How to start a second hard drive with the system. Connecting an external hard drive. If HDD interface data is missing

Ability to connect additional hard disks will be very useful for you when you lack free disk space on already installed ones. Connect HDD to personal computer Can:

  1. Installed into the system unit using standard SATA connectors on the motherboard.
  2. Installed into the system unit using the SAS RAID controller connectors.
  3. Using a USB-SATA adapter.

This is interesting! PredecessorSATA was the interfaceATA (other name –IDE). The difference lies in the method of data transmission - serial transmissionSATA, parallelATA. It is generally accepted that serial transfer is faster, however, for the average user the difference is invisible.


Step 1. Remove the housing cover of your system unit.

Step 2. Attach the data cable to the connector on the motherboard.

On a note! The connector number is not important. Definition boot hard disk operation occurs according to the software installed on it.

Step 3. Connect the data cable to the connector on the hard drive.

Step 4. Connect the power cable to the hard drive connector.

Important! When connecting the cable, the computer's power must be turned off. When connecting a cable with voltage applied to it, there is a high risk of damage to the controller hard drive, or controllerSATA motherboard! In the event that your power supply has power connectors only for hard drivesIDE, use a special adapter.

Step 5. Secure HDD on the body with screws.

Important! Make sure that the cables do not come into contact with the cooler blades of the system unit.

If you are using a 2.5-inch drive, use special slides to secure the hard drive more tightly inside the system unit.

Connecting the hard drive inside the case to the connectorsSAS

These connectors are backward compatible, that is, SATA can be connected to SAS, but SAS cannot be connected to SATA.

Step 1. Install the hard drive into a special structure (sled) of the appropriate size.

On a note! The designs are designed for certain form factors, that is, inserting a 2.5-inch drive into the controller cage of 3.5-inch hard drives will not work.

Step 2. Insert the slide into the controller basket and push until the slide handle locks in the desired position.

Important! Don't forget to check the cable connectionRAID to the motherboard and change your controller settings.

Connecting a 3.5-inch hard drive using an external power adapter

Step 1. Attach the adapter to the hard drive.

Step 2. Connect the adapter and desired port your computer using a USB cable.

Step 3. Connect the power cable to the adapter.

Step 4. Apply power to the adapter by switching the toggle switch to the working position.

Step 5. If necessary, install drivers for the connected equipment.

Connecting a 2.5" hard drive using a 3.5" adapter

2.5" drives are commonly used in laptops. The connectors are no different from the connectors for 3.5 drives, but the laptop hard drive is attached to the case using special basket(sled).

Step 1. Remove the slides or other structures from your hard drive.

Step 2. Follow the instructions connecting hard 3.5 drive using an adapter.

Connecting a 2.5-inch hard drive using the appropriate adapter

When using a special adapter for 2.5 hard drives, you do not need to remove the slide. As a rule, such adapters do not have external power supply, and receive voltage from the computer's USB port.

Step 1. Connect the adapter to the hard drive.

Step 2. Connect both ends of the USB adapter cable to the computer ports.

Important! Two ends of the cable are needed because one of them transmits information, and the other carries power to the adapter.

Video - How to connect a hard drive


We looked at three different ways connecting hard drives with SATA connectors to a personal computer. Each of them requires purchase additional equipment, at least - trains. If you decide to use a SATA drive as an external one (connected via a USB adapter), it is recommended to purchase a reliable protective case for disk. When working with the device, the cover should be removed to avoid overheating. Some options hard drives, working with different technologies, are presented in the summary table.

NameData transfer rate, Mb/sNumber of devices per port
IDE (ATA)133,52
SATA R.11501
SATA R.2300Up to 15
SATA R.3600Up to 16
SAS R.150150Up to 4
SAS R.300300Up to 4
SAS R.600600Up to 4

Installing a hard drive on a computer is not a difficult task and there is nothing to be afraid of if you have to do it yourself, even if you are using your computer. open form never seen. I’ll explain everything to you now, and everything will work out for you.

Installing a hard drive on your computer will be required if you are going to update your device, are building a computer from scratch, or want second HDD. This instruction will help you in the first two cases. But in case HDD replacement I won’t tell you how to remove the old one, I think there won’t be any problems with that, but I’ll just show you how to install the new one correctly. But I’ll tell you about connecting the second hard drive some other time.

Installing a new hard drive begins by screwing it to the case. This is done using bolts. There are threaded holes in the hard drive case, and grooves in the computer case. It is screwed through them.

Make sure that installed device ventilation inside the system unit will not interfere, and also that all wires and cables can easily reach it without tension.

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Connecting the hard drive to the motherboard

The bolts are fixed, and we move on to the wires and cables. Connect the HDD with which it will communicate with it.

Depending on the HDD type, they will be different - ATA (IDE) and SATA. The first is older, the second is new, but both types are still on sale.

The IDE hard drive is connected to the motherboard using a cable that differs big amount contacts, pins, and therefore it is wide. The cable has a lock that prevents it from being connected incorrectly. Therefore, it is impossible to make a mistake. Connect using an IDE cable to the HDD and motherboard.

The SATA hard drive is connected using a narrow cable. It will be impossible to mix up the connection sockets on the motherboard, since SATA is only suitable for correct connector. Use a SATA cable to connect the HDD to the motherboard.

Connecting the hard drive to power

In hard IDE drives and SATA, the power cables are also different. Most are for one or the other type or there are special adapters.

For connecting hard drives IDE drives A 4-pin Peripheral Power Connector is used. For tough ones SATA drives you need a SATA Power Connector. In both cases, you can't mix up the connections, so don't worry about doing anything wrong.

Differences between connecting IDE and SATA hard drives

It would seem that the connection procedure is the same, but in fact IDE is slightly different from SATA in that it requires setting the position of the jumper, the so-called jumper.

The motherboard is usually equipped with a pair of connectors for IDE devices, and each can be connected to two devices. Each pair can have one master device and one slave, and it is impossible for two to be identical. The hard drive must be in master position if Windows is booted from it. The second device in the same connection branch must be a slave.

If all this is difficult to understand, then simply set the jumper to master if your computer only has one hard drive.

You can find the jumper connection card at hard case disk.

There are no such problems with SATA. Master and slave positions are set via BIOS. When connecting a SATA hard drive, you will need to configure it as bootable if it has installed operating system.

When purchased new HDD, the question arises how to connect second hard disk to computer. This is not difficult to do, but before you get started, you need to make sure that your system unit is not under warranty. The fact is that in order to install a second hard drive, you need to remove the side cover of the computer. This will break the seal and therefore void the warranty. To avoid such a situation, you should contact a service center.

If the warranty has expired or is missing, feel free to remove the side wall. It is secured with two screws on the back of the PC. Be sure to turn off your computer and unplug it. Installation additional hard drive is performed only when the system unit is turned off. This is not a flash drive, and the HDD may simply fail.

You need to inspect the motherboard and the place where the hard drive is already installed. Majority modern computers has SATA connections. Trace where the cable of the existing HDD is connected to the motherboard. There should be at least one more similar one next to this connector. This will depend on the type of motherboard you have. Large ones have up to 5-6 connectors, small ones can only have 2.

If you are the owner standard type motherboard, then you just need to select the socket to connect. If you have a combo (that is, a small one), then slight difficulties may arise. The fact is that the first hard drive and optical drive may already be connected to the slots. And it may turn out that there is no other place to connect extra hard There is simply no disk. These are budget motherboards, and sometimes they do not provide the ability to connect multiple hard drives. How to install two hard drives in this case? You'll just have to unplug the DVD-ROM to free up the port.

If you have old computer with type IDE connections and there is only one slot left, you have the opportunity to install two equipment on one cable. This can be either 2 HDDs or a hard drive with an optical drive. When connecting on one cable, it is advisable to follow the sequence in which the system disk will be connected to the master connector, and an additional one to the slave. Master is the outermost connector on the cable, slave is in the middle. The instructions for the HDD should indicate in what position the jumpers should be set for a particular mode.

After we have figured out where to connect the second hard drive to the computer so that it recognizes it, we move on to the next point. This powers the device with electricity. Take a close look at the wires that come from the power supply. In older system units the connection type is IDE, in new ones it is SATA. Some PCs have both types at the same time. If the hard drive has a SATA port, and only IDE is left free in the power supply, do not worry. You need to purchase an adapter from one connection type to another.

We found out which connectors are connected to second hard disk. Now it needs to be installed and secured. Find where the first hard drive is located. Depending on the size of your case, there may be one to three drive slots nearby. If there is a lot of space, it is advisable to connect two HDDs so that they are located further away from each other. Hard drives can get very hot during operation and require ventilation. The more free space around them, the better ventilation will occur.

IN small body installing a second hard drive will mean that both hard drives will get very hot. Especially in the hot season. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a cooling system for them. When connecting a second drive, do not forget that it must be screwed to the case. Unlike solid state drives,HDDs have mechanical parts that can be easily damaged. During transportation, the hard drive may fall out of the slot, and this will damage not only it, but also, possibly, the motherboard.

Second hard drive on a laptop

Winchesters on laptop computers don't have the same large capacity, as on stationary ones. And sometimes users want to increase space, but the laptop does not have a slot for an additional hard drive. in this case? This can be done by installing HDD instead optical drive.

There are special adapters for this. Without them, you won’t be able to connect another hard drive, since the DVD-ROM and HDD connectors are different. The first thing you need to do is figure out the thickness of your drive. On different laptops it may differ. The most common are 12.7 mm and 9.5 mm. You can find out this way:

Use a program to diagnose equipment like Everest or AIDA. View the optical drive model and find the specifications on the Internet. The exact dimensions must be indicated on the manufacturer's website. Unscrew the drive and take measurements manually.

After purchasing the adapter, you can begin installing the hard drive. Unplug your computer and turn it off. It can only be untwisted when not in use. Pull out the optical drive. In most cases, it is secured with 2-4 screws.

Take the adapter and remove the stop, which is located on the opposite edge from the connectors. Some people try to turn on the second drive by connecting it to the adapter at an acute angle. This can break the contacts. The support is removable and is needed to fix the hard drive. Then press the hard drive firmly against the contacts. Sometimes this requires effort.

After installation and fixation with the stop, tighten the bolts for more rigid connection adapter with disk. So as not to spoil appearance laptop, you need to remove the front panel from the optical drive and attach it to the hard drive adapter. Carefully insert the device into the laptop and put all the covers back. If everything was done correctly, the BIOS will display new hard disk.

Disk system settings

You learned how to install a second hard drive in a PC. But that's not enough for full-fledged work with him. Now you need to configure it so that the system recognizes it. After all, if the disk is new, it does not have marked areas and will not be displayed by the operating system. If you have Windows installed, you can do this by going to Disk Management. You can get to this menu by clicking right click mouse over the “My Computer” icon and selecting “Manage”.

All connected drives and their capacity will be displayed in the lower central part. New disc will be labeled "Not distributed". You need to right-click on this area and click “Create simple volume”. The “Setup Wizard” will appear, following the instructions of which you will determine the space of the future disk, file system and assign a letter to it. Remember that two partitions cannot be assigned the same letters. To avoid having to deal with OS freezes and process crashes, close all unnecessary programs. At the end of the procedure, the new hard drive will be displayed in the system.

We looked in detail at how to connect extra hard disk to computer. By watching the video below or above in the text, you will be able to understand and consider in more detail incomprehensible points.

There are four ways to connect a second hard drive to a laptop.

1. The simplest option is when the laptop has a second seat for a hard drive. Unfortunately, this option is very rare - literally in a few models. If your laptop has this capability, you can find out about it from the instructions - and connecting a second drive will not be difficult.

2. There are special adapters designed to connect a hard drive to a laptop, for example: SATA-IDE, SATA-USB, IDE-USB.

They can be used to connect a 3.5" (or 2.5") hard drive from a PC to a laptop - most often via USB interface. However, due to the versatility of this solution, such an adapter cannot be called very convenient - for example, power for the HDD should be connected with a separate wire.

3. The third method is to use, which connects the hard drive to the laptop via a USB port.

It is enough to insert the hard drive into this container (of course, it is important that the dimensions and connectors of the pocket and the hard drive match) and connect it to the USB port of the laptop. The hard drive is recognized by the operating system as removable storage, after which you can start working with it. Available for both 2.5" and 3.5" hard drives.

4. You can simply use by connecting via USB 2.0 or Hi-Speed ​​USB 3.0 or Thunderbolt. Additional benefit will become outer shell external drive - it can be shockproof or splashproof, which will allow you to use a second hard drive without worry. In addition, there are protected versions external drives- with hardware password protection.

Eat alternative way connecting a second hard drive instead of the built-in DVD drive, but few laptops support it. In this case, you will need to disassemble the laptop, remove the DVD drive and replace it with an adapter with the necessary SATA cable. Most often, such modifications are made MacBook laptops 2008-2012 release. Since it is increasingly rare to find a built-in DVD-ROM in laptops, this method is losing its relevance.

Every year the amount of information stored on a computer increases. As a result, the computer takes a long time to boot and freezes periodically. And this is natural, because all data is stored on a hard drive, the memory of which is limited.

Users solve this problem in different ways. Someone transfers information to various media, someone turns to the specialist and asks to increase the computer's memory, and someone decides to connect a second hard drive to the computer. Therefore, let’s figure out how to connect a second hard drive to a computer without the help of a specialist – on your own.

To begin with, you need to completely de-energize the system unit: Disconnect all cables and power cable. Now it is necessary unscrew the side covers system specialist We turn its back towards you and unscrew the four screws on the sides. Lightly pressing on the side parts, move them in the direction of the arrow and remove.

Hard drives in the system unit are installed in special compartments or cells. Such compartments may be located in the rear of the system unit, at the bottom or in the middle; some hard drives are installed turned on their side. If your system unit has several bays for hard drives, install the second one not adjacent to the first one - this will improve its cooling.

Depending on the method of connection to the motherboard, internal hard drives are divided into two types: with IDE and SATA interface. IDE is an older standard; now all system units are designed to connect hard drives with a SATA interface. It is not difficult to distinguish them: IDE has wide ports for connecting a hard drive and power supply and a wide cable, while SATA has both ports and cable much narrower.

SATA power cable

This is what the SATA connector on the motherboard looks like for connecting a data cable.

For information:
If you have a SATA output on your motherboard, then it would be wiser to install this one kind of hard disk. SATA has greater bandwidth compared to IDE. IDE is more difficult to find in stores due to the fact that this interface is already going out of active use, and it has been replaced by SATA, SATA-II, SATA-III (the larger the number, the higher the data exchange speed).

5. If your choice falls on an IDE hard drive, then on the rear panel you need to move the jumper to the Slave position. You also need to check how the jumper is set on the first hard drive (it should be set to the Master position).

6. Now install your additional hard drive in place and connect it to the motherboard and supply power to it.

7. Secure the hard drives on both sides with the screws included in the kit.

8. Replace the system unit cover.

9. Connect the wires that were previously disconnected and apply power to it.

10. Turn on the computer, wait full load then check whether a new hard drive has appeared (to check, go to “My Computer”)

11. If everything went well and the disk appears in the computer, then before starting work you should format it.

Well, this completes the installation of the second hard drive.

Hello! Please tell a simple computer user to deal with hard drives and the possibility of their autonomous operation...
The point is this. It has become possible to install a second hard drive on your PC, so that the first one is exclusively for the OS + necessary programs + frequently used files (documents, technical diagrams, etc.), and the second one is for the home archive (videos, photos, films, rarely files used.
I successfully installed the second hard drive myself (the OS sees and maintains it well)... But one problem arises here. This hard drive should be used from time to time, but it turns out that every time you turn on and off the computer, the OS still starts it - and this affects the resource!
How to make sure that this, let’s call it “archive” hard drive, does not start up unnecessarily? Is this possible?

Nikolai | April 29, 2015, 08:40
" YUM wrote: for the sake of discussion: shouldn't we go the mechanical route? Well, for example, lengthen the power cable. Take the father/mother outside and, if unnecessary, simply open the pads. The cable, however, will still stick out in the “mother”, but , I think, further than the show: " unknown device"OSKA won't work..."

As a matter of fact, this is the option I considered first and here’s why. Now my system unit stands (with its wide side) close behind the monitor and the back (free) side (for certain reasons) without a cover (i.e. there is Free access to "hardware"). The cables of both HDDs have easy access. In general, everything is predisposed to removing/inserting connectors. But realizing that everything would quickly become unusable, so I asked myself the question of turning the HDD on and off not mechanically, but programmatically. Well, it turned out that this, unfortunately, is impossible.
So, YUM, I'll have to go down the already discussed path...

YUM | 19 April 2015, 15:32
By way of discussion: why not go the mechanical route? Well, for example, lengthen the power cord. Take mom/dad outside and if not needed, just open the blocks. The cable, however, will still stick out in the “mother”, but I think the OS will not go beyond the display: “unknown device”. I remember plugging fans into the free pads on the power supply. For outdoor use. One to blow on me, the second - into the body. Because it happened that both the computer and I overheated... :-)

Nikolay | 8 April 2015, 13:58
Nick Nick, thanks for the answer. From the answers, I understood that the second hard drive integrated into the PC will still be polled by the OS for any of its actions. And therefore, to eliminate “unproductive” inclusions and shutdowns, it is necessary to exclude it from the directory of one OS. That is, it is either a PC with two motherboards (and different OS), or a second PC, or an external hard drive, or a NAS...

Nick Nick | 7 April 2015, 14:47
I have done this, in the system unit there is a 500 GB disk divided into two partitions on one partition the system on the other with downloaded movies, etc. In a beautiful plastic case called an external HDD box there is a second (standing right on the table) hard drive, also rated at 500. And it has autonomous power supply there is a switch on the body. There are photos and archives on it and it is connected with a switch when needed, but when not needed it is turned off with a switch on the case. It is connected to a computer via USB (comes with the box included) The system sees the disk as a flash drive large sizes. I took this box and watch photos and videos on DVD or wherever there is a USB.

Nikolay | 7 April 2015, 08:19
Nick, perhaps you are right in some ways. But again, I don’t need a backup disk (did I name it correctly?) that will be stored in a closet.
There were 2 HDDs available (500 GB and 2 TB). On the first one I placed the OS with accompanying programs (not all the necessary ones have been installed yet). By the way, as Dima Svinkin mentioned, the system disk was divided into two logical ones - for the OS itself and for various files needed in everyday work. And the second HDD (2 TB) is gradually filled with “household stuff” (photos, videos, films, music, rarely used documents, drawings, etc.).

As a result, the “two-terabyte” after turning on the PC, after a while (as you mentioned, Nick) “falls asleep”, I don’t even know when this happens. On the one hand, this is good - the HDD is not used, but on the other hand, the problem I describe arises.
Nick, I can’t buy an external drive yet (especially now it’s very expensive, and there’s already 2 TB in stock). I just have the opportunity to get a small system unit - I’ll probably have to “dance” from this option.
By the way, Nick, I’m certainly not an IT specialist, but it’s still said everywhere that you need to treat the HDD with care, because it’s better for it to “spin” all day than to start and stop.

So, in summary we can say the following:
1) separate control on one computer, with one OS, of two physical HDDs (without good system knowledge and access to BIOS) is almost impossible.
2) to solve the problem I am describing, it is proposed to either physically disconnect the second HDD (which is unrealistic), or use an external HDD, or you can use a second system unit of a small form factor.
Is everything correct?

Nick | April 6, 2015, 10:47 pm
For Nikolai: the “professor” on one of the IT sites advised you correctly. It is best to have 2 disks in the system. But they are used for something completely different. For example, there is only the system on one disk. And if the system crashes or you need to restore it from a backup image from six months ago, then your current documents will not be affected in any way, because they are on another drive. You won't lose anything. Or you need to check for errors or defragment the system disk - the operation will be carried out much faster in time on a small system disk (where there is only the system) than on a huge shared disk, where, in addition to the system, there are also a bunch of your documents, pictures, videos, etc. In short , 2 disks are used to distribute data - and this is necessary for ease of system maintenance.

I don’t know why you are afraid of turning disks on and off. There is nothing to worry about, modern disks are designed for this, they can even turn off and fall asleep if they are not accessed for a long time.

Well, if you want to disconnect the disk yourself, then buy external drive. For example, I use an external USB-3 drive. It works quickly; to turn it off, you just need to remove the connector with the cord from the computer socket (it is inserted into the USB flash drive connector).

Nikolay | 6 April 2015, 20:54
Thanks to everyone who answered my question. A special “curtsy” for Alek55sandr5 - it seems that you immediately “grabbed” the essence of the issue.
Now it becomes clear that if two (3.4) hard drives are connected to one OS (which the system “sees” as separate physical disks), then every time you turn on, turn off or reboot the system will always launch them all (which, naturally, reduces their resource, because for a hard drive one of the most difficult modes is start-up, when the spindle spins the “pancakes” Correct?)
It’s strange that at one time, some “professor” on one of the IT sites “advised” to have two individual hard disk (and not in some kind of ride array, but two separate physical ones - one for the OS and related programs, and the other for home video, photos, books, archived documents and other relatively rarely used files). So I “bought” this “call”.
That is, for me it will be the right decision: a separate small-sized system unit from which to make something like a NAS and connect it as needed? This is the only way I can protect the second hard drive from unnecessary startups. Right?

Dmitry | April 6, 2015, 10:59
Put there the swap file and a folder for temporary files. The disc will kick back.

Svinkin Dima | 5 April 2015, 16:43
I strongly disagree with you! A home archive must be created and stored on an external hard drive. What size is your system ( physical disk)? For an OS + various programs, 100-150 GB is usually enough, and for many users the system (logical) is even several times smaller than these sizes. If your computer had one physical disk with a nominal size of 320 GB or more, then it is unreasonable to allocate this entire volume to the OS + programs. It needs to be divided into two partitions (two logical drives) C:\ and D:\. Drive C is the system drive, and on drive D:\ you should place folders for temporary files of all programs, folders for downloads from the Internet, folders for saving files created in different programs and a temporary archive of the most popular files. Any extra physical device in a computer can turn into a headache at any time - this is practice.

Alek55sandr5 | 5 April 2015, 15:50
As far as I know, unfortunately it is impossible to completely turn off the hard drive if it is connected to a PC. Every time you start the operating system, the hard drive will load along with it and its resource will slowly wear out. You can copy some files to this hard drive and remove the connected cables from its connector. This way it will be completely disabled and its resource will be greater. But of course, if this option suits you.

This is not entirely true. First you need to know what interfaces your devices have. If they are both SATA, then you just need to connect them; you may have to set in the BIOS the order in which the system accesses devices to boot from the disk on which you have the system installed, which is your boot drive. Otherwise, if the operating system was previously installed on the newly installed disk and it was active, then the boot will start from it and most likely it will not work normally. If the disk is clean and the system accesses this disk first, then there will be no loading at all, the system will display the message No system disk. To manage this parameter you need to enter the BIOS. Further actions depend on whose BIOS you have installed (AWARD, American Megatrends Inc (AMI), General Software Inc, Microid Research, Phoenix Technologies) You can find out what exactly you have installed when you turn on the computer, the BIOS manufacturer will be indicated on the screen. In general, find out who the manufacturer is, write, we’ll tell you in which section to look.
If your drives have IDE interfaces, then you need to figure out the device connections. If both drives are connected to one cable, then you need to figure out whether the jumpers on the drive are installed correctly; if they are not installed correctly, the system may not see your drives at all, despite the fact that everything was in order before connecting. (It’s worth mentioning right away that you shouldn’t hang the HDD and CD/DVD Rom on the same cable. With such a connection, the data transfer speed will be noticeably lower. The IDE channel itself will set the transfer speed for both channels not exceeding the transfer speed of the least high-speed device, i.e. CD/DVD Rom and your HDD will be slow.
Let's return to the train. There are 3 identical connectors on the cable. the furthest one from the other two is inserted into the motherboard is System. The middle one is the Slave connector, the third is the Master. Some cables have inscriptions near the connectors. There is a picture on the disks themselves that shows which connection the jumper position corresponds to. So, we insert the System connector into the motherboard, insert the Master connector into one of the drives and put the jumper in the Master position, connect the second drive to the Slave connector, for Slave the jumper is usually not placed at all, so in order not to lose it, we put it in the Cable select position. By the way, all connections should be made with the power off. There is a switch on the back wall of the system unit. Turn it off and press the POWER button (the one you turn on the computer), this will remove the residual voltage from the charged capacitors of the power supply. At the same time, the lights may even blink and the fans may start spinning. We connect the power connectors to your drives and turn on the computer's power. Now you need to enter the BIOS and see if your disks are visible. If everything is connected correctly and the drives are working properly and the drive detection parameter is set to AUTO, then you will see information about them on the main page. Both SATA interface channels and IDE channels are displayed. If it’s not visible, use the arrows to go to the channel that says None instead of a disk and press Enter. Next, press Enter again and the system will try to find and recognize your disk. If you don’t find it, press Esc and move on to the next channel and so on until all your disks are found. When they are found, you will see it for yourself. If you can’t find them, check the connection and the reliability of the contact. If everything is determined, good. Save the settings (usually using the F10 key and pressing the Y key to confirm). Now let's try to boot the computer. If everything went as it should, great. If the disks are detected but the loading does not proceed, then the issue is again in the order in which the devices are accessed. To tell you exactly what you need to do next, you again need to know the manufacturer of your BIOS.
Now, the information is beyond the roof for someone who doesn’t know anything about it yet. It may be difficult to perceive everything at once, but do it once, then do it with eyes closed, there is nothing complicated about it. The main criteria are accuracy and attentiveness.
If you have Skype, please contact me, maybe I can explain better in words.

Damn, I screwed up Gee Gee.