Old mail on Yandex. Ways to recover your password on Yandex. Password recovery through technical support

The need to fix a deleted mailbox " Yandex" can appear for any user, regardless of his skill and level. Therefore, it is very important to know what to do in such a situation.


1. At the time of mailbox registration " Yandex» An account in this system is also registered at the same time. To correct a personally deleted email account, log into your account and click on “Create” Mailbox" However, keep in mind that the information stored there cannot be corrected.

2. If you delete not only your mailbox, but also your account, register in the system again. As usual, the name deleted account within 3 months it is considered busy, therefore during this period you cannot register under your old name. After this period, if your former address will not be occupied by another user, register a mailbox under your name.

3. In addition, the administration postal service « Yandex» may delete your mailbox due to non-use for a certain period of time, which is specified in the agreement. To correct it in this case, contact technical support users indicating their task and the necessary data. Be sure to include an extension email address that you have access to. In a few days you will receive the result.

4. Often the reason for deleting a mailbox is the sending of spam or virus messages from your postal address. This happens if fraudsters have accessed your mail. System in in this case blocks or deletes your email. To solve this problem, also contact user technical support, they can help you fix the box.

5. In addition, prepare all necessary information, which you specified when registering your mailbox, say Security Question and the result on it. This data may be needed to correct your mailbox to " Yandex ».

A mailbox made for communicating with customers of a short-term enterprise or for working at the enterprise that you left is no longer necessary. But while working with your account, you probably managed to add passport and other confidential data to it. To prevent criminals from intercepting your information, delete your account.

You will need

  • Computer with Internet connection


2. Scroll to the “Delete account” line on the passport page that opens. Click on the line. On new page enter the password from account and the "enter" key to confirm the deletion. Your account has been deleted.

3. On the new page, enter the account password and the “enter” key to confirm the deletion. Your account has been deleted.

There are several methods to restore it. Before each one, it should be considered: deleted, blocked or temporarily stopped. Sometimes it is quite difficult for the average user to determine this. Consequently, by following some technical recommendations, there is a possibility of improvement. However, it should be noted that, unfortunately, it is sometimes completely removed without the possibility of recovery.


1. It is especially easy to restore when it is not completely deleted, but blocked (at your request or because you have not used it for a long time). For example, if you enter your username and password, then a notification appears that says “you are blocked,” and occasionally a message appears that says it has been “deleted,” but among the functions there is the possibility of “recovering.” As usual, if your account has been “frozen,” so to speak, due to the fact that you have not used it for a long time, you just need to enter a password and, in theory, your account should be activated again mechanically.

2. Sometimes the correction is more difficult. Again, the reason for deletion/blocking is significant. In some cases, to unlock, you need something more than a login and password. On many sites, when registering, you can set your secret question, enter email address(or if yours is blocked in postal system, alternative e-mail).

3. If the reason for blocking is spam, network attacks etc., this means that your system contains a virus or other harmful software. Before everyone, you can try checking yourself for spam using online checks(follow the link http://www.2ip.ru/spam/). If during the check you see the inscription LISTEN in red, then you need to follow the link and write so that your ip is removed from the spam database. Undoubtedly, it is also necessary to carry out full check operating system for the presence of viruses. To do this, you need to use an effective antivirus (for example, paid Kaspersky Internet Security or free CureIt). It is also recommended to disable “system correction” after checking your computer. In order to do this, you need to go to: Start - All programs - Typical - Utilities - System correction. After this, restart your computer. After which the “system correction” can be turned on again.

4. Once you have checked your computer and are sure that no more harmful actions can be carried out on your account, you can write to the site’s technical support and explain to them the situation. The account must be restored. As soon as you gain access to your account, it is recommended to immediately change your password (unless the site administration changes it for you).

It turns out that if you know how, you can restore your account within 2-3 days. The more information you can provide, the greater the likelihood of improving access. Access is restored according to the thesis of metamorphosis in the settings of the lost account of additional soap to the one that you indicate for communication in the request form.

Helpful advice
Knowing these methods, you will be able to avoid having your Odnoklassniki page hacked, and if a hack does occur, you will not pay scammers by recovering the Password and Login from your page on the public network yourself. This article explains how accounts on Odnoklassniki are hacked, how to protect against hacking, and how to restore a hacked page.

Almost everything modern man there is a mailbox. Many people have more than one, and remembering everything becomes unrealistic. But, as they say, you should get rid of obscene things. Let's say you can delete one of the unused e-mails.


1. Deleting mail is quite easy if you know how. Let's say, deleting mail in the mail.ru system. Go to the website http://mail.ru/. Left in top corner There is a special login form in which you need to enter your login and password in the appropriate fields. In the drop-down menu, select the domain on which the mailbox is registered. To do this, it is quite easy to click on the required option with the mouse.

2. You have entered your mailbox. Open the "More" tab in top menu. In the menu that opens, click on the “Support” button.

3. The page will open in a new window information center with questions and snags that arise when working with the postal service. In this list you can easily find explanations for deleting a mailbox. This is question #11, located towards the end of the list.

4. In the window that loads, read a detailed description of the procedure for deleting a box and a warning about what this action may entail. By getting rid of a mailbox, all of its letters are deleted. Letters sent to given address, will not be delivered. Also, every information on the accompanying plans is deleted at once. This means blogs personal page, photographs, etc.

6. To permanently delete a mailbox, you must enter a reason for deleting it. You can write any reason, say, “a larger mailbox is not used.” Fill in the current password field. Confirm by clicking the “delete” button. In the pop-up window that appears on your screen, click the “ok” button.

7. The signal for successful deletion of an inappropriate mailbox is a downloaded notification. This is your final chance to change your mind; you can still “restore this mailbox” by clicking on this inscription.

Video on the topic

Lose access to email box invariably annoying. Only if it contained significant data. System postal service Yandex allows its users to restore by forgotten login or password to e-mail, thereby again opening access to it.

You will need

  • Access to the Internet.


1. If you have forgotten your email password box, follow the link mail.yandex.ru and click on the inscription “Remember password”.

2. An access correction window has opened in front of you. Type in the field your login and email address to which you want to restore access. After that, enter the characters from the picture and click the “Next” button.

3. Based on which access correction method you chose when registering your mailbox, you will be offered a method for correcting it. This may be the result of the secret question you gave earlier, number cell phone tied to this box, or specifying another mailbox.

4. If it is a phone, enter its number, receive a message with a code, and then enter this code to the required field. And when you need to specify another email address, enter required e-mail, receive a letter to it with a link and follow it. Upon completion of these steps, enter the numbers from the picture and click “Next” again.

5. After this, you will be taken to the password metamorphosis page. Enter your new password in the first field and duplicate it in the second. Click the "Done" button and you will have access to your email box .

6. If you lose your login, try to remember it yourself or ask friends to whom you sent letters from it. If everything makes no sense, contact Yandex technical support. To do this, click on the “Feedback” inscription located at the bottom of the page. Fill out the form provided, describing your task as accurately as possible and indicating another mailbox where they will be required to send the result. Lost access will be strictly restored.

7. Write down the password and login for your mailbox in a notepad or any significant document, stored on the computer. This will avoid the hassle of correcting access next time.

In some situations, a user in one of the public networks. In order to return him to the list of friends or restore him lost contact, you need to perform a few simple steps.


1. Submit a request to the user you care about to add him as a friend. Mechanically you will become his subscriber. If your application is confirmed, all you have to do is click on the “Add as a friend” command. All previously opened data will be available to you again user. Due to the subscription, your friend will not know that he was removed from the friends feed (provided that he was not online at the moment).

2. In order to restore contact with the user in ICQ program, submit a request for authorization on the network and permission to add a name user to your contacts list. To do this, locate the person by ICQ number or other data and invite him to be friends. When adding a contact, two-way authorization occurs: the user gives permission to add himself as a friend, and he himself adds the interlocutor to the friends feed.

3. In the memory of your electronic mailbox, enter the data of an accidentally deleted user(look in the correspondence history). It is enough to write the email address or name of the interlocutor. Confirm the creation of a new contact by clicking the "OK" button.

4. If you accidentally deleted all contacts, follow these steps to fix it: certain actions. Download the general catalog and perform system correction from the archive, the one that contains remote users. Disable network card and reload the directory as normal.

5. Make the contents of the operating system memory to include usernames that differ from each other. Do this using the ldifde command, which will allow you to enter user groups from other and current domains. To create files of this type, use the groupadd program.

6. Boot the controller into the external domain, reboot it in normal mode. As a result of these actions, the user directory will be restored.

The need to return a previously deleted mailbox on Yandex may arise at any time. However, this is practically impossible.

Despite the impossibility of returning all data from a previously erased mailbox, it is possible to return old login or restore a hacked mailbox.

Method 1: Recovering your email address

After deleting a mailbox, there is a short period of time during which the old login will be occupied. This usually lasts two months. Afterwards, you can use it again by simply opening the Yandex mail page and creating new account. To do this, you need to open Yandex.Mail and click "Registration".

Method 2: Recovering hacked mail

If your account is hacked and subsequently blocked due to sending spam or committing illegal actions, you should write to technical support. In this case, it is necessary to indicate in detail the known data about the mail and indicate additional address, to which a response will be sent. When submitting a request to technical support, you should indicate your name, email, nature of the problem and describe it in detail.

Method 3: Restoring a mailbox deleted by the service

According to user agreement, mail can be deleted if it has not been used for more than two years. In this case, the account will first be blocked for a month (after 24 months of user inactivity) and a notification will be sent to the phone or a spare e-mail. The owner can contact the support service within a month with a request to return the account. You should submit a request to technical support in the same way as in the previous case. If no action was taken, the mail will be deleted, and the login can be used again.

It is impossible to restore mail and all existing messages after deletion. However, there are exceptions, and such situations are resolved through technical support. The user should remember that even if the mail is deleted, the Yandex account still remains, and there is always the opportunity to simply create a new mailbox.

Many users often encounter the problem of losing credentials such as Yandex email login and password. You can restore them in several ways that the service provided: through mobile phone, additional mail, technical support.

Ways to recover Yandex mail

Fast recovery Access to mail is made using the mail.yandex.ru service.

Step-by-step instruction How to recover your Yandex password:

  1. Go to electronic service or use any application that allows access to mail.
  2. In the line below the password entry field, there is a slightly visible link that prompts you to “remember” it: click on it.
  3. A new page will open where the user needs to enter his email address or login.
  4. Below is the captcha input field (short letter or digital code) from the image next to it. Enter the code, click the “Next” button.

Afterwards, the system will redirect to the service, where the user is offered different variants solving the problem. You can restore access to mail in the following ways:

  • by phone number (which is linked to the account);
  • through Secret Question;
  • via another email.

By phone number

When registering, Yandex offers to link to a mobile phone. You should not refuse this service, as it significantly increases the security of correspondence, while making it easy to recover your email by phone number if you lose your password:

  1. After opening the access recovery window, select the “Phone” icon.
  2. In the next window, enter attached to this account mobile number, click on the “Get code” button.
  3. An SMS message with a one-time confirmation code will be sent to your phone; enter it in a special field.
  4. After this, a window will appear on the screen where you can set New Password to the post office.

Via security question

Another way to restore your mail is to use the answer to your security question, which was also specified at the time of registration:

  1. In the Yandex service, select the “answer to security question” access recovery method.
  2. Enter the answer in the field, often this is “mother’s maiden name” or “pet name”, click the “Next” button.

If the user has not forgotten the answer to the secret question, then this item will help activate the procedure for changing the password. If this information is lost or the answer is incorrect, an error message will appear. Follow the link provided and fill out the form to contact support.

Via another email

You can restore Yandex mail through an additional email box if it was previously linked to your account:

  1. In the recovery window, open the tab additional mail.
  2. Enter the email address to which the password recovery code will be sent.
  3. Repeat similar actions, as in the case of restoring access via telephone.

How to restore a mailbox through technical support

If none of the above methods helped restore access to your mailbox, you should contact technical support operators for help. This method unlocks access only if the data is fully verified. Steps to recover your password through technical support:

  1. On the Yandex website, find the “Feedback” button (it is located at the bottom of the screen).
  2. After this, follow the instructions of the operator who will supervise the procedure.
  3. To resume access, you will need to provide scans of documents and questionnaire data that were specified during registration.

What to do if you forgot your login

Restoring these credentials will be somewhat more difficult. You can often restore your login when communicating with friends, through dialogues on different social networks. If you couldn’t find your lost login this way, you can’t do without a request to the Yandex support service. Operators may require the following data:

  • Yandex wallet number;
  • counter number, if you have your own website with the Yandex.Metrica service;
  • number of the advertising company in case of website promotion in Yandex.Direct.

Recovering deleted mail on Yandex

There are often situations when you need to restore a long-unused or accidentally destroyed email account (sometimes mail is blocked by moderators for sending spam). Options for recovering deleted mail:

  1. If the mailbox was deleted from the database by the administration for sending spam, then the issue can only be resolved with the technical support service.
  2. It is inevitable to turn to the same service if you need to restore a mailbox that for a long time didn't use it. If the mail is not used for its intended purpose for a long time, the address is automatically deleted and in the usual way You won't be able to log in anymore.

Along with the mail, the Yandex profile is often deleted. In this case, you will need to register again. As a rule, a destroyed account is considered busy for three months, so it will not be possible to immediately restore the previous data. During this time, you can register under a different name.



At the time of mailbox registration " Yandex“At the same time, an account is registered in this system. To restore a personally deleted email account, log into your account and click on the “Create mailbox” item. However, keep in mind that the information stored there cannot be restored.

If you delete not only your mailbox, but also your account, register in the system again. Typically, a deleted account name is considered taken for 3 months, so during this period you cannot register under your old name. After this period, if your previous address is not occupied by another user, register a mailbox under your name.

In addition, the administration of the postal service " Yandex» may delete your mailbox due to non-use for a certain period of time, which is specified in the agreement. To restore it in this case, contact technical user support indicating your problem and the necessary data. Be sure to include an additional email address that you have access to. You will receive a response in a few days.

Often the reason for deleting a mailbox is spam or virus messages being sent from your email address. This happens if fraudsters have accessed your mail. In this case, the system blocks or deletes your email account. To solve this problem, also contact technical user support, they can help you restore the mailbox.

In addition, prepare all necessary information, which you specified when registering your mailbox, for example, a security question and answer to it. This data may be required to restore your mailbox to " Yandex».

The mailbox created for communicating with clients of a short-term business or for work at the business you left is no longer needed. But while working with your account, you probably managed to enter passport and other confidential data into it. To prevent attackers from intercepting your information, delete your account.

You will need

  • Computer with Internet connection


There are several ways to restore. First of all, you should consider: deleted, blocked or temporarily suspended. Sometimes it is quite difficult for the average user to determine this. Therefore, by following some technical recommendations, it is possible to restore. However, it should be noted that, unfortunately, sometimes it is permanently deleted without the possibility of recovery.


The easiest way to restore it is when it is not completely deleted, but (at your request or because you have not used it for a long time). For example, if you enter your username and password, a notification like “your blocked” appears, and sometimes a message appears that supposedly “deleted”, but among the functions there is an option to “restore”. As a rule, if your account has been “frozen”, so to speak, due to the fact that you have not used it for a long time, you just need to enter a password and, in theory, your account should be reactivated automatically.

Sometimes recovery is more difficult. Again, the reason for deletion is important. In some cases, in order to do so, you need more than a login and password. On many sites, when registering, you can set your secret question, enter your email address (or, if yours is blocked in the mail system, an alternative email).

If the reason for blocking is spam, network attacks, etc., then this means that there is other malicious software on your system. First of all, you can try to check yourself for spam using the checker (follow the link http://www.2ip.ru/spam/). If during the check you see the inscription LISTEN in red, then you need to follow the link and get your IP from the spam database. Of course, you also need to conduct a full scan of the operating system for viruses. To do this you need to use effective antivirus(for example, paid Kaspersky Internet Security or free CureIt). It is also recommended after checking " ". In order to do this, you need to go to: Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - System Restore. Then restart your computer. After which you can perform a “system restore” again.

Once you have checked your computer and are sure that no more transactions can be carried out on your account. malicious actions, then you can write to the site’s technical support and explain the situation to them. The account must be restored. As soon as you gain access to your account, it is recommended to immediately change your password (unless the site administration changes it for you).


It turns out that if you know how, you can restore your account within 2-3 days. The more information you can provide, the greater the likelihood that access will be restored. Access is restored according to the principle of changing the settings of the lost account extra soap to the one you indicate for contact in the request form.

Helpful advice

Knowing these methods, you will be able to avoid hacking your Odnoklassniki page, and if hacking occurs, you will not pay scammers by independently recovering the Password and Login from your page on the social network. This article explains how accounts on Odnoklassniki are hacked, protection against hacking, and how to restore a hacked page.

Almost every modern person has a mailbox. Many people have more than one, and it becomes impossible to remember everything. But, as they say, you should get rid of unnecessary things. For example, you can delete one of your unused emails.


Removing it is quite easy if you know how. For example, deleting mail in the mail.ru system. Go to the site http://mail.ru/. In the upper left corner there is special form login, where you need to enter your login and password in the appropriate fields. In the drop-down menu, select the domain on which the mailbox is registered. To do this, simply click on the desired option with the mouse.

You have entered your mailbox. Open the "More" tab in the top menu. In the menu that opens, click on the “Help” button.

An information center page with questions and problems that arise when working with the mail service will open in a new window. You can easily find explanations on how to delete a mailbox in this list. This is question #11, located towards the end of the list.

In the loading window read detailed description procedures for deleting a box and a warning about what this action may entail. By getting rid of a mailbox, all of its letters are deleted. Emails sent to this address will not be delivered. All information on related projects is also simultaneously deleted. This refers to blogs, personal page, photographs, etc.

To permanently delete a mailbox, you must enter a reason for deleting it. You can write any reason, for example, “the mailbox is no longer in use.” Fill in the field Current Password. Confirm by clicking the “delete” button. In the pop-up window that appears on your screen, click the “ok” button.

A downloaded notification is a signal of successful deletion of a mailbox you no longer need. This is your last chance to change your mind, because you can still “restore this mailbox” by clicking on this inscription.

Video on the topic

Lose access to email box always unpleasant. Especially if it contained important information. The Yandex mail system allows its users to recover a forgotten email login or password, thereby re-opening access to it.

You will need

  • Access to the Internet.


If you have forgotten your email password box, follow the link mail.yandex.ru and click on the inscription “Remember password”.

A window for restoring access has opened in front of you. Type in the field your login and email address to which you want to restore access. Then enter the characters from the picture and click the “Next” button.

Based on the access recovery path you chose when registering your mailbox, you will be offered a method to restore it. This could be the answer to a security question you asked earlier, a cell phone number associated with this box, or specifying another mailbox.

If it is a phone, enter its number, receive a message with a code, and then enter this code in the required field. And when you need to specify another email, enter the required email, receive a letter with a link and follow it. After completing these steps, enter the numbers from the picture and click “Next” again.

This will take you to the password change page. Enter a new password in the first field and duplicate it in the second. Click the "Done" button and you will have access to your email box.

If you lose your login, try to remember it yourself or ask friends to whom you sent letters from it. If all is unsuccessful, contact Yandex technical support. To do this, click on the “Feedback” inscription located at the bottom of the page. Fill out the form provided, describing your problem as accurately as possible and indicating another

If your personal email login information is lost, it can be restored. How this can be done and what is required for this will be discussed in this material.

If you have problems accessing your email, you will need to perform data recovery. It is worth noting that the algorithm for each separate service almost identical. The differences will depend on what data was forgotten. For example, if you only forgot your password, then, as a rule, you only need to provide a phone number so that the system will send a message with a confirmation code that the user is the owner of the account. But if all the data was lost, in this case the recovery procedure will be somewhat more complicated. In general, you will need to answer security questions or by feedback.

Important! Neither of popular services email cannot be restored Old Password. Mailers offer only reset old key and replace it with a new one.

Recovery methods

Let's look at the most common email recovery options.

We use a phone number

By phone number. This method is characterized by the fact that to reset the key you will need to enter the phone number that was specified when registering your account. A verification code will be sent to it to verify that the person is the account owner. For example, on Gmail You can specify a main number and an additional one, in case one of them is not accessible.

Backup copy

Through backup mail . When using this method, a backup e-mail is used, where a link to reset the key is sent.

Security Question

Using a security question. The method involves answering the security question that was asked during registration. Typically this is the mother's maiden name, date of birth, pet's name, etc.

Recovery Questionnaire

Using Filling recovery questionnaires. Some services offer users to recover data using a questionnaire. This option will be acceptable if you have forgotten your username and password. It requires you to indicate the following information: approximate time of account registration, last password used to successfully log in, etc.
The system will conduct automatic check entered information, if some of the information matches, then it is proposed to restore access. It is important to know that a profile check can be carried out as in automatic mode, and sent to technical support - it all depends on the specific service.

Technical support

Contact technical support. This option, like the previous one, will be acceptable if you have forgotten your login and password. In this case, you will need to fill out a feedback form with a request to return access to your account. In this case, you need to provide some information: an approximate password (if you remember), phone number, etc.

Mail.ru mail recovery

Mail.ru - domestic search system, which offers users Post service"Pochta Mail.ru". The service offers only two recovery options, let's look at each of them.

  • go to home page search engine;
  • select “Forgot your password”;
  • then on the new page enter the username of the email account;
  • provided that you do not remember the password, next to the captcha input field select “ I don't remember the answer»;
  • We fill out a special form where you need to indicate data, an approximate password, an approximate registration date, etc. The questionnaire is sent to technical support for verification. If some information matches, it is proposed to perform a recovery.

Yandex Mail

Another domestic search engine that allows you to create an email account. Compared to the previous one, there are more options for returning access; let’s look at each of them in more detail.

Using a verified phone number:

Using a backup email address:

  • If in the previous option it was not possible to return access, click “ Another recovery method»;
  • enter the additional e-mail address and click “Get code”;
  • A message with the necessary information is sent to the backup mailbox.

Security Question:

  • if the previous option also could not help, select “ Another way»;
  • then a new window will open where the user prompted to enter an answer to the security question specified during registration;
  • after entering, if everything was specified correctly, a form for changing the password will appear.

Contact us technical service:


One of the most popular mailers. It is also the key to access various Google services. It should be noted that when restoring access to this mail, there are some difficulties. This is expressed in the fact that Google requires enough a large number of information and it is advisable to indicate it as accurately as possible.

Gaining access using the standard form:


Another domestic service that invites users to register a mailbox. Next, consider the recovery option:

Contact support:

Recovery if a mailbox is deleted

To restore a deleted mailbox you will need contact support users. To do this, you need to fill out the feedback form and indicate the details of the remote account: username, password, registration date, etc. It is important to know that you can restore your account in this way only if no more than a month has passed since the deletion.

It is worth noting that before contacting support, you can simply try logging into your account. Some services allow you to cancel account deletion within two weeks in this way.

How to remember your email address

Let's look at how to remember your email address:

  1. « Cookies" If your email was recently registered, you can use the Cookies checker. Cookies store entered data on websites. IN Google Chrome You can open these files as follows: click “Settings”, “Show additional settings" and "Personal information". In Opera you can view cookies as follows: “Settings”, “Privacy” and “All cookies”. IN Mozilla browser: “Settings”, “Privacy” and “History”;
  2. Websites, where the user specified mail. Most often, it is indicated when registering on any resources: online stores, social media etc. You can also find out the address by contacting the support of this resource;
  3. Ask friends. Some users can communicate and send files via email. You can ask your friends for their e-mail address;
  4. Using an email program;
  5. If you used e-mail in such mail programs like Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird, then the address can be found in the application settings.