Where is the turbo button in the Yandex browser. What does enabling turbo mode in the Yandex browser give?

Today, dear friends, we will talk about saving traffic in the Google Chrome browser. For quite some time now, the ability to turn on turbo mode and save traffic, plus speed up page loading, has appeared in Yandex and Opera browsers. So Chrom arrived in time.

After studying the material, you can enable this function not only in the Internet browser on your computer or laptop, but also on your smartphone or tablet.

This effect is achieved by the fact that the information is processed and compressed on third-party servers. I would like to immediately note that if you notice that a site or service has stopped working, then turn off this function while working with it and that’s it.

Unfortunately, Chrome does not have a built-in turbo mode function, so you and I will have to install an additional extension. But don’t despair, this is all done very quickly.

Installing the data saver extension to save traffic in Google Chrome

Launch the browser and click on the menu button in the upper right corner in the form of three stripes. From the drop-down list, select “Advanced settings – Extensions”:

We get a list of all extensions installed in our browser, scroll to the very bottom and click on the link “More extensions”:

The Chrome Web Store opens. Let’s use its search and look for the “data saver” extension:

You will find the “Traffic Saving” extension, click on the “Install” button to the right of it:

After the installation is complete, a message pops up stating that the “Traffic Saving” extension is installed, and its icon appears on the right next to the menu in the upper corner:

We can open a couple of sites, click on this icon and make sure that it works. We show how much traffic has been used and how much has been saved.

To disable traffic saving, simply remove the bird in the upper right corner opposite the corresponding inscription:

On the site you can also read about Turbo mode in other browsers: and.

Enable Turbo mode in the Chrome application for Android on phones and tablets

Launch the browser and click on the menu button in the form of three vertical dots in the upper right corner. From the drop-down list, select “Settings”:

We see that our switch is in the “Off” position. We fix this and enable it.

After turning on the economy mode, we immediately have statistics. This means that the function is active:

That's it, now you can turn on turbo mode in Chrome and see how much traffic you saved over the whole day on your computer and phone. And also check whether your browser is working faster.

Many browsers have a so-called “Turbo” mode, which, when activated, increases page loading speed. It works quite simply - all downloaded web pages are first sent to the browser servers, where they are compressed. Well, the smaller their size, the faster their loading. Today you will learn not only how to enable Turbo mode in Yandex Browser, but also one more useful feature of it.

If you need turbo mode in the Yandex browser, then there is nothing easier than turning it on. In the upper right corner, click on the menu button and select “ Turn on turbo».

Accordingly, in the future, all new tabs and reloaded pages will be opened through this mode.

How to work in Turbo mode?

At normal Internet speeds, you most likely won’t even notice the acceleration or, on the contrary, you will feel the opposite effect. If there are problems with the site, acceleration is also unlikely to help. But if your Internet provider is to blame and the current speed is not enough to load pages quickly, then this mode will partially (or even completely) help solve this problem.

If turbo is enabled in the Yandex browser, then you will have to “pay” for this with possible problems with loading images and a decrease in the quality of pictures. But at the same time, you not only get faster loading, but also traffic savings, which in some cases can be important.

A small trick to using the Turbo mode for other purposes is that you can access sites anonymously. As mentioned above, all pages are first transferred to Yandex’s own proxy server, which can compress data by up to 80%, and then sent to the user’s computer. Thus, you can open some pages where you would normally log into the site, without authorization, and also visit blocked resources.

How to disable Turbo mode?

The mode is turned off in the same way as it is turned on: button Menu > Turn off turbo.

Automatic inclusion of Turbo mode

You can set the Turbo mode to activate when the speed drops. To do this, click on the menu button and select “ Settings" At the very bottom of this page, find the section “ Turbo" and select " Automatically turn on when connection is slow" You can also check the boxes “ Notify about connection speed changes" And " Compress video».

In this easy way you can get several advantages from Turbo mode at once. This saves traffic, speeds up page loading, and a built-in proxy connection. Use this mode wisely and do not turn it on when the Internet speed is high: you can truly appreciate the quality of its work only in certain conditions.

Saving traffic in the Yandex Browser is one of the most important consumer qualities of the program. The Yandex browser, created in 2012, ranks second in popularity among desktop computers in RuNet with a share of 9.4%. The basis for creating the product was the Blink engine from the open-source Chromium browser. In addition to the desktop version, there is a mobile version of the product for the Android and iOS platforms, as well as a version for Linux.

Features of the “Turbo” capabilities

This feature is based on the world-famous Opera Turbo technology and is activated when the Internet connection is slow. Thanks to this extension, page loading speed increases and traffic is saved. The principle of saving is similar to that of leading search engines and consists in pre-sending the requested information to the Yandex servers. There it is compressed as much as possible in gzip (images are in WebP) and in processed form is transmitted to the browser. The program does not compress protocols protected by the HTTPS protocol, since they cannot be sent to special servers.

When “Turbo” is activated, some page elements do not load at all. This primarily applies to advertising banners and video files, in place of which a stub is displayed with the information: “The video is hidden to save Yandex Browser traffic.” When clicking on this stub, the user will be able to view the hidden element. If you need to see the page in full format, then you need to click on “Turbo” and select the “Show all” button in the section.

During the acceleration process, video files are compressed by default right as they are viewed, which saves about 70% of traffic. At the same time, the video quality decreases noticeably. To watch a file in high quality, you should disable its compression in the “Turbo” section.

Turning compression mode on or off

For smooth automatic regulation of the “Turbo” function, the developers have set two thresholds, the boundaries of which cannot be manually adjusted:

  • 128 Kbps. If the speed drops below this mark, the mode is activated. Even if the connection speed is increased, “Turbo” operates until the upper limit is reached.
  • 512 Kbps. If the connection speed exceeds this mark, the data stream is turned off and remains inactive until the speed drops below 128 Kbps.

Briefly about how in the “Yandex Browser” - to do this, go to the “Add-ons” section and turn it to the “Off” position. slider, which is located on the right of the acceleration tool.

The developers provide the ability to configure individual mode parameters:

  1. "Automatic turn on when connection is slow." In this case, the browser will operate by default within the specified speed limits (128-512 Kbps).
  2. "Always on." It works constantly, which is confirmed by the corresponding icon on the panel. Disadvantage: It can slow down data loading when there is a good Internet connection.
  3. "Switched off". Does not compress data. If the connection is weak, it offers to activate “Turbo”.
  4. "Notification about connection speed change." The user will receive notifications from the browser about the dynamics of the connection and the current state of the traffic saving mode.
  5. "Compress video." By checking or unchecking this box, you can select the quality in which video files will be broadcast.

Additional program features

In addition to the direct saving function, the browser has implemented a number of innovations that also speed up the search for the necessary information and reduce the amount of received and transmitted data:

  • The “Tableboard” panel displays the most visited sites (up to 20), which saves the user from regularly searching for them. You can also attach the necessary addresses yourself.
  • Smart line of requests and addresses. The browser understands requests and web addresses in written and voice format. The site is recognized by part of its name.
Using the “Turbo” mode allows you to view sites that are included in the Roskomnadzor register of prohibited resources and are blocked by mobile operators.

Slow browser performance often makes you think about changing your Internet provider. But don't rush! It is possible that the so-called turbo mode will solve the problem with loading pages. Now it can be found in almost all browsers. It is usually used when the Internet connection speed is low. Today we have to figure out how to enable turbo mode in Yandex.Browser. What tips and recommendations will help bring your idea to life? What information should everyone be familiar with about how this function works?

Automatic switching on

First you need to understand what turbo mode is in Yandex Browser. As already mentioned, this option serves as a kind of browser accelerator. It not only speeds up the Internet, but also saves traffic. It is important to remember that turbo mode does not work with the https protocol. When working with high-speed Internet, it is recommended to completely disable this option to avoid problems with downloading videos and music.

What to do if you want to use a function? How to activate turbo mode in Yandex.Browser? There are several possible solutions. The first answer is no way. Turbo mode automatically turns on when Internet speed drops to 128 kb/sec. Therefore, if the Network is really not working well, the required option will turn on on its own.

Old versions

Sometimes you have to manage this setting yourself. It is then that you need to deal with the question of how to enable turbo mode in Yandex.Browser. Different versions of the application require different settings. Every user should take this nuance into account.

In older versions of Yandex Browser, it is suggested to act like this:

  1. Open the browser, first closing all active pages.
  2. In the upper right corner, click on the gear icon.
  3. Select "Settings" from the menu that appears.
  4. Find it on the page and click on the line “Show additional settings”.
  5. In the "Turbo" section, move the switch to one position or another. You can enable automatic connection of the option, refuse to use it completely, or activate it manually.

Nothing difficult, unclear or special. But there is another approach to solving the problem.

New builds

How to enable turbo mode in new versions of Yandex.Browser? The algorithm of actions in this case will change slightly. The user must adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Open Yandex Browser.
  2. In the upper right corner, click on the button with three horizontal lines. The function menu will open.
  3. Click on "Add-ons".
  4. Go to the "Tools" section.
  5. Find the inscription "Turbo" there. On the right side, set the setting operation parameter.

That's all! Now it’s clear how to enable turbo mode in Yandex Browser. This procedure takes several minutes. By the way, sometimes the “Turbo” inscription is already located at the top of the menu.

Attention: if the user has selected the "On" mode, Turbo will turn on immediately after detecting an Internet connection on the computer. As already mentioned, it is better to abandon such a solution when constantly working with high-speed Internet.

Despite the fact that Internet providers provide their users with fairly high Internet connection speeds, sometimes users have problems and they cannot load certain sites, or they load very slowly. This can happen for various reasons, and measures to solve this problem can be different.

The most common problem is that sites are too “heavy” and the current Internet speed is simply not enough to quickly display content. A browser with “Turbo” mode can help in this particular case.

What it is

What is turbo mode? This is a pre-installed option for the Internet browser from Yandex. In the active state, before loading the site onto the end user’s computer, it is “run” through certain servers in Yandex, where all content is optimized to the maximum and compressed by special algorithms. This happens in a fraction of seconds and as a result, a person receives an optimized and “light” version of the resource he needs. This mode will be useful for those who have weak hardware, who have problems with the Internet connection or limited traffic.


In order to figure out how to enable turbo mode in the Yandex browser, you need, of course, to download the Yandex browser. Next, install it on your device to access the network.

There are two ways to activate this option:

Method 1 (using the mode button)

This is a new option, and it is the fastest and most convenient. Appeared in the latest versions of the Yandex browser, which simplifies access to this option. In order to activate this option, you need to:

  1. Open a web browser;
  2. Click on the menu icon;
  3. In the drop-down window, select “Enable turbo”.

If everything went well, then an active mode button in the form of a rocket will appear in the address bar of our browser. If you click on this icon, you can view basic information about this option (how long it works, the amount of traffic saved), and also enable/disable additional security properties for this program:

Method 2 (via settings)

The second method takes longer. To enable the option you must:

  1. Open the menu.
  2. Go to the “Settings” item (or follow the direct link browser://settings).
  3. In the window that opens, find the “Turbo” section.
  4. Select the necessary settings.

Auto mode

As stated above, When the acceleration option is activated, Yandex compresses the content to load it quickly, but downloaded videos, music, and pictures lose quality. In order not to constantly monitor the Internet speed and not turn it on/off, the developers took care of automatically changing the Internet browser operating options.

If you check the box next to “Automatically enable on slow connection” in the settings, the browser itself will monitor slow loading times and enable/disable acceleration if necessary.

How to disable "Turbo"

If this option has lost its relevance, or for some reason it was initially activated on devices with normal Internet access, you can disable turbo mode in the Yandex browser. The procedure is carried out exactly the opposite way:

  1. Click on the “Menu” icon of the browser;
  2. Select "Turn off turbo".

Or, through the settings in the “Turbo” section, put a checkmark next to the “off” item.

That’s actually all the “wisdom” of activating the turbo mode. And now, if you are trying to download something, and it takes a long time, download the Yandex browser with Yandex turbo mode completely free, enable this option and enjoy your favorite sites without any hang-ups.