Recover deleted mails. How to recover deleted emails on mail ru

If you accidentally deleted a letter on or cannot find an important message that another user sent to you, then do not worry - you have a chance to recover lost messages if you follow the instructions below.

Spam checking

If you are waiting for an important letter, but it does not appear in the mail, then check the “Spam” folder - not only advertising messages are sent here, but also those messages that considers dubious. If the letter you need is in the Spam folder, move it to other incoming messages:

The email you selected will be moved to your inbox so you don't accidentally lose track of it again.

Recovering from the Recycle Bin

All deleted emails are sent to the Trash folder, the link to which can be found in the menu on the left. This folder is cleared automatically only if you exit the mail (not just close the tab, but exit your account). Messages stored in Mail's Trash can be quickly recovered:

In Mail, you can create a separate directory in which messages from one recipient will be stored. It can be password protected and locked to email programs to protect confidential messages from the view of third parties. To create a folder:

You can customize the filter at your discretion, automatically distributing letters into different directories for better organization and safety of correspondence.

Disabling automatic cleaning

To prevent messages deleted from the trash bin from being erased when you log out of your account, change your mail settings:

Now messages deleted from can be restored even after logging out of your account by moving them to any other directory (“Inbox”, “Sent”, “Spam”, etc.).

Search on your computer

If you synchronized mail with any client on your computer (for example, Outlook Express), then you can try to recover missing messages from your computer. This can be done using the Easy Mail Recovery utility.

In the free version, you can see the text of the letter at the bottom of the window; if you want to restore messages, you will have to purchase a paid version of the program.

If synchronization with Outlook has not been installed and there are no traces of letters on the computer, then you will not be able to recover deleted messages. The FAQ on the website says that it is impossible to return messages that the user has deleted independently. The only option is to ask your interlocutor to forward the messages you need. Therefore, in order not to find yourself in a hopeless situation, save important letters in separate folders.

The electronic mailbox on the Mail.Ru server has, like many similar modern programs, a convenient user interface. Messages here are sorted into folders: “Inbox”, “Sent”, “Drafts”, “Spam” and “Trash”. The “Trash” contains everything that is deleted by the client of this resource.

You will need

  • - Internet access


  • To find a deleted email, check your Trash folder in your mailbox. If the letter was recently deleted, it may still be there. If the required letter is not in the folder, you will not be able to restore it.
  • The Trash directory is cleared every time you exit the email program. This setting is the default and you can change it. To do this, go to the program settings and select the “Mailbox Interface” tab. At the bottom of the page, in the “Shut down” section, uncheck the box next to the sentence: “Empty the trash when you exit.”
  • Look for the letter you need in the Sent folder if it was outgoing. Pay attention to the “Spam” folder - perhaps the program sent the information you need there, mistaking it for a useless advertising mailing or something similar.
  • Please note that it is impossible to recover deleted emails using the Mail.Ru service, since the server does not store backup copies. To ensure that letters that are important to you are saved in your mailbox, add an additional folder to its user interface, into which you will move important correspondence.
  • To add a folder for saving letters, select the “Settings” link on the main page of your mailbox, then go to the “Folders” section and click the “Create a new folder” button. A window will appear in front of you in which you can give it a name and protect the created directory with a password. Then click the “Create” button. Now, do not forget to move all the letters that you want to save to the created folder.
  • Just in case, contact the Project Support Service and ask if they can make an exception for you and find a very valuable letter that was deleted by mistake. Although the likelihood of such a request being effective is low.
  • Instructions

    To find a deleted email, check your Trash folder in your mailbox. If the letter was recently deleted, it may still be there. If the required letter is not in the folder, you will not be able to restore it.

    The Trash directory is cleared every time you exit the email program. This setting is the default and you can change it. To do this, go to the program settings and select the “Mailbox Interface” tab. At the bottom of the page, in the “Shut down” section, uncheck the box next to the sentence: “Empty the trash when you exit.”

    Please take into account the fact that it is impossible to restore letters on the Mail.Ru service, since the server does not store backup copies. To ensure that letters that are important to you are saved in your mailbox, add an additional folder to its user interface, into which you will move important correspondence.

    To add a folder for saving letters, select the “Settings” link on the main page of your mailbox, then go to the “Folders” section and click the “Create a new folder” button. A window will appear in front of you in which you can give it a name and protect the created directory with a password. Then click the “Create” button. Now, do not forget to move all the letters that you want to save to the created folder.

    Just in case, contact the Project Support Service and ask if they can make an exception for you and find a very valuable letter that was deleted by mistake. Although the likelihood of such a request being effective is low.


    • how to find a deleted email

    In the process of editing and cleaning their mailbox, people sometimes accidentally delete important and valuable emails that did not have a copy or duplicate. What should you do if you deleted an important email by mistake? Using Microsoft Outlook as an example, let's look at how to recover deleted emails in an email client.


    Finally, if it turns out that you are guaranteed to delete the message from both the server and the email program, try to at least find the attachment. If you downloaded the files attached to the message on , remember in which folder you saved them.

    Finally, if you find letter or the attachment failed either on the server, or in the mail program cache, or on the disks, there is always one more option: ask the person who sent you the message to send it again.

    Video on the topic

    The operation of a local network is most often organized through a single remote server. In addition, such server can also act server om general information, server om updates and perform other network functions. Connection with this server om is installed when the computer is connected to the network, but the user can configure the connection independently.

    You will need

    • - Internet;
    • - administrator rights.


    Request settings server and from the network administrator. First of all, you need to get an IP address server and the range of addresses in which this server will be available. Remember or write down these settings. As a rule, providers provide this information, so we can assure you with complete confidence that you will not be charged additional payment for this. You may also need a login and password to access server u.

    Connect the network to your computer by inserting the LAN cable into the network card connector. Wait a few minutes while the operating system initializes the connection. Open the network settings window through “Network Neighborhood” or right-click on the network icon and select the “Properties” section.

    Go to the settings of the TCP/IP network protocol and set a similar range of addresses, taking a unique IP address (you can also check the uniqueness with the network administrator). For example, IP address server a -, which means your range is 10.40.30, and the IP address, for example, is Open the “Network Neighborhood” window and click on the item on the right “Show workgroup computers”. Give the network service time to poll the network and display information on the screen. When server will appear in the list of computers on the network, resume the connection by double-clicking on its icon and entering your username and password.

    If you are using the Windows 7 operating system, then network configuration options will be available in other service sections. You can find your connection in the Network and Sharing Center, and the TCP/IP section in the properties of the network connection. Next, simply check all the settings by first restarting your personal computer.

    Video on the topic

    Every day we receive many letters to our email: business and friendly contacts, holiday greetings, notifications about upcoming sales and promotions. When quickly sorting incoming messages in your mailbox, it’s easy to make a mistake and send an unread or important message to the Trash. his?


    Find links to email folders created in your mailbox. By default, each email service has Inbox, Sent Items, Drafts, and Trash folders configured. If necessary, you can create additional contact folders and move letters there according to their subject matter - friendly, work contacts or messages from a mailing service, if you are subscribed to one. Left-click on the Trash folder.

    The “Trash” stores emails that you have marked for deletion. Depending on the selected settings, the Trash can store letters for several days, freeing up its space only when a certain limit of letters is reached, and it can delete letters immediately after you exit the mailbox. Configure the “Cart” as you wish by clicking on the “Settings” item.

    View content " Baskets" and find letter which needs restoration. You can make things easier for yourself by using the sender search. Just click on the name, and the email system itself will show all the recipient’s letters that are in the “Trash.” Select letter or emails you want to recover. To do this, check the special boxes in the emails. Next, decide where you want to restore the marked emails. The fact is that the "Trash" email, unlike the " Baskets» on your computer, allows you to recover deleted files not only to the folder from which they were deleted. Letters from email Baskets"You can move it to any folder in your mailbox by clicking the corresponding button and specifying the required moving path for the files. The list of available folders opens after clicking the “Move” button. Left-click on the selected folder and click “OK” to confirm your actions. Now you can open the specified folder of letters and find in it the messages recovered from “ Baskets» messages.

    Before you recover deleted letters in your mail, you need to remember exactly how the information was deleted and where it was located. So, if the data was in folders such as “Trash” or “Spam” and was erased using the “Delete forever” button, then it cannot be restored. The same applies to emails that were deleted using the domain on which the email is stored. The user data that was contained in his account and which was deleted by the administrator is also almost impossible to restore. Some browsers and search engines have a feature that allows you to recover information from your email account. For example, the Google system will help cope with this task.

    There are also instructions that describe in detail how to restore letters in the mail. Once a message is deleted by a user, it is automatically moved to the Trash. The storage period for information in almost all email services is about thirty days. Thus, if a letter is stored in the specified folder for less than the specified period and the user did not delete it permanently, then the data can be returned to the folder from which it was erased. In order to restore the necessary information, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions given below. The first thing you need to do is log into your personal email account. Next, you should go to the “Trash” folder and find there the letter that needs to be restored.

    Then you should check the box next to the desired message, the same procedure for several letters. Of all the actions that can be performed with selected messages, you must choose the one that moves them from the folder from which they were deleted. If the letter simply cannot be found, which sometimes happens, this does not mean that it was deleted. If we are talking about email from the Google search engine (Gmail), then you can try to enter a query by formulating it slightly differently. Thus, fewer conditions need to be specified, and more pages with the results obtained need to be scrolled through. You should also remember that some email services and data retrieval systems do not take into account factors such as matches. In addition, if there is a misspelling in a word, the information will not be displayed in the results.

    In rare cases, the query specification makes it impossible to display the results correctly. That is why experts strongly recommend searching for information or any data only using 100% correct queries. The existing API Audit service greatly facilitates the search for data deleted from a mailbox. In order to use this service, you must read the relevant instructions. Sometimes email messages that are placed in the Trash, All Mail, or Spam folders may be deleted from the mailbox by someone else. Today, account hacking is not at all such a rarity, and therefore, at the slightest suspicion, it is necessary to take measures to restore your access and limit the hacker’s access.

    User identification, consisting of several stages (for example, two-stage authentication), provides a much greater guarantee that personal mail and other information will not be hackable. Messages stored in email can be saved remotely using the corresponding services of some search engines. In this case, even if the desired letter is deleted from the mailbox, it can be restored, since it is stored in a special center, which is absolutely safe and quite reliable. It should be remembered that there are different types of messages, as well as rules for storing information. Therefore, it is recommended to study them in detail so that there is no confusion in the future when entering a search query.

    To recover emails that were accidentally deleted, you can use the Outlook service, which is part of the Microsoft package. If the email account was hacked and the information was deleted, then this program will also come in handy. There are step-by-step instructions that will help you navigate when recovering the necessary data. To begin, on the left side of the open Outlook window, you need to select a folder called “Deleted Items.” Next, at the bottom of the window, you need to select an action that restores letters that were deleted for one reason or another. Thus, the program will restore all the information that is available. After restoring messages, you should search for deleted messages in the appropriate folder.

    However, sometimes Outlook is not able to recover all the necessary information; all letters that do not appear in this folder cannot be restored. After the program recovers the required data and returns it to the “Deleted Items” folder, it is recommended to move it to the folders from which it was erased or save it in other places, since this folder is cleared automatically.