How to open chrome. Video: why Chrome does not start after reinstallation. Video: how to fix an error in your Google Chrome profile

Mozilla Firefox's monopoly on the browser market was seriously shaken after the release of software from Google. But from time to time, users are faced with the fact that Google and the Google Chrome browser do not work. And it is very difficult to cope with emerging problems without outside help.

Why doesn't Google Chrome work on my computer?

The easiest way to solve any problem associated with modern technology is to restart the computer. This helps in 9 out of 10 cases, a couple of keystrokes will fix a problem that you could have been struggling with for hours. There is also reinstalling the program, but this is the most radical way. It is rarely suitable, because the browser stores our browsing history, bookmarks, information on downloaded files and saved passwords.

Few people keep all their logins and passwords in mind, and over the years there are only more of them.

Using one for each account is not very secure; writing all data in a separate notepad is also a dubious option. Therefore, to restore the functionality of your favorite browser, you will have to work hard.

Get help first to support service , perhaps it has already been posted on the official website fresh update, which corrects the error that occurred. Most users encounter typical, rather than unique, problems. By typing the name of the error into the search bar, you will receive a list of links:

  • To one of the Google services, which describes the problem and how to fix it.
  • To a thematic forum where one of the users raises a question that interests you.
  • On a blog or article site, where the author explains in an accessible form what the problem may be related to.

Google search doesn't work.

Most often the problem occurs using search, and even if this is a tautology, most often the problem is related to viruses. Many people love Google Chrome for its ability to “isolate” any process and separate it from all others. Purely theoretically, this innovation was supposed to protect users from hacker attacks and make it impossible for malicious software to launch spontaneously.

But as soon as defense began to develop, viruses began to evolve after it.

Was your firewall or antivirus able to detect the virus in time, quarantine it, or immediately delete the infected files? Consider yourself lucky. But if the databases have not been updated for too long or you are using a hacked version, your protection will not respond to the attack. What to do in this case?

Download a free utility to find and eliminate virus threats. For example THIS .

Almost every serious company has one; they will only require you to be able to send a report to the developers. After the scan, which can last several hours, the program will provide you with data about all detected threats and vulnerabilities, with the ability to cure your computer or laptop for free.

In the future, it’s better to install a normal antivirus, even if it’s a paid one. Not visiting dubious sites is the first step to online safety, but it is not yet a complete guarantee of your security:

  1. There may be targeted attacks specifically on your IP.
  2. Viruses can be attached to completely harmless files.
  3. The attack can come from a hacked site, the owner of which does not suspect anything about the current state of affairs.

Google voice search does not work.

Over the past five years, everyone has managed to acquire mobile devices. With the development of technology, the advent of tablets and smartphones, your pocket device has ceased to be just a means of communication. With its help you can access the network and take advantage of all its benefits. And thousands of useful applications will help turn your device into a mechanism that works smoothly for your benefit.

But sometimes we lose the opportunity to use all its capabilities. As an example, you can use voice dialing; just yesterday, with its help, we found everything we needed in a couple of seconds. But today it stopped working and I have to manually enter entire sentences into the search bar. Long and inconvenient, especially in the cold season or when the display is faulty. The problem is not the worst, but it is better to solve it quickly and radically.

Restoring the functionality of Google search.

How to fix the situation?

  • Reset everything to factory settings.
  • Update Android version.
  • Download the new keyboard.
  • Set the correct settings.

The first option can be considered truly in drastic ways you will lose all existing information. But at the same time you are guaranteed to fix the current problem. And if your device is synchronized with one of the cloud services, the loss of information may not be so significant. After connecting to the network, you can restore the main data set and get all your applications back. But voice search will work again.

But more often than not, people are not ready to risk everything they have on their phone or tablet. In this case, you should make sure that your version of the software actually supports voice dialing. OnlyAndroid 2.2 and newer versions boast this feature. Maybe you had a typing icon on your keyboard even with an older version. But this was a feature of your version of the keyboard; this function was not supported on the device.

Watch a step-by-step video tutorial on what to do if Google Chrome does not open pages:

If you find a problem, either upgrade your operating system or download a new keyboard. If the icon is there but not active, go to settings and check the box next to “voice input”. Depending on the device model and system version, the combination of actions may differ slightly.

Chroma's work in difficult conditions.

Google Chrome optimization level leaves much to be desired; on older and weaker machines it can consume too much RAM. Frequent crashes and emergency page closures may be associated with this.

He will come to our aid Task Manager , by running which you can see which process is consuming the main resources of the machine. To speed up the browser, it is better to close all other processes.

Watch closely number of open tabs, even if idle, they will consume RAM. The longer you leave the page open, the more costs it costs to maintain its functionality. If you have a powerful device, but are faced with such a problem, check your system for viruses. Another reason may be problems during the assembly of the computer, perhaps some of the hardware was installed incorrectly or there are simply no drivers for it. Optimize your device.

When Google Chrome doesn't work, you have to temporarily use other browsers. It’s always worth keeping “in reserve” Mozilla, Opera, or Yandex Browser, as three current alternatives. Let's hope Google doesn't force us to resort to these substitutions too often.

Video tutorial: how to fix the error

Sometimes it turns out that many PC users do not open Google Chrome. Quite often the reasons may be inexplicable - everything was fine in the evening, but now “glitches” are happening. So let's figure out why and how to deal with this situation.

Why does this happen

Computer problems are quite common. These often include various problems with web browsers. "Google Chrome", "Mozilla", "Explorer" - it doesn't matter what program you have installed. The main thing is that “glitches” do not bypass any option.

So, let's try to figure it out. The most common startup hindrance is the antivirus program. Absolutely any. Viruses and various installed programs can also cause problems. Let's look at each reason separately to find out why the Google Chrome browser does not open.


No matter how strange it may sound, antivirus programs can not only serve the benefit of the user, but also harm them. This happens because many people do not look at what pages and addresses they go to. If you click on a malicious link that does not contain Trojans or worms, you may end up with a not very pleasant situation - the browser will stop working when you restart. More precisely, the process will start, but there will be no “picture”.

In this case, you need to check the system for viruses, then disable the antivirus and try to launch your browser. If this doesn't help, uninstall the web program completely and reinstall it. Everything should work.

Sometimes the reason that Google Chrome does not open can be: It will perceive the browser as a prohibited process and then block it. In this case, disable your antivirus and firewall and try to start working.


A fairly common answer to the question of why Google Chrome does not start is the presence of viruses on the computer. It’s good if they don’t devour your system, but only get to the browser. Although an unpleasant phenomenon, it is tolerable.

If you suspect that your computer is not running Google Chrome, the first thing to do is run an antivirus program. Which one to use is up to you to decide. However, we would recommend Doctor Web to you - it is easy to get and use without effort. In addition, this “antivirus” has so-called free demo versions that help detect “infection” on the computer. In this case, you do not have to buy the final product.

So, once you have decided which antivirus program to use, launch it. During checks, leave the computer alone - close all programs and games, including browsers (if any are running and open). When the computer completes the scan, disinfect all detected files; delete any that cannot be cured.

Be careful - important system data may be found among malicious programs. Therefore, before you start working with antiviruses, save all the important data that you need. Yes, just in case.

Restart your computer after the scan and treatment are complete. After that, try to launch Google Chrome. If all is unsuccessful, completely remove the browser with all bookmarks and other data, and then reinstall it. Everything should go back to normal.


Of course, if all the previous methods turned out to be useless, there is only one way out - reinstalling the system. Of course, you can rollback. However, for all problems, as system administrators say, “there is one cure - demolish Windows and that’s it.”

So, when you decide to take this difficult step, find the Windows installation disk. Before doing this, write down important personal information in advance so as not to lose it. Insert the installation disc into your computer and wait for it to start.

Select "Install Windows Operating System". A window will open in front of you to select the method of carrying out the process - “clean” and “surface” installation. In order to get rid of worries about why Google Chrome won’t start, it’s better to choose the first option. Next, use simple steps to format your hard drive and select the Windows installation path. Wait for the process to complete. The computer will reboot about 3 times - don’t be alarmed. Next, install the browser and use it as before. Now you know what to do if Google Chrome does not open.

Google Chrome has a good position among all known browsers. This is facilitated by stability, a rich set of extensions, good performance and the ability to synchronize on multiple devices. But even this web page reading monster can sometimes start to fail. The most well-known problem among users is when Google Chrome does not start. Below we will present several options for solving this common problem.

Google Chrome won't start: first steps

The first thing you can do without much effort is to restart your computer. This operation will not delete the necessary files, will not disrupt the browser tab structure, and will avoid other similar problems.

The second thing to try is to update your video card drivers. The fact is that Google Chrome uses the performance power of GPUs to optimize the opening of web pages. The update will not harm the system in any way, so you can try this method.

It will also be useful to look into the task manager and analyze how many megabytes are spent on processes. If there is no unnecessary waste of resources, and the memory is full to capacity, then it’s worth visiting the nearest electronics store and buying a memory stick. Sometimes it is possible that the browser is already running, and due to some failure, the second instance of Google Chrome does not start.

Virus check

Anti-virus protection is also important for the stable operation of all systems and the browser in particular. Many malware actively use memory to accomplish their tasks. In this case, the remaining free RAM may not be enough to run Google Chrome.

In addition, there is a group of viruses that are tied specifically to the operation of the browser, as they cause the spontaneous opening of advertising and phishing sites to steal the user’s personal data. If there is absolutely no anti-virus protection on your computer, then it’s time to worry about installing it. To quickly treat the system, you can use “one-time” utilities that can scan all existing objects for viruses and neutralize them without installation.

Checking system files

If Google Chrome won't start despite the previous steps, then it's time to check the integrity of important system files. To do this, use the standard Windows utility, which comes included and is called SFC. To run it you will have to use the command line. But everything is quite simple - you just need to open it and enter SFC.exe /scsnnow. The /scannow switch says that you need to scan once and do it immediately. After pressing the "Enter" key, the process will begin. Upon completion, a message will be displayed indicating how many files were damaged, and whether there were any. If the system automatically restored the faulty files found, it will notify you about this. By the way, this utility can be used without any visible malfunctions, to prevent future problems and eliminate them in the first stages.

In addition to this utility, you can manually check the hosts file, where virus and harmful sites like to be registered. It exists in the path C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc. In this folder you need to find the hosts file and open it with notepad. It should not contain unnecessary lines and addresses.

Reinstalling the browser

To solve the problem in a universal way, you need to install Google Chrome. There are, however, several side effects associated with this. For example, important tabs will be lost. But you can take care of this in advance by exporting them to a file or setting up synchronization. But saved passwords will still be lost. It is worth considering this when deciding to install Google Chrome. In general, there are several ways to save all entered passwords on websites and social networks. For example, you can create a copy of your entire Google Chrome user profile.

You can download the latest version of Google Chrome by logging into Google from another browser and typing the name of the one you are looking for. Next, the installer will be downloaded, which, after launch, will install the browser automatically. It is worth noting that changing the bit depth sometimes also saves you from startup problems. Before downloading Google Chrome, you need to pay attention to which browser is ready to download - 64 or 32-bit.

Why won't Google Chrome launch?

If you have antivirus software installed on your system and it has its own firewall, then it is worth checking all its settings. Perhaps somehow the browser accidentally ended up on the list of programs that are subject to blocking when accessing the Internet. The same applies to the standard Windows firewall. If it is active, then just in case you should add Google Chrome to the list of exceptions.


Some extensions that many people install in Chrome and forget about can consume a large amount of resources. If the Google Chrome browser does not start, then this may be the problem. To try to launch Chrome without extensions, you need to use command line switches.

You need to register them in the properties of the Google Chrome shortcut, in the “Object” item. The --disable-extensions switch is responsible for disabling extensions during browser startup. The complete line should look like this:

"C:\Users\User1\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable- extensions. If the installation was successful, it means that it was the extensions that prevented Chrome from starting.


To avoid having to periodically search for similar articles on the Internet, you need to carefully monitor the system. After all, the performance of all components depends on it. You should check the OS for viruses, update it, pay attention to the web resources you visit and downloaded files. If the system begins to slow down, then you should not postpone the solution, but restore it immediately. It makes sense to periodically create a copy of your profile so as not to lose data, passwords and bookmarks.

Google Chrome is the fastest browser in many aspects such as browsing, downloading, streaming and more. However, sometimes it happens that Google Chrome does not work on the computer. The user either receives an error message or the browser does not open at all.

We have prepared detailed instructions for solving the problem when Google Chrome does not work on your computer.

What did you do to solve the problem?

  • Rebooted the computer.
  • Removed the Google Chrome task in the task manager.
  • Checked your computer for viruses.
  • Rebooted the browser several times.
  • Reset Google Chrome settings.
  • Reinstalled Google Chrome.

If you have done all the steps described above, and Chrome still does not work on your computer, then consider more serious solutions to this problem.

Why won't Google Chrome open?

The reason that Google Chrome does not open on the computer may be malware, or another program that interferes with the operation of Google Chrome, for example, an antivirus, firewall and others.

The official Google Chrome support page lists three programs that can cause these problems:

  • Spyware Doctor
  • Comodo Firewall
  • McAfee Enterprise

If you have any of the above programs installed, disable it and add the Google Chrome browser to your firewall settings. If this did not help, and Google Chrome still does not work on your computer, then continue reading our instructions.

Clear Google Chrome task in Device Manager

  1. Open Task Manager and clear each Google Chrome task.

Now check whether Google Chrome is working or not. If yes, then use it to your health. If still not, then:

  1. Restart your computer and try again.

Many users report that Google Chrome does not work on their computer after updating. In such a case, you should try the following two solutions:

1. Undo recent updates

One of the main features of Google Chrome is that it updates itself in the background without any prompts. However, sometimes it happens that Google Chrome tries to update from one version to another, and for some reason the update fails, thus causing an error in operation.

As you can see in the image below, Google Chrome has 2 versions in the program folder: 47.0.2526.111 is the old version, 48.0.2564.116 is the latest version.

Open both folders and check which one has fewer files. If the older version has fewer files, then:

  1. Open the newer version folder, copy all subfolders and files, and paste them into the older version folder.
  2. Try opening Google Chrome now.

2. Delete Chrome.dll file

Chrome.dll is a file that contains various settings for the Chrome browser. If Google Chrome does not work on your computer, then delete this chrome.dll file from the program folder.

Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application, then go to the Chrome version folder, find and delete chrome.dll. This will remove all old Google Chrome settings.

These solutions should help if Google Chrome does not work on your computer. Write in the comments below how you managed to solve this problem.

There are four main reasons why Google stops working: blocking by an antivirus program, lack of necessary components in the root folder of the program, blocking by a firewall, incompatibility with the system.

Detailed consideration of the reasons

An antivirus program can block a browser in two cases:

1) If the program is infected with a virus.
2) If the antivirus has functions like a firewall. All applications trying to connect to the network are simply blocked by the antivirus.

To solve the first problem, check the local disk on which the web browser is installed for viruses and, if found, remove them. If the treatment procedure does not help, then remove the browser and install it again.

To solve problem number two, go to the antivirus menu and disable the function that blocks applications from accessing the network.

The lack of necessary components may occur due to their accidental removal. For example, you install some program, and randomly it is installed in the browser folder, and one file of this program replaces the web browser file. The result of this replacement is that Google Chrome does not launch.

Removal also occurs as a result of the uninstaller application. This application cleans your computer of errors and unused files, and in some cases deletes necessary ones, mistaking them for unimportant ones.

Files may also be deleted during antivirus treatment. To solve these problems, it is best, as in the previous case, to reinstall the browser.

Firewall blocking is a common reason for programs that require network access to fail. To disable the firewall, use the following algorithm: “Start” menu => “Control Panel” => “Windows Firewall” => “Turn Windows Firewall on or off” => “Turn off the firewall.” On later versions of Windows, you don’t have to disable the firewall, just check the box next to “Allow this program to access the network” in the program itself.

If you are using an older version of Windows, an incompatibility issue may occur. In this case, reinstall the OS or try downloading an older version. The browser may also not work due to incompatibility with some applications installed on the computer. Uninstall the applications, restart your computer, and the web browser will open.