How to register with Odnoklassniki under a false name. Create a second page in Odnoklassniki

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! In this article we will figure out how you can create a new account in Odnoklassniki. This is done very quickly and completely free.

This question interests many users. It is relevant in cases where other family members also use the home computer. In this case, it is better to create several different pages so that everyone has their own.

Registering a second page on Odnoklassniki can also be useful for those who want to separate, for example, communication with friends and communication with clients.

Naturally, there are other reasons why a user might want to create a new page on a social network. We will not consider them all. Let's get started.

How to log out of your current profile

First, you need to log out of the profile that you are currently using on the social network.

Go to your Odnoklassniki page and click on the “Exit” button, which is located at the top right.

Then confirm that you want to leave this site.

After this, the main page of this social network will open in the browser. By entering your login and password here, you will again find yourself on your page. But this is not what we need at all, so let’s move on to the next point.

Registering a new page in Odnoklassniki

In order to create a second page, you will need to register it. Therefore, go to the “Registration” tab.

Now you know how to register a second page on Odnoklassniki, and by entering the required login and password, you can log into the profile that you need at the moment.

Is it possible to register in Odnoklassniki again? For example, you do not remember the password for your account and cannot change it for some reason. You can create several pages.

In 2010, paid registration in Odnoklassniki was abolished. People were also able to register several accounts from one IP address, as another solution was found to combat spam.

A problem may arise if you do not have another phone number required for registration. It is impossible to register with Odnoklassniki for the second time using a number that is already linked to your or someone else’s account, even a deleted one. The screen will say: “Sorry, this number is already in use.” What can be done in this case? There is a way out, now let’s figure out what it is.

Find another number

Nowadays many people have several SIM cards. If you only have one number, ask a close friend or family member for their number to get confirmation and link your second account to their number.

If no one wants to help you out or all numbers already have their own accounts, you can purchase a new SIM card. Registration on the Odnoklassniki social network is possible using a Google account, that is, a gmail email account. If you don't have one, create one on the official post office website. The process will not take much time, and you will be able to register with Odnoklassniki a second time.

There is also the option of using a virtual number. Many sites provide phone rental services. However, this will already be a paid service; you will need to top up your virtual number account so that it receives a confirmation SMS.

When you use your profile, it is highly advisable to specify another number in the settings, which will be yours, that is, you will always have access to it. If you forget your password, you can always recover and replace it. You will receive an SMS on your phone for confirmation. Through messages to your phone, the service also sends notifications about other changes that have been made to your profile, including unsuccessful attempts to log into your account by other people without your knowledge.

Go to the site

  1. We go to the website Log out of your first account. To do this, click your thumbnail avatar in the upper right corner of the page and select “Log Out.” Confirm your intention.
  2. The start page will open. Go to the “Registration” tab in the small white window.
  3. Select your country from the dropdown menu.
  4. Enter a new number (yours, a friend's, just purchased).
  5. Click on the green “Next” button.
  6. Enter the code that you received on your new phone. Click “Next” again.
  7. Write your password. You have to come up with it yourself. It should be complex enough, but at the same time so that you can remember it: include Latin letters and symbols, as well as numbers. Just in case, write it down in your personal notebook. The password complexity will be visible on the scale below the line.
  8. Click on "Next".
  9. Fill in the form. All basic data should be here. Click on “Save”.

Registration via Google account

How to register in Odnoklassniki again if there is no other phone number? Fortunately, there is another option - a Google account, which we discussed above. Registration with it is even faster than through a mobile phone number.

First you need to register a Google account, that is, create a gmail email account. If you already have one and remember the password for it, skip these steps and go straight to the social network site.

1.Open the Gmail website. You can simply start typing this name into the address bar, and the system will immediately knock out the desired option for you in the list.

2.Fill in all fields with your data. This may not be a real first and last name. Nobody will ask you for your passport. In case of unforeseen circumstances, for example, to recover or replace a password, you can write an additional email address to which you have access.

4.Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “I Accept.” Now you can go to Odnoklassniki to register there.

5. Launch the Odnoklassniki service. Click on the icon with the image of the colored Latin letter G, which is located next to the orange “Login” button.

6.Write your Gmail email address and click “Next”. Enter the password for your Google account.

Your new Odnoklassniki account will be created automatically. Now you can customize your account and add various photos.

Want to delete the first page?

Method No. 1

If you can get to this page, then this method is for you.
1. Log into your old account. Click on the "Help" link located in the upper right corner.
2. At the end of the page, find the word “Regulations”. Click on it.
3. Click on the “Refuse services” button.
4. Confirm your intention to get rid of the profile forever.

If you have forgotten the password for your old account, try changing it using the phone number that is attached to it.

Method number 2

If you do not have access to the old page, you can contact the service support.

3.Enter the relevant data and texts in the entire field. The application form contains the following sections:

  • Target. Click on a line to bring up the menu. In the list, select the item that suits your situation, in particular, it will be “Access”.
  • Subject. Here it will be as follows: “Forgot login/phone/email.”
  • Information. Copy and paste the link to your Odnoklassniki profile into the line.
  • Email address for feedback. It must be valid, as a response letter will be sent to it.
  • Attach files. Upload the photos you previously posted on your old profile.

4.Click on the button at the bottom of the “Send message” form.

5. The service administrators will send you a letter in which they will ask you to provide information that can confirm that the account is yours (this could be passport information, a photo, indicating the date of your last visit, etc.).

6.If the service has enough information you provided, it will delete your old account.

There is no need to delete your profile if you have created a new one. This should be done only for reasons so that no one can hack your old page for their own fraudulent purposes.

You can register with Odnoklassniki for free two or more times. The only problem is that you cannot register two accounts with the same number. You have to use Google mail or look for other numbers.

No, no, and it sometimes happens that you need to register with Odnoklassniki a second time. Someone got carried away with deleting the previous profile, someone likes (or really needs) to be on the network secretly, under the guise of another person (even though they already have a page). Well, some comrades would be glad not to have to register again, because they lost their login and password or phone number (or even everything combined) that they used to log in to the social network. And we urgently need to find someone on Odnoklassniki and tell us something important...

This article will help you create an account on again and, thus, restore the lost ones and acquire new communication connections in the space of your favorite social network.

And if you haven’t lost your account and are just going to visit Odnoklassniki for the first time,

Starting to re-register...

Please note that you will not be able to use the phone number from your old profile (even if it is deleted). When you try to enter it, the system will display the message “Sorry, this number is already in use.” To register again with a different number, you will need to follow one of the instructions below (the first option is recommended).

Method #1: Ask a friend to help or buy a SIM card

1. Ask a person you trust to use his phone number to register with Odnoklassniki. If you don’t have anyone to ask for help, buy a new SIM card (isn’t this even possible? then see Method No. 2). One way or another, you should have a mobile number that is “undisclosed” on the social network.

2. Open in your browser -

4. In the “Country” field, click the “down arrow” icon. Select the state in which you live from the drop-down menu.

5. Enter the phone number in international format (for Russia the prefix is ​​“+7”, for Ukraine - “+380”, etc.; after selecting the country, the required code appears in the field automatically).

7. Type the code from the SMS message and click on the “Next” link again.

8. The message “Your login in Odnoklassniki: ” will appear on the panel. Create and enter a complex password at least 10-12 characters long, consisting of numbers and Latin letters. Its level of resistance to hacking will be displayed below the field (for example, “Good password”).

10. Provide your personal information in the “Fill out the form” form and click the “Save” button.

Method number 2: use a virtual phone

With current Internet technologies this is possible. Special online services provide phone numbers and display SMS messages that come to them in real time.

However, they are made available to all interested users. And if one of them has already used the virtual number you have chosen to register on, then, unfortunately, you will no longer have this opportunity. In this case, you can try to get a number on another service. Also note that in Odnoklassniki you must indicate the country of residence corresponding to the virtual number and follow the international format (+7, +380, etc.).

Selecting a service

There are a huge number of sites that provide virtual numbers for a fee and for free, with or without registration.

The most convenient to use include the following:

1. (requires registration; authorization via Google+ and Facebook is supported).

2. (free, anonymous).

3. Numberforsms.rf (numbers from different countries are provided, the list of sent SMS is updated every 10 seconds).


Let's look at getting a virtual number using the example of the website

1. Open the main page of the resource. In the left panel, click on the number.

2. Click the “Copy” option (the phone number will be copied to your computer’s clipboard).

3. In a new tab, open, click “Registration”. Specify the country (for this service it will be Russia).

4. Place the cursor in the “Phone number” line. Press the key combination “Ctrl+V” at the same time. Remove the prefix from the inserted number (it has already been added to the field automatically).

6. Return to, wait for an SMS message from Odnoklassniki (it will appear in the “Text...” block).

7. On, type the received code in the appropriate field.

8. Fill out the form and start creating your profile.

Thanks for the number, but yours is better!

Methods No. 1 and No. 2 can easily be classified as emergency solutions. They are useful when you need to create a profile very quickly. But when you use it later, for security purposes, it is recommended that you still specify the phone number that belongs to you in the settings. It is necessary to restore access to your account if you lose your password. In addition, the social network service notifies the user via SMS about changes in profile settings, about attempts to log into the account by third parties.

There is a new personal page, but how to remove the old one?

Method #1: if you have access to it

2. Scroll down the page. Follow the link “Regulations”.

3. Under the list of rules and requirements, click “Refuse services”. Confirm deleting the profile in an additional window.

Note. If you have forgotten your login to your old account, please enter the phone number or email address attached to it to log in.

Method No. 2: if you don’t have a login/email/phone number and password

1. Log in to your new profile. Go to the instructions page “Contacting technical support” (

3. Fill out the “Appeal...” form:

  • « Target"- select the “Access” category;
  • "Subject"- “Forgot login/phone/email”;
  • "Information"- indicate your personal data (full name, age, place of work), a link to your profile (you can see it in the address bar of your browser if you log in from another account).
  • "Email"- your mailbox (active!) for feedback.
  • "Attach file"- upload photos that were published on your old personal page.

4. Click the "Send Message" button.

5. After these steps, technical support of the Odnoklassniki website will send a message to the specified email box asking you to provide data confirming that you are the owner of the account (your photo against the background of the display, which shows correspondence with support; photo, passport data, date of last visit, etc.)

6. Send all the necessary information to the service. After confirming your affiliation, the social network service will delete your profile from the server.

Enjoy your communication on Odnoklassniki!

Register now from your computer with your phone number

What you need to know and have before registering

In order to register with Odnoklassniki right now you will need:

  • Mobile phone number. It is necessary that the number be available to you in the future, as it may someday be useful to you to restore access to your Odnoklassniki page;
  • E-mail address. Email should also be available to you. If desired, it can receive notifications from Odnoklassniki;
  • Password. You can come up with a password in advance. It should be easy and understandable for you and complex enough for other people to not be able to guess it.

Start of registration

So, let's start registering right now. Go to the Odnoklassniki website by clicking here You can also get to the site by typing the word “oddnoklassniki” or simply “” into the Yandex or Google search bar. On the search results page that opens, you just need to click on the first link in the list. This will take you to the main page of the Odnoklassniki website.

In the upper right corner of the Odnoklassniki start page you will see the “Registration” buttons above the social buttons. Click on it.

A data entry window will open.

Select your country and enter your phone number. By default, Russia is indicated in the Country field, but you can select any country you need. To do this, simply click on the button with a triangle in the Country field and select your country in the list that opens.

In the Phone number field, enter your number and click Next.

An SMS message with a code will be sent to the phone number you specified, which you will need to enter in the window that opens. Then you need to click the Next button, as shown in the figure.

Now your login to log into Odnoklassniki will be your phone number, and you need to come up with a password to log in.

Password is a code word for entering the site. To ensure the security of your page, only you should know your password and you should not tell it to anyone. It must be at least 6 characters long and can use uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters, for example. ! # % $ () _ + -. The password should be such that no one can guess it, but at the same time you can easily remember it.

When entering your password, pay attention to the keyboard layout, i.e. what language is enabled on it when you enter the password. If you enter your password in English letters, do not forget that in the future, when logging into your page, you will also need to enter your password in English letters. Similarly with the Russian keyboard layout, if you enter a password on the Russian layout, then in the future pay attention to which keyboard layout is enabled, and, if necessary, switch to Russian. It’s best to write down the password you come up with so you don’t forget it in the future.

Entering personal information about yourself

The first thing you need to do after registering is to enter basic personal information about yourself. The picture below shows what you need to specify:

  • First and Last Name. You can indicate your own or fictitious ones. However, remember that under a fictitious name and surname, your classmates, who may also be looking for you and want to communicate with you, will not be able to find you;
  • Date of Birth. You can specify them using the drop-down lists; to do this, simply click on the Day and select your birth date in the list. Do the same with the month and year of birth;
  • Floor. Simply select your gender by clicking the dot next to the corresponding “Male or Female” item;
  • Save the entered data by clicking the Save button.

So, basic information about yourself has been entered and now you are ready to search for your friends and classmates, fellow students, work colleagues and many other people!

You will learn how to add your photo to the page, enter additional information about yourself, for example, your favorite movie or favorite dish, and find classmates and friends in our next article.

Registration in Odnoklassniki from a mobile phone

Recently, smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, largely due to the fact that they allow us to have access to social networks, including our beloved Odnoklassniki. Using the mobile version of Odnoklassniki on your phone, you can stay in touch with your friends at any time and at any moment in your life, you will receive notifications about your friends’ birthdays, and you will also be aware of all other important events in their lives.

If you have not previously registered with Odnoklassniki, you need to go through a simple registration procedure. In the search bar of any browser, type “m ok ru” and a window with search results will open in front of you. Click on the first link in the list of search results and you will be taken to the page of the mobile version of Odnoklassniki. The main page of the Odnoklassniki social network will open in front of you with the ability to log in and register. We are interested in registration, so click the Registration button.

The following window will open in which you will need to enter your country and your mobile phone number.

The default Country is Russia, but you can select another country by clicking on the word “Russia”. Scroll down the list of countries to find your country.

Enter your phone number in the Phone number field. Then click the Get Code button.

Within a few minutes, a secret code will be sent to your phone; you will need to enter it in the SMS code field. After that, click the Confirm button.

That's all, you have a registered page on Odnoklassniki. As you can see, registering with Odnoklassniki on your phone is very simple!

If you have already registered with Odnoklassniki on your computer before and you just need to have access to your page on your phone, you just need to log into your account (page, profile) on your phone. No need to register again!

In the search bar of any browser (Google, Yandex), type “m o ru”. Next, in the search results window, click on the first link, as shown in the figure.

You will be taken to the main page of the mobile version of the Odnoklassniki website.

In the Login field, enter your login - if you did not change it after registration, most likely, your login will be your phone number. Next, enter the password you came up with when registering online, taking into account the input language on your phone (Russian or English). Click the Login button. If you enter your login and password correctly and successfully, you will find yourself on your page in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki.

Register another page in Odnoklassniki (second time)

Registering with Odnoklassniki for the second time is very easy. To do this, you just need to have a second phone number.

So, to register another new page in Odnoklassniki, let’s first log out of our first personal page - click the Logout button in the upper right corner.

You will find yourself on the main page of this social network. Here you can register with Odnoklassniki again for free. To do this, repeat all the steps to register an account described above in the article, starting with indicating your country and phone number.

Register without a phone number

Previously, you could register on the Odnoklassniki website without a phone. However, for the last couple of years, registering new accounts on the network has been possible only with reference to a specific phone number to which an activation code is sent. This decision is associated with additional security and improvement of network operation: the number of registered fake pages has decreased, the volume of fraudulent activities and page hacking has decreased.

One of the not very reliable ways to register on Odnoklassniki without a phone number can be virtual number distribution services. The Internet is full of information about these services, and the service websites have detailed instructions on how to get a phone number and code. However, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that most of these services are either paid or do not work. And, most importantly, even if you pay money on the virtual number service to get a number and register with Odnoklassniki, you still won’t go further than your page until you specify the phone number in the settings. That is, you will not be able to search for friends, write messages, add photos - this will be a page with limited capabilities.

Video instruction


If you want to communicate more often and share photos with relatives, friends and acquaintances, create an account on this social network. On the Odnoklassniki network, registration is not difficult and will take very little time. In this article we will give instructions on how to do this from a computer and mobile phone.

From computer

First, search by name through your browser and go to the website of this social network. Further instructions on how to register in Odnoklassniki for free look like this:

  • You are on the authorization page. On the right side there is a form for entering a login and a “Login” button below it. And below is the “Registration” button. We click on it.
  • On the next page, indicate your phone number, country (Russia) and click on “Next”.

  • Confirm your phone number with the code from SMS (it will arrive in a few seconds).

  • Create a username and password. Login - your phone number. The password must meet the system requirements and be strong enough.

  • Log in to the selected service.

  • Next, follow the system prompts.

After completing the registration process on Odnoklassniki, we supplement your profile on OK with the missing information for free.

From phone

We will not describe how to register in Odnoklassniki through a browser installed on a smartphone, since the functionality of the mobile version and the computer version is not particularly different. The next instructions will be about how to create an account on OK through the mobile application.

  • Download (via Google Play or App Store), install and launch the application.
  • Click on the “Register” button. It's at the bottom of the screen.

  • On the screen requesting access to phone services, click “Continue”.

  • Allow access to phone calls and contacts to register with OK.

  • Indicate your phone number and country. Then the “Next” button.

  • A field for entering a verification code will appear on the screen, and the code itself will be sent via SMS. Enter it and click “Next”.

  • Now you have a form for entering personal information, as well as your login and password. Let's fill it out.
  • Click on “Continue”.

Don’t forget that the accuracy of your full name and place of residence determines whether your relatives and friends can find you on this social network.

Please note: registering a new user in Odnoklassniki via Google, Facebook and in the mobile application occurs in the same way as through a browser on a computer.

How to re-register in Odnoklassniki

Now this service provides users with several options to help restore access to their profile in force majeure situations; they just need to contact the Support Service. But anything can happen, sometimes “the stars align” in such a way that you can’t get your profile back. All that remains is to register again on Odnoklassniki (you can do it right now and for free).

What is needed for this:

  1. Create a new account using a different free number and email. mail.
  2. When filling out the registration form, provide the same information that was indicated in the lost profile. After entering the number, a window will appear in front of you asking if this is your profile - click on Yes, this is mine. Then you will be able to restore the page.

Unfortunately, you won't be able to create a new profile for the same phone.