How to disable spontaneous computer startup. Strange computer problems

Sometimes this problem appears when the computer turns on by itself. Indeed, it looks unusual, because no one touches the computer, how can it turn on? Let's consider possible options.

Hardware problem

If there is a problem with the contacts of the power button, then it may work on its own randomly. To exclude this option, you can open the cover of the system unit and disconnect the button from the motherboard. To do this you need to study motherboard the place where the wires from the front panel fit, find a connector there containing the word Power" and turn it off.

Also, some motherboards have a jumper that controls the computer turning on when power is applied to it. For example, if the jumper is in place, then when 220V power appears, the computer will turn on spontaneously. Thus, when power goes out and comes back, this will happen regularly. You can find such a jumper in the instructions for the motherboard. It is usually called « Power-on after Failure.” On other boards, the behavior when power appears is set from the BIOS, more on that below.

The computer turns on from the BIOS

It's actually simple here. Previously, when power supplies had the format AT, it was possible to turn on the computer only by supplying it with 220 volts. Today computers have power supplies ATX, the power to which is always connected, and their inclusion can be controlled BIOS motherboard. It is he who can turn on the computer itself if it is configured incorrectly. you can at the very beginning of booting the computer, usually at the bottom it is written which button is used for this (DEL, F2, less often - F10).

There are a lot of BIOS options, the writing of the options may vary slightly, but the meaning is the same. We go into the BIOS

and look at what settings may cause the computer to turn on:

You can also simply disconnect the keyboard, mouse, USB devices and network cable. If it helps, then go into the BIOS. If you can't find the options you need, resetting the settings to default may help.

Exit BIOS Save to CMOS end EXIT

The computer wakes up from sleep mode

I think many people distinguish sleep mode from a switched off computer, but not always. In fact, in the BIOS you can choose which power saving mode to switch the system to:

  • S1(POS)- normal, familiar, sleep mode, in which nothing is visible outwardly except the extinguished monitor. The fans are spinning, the computer is turned on as usual, only in economy mode.
  • S3(STR)— but in this mode, the computer seems to turn off completely, even the coolers don’t spin. The only thing that can give it away is the light on the front panel. It can light up as usual or in a different color. The computer actually almost turns off, which is achieved maximum savings electricity. Only the RAM and some components of the motherboard remain under voltage. When exiting this mode from random access memory The state before shutdown is completely restored, but it takes longer and it may seem that the computer is starting.

You can choose which mode to use S1, S3 or both (depending on the operating system).

This is not a problem at all; instead of putting it into sleep mode, you can simply turn off the computer. If you turn it off not through Start, but with a button on the system unit, and you have Windows 7, then configure the parameter "Power Button Action". Click on the button "Start" right click, select properties, and then select from the list "Shutdown".

Wake timers in Windows

In addition to interruptions from the mouse and keyboard, the system can wake up from sleep mode at the request of some programs or according to a schedule. To turn off demand output in Windows 7/8/10, go to “Control Panel->Power Options->Set up power plan (current)->Change advanced power settings”. In chapter "Dream" You need to disable wake timers.

If all else fails, you can turn off the computer with the button on the back of the power supply, then it certainly won’t turn on

As with everyone else technical devices, certain problems may arise from time to time with your computer, the cause of which may be difficult to determine. A computer is a complex device with many parts and components, so it is not easy to quickly diagnose the problem and fix the problem. People who constantly have to work with a computer should know how to deal with problems that arise most often, so as not to turn to the help of professionals every time.

The problem that irritates users the most is that the computer simply refuses to turn off. This problem is mainly experienced Windows users XP. If your computer also sometimes turns on by itself after being turned off, then you need to take this problem seriously, as its causes can lead to dire consequences. Users who are poorly versed in technology often cannot solve the problem themselves, but the information below will help even a beginner.

Causes automatic start
Most often, the main reason for the unexplained turning on of the computer is viruses, overheating of the computer, defects or incompatibility of parts, as well as problems with the computer drivers. Each of these problems has its own solution.

First of all you need to install it on your computer high-quality antivirus or update the installed ones. It is also recommended to work on the computer in a well-ventilated area, avoid overheating (that is, turn it off after long work), replace damaged or incompatible parts and reinstall drivers. Most likely, all this will help solve the problem. However, if the computer still turns on by itself, then you need to contact a specialist.

Except the listed methods solutions to the problem, you can try others. But remember that there is no guarantee that these methods will help you, but it’s worth a try, because you will not be able to understand the cause of the breakdown without the help of specialists.
1. Go into the BIOS when you turn it on and try to find the program or device on your computer that is causing it to turn on after shutdown. To enter the BIOS, you need to press F1, F2, F10, DELETE or ESC during startup. There you need to find an option called Wake up on shut down and disable it.
2. In addition, you should clean the operating system registry. To do this, go to the Start menu, click Run, write regedit in the window and press Enter. Then you need to remove entries from the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_USERS and HKEY_CURRENT CONFIG lists. Thanks to this, the computer will work faster and will no longer turn on on its own.

This problem is no exception to the rule, because many ordinary users complain that the computer turns on after being turned off. But you yourself can do everything possible to get rid of this problem. If it fails on our own, then it is recommended to contact specialists so as not to waste your time and nerves.

Computers are machines that cause a lot of trouble for users. If the device works normally, then the gadget makes life much easier. But in the event of certain failures, serious problems begin. Users often complain that the computer turns on by itself. Or it doesn't start working the first time. Does anyone even point out that absolutely new gadget completely refuses to turn on. Or he starts having problems with his monitor. For example, what is happening is not displayed. There can be a huge number of problems. It doesn’t matter what the reason is if the user knows how to fix certain computer malfunctions. That is why it is necessary to understand all the listed problems. Special attention You will have to pay attention to the situation when the device turns on itself. After all, all other cases are often corrected without any problems.


By oneself? The first reason is wear and tear of the gadget. Usually, this problem occurs predominantly on desktop computers. They have a special switch on the system unit - turning on the power.

Over time, for one reason or another this button may break. More precisely, we are talking about the contacts that connect the switch to the computer. For example, oxidation occurs. Then, from time to time, while the computer is connected to the network, a short circuit will occur, as a result of which the machine will turn on spontaneously.

How to deal with this situation? There are several options:

  1. When unplugging the power cord from the network. Not very convenient, but 100% the machine will not turn on itself.
  2. After turning off, move the switch on the rear panel of the system unit to the "Off" position.
  3. Update your computer. It is recommended to change the system unit.

How exactly to proceed? Each user decides this for himself. In reality, the latter option most often occurs. But the computer does not always turn on by itself because of the power button on the system unit. There are other reasons for this behavior.

BIOS Settings

For example, due to the parameters and settings of the computer's BIOS. get scared this term not worth it. This is the name of the computer control system. Old PCs needed to be mandatory turn off by pressing the power button. Otherwise operating system continued to work, but nothing was displayed on the screen.

This feature has been preserved on new computers. A minor failure of the BIOS parameters - and the system will be configured to spontaneous switching on. How to fix the problem? There are several ways to proceed.

Among the most common methods are:

  1. Asking for help system administrator. He will quickly configure the BIOS and get the machine working.
  2. Independent debugging of computer options. You need to visit the Power Setup tab in the BIOS and set the appropriate parameters there.

The choice of one or another method of dealing with the problem depends on the user’s skills. Quite often they use the second option. If it doesn’t help, then you can turn to a specialist for help.


Does your computer turn on by itself? This reason has several reasons for its appearance. The following scenario can occur on both desktop computers and laptops. It's about that the machine was not initially turned off.

Like this? On operating systems this moment there are two functions:

  • hibernation.

While one of them is running, the computer appears to be turned off. In fact, it is immersed in sleep or It is often difficult to distinguish between a real PC shutdown and “sleep”. This is why the operating system may seem to turn on on its own.

How to enter in this case? You really need to turn off your computer. To do this, it is recommended to check your system settings. Sometimes the shutdown function is actually set to "sleep" or "hibernate". The problem will go away once the computer actually starts shutting down rather than going into standby mode.


But the possible options don't end there. Does your computer turn on by itself? Then you can make sure that all the previously listed scenarios do not occur, and then enable scanning of the operating system for viruses. The thing is that the PC often turns on or off on its own due to Trojans and other dangerous malicious files.

The situation can be corrected in several ways. Among them are:

  1. Complete reinstallation of the operating system with hard formatting disk. The method is radical, it is not recommended to use it until critical situations.
  2. Computer treatment. Here you can use anti-spyware, anti-virus and other software to protect the operating system from malicious files. A more humane, but not always effective option.

It is suggested that you first try to disinfect your computer. If you cannot correct the situation, then completely reinstall the OS. It is imperative to format everything sections of hard disk, otherwise there is a risk that spontaneous startup will continue.

Not the first time

This is where we can end the issue of turning on without the user’s knowledge. No other causes for this problem have been discovered to date. Sometimes the computer does not turn on the first time. Not the most pleasant situation either. Every user should know how to deal with this turn of events.

So, at the moment you may encounter the described problem for the following reasons:

  1. Viruses. Because of them, quite often there are different problems with a computer. Up to damage to the hardware of the car. If the computer does not turn on immediately, you need to check it for dangerous files and treat.
  2. The power button is stuck. Relevant for older cars. Over time, the power buttons can become damaged, the contacts can “break”, and therefore it is not possible to immediately get the computer to work. Either repairing or replacing the component helps.
  3. Lost settings. Both in the BIOS and in the operating system itself. Sometimes it turns out that the PC power button performs a different function. For example, it puts the operating system to sleep. The situation can be corrected only by changing the settings.

In any case, if the car turns on, it's already good sign. Therefore, there is no need to panic too much. If you cannot fix the situation yourself, it is recommended to take your computer to service center. They will quickly carry out diagnostics and then get the gadget working.

Power button

What else could be connected with the inclusion of the machine being studied? There are not many situations left. Sometimes it happens that the computer does not turn on from the power button. Quite often with similar phenomenon laptop owners face.

What can help improve the situation? It has already been said that the reason for this behavior lies in the downed system settings. Most likely, the power button is responsible for another function. For example, for the "Sleep" mode or reboot.

In order for the computer's power button to work normally, you need to go to the power settings. Next, in the “Action of the power button” item, you will have to set the “Shutdown” parameter. The changes are saved. That's all. Now the computer should turn on and off by pressing the appropriate button.

Sometimes the named failure is a consequence of viruses or broken contacts. The situation is corrected in the same way as when turning on the PC not the first time. There is nothing special or difficult about it!


Why This is another question that interests users. The phenomenon mainly affects owners of stationary cars.

The monitor may refuse to work for the following reasons:

  1. No connection to system unit or networks.
  2. Wires or connection connectors are damaged. The relevant components are repaired or replaced.
  3. The monitor is defective or malfunctioning. You need to connect a new device.
  4. Lack of drivers or need to update them. In this case, you will have to try to install the appropriate software on your computer.
  5. Video card problems. The component is either replaced or repaired.

But this cannot be the end of all the problems that exist. What else should users pay attention to?


The penultimate scenario is when the computer turns on and off constantly. Such situations do not allow you to work with the operating system. The phenomenon can be observed if:

  1. The "battery" on the motherboard is damaged. The component is replaced.
  2. There are viruses on the computer. Need treatment.
  3. BIOS settings automatically reboot the OS. The corresponding options need to be changed.
  4. Hardware conflict or PC hardware malfunction. It is best to take your computer to a service center to fix the problem.

From now on it is clear, endlessly. There is perhaps only one phenomenon left that has not been considered.


The last thing that can cause a lot of problems is spontaneous shutdown computer. It occurs on both laptops and desktop machines.

Why does this happen? Shutdown without user command occurs if:

  1. The car is overheating. Then it urgently turns off to cool down.
  2. The PC cooler is not working well. Or if it's clogged.
  3. Viruses. Antivirus programs help correct the situation.
  4. Timer. Sometimes computers have a shutdown timer. Then at certain moments the operating system will shut down. This feature needs to be disabled.

That's all. Now it is clear why the computer turns on by itself, turns off or reboots constantly. In fact, everything is not as difficult to understand and fix as it seems at first glance.

IN different cases the problem of a computer turning on spontaneously is almost always associated with problems at the hardware level or with certain settings computer power supply.

In the cases discussed, the PC sometimes turns on spontaneously after plugging into the socket; others say that spontaneous turns on are observed systematically with certain period, and sometimes such inclusions happen chaotically, without a specific order.

"Iron" problems

Spontaneous inclusions can be caused by problems motherboard, computer power buttons, power supply faults. These cases do not seem easy to diagnose. For example, the motherboard can provoke spontaneous switching on due to failed quartz resonators.

It is very difficult to diagnose this breakdown at home, since specialists perform such diagnostics using oscilloscopes. If you have some experience, you can take tweezers and lightly touch the surface of the resonator; if the motherboard starts up, then it is the resonators that cause the problem.

This pin connects the power button to the system board:

And you need to connect M/B SW to such “pins” on the system board. The red square indicates the PWRBTN contact for the green wiring, below is GROUND (ground).

The case with the power supply is obviously a little easier, since it can simply be replaced for diagnostics. Also, the problem can be caused by the contacts of the PC power button connected to the system board. Disabling them can be used to diagnose the problem. If disabling them did not solve the problem, then it is absolutely clear that its presence is not related to the PC power button.

This image shows quartz resonator. This is what it looks like on the motherboard.

And this is how the quartz resonator looks separate from the motherboard.

Let's look for a solution in the BIOS

Previously, the most popular form factor was AT. This standard allowed the computer to be turned on only after voltage was applied to the power supply. Modern standard ATX, which seems to be the main one for the production of the most popular power supplies, allows you to keep the units constantly connected to the network. The startup of ATX-compatible systems is controlled through the main I/O program. Many cases of spontaneous activation have their origins in the settings of the Power section Management programs BIOS.

After entering the BIOS, you need to select the Power Management Setup section, where all the computer power management settings are located.

The above section contains options for setting up the ACPI function. ACPI parameters are partially controlled by an ACPI-compatible operating environment. For example, it manages the computer's hibernation and sleep policies. ACPI is a PC power management standard. The ACPI function is enabled by setting the ACPI Function option to Enabled. All the options in the section are aimed at configuring the way the PC goes into a low-consumption state, as well as waking it up.

The following snapshot represents the ACPI Function enabled. Here, the penultimate parameter we see is Ac Loss Auto Restart with the value Off - it will not allow the computer to turn on itself when the power is restored.

Some BIOS contain a Suspend Type option, which determines the method for exiting low power mode. If its value is set to Stop Grant, then the PC will be able to exit the low power state by a signal from an external device.

The AC Loss Auto Restart option is of great interest in the context of the problem under consideration. It specifies how the computer should behave after a power outage. electrical network. It has other names: PWRON After Power-Fail, AC Back Function and others. If its value is On, then after the power supply is restored, the PC turns on itself. To avoid spontaneous startup, you need to set this function to Off, thanks to which the computer will remain turned off after power is restored.

Let's go back a little to the hardware.

To configure the system to wake up or turn on, Power Management has been added whole line options. They allow you to turn on the PC when there is activity different devices. Thus, the enabled VGA parameter will trigger the computer to start when the video card becomes active.

And this picture demonstrates the options for waking up a PC from different devices

But more interesting in connection with the spontaneous turning on of the computer are the following parameters: Power On By Keyboard, Power On By Mouse or their combination Power On Function. There are also similar parameters, but linked to the PS/2 standard keyboard and mouse. Setting the Enabled value opposite them allows you to start the computer when mouse or keyboard activity is detected. Sometimes the mouse's built-in sensors react to changes in lighting in the room. This happens to manipulators with transparent body. A reacting sensor can trigger the system to start.

As we see, on this image There are options to wake up when the mouse and keyboard are active - they are disabled. A little lower is the general option for them, and a little higher you can see the option for the modem.

Enabled Power On By Ring or Modem Ring On will bring the PC out of a low power state or turn it on from the modem signal. A number of other parameters will allow you to wake up the PC when a problem occurs. network activity, activity of devices located on PCI bus and PCI-Express. Therefore, for diagnostic purposes you can disable external devices to determine which of them provokes spontaneous startup if it is not possible to look into the BIOS.

Also, it makes sense to reset BIOS settings to factory ones. In some cases, updating helps main program I/O However, waking up and turning on the PC through devices can be configured not only through the BIOS, but also through Windows tools.

We work with Windows

Through the device manager, you can enable or disable the computer wake-up mode associated with device activity. For example, in the power management section of the network adapter properties there is an option that allows you to wake the PC from standby mode. If there is a checkbox next to it, then this network adapter is allowed to “wake up” the computer.

To avoid the PC turning on spontaneously, this checkbox must be unchecked. If necessary, you need to check network adapters, mice and other pointing devices, sound, video and game controllers.

If you open Device Manager and double-click, for example, one of network adapters, then its properties window will open. On the Power Management tab, there should be no checkbox for the option to allow the PC to wake up from standby mode.

Very often the computer turns on with enviable frequency. If this is so, then in this case the scheduler is triggered, which starts the system on a timer to execute the prepared task. Typically, such a system startup occurs from sleep mode. To prevent this behavior from the scheduler, you do not need to disable it. You just need to configure the power plan correctly. It contains a Sleep node, which also contains an Allow Wake Timers subnode. This option needs to be disabled.

Open the Power Options applet in Control Panel and click on the power plan settings link.

In the plan settings, you need to select additional options.

IN additional parameters You should check the Sleep node and its Allow Wake Timers subnode. Wake timers should be disabled to prevent PC schedulers from running it to run jobs.

And one more thing: very often the user does not turn off the computer, but puts it into sleep mode by pressing the power button, which is configured to go into sleep mode. To shut down your PC, you must either turn off the system through the Start menu and the Shutdown command, or configure the power button correctly. These settings can be found in the taskbar properties under the Start menu. The power button action option must be set to “Shutdown”.

Brief summary

We considered only a small sample possible reasons problems with the PC turning on spontaneously, which may have simple solutions to fix the problem. This may be due to problems with the system board, power supply, or PC power button.

Often spontaneous activation is associated with settings in the BIOS, through which the system behavior for entering and exiting is set. energy saving modes. Some settings to prevent spontaneous awakening systems, can be installed through the operating environment.