Features of creating electronic presentations for visually impaired people. Features of the education of blind children. Speech synthesis in Microsoft Windows

“Competitions in Education” - 62 finalists. Best TV Program on Development Russian education. Winner: Newspaper “Kirovskaya Pravda” (Kirov). Strategic Communications Management". The best radio program about the development of Russian education. Winner: Website of the newspaper “Education: the path to success” www.obrazovanie-ufa.ru (Ufa).

“Education system” - Expanding the very concept of “learning” Learning is not limited in time and space We are seeing an increase in the number of opportunities and means of learning Increased attention to the quality of learning: the content of programs and the teaching process. Cliff Adelman 2010. Mary McAleese, President of Ireland, 2010. 4. The procedure for including qualifications in the national framework or describing the location of qualifications in the framework is clear and does not require further explanation. 5. National quality control systems for education and training are consistent with the national qualifications framework and the relevant European principles and standards (as specified in Annex 3 of the Recommendations). 6. The framework matching process must include an agreement accepted by the competent quality control authorities. 7. International experts should be involved in the framework matching process.

“Municipal entity” - Powers of the head municipality. The local administration is led by the head of the local administration on the principles of unity of command. Principles of municipal service. The head of the local administration, exercising powers on the basis of a contract. Municipal Election Commission. Accountability of the head of the municipality.

“Education of the 18th-19th centuries” - Theological seminaries and schools. Lomonosov introduced a classroom-based teaching system. The formation of Russian classicism is underway. Rural school 19th century. Education of peasant children in the period of the 18th-19th centuries in Russia. Commonly used textbooks in schools. XVIII century for the first time in the history of the Russian MB school. Reforms in education of the 19th century.

“Education and culture of the 17th century” - Scientific knowledge. "The eighth wonder of the world". 1648 - Semyon Dezhnev discovered the strait between Asia and America. Red Square. The emergence of portraiture Portraits (parsuns). A new style. Lesson plan. Publishing printed books. Terem Palace of the Moscow Kremlin 1635 – 1636. Trinity Simon Ushakov. Painting.

"Content of education" - Thematic group“New quality and new content of education.” The conceptual principle of understanding the “content of education” must be changed. A new understanding of “knowledge” is being formed. Conclusions. New quality of education. Applying old ways of education and socialization to today's students is ineffective.

There are 180 million blind and visually impaired people in the world. Every year this number increases. According to experts, by 2020 there will be 275 million people on earth with serious vision problems.

20–30 years ago, the arsenal of blind and visually impaired people included only canes, guide dogs and simple electronic devices with a voice function (watches, landline phones). But today we live in a digital world. In the world of gadgets, messengers and interfaces.

The life hacker decided to find out how the blind and visually impaired integrate into the IT environment. Do they get help? modern technologies? Are mainstream devices accessible to them?

Hardware and software

Blind people today have access to ordinary laptop and desktop computers. You don't need braille displays, keyboards or talking scanners to work with documents or surf the web. All of these devices are on the market, but they are quite expensive (the starting price for a Braille display is $2,000) and, as a rule, are used only in specialized institutions for the blind (schools, libraries, rehabilitation centers).

To make a regular PC accessible to a blind person, you only need to install two programs on it:

  • screen reader ( screen reader) is a screen access program that reads everything that happens on the user’s screen;
  • a speech synthesizer is a program that converts digital information, which is read by the screen reader, into spoken speech.

There are several screen access programs. The most popular ones are JAWS and NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA). Typically, blind people use both, but the latter is more popular because it is free and open source.

There are also many synthesizers: Acapela, Vokalizer, RHVoice and others. Many screen readers and operating systems have a built-in synthesizer.

Pavel Malyshev:
We mainly work on Windows. Firstly, this OS is the most affordable (Mac is, of course, great, but not everyone can afford it, and Linux is too complicated in terms of settings for us). Secondly, starting from the “eight” the system has a built-in screen reader. We are waiting for the final release of Windows 10 - there will be even more features.

The choice of speech synthesizer depends on the personal preferences of the blind or visually impaired person. Some people prefer to hear a woman’s voice, others a man’s voice; Some people don’t pay attention to the robotic quality, others are looking for a synthesizer with the most “live” voice possible.

Maria Yakimova(blind), editor of the “Computers and We” group:
Different synthesizers reproduce the same text differently. For example, if you write “aaaa” (like a scream), then some people read it as a long “a” (draw out the sound), others pronounce it simply as one letter. To read English text it is better to put special voice, since, for example, “Melena” pronounces the word bluetooth as “bluetoop”. Also synthesizers don't notice spelling errors and accents are often confused.

Blind people practically do not use a mouse, but they are fluent in using a keyboard. Blind typing (no pun intended) in in this case not a cool skill, but a basic skill. Using various hotkey combinations, blind and visually impaired people work with various programs.

The choice of software for the blind is determined by how accessible a particular program is for a screen reader. Eg, Microsoft package Office is almost completely readable. There are even special courses for teaching blind and visually impaired people how to use Word, Excel, etc.

Blind people prefer to read and send mail through a mail client - web versions are often not entirely accessible (the exception is Gmail). Popular programs for the blind and visually impaired to work with by email- Mozilla Thunderbird, The Bat! .

Skype is the most convenient messenger from the point of view of a person deprived of the ability to see. And the point is not only that in this case it is easier to communicate by voice, but that screen access programs work well with it (you can easily find desired contact, call or hang up). Also used voice chat TeamTalk.

As for browsers, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer are considered the most adapted. Chrome is less convenient. The reason is again simple and banal - there are no labeled buttons that a screen reader could read.

At the same time, blind people draw information not only from text or audio content.

Pavel Malyshev:
We enjoy “watching” YouTube. The only problem is that the player sometimes conflicts with screen reader programs. It is difficult to determine whether the player is in focus or not. If not, it doesn't respond to keyboard commands.

As you can see, the set software at blind person not much different from the software of an ordinary user. The same cannot be said about computer games.


Computer games - an important part digital world. Gamers are ready to argue until they are hoarse which is better: Xbox or PlayStation, and developers are ready to invest millions of dollars to make their games even more realistic.

Blind people also love games, but their gameplay will seem extremely strange to a sighted person.

Roman Gerus(blind), arranger:
We have both strategy and shooting games. They are audio-oriented, meaning there is nothing on the screen. Locations are built using sounds: you walk along the corridor (you hear steps), boom - you hit a wall, turn around, move on, etc.

Games for the blind are mostly Western, non-Russian developments. Most of them are logic puzzles (chess, checkers, card games). One of the largest Russian-language portals with games for the blind is ontoys.net.

Social media

They say that in the world of the blind, things are as they really are. It doesn't matter if your mug is white or with a fashionable print - it's just a mug. For sighted people, social networks sometimes replace reality. What role do VKontakte, Facebook and other social networks play in the lives of blind people?

Web versions of social networks are not always readable by screen readers, which is why many people with visual impairments use Miranda. Blind people joke: “The developers themselves probably don’t know what a convenient thing they made for us.” enjoy social networks Through programs it is also more convenient because they do not have pop-up windows. If a common person can close an unnecessary banner in one click, then the blind person has to wait while the screen reader reads it.

On mobile devices, the Kate Mobile application is often used. According to blind people, it is more convenient native application VKontakte, and most importantly, its developers easily engage in dialogue and take into account wishes.

Usability by touch

The Internet is filled with graphics. More recently, the desire for beautiful and colorful design, an abundance of animation and flash was perceived as progress and a “living future”. But for the blind, all this created many problems.

Pavel Malyshev:
It used to be simpler: screen readers could read almost any website without any problems. But every year there are more and more graphics - screen access programs cannot keep up with this process. Of course, we cannot say to sighted people: “Friends, how about these pictures?” We need a compromise. And it seems to me that he is close. At least the trend towards minimalism and simplicity in design contributes to this. :)

Few people know, but there are standards for developing websites for people with special needs, including the blind. These standards are voluntary; few developers adhere to them. After all, usability development for ordinary users- is already a difficult task, requiring considerable resources, and usability for special groups of people is even more difficult. Balancing the interests of all users is quite difficult.

A pleasant fact: according to blind users, Lifehacker is 90% perceived by screen access programs.

Websites for the blind are quite ascetic

Mobile devices

A blind person has well-developed other senses. Hearing and touch become more acute. The ears and hands actually become the eyes of the blind.

At the end of last year, Indian inventor Sumit Dagar presented his development - smartphone for blind and visually impaired people. The essence of the innovation is that with the help of a special touch (!) display, graphic and text information is translated into Braille. This is achieved by lowering and rising microneedles, thereby creating a relief. According to press reports, after entering the market, such a smartphone will cost about $185.

But do the blind need this gadget if mobile devices Can a touchscreen be made accessible by software?

Pavel Malyshev:
Push-button devices on Symbian or Windows Mobile could be mastered in half an hour. Get used to touch screen a little more complicated, but with screen readers (VoiceOver for Apple and Talkback for Android) the problem can be solved.

Voice assistants also provide great help to the blind. They allow you to control your smartphone using your voice. They are familiar to you: Siri, Cortana, Google Now and others.

True, most of them do not speak Russian (with the exception of Google Now). In this regard, it stands out noticeably against their background Russian-speaking assistant"Dusya."

Lifehacker has already told his readers about how this Android application works and its capabilities (,). If you are not yet familiar with Dusya, watch the video below.

In addition, modern multi-pixel cameras are excellent assistants without any additional software. Visually impaired people, that is, those who are not completely blind, use zoom cameras as portable digital magnifiers.

Object recognition

With the advent of blind people mobile gadgets Applications began to appear that improve its quality.

Pavel Malyshev:
Three years ago there were very few useful or simply available applications(either the button is not labeled, or something else). Nowadays there are more and more programs that make our lives easier.

One of the main difficulties that blind people face in Everyday life, is object recognition. For example, you can hear an approaching bus, but not its number. In this regard, people with visual impairments are actively trying various applications, allowing you to read the surrounding landscape.

Roman Gerus:
If the bill is not new, it is almost impossible to distinguish its denomination by touch. No relief stripes will help.

This problem is perfectly solved by the Blind-Droid Wallet application. If you bring a banknote to the smartphone’s camera, the speech synthesizer will immediately output: “1,000 rubles” or “100 dollars.”

Another example is Google Goggles. Not all medications are labeled in Braille. This app can help you out when you need to read a label.

It's more difficult in the store. There is no program yet that would read product names and price tags. But there is an idea to create a similar service.

“Utrofon” is a service designed to help blind people navigate the city (go shopping, read signs, transport numbers, etc.). The operating principle is described in detail in this video, but in a nutshell, a special device (actually an “utrophon”), equipped with a camera, headphones, microphone and 3G, is attached to the ear, like a headset. When a blind person needs help, he calls a special call center, and the person on the other end of the line describes the surrounding situation.

Orientation in space

A guy goes to school, a girl walks down the street, an old man climbs the stairs... You won’t immediately understand that they are blind. How do they manage to navigate space so deftly, because they don’t have a cane or a guide’s leash in their hands?

Eye surgeon Anthony Vipin Das and his team have been working on creating tactile shoes for many years. The idea is that GPS will guide a blind person by transmitting signals to the insole of the shoe (slight vibration). The project is called Le Chal (translated from Hindi as “take me”), it is considered promising, and even won a two-million dollar grant from the US Department of Defense.

But for now, this, like many other concepts, is only a theory. In practice, things are much more complicated with spatial orientation for blind and visually impaired people.

Pavel Malyshev:
Conventional navigators are not suitable for us; we use OsmAnd (for Android) and Ariadne (for iOS). They allow you not only to plot a route by voice, but also to follow it, guided by sound prompts, and “look around” the area. Even transport stops are announced (especially convenient for minibuses).

We discussed the problem of orientation of blind people in space with a robotics engineer, general director Oriense company by Vitaly Kitaev.

Vitaly Kitaev:“Every year, a couple of startups appear that are full of enthusiasm and believe that the problems of the blind can be solved easily and quickly, armed with GPS and ultrasonic and infrared sensors.

Electronic canes, ultrasonic flashlights - there are many such devices on the market. But they are of little functionality, since they detect obstacles only at the point where they are directed, have a large error and are expensive.

Another group of devices are locators that convert 2D images into audio or tactile images (vOICe and AuxDeco systems). They take a regular monochrome image and translate each tonality of a black and white pixel into an audio or tactile signal, respectively. But the problem is that in the first case the sound channel is cluttered, and in the second there is a high probability of tactile addiction.

There is also now an interesting Israeli project OrCam. This is the so-called virtual vision system. The technology scans the surrounding space, recognizes faces and gestures, and can even read printed text. But, unfortunately, the project is aimed only at visually impaired audiences, that is, a person must see at least the outlines of objects.”

Vitaliy’s company is also developing a device for spatial orientation for blind and visually impaired people. It's called Oriense.

Oriense is a device consisting of three modules: glasses with a 3D stereo camera, a computing unit that can be put in your pocket or hung on your belt, and headphones. A 3D stereo camera allows you to not only understand the position of a pixel in X and Y, but also see the distance to it. This creates a depth map. The device also processes signals from position sensors and GPS and generates a 3D audio image for the user and voice description landscape. 3D audio imaging is a change in tone and subtlety sound signal, allowing you to quickly identify an obstacle. According to the developers, they are striving to make a device that is superior to existing GPS navigators. For example, Oriense already has functions for recognizing holes and steps, traffic light colors, and in the future its creators plan to ensure that the device also reads vehicle license plates.

Does this mean that a blind person can live without a cane?

Pavel Malyshev:
No matter how perfect the system is, it does not eliminate the use of a cane. The device will not be able, for example, to measure the depth of a puddle in front of a blind person, but with the help of a cane a person will be able to feel it.


Technologies and the people who create them are by no means blind to those who are deprived of the opportunity to see the world in all its beauty. Thanks to screen readers, speech synthesizers and voice assistants visually impaired persons have full access to computers, tablets and touch phones. Every year, concepts for devices appear that are designed to improve the quality of life of the blind and visually impaired. Color detection sensors, measuring rulers, navigator bracelets - what designers and developers don’t come up with. Some will say that these are just beautiful ideas, but isn't it thought that creates action?

We asked blind children if they feel the positive impact of technology on their lives, and this is what they answered.

Computers and the Internet give us limitless possibilities. We can read and quickly receive any information. But, on the other hand, live communication suffers.

Roman Gerus

Of course technology helps. It becomes more convenient. The only thing I would like is for all programs and devices to fit into one small gadget like the Apple Watch.

Pavel Malyshev

The Internet and the latest technologies allow us to be on an equal footing with everyone else. You can also study, communicate, be creative, and get answers to your questions.

Maria Yakimova

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Topic: Children with visual impairments." Completed by: Shikunova Lyudmila Olegovna Moscow 2012-2013

Children with visual impairments The ability to see, that is, to sense and perceive the surrounding reality through a visual analyzer, is called vision. The greatest number of impressions about outside world the brain receives through vision. It is decisive in the formation of ideas about really existing objects and phenomena. With the help of vision, the essential features of various objects (light, color, size) are recognized, orientation in space is carried out, fine and architectural art is perceived, and complex changes in nature are observed.

A blind child: the development of adaptive capabilities and ways of socialization A blind child was born into a family... Awareness of this fact is a great stress for his loved ones. Such experiences, as a rule, are aggravated by anxiety for the child’s future: how will this defect affect mental and physical health? Will the baby be able to develop normally, study, communicate with other people? The answer to all these questions largely depends on how strong and patient the parents will be, who face the difficult test of adapting a blind child to a normal, fulfilling life.

Impact of blindness on general development Until two or three months of life, an infant with profound visual impairments is almost no different in the nature of reactions and behavior from a sighted child of the same age. And only after this period the pathology begins to noticeably manifest itself. Children lag behind their peers in mastering mobility skills (this means turning from back to stomach and back, trying to sit down, and then walk independently), their thinking develops slowly, and difficulties arise in attempts to master objective actions. In addition, a decrease in visual functions negatively affects mental, physical and emotional development, which is expressed in low mobility, low mood, a tendency towards isolation, “immersion in oneself” and, as a result, leads to ignoring contacts with other children.

Many parents of blind and visually impaired children, trying to solve the problem with the help of medicine, lose sight of the need to pay more attention to the physical, mental, musical and intellectual development of their children. To stimulate tactile sensations (sensations from touching, feeling), it is necessary to place the child on fabric surfaces with different textures. These can be silk, cotton, velvet, corduroy, tulle and other fabrics. It is useful to make a special blanket for your baby, made from scraps of fabric with different textures. You can sew rings, buttons, rattle balls, strings, bells, etc. along the edges. The baby should be placed on the blanket so that he is in different positions - on his stomach, on his back or on his side. If the baby has residual vision, then the pieces of fabric located next to each other should have not only tactile contrast (quite different in texture), but also visual (for example, one is black and velvet, the other is white and silk).

Acquaintance with the surrounding world A blind child, for obvious reasons, does not have the need to raise and hold his head high, reach out to toys and surrounding objects, feel them, crawl, or walk, exploring the surrounding space. Therefore, parents should develop the desire to understand the world in such a child. It is necessary to encourage any attempts by the baby to move and become independent (always under the supervision of adults), since his personal, real experience brings much more benefit than any verbal descriptions.


The sense of touch plays a huge role in the process of introducing a blind child to surrounding objects. Hands replace vision for a blind person; with their help, he gets an idea of ​​certain objects. When teaching a blind child the sense of touch, you need to encourage his desire to use his hands to examine various objects and materials. At the same time, parents, of course, must understand that the baby himself will not become interested in many things until he is told about them - after all, he simply does not see them! When showing a child something, adults should control his hands, placing theirs on them, and at the same time tell him what color the object is, what its shape is, what it serves and how to use it. It is necessary to teach the child to examine objects systematically, using both hands (one hand, for example, holds a dish, and the other finds a toy on the table and puts it in the dish). Naturally, the baby needs to be warned about the danger if he is going to touch something hot or very cold. Otherwise, frightened by an unexpected sensation, the child will become afraid to use his hands to “examine” the world around him. When teaching a child this or that movement, you should stand behind the child and do everything together with him. If you are opposite, the movement will be mirrored, and it will be difficult for the child to perceive it. In addition, adults should constantly tell the blind child about what they are doing at the moment and what is happening around them. Thus, they will form the prerequisites for establishing meaningful verbal contact with the child.

Auditory images of the objective world enable children with profound visual impairments to respond to stimuli, relate them to objects and organize their behavior in accordance with this. When talking to a child, you need to call him by name, be sure to warn him before any unexpected manifestation. For example, before touching the baby with your hand. Otherwise, he may feel unpleasant or afraid. Using the capabilities of auditory perception, a blind child can be taught grasping movements. In order to grab a sounding object, such a baby needs to acoustically localize its target. True, with the help of hearing he cannot control the trajectory of the movement of his hands towards this goal. Blind children, before adapting the position of their hands to the size and shape of an object, must first explore it tactilely (by touch). But in the end, the child must understand that this or that object exists, although it cannot be touched and does not make sounds. Parents need to teach their child to determine by ear where the toy fell, or to find missing objects by touch. To do this, the child needs to be given the opportunity to find his things that have fallen on the floor, telling him exactly where they are. If something in the house has been moved to another place, the child must be informed about this.

Music helps too

The importance of musical images in raising a blind child, and especially their influence on the development of brain functions, is difficult to overestimate. Therefore, from the very beginning, parents should encourage their blind child to take vocal and music lessons. Already in infancy, short (5-15 minutes) daily “sessions” should be arranged for the baby, unobtrusively introducing him to rhythmic, quiet music with a beautiful melody. At the same time, you can slightly rock the baby in your arms or help him jump (and preferably, intone - singing along). It is important, however, that after such musical “five minutes” the child does not remain in silence and isolation, but in an atmosphere of natural everyday sounds - the mother’s voice, her steps around the apartment, the screams of children on the street, the noise of trams or a kettle boiling on the stove, etc. etc., thereby adapting to the world around him.

Together with everyone It is important that the child constantly participates in the daily activities of the family. This will help him get an idea of ​​how, when and how certain events occur, and later he will begin to reproduce them in his games, gradually mastering certain everyday skills. At the same time, adults should allow the child to act independently, creating a safe environment for him and ensuring good control. Things in the house should be kept in strictly defined places that the child should know about. Then he can be allowed to independently collect them in the apartment and return them to their place. Of course, the baby is unlikely to be able to cope well with the assignments right away. But adults should definitely praise him for any manifestation of independence. And all the flaws can be corrected later. The development of independence from adults is also facilitated by the practice that a child should have “his own task” in the family, corresponding to his age and stage of development. This increases the child’s self-esteem, and he has a desire to cope with more complex tasks. Naturally, before providing a certain independence to a blind child, parents must provide him with safe and comfortable conditions in the house - make electrical appliances, medicines, open windows, vents and balconies, sources inaccessible to the child. high temperature etc. But the most important thing is to help the baby develop a sense of foreseeing personal danger. This feeling will be useful to the child later, when the time comes to leave the confines of his home.

Attention to physical development

The lag of a blind or visually impaired child in motor development also affects his play activity. Such children may retain primitive, monotonously repeated actions with objects for a long time. The reason for the appearance of these obsessive movements is that the baby simply does not know how to occupy himself with something more interesting. However, this manifestation of monotony and limitation can be prevented if the child is involved in interesting game. Physical exercise is known to play an important role in the formation of a proper physique and the development of the motor sphere. Therefore, a child with profound visual impairment needs health-improving gymnastics from the first weeks of life. The set of exercises is built taking into account children's physiology and anatomy on the basis of the age-related physical and intellectual capabilities of such a child. For blind toddlers, gymnastics is recommended game form, consisting of exercises that are aimed at developing the vestibular apparatus, muscular system and tactile sensitivity. The child can do them with his mother or with a teacher. It is very useful to conduct classes to quiet, rhythmic music, synchronizing your movements to the beat with it. To develop the muscles of the hands and fingers (fine motor skills), you can use everyday situations (when a child fastens buttons, examines a new toy, etc.).

Self-service skills The ability to serve oneself without outside help is the main thing a blind child needs to learn. This is the first and most basic step towards full adaptation in society. And parents should pay attention to this aspect special attention. The main technique on which training is based is to control the child’s hands by placing your own on them. Moreover, when performing this or that action together with the baby, the adult must tell the baby in detail what, why and how he is doing it. However, even the most diligent and patient parents will not be able to teach a child absolutely everything. The child should receive a wide variety of impressions and skills by communicating with sighted peers. It is precisely such relationships that contribute to his natural adaptation, help to form a sense of purpose and foster independence.

Kindergarten. Education. Work Blind and visually impaired children can attend special preschool institutions, where certain pedagogical methods are provided for them. Teachers conduct special classes with them - for example, they organize dynamic games and exercises accompanied by music and singing, which simultaneously develop hearing, speech, touch, the vestibular system, coordination of the muscles of the arms, legs and back, and also promote the development of fine motor skills (for example, modeling classes from plasticine). In addition, special books with three-dimensional (convex) letters, numbers and illustrations from the world of sculpture, architecture, sports, technology, fauna and flora, as well as talking toys, are intended for children with profound visual pathologies. Of course, progress in learning may not be as obvious as we would like. Especially if we are talking about a blind, extremely premature baby, whose neurophysiological functions of the central nervous system (primarily the brain) do not fully correspond to his age. But even in this case, the efforts will not be in vain and will be rewarded later. There is always reason to hope that with age the situation will more or less normalize.

Teenagers who have successfully completed boarding schools for the blind and visually impaired (with high level intellectual test), can graduate from the appropriate universities and become lawyers, historians, musicians, even computer programmers(on machines equipped with a braille keyboard and speech synthesizer). Also, blind and visually impaired people can work in the system of educational and production enterprises of the All-Russian Society of the Blind, depending on the degree of vision preservation, as assemblers of electrical fittings and plastic products, as well as cardboard makers - subject to prior on-the-job training. In addition, blind people also cope well with the duties of a telephone secretary, massage therapist, vegetable grower, etc. In a word, people with profound visual impairments have a lot of opportunities for full socialization. The main thing is not to give up and not give in to the disease, no matter how threatening it may seem. The role of the visual analyzer in the mental development of a child is great and unique. Violation of his activity causes the child significant difficulties in understanding the surrounding reality, narrows social contacts, limits his orientation, and the ability to engage in many types of activities.

Prevention of visual impairment in children Prevention of visual impairment is one of the most important tasks for parents in modern world. And the sooner you start this prevention, the more likely it is that your child’s vision will be sharp for as long as possible!

To prevent children from having vision problems, it is enough to follow a few simple recommendations: 1. To prevent stress at school and an abundance of homework from ruining the health of your child’s eyes, try to ensure that these loads are dosed. For example, a child reads something or writes for 15-20 minutes, after which he looks into the distance (for example, out a window) for 5-10 minutes. Thus, working at close range is combined with looking into the distance, which trains vision well in children and adults. 2. To preserve vision, fresh air is absolutely necessary, which the child must receive constantly. The child should spend at least 1.5-2 hours a day outside. Moreover, all this time he should not sit on a bench with a book, but rather walk, run, and move more.

3. Make sure that the lighting of the student’s workplace is of high quality, because the prevention of visual impairment in children is impossible without meeting this condition. The brightness from the lamp should be distributed evenly across the table, and the brightness of the table lighting and the brightness of the room lighting should not differ greatly (that is, writing or reading at a table by lamplight in a dark room is not best idea). But also make sure that the light does not blind the child’s eyes. The optimal source of artificial light is a fluorescent lamp, and in general the lighting should be distributed as follows: 10-15 watts per 1 sq.m. rooms, 40-60 watts per 1 sq.m. above the desk. But, nevertheless, the best lighting for preparing homework and preventing visual impairment in children is daylight falling from the window.

4. In consultation with the doctor, give your child vitamins and medications to strengthen vision: vitamins A, C, B vitamins, a preparation with blueberry or cranberry extract. In addition, to prevent visual impairment in children, it is useful to eat orange-colored vegetables and fruits, leafy greens, and drink vitamin teas (from rose hips, rowan, black currant, viburnum, sea buckthorn). 5. Limit your children's time watching TV and working on the computer. It is generally contraindicated for children under 2 years old to watch TV, and younger schoolchildren You are allowed to spend no more than 2 hours a day in front of the TV - and even then, at a safe distance of about 2-3 meters. As for the computer, younger schoolchildren can sit in front of the monitor for an hour a day, and children 10-13 years old - up to 2 hours. And, of course, you need to take breaks - just like in the first point.

6. Provide your child with adequate nutrition - after all, vision depends on the functioning of the corresponding parts of the brain, and the brain cannot function normally without normal nutrition. To prevent visual impairment in children, it is necessary to eat meat, fish, eggs, butter, nuts and drink plenty of water. 7. Make sure that your child does not rub his eyes with dirty hands and always wears sunglasses when going outside in the summer. This way you will protect your baby from infections, inflammation and eye damage due to adverse environmental influences.

The best prevention of visual impairment in children is special eye exercises. Exercise No. 1 Invite your baby to “shoot with his eyes”, moving them horizontally. First you need to look to the left, count to 5, and then look to the right and also count to 5, and then look forward and close your eyes. Repeat 3-4 times. Exercise No. 2 Now let the child move his eyes vertically: up and down - also counting to five. The exercise ends in the same way - look forward and close your eyes. Repeat 3-4 times. Exercise No. 3 Invite your child to try “squinting his eyes” like a bunny. Have him look at the tip of his nose with both eyes and, after counting to 20, close his eyes to rest. Repeat 3-4 times.

Exercise No. 4 There is another good exercise for the prevention of visual impairment in children. Squeeze your eyes very, very tightly together with your child, and then suddenly open your eyes wide. Repeat 3-4 times. Exercise No. 5 And, finally, blink your eyes quickly, quickly, counting to 30. After that, rest, closing your eyes. Repeat also 3-4 times.

Literature used 1. Dictionary reference book for parents with children with disabilities. / Ed. L.G. Guslyakova, S.G. Chudova 2. Article by ophthalmologist I.B. Medvedev. from Internet resources 3. Internet resources website www.budzdorov-kaluga.ru

Blind child Blind children are children who completely lack visual sensations or have light perception or residual vision. There are different degrees of vision loss: absolute (total) blindness in both eyes, in which light perception and color discrimination are completely lost; practical blindness, in which either light perception or residual vision is preserved, allowing to a certain extent to perceive light, colors, contours and silhouettes of objects.

A school for blind children forms a materialistic worldview in students, equips them with knowledge in the amount curriculum mass school, provides polytechnic vocational training in accessible blind specialties, prepares them for active participation in social, political and labor activities. Raised font is used to teach reading and writing. During school, blind children fully develop their physical and mental abilities. The center of all educational work is the labor education of students. Children engage in a wide variety of practical activities that are of social benefit. Along with this, they are taught the necessary skills for self-service and feasible household work. Schools for blind children

The comprehensive development of students is achieved through mastering the basics of science in close connection with socially useful work, as well as through the implementation of the entire system of educational work. For blind children with individual developmental disabilities, a system of correctional and educational measures is provided to correct deficiencies in physical development, speech, spatial orientation, etc. During school, blind children receive polytechnic and vocational training. The main methods of teaching them are verbal (story, conversation, lecture), combined with direct observation and active activity of children. Practical and laboratory work is carried out in physics, mathematics, biology, geography, drawing, and excursions to nature are organized.

Technologies do not stand still, but the good news is not only this, but also the fact that they do not bypass people who are partially or completely blind. And even though most often these are just concepts, they are better than nothing, and besides, many of them sooner or later become reality. Next, we will look at technologies that already exist or are in development. New technologies for the blind

Monitor for the blind Engineers at Soon Yun Kwan University in Korea, together with researchers from the University of Nevada, designed and created a prototype of a flexible tactile display. The technology could replace standard Braille displays, reading devices for the blind that convey information through the tactile sensations of the skin. The new product is based on a group of organic transistors on a flexible substrate that control skin stimulation through special polymer points. This simple stimulation mechanism, which does not require complex electronics, is one of the greatest advantages of a flexible tactile display over other similar devices. In the future, using such displays, it is planned to create two types of reading devices for the blind: glove type and thimble type. A flexible tactile display will open up new opportunities for the development of technologies that allow blind people to receive text information about the world around us.

Mobile B-Touch phone for the blind Designer Zhenwei You presented his own vision mobile phone for the blind. Its B-Touch product builds on the successful iPhone concept with the addition of several important features. For example, here it is used special screen with braille support and voice system management. The device can perform the functions of a regular cell phone, electronic reader and navigation assistant. WITH using B-Touch you can even recognize objects.

Laser sensor The Siemens laser sensor scans the entire area within its field of view 25 times per second. This information is then converted into stereo sound, supplied to the owner of the device through headphones. The horizontal location of obstacles is conveyed by a sound shift to the right or left, and approaching an obstacle is reflected by an increase in the tone of the signal or its volume (options are possible here the best choice still to be determined).

The device is a helmet on which two video cameras are attached, generating a stereo image. Researchers from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bristol have developed a powerful real-time image processing algorithm that can recognize objects and obstacles such as trees, bus stops and park benches. vehicles, and, of course, passers-by. The device was tested indoors and outdoors. In the latter case, the test route was 500 meters long and included obstacles such as poles, trees, a magazine stand and benches. Each subject had to go through this route only once without preparation, and then the scientists counted the number of collisions and errors in order to evaluate the capabilities of the device

TV for the blind Sony has introduced a new device that can work as personal computer and television for the blind. The new product is called SandBox PC and runs on operating system Zen, which allows you to control the surface of the device by displaying text in Braille. Sandbox can also output relief images that blind people can feel. The device is made in the tablet PC form factor. The new SandBox PC so far exists only in concept form and is part of the British government's program to help the blind. This program already obliges television studios to provide audio commentaries for the blind and visually impaired.

Camera for the blind The camera for the blind is called Touch Sight. It doesn't have an LCD monitor, but it does have a Braille panel that displays the pictures you take in 3D relief. When you release the shutter and take a photo, it sort of “bleeds through” the panel and you can feel it. For people who know Braille, it will not be difficult to “view” such a relief photograph.

In addition, after each photo, the camera automatically records a three-second audio recording so that the photographer can somehow mark the shot with his voice. The result is a photograph that can be felt and heard—in other words, that engages senses other than sight. Otherwise, this is a typical camera, although somewhat unusual in appearance. While Touch Sight has not yet reached mass production, the idea itself looks promising.

EBook This E-Book was designed by a quartet of Korean designers and uses electroactive polymers that can change shape in response to electrical stimulation. Thus, when you turn the page, the surface will change each time, forming new text (in Braille).

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Visually impaired children Completed by: Primary school teacher: Smekhova E. A. MBOU Mezhdurechenskaya Secondary School

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BORN BLIND children are children with congenital total blindness or who become blind before the age of three. They do not have visual ideas, and the entire process of mental development is carried out in conditions of complete loss of the visual system.

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BLIND Children with a complete absence of visual sensations or preserved light perception, or residual vision (maximum visual acuity of 0.04 on the better seeing eye using conventional means correction - glasses).

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VISUALLY POOR In the visually impaired, despite the impairment (from 0.05 to 0.2), vision remains the main means of perception and, accordingly, other analyzers do not replace the visual one, as in the blind, and it remains leading in the educational process. However, when visual work occurs, rapid fatigue occurs, as a result of which physical and mental performance decreases.

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Psychological and pedagogical characteristics Children with visual impairments learn about the world to a greater extent through hearing and touch. As a result of this, they form a different idea of ​​the world than sighted people, and sensory images have a different quality and structure. For example, blind children recognize a car or a nightingale not by external qualities, but by sound. This is why it is so important to draw children's attention to a variety of sounds. A decrease in visual acuity not only limits the process of cognition of the surrounding world, but also affects the development of speech, memory, and imagination. Sometimes visually impaired or blind children misunderstand words because they poorly relate them to real objects. In this case, they cannot do without qualified speech therapy help. It is undoubtedly important for such children to communicate with peers and adults. The teacher needs to know how to create learning conditions for them in which children with these disabilities will feel comfortable, needed, and not rejected.

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Since the view of reality is narrowed, slowed down, and inaccurate, the visually impaired have limited and distorted ideas. Memorization processes and mental operations are slowed down. Orientation in space is difficult. Many visually impaired people have impaired color perception. Characterized by irritability, isolation, and negativism. However, subject to adequate and timely corrective-compensatory training, the sensory level of ideas about the sound world in children with visual impairments is close to the level of children with normal vision.

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Cognitive activity When studying in a public school, visually impaired children experience certain difficulties due to blurred and slow perception. They do not see what is written on the board, images on tables and diagrams. Problems arise in recognizing the characteristic external features of objects, distinguishing between lines that are similar in the writing of letters and numbers. The consequence of this is problems in mastering reading and counting. The most appropriate education for the visually impaired is in specialized schools, since they use appropriate teaching methods and techniques, as well as special technical means, for example, increased illumination, textbooks with large print.

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Children experience difficulties in play activities and learning at school, however, with adequate corrective education, in eleven years they can master a complete secondary education and obtain a specialty, for example, a massage therapist or radio and electrical engineer.

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Development of intelligence, speech, attention, perception, memory. Speech, attention, and memory develop within normal limits. There is a lag in the development of imaginative thinking. Logical thinking develops normally. It is with great difficulty that the correct relationship between abstract knowledge and concrete ideas is formed. Abstract ideas are easier to assimilate than concrete ones. The normal mental activity of children born blind and deaf is based on auditory, motor, skin and other analyzers. On their basis, voluntary attention, thinking, speech, recreating imagination, logical memory, which are leading in the compensation process.

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Emotional-volitional sphere Blind and visually impaired people experience and show the same emotions and feelings as sighted people. Although the degree and level of their development may be somewhat different. However, a severe emotional state often arises due to the understanding of one’s difference from “normally sighted” peers; it arises at the age of 4–5 years. Those who have recently lost their sight are also characterized by reduced self-esteem, low levels of aspirations, and pronounced depressive components of behavior.