Correct spelling of email address. What is email and what is it for?

Hello friends. Friday evening, time to relax and chat with friends. I'm at home, finishing up work on a new article for my beloved readers. No, this time it’s not about all sorts of things, etc., which I love to tell you so much :)

Today I want to tell you the life story of my fellow countryman, Fedor Andreevich Makhnov. At one time he was known all over the world, but now he is almost forgotten. This year he would have turned 135 years old. Weighing 182 kilograms, his height was... 285 centimeters!

Fedor Andreevich Makhnov, a native of the small village of Kostyuki near Vitebsk, was born on June 6, 1878.

The boy was the first-born in an ordinary peasant family. His parents were tall people, but they were not considered giants. Due to the fact that the newborn was too large, his mother could not endure the difficult birth and died. The little orphan was taken to be raised by his grandparents

At first, Fedor practically did not stand out among his peers, but by the age of eight he began to grow very quickly. Despite the fact that he slept a lot during this period (almost for days on end), Fedya grew up to be a very strong boy.

At the age of 10, the father took the grown boy to live with him. Helping his father with housework, Fedya became stronger and more tempered. Large beyond his age, he could easily pull a peasant cart loaded with hay up a mountain or lift an adult man on a dare. Neighbors often used his abilities to build houses, where he helped lift logs.

The local landowner Korzhenevsky, having learned about the abilities of the young strongman, hired him to clear the nearby Zaronovka River from boulders that were interfering with the work of the water mill. Long work in very cold water played a very unfavorable role in Fedor’s life. He caught a cold, and the illnesses that followed subsequently made themselves felt for the rest of Makhnov’s life.

By the age of 14, the 2-meter young man could no longer fit into the house. Because of this, my father had to build up the walls by several crowns. A local blacksmith was ordered to make a custom bed, but he, overloaded with work, spent the whole summer making it. In the end it turned out that Fedya had outgrown this bed.

Tales are still told about the growth of the guy in Kostyuki. They say that children hid in his felt boots, and he pacified his few offenders by stuffing their hats under the logs of the bathhouses or laying them on the ridges of the roofs.

Dressing and putting shoes on a tall guy was problematic. Everything was made to special order. They had to earn money for clothes in Vitebsk at the Polotsk Bazaar. It was there that the unusual teenager was noticed by the German Otto Bilinder, who owned a traveling circus. Being a business man, he quickly realized the prospects of this man in his troupe, and persuaded his father to let Fyodor go with the circus. Bilinder undertook to take on all the maintenance of the guy, and in addition promised that Fedor, with his data, would be able to earn good money and help his family.

It didn’t take long to persuade his father and the 14-year-old boy set off to conquer Europe with his abilities. Otto Bilinder took custody of Fedor. First, for the illiterate guy, he hired teachers to teach him German. Otto took over teaching circus art. Fedor’s training lasted almost two years. When he turned 16, a contract was signed with him to perform. This is how Fyodor Makhnov became a circus performer.

His performances focused on power moves. The more than two and a half meter tall giant bent iron horseshoes with one hand, broke bricks with a blow of his hand, twisted metal rods into a spiral, and then straightened them again. Particularly successful were the performances when he, lying on his back, raised a wooden platform with an orchestra of three musicians. In those days, Greco-Roman (classical) wrestling tournaments were very popular in circuses. Famous strongmen and world-class wrestlers took part in them, including Russian titans Zaikin and Poddubny. Fedor Makhnov also participated in similar tournaments. True, he did not become a great athlete due to the fact that the best world wrestlers always came up against him, and a chronic back disease did not allow him to fully demonstrate his talents. However, his mere appearance in the arena caused wild delight from the public.

Makhnov devoted nine years to working in the circus, after which he became a quite wealthy man. However, great growth also brought a lot of troubles to Fedor. It was difficult for him to travel, since all transport, hotels, catering establishments were calculated only for people standard sizes. Because of this, Fedor returned home to his native Kostyuki at the very beginning of the twentieth century. For the money he earned in circus performances, he bought his land and house from the landowner Korzhenevsky, who had left for France. Makhnov rebuilt the estate to suit his height, furnished it with suitable furniture and renamed it Velikanovo. All the necessary building materials and furniture were sent to him from Germany by Otto Bidinder, with whom Fedor maintained close friendly contacts until the end of his life.

Having settled in a new place, Makhnov decided to get married. And although he was very kind by nature, and not deprived of finances, they found a bride for him with great difficulty. She became Efrosinya Lebedeva, who worked as a rural teacher. She was a tall girl, but still inferior to her fiancé by almost a meter. In 1903, the first daughter Maria appeared in the family, and the next year their son Nikolai was born.

To top up family budget, from time to time Fedor went to various wrestling tournaments, performed in circuses, demonstrating his capabilities in various cities of the Russian Empire.

Such trips, along with some anthropological details of Gulliver of Vitebsk, were regularly covered by the press of that time. It was written, in particular, that Fedor weighs 182 kg, has 15-centimeter ears and 10-centimeter lips. The length of his palm was 32 cm, his feet – 51 cm. Makhnov’s height decreased slightly on weekdays and increased over the weekend.

The giant had four meals a day, but the portions were truly impressive. For example, breakfast consisted of 8 round loaves of bread with butter, 20 eggs and 2 liters of tea. Lunch included 1 kg of potatoes, 2.5 kg of meat and 3 liters of beer. Dinner consisted of 2.5 kg of meat, 3 loaves of bread, 2 liters of tea and a bowl of fruit. And before going to bed, he was given another 1 loaf of bread, 15 eggs and 1 liter of tea or milk.

In 1905, the Makhnov family went on a tour abroad. Traveling throughout Western Europe, they visited France, Great Britain, Belgium, Holland, and Italy. They were granted an audience by the Pope himself. According to family legend, he took off his gold cross and gave it to the giant's daughter. The Makhnov couple also visited the USA. To do this, however, it was necessary to remodel the ship's cabin.

During these trips there were some oddities. At receptions in palaces, Fyodor lit cigarettes from candles from the upper tiers of chandeliers, thereby extinguishing them.

In Paris, he had a clash with several townspeople. The arriving police wanted to put the giant behind bars, but not finding a suitable cell, they limited themselves to just a conversation.

During lunch at the German Chancellor's, a huge tea set was placed in front of Makhnov, but Fyodor did not appreciate such a “joke”, demanding that it be replaced with an ordinary mug.

But although the techniques are at their best high levels and were welcoming, it was difficult to travel around the world. First of all, the inappropriate size of transport, housing and restaurants had an impact. In addition, Makhnov began to besieged by various scientists who offered to conclude a contract for him to transfer his skeleton to them for study after death. Suspecting that they might kill him for this, Fyodor interrupted his foreign tour and returned to his home at Velikanov Khutor.

A long nomadic life undermined the already not very good health Makhnova. Chronic joint disease, acquired in childhood in the cold water of Zaronovka, has worsened. It became increasingly difficult to walk. Otto Bilinder tried to help Fedor by sending a heavyweight horse from Germany. Unfortunately, the animal sent did not solve the problem, since with its nearly three-meter height, the giant’s legs still dragged along the ground when he sat astride it. And although Fedor became very attached to the horse, on trips he preferred to take a troika as his main means of transportation.

Traveling abroad brought a lot of new things into Fyodor Makhnov’s economic life. He was perhaps the first in the area to use agricultural machinery, which he purchased in Germany and kindly sent by Bilinder. For some time he even bred horses.

Unfortunately, Fyodor Makhnov did not live long. In 1912, chronic illnesses finally undermined the giant’s health, and he died at the age of 34, having, however, before that managed to rejoice at the birth of three more of his children: daughter Masha (1911) and twin sons Rodion (Radimir) and Gabriel (Galyun) , born just six months before his death. The exact reason for the early departure of Makhnov’s life was never determined. Some documents say that he died from tuberculosis, others - from chronic pneumonia. The Vitebsk giant was buried in a local cemetery near the village of Kostyuki. The Russian Sport magazine published an obituary announcing his death.

The growth of Fyodor Makhnov, even after his death, continued to surprise everyone. The undertaker, thinking that there was an error in the order for the coffin and fence, did the job counting on ordinary person. When it turned out that he was mistaken, the coffin had to be urgently remade, but there was no time left to redo the fence, and it had to be abandoned.

On the surviving tombstone you can still read the inscription: “Fedor Andreevich Makhnov born - June 6, 1878 died. August 28, 1912 at the age of 36 The Biggest Man in the World was 3 arshins 9 vershoks in height.”

The story about Fyodor Makhnov can be supplemented by the fact that his height on the tombstone is indicated incorrectly. It was taken from the contract with Bilinder, signed by the giant at the age of 16. Since then, Fedor has grown another 30 cm.

The giant's wife subsequently wanted to correct the mistakes on the tombstone and redo the fence, but the first World War and the revolutionary events that followed prevented her from doing this.

In 1934, the remains of Makhnov in scientific purposes were exhumed and sent to the Minsk Medical Institute for study. During the war, the giant's skeleton was lost, like much else. Only the photograph and description made by Professor D.M. have survived. Dove.

Instead of a conclusion

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the tallest man in history whose height is known beyond doubt is Robert Wadlow, who lived in America at the beginning of the twentieth century. His height reached 272 centimeters.

But this confession is wrong! After all, Fyodor Andreevich Makhnov’s height is 285 centimeters. And he is the tallest man in the world in history. The growth was measured and officially recorded by the Warsaw anthropologist Luszan. In addition, the record growth of our compatriot was noted in the magazine “Science and Life” for 1970 and by the science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev in the story “The Island of Lost Ships.”

Fedor Andreevich Makhnov. Photos:

Our company checked the international promotion “Golden E-mail”, where you can allegedly get a cash prize of up to $5,000. After reading this review, you will understand why the promotion was actually created.

IN this moment golden email is located at 2 addresses:


What’s suspicious about the “Golden E-mail” promotion?

The creators of the site and spoke in detail about the action as follows. If you are on this site, it means your mailbox is on the list of winners. However, our email address is not disclosed. Below you can check the winning amount. We moved on to a survey consisting of 2 questions: how many years have we been using the box, and the second question is the name.

Then consultant Maria appeared, allegedly reporting about the action. It turns out that this competition is organized by the largest postal services. It was they who launched the international “Golden Email” campaign for residents of Russia and the CIS countries. At the same time, the names of these companies are missing, therefore, the meaning of the investment by the founders of the competition in such large sums, because any promotion is advertising!

At the bottom of the site you can see the address of the representative office in Moscow. Again, the company is not named. Why hide it? Details and email have been written –“ [email protected]" Tracking the location of the “company’s” representative office showed that the address is in a residential apartment.

How we tried to withdraw money

Checking the winnings showed that our prize amount was $2,750. We, of course, immediately proceeded to payment, but did not have too much hope for a successful outcome of the matter.

The system displayed a message stating the need to convert our dollars into rubles. The procedure turned out to be paid - 84 rubles. Why? We agree to withdraw in dollars! No, only in rubles, which is completely illogical, since the promotion is supposedly carried out for CIS countries that do not need rubles. You will find out below whether it is possible to take part in the international “Golden Email” campaign.

Having paid 84 rubles for supposedly converting currency, you will be forced to pay a number of other amounts:

  • Tax - 348 rubles;
  • Site commission - 635 rubles;
  • For double payment - 550 rubles;
  • Protection of your payment - 890 rubles;
  • For instant payment - 1150 rub.

Let's sum it up

The websites and and the international campaign “Golden E-mail” are a SCAM. If you believe in the prize, you will be robbed, leaving you with nothing. This is exactly how fraudulent sites work, attracting naive users who believe in easy money.

Friends, stop giving your money to criminals who steal millions of rubles. Start making money on the Internet yourself, without taking part in deception. Follow the link under this article to proven methods and work with InfoUniverse!

Today we'll talk about how to send email. You can send mail in several ways. Let's consider one of them.

Email has long been a way of correspondence between people. Ordinary letters in envelopes have faded into the background and will soon remain only in the memory of mankind. Mailboxes in global network used for instant messaging, email marketing and other mailings digital notifications, which is very convenient and fast compared to outdated methods delivery of information. For those who do not know how to send email from a computer, these instructions have been written.

Firstly, to send a digital letter You'll need email box , which needs to be “started” on the Internet. We have already talked about this, now let’s look at a specific example of its creation.


For example, you wanted to create a mailbox on the resource(very popular site). To do this, go to this site by entering address bar Your browser:

Next, follow the link “ Register your email" and start fill in the required fields. Enter your first name, last name and other requested information, then go to the “ Mailbox"and write what you want box name.

Try to come up with original name Your mailbox, as many names may already be taken. Remember the created name of your mailbox. Leave the end of your email with "».

Now come up with enter your password To this box and confirm it in the “ repeat password».

Advice: don't create too much simple passwords, like “111” or “qwerty”, since such protection is easy to bypass.

If you forget your password, that is, it is possible to restore it using a mobile phone, which must be indicated in the appropriate field during registration.

If you don’t want to leave your mobile phone number, then click the link “ I do not have a mobile phone": the system will prompt you to select Security Question and give an answer to it. Additional email it is not necessary to enter.

After filling out all forms click the button Register» . The system will ask you to enter a certain combination: this is done to confirm that you are not a software robot randomly creating mailboxes.

Enter these letters and numbers, then click the " Ready" Congratulations, you have just created your own mailbox, but you still don’t know how to send an email.


In order to send a digital letter to your friend, relative or work colleague, you will need his email address. For example, it looks like this: name or name and others. That is, first comes Name mailbox, for example, Billy Micro, what follows special character @ , which is popularly called “dog”, and after it it is written resource name , on which mail was registered.

Note: the created mailbox in this instruction looks like [email protected] (capital or small letters - it doesn't matter).

If you already have the email address of the person you want to send an email to, then click the button Write» in the newly created mailbox and enter the existing address in the “ To whom" Further write a topic of the sent letter in the field " Subject", and in the largest part of the window " New letter» can be dialed directly text of the letter.

If there is a need to send along with the text also additional file , for example, a photograph, then use the button “ Attach file l" and find on your computer disk the one you need to send digital document or a photo.

The last step when sending an email is to pressing the " Send» . The sending will occur, and a copy of the sent letter will fall into the “ Sent».

That's basically it. You've learned how to send email. Thus you can send any number of letters for free. Of course, there is no need to create a mailbox every time, just log into the “email” that you have already created.

To do this, go to the website and enter the name of the mailbox and the password for it in the appropriate fields, then click the button " To come in».

Nowadays, no one can do without email. Network communication has become widespread. Many issues - both business and personal - are resolved in this way. It's convenient, fast and doesn't require special effort. This method of information exchange is available to every user who has a computer and the Internet. Therefore, it is important to know what an email address is and how to write it correctly. Thanks to this service, you can quickly contact someone, send important documents, or simply chat with a person who is far from you.

We will tell you how to become the owner of a mailbox on the Internet

Electronic Mail (e-mail) services are used everywhere. Each organization or institution, along with other contacts, always has an email address. Any PC user should have it. Without it, you cannot register on websites, subscribe to mailing lists, or gain access to closed resources and forums. It is also needed for some programs to work.

This spread of email is due to the fact that services for sending messages are accessible and understandable to every person. They appeared a long time ago, but still remain relevant. Not needed for email powerful computer or fast internet. There are many different sites where you can register it. Everyone has a different interface and functionality, so there are options for every taste. If you don't like online services, install on your computer special utilities- mail clients.

The e-mail address is unique for each user. It's like a phone number or a zip code - no two are alike.

You can send messages of any length and add attachments to them: files, pictures, documents. Such a letter will be delivered instantly. Most email services have a huge range of text formatting tools. Various fonts, styles, colors, background insertion, and pictures are available. You can send the real one greeting card. And the recipient will see it on the same day.

What does an e-mail address consist of?

E-mail has a clear structure and is formed in a certain way. It consists of several elements. The elements themselves may vary, but they must be written in Latin letters. It is acceptable to use numbers, punctuation marks and some other symbols. This is the generally accepted standard. This is what the email address looks like: “login@domain”. Let's look at each part of the address in more detail.

The structure of an email address is not that complicated

  • Login (login). This is your username or "nickname". Unique identificator, by which the system for receiving and sending messages will calculate that this is your e-mail. You have to come up with it yourself. It can be anything, the main thing is that it does not coincide with a nickname that already exists in the mail service. When registering an email, a warning “This login is already taken” or something similar may appear. Then you need to come up with and write down another name. It is not necessary to change it completely - just add some numbers or symbols to it to make it unique.
  • Next comes the separator character “@”. It is called "Commercial at" or simply "Dog". On the keyboard it is located in the same place as the button with the number “2” (you can type it in English layout). This sign is required in all e-mails - it stands between the login and the domain. IN different countries it is called by different names. For example, in Finland it is “Cat” or “Cat’s tail”, in Italy it is “Snail”, in Bulgaria it is “Monkey”, in the USA it is simply “at”. On public Internet resources this symbol is sometimes replaced by "at" in parentheses. This is done so that the address does not end up in spambot databases. When sending messages, you must replace “at” with “@”.
  • Domen (domain). Service URL, on which the e-mail is registered. This can be a corporate or any free site (for example, or Many resources offer several domain options. You cannot invent it yourself - you can only choose it. Many organizations create their own domains, but this comes at a cost.

See how to write an email address at specific example: « [email protected]», « [email protected]».

How to register an email?

Several sites with the function of free e-mail registration:

  • Yandex
  • Gmail
  • Rambler

Viewing your inbox on Google is quite convenient

They're not just for composing email. Each of them has a huge range of informational, entertaining or simply useful services. To obtain a personal address, you must do the following:

  1. Go to the resource.
  2. There will be a button “Create an account”, “Register”, “Register email” or something similar.
  3. Fill in the fields. Usually you need to write your name, desired login, indicate a security question and answer to it, and set a password. If you don’t want to enter your real name, you can replace it with a nickname. But in an e-mail that is needed for work or some official business, it is better to write correct user data so that it is displayed in messages to your clients, colleagues and employers.
  4. It is advisable to make the password complex. Not related to login, name, date of birth or anything similar. So that it cannot be picked up.
  5. The login may consist of letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers or special characters. If you enter an invalid character, the system will warn you about it.
  6. Confirm your registration.

Dialogue for creating a mailbox in one of the systems

Large organizations register their own domains. It looks presentable. Serious companies prefer not to use free services e-mail.

If you don't know how to come up with an email address, try something like this:

  • Last name with initials or abbreviation full name. You can add numbers, dots, dashes, and underscores. Convenient for business communication. From the login it is immediately clear who it belongs to.
  • A nickname that you often use on the Internet. Those who know you by this nickname will be able to recognize your email at first glance.
  • In some services, the address is automatically generated from your name (if you specified it). The system will offer several logins to choose from. If one of them suits you, use it.
  • It's better to create a nickname that is easy to remember. You should not specify an incoherent set of letters or numbers if you intend to use the service in the future for communication or work.

How to send an email?

Do you want to send something by e-mail? It's very easy to do.

  1. Log in to your email site or launch your email client.
  2. Click the New Email button. It may be called differently.
  3. In the To field, enter the address.
  4. In the Subject field, briefly describe what your message is about. The first thing the recipient will see is the sender's email and this subject.
  5. The largest field is for the body (content) of the letter.
  6. When finished, click on “Submit”.

Webmail interface various services approximately the same

It’s quite easy to figure out how a user’s email address is generated. It consists of three parts: login, @ separator character and domain name. These elements are fixed and cannot be swapped. Each email is a unique set of characters; no two are alike. You can come up with a login, you can just choose a domain from the proposed options. The address must consist of Latin letters, numbers or some symbols.

Hello, friends!

In our period, I think everyone knows the answer to the question: email - what is it? But the questions and problems that arise with it force me to write this article.

The title of the article may shock you! Email? Who doesn’t know now: what is this? Of course, I won’t tell you such simple things: what a “dog” is or what mail is used for mail messages!

But I am sure that many of us encounter problems when working with mail.

Therefore, starting with the simple, I will move on to more challenging questions, namely:

  • Which service is better?
  • Short review one of the mail services.
  • Recommendations for the future

What is email used for?

Of course, first of all, e-mail is now needed, in addition to its main purpose (messaging), as a personal identifier: almost all services use it for authorization and recovery email account user, sending him a password, activation link, etc.

Hidden "benefit"

Do you think this is where the use of electronics ends? You are deeply mistaken!

Even regular mail, where messages were transmitted by stagecoach, served not only for personal correspondence! Letters transmitted from one province to another were selectively checked by special services, intercepted by rivals, which sometimes decided the fate of entire nations!

Do you think that our electronic life easier? Of course not! Letters are also checked and supervised.

Maybe some of you didn't know this? Then don't shout! Let's talk in whispers!

Well, it is for them, the specialists, to know better: what they are analyzing there. Some structures even live off this!

The part of our society that forgets about the law scans our “ info"for his personal needs or sells it for good " money ».

For example, if someone wants to sell you their product, they can plant a Trojan in your browser, such as Kaspersky or Microsoft Essentials they won't take him. I had such a case. And SpyBot didn't help either.

As a result, I threw the advanced browser into the trash and installed a different one (you can read about this on my other pages).

Burglars get into mail account and read your information. I am now only touching on Trojans of the “humane” category, which do not harm us (at first glance). They simply read our thoughts out loud, which we “spread across the Internet. Do you think that everything is allowed to you and you can litter in the world space? Are you littering?

Now you'll get a bunch of spam on your e-mail box! Ready?

Yeah! Do not want? Tortured?

From this follows the title of our next subtitle.

Which service is better?

To prevent spam from interfering with your work on the Internet, you need to choose good service for mail!

At the moment I am not a patriot, like our fathers and grandfathers were! I don't know if this is good or bad? But I want to say that Yandex mail is the best on the Internet!

“Yasha” strictly sorts everyone out and lets us work according to his plan. Believe me, I would choose it even if it were Chinese! The only question is that I don’t understand Chinese writing!

In Google I couldn’t find some of the buttons necessary for use at all, such as “ answer" and so on.

Only our American colleagues know how they can be pushed so far!

An advanced Mzil-ru is quite capable of giving you an “advanced” browser and sending you spam.

Just don’t tell anyone about this, otherwise they will excommunicate me from some services and launch an anti-advertising campaign against my blog! Agreed?

Let me briefly tell you some useful features Yandex mails, which may not always be visible to the naked eye.

A brief overview of one of the email services

I don’t understand at all: how can these bourgeois postal services occupy the first positions in the ranking? Probably just through acquaintance? Who knows them? Nobody! Our language is just too difficult for them.

In order to get your mailing address you need to create an account. This is where every mailbox starts.

Having received an e-mail from Yandex, we see the comfortable and functional space of our mail account:

  • One of the many useful features I really like is the ability to select letters by moving the mouse cursor over them with the left button pressed? It's comfortable.
  • Letters are delivered instantly!
  • It is possible to transfer video materials and files with text, even weighing several gigabytes when connected cloud technologies(Yandex, Google, mail drives).

“Yasha” allocates 3 GB at once. But this space is legal and free of charge increases by 2-3 or more times. But more on that in another article.

There are also such “bells and whistles”:

  • You can write down short video and send it to a friend.
  • The organizer will remind you of your plans.
  • Lovers instant messages can use mobile application.
  • It is possible to disable the display of advertising materials in the settings.

What I like most about Yandex mail is its stance on spam: there is a “smart” folder that “takes” all the letters we don’t need to ourselves. If she “didn’t understand” something, you can “prompt” her by pointing to a specific letter. She will understand and will do it right next time.

What to do if you forgot your login or email password?

There are cases when one of the users forgot their email, all their account data, and the password and login they wrote down were not saved. I hope this doesn't happen to you? And if this has already happened, then let’s do something together!

When you forgot your email login, do this:

  • In Google mail you can find your login on a mobile phone with Android OS if you go to the settings.
  • Remember: which of your friends did you send messages to? Friends will read your login in any of your emails.
  • You could use your email address instead of your login on some Internet resources, primarily in in social networks. You may have saved this data.
  • On many resources, your profile can store your email address. Well, remember carefully: where did you write the address in your personal data? I’ll try to give you an idea: online banking services, and other ways to make money on the Internet (

Password recovery options:

1. This is the easiest thing: when you log into your account, there is always a link like “ Forgot your password? » In Yandex it looks like this:

And on Google - a whole step by step operation(these are “advanced” Yankees):

Use the password recovery feature. You will have to enter the answer to Secret Question, and then you can enter New Password, which will need to be securely stored.

2. If you don't remember the answer to a question, contact technical support. Then you will be required detailed information About Me. They will communicate with you through your other e-mail or send a new password (code to change the password) to your mobile phone. If you don’t have one, get one on any mail service.

At, technical support does not help in these cases. Alas!

What to do if your email is hacked?

If your email has been hacked, you will see that your username and password do not match.

  • Therefore, the first thing you need to do is contact support and reset your password (remember and enter Secret word when required).

In this case, support is obliged to make sure that you are the true owner of the account, so you should not be offended when they ask you unnecessary questions. They may even ask you to send a copy of your passport. This is fine. Therefore, please indicate correct information at the beginning of registration.

  • Next, follow the instructions of the help desk representatives. When you are done and set a new password, check all your Internet services where you indicated this e-mail.
  • Be prepared for the fact that these services may make unknown changes to your profile. You may also have to contact technical support on such resources if you cannot restore old look your accounts.
  • Look through the messages in your recovered mail, including the “Deleted Items” folder: there may be messages there that are strange to you. If there are any, their contents may be useful to you. Although this is not a fact. Look through them: if you find traces of the actions of violators there, then it will be possible to purposefully correct everything.
  • Link your email to your phone number.
  • Use at least two electronic devices mailboxes different resources. In the first of them, indicate mail No. 2 as a backup address, and in the second, mail No. 1.
  • Make your username and password complex. Do not use passwords like “last name-year of birth-phone number”. Strong password is a chaotic combination of small and capital letters in combination with numbers.
  • Do not use the autofill function for forms (passwords and logins).
  • When exiting the browser, clear your history.

Generally modern postal services quite protected. Therefore, the main thing is not to respond to enticing messages “ princesses from africa ", which need your wallet, and everything will be OK! All the topics cannot be covered in one article, but they are contained in other articles on my blog. I hope they will be useful to you! The blog is updated daily with new material, which you can subscribe to by clicking on button of the same name.

If you have questions on the topic, I am ready to answer them after your comment.

All the best, friends! See you on other pages!


Best regards, Alexander Sergienko