Export and import of data into GIS Ingeo. Platform of JSC "CSI Integro" - InGeo

GIS "InGeo" provides the ability to exchange data between databases in its internal format. You can

transfer the structure of maps and layers, spatial objects, topological connections, semantic tables, user names, access rights to another database separately. You can move all spatial objects or only those that fall within the visible area. To transfer data, you must first export the data to a file, then import it into another database.

Export in GIS "InGeo" format
Import in GIS "InGeo" format

Data exchange in third-party formats

In the InGeo GIS, data exchange functions in DXF, Shape, F20V, MIF/MID formats are implemented as extensions. You can also write your own extension that allows you to exchange data in other formats.

To work with these functions, connect extension modules:

DXF - dxfAddOn.dll
Shape - shpimp.dll
F20V - importf20v.dll
MIF/MID - inmifmid.dll

Before exporting data, decide what you will export: only the data structure (the structure of maps and layers, semantic tables, top relationships); data structure along with spatial objects. If you are exporting spatial objects, then decide whether you will export all spatial objects, or only those included in the visible area of ​​the View window of the main program window. If you are exporting objects that are included in the visible area, then before exporting, scale and scroll the map so that the objects you want to export are included in the visible area.

To export data:

1.Select the menu item Tools\Export, the command InGeo Exchange File. The Export Data dialog box will appear on the screen.

2.Select which maps and layers you will export.

4.In the next step, in the Export spatial objects field, select one of three options: No need to export spatial objects; Export all spatial objects; export only Inscribed features.

5.If you export spatial objects, then indicate what to additionally export: topological connections; contents of semantic tables; contents of directories; raster snapping; access rights to objects.

7.Select the Finish button. The system will ask in which file to write the exported data. Provide a file name.

If you want to import data, you must have a file where the data was previously exported. If there is no such file, then the data must be exported from the database where it is stored.

To import data:

1.Open the database and project where you will import the data.

2.Select the menu item Tools\Import, the command InGeo Exchange File. A dialog for selecting an import file will appear.

3.Select the file containing the data you want to import. Select the Open button.

4.The Import Data dialog box appears.

5.Choose which maps and layers you want to import.

7.Choose what to import: spatial objects; topological connections; contents of semantic tables; contents of directories; raster snapping; access rights to objects. Also decide whether you will add maps to the current project or not.

9.Select the Done button

GIS InGEO is a set of software products that allows you to generate vector topographic plans with the correct topological structure, based on the results of land inventory, topographic plans of settlements, master plans of enterprises, diagrams of utility networks, communications, etc.

The open architecture of the InGEO GIS allows you to expand its functionality for a specific customer, develop information systems using geoinformation technologies, connect InGEO components to existing systems, and organize access to cartographic data via the Internet.

InGEO includes:

1. InGEO Data Server- provides access to spatial data in multi-user mode.

2. GIS InGEO- multifunctional general-purpose instrumental GIS.

3. InGEO Application Server - a component that provides developers of the server part of client-server applications with all the functions of the InGEO GIS at the level of program interfaces.

4. InGEOMapX- OCX control element. It has all the capabilities of GIS InGEO, allows you to implement the GIS InGEO working window into the user interface of the information systems being developed, and significantly increases the possibility of integrating geoinformation components with complex information systems.

5. InGEO MapW- InGEO Web server, which allows you to process geoinformation requests on the Internet.

In addition, the standard package includes:

1. Utility for copying/converting spatial data into various formats supported by the InGEO spatial data server (BDE, OLE DB, InterBase, SQL Server).

2. Spatial data optimization utility (correction of errors in the data structure, reduction of database volume).

3. A set of modules for expanding GIS functions (import/export of graphic data formats DXF, Shape, MIF/MID; checking maps/objects for correctness of input; searching for objects by a given template, for example by address, etc.).

4. A set of software modules "InGEO" in the VBScript language (collective control of the visibility of maps/layers; export of the project structure to a text file MS Word; examples of modules for quickly mastering the internal programming environment of InGEO, etc.).

The InGEO GIS has a built-in programming environment that allows you to develop program modules in VBScript and JavaScript. The improved software interface provides access to the entire object model and events of the InGEO environment, and allows you to develop modules for expanding InGEO functions both in the built-in programming environment and in high-level languages. All components of GIS InGEO 4.1 are optimized for working with SQL servers.

Closed joint stock company

Center for Systems Research "Integro"

GIS "InGeo"

BOOK 3. “User's Guide. Work step by step"


1. Getting started 4

1.1. Login 4

1.2. Creating, adding a database 5

1.3. Creating a new territory 6

1.3.1. Territory 6

1.3.2. Map 9

1.3.3. Layer 10

1.3.4. Raster map 11

1.3.5. Vector card 17

1.3.6. Layer 18

1.3.7. Style 19

1.3.8. Creating an object 23

1.3.9. Creating a Layer 25 Table

1.3.10. Entering information into semantic tables 27


This document allows you to consistently “guide” you along the path of creating a workable project in the InGeo GIS. The purpose of the document is to gain first experience in working with GIS, a kind of experiment before full-fledged work in the GIS environment.

Another document, “Book 4. “User’s Guide.”,” will provide a full set of functions of the InGeo GIS, necessary for in-depth work with the system.

  1. Beginning of work

    1. Login

When the system starts, the computer screen will display main program windowView, but before you get started, you must in the dialog box that appears "Open GIS database" enter password.

Main menu


Main program window View

Line state

Note: In the window View a prompt is provided for the following actions: “To open the database, run the command “ Open database...» from menu « File».

    In the dropdown list "Select data source" select database.

    In field User enter your name.

Before entering your password, make sure that you have the desired language enabled (Russian or English) and that the Caps Lock indicator on the keyboard is not lit. This must be taken into account, since the password may contain both Russian and English letters, and these letters can be both small and capital. In other words, when you enter your password, the system distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters.

    In field Password Enter the password given to you by the system administrator.

    Click the button OK after input is completed.

    Using the command List(FileOpen databaseList) You can select any database in the list. And also add to List existing database (DB), create a new one (DB).

When creating a new GIS database, one user is automatically created in it with the name “Administrator” without a password.

    1. Creating and adding a database

When the system starts, the main program window will appear. In the window View A prompt is provided for the following actions: “To open the database, run the command “ Open database...» from menu « File».

Using the command "List >>" You can edit the list of data sources - add, delete or change the settings of the connected database (DB).

Windows starting from Vista has protective mechanisms that prevent programs from writing data to the Program Files folder and the root of the system drive (usually the folder C:\).

Many users disable User Account Control to bypass this protection, but this deprives the user of protection from malware.

To install GIS Ingeo correctly, you need to install it in a folder other than the Program Files folder.

During the installation of GIS Ingeo in this window:

click "Browse"

and manually correct the installation path.

for example like this.

During the installation process, Ingeo GIS will also ask for the path to install BDE. It also needs to be installed in a folder other than Program Files.

Setting up work

When working with databases in Paradox, Ingeo (more precisely BDE) creates a file pdoxusrs.net. And this file is usually created in the C:\ folder, which Windows does not allow ordinary programs to write to.

So the first thing we do is fix this.

You need to run the BDE Administrator as Administrator.

Select from the menu Start/All Programs/GIS Ingeo and right Click on “BDE Administrator”. Select "Run as Administrator".

The BDE Administrator window appears.

Click on the tab “ Conguration" Select Drivers. Native. Paradox.

In the NET DIR line, add cC:\ to the name of any folder (it is advisable to create an empty one).

For example


Attention! The folder must exist!

After this, close the administrator window. Answer Yes and OK.

After this, you can add databases to the server and open GIS Ingeo.

Installing expansion modules

There are two types of extensions in GIS Ingeo.

1. The actual expansion modules. They are files with a DLL extension and are added through the File/Extension Modules menu.

2. Software modules. They consist of an INM script file and may additionally contain other files. They are installed through the File/Program modules menu.

To install Ingeo GIS extension modules, you will need administrator rights.

1. Run Ingeo as Administrator; you don’t have to open the database (click cancel in the database selection window).

2. add extension modules through the File/Extension Modules menu.

3. close Ingeo and open it in the usual way.

To install script modules, you will only need to launch GIS Ingeo as an administrator to install the first script module.