Download vk downloader chrome extension. How to download videos from Vkontakte: extensions for Google Chrome. Extensions for Mozilla Firefox

Many regular users of the VKontakte social network are aware of various innovations of the Internet site Administration. Namely, at first VKontakte was banned from listening to music through other web resources, that is, in fact, it became impossible to listen to music offline. In the spring of 2017, the Administration released a paid application for playing music without advertising and, accordingly, with the ability to play offline, and later the site set a time limit of sixty minutes per day for background music playback. And it is not at all surprising that many users were very dissatisfied after such changes. More and more requests began to appear about how to download music from VK via Mozilla, and for all those users who do not want to pay for the application or listen to music while only online, there is a special extension for Firefox for downloading VKontakte music.

Firefox plugin for downloading music

In order for you to be able to download music from the VKontakte social network, you need to install the VK Music add-on to the Mozilla search engine. To do this, launch an Internet browser, open the browser menu and select “Add-ons”.

Then in the search line we write the name of the extension “VK Music”, without quotes. Click on the magnifying glass icon located to the right of the search window. Select the plugin you are looking for, and to the right of it click on the “Install” button.

How to use the plugin

After installation, a new page will open with a request for information on statistics. Click the “Allow” button.

After all the above steps, when you go to the music section of VKontakte, an arrow pointing down will appear to the right of the album icon.

After you click on this arrow, a window will open in which you need to check the “Save As” item and, if you wish, you can check the box next to “Run automatically for all files of this type” in order to skip this step in the future. Please note that in order to subsequently cancel this action, you will need to go to the application settings. Click the “OK” button.

Another window appears where you need to specify where to save the file and click the “Save” button.

If you have forgotten in which folder you saved the audio recording, then by clicking on the browser download button, you will see a folder icon next to the downloaded file. Clicking on it will take you to the folder with the saved file.

VK Music is currently the most current addition for saving music from the VKontakte social network, very simple and easy to use. Other similar extensions are outdated both morally and technologically.

Today we continue and probably finish the topic of downloading videos from the VKontakte social network. And in this article I will tell you how this problem is solved by installing several extensions in browsers. We will consider all the most popular Internet browsers, so don’t worry, your browser will not be left without attention.

Download via Google Chrome

Launch the browser and click on the menu button in the upper right corner. From the drop-down list, select “Additional tools – Extensions”.

We open a list of all add-ons installed in the browser, go to the very bottom and click on the “More extensions” link:

We are opening a Chrome online store (don’t worry, you don’t need to pay money there) and in the search bar for extensions you can look for what you need by asking a request like “download VK video”, or you can use a fairly cool multifunctional extension for Chrome, which I will recommend to you. We are talking about Musicsig vkontakte. Therefore, we write the corresponding request there:

We have it, install it:

After installation, restart the browser and go to your VK page. We launch the desired video that we want to download and immediately select the quality you need. After selecting the quality, you can click on the “Download” button:

Via Opera

In all other browsers we will talk about It works best for downloading videos online.

Launch the Opera browser and click on the menu button in the upper left corner. From the drop-down list, select “Extensions – Load extensions”

A new tab opens, where in the search bar we write helper. We are immediately given the result right there, click on it

That’s it, wait until it’s installed, restart the browser and look for the video we want to download on our page. Let's launch it. Right under the video in the menu we now have a “Download” button, by clicking on which we get a list of possible video qualities, so to speak. Click on the desired one and the download will begin.

How to download a video from VK in Mozilla Firefox

To be honest, I couldn’t find through the extension installer in Mozilla, so I had to go to their website of the same name, naturally from Mozilla, and right there click on the “Install” button:

After the installer is downloaded, we will be asked if we accept the agreement, we agree, but in the next window you will need to refuse the full installation and select the “Settings” item. There, remove all the birds and leave only the Firefox browser. If you don’t do this, then in addition to, a bunch of other garbage will be installed on your computer, as usual.

Restart the browser after installing the extension and go to your page. Well, you already know how to download videos using

Download video via Yandex browser from VK

Launch the browser and click on the top menu in the form of three horizontal stripes. From the list, select “Add-ons”:

Chrome is currently the most popular browser among Russian-speaking Internet users, and a very large number of people are interested in how to use it to download music from the Vkontakte social network. The article will turn out to be quite simple, because there is nothing special to explain here, you just need to install the necessary plugin.

We also read articles on the topic:

Launch the Chrome browser and in the upper right corner click on the “Menu” button in the form of three horizontal stripes. From the drop-down list, select “Additional tools”, and after “Extensions”:

Scroll to the bottom of the page in the window that opens and click on the “More extensions” link:

In the window that opens, on the left side we find the search field and enter the search query “Musicsig vkontakte”. This is exactly the kind of expansion we need. You can try others, but this is what I tested and was satisfied:

We have several items for this request, but we need exactly Musicsig vkontakte, opposite it we click on the “Install” button.

A pop-up window pops up in which we must click on the “Install extension” button:

After a few seconds, the browser tells us that everything is installed:

Restart the Chrome browser and go to the “Audio Recordings” section of your VKontakte account. We can enter the required song in the search, or we can search among those already downloaded for the one you need and hover your mouse over it. When you hover the mouse on the right side opposite the song, a floppy disk appears. This is the work of the plugin that we installed. In order to download a song, just click on this floppy disk:

After a few seconds, a notification will appear in the lower left corner indicating that the song has been downloaded.

Greetings, dear friends! I'm with you again, Alexey.

Music accompanies us everywhere. From the very morning, when getting ready for work or school, we turn on our favorite composition, which will finally wake us up, invigorate us and give us a positive mood for the whole working day. We hear different melodies from everywhere. They come from taxis and minibuses, are heard in supermarkets and small shops, offices, and break through to us from the open windows of residential buildings.

How often, having heard an interesting musical composition, have you tried to find it on the Internet and download it to your device? The easiest way to do this is through the social network Vkontakte, especially since programmers have already created many interesting “tools” for this. Today we will discuss which extension for downloading VKontakte music is more convenient to use in your browser. By the way, I suggest reading the post dedicated to Yandex.Browser.

A few words about downloading music from the Internet

Desktop program– a special utility installed on the user’s computer that helps him find and download audio recordings, both on the device itself and on the Internet.

This group includes, for example, the most popular and free program VKMusic. It will help you save video and audio files located on resources such as, Vkontakte, RuTube, YouTube, etc. It is lightweight, after installation on your computer, does not require a system reboot, and is characterized by a user-friendly interface and many useful functions.

Its main feature is the presence of its own interface and the absence of the need to embed it in the user’s browser. It views and downloads music even from closed VK pages, but at the same time checks the user’s access to this network using login and password.

Its advantages include:

  • No advertising;
  • Powerful search engine;
  • Function for selecting the quality of the media file;
  • Selecting the download mode;
  • Resume download after interrupted download and many other useful features.

Download VKMusi

Online service is an Internet resource or website that does not require the installation of any programs or browser extensions. With its help, you can easily find and download any audio file, regardless of whether you use the modest and tactful Google Chrome browser or you prefer the rigor and laconicism of Opera.

These services are more often used by those who do not constantly sit on VK and do not download music regularly and in streams. It is also used by those who do not consider it necessary to clutter their browser with various plugins, no matter how useful and convenient they may be.

Online services include, for example, or The second resource with a very simple interface that even a child could handle. This is what the main page looks like:

As soon as you give the program access to your VK page, its basic functions will become available to you:

Add-ons and extensions(browser) are small programs that are integrated into the user’s PC browser and significantly simplify its navigation and work on the network. For example, the Yandex browser provides for connecting a whole package of special plugins, including add-ons for downloading media files from the Internet.

We very briefly looked at desktop and online tools, but we will dwell on browser extensions for downloading music on VK in more detail. This is due to the fact that the social network itself does not have the tools necessary to download audio files. Installing a special plugin in the browser solves this problem.

It is noteworthy that previously only users of browsers such as firefox or chrome could use this. Today, fans of the Opera browser are no longer limited in this. Developers offer many modern browser add-ons that “download” media information to YouTube, Odnoklassniki, My World, etc. Let’s now take a closer look at which VKontakte music downloading plugins are in demand among network users today and in which browsers they work.

Extensions for Yandex Browser and Google Chrome is a powerful and in demand today plugin and online service for quickly downloading audio recordings from VKontakte pages and more. To embed it in your browser, go to the official page.

Using the example of the picture below, uncheck the “Full installation” item (2) and check it in the “Settings parameters” item (1). By the way, if your browser is already installed and configured or you are not using Google Chrome or Yandex, then uncheck those items that offer downloading additional features (3):

This universal plugin is able to successfully perform its task in almost all modern browsers, but it was originally developed for Chrome. After installation, the program will notify you about the successful completion of the process, boast about its capabilities and offer to restart the browser. Click the Finish button.

As you can see from the picture above, the plugin can not only download audio files, but also video files (the small arrow icon is located directly below the video player).

The extension icon can be seen on the right side of the browser toolbar, clicking which opens a window with assistant menu options:

Select “Download audio files” and the plugin will offer you:

In audio recordings on VKontakte, the download icon appears when you hover the mouse cursor over the track, on its right side:

Clicking on it will start downloading the file, and this process can be seen in the left corner at the bottom of the browser. Clicking on the “tick” symbol of the downloaded file will open its option menu:

This is a very simple and powerful plugin that works very correctly and does not pull various advertisements into the browser. I recommend it to everyone who can’t decide on the right extension.

Download extension


VKSaver is another universal plugin, by installing which you will download the music and video files you like located on VKontakte pages. The plugin can be downloaded using this link. On the download page you can learn about its functionality, see some tips for installing this add-on, and read the requirements:

As you can see, this extension is suitable for almost all browsers. Yandex.Browser, Opera, Firefox or Chrome - this extension must be installed.

The principle of downloading this plugin is simple, you should start the installation process, accept the “License Agreement” and allow the extension access to your VKontakte page. No browser restart is required. When you go to your page with audio files, you will see that a new symbol has appeared next to the track start button - a square with a white arrow on a blue background:

By simply clicking on this icon you will download any audio file you like. Along with numerous advantages, this supplement also has its disadvantages:

  • Firstly, it may not work correctly in different browser versions. Based on reviews from many users, VKSaver works most reliably in Google chrome and Opera. Mozilla firefox is considered the most capricious when working with this add-on, but I think a solution can be found. Take for example the extension discussed above.
  • Secondly, the extension may be blocked by the antivirus program installed on your PC. In this case, VKSaver should be added to the antivirus program's exclusion list, thereby ensuring its normal functioning.

Download VKSaver

Extensions for Opera

VkDown is another plugin that downloads VKontakte audio files in one click. This very simple and useful add-on can be found here. You will see the following page:

By clicking on the “Add to Opera” button, you will start the installation process of the extension in your browser. After downloading, the label on the button will change, and the add-on icon will take place next to the search bar on the right:

If you click on the VkDown icon, you can see the settings menu for this plugin:

This is an easy-to-use and completely free add-on, sometimes begging the user for a certain amount for the development of the project. Whether you take pity or not, it will not affect the work. In any case, the extension will download music for you.

After installing it, you will notice a small change on the page of your audio recordings - a white arrow inscribed in a blue circle has appeared next to the track start icon:

If you click on this arrow, the plugin will start downloading the specified track, which will be visible in the download window in the upper right corner of the browser that appears:

Agree, a very useful and simple addition to the Opera browser, which, like Firefox, is considered somewhat picky in relation to various add-ons and add-ons.

Download VkDown

Any Media Downloader

There is also the Any Media Downloader plugin. It can be installed from this page.

It makes no sense to consider the installation process in detail, since it is similar to the previous case - to install the plugin in the browser, there is the same “Add to Opera” button:

After installation, the browser will happily inform you that a new extension has been added, and its icon will be located to the right of the search bar:

The peculiarity of this extension is that it does not download tracks that have not been started for listening. If you try to do this, the plugin will give you a corresponding message and ask you to play the media file:

Download Any Media Downloader

Extensions for Mozilla Firefox

If you need a plugin to download VKontakte files exclusively in mp3 format, I can recommend a small extension. It can be found at this link.

But I think that you will be more interested and useful in the Downloader plugin, which can download music, photos and video files. You can get the download link for this extension here. During the installation process you may see the following message:

Quite often and blatantly, Firefox “corrects” the user’s wishes, which is very annoying. It is sometimes worth fighting with him for the right of supremacy. After clicking “Allow”, the plugin will still be installed and the browser will require a restart:

After the restart, the add-on icon will appear to the right of the search bar. It looks like a gray arrow pointing down:

And next to each audio recording on the VKontakte page, a blue arrow symbol will appear, also pointing down:

When you click on it, a window will open for saving the audio file on your computer, where you can select the drive, specify the directory and name for the downloaded file:

A special feature of the Downloader plugin is that, unlike others, it:

  • Provides the ability to select disk space for the downloaded file;
  • Preserves its original name or accepts the name given to the file by the user;
  • Functions without surprises.

Download extension


We looked at different extensions for downloading music on VKontakte. They differ in appearance and some features, but they are built into the browser in the same way and perform their main function according to a similar scheme. In addition, more than half of them can now be installed in any type of browser. Some reviewers determine how suitable it is for them even during the process of installing the plugin.

I think that's all. Subscribe to my blog, read the latest news. Be sure to write comments if something is not clear. Well, that's it, see you soon everyone!

I decided to make a selection of extensions for Google Chrome that will help the user quickly download music, videos, receive notifications about received messages, chat with friends, and get offline access to some data (contacts, messages). There are 26 extensions in total and I wouldn’t use all of them. Remember safety first. It is best to use extensions that have a green checkmark. This means that this extension has been tested and approved. But you shouldn’t really trust this :) Also, do not forget that VKontakte does not allow you to download music and videos. This is made possible by various add-ons, programs, plugins, extensions and additions. Most hacking of VKontakte accounts occurs precisely because users entrust their data (login and password) to various programs that allow them to download video and audio materials on the site.

Never enter your social network username and password anywhere. Conscientious and decent programs, add-ons, extensions must interact with social network data through the API. If this is not the case, then you yourself increase the possibility of theft of your personal data.

26 extensions for Google Chrome for Contact

3. Downloader- install

This is an extension for downloading music and videos from /
The extension adds buttons for downloading music and links for downloading videos.
You can get the file size and bitrate for an audio recording by clicking on the duration.
For Chrome 15 and higher: To download, simply click on the link or button. Normal file names work immediately and do not require any settings.
For Chrome 14 and below:
Audio recordings can be downloaded by simply clicking a button; To download the video, right-click on the link and select “Save link as...” from the context menu.
For Chrome 14 and below, there are two options for downloading with normal names:
1) By dragging a button/link into a folder or onto the desktop.
2) Download Manager Download Master (when the corresponding checkbox is enabled in the settings).
The first option is often preferable because it allows you to use the cache.

4. Prison VKontakte- install

The current version of the extension displays the following information:
1) Klikukha
2) Amount of Authority
3) In which boss’s house does he sit?
4)Beard length - how many days the player has not shaved (how long ago he logged into the game)
5)Total number of invested talent points
+ detailed information about Talents (available by clicking)
6)Total number of ACHIEVEMENT points scored
+ detailed information about each achievement (available by clicking)
7)Current number of victories over each boss
+ medals
8) Your page also shows the current number of keys,
dropped from each boss and not spent on the next one

Share an interesting site with your friends! Every time you click on this button, an entry is automatically created on your VKontakte page with a link to the currently viewed page.

Vkfox is a plugin for VKontakte (,, which shows and notifies about:
- private messages
- posts on the wall
- marks on the photo
— marks on the video
— comments
- invitations to friends
- opinions
- proposals
- invitations to groups
- invitations to a meeting
— login/logout of friends from the network (selected in the friends tab) *NEW
You will also be able to send messages or comments directly from the plugin, follow the news feed, or, for example, mark new messages as read without visiting the website.

7. VKontakte music player - install

A player for your audio recordings from VKontakte. Convenient when you constantly have many tabs open and it takes a long time to search for the one in which the player is playing. And also in cases when you want to listen to music without being distracted by the VKontakte tab, which magically attracts attention and reduces work productivity.

NORMAL display of photographs and photo mosaics in the news. As well as creating photo puzzles from any picture on the Internet.
In version 1.53, now all photo puzzles in the news of the website are shown correctly and put together into a mosaic.

Convenient search on the social network VKontakte.
Quick search in two clicks directly from the toolbar or selected text by right click.
In the new version:
— Search results open in a separate window immediately on the VKontakte website itself
— For ease of searching, a context menu has been added
— Hints when searching from the toolbar

10. Download video and music VKontakte - install

11. VKontakte chat- install

Chat allows you to quickly exchange messages on the VKontakte social network.
A simple application that will help you communicate with friends!

Attention: This is just a bookmark application for Instant Messages on the VKontakte social network. It allows you to open a VKontakte chat with one click.

12. VKontakte Tools- install

Allows you to download music, videos, check new messages, chat, scrobble music on LastFm, instantly display incoming messages...
- Allows you to download music
— Scrobbling music on LastFM
— Changing site styles
— Checks new messages
— Sound notification of new messages
— Chat
— Saving text when a tab is accidentally closed
— Removing duplicates when searching for music
— Show last message
— Notifications (display messages in the lower right corner)
- View additional information about hidden profiles
— Adds a song lyrics search button
- Allows you to download videos
— Breakdown of groups line by line

13. Vkontakte Audio Player- install

The extension adds an icon to the toolbar, which allows you to control the VKontakte player, in particular, pause and play the current song.

15. Vkontakte Download- install

This extension adds links to download video and audio to the website. Links to any video and audio. As you scroll the page, audio links are added automatically.

16. Vkontakte Music Downloader - install

Allows you to download music on VKontakte pages.,

17. Nonad VK