Chrome favorites. Bookmarks in Google Chrome: where are they stored, make, delete

Google Chromepopular browser thanks to its ease of use and versatility. Its functions can be easily expanded, for example, you can add ones that are convenient for most users visual bookmarks. By default, like visual bookmarks, the most recently visited pages are displayed in a line under the address bar, but they cannot be changed.

It is possible to add regular bookmarks – the “Star” icon on the right side address bar. The address of the selected page is saved in the specified bookmarks folder. In order for a folder or page address to be displayed in the bookmarks bar, you must select the “Settings and Management” icon: on the right in top menu three stripes, go to the “Bookmarks” tab, check the “Show bookmarks bar” option. On the same tab there is a “Bookmark Manager”, which displays all saved pages for quickly jumping to the one you need. It’s even easier to remember the “Ctrl+D” key combination; now a window for saving the address of the page opened in the browser will immediately open. Further, as in previous paragraph, specify the folder to save the bookmark, then click “Finish”. You can simply select and drag the address open page left mouse button in the “Bookmarks Bar”. Explore the bookmarks bar menu by clicking on it right click mice. One of the menu items is “Add Page”.

If you save selected pages outside of the “default” folders, over time they will become difficult to find. Create thematic folders and subfolders within them to organize information. In the “Name” field, instead of the displayed one, you can specify another, more convenient name page of the site, in the “Folder” field enter the name of the thematic folder. If such a folder has not been created, then select “Change...”, then “ new folder" and enter her name.

To save a site page, simply drag its URL into the desired folder on the bookmarks bar. Unused folders and pages can be deleted - right-click on the folder or site name and select the “Delete” command. Delete Not necessary information You can do this in the bookmarks bar or open the Bookmark Manager.

For the most frequently visited sites, you can make visual bookmarks using various useful extensions. Select the extension you like and install it using to the following algorithm: “Settings” – “Tools” – “Extensions”. Select installed extension or, if it's empty, click "Do you want to view the gallery?", otherwise look through the entire list of applications, select "More extensions". An online store will open, where search bar Type “Visual Bookmarks”, then press “Enter”. Find required extension and click “Install”, agree to the installation.

The fastest and simplest visual bookmarks from Yandex and But there is a more powerful tool for creating them - Speed ​​Dial 2. Using this application, you can change the design of bookmarks, study statistics, select and import the most visited sites, change the settings for displaying sites in a bookmark, and much more. Find this application in the online store as described above and install it. When you first launch the application, you can go through an introductory tour on how to use it and then follow the instructions of the Add Bookmarks Wizard.

Became unnecessary applications It’s easy to disable: go to “Settings” – “Tools” – “Extensions”, find the unnecessary extension and uncheck “Enabled”. To remove the extension completely without saving the settings, click on the “Trash” icon and confirm the deletion. To save all your bookmarks to external media find the “bookmarks” file in the “Google Chrome” folder, save it, or in the “Bookmarks Manager” window select “Arrange” - “Export bookmarks to HTML file...", indicate the save location.

Google Chrome is a feature-rich browser. Many settings in it can be edited taking into account the requirements and desires of the user, which allows you to do in google chrome hot keys. You will find a complete list of hotkeys with descriptions of functions that will definitely help you in your work. In addition, you can manually adjust bookmarks, which will require working directly with configuration files that contain the necessary information. Before doing this, let's figure out where exactly bookmarks are stored in Google Chrome.

How to find bookmarks in the browser

Google Chrome places its bookmarks, like many other settings, in the Microsoft system user directory. If you have a seventh or eighth Windows version, then go through Start to Computer - Local disk. Next, go to the Users section and select the name of the desired user.

Here we are interested in the AppData – Local folders. In them we find the Google Chrome subsection. In it we find the directory User Data. Open the Default folder in it. This section contains files with browser bookmark settings. note that AppData folder is hidden. Therefore, initially you need to set the settings so that hidden documents are also displayed.

For users withXP the path to the bookmarks folder will be slightly different. We also go to My Computer – Drive C. Here we find the Documents and Settings folder, in which we select the user. The next folder is Local Settings (hidden). Let's go to the section Application Data. Next we find Google – Chrome. The last thing that interests us, just like in the previous version, is User Data-Default.

To set up display hidden folders, you will need to open any folder and go to the Tools section. In Windows, as in google chrome, setting parameters is always intuitive, so you are unlikely to have any problems. Open the folder options and find the View section. It has an option that allows you to show hidden folders. Place a selection next to it and click OK to apply the changes. Now you will see all folders, including system ones, so you won’t have any problems finding files in which Google Chrome stores bookmarks.

How to transfer bookmarks

Now let's see how to edit and transfer Bookmark files, which store bookmark settings. How to add new bookmarks to Google Chrome already described in this. Files open in regular Notepad. If you need to manually edit any of the files, then double-click on it. Please note that inside the document you will see various parameters bookmarks that can be changed. So, next to the id you will see the bookmark identifier, which does not need to be configured.

The name "name" can be changed. In addition, you can manually adjust the address of a particular bookmark. If you want to do it again, but save the settings, for example, what is in google chrome start page, then you can copy Bookmark to removable media. It is not recommended to remove curly braces in files, as this may damage the list. In order to save bookmarks and other browser settings, for example, when reinstalling it on another computer, User folder Data is recommended to be archived and transferred to a flash drive or other removable storage device.

As you can see, it is absolutely easy to find the directory in which Google Chrome remembers bookmarks and other information. Therefore, if you need to manually adjust anything, you just need to go to this section and run required file. In this case, the browser itself should be closed first. You should not change anything if you are not sure of what you are doing, as the consequences may not be very good not only for the browser, but for the entire system.

All Google bookmarks Chrome are located in the user directory of the Windows system. On Windows 7 and 8 systems this folder located at “Start” - “Computer” - “Local drive C:” - “Users” - “Your user name”. After this, you will need to additionally go to the AppData – Local – Google – Chrome – User Data – Default directory. IN this section Documents are stored that contain all the files containing bookmark parameters.

On Windows XP this directory presented in another folder, to access which open “My Computer” - “Local Drive C:” - Documents and Settings – “User Name” - Local Settings – Application Data – Google – Chrome – User Data – Default.

If you cannot view the directory data, then their display is disabled on your system. To access your bookmark files, you will need to enable showing hidden folders in your system settings. To do this, open any folder in Windows and click on the “Tools” tab of the menu top panel Explorer windows. In the context menu that appears, call “Folder Options” (“Folder Options” in Windows XP). Go to the "View" tab and go down to the bottom of the list of options where you can find the "Show" option. hidden files" After that, click “Ok” to apply the settings.

The file that stores browser bookmark settings is called Bookmark.

Editing bookmarks manually

The Bookmark file can be opened for quick editing using the Notepad utility included in the list standard programs systems. To use the program, double-click on the file and select the appropriate option from the list provided.

If you wish, you can save the Bookmarks file to any removable storage device so as not to lose access to old bookmarks when you reinstall or uninstall the browser.

In the window you will see configuration file bookmarks with a list of necessary data that can be changed. The file is divided into sections with different names. After the roots: section, all folders and links stored in the browser are presented. Next, the name of the directory in which . For example, bookmark_bar is responsible for bookmarks that are stored in the bookmarks bar.

The id line represents the bookmark identifier, which should not be configured. The name parameter contains the file name, which can be changed. So, you can change "name": "google chrome" to "name": "google chrome". The type parameter can have url values or folder, which defines the bookmark itself and the subdirectory, respectively. The url line is responsible for the address of the bookmark itself, which can also be changed. For example, "url": "".

You should not remove curly braces that are in the file, as this can damage the list of bookmarks.

Edit the necessary lines in the file, and then save the changes using the “File” - “Save” command. After this, launch the browser on the system and check the changes made by going to the “Bookmarks” section of the main menu. Procedure manual editing file is completed.

Adding bookmarks in the browser is not a problem for a user of any level. Built-in tools allow you to perform this operation without requiring additional software.


Use the built-in bookmarking mechanism in the Google Chrome browser. To do this, call the main system menu by clicking the “Start” button and go to “All Programs”. Launch your Internet browser and go to the desired web page.

Notice the asterisk symbol on the right side of your browser's address bar. Click on it to add the selected page to bookmarks. Please note that it is possible to add desired page in already existing folder or create a new one. Specify the desired option in the drop-down box and confirm your choice by clicking the “Change” button.

Take advantage alternative way adding the selected internet page to bookmarks Google browser Chrome using hotkey combinations. To do this, press simultaneously the functional Ctrl keys and D (for operating rooms Windows systems all versions or Linux) or cmd and D (for operating system OS X).

Google Chrome can truly be considered the flagship browser application. Many programs for viewing web pages are built on its basis, including the Yandex Browser. This is due to the fact that it is quite fast in operation, consumes a minimum of computer resources, and also has a simple and visual clear interface. In addition, having recently used Google Chrome Canary, a test version of the main browser, we can confidently assume that in the future it will work even faster and more efficiently. But where is google chrome stored? and necessary for its operation executable files?

Let us examine this issue thoroughly, as well as the installed working directories, thanks to which the work is carried out.

In order to find out the location of the executable file and the working folder, just right-click on the shortcut and select the “File location” line.

As you can see from the screenshot, the Chrome browser is located at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application. It’s worth saying right away that this address remains unchanged for any computer, because during installation it is impossible to change the location of the working folder, installation package sets it by default.

As you can see from the screenshot, there are also three directories:

  • the folder with a numeric designation contains base files, providing normal work for a specific version;
  • Dictionaries contains various dictionaries and files with similar purposes (for example, in order to translate a particular page as quickly as possible);
  • SetupMetrics has metric data and associated setup files.

As for other files, they are all necessary for Chrome works, for example, debug.log contains log entries and service information, for example, the reasons for errors.
But most of all the user is interested in the location of the installed custom settings. As you may have noticed, they are not located together with the executable file. In order to find exactly the user’s folder, click Win + R, in the window that appears, enter %AppData% and click on the “Ok” button.

After this, the corresponding folder will open in which non-executable files are registered, namely user files of almost all programs.

However, it is Chrome that places user directories not in this folder, but at a higher level. Exit the Roaming folder and select Local, open the Google directory, which will contain your browser user data. At the same time, there will be not only data Chrome browser, but also all applications Google installed on your computer.

By going to Crome – User Data, you will find yourself in a directory that contains all user information. That is, the whole history, user profiles, etc. are contained right here.

As a result, we can note: to get to the folder with user profile, you must follow the path C:\Users\VirtMachine\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data (the account name must be entered instead of VirtMachine Windows entries), while all executable files are located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application.

However, that's not all. Some files, links, etc. can be placed in other folders, but, as a rule, on system disk. This can be easily checked by opening an Explorer window and searching on this drive (in the vast majority of cases, this is drive C).

In the following screenshot you can thoroughly examine where else browser records can be made.

In general, all information entered into other folders, for example in Windows, is associated with other programs: plug-in extensions, links, etc. The data itself, which is not located in working folder and the settings directory does not have much content. The only reason why you might need them is if you have installed malware, aimed at randomly opening pages with advertising and similar activities.

In contact with

Knowledge of your device and its system settings will always be useful for any user. There come moments when you can use them to your advantage and even save the performance of the device.

An Android-based smartphone has many hidden folders that store all data, including information about the browser (history, bookmarks, passwords). Therefore, saving a bookmark in Google Chrome means saving a link to it in the system directory.

This is useful for the following reasons and the folder in Android where to store Chrome files with saved links can be used for the following purposes:

  • Cleaning files so as not to delete the necessary information (just select from a large sorted list that is stored and delete unnecessary files);
  • Sorting or grouping (you can do this in three clicks via your computer or via file manager android);
  • View the date the bookmark was added and its address, so as not to click on the link.

This all means that if there is a mess in your list of saved sites, or an accidentally added link, it will be easier to find it and then either sort everything or delete unnecessary data using multi-selection.

Location where Google Chrome files are stored on your smartphone

Before specifying the path to the folder, it should be mentioned that it is hidden by the system and the developers do not recommend that you receive Free access to such folders. If not correct use it is possible to disrupt the performance of not only Google apps Chrome, but also the Android firmware itself.

But if this doesn’t stop you, then you can only get the “open” path on a rooted device.

The folder itself with full list all bookmarks that were added via mobile app Google Chrome is located at the following path: “/data/data/”.

But you will most likely stop at the second “Data” and then there will be emptiness. It is obtaining root rights that will allow you to see hidden files.

Getting root rights in a working way

To get root rights you need the phone itself, a computer and installation of the Kingo program Android ROOT", which is in free access in the Internet. First, download it to your computer or laptop and then step by step:

After completing the driver installations and system files– we reboot the phone and we are already a full-fledged user of our smartphone.