How to remove a friend from Odnoklassniki? How to find out who has left your friends on Odnoklassniki? If you delete a friend in Odnoklassniki, will he receive a notification? How to delete a friend in Odnoklassniki and is it possible to do this without notification?

Sooner or later, we all face the urgent need to clean out our contact list. This is a useful business, but still requires certain skills. Therefore, today we are devoting a separate article to one specific question: how to remove a friend from Odnoklassniki? Read, memorize and practice!

Removing friends in the web version of OK

Let's start with the basics: we'll tell you how to remove someone from your friends list in the web version of the OK social network. There are several ways to do this, and we will look at each of them.

So, the first method is to remove a specific person from the contact list of the social network. We follow the instructions:
1.Go to the page of the friend you want to exclude from your friends list (you can use the search to find him faster);

2.Click (or hover over) the three horizontal dots located under the avatar;

3.Click on “Remove from friends”;

4.Confirm the action if a window pops up asking for confirmation/refusal.

The method is simple, but not ideal. The fact is that before deleting you visited the person’s page, which means that he will be able to see you in the list of his Guests. Accordingly, your actions will be obvious. Therefore, if you want to do everything unnoticed, you should remove people from your contact list in a different way.

And here it is, this fallback method:
1. Log into your account in OK;

2.Open the list of contacts;

3. Scroll through the list in search of the right person (to find the user quickly, use the search);

4.Now we move the cursor over the user’s ava (BUT do not click!) and in the pop-up menu we click on “End friendship”;

5. Confirm the decision by clicking “Stop” in the window that appears again.

Now you will not see the user in your friends list, nor his updates in the News Feed. In this case, deletion occurs without notification, i.e. your now former OK friend may not immediately notice the “loss” in his contact list.

Removing a friend from OK via a mobile device

Naturally, we cannot ignore users of mobile devices, so we tell you how to remove a friend on Odnoklassniki from a tablet or via phone. OK mobile applications are the same for tablets and smartphones, so the instructions will be general:

1.Open the application;

2.Go to the “Friends” section in the main menu of your page;

3.Find the person you want to remove from friends;

4.Tap on the name/avatar;

5.Tap on the icon with three vertical dots in the upper right corner of this person’s avatar;

6.Click “Remove from friends”;

7.Confirm your desire by tapping “Yes” in the window that appears.

As you can see, it’s very easy to delete friends in the mobile version of OK. So you can easily clear your contact list from your phone or tablet.

We answer common questions

It would seem that there should be no problems with removal, because everything is so easy. However, situations are different, and users have very logical questions. We will try to cover the most important ones.

Question one: is it possible to restore previously deleted friends in Odnoklassniki?
We answer: As such, there is no function to cancel this action. Therefore, the only way to get a person back after deleting is to add him as a friend again. If, of course, he agrees to your offer to make friends on social networks again.

Question two: why are my friends not deleted?
Answer: There are several possible reasons for this, all of which are technical in nature. There are no internal restrictions on removing users from the contact list. But there may be some technical faults on the server itself that temporarily limit the functionality of the site. In addition, problems may occur due to an unstable Internet connection, the presence of viruses on the computer, etc. Therefore, if you can’t delete a friend, check your device first, and then wait - everything will most likely work out on its own.

Question three: is it possible to delete several friends at once?
Answer: This cannot be done “en masse”: there is no functional provision for deleting several or all friends at once. But you can delete as many users as you like one by one. There are no restrictions.

Question four: where will my friends go if the page is deleted, or if my account is blocked?
Answer: When temporarily blocked, your information is entirely stored on the server. And as soon as the account is restored, you will be able to see all your friends. So don’t worry: the system will not delete blocked friends from Odnoklassniki. But if you permanently delete your account, then your entire contact list will be deleted.

And according to tradition, the conclusion. You looked at the instructions, read the answers to frequently asked questions and now you know how to remove users from your friends list in OK. As you can see, there are no difficulties. Well, if any problems arise, write in the comments. We'll try to help :)

In the life of any person, such a situation can happen - they were friends, they were friends, but one day the friendly or love relationship came to an end. This happens not only among real, but also among virtual friends.

It is quite reasonable that one of the parties to the conflict would want to remove the other from the list of “Friends”. Therefore, you can often come across the question on forums: how to remove a friend from Odnoklassniki?

How to end a friendship with someone without him finding out about it

Deletion occurs without notification. This means that your former friend on the social network will not receive a corresponding notification from the administration. But while scrolling through the list of his friends, he will sooner or later notice that you are not on this list. In other words, it will not be possible to completely hide your “escape”. And to quickly check your suspicions, you don’t have to scroll through all the photos. You just need to enter the initial letters of the surname in the search bar and the system will instantly return the result.

You can delete it from any device if you have Internet access and access to the site:

  • in the computer version;
  • in the mobile version;
  • from the phone;
  • from a laptop;
  • from a tablet.

The process of ending a friendship

First, on the main page of the site you need to enter your login and password. If you often use the site on your PC, the data is saved in the browser and access will be much faster.

Once on their page, the user sees a completely clear and attractive interface. But now he is interested in the “Friends” section: it is at the top of the page under the name, immediately after the word “Feed”. That's where we're heading now.

On the new page you see photos of all your friends. You can use the “Search” function, but if the person’s name contains hieroglyphs, you will have to search using the photo. So, the user you are looking for has been found. Your next steps:

Hover your mouse over the avatar of your current “enemy”. In the list of options that opens, find the “End friendship” function. Click this line.

To prevent deletion from happening accidentally, the user must confirm his intentions with the “Stop” button. The action can also be canceled.

After clicking the “Stop” button, you will receive the following notification.

Blocking further communication

Seeing that he has been removed from his friends list, a person may want to inquire about the reason or start attacking you with messages. For such situations, a “Black List” is provided. The user included in it will not only not be able to annoy you, but will be deprived of the opportunity to even find your page from his profile.

If you notice his appearance among your “Guests”, do this:

But from another account, this user will have access to messages and comments under your photos. There is only one way out - lock your profile.


Today we’ll look at how you can delete friends on Odnoklassniki. The need to do this arises for various reasons. For example, you added complete strangers, and you never started communicating with someone; the dialogue with someone simply didn’t work out. Or you want to delete someone you had a fight with.

In general, regardless of the reason, let's figure out how to remove a user from the friend list in Odnoklassniki.

How to remove a person from friends on Odnoklassniki

There are two ways to remove an unnecessary user from your profile, and there is nothing complicated about it. Let me note right away that this is done without notification. That is, when you remove him from this list, he may not know about it.

Method 1

Open your Odnoklassniki page and in the menu under your name, click on the “Friends” button.

Find the one you need in the list and click on the avatar to go to its page.

Under the main profile photo you will see a small menu. Click on the “Other actions” button and select “End friendship”.

A window will appear indicating that you are going to remove the selected user from your friends list. Click on the “Stop” button.

A small disadvantage of using this method is that the user who was deleted will see you on his page in the “Guests” menu and can guess why you came. If it is necessary for a person not to know about such actions, we move on to the second method.

Method 2

In order to do everything without going to his page, open the list of your friends, as described above. Find the one you need and hover your mouse over his photo. A small menu will open. Click on the “End friendship” item.

Confirm removing the selected person from your friends list. After this, all events associated with it will disappear in the Feed.

Thus, you can remove anyone with whom the friendship is mutual. In this case, he will not receive any notification, and he will not see that you visited his page.

How to remove a friend in the mobile version

If you are using a mobile application, then we will figure out how to remove a user from the desired list in Odnoklassniki from a phone or tablet.

Open your profile page and select “Friends” in the side menu.

Find someone who is no longer needed and click on their photo or name.

Now click on the button with the image of three vertical dots in the upper right corner.

If you are registered on social media. network “Odnoklassniki”, then probably strangers are often added to your friends list, people you never even knew about or those with whom you simply have absolutely no desire to communicate. Few people know how to quickly and effectively ensure that a certain user will never be disturbed again, but in fact everything is very simple, all you need to do is remove him from your friends list. If necessary, if he continues to send you messages, you can simply block him. Few users, especially beginners, know how to remove friends from Odnoklassniki quickly and correctly. So today we decided to talk about how this is done.


Before you remove friends from Odnoklassniki, you will need to log in, or rather log into your account. To do this, go to the main page and enter your data; the system will only require your login and password. You may already have the auto-save function installed in your browser, in which case you just need to go to the site itself, and you will be automatically transferred to your profile page.


So, now we need to talk about how to remove friends from Odnoklassniki. To do this, in the top line under the main toolbar (it is highlighted in orange), which is located under your installed data, you will need to find another additional line. This menu will contain similar sections: “games”, “photos”, “notes”, “more”, “friends”, “main”, etc. Your task is to go to the “friends” page; to do this, just click on the given inscription, and you will automatically be moved to another section.

Ending friendship

After going to the “friends” page, you will notice that there are lines in front of you where personal photos of users who are your friends are displayed, or rather, their avatars will be shown. Now you should select exactly the user with whom you no longer want to continue communicating, to do this, hover your mouse over his photo, and an additional menu will instantly appear, where you should select the “Stop Friendship” option. If you are interested in how to remove friends from Odnoklassniki from your phone, then in fact it happens almost the same way. After you click on the “End Friendship” link, you will be presented with an additional statement where you should click on the “End” button. After this, the selected user will no longer be your friend, but he will still be able to continue communicating with you.

Most likely, you have already understood everything about how to remove friends from classmates; to do this, you just need to remember all the necessary steps once. Currently, people and advertising fakes are added just like that, most likely for the sake of quantity and further advertising, also such characters can only distract you and prevent you from spending comfortable time with your friends, relatives or acquaintances.

Black list

Let's now consider the moment when you never want to receive letters from a user again, in which case you can simply remove him from the “Black List”. If you decide to send a user to an emergency, then he will never be able to access your personal page, view updates, or comment on your new posts. Of course, if you wish, then you can remove it from the blacklist and all the main functions for it will be reopened. As you can see for yourself, there is absolutely nothing complicated about how to remove friends from Odnoklassniki.

How to quickly remove a blocked friend from Odnoklassniki, as well as all other friends at once without notification from your phone and computer - a complete description of the actions.

Our real life sometimes has nothing in common with our virtual existence. In reality, a respectable family man and a taciturn colleague may turn out to be an extremely sociable man on a social network who does not miss a single skirt. And a housewife of pre-retirement age in Odnoklassniki turns into a flirtatious, frivolous girl. In life a person has almost no friends, but in Odnoklassniki there are several hundred of them. After all, true friendship develops over years. And you can make friends in virtual reality in an instant, or rather a click. However, you can just as easily break up with someone who suddenly becomes displeasing to you. This can be done both on a computer and in the mobile version of the site.

If you want to audit your contacts, read the simple instructions on how to remove friends from Odnoklassniki on your phone. To do this, just take five steps:

    Open your profile, then the “Friends” section, it is located on the left under your photo on the main page, and on the tab with the event feed below and on the right;

    Go to the profile of the friend you decided to break up with;

    Under his photo, find the three dots and the words “Other actions”, click;

    Check the “Remove from friends” command;

    Confirm your decision again.

If you are concerned about the question of how to remove a friend from Odnoklassniki without notification, we hasten to rejoice: the friend you left will not know about your actions. Once upon a time, the site informed its users about the end of a friendship. Now, apparently, in order not to needlessly upset people, this function has been abolished. Friends on Odnoklassniki leave in English without saying goodbye. And their absence can only be noticed by a decrease in the total number. And in order to find out who exactly left, you will have to do certain actions; we have dedicated an entire article to this topic.

You have now learned how to remove a friend from Odnoklassniki using your phone and computer. But many people are not interested in removing each person from the list individually. After all, in this social network you are allowed to make friends with 6 thousand (!) users at once. Of course, few reached record numbers. But if there are not several dozen, but hundreds of friends on a social network, you have to think about how to quickly remove friends from Odnoklassniki.

Alas, the site administration did not provide for such an opportunity. Apparently for ethical reasons. It’s somehow ugly to get rid of all your friends indiscriminately in one fell swoop. Each candidate for removal should be considered on an individual basis. So as not to remove someone unnecessary under the hot hand. Therefore, if you decide to thoroughly thin out your friendly list, take some time.

Another option: entrust this task to someone else, for example, your employee, if we are talking about a page for business development (we also know how to make money on Odnoklassniki).

There is another way out. Find a programmer who will write a special program for mass deletion of friends. But it is unlikely that he will provide such a service for free. Are you ready to pay for breaking friendships?

And finally, the most radical method is how to remove all friends from Odnoklassniki at once. If you want to do this, delete your entire page. Of course, along with it you will lose photos, correspondence, etc. But in return, you will get the opportunity to literally start your virtual life from scratch, with new events and friends. And you can hide from the old and boring ones. We will show you how to make a page on Odnoklassniki and how to register without a first and last name.

There is also an interesting category of users in Odnoklassniki - subscribers. And a special function is subscription. It comes into effect when someone has been unfriended or someone has ignored a friend request. Following someone means that news from that user will appear in your feed. Accordingly, those who follow you (and these are former friends and those whose offers you did not accept) will see all the changes in your profile. To find out who is in this category, go to the “Friends” section, click on the “My subscriptions” line. If you need to unfollow someone, hover your mouse over the user's photo. Then check the “Unsubscribe” command or click on the cross. And to get rid of an unwanted subscriber, just add him to the blacklist. Then he will not be able to learn about the events of your virtual life, look at your photos, much less send messages and leave comments.

By the way, it is impossible to follow a user with a private profile (but we will share the secrets of how). You cannot subscribe to someone whose news feed is hidden by privacy settings; we are ready to instruct you on how to manage them.

We tried to provide comprehensive information about deleting friends on the Odnoklassniki website. It turns out that breaking off all friendly ties at once is not so easy, but there is a radical method. We also talked about him. You may also be curious to know how to delete guests on Odnoklassniki and how to delete and restore messages on this social network.