Presentation on the topic internet explorer browser. Browsers. Viewing the contents of the presentation "Browsers_Google Chrome"

Introduction Formally being just ordinary computer programs, browsers have actually become the main connecting link between the Internet and humans, and our perception of the virtual world depends on how they perform the tasks assigned to them.

Introduction The existence of different browsers leads the user to the question of which browser is best to use for browsing the Internet. Therefore, the purpose of this presentation will be the need to solve such problems as: reveal the definition of a browser, trace their history, describe the operation of commonly used browsers, and draw up a comparative description. Therefore, the purpose of this presentation will be the need to solve such problems as: reveal the definition of a browser, trace their history, describe the operation of commonly used browsers, and draw up a comparative description.

What is a browser? A web browser, browser (from Web browser) is software for viewing websites, that is, for requesting web pages (mainly from the Internet), processing them, displaying them and moving from one page to another. Web browser, browser (from Web browser) - software for viewing websites, that is, for requesting web pages (mainly from the Internet), processing them, displaying them and moving from one page to another. Pages are created and interpreted according to industry standards approved by an international standards organization. Pages are created and interpreted according to industry standards approved by an international standards organization.

From the history of creation and development The first browsers were text-based, capable of displaying only letters and numbers. But the author of the world's first browser in a more real sense was Sir Tim Berners-Lee. It was this person who developed the “hypertext system” for distributed access to network information and proposed the abbreviation WWW. And the world's first browser was simply called WWW. The earliest browsers were text-based, capable of displaying only letters and numbers. But the author of the world's first browser in a more real sense was Sir Tim Berners-Lee. It was this person who developed the “hypertext system” for distributed access to network information and proposed the abbreviation WWW. And the world's first browser was simply called WWW.

Types of browsers The following types of browsers are distinguished: - command line mode browser. The earliest browsers belong to this type. They do not allow you to view text and graphics. Such browsers only support navigation using digital addresses (IP). Currently, they are practically not used. - full screen browser. Text browser without support for multimedia (pictures, animation, etc.) Internet resources. With it you can only view text and links. - browser with multimedia support. The most common and popular browsers today. They allow you to work with almost all types of information presented on the Internet. - browser with multimedia support. The most common and popular browsers today. They allow you to work with almost all types of information presented on the Internet. - browser add-ons. They are add-ons to full-featured browsers. Add-ons just change the interface and add some features. - browser add-ons. They are add-ons to full-featured browsers. Add-ons just change the interface and add some features.

Operating principle The WWW service operates using client-server technology. The WWW service operates using client-server technology. A web server is software installed on a computer that provides access to web pages via the HTTP protocol. The browser itself is used as a client. A web server is software installed on a computer that provides access to web pages via the HTTP protocol. The browser itself is used as a client. Client functions: - the browser requests the required resource - the browser processes the received resource

Principle of operation How a page is built by an Internet browser How a page is built by an Internet browser resembles a construction site (web pages are loaded not as a whole, but in parts, and then text, images, etc.). resembles a construction site (web pages are loaded not as a whole, but in parts, and then text, images, etc.). The advantage of this method is that individual items can be stored on different servers. The advantage of this method is that individual items can be stored on different servers. To avoid confusion when building a web page, the structure of each of them is written in HTML format. To avoid confusion when building a web page, the structure of each of them is written in HTML format. The hypertext markup language HTML has been the main standard for creating web pages for many years. It can be used to describe the structure of any page containing images, text and video. The hypertext markup language HTML has been the main standard for creating web pages for many years. It can be used to describe the structure of any page containing images, text and video.

How it works Loading a web page Loading a web page First, you must enter the address of the web page in the address bar. First, you must enter the address of the web page in the address bar. This is done in the form of a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) - a standardized way of writing the address of a resource on the Internet. This is done in the form of a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) - a standardized way of writing the address of a resource on the Internet. URL includes: URL includes: method of accessing the resource, i.e. access protocol (http, gopher, WAIS, ftp, file, telnet, etc.) method of accessing a resource, i.e. access protocol (http, gopher, WAIS, ftp, file, telnet, etc.) resource network address (host machine and domain name) resource network address (host machine and domain name) full path to the file on the server full path to the file on server

How it works Loading a web page Loading a web page In general, the URL format looks like this: In general, the URL format looks like this: method://host.domain[:port]/path/filename where method://host.domain[ :port]/path/filename where 1.method - has one of the values ​​listed below: file - a file on your local system or a file on an anonymous FTP server file - a file on your local system or a file on an anonymous FTP server http - a file on World Wide Web server http - file on the World Wide Web server telnet - access to Telnet network resources, etc. telnet - access to Telnet network resources, etc. - resource address on the Internet. 3.port - a number that must be specified if the method requires a port number (individual servers may have their own distinctive port number). 3.port - a number that must be specified if the method requires a port number (individual servers may have their own distinctive port number). Standard ports are: 21 - FTP21 - FTP 23 – Telnet23 – Telnet 80 – HTTP, etc. 80 – HTTP, etc.

How it works Loading a web page Loading a web page However, the specified address in the address bar of the desired resource does not represent anything other than a set of alphanumeric characters until it is translated into an IP address, which is 32 -bit code (each resource address on the network is assigned its own unique IP address, with the help of which the browser makes a request) However, the specified address in the address bar of the desired resource does not represent anything other than a set of alphanumeric characters, until it will not be translated into an IP address, which is a 32-bit code (each resource address on the network is assigned its own unique IP address, with the help of which the browser makes a request). Such assignment is carried out either using data stored on the computer itself, or using the DNS service. This assignment is carried out either using stored data on the computer itself, or using the DNS service.

How it works Loading a web page Loading a web page Next, the browser checks whether this page is saved in the program cache on the local disk. This prevents you from loading the same page twice. Next, the browser checks whether this page is saved in the program cache on the local disk. This prevents you from loading the same page twice. The following cache paths are given for different browsers: The following cache paths are given for different browsers: Browser name Directory (for Windows XP) Google Chrome Google Chrome C:\Documents and Settings\ACCOUNT\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\ User Data\Default\Cache Internet Explorer Internet Explorer C:\Documents and Settings\ACCOUNT\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox C:\Documents and Settings\ACCOUNT\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\ Profiles\*.default\Cache Opera C:\Documents and Settings\ACCOUNT\Local Settings\Application Data\Opera\Opera\cache

How it works Loading a web page Loading a web page If the required web page is not in the cache, the browser checks for the presence of its address in the Hosts file. This file contains a list of websites and their associated IP addresses, which contain information about the location of the sites on the Internet. If the required web page is not in the cache, the browser checks the presence of its address in the Hosts file. This file contains a list of websites and their associated IP addresses, which contain information about the location of the sites on the Internet. In Windows XP, this file is located at the following address: In Windows XP, this file is located at: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

How it works Loading a web page Loading a web page Next, if the above operations are unsuccessful, the browser requests the IP address of the page from the web server - the DNS domain name system is used to provide such information. The main task of the DNS server is to translate domain names into IP addresses and vice versa. When setting up, the client is specified at least one DNS server; its address is issued by the provider. The client sends a request to this server. The server, having received the request, either responds or forwards the request to the “superior” or root server. This is what the “ascending hierarchy” looks like. Next, if the above operations are unsuccessful, the browser requests the IP address of the page from the web server - the DNS domain name system is used to provide such information. The main task of a DNS server is to translate domain names into IP addresses and vice versa. When setting up, the client is specified at least one DNS server; its address is issued by the provider. The client sends a request to this server. The server, having received the request, either responds or forwards the request to the “superior” or root server. This is what the “ascending hierarchy” looks like.

How it works Loading a web page Loading a web page Even if there is an IP address, the browser does not establish a connection directly with the website, but only bypassing several intermediate servers. The path to the same site is different in most cases - this is necessary to avoid unnecessary load, for example, on some popular portals. Even if there is an IP address, the browser does not establish a connection directly with the website, but only by passing through several intermediate servers. The path to the same site is different in most cases - this is necessary to avoid unnecessary load, for example, on some popular portals.

How it works What data do browsers save on a PC What data do browsers save on a PC When visiting websites, traces of the user’s actions remain on the computer, since various data is saved automatically. When visiting websites, traces of the user's actions remain on the computer, since various data are saved automatically. Browser cache. Because accessing data on a hard drive is much faster than loading a site, elements of web pages are stored by the web browser on the user's computer. It is this circumstance that allows you to significantly speed up loading when you revisit a particular page. Browser cache. Because accessing data on a hard drive is much faster than loading a site, elements of web pages are stored by the web browser on the user's computer. It is this circumstance that allows you to significantly speed up loading when you revisit a particular page. Magazine. All browsers save a list of sites visited by the user. Thus, in Internet Explorer, the default period for storing data in the Log is 20 days. Some browsers, such as Firefox, also save a list of downloaded files. Magazine. All browsers save a list of sites visited by the user. Thus, in Internet Explorer, the default period for storing data in the Log is 20 days. Some browsers, such as Firefox, also save a list of downloaded files. Bookmarks. The most interesting pages can be saved on your computer as bookmarks located in the Favorites folder. This eliminates the need to re-enter the web address in the future. Bookmarks. The most interesting pages can be saved on your computer as bookmarks located in the Favorites folder. This eliminates the need to re-enter the web address in the future.

How it works What data do browsers save on your PC What data do browsers save on your PC? Passwords. If necessary, browsers also save passwords, for example, to access an account, however, in this case they can be stolen from the computer by attackers. To securely store passwords, it is better to use a special program, such as Password Depot. Passwords. If necessary, browsers also save passwords, for example, to access an account, however, in this case they can be stolen from the computer by attackers. To securely store passwords, it is better to use a special program, such as Password Depot. Cookie. When you visit websites, a small text file called a cookie is stored on your computer and is used to identify the user the next time you visit the page. Cookie. When you visit websites, a small text file called a cookie is stored on your computer and is used to identify the user the next time you visit the page. Web form data. At first glance, saving web form data is a very useful feature: whenever you need to provide your name or address when registering on a website, for example, the browser does it for you. But there is also a flip side to the coin: the browser stores confidential information on the computer, thereby making it easy prey for Internet scammers. Web form data. At first glance, saving web form data is a very useful feature: whenever you need to provide your name or address when registering on a website, for example, the browser does it for you. But there is also a flip side to the coin: the browser stores confidential information on the computer, thereby making it easy prey for Internet scammers.

Browser benchmarks In September 2010, the global share of Microsoft's Internet Explorer dropped below 50% for the first time. The share of Firefox, the main competitor of Internet Explorer, continues to grow and already stands at 31.5%. No less popular among alternative browsers are Opera, Google Chrome, Safari, the share of which is also increasing. The main characteristics of the browser can certainly be considered the following: The main characteristics of the browser can certainly be considered the following: - performance - performance - reliability - reliability - functionality - functionality

Comparative characteristics of browsers The performance of any modern browser is determined by the speed of the rendering engine and the JavaScript interpreter. The most important part of all browsers is the rendering engine (layout engine), whose main tasks include reading HTML, generating a Document Object Model (DOM) based on it, and rendering it. The building block responsible for interpreting markup is the HTML and CSS parser.

Comparative characteristics of browsers However, almost all browser developers, like car manufacturers, use their own engines. For example, Internet Explorer has a different engine than Firefox or Chrome. As a result, Chrome, thanks to its “fresh” engine, provides better display of modern web pages with a large number of scripts. The same engine, by the way, is used in the Safari browser from Apple. The most popular engines are: Trident (IE), Geko (Mozilla Firefox), KHTML (Safari), WebKit (Google Chrome), Presto (Opera). However, almost all browser developers, like car manufacturers, use their own engines. For example, Internet Explorer has a different engine than Firefox or Chrome. As a result, Chrome, thanks to its “fresh” engine, provides better display of modern web pages with a large number of scripts. The same engine, by the way, is used in the Safari browser from Apple. The most popular engines are: Trident (IE), Geko (Mozilla Firefox), KHTML (Safari), WebKit (Google Chrome), Presto (Opera).

Comparative characteristics of browsers Test of the most popular browsers today: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Opera. The tests were carried out by specialists from the online publication Toms Hardware Guide. During the test, emphasis was placed on the following properties of browsers: Startup time - the time to start each browser from the moment you click on the icon until locally stored and cached web pages are fully loaded Memory usage - the amount of memory used by the browser with the same number of several open tabs Loading time pages - measured using the WebMonkey Browser Load Time StopWatch JavaScript test when opening various well-known sites JavaScript - speed of the JavaScript engine PeaceKeeper, Acid3 and DOM - the first is a cross-platform application for testing performance, the second tests browser compliance with web standards, the third - performance DOM components Flash, Java and SilverLight - browser performance using these platforms

Comparative characteristics of browsers Test results. Category/TestWinner Load TimeOpera Memory UsageFirefox Page Load TimeFirefox HTMLSafari CSSSafari TablesSafari JavaScriptChrome PeaceKeeperOpera Acid3Chrome DOMChrome FlashOpera JavaOpera SilverLightFirefox / Internet Explorer

Comparative characteristics of browsers As a result of the tests, one thing is obvious - IE is an outsider, and not just in the top categories, but in tests in general, without entering the top three in almost any of them. The rest of the products showed their worth, taking high ratings in various tests in different ways, which means we cannot judge them unambiguously yet. However, Google Chrome proved to be the leader in overall superiority. As a result of the tests, one thing is clear - IE is an outsider, and not just in the top categories, but in tests in general, having never entered the top three in almost any of them. The rest of the products showed their worth, taking high ratings in various tests in different ways, which means we cannot judge them unambiguously yet. However, Google Chrome proved to be the leader in overall superiority.

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What is a browser??

Web browser, browser (from the English Web browser; browser option - an outdated and less preferred form - software for viewing websites, that is, for requesting web pages (mainly from the Internet), processing them, displaying them and moving from one pages to another.

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Browsers have constantly evolved since the birth of the World Wide Web and, with its growth, have become increasingly popular programs. Nowadays, a browser is a complex application for processing and displaying various components of a web page and for providing an interface between a website and its visitor. Almost all popular browsers are distributed free of charge or “bundled” with other applications: Internet Explorer (shared with Microsoft Windows), Mozilla Firefox (free, open source software, compatible with some Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu), Safari (shared with Mac OS X and free for Microsoft Windows), Opera (free since version 8.50), Google Chrome (free), Avant (free).

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First browser

The first common GUI browser was NCSA Mosaic. The source code of this one of the first browsers was open source and several other browsers (Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer) took it as a basis. This browser had its shortcomings, but almost all of them were eliminated in the Netscape Navigator browser (some Netscape employees were from NCSA and participated in the development of Mosaic)

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The emergence of Mozilla

Due to the loss of the market, Netscape's revenues fell and it was acquired by AOL, and the source code of the Netscape browser was released under a free license. The name “Mozilla” was originally present in the Netscape browser and was an abbreviation for the words Mosaic + killer. However, it was decided not to use this code and instead, a new engine (Gecko) was written for Netscape 6 from scratch, initially focused on full support of standards, on the basis of which the browser was later created. Subsequently, the Mozilla Foundation decided to supply and develop the browser separately from the general package the Mozilla Firefox project was born. Firefox contains many features not found in IE or other browsers and is slowly gaining popularity

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Browser classification

Of course, the convenience and functionality of browsers allows us to highlight the most frequently used and slightly less used browsers.


Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, Opera

Less common

ChromePlus[, SRWare Iron, Chromium, Mozilla, Netscape Navigator, Flock, etc.


Alynx, ELinks, Links, Lynx, Netrik, w3m, WebbIE, DOSLynx

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Geography of distribution

In Russia, from January 2009 to the end of September of the same year, Opera held the first place in popularity, after which there was a sharp drop; in early December, Opera briefly regained its leadership, but then lost it to Firefox and has been losing it by several percent since then. Opera also ranks first in terms of frequency of use and is very popular in other CIS countries. Mozilla Firefox is the leader in Indonesia (about 80%), Germany (more than 50%), Eastern European countries, some countries in Africa and Southeast Asia. In Korea in 2007-2008, 99% of users used Internet Explorer, since all banking and government sites were required by law to use ActiveX (this law was repealed in June 2010). In China, the share of Internet Explorer is also close to 90%, except In addition, the Maxthon browser is popular in this country. Chrome in 2010 came out on top in Tunisia and Albania, in March 2011 also in the Philippines and Armenia

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Market shares

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Browser statistics

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Internet Explorer

Windows Internet Explorer (read as Internet Explorer, formerly Microsoft Internet Explorer or simply Internet Explorer) is a series of browsers developed by Microsoft Corporation since 1995. Included in the Windows family of operating systems. Ranks first in the number of users Has undergone many changes, the latest version was released on 14 March 2011, IE 9.0 Available in 32 and 64 bit versions exclusively for Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2. IE9 has received an updated interface. It supports most specifications, rounded borders, inline processing, embedded ICC color profiles, provides faster JavaScript processing, IE9 also introduces hardware-accelerated graphics rendering using Direct2D, and supports video and audio tags.

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Mozilla Firefox (pronounced mazilla firefox) is a freely distributed browser. The second most popular browser in the world and the first among free software. The browser has an interface with many tabs, spell checking, search as you type, “live bookmarks”, a download manager, a search engine. New features can be added using extensions[ Firefox is officially released for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Unofficial builds are available for FreeBSD, BeOS, and many other Unix-like operating systems. The browser code is open source and distributed under a triple license

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Safari is a browser developed by Apple and is part of the Mac OS X operating system, and is also freely distributed for operating systems of the Microsoft Windows family. Ranks fourth in terms of number of users (market share in July 2010 - ▲ 5.09%) Safari is based on the freely distributed code of the WebKit engine. This browser was created when Apple's agreement with Microsoft to support Internet Explorer for the Macintosh platform was coming to an end. Shortly after the introduction of Safari, work on Internet Explorer for Mac was discontinued. Using tabs (allows you to open several web pages in one window at once and freely switch between them), built-in search tools: Google, Yahoo! and Bing (from version 5.0) in Mac OS X and Windows, the ability to block pop-up windows Convenient and simple search for a piece of text on a page, auto-filling of forms (synchronization with Mac OS X and MS Windows address books), built-in RSS aggregator, scaling of the input area text, private browsing - a mode in which no browsing history is kept, cookies are not accepted, passwords and entered data are not remembered, support for various encryption protocols

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Google Chrome English chrome - chrome) is a browser developed by Google based on the free Chromium browser and using the WebKit engine to display web pages. The first public beta version for Microsoft Windows was released on September 2, 2008, and the first stable version was released on December 11, 2008. According to StatCounter, the browser is in third place in popularity, and its market share in March 2011 is 17.25% The first beta version of the browser was published for Microsoft Windows (starting with XP and for later versions) on September 2, 2008, was available in 43 languages. Within the first few hours of release, several hundred different error messages were sent to Google. The browser is distributed under the terms of a special proprietary license EULA. Part of the browser code is open sourced under the name Chromium under a license like BSD and others.

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Opera is a web browser and software package for surfing the Internet produced by Opera Software. Developed in 1994 by a group of researchers from the Norwegian company Telenor. Since 1995, a product of Opera Software, formed by the authors of the first version of the browser. The combined market share of Opera and Opera Mobile in March 2011 was 2.15%. Additionally, Opera Mini's share was 1.06%. In Russia, the percentage of browser users is much higher than the world average. Opera browser has been ported to several operating systems (including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, as well as for mobile platforms based on Symbian, Maemo, Java, Android, Windows Mobile, iPhone) and platforms (Intel, Sparc, PowerPC) The Opera engine (Presto) is licensed by Adobe and integrated into the Adobe Creative Suite (in particular, Presto is used in Adobe GoLive and Dreamweaver) Opera has a built-in TDI interface, pop-up blocking can be configured, and there is protection against fraud, download manager, BitTorrent client, search menu, RSS aggregator. The package also includes the Opera Mail email client and a client for IRC networks.

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While fighting for the current user, the companies that create them are improving their browsers more and more. A new browser is expected to be created in the future - Gizelle

Modern browsers A browser is a special program that allows you to view the contents of the Internet. It allows you to access all information resources on the network. Using the browser, you can view and download pictures, sound and video files, various text information (e-books, news, magazines, jokes), etc. Shchadrina Anna, 11th grade

Pros: high speed; less load: when opening many tabs, Chrome consumes little resources; visually takes up less space on the screen; convenient search: when searching on the page, as well as in the HTML code, the number of mentions is automatically counted. Shchadrina Anna, 11th grade

Disadvantages: inconvenience of working with several search engines: in Chrome you can use any search engine, but by default there is only 1 search engine. working with bookmarks is not entirely convenient: the asterisk in the address bar is intended for this, but in reality bookmarks are not fully synchronized. Shchadrina Anna, 11th grade

Cons: You can’t turn off the pictures; When updating, all installed extensions are removed; Compared to previous versions, the browser has become heavier and often freezes; consumes a lot of RAM; The bookmarks bar is poorly implemented. If you want to quickly go to the site you need, it will be much easier to enter its name in the search bar. Shchadrina Anna, 11th grade

Pros: convenient, pleasant multi-window interface; fully customizable interface; support for all Russian encodings; the ability to edit all menus and add your own items to it; small volume; high page loading speed; increasing and decreasing page size. Shchadrina Anna, 11th grade

Cons: Sometimes it crashes if you scroll while the page is loading; frequent Java script errors (pages are displayed incorrectly); on pages with a large number of Java elements, the browser slows down; not all pages are displayed correctly. Shchadrina Anna, 11th grade

Presentations "Internet browsers" for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year college students. The presentations highlight the five major browsers that are the most common. This material may be useful in classes in the discipline "Web technologies" and computer science.


Improved interface

Smart address bar


When you open a new tab or type in the smart address bar, Firefox will check to see if that site is already open. If it's open, you'll be redirected to the existing tab to prevent you from opening it again.

Pinned Tabs

Grab the sites you always keep open, like webmail, from the tab bar and make them a permanent home in your browser.

Reopen closed tabs and windows

Easy scrolling

  • Password Manager
  • Filling out forms
  • Pop-up blocker

  • Search suggestions
  • Hundreds of search engines
  • Short names
  • Web surfing with location detection

  • Hardware acceleration
  • Drop protection
  • Real Performance
  • 3D in the Internet

  • Instant website identification
  • Anti-surveillance
  • Forget about this site
  • Securing website connections
  • Content Security Policy
  • Integration with antivirus
  • etc.

Dress up your Firefox with a wallpaper

  • Latest web technologies
  • Websockets
  • Updating Forms
  • Video in WebM and HD format
  • Parser
  • IndexedDB
  • Next generation graphics
  • Simple editor JavaScript
  • Improved file API
  • Styling Pages with CSS3
  • Audio API
  • Multi-sensor support
  • Web Console

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"Browsers_Google Chrome"

  • - a browser developed by Google based on the free Chromium browser and using the WebKit engine to display web pages.

  • Chrome periodically downloads updates from two blacklists and warns the user when they try to visit a malicious site.

  • Google Chrome uses the high-performance V8 JavaScript processing engine. Google Chrome can also use DNS forward reading to speed up page loading.

  • By default, the Google Chrome interface includes buttons:
  • back
  • forward
  • refresh/stop download
  • add current page to bookmarks

The home page button can be enabled.

  • The tab bar is the main component of the interface and is located at the top of the window rather than below the address bar. This change is quite a contrast compared to many other browsers.
  • Chrome has a bookmark manager accessible from the menu.

  • When you visit pages in a language other than the one used in the Google Chrome interface, a bar automatically appears at the top of the page asking you to translate the web page.

  • Web inspector - here you can view elements and resources associated with the selected component
  • Task Manager - Task Manager shows all processes running in Google Chrome and the resources used by these processes

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"Browsers_Internet Explorer"

Windows Internet Explorer is a series of browsers developed by Microsoft since 1995. Included in the Windows family of operating systems. It ranks first in terms of the number of users (market share in January 2010 - 62.18%).

Internet Explorer has been the most widely used web browser since 1999, peaking at 95% in 2002-2003.

Legality in everything

Microsoft is well known for its “predilection” to protect its products as much as possible from illegal distribution, which, by the way, is very common in our country.

A search bar has appeared to the right of the address bar. It has been present in all other browsers for a long time - it was added in IE 6 add-ons. But this is not the most interesting thing. The default search engine is Google! This is when Microsoft is fighting this company with all its might in the search engine market! But it seems that the browser developers are clearly aware that Google is much more popular than MSN (Microsoft Network), so they do not explicitly impose their service.

Now let's talk about tabs. IE 6 has long been criticized for their absence. In the seventh version, they are implemented at a fairly good level. However, their functionality is somewhat different from their analogues. You can only close an active tab (an inactive one can only be closed through the context menu called by right-clicking on the tab) by clicking on the cross located on the right side.

In IE 7, you can move any tab to a different location if necessary. This feature is present in all modern browsers for Windows. However, the functions of this element are not limited to this. (Opening a new tab in Internet Explorer 7)


Working with bookmarks in Internet Explorer 7 has hardly changed since the sixth version

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"Browsers_Internet Explorer_Safari_Mozila FireFox"

  • Third most popular browser in the world
  • The browser is particularly successful in some countries; in Germany and Poland it is the most popular browser
  • In Russia, Firefox ranks second in popularity among PC browsers
  • Firefox is officially released for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Android and Linux.

A browser developed by Apple and included in operating systems

Mac OS X and iOS. Consistently ranks fourth in terms of number of users.

Released in August 1995, based on the Spyglass, Inc. browser. Mosaic. Microsoft licensed the browser on the terms of paying a percentage of sales and a fixed amount every quarter.

Internet Explorer 1.0, like Internet Explorer 2.0, released in November 1995, was not widely used. Distributed as part of Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95.

Released in November 1995, it had support for JavaScript, NNTP, frames and SSL. The first version that was released for both Windows and Mac.

Released on August 13, 1996, it was written by programmers hired from Spyglass to develop a browser based on Mosaic.

This version supported CSS, ActiveX plugins and Java extensions, multimedia capabilities, and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) PICS content control system. These innovations were significant at the time, compared to its main competitor, Netscape Navigator.

Supplied with Windows 95 OSR2. The first version of IE to include a blue E.

Released in September 1997 and had a deeper connection with the operating system. The browser code has been completely rewritten.

The main innovation in Internet Explorer 4 is Group Policy technology, which allows companies to debug and control their employees' access to many aspects of the browser's configuration.

Version 4.0 supported DHTML, native JavaScript extensions that were incompatible with Netscape 4.0 could redraw the page (for example, if an element was added or removed using JS). IE 4.0 supported its own document object model (DOM), the so-called document.all, which was much simpler and more stable than Netscape's DOM - document.layers.

Internet Explorer 4.0 shipped with Windows 98.

The release of Internet Explorer 4.0 is considered the beginning of the browser war.

For the first time, IE supported large parts of the W3C DOM, and also provided improved CSS support. Supports right-to-left writing (Arabic and Hebrew), Agate font, XML, XSL and the ability to save web pages in MHTML web archive format.

Supplied built-in in Windows 98 SE and Windows 2000 (version 5.01), as well as on disks with Microsoft Office 2000.

Version 5.5 released in July 2000, with improved print page previews, improved CSS and HTML support, and an application programming interface.

Internet Explorer 5.5 was included with Windows ME.


This version has improved DHTML, content control, improved support for CSS level 1, DOM level 1 and SMIL 2.0. The interface allows dynamic access and updating of document structure and style (without restrictions). The MSXML engine has been improved to version 3.0.

Features: new version of IEAK, multimedia panel, integration with Windows Messenger, automatic image resizing, P3P, and appearance consistent with the Luna desktop theme for Windows XP.


It was released on October 18, 2006 and by October 26 had been downloaded more than three million times. By mid-January 2007, the number of downloads exceeded 100 million.

The new version features support for tabs, support for the alpha channel of PNG images, improved support for W3C standards, a built-in mechanism for working with RSS, protection against scammers, international domain names, etc.

This version of IE is included with Windows Vista with some security improvements: protected mode (running the browser in a sandbox with access only to temporary Internet files, memory protection, etc.). This version was the first version to no longer contain Mosaic code.

On October 4, 2007, an updated IE7 installer was released that does not require verification of the legality of the copy of the operating system during installation.


Works on operating systems XP, Vista, Server 2003 and Server 2008. Built natively into Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

This version removed support for some standards supported by Microsoft, such as CSS expressions, and significantly expanded support for DOM Level 2, and therefore MSDN provided information support for users migrating from previous versions of the browser.

Available in 32 and 64 bit versions exclusively for Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2.

IE9 received an updated minimalistic interface. It supports most CSS3 specifications, rounded borders, inline SVG processing, inline ICC color profiles, provides faster JavaScript processing. Also, IE9 introduces hardware acceleration for graphics rendering using Direct2D. In addition, it supports HTML5 video and audio tags, as well as Web Open Font Format


The first test build of the browser was released on April 12, 2011, in which support for some CSS3 features was added to the capabilities of Internet Explorer 9.

The browser's developers have said that Internet Explorer 10 will only work with Windows 7 and Windows 8 and will not support earlier operating systems, including Windows Vista.

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Web browser


  • Opera(MFA: - a web browser and software package for working on the Internet, produced by Opera Software.
  • Developed in 1994 by a group of researchers from the Norwegian company Telenor.
  • Since 1995, it has been a product of Opera Software, founded by the authors of the first version of the browser.

Thank you for your attention! The Safari Internet browser was launched by Apple, Steve Jobs' company, in 2003 and entered the browser market as a competitor to Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera Web navigator. Apple's new browser was called Safari, and it quickly and organically fit into the list of the best web browsers.

The new Safari version 4 has been adapted from Apple's native Mac OS for the most used type of computer: the PC. The latest version of Safari runs on all Windows operating systems, including the new Windows 7. The browser is free and can be downloaded, installed and tested on any computer. You can download Safari for free from the official Apple website.

Single search string. From here - anywhere.

Use one convenient search field to search for words and web addresses. When you enter a web address, Safari opens the web page you want - even if you didn't enter the full address. Safari finds what you need faster and more accurately. This browser is always one step ahead. When you type a query into the search field, Safari suggests the best match—that is, the most accurate result for your query. Safari finds the best match in your bookmarks and browsing history, so the page you're looking for opens instantly.

Tab view mode. New point of view.

In tabbed view, you can immediately see the pages you need. Just spread your fingers to see all open tabs. To switch between them, simply swipe left or right. And to open a website, tap the desired tab. Thanks to support for Multi-Touch gestures, working in tabbed mode is convenient and fun.

iCloud Tabs. Internet right where you left off.

Websites you've recently viewed on your Mac are saved in iCloud Tabs, and you can open them in Safari on iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. You can move from one device to another and continue reading where you left off. You don't need to synchronize for this. Simply click the iCloud Tabs button in Safari's toolbar to open web pages you've recently viewed on any of your devices. For security purposes, URL information is encrypted. If you don't want the pages you open on your Mac to appear on your other devices, turn on Private Browsing.

Built-in publishing. All included.

Now you can post links as soon as you find something interesting on the Web - without leaving Safari. Just click the "Submit" button and then select the appropriate method. Send links to web pages via Mail and Messages. Post them on Facebook or Twitter. Add comments and links with location data. Just log into Facebook or Twitter once and your account will be set up in Safari. If you want to send a link to a web page via Mail, Safari offers four options: send the page in Reader format, so that only the text is displayed without unnecessary details; send the entire web page in a message; send the webpage as a PDF attachment - or simply send a link.

Improved performance. The browser shows strength.

Safari's improved performance makes web pages load faster. The Nitro JavaScript engine takes advantage of the multi-core processor on your Mac, so you experience fewer pauses and lags while browsing the web. Safari also takes a new approach to CSS that speeds up rendering. With improved hardware acceleration capabilities, 2D text and graphics render faster and scroll more smoothly, even as your Mac processes new content on a web page.

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From the history of creation and development Browser wars have been fought since the advent of the Internet in its modern understanding, and in the modern understanding this is primarily the World Wide Web. This is a superstructure over the “basic” Internet, which, in fact, turned it into an international communication environment that united humanity. It made it possible not only to exchange messages or files, but also to “publish” illustrated documents on the Internet (on the server), which could be viewed in real time by anyone who accessed the server using a “client” program (client-server connection " - one of the foundations of the structure of the Network).

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From the history of creation and development The first browsers were text-based, capable of displaying only letters and numbers. But the author of the world's first browser in a more real sense was Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who is deservedly considered the creator of the World Wide Web. It was this man, working in the late 80s of the XX century. at the European Particle Physics Laboratory in Geneva (CERN), developed a “hypertext system” for distributed access to network information and proposed the abbreviation WWW. And the world's first browser was simply called WWW. WWW appeared over 20 years ago and was a text-based, one-dimensional browser that only displayed one page at a time. Tim Berners-Lee used a NeXT computer running the NeXTStep operating system to create his browser.

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From the history of creation and development In 1995, Microsoft began developing its own browser, which was also based on the Mosaic program. However, her efforts remained not particularly noticeable, since Netscape suited everyone, and there was no particular need for a program that did the same thing. However, by 1996, the browser, called Internet Explorer, was quite functional, and through the efforts of Microsoft fans, its third version occupied a small part of the “browser market” that was beginning to take shape. Netscape programmers were busy polishing their product and introducing new functions into it - as the Net grew, the number of ideas on how it could be used grew rapidly. Internet pages were gaining more and more possibilities - they were no longer a simple collection of “flat” text and pictures, but could contain different types of formatting, graphics, animation, sound, and support various dynamic and interactive technologies.

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From the history of creation and development These technologies were developed and improved by different people, and the creators of browsers tried to keep up with them, constantly “modernizing” the Internet as its population increased. In 1997, the growing Internet became the arena for a battle between Netscape and MSIE (MicroSoft Internet Explorer) on equal terms. During the year, “new generation” versions of Netscape 4 and MSIE 4 were released, which became truly widespread. Initially, MSIE's share was small, but it gradually increased, and at some point the market was divided in half.

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From the history of creation and development, it became obvious that the Internet had a serious problem. The two major browsers took very different approaches to rendering web pages created using the common hypertext markup language HTML. The developers of both companies were not very concerned about making their browsers compatible and did everything differently. As a result, both ordinary users and website creators were divided into “Netscape” and “Microsoft” camps. A site created under Netscape might not display or function correctly under MSIE, and vice versa.

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From the history of creation and development By 2000, IE had finally won, and Netscape, which settled on the next modification of version 4, fell into oblivion. Netscape Corporation was absorbed by the AOL Time Warner holding company, and its team was subsequently dissolved. The browser was not saved either by making it free or by opening its source code. At one point, IE's share of the total number of browsers reached 99 percent of the market. However, when the first epidemics of virus worms began to hit the Internet, it became clear that IE, along with Windows, is replete with software vulnerabilities, and its use poses a security threat to the computer.

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From the history of creation and development But back in 1998, the core group of Netscape creators called for the help of volunteers from all over the world and set them the task of making a new, better browser. Enthusiasts united in a project called the Mozilla Organization (later the Mozilla Foundation) and began to work hard, thinking about the structure. Since 1997, Norwegian programmers have been working on the creation of the Opera browser, which, when created, was thought out from the point of view of ease of use, but was still replete with flaws and did not inspire much trust among the masses. Various programmers' experiments on how to improve the use of browsers led to the invention of a host of new technologies - for example, the use of "gestures" with the mouse to issue commands to the program, the use of "tabs" - opening several pages in one window in the taskbar, integration of advanced tools into browsers for working with downloading large files, for data encryption, and so on

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From the history of creation and development After the defeat of version 4 of Netscape, they tried to create a new browser from scratch - the “engine” was rewritten and given the name Gecko. After a break, the first browser, called Netscape 6, was released based on Gecko, and failed. The same fate befell Netscape 7, which followed it. The Opera product line tried to implement the new requirements for browsers as far as possible, and at the same time “add-ons” began to appear on the IE engine - essentially, shell programs that showed Internet pages exactly like IE , but had expanded functionality, customizable interface appearance and other amenities. The most popular among these “shells” are Maxthon (MyIE) and AvantBrowser. But even with all their advantages, they did not conquer the mass market; moreover, they were vulnerable to the same extent as the “main” browser.

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From the history of creation and development, the Mozilla Foundation understood: for a truly adequate answer, it is impossible to do without PR technologies. All this time they were developing various browser and browser-based projects under the common Mozilla brand, but some time had to pass for the product to act as a “united front” to form its own project. At first it was called Phoenix, then due to patent problems it was renamed Firebird, then Firefox. From early versions it was given to the public for testing, who helped carefully fine-tune it and unequivocally guide it towards perfection.

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Comparative characteristics of browsers As a result of the tests, one thing is obvious - IE is an outsider, and not just in the top categories, but in tests in general, without entering the top three in almost any of them. The rest of the products showed their worth, taking high ratings in various tests in different ways, which means we cannot judge them unambiguously yet. However, Google Chrome proved to be the leader in overall superiority.

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