Update google chrome to the latest version. How to update Google Chrome to the latest version. How to update Google Chrome using different methods

By updating Google Chrome to the latest version, you will have access to all the functions and services implemented by Google developers. You will also be assured that your personal data is protected by the latest versions of security software built into your browser. All these benefits of updating Chrome apply to both your computer and your phone or tablet.

Find out the current browser version

If you want to know what version of the browser is currently installed on your device, refer to its settings. The procedures for finding the version in the mobile and computer versions of the browser are slightly different.

On Windows

To find out the version of Chrome on a Windows computer, follow these steps:

On Android and iOS

To find out the version of Chrome on your Android or iOS phone or tablet, follow these steps:

  1. Expand the browser menu by clicking on the icon that looks like three dots arranged in one column. Go to "Settings".

    Open the “Settings” section

  2. Scroll to the end of the list of settings. Expand the “About Chrome Browser” section.

    Open the “About Chrome Browser” section

  3. On the open page you will see information about the browser version you are using.

    Version information is listed in the About Chrome Browser section.

Updating the browser

The update process is different on a computer and on mobile devices. But in any case, you will need an Internet connection.

On the computer

To update Chrome on your computer, go to the “About the program” block (how to do this is described in the paragraph “Find out the current version of the browser in Windows”). The browser will automatically run a diagnostic process and tell you whether you are using the latest version or whether newer releases are already available.

The browser automatically looks for updates

If there are updates available, a button will appear allowing you to begin the process of downloading and installing them.

Video: How to update Google Chrome manually

On an Android device

All applications, including the Chrome browser, are updated in the Android operating system using the built-in Play Market.

  1. Find the Play Market application on your device. It is present on all Android devices natively and cannot be removed.

    Open the Play Market application

  2. Once in the store, expand the menu and select “My apps and games.” It contains a list of applications installed on your device.

    Open the “My applications and games” section

  3. Find Google Chrome among the programs and click on the “Update” button opposite it. If this button is not present, it means that the latest version of the browser is installed and there are no updates available yet.

    Click the “Update” button opposite Chrome if it is active

On an iOS device

All applications, including the Chrome browser, are updated on the iOS operating system using the built-in App Store. The official and current version of the browser can only be obtained there.

Plugin Update

Plugins are mini-programs that provide support for certain extensions or functions of both the browser itself and the sites that are opened through it. Many plugins are built into the browser by default. At the same time, Chrome has an official store where you can download additional plugins that expand the capabilities of the browser.

Both built-in and external plugins are updated automatically when the browser itself is updated. That is, if you want to get the latest version of all extensions, update Chrome (how to do this is described in the section “Updating the browser”).

Flash player update

Flash player is a plugin responsible for playing media elements: pictures, videos, music. The difference between it and other plugins is that it is not built into Chrome, but is a separate program. Any browsers running on the computer automatically start using it, so it should always be installed and updated.

Once the update is complete, you will receive a message indicating the operation was successful.

Video: How to update Flash Player

Solving problems installing updates

There is a possibility that when you try to install the latest version of the browser on your computer, an error will appear that crashes the process. A similar problem does not occur on Android and iOS, since the installation of updates there is strictly controlled by the Play Market and App Store.

If a problem occurs, you should restart the browser (close it and open it again) and try again. If this does not help, restart the computer - all processes will start working again and, perhaps, this will eliminate the conflict.

If none of the above methods help, it means your browser files are damaged. Trying to restore them manually will take a lot of time, so it is recommended to reinstall the browser: firstly, you will solve the problem with the update, and secondly, you will immediately get the latest version of Chrome.

To perform a reinstallation, you will have to first uninstall the browser and then install it again. In this case, personal data (saved passwords and logins) will not be lost, since when erased, the browser leaves a folder containing user data in the computer memory. He does this precisely so that the user, having installed Chrome again, can automatically restore the previously entered information:

  1. Expand the control panel. You can find it using the system search bar.

    Download Chrome and reinstall it

You need to update your browser both on your computer and on your Android or iOS device in order to gain access to all the technologies built into it and ensure maximum protection of your personal data. You can update Chrome on your computer using the built-in tool, and on mobile devices through the official store. Computer users should not forget to update the Flash Player plugin; other plugins are updated automatically.

Hello, dear site visitors. Today's topic is about working with the Google Chrome browser, or more precisely about how to update it to the latest version completely free of charge. This browser is multifunctional, reliable and has a stylish design without unnecessary elements.

To keep the browser running smoothly and to keep up with innovative ideas, Google regularly releases updates and additions to its product. To figure out how to update Google Chrome to the current version, first let's find out why it is necessary to update the browser and when is the best time to carry out this procedure.

Usually Google Chrome is updated automatically to the latest version, but there are times when you have to do this manually. To check that your browser version is up to date, you need to open its menu (a square icon with three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner of the window) and click on the “Help” tab. Next, from the drop-down window, select the sub-item “About the Google Chrome browser”. By clicking on this item, a new window will open in front of you, which will provide information about the current version of the browser.

If it says that the latest version of the browser is already installed, it means that Google Chrome is most likely updated automatically and you do not need to do anything yourself. But if there is a “Check for updates” button under the version name, then your Google Chrome is not updated to the latest version.

The Google website regularly publishes news about the release of new versions of software from this brand. Knowing the current version of your browser, you can compare it with the latest version published on the company website and carry out the necessary update.

Since the browser is also released on mobile platforms, it would be important to consider manual updating on iOS and Android.

How to update Google Chrome on Android

How to update Google Chrome on iOS


As you can see, the installation new version of Google Chrome browser does not take much time and does not require special knowledge. All you need is a good Internet connection and strict adherence to the instructions.

Hello again friends. Our conversation today will focus on how to update Google Chrome for free to the latest version in the simplest and most affordable way. I hope it will not be superfluous to remind each of you that updates for any of the browsers you use, must be installed regularly. This increases your security on the Internet, making your browser more convenient and secure. Update packages may also contain new tools and useful functionality. Therefore, always check for updates to your browsers, and in this article we will talk about how to update Google Chrome.

So, launch your browser and in the upper right corner click the button with the image of 3 horizontal stripes. After that, select the menu item Help - About the Google Chrome browser.

A window for checking for updates will automatically open in front of you, and if your browser needs them, then after checking, the updates will also automatically download.

After a while, a window like this will appear in front of you, indicating that the update of your browser has been successfully completed.

You need to click the Restart button, and after restarting the browser, the same window will open, but with a notification that you are using the latest version of Chrome.

This means that we did all the steps correctly and can now continue to work calmly.

Google Chrome is one of the most popular Internet browsers in the world. Typically, the browser is updated automatically when a new version is available, which is for the security of user data. But sometimes you need to manually update Chrome to the latest version.

Sometimes automatic updates can change the appearance and controls. In this article we will figure out what to do if the automatic update is not installed and how to check the current version of Google Chrome.

How to update Google Chrome manually on your computer

As we previously pointed out, browser updates usually happen in the background. But if you haven’t closed the browser completely for a long time or there was no Internet connection, the browser version might be out of date, let’s check whether the new version is installed or whether the old one is installed:

Update Google Chrome to the latest version

Those windows and tabs that were open will be saved and opened automatically the next time you start. You can postpone the update by clicking on the “Not now” button and the update will be installed the next time you launch the browser.

We discussed how to download it earlier on our website.

How to update Chrome on your phone

All Android applications are updated automatically if you have enabled this feature in the Play Store settings. You can also check for updates manually:

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, we will help you solve them.

To stay protected with the latest security updates, Google Chrome updates automatically, when a new version of the browser becomes available. The update process occurs in the background.

You don't need to perform any action. Sometimes updates can change the appearance of the browser slightly.

Checking for Chrome updates

Typically, the update occurs in the background when you restart the browser. However, if you haven't closed it for a while, the Chrome menu icon may change its color:

To apply update, follow these steps:

For Windows 8 users: Make sure all Chrome windows and tabs on your computer in the Windows 8 program are closed. Restart Chrome to apply the updates.

Checking for Google Chrome update manually

Click the Chrome menu in your browser toolbar and select About Google Chrome.

The current version number is a series of numbers under the heading "Google Chrome". Chrome will check for updates when you are on this page.

Click Restart to apply all available updates.

Checking for Google Chrome update on Android

The Google Chrome browser updates automatically based on your Play Market settings.

Here's how to check for updates:

Checking for Google Chrome update on iOS

The Google Chrome browser updates automatically based on your App Store settings.

Here's how to check for updates:

If you don't already have the Chrome app, download it from iTunes.

Features not available on iPhone and iPad

Some Chrome features and settings are currently unavailable due to limitations in iOS. Uploaded files that require authentication may not work.

Google Chrome developers were also forced to remove these features and settings:

  • Traffic savings
  • Cookie settings
  • Automatic encoding detection
  • Installation No tracking
  • Google Enterprise support and multiple profiles

If Apple introduces support for these features in WKWebView, these features will be brought back.