I forgot my current iPhone password. If you forgot your ID - Apple. Uninstall with password

Hello friends! Not long ago I bought my wife an iPhone 7, but she is a forgetful lady and a problem arose: how to unlock an iPhone if you forgot your password? At that moment I realized what it would be like next topic my article.

Despite the fact that most iPhone models have finger scanners, many people continue to use digital passwords out of habit. There are also owners of phone models 4 and 4s, which do not have a built-in fingerprint scanner. Plus, there is a possibility of glitches in the scanner. That is why thousands of people are still faced with the problem of a forgotten password.

1. How to unlock iPhone if you forgot your password: 6 ways

After the tenth attempt, your favorite iPhone is blocked forever. The company tries to protect phone owners as much as possible from data hacking, so it is quite difficult to recover the password, but it is possible. In this article we will give as many as six ways to unlock your iPhone if you forgot your password.

Important! If you haven't synced any of your data before attempting the reset, it will all be lost.

1.1. Using iTunes from a previous sync

If the owner has forgotten the password on the iPhone, this method is recommended. Forethought in restoration is very important and if you are lucky enough to have backup copy data, no problems should arise.
For this method you will need a computer on which synchronization with the device was previously carried out.

1. Using a USB cable, connect your phone to your computer and wait until it appears in the list of devices.

3. Now we need to wait, some iTunes time will synchronize the data. This process may take a few hours, but it's worth it if you need the data.

4. When iTunes reports that synchronization is complete, select "Restore data from backup" iTunes copies" Using backups is the easiest thing you can do if you forgot your iPhone password.

5. The program will display a list of your devices (if there are several of them) and backup copies with their creation date and size. The creation date and size determine how much of the information will remain on the iPhone; changes made since the last backup will also be reset. Therefore, choose the latest backup.

If you are not lucky enough to have a backup of your phone in advance or you do not need the data, read on and choose another method.

1.2. How to unlock an iPhone via iCloud

This method only works if you have the Find My iPhone feature set up and activated. If you are still wondering how to recover your iPhone password, use any of the other five methods.

1. First of all, you need to go to the link https://www.icloud.com/#find from any device, no matter whether it is a smartphone or a computer.
2. If you have not previously logged into the site and saved a password, at this stage you need to enter the data from Apple profile ID. If you have forgotten your password account, go to the last section of the article regarding how to reset your iPhone password for Apple ID.
3. At the top of the screen you will see a list of “All devices”. Click on it and select the device you need, if there are several of them.

4. Click “Erase (device name)”, this will erase all the phone data along with its password.

5. Now the phone is available to you. You can restore it from an iTunes or iCloud backup or re-set it up as if you just bought it.

Important! Even if the service is activated, but Wi-Fi access is disabled on the phone or mobile internet, this method will not work.

Without an Internet connection, most methods for hacking an iPhone password will not work.

1.3. By resetting the failed attempt counter

If your gadget is locked after the sixth attempt to enter the password, and you hope to remember the password, try resetting the counter of incorrect attempts.

1. Connect your phone to your computer via a USB cable and turn on iTunes. It is important that Wi-Fi or mobile Internet is turned on on your mobile phone.

2. Wait a little while the program “sees” the phone and select the “Devices” menu item. Then click “Sync with (name of your iPhone).”

3. Immediately after synchronization begins, the counter will reset to zero. You can continue to try to enter the correct password.

Do not forget that the counter cannot be reset simply by rebooting the device.

1.4. Using recovery mode

This method will work even if you have never synchronized with iTunes and have not enabled the function for finding iPhone. When you use it, both the device data and its password will be deleted.

1. Connect your iPhone via USB to any computer and open iTunes.

2. After this, you need to hold down two buttons at the same time: “Sleep mode” and “Home”. Keep them on for a long time, even when the device starts to reboot. You need to wait for the recovery mode window. On iPhone 7 and 7s, hold down two buttons: Sleep and Volume Down. Hold them for the same long time.

3. You will be prompted to restore or update your phone. Select recovery. The device may exit recovery mode if the process takes too long, then repeat all the steps again 3-4 times.

4. Once the recovery is complete, the password will be reset.

1.5. By installing new firmware

This method is reliable and works for the vast majority of users, but requires selecting and downloading firmware, which weighs 1-2 Gigabytes.

Attention! Carefully select the source for downloading the firmware. If there is a virus inside it, it can completely break your iPhone. You will no longer be able to find out how to unlock it. Don't ignore warnings antivirus program and do not download files with the extension .exe

1. Using your computer, find and download the firmware for your iPhone models with extension.IPSW. This extension is the same for all models. For example, almost all official firmware is available.

2. Log into Explorer and move the firmware file to the folder at C:\Documents and Settings\username you are using\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates.

3. Now connect your device to your computer via USB cable and log into iTunes. Go to your phone section (if you have multiple devices). Each model will have a full technical name and you can easily find yours.

4. Press CTRL and "Restore iPhone". You will be able to select the firmware file that you downloaded. Click on it and click “Open”.

5. Now all we have to do is wait. Eventually the password will be reset along with your data.

1.6. Using a special program (only after jailbreak)

If your favorite phone is hacked by you or previous owner, all the methods above are not suitable for you. They will lead you to install official firmware. You will have to download for this separate program called Semi-Restore. It won't work if you don't have the OpenSSH file and the Cydia store on your phone.

Attention! On this moment The program only works on 64-bit systems.

1. Download the program from https://semi-restore.com/ and install it on your computer.

2. Connect the device to the computer via a USB cable, after a while the program will recognize it.

3. Open the program window and click the “SemiRestore” button. You will see the process of clearing devices of data and passwords in the form of a green bar. Wait, the mobile may reboot.

4. When the runner “crawls” to the end, you will be able to use the phone again.

2. How to reset your Apple ID password?

If you don't have a password for your account Apple records ID you will not be able to log into iTunes or iCloud and reset. All methods of how to recover a password on an iPhone will not work for you. Therefore, you will first need to be restored Apple password ID. Most often, the account ID is your email.

1. Go to https://appleid.apple.com/#!&page=signin and click the “Forgot your Apple ID or password?” button.

2. Enter your ID and click on “Continue”.

3. Now you can reset your password in four ways. If you remember the answer to Security Question, select the first method, enter the answer and you will get the opportunity to enter New Password. You may also receive an email to reset your password for your main or backup mail account. If you have another Apple device, you can recover your password using it. In case you have connected two-step verification, you will also need to enter the password that will be sent to your phone.

4. Once you reset your password using any of these methods, you will need to update it in other Apple services.

Which method worked? Perhaps you know life hacks? Share in the comments!

Users of the sixth version of iPhone sometimes have to deal with the problem of blocking their gadget. Prices for Apple devices have always been high and some people buy them on the black market at a lower price. Such devices almost always require unlocking. But it happens that new gadget, purchased from certified suppliers may be blocked. What to do in each individual case, and how to unlock the iPhone 6, is discussed in detail in this article.

One of the most common problems occurs when a user has forgotten the password on iPhone 6. It's about about the menu password, which includes 4 digits. Often, if you forgot your password, the owner of the sixth iPhone model tries to find the right combination of numbers. The device provides only 6 attempts to find the right combination, after which you don’t have to try to unlock the device this way.

What can be done in such a situation, and what to do to return the smartphone to working condition? The first solution will be offered by the gadget itself, namely, connecting to iTunes. The iTunes application is probably familiar to every owner of an Apple gadget. This utility is multifunctional and helps out in many situations.

iPhone model version 6, how can you bring a locked device back to life using iTunes, steps:

  • Using a USB cable, connect your phone to your PC or laptop.
  • Turn off the phone.
  • Convert to DFU mode by long pressing the “Power” and “Home” buttons.
  • Then press and hold down only one button - “Home” until a message appears on the display indicating that the device is in recovery mode.
  • Give your consent to the action by choosing one of the 2 solutions proposed by the program - recovery from basic settings and loss of all information or from a saved copy.

The second way to unlock an iPhone 6s or a simple six involves resetting the password from using iCloud. In this way, you can block a gadget through the Find service. This method can also be effective, but problems often arise when using it. So, if the user cannot identify himself in Apple system(forgot passwords, etc.), unlock iPhone 6s will become extremely difficult or simply impossible. He will have to prove that he is the owner of the gadget he has.

Finally, the third and most daring way to restore your iPhone if it is locked. But having decided to put it into practice, the user should know that all device data will be erased, and the phone’s memory will appear before him in its original form, as it was in the factory settings.

To take advantage radical method To unlock your iPhone, you need to:

  • Connect the device to WiFi or provide an output global network via cell.
  • From another gadget, which must be functional and, of course, unlocked, log into iCloud in the search section.
  • Wait for iCloud to find all available devices. Select your device icon and click “Erase” in the right window.

To confirm the transaction, the user will need to enter their Apple ID number. After this, the display will go dark and the device will begin unlocking. After that found iCloud system and the iPhone selected by the user will be restored and completely reset to factory settings.

Important! After the procedure, the data is not permanently erased. Information is partially stored in iCloud. This is usually data such as contacts, messages, mail, etc. Therefore, it is recommended that every owner make a backup copy of the data stored on the iPhone at least once a month.

Block activation of iPhone 6 PLUS and other devices

This type of blocking is also common. As a rule, this is done through iCloud. Its essence is that with every change in the iPhone (when the gadget search function is erased or turned off, etc.), the owner of the device must enter the password and ID into Apple. This way the device is protected by the system from hacking and information theft.

To be calm about the data stored on the device, it is better to never disable this function. It’s better to spend a little time on the tedious procedure of entering a password than to later not be able to find a stolen or lost gadget.

It happens that the person selling a used phone does not specifically disable the search function, so that later he can report the honest buyer as a thief who stole his smartphone. Therefore, when buying a phone second-hand, you need to remember to ask the previous owner to disable this option in front of you. Disabled search will secure your purchase and will not require you to unlock the device in the future.

If you forgot your ID - Apple

Forgetting an identification number and the password for it, the user again faces the task of how to gain access to the gadget’s functions, which he cannot use in this situation.

You can find out your ID in iCloud airplane mode or by removing the SIM card from the device when turning on the cloud service.

Password recovery can be achieved via the address mailbox, through which the device was once registered. Apple usually restores access, but sometimes the user is denied if the company suspects him of fraud.

Another option for password recovery is to send a request letter to the official e-mail of the manufacturer. Often the company provides support in difficult situations, but they may ask for a lot of information - a copy of the receipt for the purchase of the device; numbers of those to whom the user made calls more often than others; list of application purchases for your device made in Lately and so on. They will also be required to present the packaging, which must remain intact and intact. Therefore, never throw away the packaging after purchasing an iPhone.

How to hack iPhone 6

Sometimes a user deliberately decides to buy a locked device, doing this because of the opportunity to save some money. Of course, after purchasing such a device, you will need to unlock it, which will be more like hacking.

The most common ways to unlock an iPhone six:

1 Waiting for the contract to be completed (about 2 years). Although, it depends on how much time has passed since activation. Afterwards, the gadget can be easily unlocked via iTunes. But rarely does anyone agree to wait that long, because the iPhone was purchased for active use. 2 Contact with technical support mobile operator. This is usually AT&T in the US. Most likely, the company will ask the user to provide some information - for example, the date of the contract, etc. The answer to this is that the contract was lost, and the user does not remember this date. In some cases, the operator meets halfway and helps in unlocking the gadget. Especially if the IMEI is known, the situation ends happily. By e-mail the company sends all necessary information to restore the device.

3 Appeal to third party company. There are many companies online that offer iPhone unlocking services for a fee. The cost of the service varies greatly and depends on which operator the device is designed for. It is often provided by American companies that officially cooperate with Apple and use by legal means unlocking. So, by resorting to their services, the owner of a “black” gadget can count on the fact that after the procedure software the device will not be damaged.

Hello everyone! An interesting situation happened to me recently - in order to respond to a comment, I needed to dig into the settings of my iPhone and see if it was possible to set restrictions on a specific program in iOS. As usual, I open “Settings - General - Restrictions”, run into the sign “Enter the password code for restrictions” and understand that I simply do not remember these cherished four digits!

Of course, in the end everything ended well, but similar situation made me think about this... If even I, a person who constantly tinkers with the iPhone and iPad, managed to somehow forget the password for restrictions, then what can we say about regular user, who uses this setting once a year, and only on major holidays?

Most likely, many will not even remember the fact that they installed this code at all. Not to mention some numbers. And now what i can do? So you can walk around without access to all the settings? Of course not. There are two options for solving this problem. Go!

By the way, remember - there is no “factory”, “factory”, “standard” password. The code is set by the user himself when opening the restrictions settings for the first time.

Now let's go for sure! :)

Method No. 1. Completely remove the password

There is only one way to remove the code without knowing it - through firmware recovery. There is nothing complicated about this:

But this method has some very big disadvantages:

  • Yes, you will get rid of password restrictions. But absolutely all information will also be deleted from the device!
  • Thinking of restoring data from a backup? There are also some “troubles” here. After all, if a copy was created at a time when the code was already installed, then when it is restored, the restriction password will return to the device.

In general, the method works, but is not very convenient - there are too many reservations when using it. Luckily, there are other options...

Method No. 2. Find out the code

Yes it is possible. And most importantly, we don’t even need to strain our memory and remember forgotten password. A special program will do everything for us!

This very program “pulls” the code from the backup copy. Accordingly, there must be at least one copy on the computer, which includes the restrictions password. If you don't have one yet, just do it.

Victory! All that remains is to remember them and never forget them :) And finally, a few questions and answers:

  • And this safe program- Can it be used at all? Can. Especially considering the fact that it is openly posted on GitHub (the world's largest resource for hosting IT projects and their joint development).
  • With which iOS versions works? I checked it works on iOS 10, 11 and 12 - everything is fine. However, judging by the description, absolutely any firmware version is supported starting from iOS 7 (inclusive).

As you can see, everything is very simple, multifunctional and safe. Nothing complicated! However, if something doesn’t work out for you or you still have some questions, be sure to write in the comments, we’ll try to figure it out together and find a solution!

Updated! I completely forgot one very important thing when using the PinFinder program. Since the password is “pulled” from the backup copy, you need to remember this - this same backup copy should not be encrypted. Otherwise, PinFinder will swear and throw an error. How to remove encryption? It's simple - connect your iPhone, launch iTunes and uncheck the corresponding menu item.

However, at the moment this setting (encryption) is no longer relevant, since...

Updated 2! To be honest, I didn’t even expect such attention to my modest blog, but the author of the program (Gareth Watts) wrote in the comments (for which I thank him very much!) and said that it was released a new version PinFinder 1.6.0. Support for encrypted backups has been announced - now it is not necessary to disable encryption in iTunes in order to find out the password iPhone restrictions. Simply great!

Updated 3! A new version of the program has been released - PinFinder 1.7.1. What's new? Appeared iOS support 12 - Now you can find out the “Screen Time Passcode” (formerly “Restrictions”) without any problems. Hooray!!! True, in iOS 12 Apple slightly reworked the security policy and now the Screen Time passcode can only be retrieved from an encrypted backup. Remember this and be careful!

P.S. Everything worked out? A huge request - don’t be lazy to write a couple of lines in the comments about how you removed the password code for restrictions. Thank you!

P.S.S. The instructions helped, but too lazy to write anything? Please like and press the buttons social networks- the author will be very grateful! Thanks again!

If you are the owner iPad tablet, no matter what generation, it can be light - Air, small - Mini, or a heavy iPad of the 1st generation, then know that on any of these models you can set a security password that limits access to the contents of the tablet, which is sometimes simply necessary .

You can set a password on your iPad using: various reasons, for example, the tablet contains valuable files, which you can’t possibly lose or you just don’t want anyone to look at your photos, play your game, etc. Sometimes parents set a password in order to restrict the child from constant using iPad. In general, everyone here has their own protective needs.

Previously, we looked at - on the iPad, all actions are performed almost the same way. Today we will touch on some password options that were not discussed using the phone example. We will set a password on the iPad, change it to a more secure one, and disable the passcode completely.

Putting a password on your iPad

Setting a password on your iPad is very simple; you can enable it in the settings.

Launch the “Settings” application, select the “Password” section and press the button – “ Enable Password" Having completed these iPad actions offer to enter the 4-digit number you came up with digital password and confirm it again.

Now, when you try to unlock your tablet, the iPad will ask you to enter your password. Without entering a password, you will not be able to use the device, unless you launch the “ ” application by pulling the camera icon up. Also in locked mode, without entering a password, on iPad with iOS firmware 7 and higher can be used, unless of course it is prohibited in the settings.

If, after enabling the password, you try to enter Settings - Password, then you will also be asked to enter the lock code, so do not forget your password or write it down somewhere, if you forget, look.

How to change the security password on iPad

If you decide to change the password on your iPad, it is easy to do, provided, of course, that you remember your current password.

If you know and remember your password and want to change it to some new 4 digits, then go to Settings - Password - enter the real password - press the " button Change password» – enter Old Password– then enter and confirm a new one.

But we decided to change our 4-digit digital password to a more complex one that uses not only numbers. We want our password to contain letters, symbols and not be limited to 4 characters, it turns out that you can create such a password on the iPad, for this we turn off the toggle switch - “Simple password”.

We enter our four-digit code created in the first section of the instructions and the iPad issues new uniform for our new password. Our new, not simple, password is entered with a full password, where any layout and length can be used.

Now, when you try to wake up your iPad by unlocking it, you will see a completely different password entry form. As for me, a simple digital form somehow fits better into the design of the iPad tablet, although when it comes to data protection, then appearance, probably fades into the background.

How to remove password on iPad

In order to remove the password, i.e. To disable code protection on the lock screen on the iPad, you need to go to Settings - Password - Turn off password, then you need to enter your code and the protection will be disabled.

If you have forgotten your lock password iPad screen, then you won’t be able to view it on the tablet, and there is also no magic factory password. In this case, you can either remember or reset the password, and they will help you with this following instructions, which you need to read carefully:

These two work, but sometimes they may not help, for example, you found an iPhone or iPad on which a password is set that blocks access to the work screen, using the reset instructions, you can sometimes get a “brick” that will ask for activation when Apple help ID and password. This happens when the “Find iPhone (iPad)” function is enabled on the device, so it is better to return the found device to the owner rather than try to remove the password!

It is quite rare for situations in which the user has forgotten the lock password iPhone screen. Typically the password is simple and the user removes graphic lock in graphical mode.

This password itself is necessary so that the smartphone cannot be hacked to strangers. Enabling this password means that it will be impossible to use the phone or even get to its desktop; the phone will only display the status bar, date and time.

However, the lock screen does not block the ability to connect to the “control center”, through which you can connect to already famous Wi-Fi networks to bypass the blocking, and also turn on a flashlight, calculator and video camera.

How to unlock your iPhone

Bypassing the iPhone lock password is extremely difficult because Apple company paid maximum attention to ensuring the safety of the devices they produce.

Even a relatively simple four-digit code can lock a device so that it will be much easier to sell it for spare parts than to hack it. Not to mention the fact that you can enter a long password, which could take a hacker a lot of time to unlock.

In most cases, the owner of the device knows how to reset the lock password on an iPhone without much difficulty, since information about this possibility is provided by Apple itself when registering the device on iTunes in the user’s name.

However, unlocking your iPhone through this service means losing all the content on your phone, so it's best to keep a backup of your important data.

The number of attempts to enter a password is limited, and if you are persistent enough in this matter, you can still achieve complete blocking devices, which can only be unlocked through iTunes.

It’s hard to imagine that the user himself would lead to this, but this happens from time to time. And the only way out in case of complete loss of the password is to either check all available combinations, or full reset data mentioned above.

Resetting the counter of incorrect attempts to enter passwords

If the user (or anyone else) has entered the wrong password into the screen for long enough iPhone lock, it is possible to reset the counter. If there is extremely sensitive data on board the device, and the user has a rough idea of ​​​​what the password should be, this method will be justified, but manual selection password will take a very long time.

To do this, you need a USB cable and a computer with access to an iTunes account with which the smartphone has been synchronized at least once. Having all this, it follows:

  1. Connect the device to the PC via a USB cable.
  2. Synchronize the device through “settings” in the “Overview” tab.

Once the synchronization process begins, the device's temporary lock will be removed. By turning off and using " hard reset"You won't be able to achieve the same effect on an iPhone.

How to disable iPhone lock screen password

The iPhone screen lock security password can be disabled if the user so desires. Most often, this is justified when giving the device to a child, who may accidentally lock the device when the password is enabled. To do this you need:

  • open Phone Settings, and then go to the “Touch ID and Password” menu, here you should;
  • click “Turn off password” and confirm this action;
  • enter a valid password and decide on your iCloud keychain.

It will be possible to leave your data protected in Apple services while keeping your own device relatively open. It is also not difficult to lock your iPhone back by repeating the above algorithm of actions, adjusted to enable the password rather than disable it.