Android update procedure. Android update: how to update to a new version, rollback? The guide is in detail. How to update Android using standard means

Android update doesn't arrive over the air? Is it possible to update the device, is there a new official firmware for it, and how can I install it myself? You will learn the answers to all these questions from this article.

It seems that updating Android is the simplest action that even a person who does not understand the system can handle. In general, this is true, but there are several important nuances that even many professionals have not heard about.

How do smartphones and tablets receive updates?

Users often wonder: how often do updates come? Unfortunately, there is no universal answer - it all depends on your manufacturer. Only gadgets from the Google Nexus line are updated regularly and in a timely manner.

It is simply impossible to update all other devices in such a short time - you need to wait until the manufacturers create their firmware based on the new version of Android, test them and only then start updating. Typically this process can take from 1 month to six months.

Often, many versions are simply “skipped”, that is, the device does not receive everything in order: for example, not Android 5.0, 5.1, 5.1.1 and 6.0, but only 5.0 and then 6.0. You must understand that each manufacturer has to support up to 30 models at the same time, and purely physically, company developers cannot have time to roll out new updates for each smartphone or tablet.

How long will it take for your gadget to be updated? Only the manufacturer knows the answer to this question. It is impossible to predict this when choosing a new device. It is logical that the more popular the model, the more advantageous it is in terms of updates. It is beneficial for the manufacturer to satisfy a larger number of users, so that they, in turn, remain loyal to the brand and buy its products again next time.

But how can you find out about the release of new system updates for your smartphone or tablet before the corresponding notification appears on the device? Just follow thematic sites, forums or groups on social networks, and also check the manufacturer’s official website for new images for manually updating the device (this process is described later in this article).

Checking and installing Android updates

After the announcement of a system update, it may not arrive to you immediately. Typically this process takes from 2-3 days to 2 weeks. The fact is that the manufacturer sends out updates gradually, so it turns out that your friend with the same smartphone received an update instantly, but it only reached you after some time.

When it’s your device’s turn, a new Wi-Fi connection will prompt you to receive a notification asking you to update the system.

Select System Update.

Click the "Check for updates" button.

And if an OTA update is available for the device, the “Download” button will appear.

System Update will download to your phone or tablet, after which you will need to click on “Restart and install”.

The installation process will begin, after which the device will reboot with the updated system.

How to speed up (force) receiving OTA updates

If the owners of your device have updated for a long time, and you still receive an update, you can resort to a method that few people know about.

Go to Settings → Applications → All tab. Open Google Services Framework. Select the "Erase Data" option.

After that, check again for updates according to the instructions above and most likely you will be pleasantly surprised. Sometimes it doesn't work the first time, and sometimes it takes several minutes before the OTA update appears.

How to update Android manually

In order not to wait for an update over the air (and it happens that it doesn’t arrive at all), I recommend installing the official firmware manually via Recovery.

First, a ZIP archive with this very firmware must be downloaded from the manufacturer’s official website to a smartphone, tablet and placed in any convenient place in memory. After that, go to the Recovery menu and follow the instructions.

1. To enter the Recovery Menu, first turn off the device.

2. Then turn it on, but hold down certain key combinations at the same time. Depending on the manufacturer, this combination differs, but the most common are (in general, it is better to find information on the Internet on how to enter Recovery on your model):

  • Volume up + power button
  • Volume down + power button
  • Volume up/down + power button + “Home”
  • Volume up + volume down + power button

Navigation through Recovery (if it is not touch-sensitive) is carried out using the volume keys, and selection is made using the Power/Lock button.

The names of the options may be slightly different, but I'm sure you can figure it out.

3. Select “Apply update”.

4. Then select “Choose from internal storage” if you saved the archive with the firmware in the internal memory or “Choose from sdcard” if on a memory card.

5. After that, go to the desired folder where you saved the firmware and select it.

The update installation process will begin.

Once completed, return to the main Recovery menu and select “Reboot system now”. Your device will reboot with the updated firmware.

This is how I told you everything you need to know about Android update. If you are interested in any questions on this topic, ask them in the comments.

Google releases major Android OS updates to a new version every year. Users of the Nexus (and now Pixel) series devices receive the latest firmware releases promptly and quickly, which can be installed without the need for a computer. However, other manufacturers are in no hurry (and often do not have time) to quickly create OS builds adapted for their devices, and updates have to wait for months. Some companies do not bother at all about releasing new firmware; users of their devices find themselves hostage to the old version of the operating system. However, most of these problems are easily solved with a little effort. Our material will tell you how to install a new version of Android.

How to update Android using standard means

The Android OS functionality provides the ability to receive updates from the manufacturer's server via the Internet. The item responsible for receiving updates is usually located in the settings menu, next to the phone information. Depending on the system modification, the appearance of this item may differ, but the functions are the same everywhere. This is what the update menu looks like in pure Android 5.1 Lolipop (top item).

And this is the appearance of the entrance to the update submenu in MIUI8 OS from XIaomi (bottom of the screenshot).

After entering the submenu, the system will contact the manufacturer’s server and check if a new firmware version has appeared. If it is available, the phone will report this and begin downloading it. After this, the installation will occur (it is advisable to charge the battery to 50% or higher) and the device will reboot.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to update Android on a tablet or phone in this way. Even if the new firmware has already been released, manufacturers do not send the update to everyone at once, since their servers may not be able to withstand the heavy load. Sometimes it takes days or even weeks for an update to reach the end user. However, in this case, you can outsmart the developers and avoid the wait.

How to update Android if there are no updates

Before you update Android, if there are no updates, forcefully, you need to make sure that only you do not have updates, and that other owners of a smartphone or tablet of this model have already downloaded the firmware. To do this, you can visit the profile forum (XDA,, forum for fans of your brand, etc.) and see if there are any messages about the release of updates. If they are, you need to find the update file for your smartphone. Make sure that the version matches: many devices are produced in several modifications, the firmware for which is incompatible! When the firmware file is found, you need to download the Android update and save it to the phone’s memory or to a flash drive. After this, go to the above system update item and click the ellipsis icon. On stock Android 5.1, the additional options menu looks like this.

The menu interface for selecting update options over the air and on MIUI is implemented in a similar way.

In the first case, you can update Android from a flash drive using the “Local updates” item, in the second case, “Select firmware file”. Captions may vary depending on the translator, but the general meaning of the title should be approximately the same. After selecting the firmware file, the system will check its integrity and compatibility with the smartphone, reboot the system and install the update. Again, this must be done with a charged battery to avoid sudden shutdown of the device.

How to install a new version of Android if there are no official updates at all

If the manufacturer “forgot” about customers and does not release firmware updates for old devices, there is still a chance to get a fresh OS. There are many enthusiasts developing alternative Android builds for many smartphones. The most famous is the CyanogenMod project, the OS build of which is installed on more than 15 million devices.

Also, quite often, alternative OS builds are made by small groups of enthusiasts or individuals, using as a basis the firmware from another similar model equipped with a more recent version of the OS. However, before you update Android on your tablet or smartphone to such a build, you need to take into account that it may be unstable. The fact is that it is very difficult to assemble 100% working firmware alone, because such assemblies often have bugs and shortcomings.

To update the Android version to an unofficial build, you need to follow the instructions for flashing the firmware of a specific smartphone model (the flashing procedure differs for different phones). The easiest way is to install the update from the Recovery menu. First you need to download the Android update and save it to your memory card. To enter recovery, you need to turn off your smartphone, hold down the volume up and power buttons at the same time, and wait to enter the menu. Sometimes, in addition to the above two, you need to hold down the home button under the screen (for Samsung smartphones). To update Android, you need to find an item in the menu containing something like “Install from sdcard” (navigation is carried out with the volume rocker, selection is made by briefly pressing the power button), find the firmware on the flash drive and install it.

Sometimes, to flash the firmware, you first need to install an alternative recovery menu, for example, TWRP, since the native one may not support the installation of unofficial updates. Once the Android update is installed, you need to select “Wipe data & cache” and reboot. Before updating in this way, carefully read the instructions so as not to break your phone or tablet.

Another way to install official and unofficial Android firmware updates is through a computer.

We will tell you in the article how to update the Android version on your phone to the latest version! Many Android smartphones and tablets receive regular updates. The only exceptions are devices from little-known Chinese companies and very budget devices.

Why update Android

Some users of devices running this OS are wondering: should they update Android, and if so, why do it? This is highly recommended, since installing updates:

  • fixes security issues;
  • improves system performance and stability;
  • brings new features.

As a result, after updating, the device is less susceptible to security threats, runs faster, and provides better usability.

You can check this in three ways:

  1. on the official website of the device manufacturer;
  2. on specialized forums (for example,;
  3. by launching the application to update the device over the Air.

How to find out the current Android version of your device

To check which OS version is currently installed, do the following:

  1. go to the settings menu;
  2. scroll through the items to the last one - which is called “About phone” and tap on it;
  3. Opposite “Android version” you can see the one present on the device.

Important: many Chinese manufacturers create their systems based on Google's OS. Therefore, in addition to the version of the “Green Robot”, you can also find out about the version of the operating system itself from the specified menu. Often, after an update, it is the latter that changes, while the former remains the same.

Why doesn't Android update automatically on my phone?

Most often this happens for three reasons:

  • First– the manufacturer did not provide for the possibility of an update over the air. In this case, the system does not have a proprietary application and the standard one has been removed, which checks, downloads, unpacks and replaces the corresponding files.
  • Second– the corresponding function is disabled. To activate it, you need to go to the program that performs the update, find this option there and enable it. You can read about activating the standard Android update tool in the “Over the Air” subsection.
  • Third– the software updater is prohibited from accessing the Internet. Many phones/tablets can be used to block network access using a built-in application.

Separately, it should be mentioned that automatic updates may not occur because the device manufacturer simply does not release updates.

Updating a system is not reinstalling it. Therefore, after it, absolutely all the data that was present on the phones at the time of initialization of the process in question is saved.

Moreover, 90% of users have contacts synchronized with the Google cloud. The only exceptions are those who intentionally disabled this feature or use a device that completely lacks services from the specified search giant.

That is, when synchronization is enabled, contacts will be saved even if the OS is completely reinstalled. They will even appear on another phone if you log in with your GMAIL account.

Methods to update the Android version

There are three ways to install updates: over the air - the easiest, through a PC - the most complex, using applications - very unsafe.

Updating Android over the air

In order for the device to receive updates over the air, it is necessary that the developer provide for this possibility. It, in turn, is available in almost all devices over $100.

Over-the-air update involves checking for the latest patches via the Internet (wi-fi) using the phone's built-in tools. If they are, then a special program downloads them to the device and replaces the files present in the system partition with those located in the downloaded archives.

However, the presence of the corresponding opportunity does not mean that updates will come forever. Typically, the device support period is 3 years, and for some manufacturers it is even less.

If Android is “clean”, then you can try to update it through the settings menu. To do this, you need to go to the “About phone” section, select “System update” there and switch the switch to the active position.

Update Android via PC

To update via computer you need:

  • drivers for mobile devices;
  • special utility;
  • archive with update.

Also, before this, you may need to unlock the bootloader, which is done through the developer menu.

  • connect your phone/tablet via USB to your PC;
  • run the patcher program;
  • select the archive with updates in it;
  • press the START button (most often it is called that way).
  • The specific steps that need to be performed in this case depend on the phone model. To obtain the appropriate instructions, you must refer to the manufacturer’s official website or to the relevant topics on the forums.

    It should be noted that you can install updates from the archive directly from your phone. But this will require the TWRP bootloader.

    Update Android using apps

    This is the worst way to get updates. Serious companies do not develop such programs, and those applications that exist were created by someone unknown. This method should be used as a last resort.

    The principle of working with such applications in most cases is as follows:

    • downloading and launching the corresponding application;
    • selecting a device model (if it is not detected automatically);
    • Click on the Update button and wait for the update process to complete.

    The easiest way to install patches on the Green Robot is to run the OTA update utility (OTA utility is a standard application for updates provided by the manufacturer). If Android is “clean”, then you need to go to settings, then select “System”, and then “System update”. If the switch present there is active, then, provided there is a connection to the Network, information about patches that have not yet been downloaded will appear on the screen. To install them, you will need to click on the checkbox and agree to download and install the files.

    If the manufacturer has provided its own program for updating the system, then you need to run it and follow the instructions it offers.
    If, after opening, it has not loaded information about the packages, you will need to click on the button with the image of an arrow wrapped in a circle. After this, all that remains is to agree to install updates if they were found.

    How to update Android on a tablet

    How to update Android on a tablet is no different from how to update Android on a phone - these are almost identical devices, just different sizes.

    Everything is quite simple, the procedure is as follows:

    1. Download the update and save it on your phone;
    2. Turn off the phone and use the key combination (see the combination on the website of the manufacturer of your device) to go to the engineering menu;
    3. Find the “Apply update” item and indicate the location of the downloaded update - you’re done.

    If OTA does not work, then you can update via your computer. For information on how to do this, read the “Via PC” subsection.

    Android custom firmware update: where to download, how to install

    Attention: It will not be possible to update a custom OS system; a complete reinstallation of the system will be required.

    As you already understand, it will not be possible to update the system with custom firmware, and to completely flash the device you will need to obtain RTH rights. Mobile phone manufacturers strongly discourage using custom firmware, much less reflash devices yourself.

    In what cases is it not necessary to update Android?

    There are several such cases:

    • The phone already has the latest firmware.
    • The operation of the device is completely satisfactory and there is no valuable information on the phone.
    • Your phone is old and will most likely slow down a lot after the update.
    • You can't connect to wi-fi, and mobile traffic is expensive.

    How to disable Android updates

    This can be done either by changing the position of the switch in the “About phone” – “System update” menu to inactive, or by disabling the corresponding option in the proprietary application.

    How to roll back an Android update to a previous version

    In fact, there is no way to do this. However, it is still possible to return to the old system. To do this, you need to reflash the device. But you will need to find the firmware that matches the previous version.

    You can also reset the firmware to factory firmware, for this:

    1. Find the “Privacy” item in the settings (parameters) menu;
    2. Click the “Reset settings” item in the “Reset settings” tab and wait for the device to restart.

    Be sure to backup your data, as after a rollback they will be erased from the device’s memory.

    Third-party programs for updating Android

    Now we will briefly consider the option of how to update Android on a phone/tablet using special programs.

    The first of them is Android Update Manager. Through it you can update Android for free. Its advantage is that it allows you to roll out custom firmware. That is, even if the developer no longer supports the device, through AUM you can install a more recent version of the software on it than provided.

    Upgrade for Android Go Next– through this application you can get acquainted with the features of different OS versions for a specific phone and install them. However, of course, not all devices have new versions.

    If you want to update Android as quickly and easily as possible, it is not recommended to use any applications. This is due to the fact that it is far from a fact that the updates will install normally, and if this happens, you will have to remove the phone from the “bricked” state.

    As you can see, there are many ways to install updates. However, it is better to use either those provided by the device manufacturer, or popular, proven ones.

    After purchasing a modern smartphone, owners discover new possibilities of digital devices. At the same time, along with new products, there is also a special category of applications that can be called “classic”. An example of a program known since the era of push-button telephones is the notorious T9 or automatic spell check system. The previous version provided correct replacement of letters from a functional point of view, as well as correction of the entered word if its individual parts were missed or entered incorrectly. Modern settings allow, if necessary, to replace the entire word at once, which can become not only a real help, but also an additional headache for phone owners. What is the T9 keyboard for Android, is it necessary on modern devices and how to install it - the information provided will tell you.

    The T9 keyboard for Android is available in the Google Play section in Russian for free. Having chosen the appropriate application based on reviews and program ratings, you can safely download and open it on your phone. This method is good in everything, except that often such applications may be incompatible with some smartphone models, which causes further problems in operation. That is why, before trying your luck in stores, you can use the already built-in automatic replacement and spell check functions.

    How to set up T9 on Android

    The Android operating system uses standard patch parameters, which are improved as new versions and updates are released. Nowadays, such a program bears little resemblance to T9, used to facilitate message entry in push-button telephones. Even the name of this option now sounds different, namely Smart type, which literally means “speed dial”.

    The options of this program really allow you to enter text as quickly as possible and not worry about your spelling. The system will independently analyze the entered characters and offer the best option to continue. In addition, when typing letters, you will be able to see the full word at once, so your typing speed will increase noticeably. This function is a godsend for lovers of correspondence in chats and social networks, but it also has pitfalls.

    In what cases will T9 become useless:

    • If abbreviations are used frequently. In this case, the proposed autocorrect options may be, to put it mildly, unacceptable.
    • The use of compound words, surnames and titles unknown to the standard dictionary. The solution will be to independently add the necessary terms to the dictionary. This is long and tedious, but subsequently it will make your life much easier and allow you to avoid many awkward situations.
    • When the system settings produce unexpected results and do not allow you to correct the text manually. There are cases when a smartphone literally forcibly replaces unknown words with something completely unacceptable. The best option in this case would be to completely disable the function, or a separate T9 program for Android.

    Whether or not to disable T9 mode is entirely up to you. If you are completely confident in the literacy of your messages and are not afraid of getting into trouble, it is best to refuse additional help. If typing is a tedious and boring task for you, or you may accidentally make a grammatical error in a letter, it is better to play it safe and connect T9, but only according to your own rules.

    How to install T9 on Android

    System settings allow you to enable the necessary parameters for checking and replacing text without using superuser rights and without deep intervention in the smartphone’s operating system. To do this, you need to find the keyboard settings and select the “Language and input” item. In the section, select the virtual keyboard settings and see the suggested autocorrect options. Typically, modern versions of Android offer the ability to disable some options, for example, filter titles and names. Having established the optimal mode of use, you don’t have to worry about the “classic” incidents for which T9 is usually blamed.

    How to update T9 on Android

    A convenient and popular settings function is the T9 dictionary for Android. You can replenish it yourself, or you can choose a ready-made application that uses many modern terms and designations. Updates for such an application can also be found on Google Play, and you can unsubscribe from unnecessary attention.

    For the convenience of quick messaging, the Android OS provides a built-in function for autocorrecting and correcting entered text. This makes typing easier and also helps correct typos and typos. At the same time, there is a very high risk that the settings could cause an absurd incident, fortunately, there is enough such evidence on the Internet. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to independently select the settings for entering autocorrect parameters, as well as supplement the standard dictionary with all frequently used terms. How to set up T9 on Android, as well as possible disadvantages of automatic word replacement are discussed in the information provided in our article.

    We decided to devote today’s material to answering the pressing question of many Android smartphone users: where to download and how to update Android? The operating system, which is being developed by the giant Google, appeared recently (about 10 years ago), but is developing rapidly. Now Android is one of the market leaders in terms of prevalence, receives updates with enviable regularity and has a lot of advantages that attract users.

    How to find out what version of Android is on your smartphone

    Before you start looking for the latest updates, you should find out which version of Android you are using.

    The version is indicated by the manufacturer in a separate item in the device settings - “About phone”. Here you need to find “Android Version”, where you will see the version you are using. Also in this menu you can find out which shell is preinstalled by the manufacturer and the date of the last security update.

    How to update Android

    There are two ways to update the system:

    • through OTA updates (over-the-air updates), which are provided by the device manufacturer;
    • using custom firmware developed by ordinary users.

    The first method of updating Android is preferable, as it ensures ease of installation and stable operation of the device on the new version of the system, which cannot be said about custom firmware. However, OTA updates are usually relevant for flagship smartphones, whose manufacturers take care of releasing updates for a long time after release. But the budget class often has to be content with a couple of updates, after which the manufacturer simply forgets about the device. In this case, custom ones are ready to help out.

    Don't neglect backups before upgrading your operating system. Even in the case of an over-the-air update, errors are possible that will lead to the loss of photos, contacts and other information. Therefore, we recommend making backups of important data manually or using third-party software, which is available in abundance on Google Play (for example: SM Backup - Safe Cloud, App Backup Restore Transfer, G Cloud Backup).

    Update Android over the air (OTA update)

    The easiest way to update an Android phone or tablet, which requires a minimum of skills and knowledge from the user.

    As already noted, official updates are released more often to popular devices. In addition, some smartphones (usually those ordered from China) can be flashed by the seller with custom firmware, which does not provide for over-the-air updates at all.

    If you are one of the lucky ones, then:

    1. go to the device settings;
    2. at the very bottom find the item “About phone”;

    A number of manufacturers bring the tool to update Android to the desktop to make this process even easier for the user.

    1. in the new window, at the very top, there is a “System update” button, which is what we need. Click on the button;
    2. in the menu that opens, click “Check for updates”;

    On most devices, automatic updates are installed by default from the factory, when the phone or tablet downloads updates in the background (usually when the device is connected to a Wi-Fi network), offering to install them afterwards.

    1. it will take some time (depending on Internet speed) until available Android updates are found (or not found);
    2. if there are system updates, you will be prompted to download them and then install them;

    Be sure to fully charge your device before installing updates!

    1. now you just need to follow the assistant’s instructions and wait until the update installation is completed and the smartphone reboots.

    As a result, you will receive a device with the latest updates, while your personal data will be preserved, as will installed applications.

    Updating Android using custom firmware: where to download, how to install

    Due to the abundance of phone models in their lines, manufacturers often do not have time to officially update all devices, and therefore enthusiasts take on this task, collecting firmware based on the latest versions of Android for a specific device. Custom firmware is distributed free of charge; installation requires additional software and some skills.

    Note! Not every custom firmware is suitable for your device - only those that were developed for it. In exceptional cases, firmware from a smartphone whose characteristics are identical to yours may be suitable.

    So, let's start with the search. You can download the updated version of Android on forums dedicated to the topic of flashing various devices. The most visited are the forums of the 4PDA resource, where using the search bar you can easily find a topic dedicated to your smartphone. Here you can choose the firmware you like (based on which version, from which developer, with which improvements), and also learn more about it from topic visitors.

    It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the instructions for installing the firmware, which are located in the topic headers and are constantly updated by users. The fact is that all smartphones, albeit slightly, differ from each other, as does the process of flashing them, so it’s worth paying attention to the instructions.

    When the firmware image is loaded into the memory of your phone or computer, you can proceed to the installation itself, but there are some nuances here too. First of all, you have to choose a method for installing custom firmware:

    • through applications that are installed directly on Android;
    • using a personal computer, special software and custom recovery.

    Here it is worth warning you that you install custom firmware at your own risk. In addition to the fact that the firmware may simply not suit your device, other problems are possible: errors in operation, inoperability of some functions, complete failure of the device, etc.

    Update Android firmware using the application

    An easier way to install firmware on Android, but it does not always guarantee success. To carry out the update we will need:

    • (not required, but recommended);
    • install the application on the device (recommended: Android Update Manager, ROM Manager);
    • download the firmware (save to SD card).

    When all of the above is ready, move on to updating Android:

    1. launch the installed application;
    2. the application will require you to install ClockWorkMod Recovery (custom recovery for installing third-party firmware), agree with the proposal;
    3. click on “Install ROM from SD card”, then specify the path to the firmware image;
    4. a new window will open in which you should click “Save current ROM” (in case of unexpected errors) and “Reboot and install”;
    5. All you have to do is wait (about 10-15 minutes) until the smartphone appears before you with an updated interface and functionality.
    Updating Android firmware using a computer

    This option is somewhat more complicated, but with more flexible options and guarantees of success. It will take a little more time and various software:

    • naturally, downloaded firmware;
    • client for installing firmware (it is different for each smartphone model, so search for your device in the appropriate sections of the forum);
    • ADB drivers for your device, a download link for which can also be obtained on the forum.

    Now, in order regarding the update:

    1. We take the smartphone in our hands and go to “Settings”, where at the bottom we look for the “For Developers” item;

    It may not exist initially. In order for it to appear, you need to go to the “About phone” menu and click on the “Android version” item several times.

    1. in the “For Developers” settings, check the box next to “USB Debugging”;
    2. install ADB drivers on the PC (so that it can recognize your device), and then connect the smartphone via a USB cable;
    3. launch the client to download the firmware to the smartphone;
    4. we indicate to the client the location of the firmware and proceed to the update process;

    Each client is different, so you should familiarize yourself with their features in advance.

    1. we wait while the client installs updates without disconnecting the wire;
    2. The client will be notified of the completion of the update, as will the smartphone, which will begin to turn on.

    The initial startup process may take quite a long time, don't worry.

    What to do after updating Android

    Now we figured out how to install Android, installed the latest version of the operating system with a bunch of new features (or with a minimum of these features), what should we do next?

    If you updated using the regular smartphone tools, then you won’t have to do anything: you will still have all the applications, all SMS messages and other data (unless, of course, there was an error during the update process). That is, you can continue to use your device without bothering with reinstalling applications.

    In cases where the device is flashed, all data disappears. Whether you like it or not, you will have to re-login to your accounts, install the necessary applications and re-download your favorite music. Therefore, we always recommend doing Backup, which will greatly simplify these tasks.

    How to disable Android updates

    Along with the question regarding installing new updates, many users are interested in how to disable them. Some people simply don’t need them, others are already accustomed to the old version of Android and don’t want to change anything in their smartphone. So that the system does not pester you with constant offers to get updates, and also does not waste traffic on downloading them, you need to:

    1. go to “Settings” of your phone or tablet;
    2. go to “About phone”, then “System update”;
    3. Uncheck the box next to “Auto-update”.

    Now only after your request the system will start searching for new versions to download.

    Also, many users, as we have noticed, are hampered by automatic application updates, which often change the usual messenger or social network client beyond recognition and consume gigabytes of traffic. Here, too, everything can be turned off in a few simple steps:

    1. launch Google Play (Play Market);
    2. By swiping from the left side of the screen, we get to the side menu, where we find “Settings” at the bottom;
    3. go to “Auto-update applications”;
    4. Select “Never” from the list provided.

    In the future, you will only be able to update the necessary applications manually.


    Android update is a very useful thing. Regular updates correct errors, introduce many innovations to the system, and simply make it more pleasant to use. The updated smartphone is much less afraid of virus attacks and is “smarter” than its counterparts on older versions of the OS. In addition, the update process is not as complicated as it might initially seem. Just about thirty minutes of work and you have an updated device that can work with all the latest applications.