I deleted lollipop on Android, what should I do? Lollipop for Lg G3. New quick settings

This year, the presentation of new Google products was not quite ordinary.

To show off the Nexus 9 tablet to the public and Nexus smartphone 6, the company did not organize a large-scale event, but simply announced new devices on its official blog. There, Google also talked about Android Lollipop, the new version of the world's most popular mobile operating system.

And although the official launch of Lollipop is still about a week away, the developer preview can already be manually installed on Nexus devices to be the first to see everything that Google has prepared. Here are the most significant and noticeable changes in the new Android.

Redesign in style Material Design

The first thing that catches your eye is the new appearance of the system. It's very easy to distinguish Lollipop from last year's KitKat. The OS has become much more attractive, sleeker and visually in some aspects even surpasses iOS. Looking at the new look of Android, it seems that even the screen of the device (we installed Lollipop on the Nexus 5) has become better. For the first time in the history of the system, it can be called beautiful.

The new principle of Material Design involves the use of rich colors, shadows and flat visually clear elements. Each one is recycled Android element, from navigation bar and to the settings menu. The developers themselves compare the controls in Lollipop to moving sheets of paper across the desktop.

Not all proposals have been updated to Material Design yet, but it’s a matter of time.

New settings panel

The new quick settings panel opens by swiping down on the notification panel. New hot access options have been added to it: orientation lock, disable mobile internet etc. Visually it has also been redesigned.

New multitasking

Multitasking in Lollipop is called Overview, and it works a little differently than in KitKat. Each application running in the background is presented as a separate card, which can be scrolled in the same way as before. Only now, besides open applications, in multitasking, each open card will be displayed as a separate card. Chrome browser tab.

In addition, there can be several cards for each application in multitasking. For example, the main window of the email client, as well as the window of the letter that you typed and then minimized.

Power saving mode

It's now built into Android by default. When enabled, the mode reduces the processor frequency and disables some animations, which reduces power consumption. You can also automate the process: the mode will turn on automatically if the phone has 15 or 5% charge left.

Redesigned notification menu

Just like in iOS, notifications will now appear on the lock screen. But there is one significant difference: the notifications that Lollipop displays on the Lockscreen are no different from regular ones. They can be swiped and expanded to fill the entire window. There is no need to remove the lock by swiping.

Another important innovation is the ability to set priority for notifications. By switching your phone to a special mode, you can manually specify the notifications that will be displayed on the screen. All this is customizable: for example, you can leave notifications only from emails or WhatsApp messages. Other programs will not bother you.

Tap and Go

Android has never been known for its data recovery features. If you bought new phone, you will have to download applications from the cloud, each separately, like settings and contacts. This takes a certain amount of time. Lollipop now has the ability to instantly transfer all data from phone to phone. You just need to bring your smartphones close to each other, having first turned on NFC. As a result, we will get two identical devices in terms of stored data.

The creators of Lollipop took a few ideas from the shell of the new Motorolla phones. Now the Android 5.0 device will listen to you, even if it is in standby mode. The phrase "OK Google" will automatically activate voice assistant and will allow you to send messages, make calls and search for information on the Internet by voice. Previously, all this could only be done while on the start screen.

Double tap unlock

This feature is not yet available in the Developers Preview system, but Western journalists who managed to hold the Nexus 9 in their hands reported that the tablet can be unlocked double tap across the screen. A similar feature, by the way, already exists in LG smartphones and some Nokia models.

Guest mode

Android has been supporting multiple accounts on the same device for quite some time now, and Lollipop has improved this feature. A “guest mode” has appeared, which allows you to hide the desktop, the list of contacts and applications, and other information of the main user and create a “clean” profile for the person who asked you for a smartphone for a couple of minutes. It can check SMS and contact list, make a call, and after the "guest mode" is disabled, traces of activity outside user can be easily erased.

Allowed Applications

If a child asks you for your phone to play with, but you are afraid that he will accidentally delete something important from the phone’s memory, you can special regime highlight only those applications to which you want to allow it. This is done in quick panel by clicking on the pin icon. This way, you can be sure that your child will play and not read your email- it simply won’t be able to launch it.

Dmitry Petrenko

Many smartphone or tablet users are intimately familiar with the operating system on their device. For the most part, this is the operating system from Google - Android. iOS is no less common and Windows is much less common. Although each system is good in its own way, different versions The same OS can be very different from each other and turn out to be very successful or extremely bad. More recently, version Android 7.0 appeared, but a large number of devices are still sold on Android 5.1Lollipop and it is its pros and cons that will be discussed in the article.

Advantages of the system

During the release of the fifth version of Android, many innovations were announced that, to one degree or another, turned out to not work at all or not work at all. Version 5.1 was supposed to fix these bugs and some of them actually disappeared.

Appeared in OS 5.1 function smart protection stolen phone. Smartphones with this system can be blocked remotely and the block cannot be removed unless you log into Google account. Function Device Protection works even when an attacker resets the device to factory settings. Previously, this action allowed one to bypass the protection of the smartphone and made it very vulnerable.

Android version 5.1, unlike version 5, now has the ability to manage two SIM cards. Previously, to achieve this, device manufacturers had to independently modify the operating system, but now the function works immediately. In theory, a smartphone with a “bare” OS can immediately work with two SIM cards, which is quite difficult to verify, because all manufacturers install their own firmware and shells, which essentially provide users with the opportunity to use two SIM cards. As you know, only the Nexus line comes with clean system, but these phones themselves are not designed for two cards.

Improved HDVoice. Previously, the developers said that now the function will allow for better speech transmission; it has begun to distinguish between dull and voiced sounds, however, there is one point. Both phones must be running Android version 5.1.

In addition to functional changes, the system received a number of design changes.

  1. The contacts menu, or rather their editing, has undergone major changes.
  2. Many icons and pictograms have received animation
  3. When you block an application, a hint immediately appears telling you how to unblock it later. Previously reverse action caused some problems.
  4. Quick settings can now also be quickly deleted.
  5. Access to Wi-Fi networks, as well as devices with Bluetooth enabled.
  6. The unlocking process has become more convenient, and pop-up notifications can be hidden by swiping up.
  7. When playing audio, users can adjust the volume system sounds, which was impossible to do before and often caused some inconvenience.
  8. Fixed flashlight operation. IN previous version After a few minutes, the flash would turn off and an error would appear on the screen.
  9. The downside was the lack of function silent mode. Many users asked for it to be added, but the promise remained unfulfilled.

System Performance

In general, according to users, the version 5.1 system works an order of magnitude faster than 5.0. even with big amount running applications, the phone does not slow down, and the applications themselves do not close, as happened before. The RAM began to clog up much more slowly. Version 5.0 already after two or three days showed that the RAM was completely occupied, the phone required cleaning and worked much less. Tests of the newer system showed that this problem does not exist. Improved performance was also noticed in applications for evaluating AnTuTu and 3DMark, such as in the first program new Android received a score of 39,890 versus 35,720, and in the second, these numbers were -16,193 versus 14,481.

It is worth noting that these figures were obtained on a top-end smartphone at the time the OS was released and, accordingly, these advantages may not be noticeable on weak devices, and this will be discussed below.


Despite the large number of advantages, the system also has a number of disadvantages.

Performance. Android version 5.1 works quite quickly under certain conditions, namely 3 GB random access memory . Minimum value is a figure of 2 GB and even now, more than a year after the system was released, such figures are far from small, because devices with such memory are on average price segment, or rather closer to high, which means that for many users they remain inaccessible and it turns out that budget smartphone with a small amount of RAM is obviously slow and weak.

Minus the second - interface. It was said earlier that many changes have been introduced and, in general, they are useful, but the main disadvantages are the large number of settings in the pubescent curtain. Previously, there were fewer of them, and additional ones could be opened in a special submenu, but now everything opens at once and sometimes it’s not easy to navigate.

Second minus - color design. But by default, the panels turn out to be pale blue, which is not at all pleasing to the eye and sometimes even annoying. Of course, launchers allow you to quickly correct the situation, but original version It could have been more beautiful.

The tendency to simplify is also not a plus. For several years now, all developers have been trying to make their systems more adaptive and simpler for users, but in the race for this simplicity they make everything too primitive. Many icons are crammed into one place, and the screen ends up being empty. The gallery was replaced with a Photos folder, which is designed to work in the cloud and without an Internet connection the user has all the pictures piled up in one pile.

Another important disadvantage was the simplification of notifications. Previously, it was clear in the tray what had arrived system message or a notification about a letter, now it’s just an application icon, and what it wants to tell the user is unclear.


In general, the Android 5.1 system is quite successful under a number of conditions - powerful smartphone And custom settings. Owners of powerful devices, after a number of improvements, will receive an excellent working OS, but owners weak phones and supporters of leaving “everything as it is” will probably receive only negative emotions from version 5.1.

Next global update Android has caused not only joy among some, but also indignation among many. And not at all because people don’t want something new: just shortcomings Google platforms exceeded their merits many times over.

It's easy to criticize something. And it’s even easier to scold something that really deserves it. And the fifth Android now bears the proud and contemptuous nickname “bucketroid” with honor, they say.

1. “Slowness” and rapid discharge

Remember: once upon a time, even half a gigabyte of RAM was more than enough, but today 3 GB is in trend, and we’re not even talking about sophisticated games - 3 GB of “frame” is considered good form, because “the OS itself wants it.” But doesn't she want too much?

“Five” sets itself 2 GB of RAM as the minimum standard. This can be seen from the fact that on devices with 1–1.5 gigabytes, ungodly lags and slowdowns begin. It is, that is, impossible to work at all. And with KitKat (4.4) things weren’t going smoothly, but at least you could go about your business quite calmly.

Hence the conclusion: if you have a device older than two years and offers you to install Android 5.x, politely send it to hell with such requests. Although this will be problematic - for example, on the Nexus 2013 tablet, the author has been repelling the unsuccessful attacks of the “five” for a year, because, having installed it and talked with it for some time, the author was horrified, remembered his mother and demolished everything.

Actually, this disadvantage They have long promised to fix it in Android 5.1.1. However, this was promised before, everyone promises it to us last years, and, by the way, 5.1.1 was going to be rolled out in the spring... and where is it?

Not to mention the rapid discharge of the battery, which can also be classified as “gluttony”.

2. Confusing interface

No one will argue with the statement that the interface should be convenient and friendly. Therefore, for example, Apple changes its interface slightly from version to version (and we are talking about both “adult” Macs and iPhones). Microsoft also once tried to move away from everyone’s favorite Start button and desktop - but all this, invented 20 years ago, is still alive and, having been rejected, is returning under the yoke of user dissatisfaction. And even when Microsoft tried to impose a “tiled” interface on everyone, programs immediately multiplied on the Internet, returning the old “Start” button. Microsoft thought about it, reconciled itself a little, pretended that it had returned “Start” to Windows 8.1, but in fact these were “Potemkin villages”, and programs like Classic Shell is still held in high esteem because they return exactly old interface. Because it's convenient!

All this cannot be said about Android. From version to version (if we take the major ones - 2, 3, 4, 5), the developers honestly tried to improve the standard interface, although in fact few people needed this, since the “main manufacturers” developed their own shells for their smartphones (for example, Samsung or LG). But Google didn't let up. And if everyone has already become accustomed to the “four” interface, although at first they criticized the lack of buttons (and many gadget manufacturers still leave touch buttons on the body, not paying attention to the Google carrots), then even more new nonsense appeared in the top five. And the “whiteness and blueness” of the new interface cannot be said to be to the taste of users. Well, the jumble in the list of notifications is just terrible.

3. You understand everything wrong!

And developers all over the world love to simplify everything. But usually only they think so. Many claim, of course, that they care about users, but the result is nonsense. And Lollipop has simplified a lot of things that can simply be listed with a minus sign.

There is too much space left on big screens, because the information panels were cluttered together, ruining the convenient individual mini-bars at the top of the screen. Information about the battery charge was simplified so much that it was completely removed: only the charge that remains is shown. “Gallery” was replaced with a simplified “Photo”, with an emphasis on working on the Internet. If there is no Internet, you will be faced with chaotically organized pictures not in albums. By the way, it can be solved by forcing a replacement with the old “Gallery” via a third-party APK.

What else? Messages in the top tray were replaced with icons: guess what they wanted. There are no more convenient lock button functionality items. In version 5.0, the “silent” mode also disappeared, which was returned in 5.1 (Google probably decided that users did not need to mute the sound). The notification panel was combined with settings: in the “four” they functioned separately, and it was very convenient. By the way, in 5.1 it was partially returned: in particular, the ability to connect via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth without going to the main settings was added. At least something.

Well, purely aesthetically: the new three buttons at the bottom of the screen turned into three simple ones geometric figures. Minimalism, yes, but you won’t immediately understand which one should mean what. Well, okay, with the “back” triangle and the “home” circle (a reference to the round button on the iPhone?) it’s even more or less clear. But how can you guess what should happen after you click on the square?

By the way, in 5.1 there is finally support for smartphones with two SIM cards. It didn't exist in 5.0. In 4.x - it was. Why they did this is a rhetorical question.

In general, the “five” is replete with a whole ocean of minor inconveniences, about which Google developers they claim that, on the contrary, it is extremely convenient. Probably convenient for yourself Android developers. Of course, you can get used to both the conveniences and the inconveniences. But is it necessary?

Moreover, if you go around the forums and read angry user reviews, you become completely sad. “Some huge icons, the theme colors are simply killing, primitive lower function buttons, just like for children!”, “Before, without turning off mobile data and Wi-Fi, the phone worked for at least two days, but now it runs out of charge in less than a day!”, “The established contact calls have changed to standard: to make a call you need to make a series of manipulations and all this is very slow”, “I used to have the last five calls on the screen, and I could immediately dial them by pressing one button - now I can’t”, “The design is terrible. Alarm clock in the form round hours, this is terribly inconvenient!” The spelling has been retained by the author, except in very egregious cases.

And there are thousands of such reviews.

4. Incompatibility

If you have many installed third party applications, it is not a fact that they will work correctly in the new OS. Because how does it usually happen? A new major version of the operating system is being rolled out, which in some places is incompatible with applications. Not with everyone, but with some, and these few will be very important to you.

And although six months have passed since the release of the “five”, this problem is still relevant. Because there are hundreds and hundreds of thousands of applications for Android, some of the necessary ones are completely abandoned (but are vital for you!), so the transition to a new OS can end very badly, even if you have a super-new gadget that doesn’t care about RAM leaks at all.

Therefore, before you rush to install Lollipop, it’s worth going through all the vital important applications and find out when they were updated and whether the update log says something like “Android 5 Lollipop support.” Most of the app incompatibility is due to the new ART runtime and developers really need to get their hands dirty and do something about it.

The question is what to do with the necessary applications, which have not been updated for many years, and which have outlived even Ice Cream Sandwich and its followers, remains open and sad.

5. Lollipop just isn't needed?

On the one hand, the question is philosophical, on the other hand, it is quite obvious if you ask it: why, in principle, is an operating system that has become so inconvenient needed? If the conveniences that people have become accustomed to over the past five years have been replaced with something new and absolutely inconvenient, and six months have already passed since the release, and the convenience has not increased... Why is it?

The same cannot be said about the previous, fourth version, which turned out to be much more successful. Incomprehensible on-screen buttons successfully replaced with touch-sensitive analogues (and still do, it must be said), the inconveniences in 4.x were many times less, and the design was quite strict and convenient compared to the “two” - yes, also unusual, but acceptable. And everyone is already used to it.

All this cannot be said about Lollipop. If, six months after the release, the indignant cries do not subside, but only become louder, this is a failure on all fronts (the above reviews dated from March-April of this year). And there are more fronts, as more and more manufacturers release mandatory updates for their smartphones and tablets, integrating Android Lollipop as the basis (well, perhaps, except for the new Lenovo P90).

But remember: you can always refuse to upgrade to this version and wait for a more stable release. If there ever is one.

Because if 5.1.1 comes out, fixing the most Main Disadvantage Android OS - this will be a really serious reason to install the update even on devices older than two years.

Despite the appearance of the Android 7.0 Nougat mobile OS, existing version Android Lollipop is still very popular, but it still causes some problems.

If you want to know how to quickly and effectively solve problems that arise, we suggest taking a look at the solutions offered for the most common Android Lollipop bugs. By the way, the list of problems will expand as they are discovered.

First check the following

Some of the common problems can be easily fixed by just updating the app. Before resorting to any serious measures, try the following:

    Check if your applications are up to date by clicking on Play Store > My games and applications.

    If the problem is not resolved even after this, all that remains is to restart the smartphone.

    You can also try clearing the cache memory or application data, which is presumably the source of the problems.

    Well, and finally, if all of the above steps did not help, then you can restore the factory settings on your phone. Unfortunately, this will lead to the loss of all data, photos, videos and other personal files stored in the memory of your smartphone, so it is better to first try the recommendations presented in our article - maybe it will help? Well, if it doesn’t work out, then you can already resort to the last resort.

Android Lollipop: performance degradation

For most users, updating Android Lollipop OS is a breeze magic wand changes the situation for the better - everything starts to work as it should, everyone is happy, everyone smiles.

But still, for a small part of users, this trick does not work, and they still experience difficulties with the “Android” smartphone - it either freezes, turns off, or becomes slow as a snail. This behavior may be caused by local updates.

Installing more and more new updates on top of existing ones may ultimately lead to the development of technical problems, and the main solution in this case will be to restore the device to factory settings. Although in this case, first of all, it’s worth looking to see if the applications have already been updated for the Android Lollipop OS.

As is customary to do this for any incomprehensible problems with the phone's operation, try turning off everything that you generally do not need - sometimes this helps to establish the specific cause of the malfunction of the operating system.

Android Lollipop: Apps reload themselves

In the first version of Android OS 5.0, a bug was noted when applications rebooted on their own, but already in updated version 5.1 it is missing. Even applications with constant notifications appearing in the status bar are susceptible to this bug.

Restarting the smartphone is considered the only solution to this problem, unfortunately, it is temporary. The only way to completely get rid of this bug is to update the phone's operating system to the next version.

Android Lollipop: Message “Missing system.img”

Despite the fact that this bug looks quite serious, it can still be solved. Before you start using Android Lollipop OS on your device, the following message “Missing system.img” appears on the screen.

Similar to the previous version of Ansdroid, Nexus 5 OS also had this issue that occurred during the installation of system version 5.0

To solve this problem, as it turned out, all you need to do is transfer the installation files one at a time instead of using the automatic “flash-all.bat” command.

If you see this message, don't worry - the problem can be fixed.

Android Lollipop: Wi-Fi connection

In most cases, another bug pops up when we try to update the Android operating system - almost always there is something wrong with the wireless Wi-Fi connection and Bluetooth, or both at the same time.

Here we can advise you to use all possible methods for solving the problem, including offline mode, disconnecting and reconnecting to the network, rebooting your phone, rebooting your router, and even switching between wireless frequency bands.

Problems with Wi-Fi can be resolved using standard methods.

If the above methods did not help, then all that remains is to wait for a patch from Google to get rid of this problem once and for all.

Android Lollipop: Overheating

Assuming you didn't leave yours mobile device under the rays of the sun or within reach of a mischievous child armed with a magnifying glass, then overheating of the device will often be a side effect of overloading the phone with games.

By the way, using a case can also cause the phone to heat up excessively, since the use of cases was not originally intended. The case may prevent heat from dissipating, causing the phone to become warmer.

If you suspect that the whole problem is in some application, then you can transfer the device to the so-called safe mode to check your version.

Android Lollipop: Phone battery self-discharging bug

Each new installation Android firmware Lollipop for some users leads to the appearance of a self-discharging battery bug. As a rule, this is due to the fact that the update was carried out on top of the existing firmware, and not with clean slate. All this can lead to certain types of errors that occur during such layer-by-layer firmware updates.

But this problem can also be dealt with, if you wish, duplicate and save the necessary data and restore the factory settings. For this you can use Settings
> Backup Data and Update or in manual mode with help special buttons. Just search the Internet for data for your mobile device and manuals for manual recovery factory settings step by step.

Android Lollipop: Video playback bug

Owners of phones based on Nexus 3 (released in 2013) have already noted some problems when playing videos after updating the OS to Android Lollipop. This bug, as it turned out, is not tied to any specific application, but naturally, YouTube suffers the most from it. However, any video player built into Android also falls under the threat.

YouTube and other video players stop working after Android updates 5.0

With this bug, go to Settings > Applications and search YouTube. Next, clear the cache and try to launch the application again; to temporarily fix the bug, you can simply restart the phone.

You can also try reinstalling the application if the problem is still not resolved. According to some users, this measure helped them eliminate the bug.

If you know the best solution to this problem, then share it with others, don't be greedy. By the way, just in case, also save the necessary data, return the factory settings and clear the cache memory.

Android Lollipop: Flashlight problem

If you leave the flashlight on for a while mobile phone turned on, looking for lost keys in the dark, it automatically turns off after a certain period of time, and then, for a reason unknown even to experts, it will not work until you restart the phone. It's a strange bug, but it's what it is.

Despite the fact that this bug has been known since the days of Android Nexus 5, Google company in general, he is in no hurry to eliminate it.

Android Lollipop: Lack of silent mode, status creeper and go-to-work button menu

Unfortunately, such “improvements” have become something of a problem for many users. Now you can't mute the sound before switching to besh smart mode(with vibration), when you long press the power button, you can only turn off the mobile device, you will not be offered any more options - don’t even wait; Moreover, a creeping line for viewing notifications in the latest Android versions Lollipop doesn't either.

One can, of course, expect that soon the indignation of users will result in a full-scale protest, and some changes will be implemented, but miracles do not happen, alas. Therefore, we can only hope for possible improvements for those who like to modify the phone.

Android Lollipop: Remote update doesn't work on rooted devices

You should not be surprised, but Google does not at all welcome the so-called rooting (obtaining superuser rights) or making other changes to the phone and its firmware. So if you do get into your phone, you may find that remote software updates on your phone will stop working.

Luckily for you, there is a very simple solution - just transfer the factory image to the phone and the remote update of the phone will return.

Modified phones may have difficulty updating the firmware remotely.

Android Lollipop: Fast charging isn't that fast

This bug can be explained by increased expectations: despite the fact that the Android Lollipop operating system supports Qualcomm's QuickCharge 2.0, not every phone Android based has a special QuickCharge charger.

Moreover, some fast battery chargers are not compatible with your phone. So you may have to try more than one charger until you find the one you need.

Android Lollipop: Problem switching recently installed apps

A pack of cards recently installed applications has become a new addition to multitasking Android Lollipop. But not everyone liked it: as some users note, than more apps they are put into a pack, the slower the latter work.

There is also some mysticism - some people report that even a deleted pack of cards inexplicably appears again in a mobile device.

Alas, even after rebooting the phone the sheet latest apps will appear again and again, so you will have to practice your dragging skills.

Android Lollipop: Camera bug

Users have already noted that their camera stops working after updating Android Lollipop, in some cases even the icon that allows you to select the front camera disappears. One possible solution is to delete the camera application data.

However, all your photos will not disappear, since only the camera settings will be deleted. To do this you need to do the following: Settings > Applications > All > Camera and click on the button Clear data. If this does not work, then try disabling the application, and then re-enabling it in the same menu.

The camera data path may vary depending on the device you are using.

Android Lollipop: Problems with GPS navigation

Difficulties with navigation GPS application, fortunately, are rare. However, some Android users Lollipop encountered them, and one of the solutions was to restore factory settings. If you notice that you often lose the GPS signal, but at the same time do not want to return to the factory settings, then you should try changing the location mode in the smartphone settings.

Set “ high accuracy” or - if it is already installed - change it and then return to it again.

Trying to change the location mode temporarily may work if you have GPS problems.

Android Lollipop: Problems with Chrome browser tabs

The Chrome browser for Android Lollipop OS is set as the default to save new tabs in the list of recently opened applications, but for many this state of affairs is one of the problems.

Luckily, all you have to do is go into your browser settings and turn off Merge to get back to the good old “number of tabs per” setting. address bar”, which allows you to see the familiar list of tabs.

On the left are various Chrome browser tabs, mixed between different applications; on the right is the old normal view.

Android Lollipop: Problems with Bluetooth

operating system Android 5.1 has certain problems related to Bluetooth, which is especially noticeable on Nexus devices. In order to solve these difficulties, you can use a simple but effective method– you just need to turn off and then turn on Bluetooth again. You can also clear the cache using Settings > Applications > All > Bluetooth sharing > Clear cache.

Android Lollipop: Incompatible apps

The emergence of a new version of Android OS has led to the existence of many mobile applications, not optimized for Android Lollipop. Moreover, some of them have become completely incompatible with the new operating system. Unfortunately, magical simple solution This problem does not exist, except for replacing the smartphone itself or a new version of the application with APK mirror.

Found any other problems with Android Lollipop? Or do you know alternative solutions not listed in the article? So share them in the comments.

Google's latest OS, Android 5.0 Lollipop, is gradually coming into use. Although at the very beginning of its development it was only available for the latest Nexus devices, the OS has since been integrated with older versions of Nexus and latest models Moto phones. In fact, the Lollipop operating system (Google gives each version of the OS a new name) shook up the foundations of Android quite well.

This guide will be of interest to owners of Nexus (in particular version 6) and not only, it will also be useful for training the latest features, which are found in Android Lollipop in large quantities.

Fast synchronization on Android devices

If you've transferred data between Android devices before, you probably know how difficult the process of migrating a smartphone or tablet can be. You never know whether this or that application will be installed on your phone - accordingly, everything needs to be configured again. However, the good thing about the Android Lollipop mobile OS is that it simplifies the process by dividing it into two stages.

If your devices both support NFC (old and new version) – you can use a wireless connection. A feature called Tap & Go makes it easy to sync settings via Bluetooth. Just connect back covers devices with each other until you hear a characteristic sound. Click OK to confirm on your old phone and sign in to your Google account. Then select the desired presets and download the data to a new phone or tablet. Everything is very simple.

If you don't have an NFC-enabled phone, or need to factory reset your current Android model, skip the Tap & Go screen during setup and enter your Google Account login information. Next, you will be given the option to restore the previous one. From the drop-down menu, select the device from which you want to recover data. You can also select the apps you want to use for synchronization. Basically, here you just select all the Android presets that are available.

Where are the settings?

All major smartphones, including Android, offer a quick menu quick access(quick access) to basic settings– such as wifi, bluetooth and brightness settings. However, searching for more detailed settings can be confusing. To speed up the process, Android offers a Settings section. Just go to the appropriate Settings menu and enter what you need into search bar at the top of the screen.

How can I get a better look?

Google has added several experimental functions in Android, which will help improve screen visibility - which is especially important for visually impaired people. They are all located in the Settings – Accessibility menu. Color correction allows you to correct color rendering according to three main parameters of color blindness.

Other interesting setting Display – High contrast color, outlines white and light text with a black outline, making it easier to distinguish different fonts against the background.

Be my guest

Guest mode existed quite successfully for a short time on Android tablets, and this feature is now available for all devices running Android Lollipop. This feature is useful in situations where you are asked to use your phone, but at the same time you do not want to provide access to confidential data: text messages, social network accounts, etc.

To activate guest mode, open the notification panel and click on the profile icon. Next, select the Add Guest option.

In cases where you share a device with roommates or family members, user profiles will be useful. This will allow each member to create a profile and configure the device with their your own settings and accounts and applications. You can do this by going to the user settings section Settings > Users. The device owner will have the authority to delete any application or profile.

Pin this

Another way to limit access to applications and information to other users is to use the screen pinning feature. When this feature is activated, the user can use only one application, and for full access to the Android OS you need to use special combination keys This feature could potentially be useful for parents to restrict access for children.

To activate it, go to Settings – Security and enable Screen Pinning. Then tap the Overview button, select the app you want to pin to the top of the screen, and tap the blue pin icon.

For your eyes only

One of the notable features of Lollipop is notifications on the lock screen. You can see and perform actions with all events on the right side of the lockscreen. The downside is that anyone can read information on a locked device.

To hide notifications from prying eyes, you need to perform the following steps. Go to Settings > Sound & Notification > App notifications. Select required application and switch the Sensitive option for it to the desired position. Repeat for each app you don't want to appear on your lock screen.

Finally, you can go to the Sound & Notification menu, select the When device is locked option and check the Hide sensitive notification content checkbox.

These are the devices we trust

Android Lollipop offers the user new ways to unlock the screen, including the so-called “smart mode” - Smart Lock. If your phone supports a list of trusted devices ( smart bracelet, auto, etc.) by wireless connection, you can unlock your Android phone without having to enter a password. To add a trusted device, go to Settings > Security > Smart Lock.

Do not disturb until...

There are times when you do not need to be alarmed unless the reason is an emergency. For example, if you are sleeping or participating in an important meeting. Android Lollipop allows you to take such points into account.

If you use the volume keys, you can switch between All, Priority and None modes. By selecting Priority, only important notifications will be displayed. All this can be configured in Settings > Sounds & Notifications > Interruptions. Also, priority can be turned on according to a schedule, automatically at a specified time.

Checking battery charge

Of course, Android provides information about the battery charge - how much charge is left before the phone turns off, in percentage. But I would also like to know how much time is left with the current use of the battery, that is, more close to life. The Lollipop operating system is capable of this too.

To do this, go to the quick settings menu. Then click on the battery icon. The screen will display battery charge information, including the number of hours and minutes remaining. complete discharge. You can also find a low-power mode here. To turn it on, click the menu button on the right top corner and select the Battery saver option.

Easter Egg

Finally, a little something funny. It turns out that in latest version Android has a game like Flappy Bird hidden away. How to launch it? Go to Settings, go to About Phone and quickly tap the Lollipop logo four times. On the fourth time, pause. Be warned: this is a complex and exciting toy.