Select a browser for iOS devices: Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox. Difficult choice of browser for Mac OS: Chrome or Safari

Safari is the default browser installed on iOS devices. It has long been known that default programs are not always best choice, which in relation to Safari became obvious with Google exit Chrome for iOS. Yes, and earlier, when Google Chrome just appeared forpersonal computers and laptops, it made a lasting impression on users. And now, finally, a version for iOS devices has appeared. And while you are thinking about switching to Google Chrome for iOS from your native and familiar Safari, we will tell you 10 reasons why you should definitely do it.

But before we begin, it is necessary to mention that you will not be able to make Google Chrome your default browser, so all the links you receive on e.g. e-mail, will continue to open in Safari (unless, of course, Google sues Apple for this opportunity). It should also be noted that it is likely Safari should technically load compress pages faster than Chrome, since the latter does not have access to iOS Webkit's Nitro Javascript Engine, designed specifically to speed up the built-in browser. But despite this, Chrome still has its advantages.

1. Choice full version site

In Chrome, unlike Safari, you can select the option to open all sites in full view, and not in mobile view. This is convenient, since many sites in mobile version some are cut off important functions or sections. Additionally, if you access the site from Google search, when you open the mobile version, the link to the site is different from the one you actually clicked on in the search results. And this is not always convenient, for example, when you cannot save a link to an image, save it, or copy text.

2. Search from address bar

Yes, just like in Chrome versions for personal computers, in the iOS version you can search by Google system directly from the address bar. This is not too big a deviation from the usual search in a special window in Safari, located right next to the address bar. But still, for users who are accustomed to entering search phrases in the address bar, this will be a convenient little thing.

3. Drag to move between bookmarks

Most likely this feature will appear in new version operating system and in the new Safari. But now Google Chrome allows you to switch between bookmarks by simply dragging the page left or right with one finger. However, it will take a little time to get used to this function. But it is very convenient to switch in this way in cases where, for example, you need to compare two pages, and you constantly switch back and forth. And if you need to compare not two, but more pages? Very comfortably.

4. Sync using your accountGoogle

Do you use Gmail or other Google products? Then you know that in the version for computers and laptops you can log in and synchronize all browser information from any computer, wherever you go. Of course, someone may see this as a threat to privacy, but this function, of course, is completely optional - don’t use it if you don’t want it. And now this is possible with iOS devices. That is, you just browsed websites on your iPhone, then moved to a computer or laptop, and continued viewing the same pages, finding information about your browsing history in your computer browser. iPhone. Naturally, you can save bookmarks, and they will appear on all your devices in just a second.

5. Anonymous browsing

Like the desktop version of Chrome, Chrome for iOS will allow you to use what's called an "incognito tab." If you use this tab, all information on its use will not be saved in history and, accordingly, will not be transferred to other devices from your account. A convenient feature if your computer is used by family members, but you do not want to provide them with all the information about what you viewed on the Internet.

6. Saving passwords

As with the sync feature, you can choose an option in Chrome for iOS that will save your passwords. And when you go to, for example, Gmail or any other site for which you have saved a password, you will already be automatically logged in, or the fields for entering your name and password will be automatically filled in.

For those of you who do not have the opportunity to enjoy all the delights of Siri, you know that there is no voice search on iOS devices. Moreover, it is not available in Safari. But thanks to years of development in search databases (known as Free 411), Chrome on iPhone allows you to start searching using your voice. Hidden in the address bar on the right is a small microphone button. Just click on it, say a word or phrase, and Google will do its best to understand what you said and conduct a search for the given word. Of course, this function does not work as well as Siri when it comes to, for example, obscene language, but it understands general phrases quite well.

8. Search for text on a page

Safari for iPad has this feature. But iPhone users don't have the luxury of searching. desired text By open page. But now it is in Google Chrome. This may not be the most frequently used feature by most users, but it's nice to have this option just in case.

9. More convenient bookmarks

Chrome iOS allows you to open an infinite number of bookmarks. And it’s quite convenient to navigate between them when you look at them all at once. You can jump between them and quickly open new tabs.

10. Comfortable keyboard

Chrome for iOS introduces a more comfortable and designed keyboard. The “.COM” button, as well as other frequently used buttons, are constantly on the screen, on top of the regular layout. This arrangement of constantly used buttons seems more logical.

The site’s laboratory has been conducting tests for several years now. software for Android devices, and now we have decided to expand our horizons. Now on our resource you can find reviews of applications for iOS devices.

And we’ll start by looking at those programs in which we get stuck for hours, without which a smartphone would not be a full-fledged gadget that provides direct access to the Internet and connection to the virtual world.

First of all we will look at standard application Apple Safari, with which we compare the already familiar Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Maybe "stock" iPhone browser so good and ideal that its competitors are simply not needed?

The following device was used as test equipment:

  • Smartphone Apple iPhone 6 (installed iOS system 10.3.2).

Apple Safari


There are rumors that all Apple products are immediately ready for use, as they say, “out of the box”, they do not need to be modified, they are ideal... It sounds optimistic, but what if? Let's start finding out this fact from the mobile version of the Safari browser.

Beginning of work

Immediately after purchasing and activating your mobile Apple devices you can notice on his screen unusual icon with a compass. It would seem, what is the connection here? In my opinion, this is how the developers show that their application will help you find any information on the network, as if using a compass. Hope.

The main menu of the Safari browser is represented by icons with our favorite bookmarks. Regardless of whether you have a regular iPhone or Plus version, there will always be four icons in width, but either five or six in height. For an iPhone with a “classic” diagonal, the layout of the elements is quite good, but in the “large” version of the smartphone the display size is poorly used.

There is a search bar docked at the top of the screen. It’s good that we are allowed to choose a search engine, and I easily installed Yandex, since I mostly use it.

As for the sites themselves and their layout, everything is ordinary here. In most cases, the mobile version will load by default, which, again, is usually well optimized for the iPhone. True, the text does not adapt to the device’s screen, so reading is sometimes not very convenient.

Actually, this is all that is available to the user in the browser of one of the most advanced devices in the world. model range Apple.

Used to switch between pages extra menu, the tabs in it are arranged in a very unusual way, which is what fascinates. Pay attention to the screenshots.

By the way, from this section you can go to “ Private mode", only here it is called " Private access" If someone asks for a smartphone to go online, then I always open it this mode, especially if I don’t want to close dozens of my tabs.

The difference between normal mode and it’s almost impossible to consider it privately. Perhaps Apple could somehow integrate Touch ID here for secure access to bookmarks, a resource, or as a password for a separate folder.

I won’t say much about the history and bookmarks, because there’s nothing interesting there. All bookmarks are stored on the device and in cloud storage, are constantly synchronized with all our Apple gadgets. You can create folders in the bookmarks section. I remember that this feature was not available on the iPhone 3G.


If in applications Google There are still at least some parameters, but in most Apple applications there is not even such a section, and Safari browser was no exception.


All Apple apps work as smoothly, clearly and stably as possible, you will not see messages in them “the application was closed by error...”, “the program stopped responding and was closed...” and so on. This is already a definite success compared to Android, just like that and no other way.

No matter what actions you do in the Safari browser, no matter how many tabs are open, your smartphone will perform your actions as smoothly as possible. Even tabs hardly reload, especially if hands iPhone 6s or newer, with big amount random access memory. You can easily say that this browser works great.

About support Adobe Flash this browser has never known and will never know.

As for online browser tests, Safari performs quite well here.


Apple Safari is an excellent browser for the undemanding user. It works well and will not make you bored while waiting for this or that page to load, does not slow down, does not contain bugs, and almost always works smoothly. In principle, in terms of stability and performance, there are no complaints about it.

The browser is free, does not contain additional advertising and is already installed on your iOS device. So why not use it? Still, it will not be possible to completely remove it from the system.

Quick navigation on this page:

Online communities are now bursting with criticism and praise various browsers for the Internet, raising a large-scale discussion and raging about every little thing. Let's join this discussion too.

For those who do not yet know what a browser is, any query in search engine. Indeed, the browser is the same program that we, avid Internet users, use almost every day, regardless of our goals and objectives.

Talk about searching perfect browser absurd, however, we can say for sure that experience allows us to clearly understand which of the programs will help achieve the goal, and which can lead to a dead end. Often we deal with only a few programs for surfing the Internet. For those who want to know what other Internet browsers there are, the list is on Wikipedia.

Well, now to the browsers themselves. Everything below is my IMHO!

Internet Explorer

Internet explorer is a miracle from Microsoft, which once upon a time, in the early 2000s, mastered 95% of the market, but since then has been almost completely ousted from competition analogues. The failing sides that remain relevant up to the latest version 10 of IE are low speed and intractable security gaps. Among advanced users, almost no one uses it: the platform launches slowly, asks for a bunch of unnecessary questions, loads what is not needed and prohibits the display of necessary and useful elements, in general, this program, as they say, is not for people. IE relies solely on what comes built-in Windows system and is quite suitable for working on the Internet when there is nothing else.


The famous Google Chrome browser, which has now become one of the most popular, continues to gain good fame. It is the standard of simplicity, quite fast and safe. Chrome Tabs scattered across separate processes, which provides greater stability. Chrome processes images on pages while maintaining their original quality. Browser versions are constantly updated, and with the development of the project, the system for protecting personal data and supporting standards is improving. He is also one of the.

Yandex browser

Relatively new development— Yandex browser really gets quite good reviews. In principle, it is in many ways similar to Chrome, however, it has additional functionality and an interesting turbo mode to simplify pages.

The main feature is tight and useful integration with Yandex services, which helps you receive fast access to various interesting information. Built into the program Adobe Reader and Adobe Flash, which also has a positive effect on speed and ease of use. In the first half month since its release, this product from Yandex won two percent of the market, which speaks for itself. However, criticism from users was caused by several fly in the ointment, for example, built-in anti-virus filters from Kaspersky Lab, the need for which is quite doubtful.


I’ll say right away: Firefox is my favorite browser.

This is a simple and intuitive option with connectivity large quantity a variety of plugins for fine debugging of processes. Old versions of Fox did not please with the speed of processing tabs, however, starting with the ninth version, it began to approach Chrome in this parameter. You can also note the design and interface: it is simple and convenient, not overloaded extra menus. Firefox can become dull when you have a large number of tabs. There is one more drawback: the slow change of versions, however, it should be noted that the updates are quite sensible and useful.


Opera is highly stable and has great scripting capabilities. It has been noticed, however, that it periodically “eats” excess traffic, due to which it is more suitable for unlimited high speed connections. Opera is convenient: yes interesting system hotkeys and mouse gestures that greatly simplify your work. This browser, subject to availability powerful processor on board, great for opening a huge number of tabs. RAM consumption in this case will be very significant, however, the browser remains stable. Opera caches everything it can on pages, so information does not have to be loaded several times, which saves time and significantly saves traffic.


Safari browser developed by Apple. Advantages: obviously high speed working with tabs, corporate design, attractive and modern. It should, however, be noted that the program has a very massive distribution and is resource-demanding. In terms of security it is inferior to Chrome and Fox. Safari works with search engines through built-in tools and has powerful system pop-up blockers, convenient function ignoring cookies. In addition, the program checks spelling in any text fields without additional plugins. Apple constantly takes care of valuable innovations for its product, releasing latest versions, however, do not forget that this feature applies primarily to the version for Mac OS.

I think I've listed all the essentials. It’s up to you to decide who you like, I’ve already expressed my opinion above!

For owners of Mac laptops, as well as for users of other mobile PCs, a very serious question is: which browser is best to choose. Each of the browsers offered on the market today has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, what is the best choice?

All Mac laptops have their own standard browser, which is called Safari. But nevertheless, it is extremely popular on Apple computers. Chrome web browser. Despite the fact that the topic of its excessive gluttony and the fact that it drains the laptop battery much faster has been discussed more than once, its audience still remains one of the largest. Moreover, Chrome has one significant advantage: it is updated on average once every few weeks, so its user experience and security are always at their best.

But let's take a closer look at these browsers and determine which one is best for Mac owners.

The first thing every user pays attention to is the design of the browser. In Safari especially for latest versions operating systems, the design of the web browser is very modern and convenient. Even the most the smallest details, so you can get used to this design very easily and quickly. But do not forget that the design cannot please everyone at once, since we all have different tastes. Perhaps this is why Google is in no hurry to change the design of its browser for Mac computers, preferring to use a design that is already outdated, but familiar to most users.

If we compare both browsers in terms of security level, then in this regard they are approximately the same. From time to time there are vulnerabilities here and there, but they are quickly fixed, so it is difficult to single out the best product in this aspect specifically.

Perhaps the biggest differences between these browsers are functional features. If you carry out comparative analysis According to this indicator, we will face completely different products. For example, as for Safari, here the developers have resorted to using special algorithms for compressing and loading information. Google is more inclined to use old, but proven technologies that will guarantee reliable and stable work and will not present unexpected surprises.

Chrome has very wide customization options. An online store of various add-ons is available here, with which you can radically change appearance browser and add new features. Safari doesn't have these wide possibilities, and the add-on store is very modest, so most extensions will have to be found on third party resources. Safari in its current builds has a very significant drawback: there are no site icons on the tabs that open. When you open a large number of pages, it can sometimes be very difficult to find the one you need. But in next version operating system this problem was partially eliminated.

Another big drawback of Safari is the lack of ability to save copies of viewed pages. That is, in Chrome browser you can look at one page, open a completely different one in its place, and then return to it if necessary original version. There is no such option in Safari. If you try to swipe or download button previous page, then the current one will only reboot. Such differences in browsers arise due to differences in RAM technology.

The browsers practically do not differ in operating speed; at least by eye, the user will not be able to determine which of the services works better and faster.

They talked about Safari problems, now let's move on to Chrome. The Google browser engine has not been updated for about 5 years. Some improvements and new functions were simply attached to it. That is why it is considered outdated. Due to the use of this technology, the browser can slow down very much when opening a large number of tabs and even heavily load the PC. But this drawback is greatly mitigated by the main advantage of the browser - its cross-platform functionality. Safari currently only works on Apple platforms, while Chrome is supported on most desktop and mobile operating systems.

From this we can conclude that those users for whom time is important battery life his computer, it is better to give preference to the Safari browser. Well, for those who often have to work on other OSes and do not care about the level of resource consumption, Chrome is perfect.

There's been a lot of talk about web browsers in the last few days. They wrote that Google is ready to pay Mozilla a billion dollars over the next three years in order to guarantee its search engine the status of a system that is used “by default.” The reason is that Google is now competing with Firefox with its Chrome. What about Safari, what are the prospects and ways for further development of this popular browser? He talks about this popular blogger M. G. Siegler.

Remember Safari?

It should be noted that Chrome managed to rise from 0% of the market in August 2008 to a whopping 25% in November 2011. Apple web browser today used by 5% to 8% of owners various devices. Safari's growth slowed in late 2008 and early 2009, but did not stop. His popularity continues to grow - of course, not at the same rate as Google browser.

Considering that both browsers are based on WebKit, an engine “born” at Apple, the question arises: why Safari has not taken off instead of Chrome, and is not one of the most popular browsers?
The answer may generally be simple - because most people still use Windows. Microsoft still dominates despite Mac sales breaking records quarter after quarter. But despite the fact that the Safari browser is usually associated with Mac (since it is built into OS X), it can be used by owners of devices running Windows control, and much longer than Chrome.

Safari for Windows launched in beta in June 2007. This was followed by a wide release in March 2008. Chrome presentation took place in September of the same year, and initially only in the Windows version. And Google only had one year to overtake Safari and take a significant market share.

If it's not Windows, then what is it? What allowed Chrome to grow?

Another reason most often cited is speed. Numerous tests show that Chrome has become the most fast browser both in page rendering speed and JavaScript performance.

It’s worth remembering here that when they announced the release of Safari for Windows, they showed the results of similar tests that showed the speed superiority of Safari on Mac and PC (don’t forget that Chrome didn’t exist then). If it was all about speed, why didn't Safari launch in June 2007 like Chrome did in September 2008?

On the other hand, many users within a few recent years complained that Safari for Windows was a disappointment. If you do not take into account test results, but opinions ordinary users, then it is placed between Firefox and Internet Explorer by level of practical performance (that is, by the feeling of speed during use). But Apple continues to make Safari available on both platforms, and version 5.1 is no exception.

Some blame Google's growth as a manufacturer for Chrome's growth. The fact is that Google does not particularly promote its browser, except that there is a link to download it on the website. And it's hard to see this as an advantage over IE or Safari, which are built into Windows and OS X, respectively. To get Chrome at your disposal, the user needs to specifically download it, and, as practice shows, for most this is not a difficulty or a reason to use another browser. It's also safe to assume that most people use IE or Safari simply because they were the default browsers they received when they bought their computers.

The good thing about Safari was that it was the default for iTunes users, and for some time this gave it an advantage over Windows browsers. But it seems that most people who downloaded it simply didn't use it.

Maybe, the benefits of Chrome are extensions? Perhaps, but Safari has also had them since mid-2010. Of course, there are more of them in Chrome and they are more convenient to use, but for sure - if it were only them, the developers would get into the game and pay more attention to them. Besides, in Firefox extensions appeared long before Chrome and Safari, but they did not help the browser take the lead; it is still inferior in popularity to Chrome.

With the launch of OS X Lion, it looked like Safari might be heading into a renaissance. The default settings have changed, third-party software like Chrome has received restrictions. Safari also has new features - improved multi-touch support and Reading List (for synchronization between iOS and OS X Lion), which competitors did not have. But several months of data showed that Safari's growth remained sluggish, supported by quantitative growth in Mac sales.

Given the growth in mobile industry, one would assume that the increase in mobile phone users Safari versions will help increase the number of users of Safari on laptops and desktop systems. But the numbers still show very slow growth for the Apple browser. Meanwhile, Chrome, which isn't part of Android (maybe not yet, but still definitely isn't) is rapidly gaining traction without the help of the mobile industry.

According to MG Siegler, he himself uses Chrome. He tried several times to switch to Safari as his main browser (most recently with the release of the OS X Lion update), but eventually returned to Chrome. Purely for reasons of performance and practical convenience. For example, when working with 10 or more open Safari tabs inferior to Chrome, and not only in this regard.

MG Siegler also says that he cannot live without Omnibox, the address bar at the top of each open tab, which Chrome offers. He also often takes advantage of the ability to collapse tabs and place them on the left side of the screen, separate from the general row of open websites.

Almost 9 years have passed since Safari was first officially talked about Steve Jobs at a Macworld event in 2003. The browser has been constantly improving since then and maintains its share of users, but compared to Chrome it is growing much slower (during this time Safari managed to get more than half as many users as Chrome).

Of course, this could still change quickly if devices like iPads replace most user computers. If we talk only about mobile devices, then there is no doubt about the superiority of Safari over Google, since Google has not yet done mobile version your browser. And that makes the opposite situation in the traditional PC space even stranger.

In general, MG Siegler was not able to finally figure it out. Perhaps it's all about the priorities of Apple itself, which is developing App Store gives priority, offering to use native products rather than looking for analogues on the Internet. But, again, the development of mobile Safari rejects this assumption. Most likely, the problem is in Google Chrome itself, which turned out to be a really good product. TO good products success often comes.