Official firmware Android 6.0 marshmallow. Ten best Android firmwares for the most demanding users

Marshmallow (Marshmallow) is the full name of version 6 of the Android mobile OS. Since the presentation, fans have been betting and guessing what awaits them in the new version. Contrary to their expectations, there are not so many new functions and updates in the sixth version, which is not at all surprising: the fifth version set a new direction, and Zephyr simply strengthens and complements it. And yet, there are interesting new items in Marshmallow.

Google Now on Tap

The main feature that fans were waiting for and that the developers were so proud of is Google Now on Tap. It monitors the contents of your screen and suggests what you might need at that particular moment. For example, if you're browsing the latest movies, Now on Tap will offer you a list of current showings at theaters in your city. And if you are talking about a restaurant in the messenger, you will be offered the opportunity to book a table in this establishment. Yes, Google has even more information about you, but this knowledge is used only for your benefit.

New standards and technologies

This USB Type-C and fingerprint sensors. In principle, sensors are no longer a new product; they are found in devices of many companies, including Samsung, but previously manufacturers used their own developments. Apple has now allowed its fingerprint sensors to be added to any smartphone, saving developers from creating special software. But USB Type-C will really save users from the problem of an inverted cable - now it can be inserted on either side. Over time, this technology will be used everywhere, but for now Google is a pioneer in terms of caring for its customers.

Setting up access for applications

Many users who install this or that new application are always tormented by the question: why does he need access to certain smartphone functions or personal data. And if the interest of some applications can still be explained (for example, the program’s requirement for creating photos to access the camera), others have no logical explanation: why does the next game need your personal SMS correspondence? Now the user himself will decide which application and which functions to give access to.

Efficient energy saving – DOZE

Smartphone with new smart mode Energy Saver understands when you are using the gadget and disables as many possible background processes as possible. Thanks to this, you can use your smartphone longer without recharging.

Built-in Chrome browser

Built-in Chrome is a real gift for fans of this browser. And not only for them - application developers will no longer need to create third-party solutions for applications in which they need to open web pages. Moreover, the built-in Chrome is integrated so well that the user will not notice what is open on the screen at that moment: a web page or the content of an application.

New features for working with a memory card

Google, after an active fight against memory cards, has found an excellent solution: any device with Android 6.0 Marshmallow can use a memory card as system volume. This is very convenient for those whose smartphones do not have large built-in memory.

Android Pay, improved text tools, and other improvements

Simultaneously with the sixth version of Android, it begins its work payment system under called Android Pay. Unfortunately, this system is not yet available in our country. The developers of the new version have taken care of those who work a lot with texts - cutting, copying, pasting text. Now command menu With main teams appears directly above the selected fragment. Users can also choose a theme for the OS to suit their taste. Smartphones with Marshmallow can also serve as a charger for other devices. Users will be able to backup the system without the help of other applications.

To sum it up, Marshmallow doesn't have any completely new revolutionary features, but this update does significantly improve the Android experience.

How to install Android 6.0 Marshmallow firmware

Updating your operating system to a new version is very simple. Select your type mobile device from the list below, download new firmware from our website, unpack the archive, and follow the instructions there.

Recently, within Android project x86 an important event happened - a stable version of the operating system was released Android systems 6.0 Marshmallow. It means that latest version Android is now available for installation on computers and laptops. In this article, we will tell you how to install Android 6.0 Marshmallow on your computer, as well as how to configure and better use this system on your computer. full-fledged computer.

How to install next to other OS

To install Android 6.0 Marshmallow x86 on your computer or laptop, you need to follow fairly simple instructions. Burning an image to a disk or USB drive:
System installation:
  1. Prepare a disk partition for Android. To partition the disk, it is better to use the package Acronis programs Disc Director Suite. New Android version x86 allows systems to be installed next to another OS without damaging it. Therefore, you don’t even have to worry about the division if you don’t want to bother too much.
  2. Once you have finished burning the image to the USB drive, if there were no errors, reboot your laptop. After turning on and the manufacturer’s logo appears on the screen, periodically press the button that brings up a window with alternative ways downloads. On ASUS laptops- This ESC button, on most PCs - F8 or nearby buttons from this row. It's better to check on the Internet. If an alternative boot is not available, then enable it in the BIOS, which is usually called Delete button.
  3. In the window alternative launch Select the USB, CD or DVD drive where you installed Android.
  4. After this, you will see a window with four options. The first three allow you to run Android in Live mode CD or Live USB- work with the system directly from the disk. Last option starts the installation. This is exactly what we need.

  5. Next, you have to choose which partition to install Android on. You can select any supported partition by formatting it, or by installing Android nearby with a different system. In the latter case, select the “Do Not Format” option instead of the file system name. If you decide to install the system on a blank partition, then select a file system (ext3 or ext4 are recommended).

  6. The next window will ask you to install the GRUB boot manager. If you do not have it installed on another Linux system, then you can safely select “Yes”. Then, the next time you turn on the laptop, it will display a window with options to launch all installed operating systems. It is worth noting that Windows is recognized normally. If you already have GRUB installed, you can select “Skip” and then add Android to the /grub/menu.lst list in another OS. In both cases you can choose installing GRUB- you can't go wrong.

  7. After this, the installation will begin. Upon completion, the installer will offer to immediately launch the installed Android or reboot the system. If you chose to install GRUB, then after turning on the laptop you should see something like this.

  8. Select the first item, after which the launch will begin installed Android.
  9. Next, you will have to go through the usual operation that every buyer of a new Android device faces: installing the language (Russian is present), setting up Google account, Wi-Fi connection and more. There is nothing complicated here.
  10. After all this, you should see a desktop full-fledged Android. Voila, the mobile OS is running on your laptop.

How to install on a virtual machine

If you don't want to install Android x86 on your computer as full-fledged system, but would like to try it on a virtual machine, then there is one more instruction for you.
How to install Android x86 6.0 Marshmallow on a VirtualBox virtual machine:
  1. Create a new virtual machine in VirtualBox. Choose Linux type, Linux version 2.x / 3.x / 4.x (32 or 64 bit) depending on your PC. Also create virtual partition volume of at least 2 GB. As a result, the settings should look like this:

  2. After creating the machine, in its settings, connect the Android x86 image you downloaded. This can be done in the “Media” section.

  3. Start the virtual machine. If everything is set correctly, you will see a screen with four items. Select the bottom one - “Installation”. But you can also try Live CD without installation.

  4. A section selection menu will appear. The sequence of actions is as follows: Create / Modify partitions → Do you want to use GPT (no) → New → Primary → (you can select the partition size) Enter → Bootable → Write (yes + enter) → Quit.

  5. Select the partition that was created (VBOX HARDDISK). It will be the first item on the menu. File system - ext4.

  6. Are you sure to format this partition? → Yes
  7. Do you want to install boot loader GRUB? → Yes
  8. Do you want to install EFI GRUB2? → Skip
  9. Do you want to install /system directory as read-write? → Yes
  10. The system is installed, select Reboot.
  11. After reboot virtual machine will appear GRUB boot loader. To run Android, select the most top point on his menu. You don’t have to touch anything at all and the system will boot automatically.

  12. Voila! Now you can use Android in a virtual machine.

Additional settings

As an interface shell for Android x86, we can safely recommend ADW Launcher, which offers a lot of settings, and its design is better optimized for the mouse. After installing the launcher, all gestures will become much easier to perform with the mouse, and the desktop will become a little more convenient.

During setup after the first launch, you may notice that switching the language using a keyboard shortcut does not work. To fix this, you need to go to the “Language and input” section in the settings and select the layout you need. Android Developers for computers they even provide support for a keyboard shortcut to change the language - by default it is CTRL + Space. By the way, if you need a virtual touch keyboard, which is not initially displayed on the screen, then switch the toggle switch “Show input method” in the same layout selection menu.

Many combinations are supported that are necessary for normal operation: copy (CTRL + C), paste (CTRL + V), cut (CTRL + X), Windows button minimizes all applications and returns to the desktop. Will work on some laptops and computers function keys in row F. The PrintScreen button works, which takes a screenshot.

On Android x86 it is better to use a special video player called Dolphin. It better understands the architecture of desktop chips and also works well with large quantity m formats. You can download the Dolphin video player for Android x86 on Trashbox.

To see more detailed condition laptop batteries, it is better to install the Battery Disc widget, which can be placed on the desktop. The widget displays the battery charge as a percentage.

As you can see, Android 6.0 Marshmallow x86 is already pretty well optimized for most laptops, considering that my device has an AMD chip. I even got to play the Android port.

I'm sure that most strategies and interesting games are also supported. Among other things, on your laptop or computer under Android control x86 is worth installing quite good text editor, For example - . After release stable version Android 6.0 Marshmallow x86 we will definitely update this article with links to more recent images.

Other versions and updates

Major changes in Android 6.0 Marshmallow for x86 systems:
  • updated Linux kernel up to version 4.4.12;
  • support hardware acceleration OpenGL ES 3.x for Intel graphics/ AMD (radeon / radeonsi) / Nvidia (nouveau), as well as in VMware and QEMU (virgl);
  • OpenGL ES 3.0 support via software rendering on others graphics chips or without them;
  • support secure boot via UEFI and installation on a UEFI disk;
  • the ability to install on partitions with ext4 / ntfs / fat32 file systems via a text-graphical interface;
  • improved updating from older Android x86 releases - now file systems ext2 and ext3 are automatically updated to ext4;
  • improved support for multi-touch screens, audio, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, sensors, cameras and Ethernet (via DHCP only);
  • automatic mounting USB drives and SD cards;
  • support for other architectures (arm / arm64) through the native mechanism (Settings → Application compatibility).
Images of the following versions of Android x86 are also available for download:
  • Android 6.0 Marshmallow RC1 (32 bit).
  • Android 6.0 Marshmallow RC1 (64 bit).
The installation process for version 5.1 is identical to 6.0 Marshmallow.

Not long ago, Google introduced for users Android 6 Marshmallow or Android M – the sixth version of everyone’s favorite operating system. This version does not have as many innovations as the previous one - Android Lollipop, since all the main problems, for example with energy saving, were fixed in the fifth version. What functionality appeared in Android Marshmallow? Here we will give a detailed overview of all the capabilities of the system.

Google Now on Tap

One of the main innovations is smart technology from Google. This function analyzes the contents of the screen and gives you what you want, ahead of your thoughts. For example, you are watching new movies on IMDB, your smartphone offers you to look at the show schedule. When listening to music, you will be asked to find out everything about the artist. Google uses your old ones search queries for your good.

Support for new standards and technologies

Support for devices that read fingerprints by default. Now any manufacturer can install a fingerprint sensor in their device without developing software.

Another pleasant moment - there was USB support Type-C this standard will save us from problems with an inverted cable, now we can “blindly” connect the wire to charge a mobile device with either side.

Flexible settings for application permissions

Flexible control of application access to personal data is a very useful innovation. For example, it would be strange if music player will ask for access to read your SMS, this behavior immediately raises suspicions. You can regulate and control access specific application to a specific function.

New energy saving mode – Doze

Doze manages your battery's energy very efficiently and doesn't waste it. Smartphone turns off everything background processes When you're not using it, this smart move saves battery very well. Now there is no need for third-party applications.

Chrome Built-in

Now Google Chrome is the default browser. Not a surprising move, good operating system good browser! Now, if an application wants to open a web page, it will open directly in it without launching the browser as a separate process, which also saves resources.

New features for working with memory cards

Now you can install applications on the memory card and use it as system disk. Since many devices do not have enough memory, this innovation is very useful.

Android Pay payment system, improved themes for Android and much more

Android 6 has a built-in payment system Android Pay, available only for the European Union and other developed countries. Google has made it extremely easy for those who like to work with text. Now the commands are cut | copy | Paste is available from the context menu right above the text.

Fans of customization now have the opportunity to choose a dark or light theme for Android. Google has become more concerned about users, now you can do backups systems without using third-party applications. And finally, Marshmallow owners can charge other devices via microUSB. You can select dark ones directly above the selected text. Also in the settings, users can choose a dark or light theme for the OS. Smartphones running Marshmallow can now act as chargers for other devices. Now, finally, users can take system backups without the help of third-party applications.

Android 4.4.2 is an operating system developed for mobile devices by Google. This version was called KitKat, and she, perhaps, best version firmware, if we consider all releases of Android 4. The operating system has become very widespread and is now used on many devices, delighting its users. If you wanted to download firmware for Android to update your phone or tablet more new version, then this page is for you!

The new update has significantly reduced system requirements OS, thereby increasing the number of smartphones that can now fully support it. Therefore, today almost every user has access to Android 4.4.2 firmware for free download in Russian, which can be downloaded at Cyclone-Soft! If you haven't been able to update your phone for a long time or don't know how to flash your tablet, then the installer package available for download via torrent will help you a lot. In other words, today almost any device supports Android 4.4.2, so you have an excellent opportunity to quickly update the operating system.

Among other things, the OS has been highly optimized, which can only mean that devices using it get a nice boost in power and performance. Of course, hardware plays a major role here, but often perfectly debugged software performs an equally important task.

Features and innovations of Android 4.4.2 KitKat

Interface options and new features

There is no doubt that the most visible changes in this operating system has user interface. It has become even more comfortable and informative, allowing you to conveniently and easily manage desktops and divide installed applications into types and categories. This is an excellent option on how to flash Android, because version 4.4.2 was considered much more successful than previous releases.

Choose the one you like color palette, use convenient panel notifications and translucent buttons at the bottom, which perfectly updated appearance operating systems. Android 4.4.2 firmware can be downloaded for free in Russian, which can be found at the end of the page, and has also received updated controls for many elements of the system. For example, the user can hide system elements that are unnecessary on-screen buttons and the notification panel itself.

Sensor support

The new version of Android has interesting updates in terms of processing specialized sensors. The fact is that now KitKat can receive all the information from them in batches and group the data at certain intervals. This solution helped not only to reduce the load on the device’s processor, but also to reduce power consumption, which depends on its operation. New program for firmware it has many new functions that allow you to use detection sensors, pedometer and many others in your smartphone.

The user will also have access to built-in support for infrared ports and a module for working with several Bluetooth profiles at once. KitKat 4.4.2 will help you print absolutely any documents wirelessly.

Updated photo editor

Android 4.4 received brand new graphics editor, which you can activate while in the gallery. The utility will do an excellent job of adding filters and frames, cropping photos and many other tasks. One could even argue that the functionality is in no way inferior Instagram application, in which you can process your pictures. Crop frames, straighten the image, rotate it at the desired angle and create a mirror copy - all this is available to you!

How to update Android to version 4.4 KitKat

Downloading, installing and further updating the operating system will not cause you any difficulties, regardless of whether you decide to flash a smartphone or tablet. Download Android 4.4.2 KitKat and follow the instructions from the downloaded archive, which will answer all your questions about how to flash your Android phone or update your tablet OS.

Be sure to share the page with friends who do not yet have Android 4.4.2 KitKat, so that they can also update to this excellent version by flashing the firmware of their device. Write comments and don't forget to rate the software! Thank you for your attention!

This year the company has already shown version 6 of its Android mobile operating system. It was called Marshmallow. This is exactly what M stands for, about which fans have been speculating and making bets all summer. Despite the fact that this is not 5.2, but the whole 6.0, there are much fewer new features and noticeable updates than there were in 5. But this is not surprising, because 5 set a new direction, and 6 simply strengthens its position. So, what's new in "Zefirinka"?

Google Now on Tap

This is probably the main feature that the creators boasted about and the fans were waiting for. It analyzes the contents of your screen at a particular moment and suggests interesting opportunities. If you're browsing the latest movies in the app, Now on Tap will show you a list of upcoming shows. By listening to music, you can get comprehensive information about the artist, and by communicating in the messenger about a specific restaurant, you can book a table there or call. Thus, Google knows even more about you, but uses it only to your advantage.

Support for new standards and technologies

Here it is worth mentioning two innovations at once. Fingerprint sensors, which were brought to the market Apple company and USB Type-C, which everyone has been talking about for a long time. Many companies, including Samsung, have already installed fingerprint sensors in their devices, but they used their own developments, but now this function is native, that is, any manufacturer can add a sensor to their smartphone and not create special software for this. USB Type-C new standard, which will finally rid everyone of the problem of inverted cables. Now the cord can be inserted in any direction without wasting precious time. It will take at least a year until this technology comes into widespread use, but attention Google already says a lot.

Setting application permissions

Surely, many users, when installing new applications, wondered why a particular program needed so much access to personal data or individual functions smartphone. If access to the camera for an application for creating photos can be explained, then the permission to view SMS for the next game looks quite strange. Now any user can control what functions each application installed on their mobile device will have access to.

Doze – another step towards effective energy saving

The new power saving mode uses your battery smarter. The smartphone understands when you are not using it and disables all background processes as much as possible. Due to their inactivity, the charge is mainly saved.

Chrome Built-in

This innovation will appeal to both developers and fans. Chrome browser. Thus, creators of applications that require opening web pages will no longer have to embed or create third-party solutions. Google's browser will play this role. In addition, it will integrate well, and the user will not even notice when the web page is actually open, and when the content of the application itself is on the screen.

New features for working with a memory card

Google, like Apple, actively fought with memory cards, but at some point they stopped and reached the point where now on any device running Android 6 Marshmallow you can use a memory card as a system volume. This useful feature for those who do not have devices with a large amount of built-in memory.

Android Pay, improved text tools, themes and more

Along with Android 6, the Android Pay payment system is launched, which, unfortunately, is not yet available to us. For those who often copy, cut and paste text, the developers have simplified this process a little by adding context menu with commands directly above the selected text. Also in the settings, users can choose a dark or light theme for the OS. Smartphones running Marshmallow can now act as chargers for other devices. Now, finally, users can take system backups without the help of third-party applications.

It's safe to say that Marshmallow is a high-quality update for the Android operating system that simply improves user experience, but does not introduce radically new functions. And that's right, considering that global update It was just a year ago.

Now update and install the operating system of your smartphone or tablet to latest version it just got easier. Now, to install new firmware, just download Android 6.0 from our website, follow the instructions from the downloaded archive, download and install the application on your smartphone or tablet from operating system Android.