Deleting a mail account. Deleting email mail. How to permanently delete an email account

Good afternoon, dear site visitors website. Today we will talk about how to delete mail on a website. as the common people write I hope this article will help you solve the problem.

Currently mail server is one of the most popular in the Runet. In addition to e-mail services, this site has become one of the leading news and entertainment portals. Despite its ever-growing popularity, some users need to not only open their mailbox, but also get rid of it.

As it turned out, for most users, deleting mail on the server turned out to be much more difficult than opening it (in principle, the same as with). In fact, this is not difficult to do at all.

The main stages of deleting mail

In order to delete your mailbox, you need two things:

  1. Any device connected to the Internet, computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.
  2. You need to remember your login and password for the mailbox in order to log in to the system. If you forgot your password, don’t despair, you can try to recover it through the password recovery and access service, answering the prompts that your email client will give.

The deletion process is carried out through the mail settings or through the help tab, where you can contact the server administration. The “Help” and “Settings” buttons are always located in the right corner at the bottom of the mail window.

The easiest way is to use the “Help” button, by clicking on which another window will open for you, where there will be a list of the main questions asked by users, system support site. Approximately in the middle of the list of questions will be the one we are looking for, “How to delete unnecessary mail.”

After clicking on this question, you will be asked to use a special interface. This interface, after entering the password and the reason why the user is deleting his mailbox, gives the option to permanently delete the mailbox. Information about the reason for deleting the box is needed by developers and site operators in order to improve the resource as much as possible based on the needs and wishes of users.

It is worth noting that in addition to the box, the user removes the weight of the options associated with it from, in particular “ My world», « Mail answers", registration accounts in online games etc. Remember that it will be possible to restore a mailbox after deletion only within 3 months. After this period, the mail cannot be restored and all material that was associated with it will be lost forever.

Alternative method to delete Mail mailbox

There is another very simple method permanently delete mail account in the Maila system, to do this, simply not logging into your mail for a long time. The system automatically cleans inactive mailboxes so as not to overload the server for anyone the right material. Despite the simplicity of this method, you should not resort to it, since in cases automatic deletion It will no longer be possible to restore the mailing address.

In this lesson I will show you how to delete your mail on forever. It will be erased with all letters and settings. Also, the Cloud, My World and other services will close along with it.

Instructions for deleting Mail mail

You can completely remove your mail on Mail from the Internet. To do this, you need to delete your account on the website. Then the mailbox will be blocked and letters will no longer be sent to it. All settings will also be erased and all site services will be deleted: Cloud, My World and others.

Right now I will show you how to delete mail from your computer. From the phone this is done in approximately the same way, which I will talk about later.

Note: if given address email you used to register on other sites (for example, Skype), you may have problems accessing them.

1 . We go into the box that needs to be destroyed, and at the top of it click on the “More” item. Select “Help” from the list.

2. Opens new inset, where in the “Registration and Login” section (below) click on the item “How to delete a mailbox”.

4 . Another tab opens with a warning that everything else will be erased along with the mail. Click “Delete”.

6. The box is locked and all contents are erased. Now you can close all tabs and forget about this address.

If someone sends a letter to it, it will not be delivered and the sender will receive a notification about it.

How to erase a mailbox from your phone

1 . In your smartphone's browser (Internet program), go to the website

2. Sign in to your mailbox. To do this, click on the “Mail” inscription, type your login/password and click “Login”.

If the “Mail Application” window pops up, click “No, thanks.”

4 . Type any reason for deletion, enter the password for the mailbox, the code from the picture and click “Delete”.

A message will appear that the email has been destroyed. That's all! Now you can close the tab - the mail is already blocked.

How to delete an application

Android: Settings - Applications (Programs) - Mail - Delete.

iPhone: Touch and hold the app icon until a cross appears. Then click on the cross and select "Delete".

How to delete email if you forgot your password

It happens that you need to destroy a mailbox from which you do not remember the login information - login and password. In this case, you first need to try to restore access to your profile.

The first thing you need to know is the exact mail address. After all, the address can either end with or with other endings:, or And these will be different boxes Maila.

In addition, if you mix up just one letter or number in the name before the @ sign, it will also be a different mailbox - not yours.

Example of an email address

And the second thing you need to know is the exact password. It consists exclusively of English letters; numbers may be used. The size of the letters (large or small) also matters.

Without a password, you cannot delete your page on Mail, so you will need to recover it first. To do this, in the login window on the site, click “Forgot your password?” and follow the instructions.

Read more about restoring access in the lesson “My mail".

What to do if you can’t restore the box? Then you just need to wait: when the address is not used for more than six months, the administration has the right to destroy it.

If you haven't used the mailbox in a while and can't log into it, it's probably already deleted.

It's easy to check: send a letter to your old mail. If a notification will come about an undelivered message, which means the mailbox is closed. It simply no longer exists in the system.

Or you can try to register this address. If such a username is available, then the mailbox has been automatically deleted.

Is it possible to restore mail?

You can only return the box within three months after it was closed. But everything that was in it will be irretrievably destroyed. Restore deleted emails and files are not allowed.

To restore deleted mail, you just need to open the website and indicate in the login window correct address and password.

The box will open without any problems on the part of the system (you won’t even need confirmation), but it will be empty.

Alternative to deletion

Deleting mail is a very important step. After all, all letters and services are immediately erased along with it. This is not always suitable, and now I will tell you about more gentle ways to deal with your address.

Exit from the box

Sometimes a person just needs to close the box specific device. For example, you went to your personal mail on your work computer. And now every time you log into the website, the mailbox opens automatically.

To prevent this from happening, you just need to log out of your account. Then the mail will remain in the system, but this computer it will no longer load automatically.

To log out of your mail on your computer, open the website and in the login form, click on the door icon.

Forwarding letters

It often happens that a person has not used mail on Mile for a long time: he has a different address on another site. But before he left his old box different people. And I don’t really want to delete it in case one of them writes.

Or it happens that you don’t want to delete mail on, because all sorts of things are attached to it necessary services. For example, Skype is registered, page in social network or a profile on a dating site. And if you close your mailbox, you may lose access to these services.

In this case, instead of deleting, it is better to set up email forwarding. Then when a message arrives at old address it will be redirected to the new one. And it doesn’t matter which site new address: on Yandex, Google ( or some other.

1 . We go to the mailbox on, from which we need to redirect letters. Click on its address in the upper right corner. From the list, select “Mail Settings”.

3. Click on the “Add forwarding” button.

4 . Specify the address to which letters should be forwarded and click “Save”.

6. After this, the transfer is added, but for it to start working, it needs to be confirmed. To do this, click on the appropriate link and follow the instructions.

If everything is done correctly, the “Confirmed” mark will appear in the “Filtering Rules”. But besides this, you will also need to set the switch to “ON” - just click on it.

That's all! Now all letters will be automatically redirected to another address. If desired, this setting can be turned off at any time.

If you do not receive a confirmation email, check your Spam folder. For me, for example, it ended up exactly there.


If you decide to leave Mail because of what you receive in the mail unwanted emails(spam), then this can be solved through filtering. Simply mark those messages that you would not like to receive, click on the “More” button and select “Create a filter” from the list.

Or you can even select the “Delete forever” option. The main thing is not to forget to save the settings and check that this filter is marked “ON”.


  • To close a mailbox, you need to know its exact address and password. This data can be recovered. Or you can just wait - in six months the post office will most likely close on its own.
  • In addition to deleting, there are other ways to get rid of the mailbox: forwarding letters, filtering. And if you just need to remove it from someone else’s computer, click on “exit” in the right top corner site.
  • Return remote box possible, but only within three months after its closure. After 90 days it will be completely erased, beyond the possibility of recovery.

There can be a great many reasons for deleting an account on And they can also be connected with a wide variety of both life and technical circumstances.

Someone, for example, at one fine moment of his life realized that he wanted to be away from the seething information flow online - from accounts in chats, social networks, email services and everything else inherent in Internet existence. Other comrades, it must be said, are especially enterprising and advanced, looking at their accounts, they begin to get annoyed by their unjustified abundance. In other words, their eyes are dazzled by a fair amount of profiles. And there are also users who passionately want to “encrypt themselves,” to hide out of sight from other users in order to appear again before them, but in a different image. Under a different nickname, first name, last name and with a different avatar...

But no matter how great the variety of motives for deleting a profile on - from the most justified to the most ridiculous - their outcome is the same. This is all to say, dear reader, that since you have decided to delete your email, then so be it.

Account deleting

Follow these instructions and your plans will come true:

1.Open the main page of the web portal - in your browser.

2. Enter the username and password for the email account that you are planning to part with forever.

3. Click the “Login” button.

4. In a new tab, go to the address -

5. On the page that opens, click the “Delete” button.

6. Indicate the reason why you decided to get rid of your account.

7. Enter your login password again. Reprint character code from picture. And click the “Delete” button again.

8. That's it! You can wave your hand at Mail on Mail. At least in the literal, at least in the figurative sense of the word.

How to restore my profile?

The procedure for restoring mail is even simpler than deleting it:

1. If you are struck by a thought like “Oh, why am I doing this!” immediately after clicking the “Delete” button, then right there, on the same page, you can safely click the “Restore mailbox” button that appears.

Deleting emails

Are you overwhelmed by the abundance of correspondence in your inbox? And that's why you decided to destroy it? Come on, there is no need to resort to such radical measures. Clear all inboxes at once - and that’s the end of the matter.

This simple operation is performed like this:

1. Go to the "Inbox" section.

2. B top panel Click the box to select all received emails. Click "Delete". If there are a lot of messages, perform this operation on following pages so that not a single message remains.

3. Go to the “Trash” section and empty it in the same way.

Good luck with your task! And, in fact, farewell to your account on

Remember the words from the song “Take My Heart” by the group “Aria”? “I have nowhere to go... I destroyed my world...”, etc. Well, if you are in such a mood, or almost like this (in general, sad), when you open your personal page in “My World” on the website. And, in fact, no other desire arises than to remove it, but you don’t know which button to press to perform this operation, then this article will help you.

From it you will learn about how to delete your account in “My World”, how to restore it, how to get rid of various problems(which, in particular, is why sometimes you want to delete it). So let's get started. First things first.

Deleting a profile

2. In the “My World” profile, in the upper right corner of the page, click on the arrow next to your login.

3. In the panel that appears, select “Settings”.

4. To completely remove your page from the service, in the “My Settings” section, click the “Delete your World” button.

5. Check the boxes next to all the items in the “I want to delete...” list. Thus, you agree to the deletion of your personal profile, all content (photos, videos, music) available on the page, friends (their contact information), interest groups you belonged to. Also note “I thought... and made... a decision.”

6. Click “Delete your World” again.

After completing this procedure, the message “Your world is blocked...” will appear.

How can I restore my profile?

Return account to in the same form(in which you left it) is possible only within 48 hours (two days) from the moment of its deletion.

2. Under the text of the message about profile blocking, click the “Cancel world deletion” button.

3. Opens new page“Cancel world deletion...” Hooray! Now you can use the social network again.

Don’t rush to delete “My World” if...

Your photos are evaluated by spam bots (profiles with indecent pictures and fictitious names), they bother you individual users(they send advertisements, unnecessary, offensive messages in PM, guest book, mailbox...), you are “attacked” with invitations to various groups... etc.

All these troubles are not a reason to be upset and delete your account. You can easily get rid of them using special settings.

Access limitation

1. Log in to the service. Go to the “My Settings” section (see points No. 1 and No. 2 of the previous instructions).

2. Click the “Access” tab. In the options “... can watch”, “guest book... can write”, “dialogue... can start”, set the value to “only friends” with a mouse click.

3. Uncheck the “allow…” boxes in the “Photo settings...” block.

Blocking a user

If a specific user is bothering you on, do the following:
1. Go to his page, copy to address bar browser link to his profile.

2. Open your account settings.

3. On the “Black List” tab, in the first field “1” of the “Black List” block, paste the copied address of the “harassing user” (or bot).

4. Click the “Add” button.

Now the owner of this profile will no longer be able to visit your page, send a message, or rate a photo.

The blocking on the same tab (Black list) is removed. Click the “Delete” button under the user’s profile.

Disabling integration with other sites

1. On the “My Settings” page, click the “Sites” tab.

2. In the linked site field, click “Delete”.

Adding email to spam filter

If you regularly receive advertising mailing from the same postal address, in the “Mail” section, check the box next to this message, and then click the “Spam” button in the top panel. After completing this setting, sending with specified email will be automatically sent to the Spam folder.

Enjoy your stay on the World Wide Web!

The beauty of a virtual mailbox is that you can modify it, decorate it, delete it, and generally do whatever you want with it; many times and every day. But in real life, with a locked tin box where newspapers are stored, you cannot take such liberties. Unless of course you are a hooligan...

Well, what about Is it possible to do something with her? Quite. At least, deleting a page on this site and creating a new one is not difficult at all. Very simple. Each user has the right to a new mailbox and a new mail service! Or even the absence of such in your life - if you have no one to write to. Although this is unlikely.

But, be that as it may, the first thing you need to do is delete your page. Execute the following instructions to cope with this task quickly and without unnecessary nerves.

Procedure for deleting a page on

1. Log into your account. In the lower right part of the service web page, find the menu: “Themes”, “Settings...”. It is located under “Mail.Ru Agent”.

2. Click on the “Help” section in it.

3. TOP14 “Mail - frequently asked questions...” will appear on the display (in its central part).

Attention! If you click on another TOP - for example, “My world - frequent ...” - under the list popular questions in the “Help for other projects” section, follow the “Mail” link.

4. Hover over the eleventh question of the TOP “How to delete a mailbox...” and click left button mice.

5. Familiarize yourself brief instructions how to delete your page. And then click on the phrase “special interface” located in its text (it is underlined and highlighted in color).

6. A new page will open in the browser with a list of your services on Mile that will be deleted, including their description, content and links to them. Fill out the fields located just below the text:

  • in “Please enter a reason” - succinctly explain why you no longer want to see your personal page on the server (you don’t have to go into user revelations!);
  • V " Current Password"- enter the password for your account (which you are going to delete);
  • In “Specify code” - enter the letters and numbers shown in the picture. This way you will prove postal service that you are a human and not some bot. And accordingly, the desire to delete your account comes from you.

7. When finished filling out the fields, click the “Delete” button (bottom right).

8. And again will ask you to confirm your intentions. If you don’t want to use the page, click “Yes” in the window that opens.

How to restore a page on

They didn’t order it to be removed, they ordered it to be restored, that is, to have mercy! After completing the deletion procedure, the account will not immediately disappear from the server and will remain in your control for some time. So you will 100% have no reason to be sad about what is irretrievably lost. Whether the need arises or the fog of nostalgia envelops you, open, enter your username and password, and you will be happy.

Well, or some part of the happiness that the account brought. The thing is that after deletion, the box and the “My World” page remain, but unfortunately, the photos, videos and audio tracks that you uploaded to the site do not. In case of urgent need, they will have to be “uploaded” to the server again. Alas!

However, this is not the saddest thing that could happen to personal page at the moment of her “rebirth”. The main thing is that it exists.

Accept the whims of the Internet humbly, and mailboxes be oblivious. They are virtual, digital. It's only the beginning…