be used. The server works fast and stable. If you live in a censored country, this will be a great solution. DNS service servers: and

4. Norton ConnectSafe

Norton ConnectSafe is another DNS service designed to enhance your Internet security. It should be noted that Norton has been involved in the security aspects of many devices for a long time. So you can be confident in the quality of Norton ConnectSafe. The service offers three different protection options: protection against malware, phishing and scams, protection against pornography and other threats. Each type uses different IP addresses. To protect your entire home network, simply configure your router.

5. Level3 DNS

Level3 DNS is a great DNS service if you are looking for a reliable DNS server with excellent performance. While Level3 isn't as big as Google, it has an impressive infrastructure. You can be sure that the speed will be at the highest level. DNS server IP addresses:,,,, and

6. Comodo Secure DNS

Comodo Secure DNS is another service that combines speed, reliability and security. Comodo uses a huge network that includes a large number of DNS servers. Speed ​​will be optimized by selecting a server based on your location. In addition, Comodo takes care of security by supplying a list of dangerous sites, and the DNS service will make sure that you do not visit any of them. Comodo Secure DNS IP addresses: and


Although OpenNIC DNS is last on the list, it is a great solution if you want free access to the Internet without government censorship. OpenNIC DNS has a very large network infrastructure and therefore will most likely find a DNS server that is close to your physical location. Simply select the desired server from the list.


As you can see, some of these servers provide regular DNS, bypassing the provider’s restrictions, while others have additional capabilities - protection against attacks, phishing and dangerous programs. All of them are the best DNS servers and you can choose one of them depending on your needs.