Setting up experimental functions of the Yandex browser. Why does Yandex browser slow down?

Yandex.Browser is a relatively young software that quickly broke into the top 10 programs for viewing Internet resources. After installation, it demonstrates high speed of data reception and transmission, moderate consumption of system resources. But still, many users are wondering how to speed up the browser and make it even more convenient for browsing websites?

Yandex browser optimization

Proper browser optimization can speed up the program. At the same time, it is no secret that many extensions consume program and network resources. As a result, the browser slows down. To get rid of this “defect”, we recommend disabling unused add-ons.

To do this, enter browser://plugins/ in the address bar. Select unnecessary extensions and click “Disable”.

Afterwards we activate some hidden features. In the address bar, type browser://flags/#max-tiles-for-interest-area.

In the item “Maximum image quality in the viewed element...” we set it to 512. This change is necessary in order to increase the page loading speed. The fact is that this function allows the program to use a huge amount of RAM to load the page. By tempering the needs of this option, we will optimize the browser.

After making this and subsequent changes, restart the browser.

In the “Number of bitmap image streams” column, set the value to “4”. Thanks to this change, the number of threads will increase and the speed of loading images will increase.

You can also speed up loading using the canvas function. Select “Support for experimental canvas features” and click “Enable”.

Many people don’t like it when unnecessary tabs take a long time to close. You can speed up this process using a special function. Find “Allow quick closing of tabs/windows” and click “Enable”.

If you have an old PC or laptop, you can use the video card resources to load pages quickly. You need to enable the “Software raiding list override” feature.

These functions speed up the program as much as possible. However, if you also want to modernize the browser interface, you should enter browser://flags/#enable-custo and select “Enable new browser interface.”

At the end of the action, reboot the software.

Many users want their computer to work quickly, so they use programs to delete temporary files, such as, and automatically clean the system (including deleting the browser cache). But this is one of the main reasons for slow loading of pages in the browser.

Why do browsers create a cache?

In one of the articles, Alexander Shikhov described. I won’t retell the whole article, I’ll just tell you the main gist. The cache is needed precisely so that sites open very quickly. If you delete it every day, then the next time you launch the browser and try to open your favorite sites, the browser will have to again download the same data that it could open from the local disk (cache) in a split second.

Why were we taught to clear the cache?

For many years, developers of system cleaning programs have taught us that the cache is an unnecessary thing and needs to be cleared. The justification for this was simple - it takes up a lot of space, which could be used more efficiently. But in reality, this is just a trick, a reason to add two or three hundred megabytes and several thousand files to the statistics of “garbage” found in the system. This allows such a product to look better in the eyes of users due to the fact that it finds more (or no less) competitors.

This is due to the fact that most people evaluate the quantity of garbage found, and not its quality. If one program finds 700 megabytes of garbage in the system, and another 900 megabytes, then the second program definitely looks better. And it doesn’t matter that the 200 megabytes on top were added by adding browser cache, which will replenish those same 200 megabytes in a day. This is a great reason to suggest cleaning the system again, isn't it?

Delete browser history and temporary files without clearing cache

To prevent cache deletion when using disk cleaning programs, simply disable cache clearing in the program settings and continue using it. You will immediately notice that it begins to find less garbage, but remember that this is due to the lack of a cache in the “garbage”, which makes browsers load faster and work with sites more convenient.

Use private mode (incognito mode)

If you do not want any sites to leave traces on your PC, then simply activate the private browsing mode (it is activated by the combination Ctrl+Shift+N), after closing which all history and data about the pages viewed will be deleted from the browser and no one will ever know about them.

The browser cache is a very useful and necessary thing that you don’t need to delete if you don’t want to make surfing the Internet inconvenient. If you regularly clear your browsers' cache, all you achieve by doing this is slowing down page loading speeds, increasing latency and reducing your performance.

Yandex browser is a relatively young browser, introduced in 2012 by Yandex. Immediately after installation, it shows good operating speed, does not freeze and uses quite a few resources - which is why it is gaining popularity among users. According to data collected by the OpenStat Internet project from February 1 to February 28, 2018, the Yandex browser ranks second in frequency of use on the RuNet.

But over time, we begin to notice a significant decrease in the performance of the Yandex web browser. Let's look at some of the most effective ways to fix this problem.

By disabling some unnecessary add-ons and plugins, you can significantly increase the performance of your browser.

Step 1. Removing add-ons. Our example shows only a few of the many Yandex browser add-ons. For optimal performance of the application, we recommend disabling them, or better yet, removing them altogether.

To do this, open the browser menu and go to the “Add-ons” tab. and click “Off.”

Note! It is also worth noting that the browser allows installation not only from Yandex add-ons, but also from the Opera browser catalog, so do not forget to disable them too.

Step 2. Disable plugins. A large number of working plugins also negatively affects the speed of the Yandex browser. To disable them, enter the command “browser://plugins/” in the address bar of the application and you will see a list of working plugins, and then simply click “Disable”.

2.Cleaning junk files

Website residuals are also directly related to the performance of your browser. Files such as the history of downloads and visits to portals do not pose a direct threat to the speed of the application, but when there are a lot of them, this can lead to some kind of “slowdown” of the system. To remove them you need:

3. Enabling hidden features

Not all users know that the Yandex browser has a built-in panel with additional functions that helps to more accurately customize the operation of the application. To open it in the address bar you need to enter the command “browser://flags/”. To conveniently find the settings you need, we recommend using “Search by page” (keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F).

Step 1. We increase the amount of RAM used. Find the “Maximum number of images” item and select option 512. This will allow the browser to use more RAM, which will not affect the system in any way, but will increase the speed of the application.

Step 2. Using a video card. This feature will give the browser access to use the video card when loading pages, even when it is old or not powerful enough. This will especially help older computer models.

Step 3. Speed ​​up closing tabs. To do this, you need to enable the option to quickly close tabs/windows.

Step 4. We increase the speed of loading images. Thanks to this feature, the user increases the number of threads, which makes it possible to load images faster.

Find the "Number of Bitmap Streams" tab and change their value to maximum.

4. Enabling features

Using these features will also significantly impact your browser's performance. In order to enable them, you need to enter “browser://flags” and select the following items:

  • “Simple Cache for HTTP” - improved caching system;
  • “Accelerated 20 canvas” - increases the speed of 20 graphics;
  • “Fast tab/window close” - the function prevents tabs from freezing when closing them;
  • “Scroll prediction” - predicts next steps and loads parts of the page in advance.

5. Ad blocking

Due to the large number of advertisements on the pages you view, they take a little longer to load than they otherwise would. You can block it thanks to the Adguard program, which completely removes all advertising from sites for you, thereby reducing the weight of the page and increasing its loading speed. You can download the utility on the official website

6. Start turbo mode

Yandex browser has a turbo mode function, which is very useful when Internet speed is low or when you need to save traffic. To enable it you need:

That's it for all the effective methods for speeding up the Yandex browser. Having completed these simple 6 steps, your web browser will always delight you with its speed and trouble-free operation.

Video - How to speed up the Yandex browser

In the not so distant past, the expression “Internet browser” was actively used in computer circles, and there was no other browser except IE.

Today the situation has changed dramatically. There are hundreds of browser varieties on the market... but in fact, at least 90% of all these programs are built on Chromium. This also includes the option from Yandex.

Many experts even call it “a true successor to Opera,” since in terms of the volume of supported functions it is clearly ahead of modern Opera (on the same Chromium engine). But the browser also has disadvantages. In particular, it may begin to work more slowly over time. To return his speed, you can perform a number of simple techniques.

Enabling turbo mode

This is a very useful option that increases the speed of page loading. To enable it, click on the settings icon, which is marked in red in the screenshot below.

The settings menu will open, in which you need to select the “Enable turbo” item.

After clicking on this menu item, Yandex acceleration mode will be automatically activated. In general, provided there is a normal Internet connection, this should be enough to speed up the application. But it's not that simple. To ensure the “adequacy” of the browser’s Turbo mode, you need to fine-tune it. Activate the “Settings” menu item again, as shown in the first screenshot, and then click on the item... “Settings”.

After this, you need to scroll through the menu that opens and find the “Turbo” item. This is a simple way to increase program performance.

So what needs to be activated? If your Internet speed is at least 2-3 MB/sec, you can leave everything as is. When it is lower, it is advisable to check the “Always on” item. Option “Notify about speed changes...” It is better to leave it to users of unstable mobile Internet, the speed of which can vary greatly depending on the time of day and phases of the moon. When everything is really sad with tariffs, set the switch to the “Always on” position. This will increase the download rate.

How useful is the “Compress video” option, and is it worth leaving it activated? Yes, this helps with poor connection quality. However, you still won’t be able to watch videos in 1080p or even 720p resolution – a simple program option cannot increase the Internet speed. Please note that the speed of downloading files will also not be increased.

Clearing activity traces

This advice is more suitable for owners of weak computers with a small amount of RAM and a “slow” hard drive. While working on the Internet, Yandex accumulates history, temporary files, and location information.

The download history is sorted... On powerful machines, all this happens without a trace and is invisible to the user, but old PCs do not cope with such a volume of data very well, and the speed of downloading the program drops significantly.

After a week or two of intense surfing, it’s worth clearing your history. To do this, you need to go to the “Settings” of the browser again (first screenshot). Click on the item “History – history” (see screenshot).

In the menu that opens, you need to click on the “Clear history” button to open the Yandex clearing manager.

By the way, here he is. In the drop-down list (circled in red), it is advisable to select the “All time” item, since it has the greatest effect on the speed. We recommend leaving the first three checkboxes in any case. It's best to leave the three underlined items below alone: ​​cookies, passwords, and autofill data won't help your productivity much, but they do make your experience much more convenient.

It is also better to leave the items “Data of saved applications” and “Information about licenses...” untouched, but you can check them (there will be a performance increase, but not too significant). As soon as you decide on the volume of garbage removed from the browser, click on the “Clear history” button.

Disabling extensions

This advice will also come in handy for owners of not the most powerful PCs whose speed is low. As you know, extensions on modern Internet browsers account for almost 80% of their possible functionality (tools for downloading videos, ad blocking).

Unfortunately, some users get too carried away with them, as a result of which their Yandex turns into a clumsy monster. To fix this, in the address bar (as shown in the screenshot), copy and paste: “browser://plugins/” (without quotes). Press Enter.

A new Yandex window will open. It will display all the plugins installed in your browser. The screenshot shows a “gentleman’s set”: all additions except these should be removed. After this, the speed of loading the application will increase noticeably.

Do you know the feeling of calmly surfing the Internet, slowly flipping through the pages of your favorite website and reading scientific articles until the browser deigns to load the tab that was opened three hours ago? If yes, you are not alone! Many users encounter decreased browser speed. This can greatly complicate the workflow of freelancers, business executives monitoring the activities of their company, and ruin the evening leisure of the average user. In this article we will look at how you can restore and even improve the performance of Firefox, Google Chrome and other web browsers.

How to speed up Mozilla Firefox

Firefox was created as an alternative for users who didn't want to use Internet Explorer, long before Google Chrome was released. However, the browser does not stand still and continues to actively develop.

Like any other application, it will slow down over time and may need some help. Below we'll look at 3 quick ways to turn back the clock and get Firefox working again.

Method number 1. Cache management

Firefox cache is designed to speed up your web browser by storing certain files locally on your computer. This simplifies the process of opening frequently visited sites due to the fact that there is no need to download information again each time. However, a balance needs to be struck. When the cache size becomes excessively large, it can cause problems and affect performance. Fortunately, you can always fix the situation.

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Open menu Settings in the upper right corner of the program and go to the tab Privacy and Security, as shown in the image above. By pressing a key Delete data, the application will prompt you to clear the cache completely, while the key Data management allows for selective cleaning. Choose the option that suits you. We recommend a complete cleaning.

Method No. 2. Update Firefox

Firefox has a built-in refresh feature that is somewhat reminiscent of Windows 10's. This process resets most of the browser's settings without affecting personal data such as bookmarks, passwords, browsing history, and cookies. It can often fix slowness and a number of other browser problems.

Enter in the address bar about:support and in the window that opens, click Clean Firefox. If you wish, you can update your browser using the official developer website. However, do not forget that in this case, most configurations will lose the settings assigned to them.

Method number 3. Disable add-ons

A large number of, often unnecessary, add-ons can slow down your browser several times. Disabling several extensions will not only speed up Firefox, but will also increase its security, which is very valuable in the digital world. This is because it reduces the number of bits of code sent, making it harder for hackers to find you.

Go to the tab Add-ons through the menu located in the upper right corner, or use the combination Ctrl + Shift + A. You may want to take a closer look at the extensions you need to disable, especially when it comes to plugins.

If you're worried and don't want to completely erase the add-on, just disable it. This will speed up your browser and keep you calm. Later, if you wish, you can reconnect the deactivated extension at any time.

How to speed up Google Chrome

The Google Chrome browser is rightfully one of the most popular browsers, because it does not take up many resources from the computer and has good performance. However, sooner or later there may come a day when the speed of its operation drops significantly. However, no need to worry! This is easy to fix. Below we will look at 4 simple ways to speed up Google Chrome.

Method number 1. Remove unnecessary add-ons

As with Firefox, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the number of extensions installed. The main reason for this is their ability to significantly slow down the browser. Using the drop-down menu at the top right, open the tab Additional tools and go to Extensions.

Remove or disable add-ons that you don't use on a day-to-day basis.

Method No. 2. Install useful add-ons

This sounds somewhat contradictory to the previous point, but not all extensions slow down the browser. We recommend trying the Data Saver add-on for Google Chrome. It is completely free and, by redirecting the pages you visit through Google's servers, it compresses the data received and thereby increases the speed.

However, this is not the only extension that can help improve browser performance. You can use third-party add-ons OneTab, The Great Suspender and others. It may be worth experimenting during the selection process to find the plugin that suits you best.

Method number 3. Clear cache

This method is universal for any browser. The main task of the cache- increase the loading speed of frequently visited pages, which it copes with successfully until it becomes too cumbersome. In this case, Google Chrome is forced to do a lot of work, trying to find the necessary information in hundreds of gigabytes of cache to open one site. Naturally, productivity drops significantly.

To clear the cache, go to menu Settings, scroll to the very bottom of the page and press the button Additional. Here, in the first block of parameters. you will find the item Clear the history. Click on it and clear your cache, cookies and browser history.

How to speed up the Opera browser

The Opera browser confidently takes its position among popular browsers thanks to its ease of use, VPN functions and stylish program design. Like any other browser, it loses speed over time and needs some help from the user. What can you do to improve Opera performance? Below we will look at some useful tips that will help bring back the dawn of your browser.

Method number 1. Pause loading Java scripts

Every user is familiar with the situation when, when visiting a tracker page, or any other resource, you are faced with a wall of advertising, which, by loading, significantly reduces the speed of work. Opera developers showed good foresight and created a built-in ad blocker for their users. This means that you no longer need to install third-party software.

Just go to Settings Opera and check the box Block ads and surf the Internet three times faster.

If you have some doubt about the effectiveness of a built-in extension, install a popular add-on AdBlock, which is no less successful in avoiding annoying advertising.

Method No. 2. Disable Java scripts

In order to understand the relationship between Opera and scripts from different sites, you need to understand how the browser works. Before opening a page for you, the browser loads Java scripts, which can lead to certain delays in operation.

To disable them, go to Settings > Websites tab in the left menu > JavaScript section. Check the box Prevent JavaScript from running.

Method number 3. Disable loading internet pages on startup

This point applies mainly to weak PCs.

As you understand, loading a page from the moment the browser is launched requires additional resources from the computer. After all, opening a massive website is much more difficult than launching a start page with blocks of bookmarks.

We recommend switching the setting Continue from the same place in meaning Open home page. To do this, go to the menu Settings > Browser (listed on the left) > Function menu On startup.

How to speed up Yandex Browser

Yandex Browser is one of the most popular browsers, as it occupies second position in the ranking of RuNet browsers. Its distinctive feature is that the developers foresaw that, like any other browser, their application could also begin to lose performance over time. Therefore, they have added many interesting features, which we will explore in the guide below.

Method number 1. Disable unnecessary add-ons

As in the case of Google Chrome and Firefox, disable unnecessary extensions, which will significantly speed up the browser.

Method No. 2. Clear cache

Open menu Yandex Browser Settings > Advanced > Clear history. If you want to save time, use the combination Ctrl + Shift + Del, which will allow you to instantly go to the cleaning menu.

Method number 3. Turn off power saving mode

This point should be especially familiar to laptop owners. Often, the power saving option is used to run on battery power, which in turn affects the browser's performance. If your device is powered by a network, it makes sense to disable this feature.

Go to menu Settings > tab in the top menu Settings > Scroll to the very bottom of the page and find the option Energy saving. Disable it if necessary.

Once you've finished adjusting your browser settings, your browser should start working like new again. If some difficulties arise and the above methods do not correct the situation, perform a complete reinstallation of the browsers.