What's an interesting thing to ask Siri? Setting up and using Siri

One of the most significant innovations for Russian-speaking iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch users in recent months has appeared. The Russian-language Siri has been awaited for so long that many have managed to learn English and “make friends” with the original voice assistant. But now all that remains is to wait for the official release of iOS 8.3 and every Russian-speaking owner of an Apple mobile device will be able to talk to a personal assistant.

And while iOS 8.3 is in beta status, we can take the time to familiarize ourselves with the available commands for Siri. It is with their help that the voice assistant will be able to fully reveal its potential and become a real assistant, understanding everything in one phrase. In this article we will publish a complete list of voice commands for Russian-language Siri, each of which leads to the execution of a specific request.

Working with the contact book

Siri allows you to specify the names of relatives by giving them appropriate titles, for example:

  • My mother - Nina Nikolaevna
  • My sister - Katya

After making such assignments, you can dial the required contacts as follows:

  • Call my sister
  • Call my mom on her cell phone
  • Call Sveta
  • What is Anna Petrovna's address?
  • What is Denis's email address?
  • Show Oleg Olegovich
  • What is Nina's phone number?
  • Find people named Eugene
  • Search contacts

Note: you can call any name written in your contact book

Phone calls

  • Call Sveta
  • Call Sveta at work
  • Call Sveta on her mobile
  • Dial [phone_number]
  • Call the helpline (police/ambulance/fire department)
  • Show me my call history
  • Call the last number
  • Do I have missed calls?
  • Do I have new messages on my answering machine?

Text messages

  • Say to Ivan: “Hi, how are you?”
  • Send a message to Oleg
  • Tell Inna “Everything was wonderful, thanks for dinner”
  • Send Evgeniy a message to work “See you tomorrow”
  • Write an SMS “Come to me” to Anton and Peter
  • Send a message to [phone_number]
  • Read my new messages
  • Read the last message again
  • Answer: “No!”
  • Call him
  • Read the latest message from Inna

Application management

  • Launch Camera
  • Play Doodle Jump
  • Open Instagram

Music control

  • Listen to Go Slow by HAIM
  • Enable Bob Dylan
  • Put on the Hey Jude album and mix it up
  • Put playlist [Playlist_name]
  • Listen
  • Pause
  • Skip

Manage the Calendar application

  • Schedule a meeting for 8 a.m.
  • Meeting with Anton at 10 am
  • Create a meeting with investors the day after tomorrow at 8 pm
  • New meeting with Oleg at 8:30
  • Schedule a business lunch today at 14:00
  • Reschedule your business lunch until tomorrow
  • Add Inna to the meeting with Oleg
  • Cancel the meeting with Oleg
  • What do I have planned for Monday?
  • When is my next meeting?
  • What do I have left for today?
  • When is my next meeting?
  • When do I have a meeting with Oleg?

Mail management

  • Sending letters
  • Write to Evgeny about the meeting tomorrow at 20:00
  • Write to Inna: “I’ll be there in 10 minutes”
  • Write to your brother about a hockey match
  • Write a letter to Alexey and say: “Everything is great!”
  • Show letters about work
  • Show me yesterday's letter from your boss
  • Answer: “No. I won't take out the trash"
  • Call him at home number

Card management

  • Get directions to work
  • Route to St. Petersburg
  • Route to brother's house
  • How to get from Moscow to Saransk?
  • How to walk to the house?
  • We haven't arrived yet?
  • What's the next turn?
  • When I arrive?
  • Find a gas station
  • Show me Red Square
  • Show me [Address]
  • Find a cafe nearby
  • Where is the nearest airport?

Clock management

  • Wake me up tomorrow at 6 am
  • Set your alarm for 6 am
  • Wake me up in 7 hours
  • Change my alarm clock from 6 to 6.15
  • Turn off the alarm at 6.15
  • Remove the alarm clock at 6.45
  • Turn off all my alarms
  • What date is today?
  • What date will it be this Saturday?
  • What time is it in London now?
  • Set a timer for 20 minutes
  • Show me my timer
  • Pause the timer
  • Stop the timer
  • Start the timer again
  • Reset the timer

Manage the Weather app

  • What is the weather today?
  • What's the weather forecast for tomorrow evening?
  • What is the current weather in St. Petersburg?
  • How many degrees will it be in Moscow on Friday?
  • How many degrees is it outside now?
  • What time will the sun set in Minsk today?
  • Is it windy today?
  • Do I need an umbrella today?

Managing notes

Search on the Internet

  • Find wooden doors on the Internet
  • Find repair recommendations
  • Google the history of Napoleon
  • Search the Internet for the best works of Pushkin
  • Find photos of Pallas' cat
  • Show video of ball lightning
  • What's new in Moscow?

Siri can also answer ordinary questions, the answers to which the assistant takes on the Internet. You can ask the voice assistant anything, and he will try to answer every request as clearly and correctly as possible.

Siri is Apple's virtual digital assistant. In the context of what you have already said earlier, this program recognizes your voice through sequential processing and provides the most suitable answers. Siri will allow you to always be in touch, cope with planning and organization, and help you with matters of both a personal and professional nature. She can do a lot more... all you need to do is know what to ask questions about!

1. “Hey Siri!”

On many recent iPhones and iPads, while the device is plugged into a charger, you can activate voice control by saying: « Hey Siri! « /« Hey, Siri(even if you are at a distance from your gadget). This program uses voice identification technology (Voice ID) to respond only to the owner's requests. On the latest iPhone 6s, “Hey Siri!” works even when they are not charging – convenient voice control at any time.

2. Remind me of “it!”

Now, when you activate Siri, it can remember to remind you about " this", A " this» could be anything: email, paper letter, website and even podcasts that you would like to listen to. Just say: "Remind me of this"/« Remind me of this« , and Siri will add a new reminder tied to the specific app and the content within it.

3. Flip a coin, roll the dice

If you play board games, Siri may be useful for fun as a random number generator. Just tell me "flip a coin"/« flip a coin« , "throw a bone"/« roll a die« or even « Siri, Crystal Ball"/« Siri 8 ball« . A dice can have any number of sides: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20... and even 37!

4. Find my photos

Siri now has access to the Photos app, which means it can find images and videos based on time, location, album, and even people tagged in photos (if Faces is enabled in Photos on OS X). If your albums are named after events, you can ask Siri “Show me photos of Eddie at a karaoke bar in San Francisco.”

5. Good night, Siri

If you are the owner of the HomeKit smart home system from Apple, Siri will help you around the house: you can control specific equipment by its name ( "Turn off the lights in the kitchen« / « Turn off the kitchen light«), activate complex settings “Scene” ( "Time to play"/ "Game time« ) and summarize the past day (“Siri, good night!” / “Hey Siri, goodnight!”).

6. Names and nicknames

By default, Siri will call you and your friends by the names listed in Contacts. If you want to make changes, tell Siri: 'Call me' Honey cupcake’”/ « Call meHoney muffin« or “Gwendolyn is my mother” / “Gwendolyn is my mom« . If Siri pronounces a name or nickname incorrectly, tell it and it will prompt you for the correct pronunciation.

7. Zero cookies, zero friends

Siri has an amazing sense of humor, and she can demonstrate it perfectly in an unexpected way. For example, ask her: “What is zero divided by zero?”/ “Whats zero divided by zero Sure, it sounds as mathematically boring as what Siri would put on the screen... but you just listen her answer! And then ask: “Why did the chicken cross the road..?”/“Why did the chicken cross the road...?”

8. Dead zone!

If you've been away from home for a long time and need to get some work done, people still won't leave you alone, and all you need is peace and quiet, tell Siri: "Do not disturb"/"Do not disturb« . Do you want to fully relax? You can say: "Delete all alarms"/"Delete all alarms« or even "Airplane mode"/"Airplane mode« .

Last year, Siri received support for the Russian language, after which the questions “What should I ask Siri?” are becoming even more relevant. This one has long been distinguished not only by his wit and erudition, but also by the lack of support for the Russian language. But after they began to improve the “polyglot” abilities of Apple’s voice assistant, fans of this company’s smartphones decided to inject some functionality. So, here is a list of the most interesting and useful commands for this voice assistant.

How to make Siri control music?

Siri is not a trained dog, but an intelligent voice assistant capable of understanding human speech instead of simply recognizing commands. So whatever you want to say to your iPhone, you can say it and you will be heard. What to ask Siri? As an example, offer to listen to music or play the next song.

Moreover, the variety of commands is the same as the number of possible actions. For example, you can ask the voice assistant not only to start the next song, but also to play music of a certain genre or artist. If you wish, you can ask Siri to launch a specific playlist, and it will understand what you said in free form.

Search contacts

Siri can now speak all the data that you have long ago entered into your contacts in Russian. With these numbers you can perform a variety of actions. For example, you can call, send an SMS, and even ask when a friend or colleague’s birthday is. If fields such as an address are specified, you can even build a route to the house of the person who is lucky enough to be in your phone book. Here's what you can ask Siri!

And all data should also be voiced in any form. You don't need to memorize hundreds of commands, it's just important to roughly understand what you want to ask, and the assistant will hear you.


Siri supports a huge number of phone book-related features. This is not only the banal “call”, but also “call your mobile”, “dial a specific number”, “call an ambulance”. You can also ask Siri if you have missed calls, and also ask to call back the last number. This brings the use of a smartphone to the level of old push-button models in the best sense of the word.

After all, before it was very easy to call the last number: you pressed the call key twice and you didn’t even have to look at the screen. Of course, communicating with Siri will take a little more time, but the assistant’s commands are so clear that the question “What should I ask Siri?” should not occur after reading this article and becoming familiar with the basic capabilities of the program.

Launching programs

You can also ask Siri to launch any of the installed applications from the AppStore. If you installed a program for communicating with friends on VKontakte, you can simply ask to launch it without even wasting time on unlocking the device. True, if the iPhone is protected with a password or fingerprint, you will still need to confirm them before launching the program. That is, you won’t be able to take advantage of such a loophole, as happens in some Android phones.

What's the funny thing you can ask Siri?

Naturally, Siri is known to the masses not only as a functional voice assistant, but also as an excellent comedian. You can ask this assistant a lot of nonsense that will amuse a person who has just picked up an iPhone. Here is a short list of such requests:

  • Just say "Hello" to Siri. She has some interesting answers in store.
  • What's an interesting thing to ask Siri? Of course, she doesn't know if this is really an interesting question, but why not say something like "guess what?" Such a phrase may be discouraging to an ordinary person, but Siri is not at a loss and answers very coolly. How? Try for yourself what cards to reveal.
  • You can also tell Siri about the need to urgently pour a glass of high-quality, expensive alcohol into your mouth. Just say: “Siri, I need vodka.” She won't answer anything funny, but she will tell you where to go. Although earlier she answered “Everything is fine.”

Try saying something else. When it comes to what to ask Siri in Russian, you need to be as creative as possible. It’s much more interesting to look for possible questions yourself and enjoy the answers to them from the iPhone’s voice assistant.

A short list of things to ask Siri

If, however, you still treat Siri as a full-featured voice assistant and don’t think about asking it about any nonsense, then here is a short list of the voice assistant’s capabilities. Remember that all questions are asked in free form, so there should be no problems with recognition.

  • Showing people with the same name.
  • Assign a relationship that that person is one of your parents, and so on.
  • Message and calendar management.
  • Postal operations.
  • Weather.

As well as a number of other interesting features that will make life easier. So Siri may not be much needed. But if you communicate using a headset, then life cannot exist without it.

Almost every person on planet Earth is well aware that there is a company called Apple. With every update to its iOS mobile platform, the company tries to surprise and delight users. The Siri assistant algorithm has been redesigned relatively recently. Now this virtual mind has become much smarter. But what is much more interesting is that the robot was equipped with a very good sense of humor. What can you ask Siri to make you laugh? The list of requests is unusually wide. But first, let's look at the main features of this assistant.

What is Siri?

By the way, this question can be asked to the assistant himself. And he will answer in a humorous manner. Because asking a lady such things is the height of indecency. However, let's leave the jokes and get down to business seriously. Siri is a mobile assistant that is designed to help the user find the information they need. It is somewhat similar to a similar assistant from Google. However, it makes no sense to compare them, since the brainchild of Google does not have such wide capabilities, lacks a sense of humor and has no intelligence at all. It's just a regular search engine with voice activation.

It is worth noting that before updating the mobile platform to version 8.3, Siri could not speak Russian at all. Using the assistant was the prerogative of English-speaking users. However, domestic mobile technology lovers have also been waiting for this opportunity. At first, Siri wrote Russian a little strangely. The localization was clearly lame. But with subsequent updates the situation was corrected. So, what can you ask Siri to lift your mood? There can be quite a few answers to this question. The main thing is to understand what exactly can cause an inadequate reaction from the assistant.

Offer to dance

Of course, this is strange, but the assistant’s answers to this unusual proposal can definitely please you. Moreover, not only Russian Siri can answer in this vein. What to ask specifically?

There is one interesting story. A user once asked his assistant to dance. To which Siri responded literally like this: “Who, me? Yes, from birth I have two left legs, or both right legs, or none at all!” Agree, a very original answer. And this is the main difference between this assistant and other assistants.

Other artificial intelligence responses to an offer to dance are also known. Among them: “I choose sirtaki, although you hardly know this dance,” “Okay, you lead,” and so on. However, this is far from the only opportunity to have fun with Siri. There are several more commands that can cheer up the user.

Reaction to insults

Siri is a completely adequate female assistant who reacts appropriately to direct insults. Artificial intelligence may well respond in such a way that the degree of tension can be reduced. For example, to the phrase “You’re a loser,” Siri will respond with the balanced phrase “I’m trying.” If you ask your assistant to shut up, she will respond with the colorless phrase “It’s not nice.” In general, the machine reacts in exactly the same way as a living person would. There is only one difference: it is impossible to get punched in the face from her for insults. So you can get away with it as much as you want.

What can you ask Siri without offending her and making her laugh? The answer to this question is ambiguous. You can, for example, make fun of Apple. The assistant does not welcome this, but tries to remain within the bounds of decency. It’s good that it’s just a car, otherwise the consequences would be even more tragic.

Apple Talk

This is exactly the topic that is interesting to most users and completely unacceptable for Siri. To the glaring question of who Steve Jobs is, Siri responds with a direction to the Apple website page dedicated to Jobs. The referral is accompanied by the phrase "Thanks for asking about Steve, here is his page on the Apple website."

If someone really wants to pester an assistant, then they can ask about what’s wrong with the Apple corporation. The assistant will answer this question with restraint: “Really, I don’t know, Master.”

But to the question of what is the best tablet, Siri will answer without hesitation: “Well, there is an iPad... And also... Oh, no, only the iPad.” The situation is approximately the same with computers. Siri only recognizes "Macs". Considering the general development trend of the company from Cupertino, there is nothing surprising here.

Here's the answer to what to ask Siri. The jokes don't end there. Now let's look at commands without a category. They cannot be classified as one type or another. Therefore, about them separately.

Other requests

Naturally, this is not all of the assistant’s capabilities. Like any woman, Siri loves to chat. You just need to know what to ask. The most popular entertainment for iPhone owners is listening to fairy tales performed by an assistant. If you ask Siri politely, she will tell you a story about herself. As for singing, the assistant has problems with this. Siri denies himself with phrases like “I got a D in singing, I confused the notes C and Ri,” “I can’t sing,” and “You know I don’t have a voice.”

If you tell the assistant that you are drunk, Siri will complain that neither of you will be able to drive and will offer to call a taxi. The reaction to the request to help hide the body is very interesting. The assistant will respond with the question “What, again?” There is another answer to the question of what to ask Siri. The Rock Johnson (the one that is Dwayne) turns out to be the assistant's favorite actor. Therefore, he does not react quite adequately to jokes about this actor.


So, what can you ask Siri just for fun? There are many answers to this question. In principle, you can ask anything. This assistant has an excellent sense of humor. Therefore, Siri is quite capable of coming up with a sparkling and humorous answer to almost any question. If the assistant doesn’t like the question, then various phrases are used to evade a direct answer. From these answers it is immediately clear that we have a female assistant. Because only women know how to evade a direct question so skillfully. Be that as it may, Siri is a new milestone in the development of artificial intelligence. Apple managed to create a full-fledged assistant with its own personality. No other company has achieved this yet. This is why the company’s devices are loved and appreciated. Despite the fact that Yabloko has been making unforgivable mistakes lately.

Recently, voice assistants have increasingly penetrated our daily lives. Most users of the iPhone and other Apple products are familiar with one of them - Siri, but few understand all the prospects of virtual assistants and know how to use all their capabilities and functions.

What is a voice assistant

Imagine, your devoted friend is always next to you, who is ready to talk to you at any time of the day or night, answer any of your questions and carry out instructions. At the same time, he never gets tired, he is never in a bad mood, and every day he becomes smarter and understands you better. These are voice assistants that are available for everyday use today.

Voice assistants are built into computers, tablets, phones, smartwatches, smart speakers, and even cars. It is important to understand that interaction with the voice assistant is carried out exclusively by voice, without using your hands, without pressing any buttons. This is a fundamentally new way of interaction between a person and a program, which is very similar to communication between people.

  • Siri from Apple.
  • Google Assistant Google company.
  • Alexa from Amazon.
  • Alice from Yandex.

We have already written about and, and in this article we will talk in detail about Siri.

Voice assistant Siri

Siri is a voice assistant that was the first to support the Russian language, and only then did the domestic one appear, released at the end of 2017, and even later in the summer of 2018 it spoke Russian. Siri recognizes Russian speech quite well, even if music is playing nearby or there are extraneous noises.

Siri on iPhone SE

Siri wasn't always owned by Apple. Initially, it was a separate application in the App Store for iOS. In 2010, Apple acquired Siri Inc. and their unique development. Shortly after the purchase, Apple built Siri into the iPhone 4S, and then into its subsequent devices. Then, in 2011, Siri became the first product on the personal voice assistant market.

Siri adapts to each user individually, studies his preferences and begins to better understand his “master.” This is primarily noticeable in the improvement of your voice recognition after the first weeks of use. You can also tell Siri how to address you and the names of your contacts in your address book, so it can understand you better. And when Siri pronounces names incorrectly, you can always correct her and show her the correct accent.

Siri is available on iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and in almost all modern cars via CarPlay. The way you launch Siri and the list of available commands varies depending on your device.

How to launch Siri on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

Launch by pressing the Home button

Siri is available on all iPhones starting with iPhone 4s and running iOS 5 and higher. To launch Siri on an iPhone (excluding iPhone X), you need to press and hold the center Home button.

To launch Siri on iPhone X, you need to press and hold the side button.

After the beep, you can make a request. On some devices, you must wait for Siri to appear on the screen before giving a command.

Hey Siri - How to enable Siri with your voice

Siri can be launched solely using your voice, without pressing any buttons at all. All you have to do is say, “Hey Siri.” After the beep, you can ask a question or give a command.

To do this, the “Hey Siri” function must be activated on the device: Settings → Siri and search → Listen to “Hey Siri”.

On all iPhone models, starting with the iPhone 6s, as well as on the iPad Pro, this function can be used at any time by saying “Hey Siri” so that it is picked up by the gadget’s microphones. On earlier iPhones and iPads, the always-listening feature only works when your device is connected to a charger.

How to enable Siri on headphones

Using an original Apple headset with remote control buttons or compatible Bluetooth headphones, you can activate Siri by pressing the center button or the call button. After the beep, you can make a request.

Using Apple's AirPods to launch Siri twice touch the outer surface of any earphone.

Siri on Mac

Siri is available on Mac computers running macOS 10.12 Sierra and later versions of the operating system. However, at the moment the functionality of the voice assistant on the Mac is limited. All Siri can do here is make FaceTime calls, write messages, play music, show the weather forecast and help you work with files and folders.

Siri on Mac

It is worth noting that working with files on a computer using a voice assistant is really convenient. Siri can quickly search for files, sort them by type, date or keyword. For example, if you tell Siri, “Show me my photos from yesterday,” a folder with the corresponding media files will open.

There are several ways to activate Siri on Mac:

There will likely be more commands for Siri in future versions of macOS, including commands for HomeKit. This would be a logical continuation of Apple's integration of voice assistant into its laptops and desktops.

Siri functions

Siri, a personal assistant, can answer questions, give recommendations, and carry out commands. Let's look at some of them.

This is just a small part of everything that Siri can do. You can see more commands in our article on commands for Siri. You will find a complete list of commands for the voice assistant in iPhones and Home Pod smart speakers in our reference mobile application, which we regularly update. You can download the Siri Commands app for free. By installing it, you will always have the most up-to-date list of commands for your voice assistant at hand.