We optimize the resource content. Why Content Is Important for SEO

  1. Select a keyword group.
  2. Select a main keyword that describes the entire group.
  3. Add the main keyword in the title, image alt texts, and several times in the article text.
  4. Alt texts should not be identical; there is no need to cram a keyword into them if it doesn’t fit within the meaning.
  5. Set a meta title and meta description. They must contain the main keyword, describe the benefits of reading the article and will be shown in search results.
  6. Keywords can be used in different word forms.
  7. Conduct SEO content analysis

SEO articles are high-quality articles that are well indexed by search engines

The main thing is to understand that SEO articles are not a curse, they are not sheets of texts spammed with keywords that are impossible to read. SEO texts are good, high-quality, human, useful texts optimized for search engines. With optimization, they become more useful because more people will find your content. Content marketing and SEO are closely related. Content is meaningless if it doesn't generate traffic, and SEO is impossible without content.

We have criteria for good posts:

  • useful for our readers;
  • does not lose relevance over time;
  • brings traffic.

Select a keyword group

The first step is to decide what queries you want to optimize your articles for. To do this, go to Wordstat - a Yandex service that shows what users are looking for - and select a keyword relevant to the topic of your future article. If you simply type a query, then in the list that appears, Wordstat will show the results of an inexact match of phrases. For example, if we search for “seo content” for the current article, we see 363 queries:

But these 363 queries also include phrases that simply include the phrase “seo content,” for example, “seo content optimization.” But that's still not bad. But the phrases may be completely inappropriate in meaning, and then, probably, your articles will be ranked for inappropriate keywords.

Therefore we need to do additional check- enter the desired query in quotes. This is how Wordstat will search for queries with exact matches, but with different word forms:

If you enter a query in quotation marks and precede each word with Exclamation point, then Wordstat will show how many requests there were for exactly this phrase in exactly this word form:

And, as you can see, the keyword " seo content"turned out to be not very successful - only 12 requests per month. As a result, we selected a group of queries with the keys “seo article”, “article optimization” and several others.

Select your main keyword

The main key is the most frequent and the most general. It unambiguously defines the meaning of all keywords in the group. For example, in our case, this is a “seo article”.

You need to add it to the title, it will be displayed in search results (if you follow our instructions).

Add keywords to your content

The main keyword needs to be added to the title of the article, to the subtitle (or several) and several times to the content. It should fit organically into the text, it is important not to overspam. Make sure that the keywords do not catch your eye in the text and do not hurt your ears. Additional keywords need to be added to the text once or twice each. Again, it’s important not to overspam. The main thing in the article is to answer the reader’s question.

Set alt texts for images

Based on the alt texts of images, search engines understand what is depicted in them. Thanks to them, images from your material are included in the image search results. Alt texts must contain keywords: main and additional ones too. You cannot make all alt texts identical, although this temptation often arises. They should be at least slightly different from each other. Don't put keywords in alt texts if they don't fit the meaning of the image.

Use tools for SEO optimization of texts

There is nothing more convenient in WordPress than the Yoast SEO plugin. It analyzes how well your content is optimized for SEO and shows with green and red indicators what can be improved and what is already good:

To analyze, enter the main key in the "focal" field keyword" Enter only one key query. In Yoast you can set appearance snippet in search results. We'll talk about this later. There is also Yoast for Drupal, but not all functions work yet. If you have a different engine, then you can do without tools, they just make the job easier.

Set meta tags

Meta-title and meta-description are displayed in the snippet in search results:

How to set meta tags

If you use Yoast, all you have to do is click on the “edit snippet” button:

In Drupal, this can be done through Yoast (the most convenient way) or using another plugin - Metatag.

On Tilda, this is done in the settings: Settings → Facebook and SEO → Set special meta data → print meta-title and meta-description in the “title” and “description” fields, respectively:

Otherwise, ask your developer to either add meta tags or add a setting so you can set them yourself.

What should the meta title be?

Meta-title is important so that the search engine understands what your article is about. It has its own rules:

  1. The meta title should include the main keyword.
  2. The meta-title should be slightly different from the H1 heading - the title of the article.
  3. It is generally accepted that a meta title should be 70 characters long. Apparently, search engines read up to 150 characters, but only 70-80 will be displayed. In fact, the display of characters is not counted in characters, but in pixels. So if your title consists of continuous ililililili, then more than seventy will fit.

What should the meta description be?

The meta description should also include the main keyword, and the recommended meta description length is 150 characters. The meta description appears in the snippet, so it should be something that makes it easy to understand why your article is useful. You can add a call to action, such as “read [company name]’s blog.”

Why set meta tags

If you do not set up meta tags, the search engine itself will select any piece of your content and display it in the snippet. It is better to influence the snippet yourself, otherwise it may turn out to be unattractive in content.

A few words about the use of keywords

The keyword can be used in different word forms. “Festival organization”, “festival organization”, “festival organization” have the same weight for search engines. You can also insert other words inside the keyword: “organizing a music festival” will be counted in the same way as “organizing a festival.”

SEO analysis of articles

To check whether you have overspammed the text, you can upload it to and see the indicators. It should be something like this:

  • “Water” no higher than 65;
  • Academic document nausea is not higher than 10%;
  • According to the “Words” table: basic words in a chain;
  • “Frequency, %” according to the “Words” table: does not exceed 3%

For example, this text has the following indicators:

Perhaps my SEO colleagues, with whom we are writing this article together, will not approve, but I will still say that “water” is considered strange in this service. If only because it is not clear what he means by “water”. For example, this article seems useful to me - there is no unnecessary thought about anything, and the “water” exceeds the permissible level. It's strange, right?

Competitor analysis

To get to the top, it is not enough just to release seo articles, it is important to write better than your competitors. So it's a good idea to Google what's already out there for your search, look at everyone who's on the first page, and think about what you can do to make your content better than the first ten results. Remember, the most important thing is that your article should be useful and answer the reader’s question. And when combined with optimization, the benefits can do wonders for your traffic.

This article was written in collaboration with the guys from 08-88. They advised us so that we would not advise anything stupid, and in general they help us optimize posts. Thanks to them.

Content optimization is related to its writing: the content of the site should be interesting both for ordinary users, and for search robots. Content should direct site visitors to the goal (place an order, download a brochure, etc.), and robots should be offered texts that are most relevant to the selected queries. It is not always possible to work with both sides at once and you have to look for compromise options, changing the structure of texts, trying different styles. Search optimal solution may take a long time, since each option must be indexed and taken into account.

We offer a number of recommendations that will make your job of writing texts for the site easier. The first group of tips is aimed at meeting user needs. The second is for SEO optimization of texts. Indirectly, both groups influence each other.

  • The text must be structured and logical. It is better to formulate several detailed sentences into a compact but significant phrase. Each subsequent paragraph should follow from the previous one.
  • Don't write long texts. The Internet is a field for finding clear and quick answers. Write each paragraph in such a way as to provoke the user to read the next one, but avoid “water” in the text. There are no clear criteria for the volume of texts, but, from experience, it is already quite difficult to read more than 3,000 characters on one page of a corporate website.
  • The very first phrase that all visitors see should carry a crystal clear thought. They greet you by their clothes! For example, the line “Welcome to the website of the company “Horns and Hooves”” does not tell the visitor anything, and you need to read the text carefully. But it’s easier to go to another site, where the first line is “The company has been operating in the installation market for 10 years.” plastic windows"- clearly describes the theme of the site, confirming to the visitor that his choice is correct.
  • Avoid unnatural phrases, grammatical errors, and an overabundance of keywords - all this leads to a loss of trust in the site and the company.
  • Logically separated parts of the content have highest value, therefore it is very important to competently (but not overdo it) use all possible page markup tools: indicate the page title ( title tag), page title (h1 tag), first paragraph, first page subheadings (h2 tags), highlighted words in the text (strong and em tags).
  • Keywords selected for must be used in the title and title of the page, evenly distributed throughout the text of the page (both in exact form and in word forms) and appear as highlighted words in the text. Their number should be natural, so pay attention to the density of keywords, which, according to various observations, should not exceed 5-7% of the total volume of the text.
  • The number of exact forms and individual words from key phrases have high value when calculating text relevance. Natural text must contain different shapes key phrases and separately occurring words, and then sanctions will not be imposed on the site for over-optimized content.

To write text that is interesting for people and optimal for search engine, you need to prepare 2 documents. The first document – ​​the text brief – is responsible for the user’s perception of the text. The brief is filled out by the site owner or marketer, because only he can provide information on how to contact visitors, how to correctly name the company, and how it differs from other companies. Second document - technical task to text. It is formed based on an analysis of sites included in the TOP 10 for selected keywords.

After both documents are compiled, the text is written and optimized according to the listed recommendations.

How to prepare optimized texts for a website?

IN search engine promotion sites one of key roles Highly optimized texts are played. Good text, firstly, gives the user the most complete and specific information about the product or service you sell, reveals the advantages of your company, neatly summarizes potential client to make a purchase or submit an application. Secondly, good text“liked” by search engines – it is unique, relevant to the request, but at the same time not overspammed with keywords.

There are several ways to create high-quality text for a promoted website page:

1. Write the text yourself

No one knows the features and intricacies of your business better than you, so material written independently will convey all the details very accurately. However, there is a risk that the preparation of the text will be delayed, because this task will constantly be distracted by other urgent matters. In addition, experience is required to prepare optimized texts: it is not easy to take into account all the requirements regarding the number of keywords and word forms that should be used in the text the first time.

2. Order text on the content exchange

The most popular text exchanges today are Advego.ru and Etxt.ru. To order text on the exchange, you need to draw up a detailed technical specification for a copywriter, which, in addition to the specifics of your business, will indicate the requirements for SEO optimization (number of keywords, features of their distribution throughout the text, etc.). One freelance copywriter works on the text, so the quality of the text will depend entirely on his professional competencies.

3. Order a text from the Rookee service

To set a text writing task, you need to use the “SEO-Text” service, which is available to all clients of the system. The input data required is:

  • order name;
  • keywords for which you need to improve your site’s rankings;
  • number of characters in the text;
  • other requirements for the text - marketing aspects, wishes for text style, etc.

A whole team of specialists works on each text: SEO optimizer, copywriter, proofreader and editor - so you don’t have to independently calculate the number of occurrences of keywords and search grammatical errors in the finished article.

Thus, in the Rookee service you can order content for the site without interrupting the promotion process, and as a result you will receive text that “sells” your product and is professionally optimized.

The key element on any website is content. It is on him that such important characteristics, such as resource quality, usefulness for users, newfangled added value, etc. Content has the greatest impact on site traffic and income, which means it’s worth taking the most detailed approach to its creation.

Today I will share with you my thoughts on creating, writing and optimizing website content. This material is part of a series of articles about.

Today I want to tell you about those things that are really worth paying attention to when... SEO optimization content in the context of current algorithms, based on my personal experience. In my opinion, these are exactly the things that have a greater impact on the promotion of articles in search.

5 golden rules for website content optimization

Rule #1. The text of the article should reveal the essence of the user’s request in as much detail as possible. This is the most important rule in the current realities, where links play a secondary role.

First of all, when writing an article, you must understand for yourself what you yourself would like to see and learn from the material on the chosen topic. After personal reflection, you should definitely look through the TOP 5-10 to the question asked and study their materials. Only after such an analysis will you present the main plan of the article.

It is important to understand that content should be created only if it is of an order of magnitude better than that, which is already in the top. If you rewrite (rewrite) a hackneyed topic once again, then your article will have difficulty even getting into the index, not to mention generating traffic to the site from search.

I came to these conclusions from personal experience. If earlier women's article writers went to great lengths to rewrite requests of 2-3k characters and brought in a lot of clever people per day, now it is even difficult to index such things. And new sites generally go into ban/ags after just a few updates.

And all because they do not provide added value. There is nothing in the new articles that could improve the quality of the search. And therefore such articles do not occupy top positions and are not useful.

How to add added value to an article?

There are many options here and it is better to use several at once to enhance the effect. Can you describe your personal experience on given topic(your keyword) loading own images. This approach is good for shopping topics.

For example, you have a request “what TV to buy for the kitchen.” The best option to attract traffic to an article - write your personal (unique) experience with reviews, prices and problems that you solved during the purchase. Such information will be much more useful than rewriting/copywriting with water and hackneyed definitions.

Second reception - write an extensive review article, based on competitors’ articles that are already in the top. In this case, you study their material and write your own, which incorporates the most detailed analysis Topics. You help your site visitor by selecting the most valuable and useful information for him.

To add more value, you can get real reviews of people. This requires some effort, but it will have a very good effect on the ranking of your article. The presence of several comments or reviews greatly increases traffic and brings the article to the top - this has been tested by more than one webmaster in practice.

You can also note availability of video or audio content On the page. It will be very good if you add a thematic video at the end of the article. This will not only add that same value to you, but will also increase behavioral factors on the site, which will also have a positive effect on your site.

Today, adding value in content is the most important thing to look for. Don’t forget about this point by relying only on classic SEO. Today it no longer rules and does not bring the same results. It's better to invest in it right away quality content and then get traffic without a single link than to write bad article and spend money on references for her. But ideally, it’s better to write well and get by with references.

Rule #2. Structure and format. You must make your articles as easy to read as possible.

Everything is simple here. The first thing a visitor does when he comes to your resource is evaluate the convenience of presenting information. If he sees a sheet from the text, then he immediately goes back to the search results, and you are left without an audience and income.

If you tried and formatted the article, then the user is yours. Plus, search engines simply love structured content. In order for this to happen, you need:

  • break the article into short paragraphs;
  • highlight the main/key points (in a different color, in the form of quotes, etc.);
  • use subheadings;
  • use markers;
  • use lists;
  • other.

Rule #3. The number of characters in the article should be exactly enough to cover the topic (key query). If you are taking an extensive request, then you need to describe it in as much detail as possible (4-10k characters). If this is a small LF, for which you cannot collect much information, then you can limit yourself to 1000 characters.

I want to tell you about several SEO myths that the earth is full of. They have long lost their relevance, but still many beginners like to believe in them.

Myth No. 1: Articles of 1-2k characters do not bring traffic and lead to sanctions (they are poorly indexed).

Myth #2: The more characters an article has, the more traffic it gets.

Myth #3: The more content on a page, the better.

I think all this is complete nonsense. Stop believing it! Don't be fooled by these statements. It is important to understand only that the article should answer the user’s request and nothing more.

Imagine this situation. You order articles on the exchange, specify keywords and set the required volume of the article. Where do you get it from? Of course, based on the three myths described above. And what do you get with this approach? I'll tell you now.

The first thing a copywriter pays attention to when working with your order is the number of characters. At the initial stage, he drives himself into a framework. He already has to work at the expense of quality to get within your scope. If the key query (the topic of the article) is quite broad, and the length of the article is 1-3k characters, then you end up with a flawed article in which the topic is not covered and there is no worthy introduction or conclusion.

Or another option, when you give a topic for an article on which there is very little information, but you set the volume to 3-5k characters (thinking that the more characters I order in the article, the more traffic I will collect later). In this case, the poor writer writes 1-2k characters on the case and then he has to pour so much more water, which then negatively affects the overall quality material.

I think you get the point. When ordering or personally writing material, you do not need to rely on a certain number of characters. You just need to make sure that you write exactly as much as you need.

Rule #4. Don't pay too much attention to keyword density and other technical tricks. Now search engines have learned to bypass all this, focusing specifically on the quality of the article and its focus on the end reader.

Today, in SEO optimization of articles, only the title and the presence of keywords in the article itself play an important role. You can read about all the tags that affect rankings. Therefore, you need to monitor the availability key phrase in the title of the article and its location in the text itself (possible in a single copy). This will be more than enough to write a SEO article correctly and take good positions.

Rule #5. Forget everything you read before! A la, you need to use a direct entry there, then in the first paragraph we use the keyword again and then again in the subheading. Then there is a picture with the right one and then a few more similar ones. We highlight all the keywords in the text in bold, watch for their nausea, etc.

All this will only lead to the imposition of sanctions on your site, which will lead to the loss of your time and money. This is already outdated and almost doesn’t work. If you want a truly white project for people, then you need to rely only on the rules that are described above. You need to benefit your readers!

If you do not agree, want to supplement this information or simply comment on it, then I will be glad to receive constructive thoughts.

In this article we will talk about how content optimization occurs. Beginners have absolutely no idea how this can be done, and many don’t even know that they need to optimize content. However, this important conditions for successful website promotion.

Some of these things will seem difficult. But in reality everything is easy. The main thing is to “get your teeth into it.”

Based on the title, the visitor will decide whether to read the article or not. Therefore, it must be eye-catching, and at the same time truthful. The article should have two main headings: the first is the h1 heading; and the second one is meta title tag. The first will be visible to visitors directly on the site, and the second in search results.

Here are the requirements that headers must meet:

  • title and h1 must be mutually unique.
  • Both headings should use the direct entry key phrase under which the article is written.
  • Recommended length is up to 70 characters.
  • The title should accurately convey the meaning of the article.
  • Headings should attract attention and stand out from others of the same type.

Do good formatting

Optimizing content before publishing involves formatting like this:

  • Dividing the article into semantic parts, each of which is entitled with a subtitle.
  • Divide into short paragraphs. Each paragraph contains no more than 3-4 sentences.
  • Use short sentences.
  • Use of lists and tables.
  • Display important points in the article.

Take good pictures

A picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes a well-chosen image can convey the essence and meaning of an article. And if the picture is not optimized, then it can harm promotion.

Here are the requirements for images:

  • Adequate weight – images larger than 1 MB will greatly slow down the page.
  • The meaning of the picture should be adjacent to the meaning of the entire article.
  • The image must have an alt and title attribute, which must use the keyword phrase in a direct entry.
  • Images should look good on all devices and browsers.

Select thumbnail

On all blog sites, including WordPress, you can set a thumbnail image for each post, which will be displayed in the list of all posts. The visitor will first notice the thumbnail, and only then read the title next to it. Therefore choose nice picture important for this too.

The thumbnail should be intriguing and at the same time tell the meaning of the article for which it is installed. Same as the title.

Some WordPress themes require you to select thumbnail images of a certain size or orientation (vertical or horizontal). This must be taken into account when choosing an image.

Use keywords in the article

Even if you do excellent article formatting and add wonderful pictures, it will all be in vain if key phrases are not used in the text.

In the article, these phrases should be used naturally, and not make it feel like they are a poorly sewn patch. It should be in a natural place and a natural number of times.

Create a link

Mark where in the article you can put a link to another article on your site. You also need to think about which already published articles on the site can be used to link to new material. Linking should be done not for the sake of links, but for the sake of convenience. Therefore, it’s not worth making a link just to have it there.

Linking is primarily needed to make it convenient for visitors. And only then is the transfer of link juice from one page to another. If the link is not clicked, there will be no benefit from it for promotion.

Encourage visitors to leave a comment

Comments have a good effect on promotion. If an article has comments, then the search engine believes that visitors like this article. This is an additional plus. Therefore, it makes sense to encourage visitors to leave a comment. To do this, you can use different techniques:

  • Write provocative phrases, after reading which it is simply impossible to remain silent.
  • Set at the end of the article or in it key points a couple of questions you'd like to answer.
  • Directly ask to express your opinion on the subject of the article.

In addition, you should always respond to comments, even if there is no question in them, you can write a response - “Thanks for the comment.” And also in replies to comments you can encourage the interlocutor to write another message.

Warm greetings to everyone! It's been two weeks since my A new book, which I co-wrote with Nadezhda Kovalskaya. It was very nice to hear positive reviews from readers of this guide. To consolidate the material read and at the request of some users of the book, I prepared this post, which will show you my version of preparing the article. Website Content Optimization requires the webmaster to know all the parameters of SEO text and description tags, master the skills of linking pages, and optimize images for search engines. And as an example, I will show you how I prepared the “” post with all the steps and a detailed plan.

Preparing to write an article

1. Choosing a keyword for an article . Many of my blog posts are promoted using specific keywords. This is done in order to receive traffic from search engine users. Therefore, for the semantic core of the blog, I prepared search queries in advance and distributed them according to the topics of the headings. Of course, I couldn’t do without keyword analysis. Promoting, for example, using dummy words is a waste of time and money. Therefore, for every future landing page blog (this is the one that I will promote in search engines), I know the key query in advance. This is the very first step in SEO optimization of page text.

Because semantic core was collected 4 months ago, then of course, to clarify the data, I quickly run the keyword for the article by linking using the program. I clarify the basic and exact frequencies, check the quality of the word and its KEI, look approximate cost his promotion. When I figured out the word, I think about the section that will accept my new post.

2. Creating an outline for a future article. Before writing the text, I prepare a small plan. In it I reflect the topic of the article (it is always the same as the key query) and the main sections. For example, for the post in question, I wrote on a piece of paper the topic “internal linking of the site” and the main sections: article header, essence of linking, guide (sequence of actions + two methods). If necessary, I describe each section in even more detail. For example, after the header, I divide the next section into three subsections - diagram, tasks and linking options. If there are any important details (for example, it is necessary to put a special picture, link or block in this section), then I immediately reflect it on paper.

Stages of internal content optimization

1.Writing an article. I take the pen in my hands... no, differently. I put the keyboard closer to me and type. What to write in a future post is my concern. I won’t describe how to write and edit a typed article - everything is in in detail You can read in our book or in the content of other sites or blogs. While creating an article, do not be distracted by optimization - just write interesting text. It is not SEO rules that dominate here, but ordinary creativity. 🙂 Later, when you get better at it, you can easily engage in both creativity and optimization in the process (points 2-).

2. Enabling search queries. First of all, I check the location of keywords in the text according to the following rule: for 1000 characters without spaces, there are about 60 characters for keyword queries. That is, when I wrote the text itself, I calculate the number of all characters and find out total number keywords for the text. For example, my article has 13,233 characters without spaces. This means that 13.233*60 = 794 characters will be used for keys. Since the keyword “internal website linking” consists of 29 characters, I can write 794:29 = 27 in the text search queries. But you shouldn’t do this - search engines don’t like it. Therefore, I dilute the text evenly, writing in different paragraphs either all the words of the key phrase or parts of them.

As you can see, there are 89 characters in two paragraphs that belong to parts of the key query. If this seems too complicated to you, then take note of a more simplified version of the distribution of the key query in the text. In each paragraph, write one occurrence of the keyword in different word forms and several single parts.

3. Image optimization . Everything is simple here - for each picture I make a description (title) and add the alt attribute. Since my blog runs on WordPress engine, then the editor has a special tool for filling in this data. The most important thing is to register in alt attribute keyword of the article. Moreover, if the text contains one picture, then I write the keyword in the exact entry. If there are several, then one is exact, and the others are diluted. Here's an example of filling out the first picture of a post about internal linking site.

4. Decor SEO text . I write all subheadings with section names in the h2 tag. Subheadings are in the h3 tag. I almost always put the page’s keyword in one of the h2s. I highlight the text (italics and bold - em and strong tags) solely for the convenience of reading for the readers of my blog. Except for one exception. This is the next point.

5. Creating a relevant sentence for the snippet . But this point is pure creativity. 🙂 The attractiveness of the snippet in the search engine depends on the correct choice of the proposal (and its further adjustment, if necessary). I described the proposal creation scheme in detail in my book, so I’ll go through it briefly using my example. I always choose a keyword sentence in the first paragraph of the article. It often comes second or third. Includes 160-180 characters, no more. In its body I write the keyword in the exact occurrence in bold or italics. After publishing a post, I wait for it to be indexed and appear in Yandex results. Next, using my key query, I search for this page with the article and look at the block in the sickle. If it contains the sentence I prepared, then everything is fine. Here is the sentence I chose in the text:

And here is what I got in the snippet:

There seems to be a similarity - it means the creative ended not in a headache, but in success! True, I don’t like the three dots at the end of the description in the snippet. They were created due to a longer relevant sentence. Therefore, right now (so as not to forget - this happens) I changed this sentence - I shortened it a little.

On-page optimization

Most of the work is done - all that remains is to optimize title title, fill in the meta tags and select a normal URL for the page.

1. Filling out meta tags . The rules for filling out the Keywords and Description tags can be found in my book and in one of the SEO cheat sheets, so I won’t dwell on this in detail. The task of Keywords is to write down the key query of my landing page. But in Description tag I write the snippet text for the search engine Google systems. Everything is simple here - I always include the keyword in the body of the tag at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence. Better at the beginning. And of course, I make this description interesting and attractive to Google users. For my example, the snippet text consists entirely of a sentence in the Description tag:

2. Creating a Page Title . The title is written in the title tag. You can also find the filling rules in the book or in the SEO cheat sheet. I will describe my actions. First, the first thing I do is come up with an interesting, enticing text for the proposal. I correct it so that its first words belong to the key query of the page. I don’t put any periods, exclamation or question marks in the middle - I can put them at the end. But I don't bet. I fill in the title tag (as well as the Keywords and Description meta tags) in the All in plugin One SEO Pack:

3. Adjusting the page URL and article title . The title of a post or page on my blog is written in the h1 tag (not to be confused with the title of the entire page title). I correct it last. As a rule, I make it simpler than the title. I usually write a keyword at the beginning of the title text, and usually in an exact entry. I also don’t put up any signs closing the passage. When h1 is filled, in CMS WordPress it is written in the page address (url) as text in the transcript. I haven't touched it before, but Lately I leave only the keyword in the body of the URL. Here's what it looks like in the editor and after publishing.

4. Checking the article . After the article has already been written, I check it to see if its text corresponds to the main internal factors ranking. For this I use the service megaindex.ru. I go to this page of the service and enter the address of the page being checked and the key query by which it will be promoted. For my example it looks like this:

After the check is completed, I get the result. If it is not equal to 100% everywhere, then I change it required parameters(density of words, number of exact occurrences, etc.), then again checking until the best result.

That's all my actions to optimize the text and page. If they seem complicated to someone, then I assure you - 5-7 content optimizations and you will continue to do everything automatically! 🙂 If any of the readers are preparing the text and page for promotion in a different way, then please write about it in the comments. Other people's experiences are always interesting!

P.S. As usual, after such practical articles, a new SEO cheat sheet awaits my subscribers (the download link is in the text of the letter with the same anchor). It shows website content optimization in a practical and convenient scheme. If any of the new readers want to receive it, just subscribe to the newsletter after the post.

See you later, friends!