How to recall an email in gmail. Personal letter icons. Import from other email accounts

Gmail has a ton of tricks, tips, and extensions that make the experience of using this mailer unique. new level. Deleting misdirected mail, hotkeys, transferring money through an email account - knowledge of such techniques will turn you into one of the most advanced users of the service.

Canceling an erroneous email sending

Sending a letter to the wrong address can have serious consequences. Luckily, you can now fix this error in Gmail. First, enable the Undo Send feature. To do this, go to the “Settings” menu by clicking on the gear image in the right top corner your mail account. Then, under the “Undo Send” section, check the “Enable Undo Send” checkbox. Specify the time period during which you want to have this option in the “Time period for canceling sending” drop-down list. The most important thing is to remember to click on the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page.

It turns out that you don’t have to be online to work with emails in your Gmail inbox. The “Gmail Offline” browser extension for Chrome allows you to read and reply to messages, search and archive the necessary correspondence without access to the Internet.

However, to take advantage of “Gmail Offline”, the extension must be installed with an active Internet connection. Go to the already familiar “Settings” menu, select the “Offline” tab there and make the installation. In a few minutes, the extension will synchronize and download your emails, so that the lack of Internet does not interfere with your work with email.

Using Hot Keys

To save time, use hotkeys. Again, go to “Settings” and in the “General” tab enable this function. Now you can rummage through your drawer without touching the “mouse”. Here are the most necessary and most often used combinations:

  • “J”—go to older messages
  • “K”—go to new messages
  • “E” - archive
  • “Shift”+3 — delete
  • “A” - answer everyone
  • “R”—reply personally

Scheduler for sending emails

Perhaps you don't want to send an email late at night or are afraid that you'll forget to do it in the morning. The Boomerang extension for Chrome will help you schedule a pre-prepared email to be sent and remind you about pending mail.

Deleting emails that take up a lot of space

Gmail gives each user a free 15 GB for storing mail, photos for Google+ and files on Google Drive. But sooner or later this luxury ends. Instead of shoveling through your mailbox and Google Drive in search of old unnecessary letters and documents for the sake of free 5-6 MB, sort through the letters that take up the most space.

Type “size:[X]m” into the Gmail search bar, specifying the size of the message in megabytes instead of [X], and you will get a list of all your messages that exceed set value. Be careful - search query must be entered together with quotes.

Unsubscribe from mailing lists

Tired of mailing lists, which were subscribed to in the last century? There is a simple and quick way unsubscribe from mailings that have become useless garbage in the mail. In the header of one of these emails, click “Unsubscribe from messages from this sender.” Now this author will not bother you with his messages.

To prevent important emails from going unread, do a little reorganization of your inbox. Go to “Settings” to the “Inbox” tab, then from the “Inbox type” drop-down menu, select “Unread first”. This way you will see incoming unread emails first.

Setting up filters

If you receive a lot of emails from online stores or mailing services and don’t want to miss profitable offer, There is good way filter necessary messages. Click on the small arrow on the right in the search bar. A window will appear in which you need to enter conditions for filtering letters (by subject, sender, recipient, etc.).

By indicating required parameters, click in the lower right corner of the window on “Create a filter according to this request.” You will have many options like “Never send to spam”, “Always mark as important” and so on. By checking the “Apply filter to matching email threads” checkbox at the bottom, you will apply these actions to all messages that meet the specified parameters.

Sending emails from different addresses

Did you know that you can send emails from different addresses without leaving your Gmail account? To do this, go to the “Settings” menu, go to the “Accounts and Import” tab and in the “Send emails as” section, click on “Add another address” Email" A new window will open allowing you to connect a different email address to your Gmail account.

Personal letter icons

To find out if the letter was addressed only to you or mass mailing on the list of mailboxes, enable the “Personal mail icons” function. To do this, in the “Settings” menu, select the “General” tab, then in the “Personal email icons” section, select “Enable”.

Now in your inbox you will see an arrow next to messages sent with you to other recipients, and double arrow next to messages that are addressed only to you. There are no arrows at all near mailing letters.

If you don’t want to respond to an email right away, but are afraid that you will forget to write a response later, use the “Tasks” list. To add a letter reminder to “Tasks”, select incoming message, which you need to answer, then click the “More” button above it and select “Add to tasks”. To check if this task has appeared in the list, go to the drop-down menu in the upper left corner above your inbox. When you select “Tasks” you will see a list of current tasks.

Import from other email accounts

There is a very simple way to collect all letters and contacts in one email account. Go to the already familiar “Settings” menu and select the “Accounts and Import” tab there. In the “Import mail and accounts” section, click on “Import mail and contacts”. A new window will open with instructions that will help you collect all your mail and contacts in one Gmail account in a matter of minutes.

Pre-prepared messages

If you often have to respond to emails with the same phrases, the “Response Templates” function will come in handy. It allows you to add message templates to your personal library and send them to recipients with one click. To configure the function, go to the “Lab” tab of the “Settings” menu, then in the search bar experimental function search for “Templates”. Enable the found function and do not forget to save your changes.

Now create a response template. In the lower right corner of the window with a new message, click on the arrow, select “Reply templates” and “Create a ready-made response” from the drop-down menu. Enter the name of the ready answer in the window that appears. Now, when replying to any email, you can choose ready template reply from the More menu in the lower right corner of the message window.

Money transfer

If you're in the US or UK, you can send money with Google. Wallet directly from your Gmail account. Compose a message addressed to your recipient, then click the dollar sign at the bottom of the window. A Google Wallet service window will open in which you need to indicate the amount to be sent. In order not to send, but to request remittance, instead of the “Send funds” tab, select “Submit a transfer request”.

If you don't have Google Wallet, the first time you transfer funds you will be prompted to set it up. Of course, your recipient or sender must also have this service configured.

Automatic archiving of sent emails

If you want to keep things in order mailbox Without deleting old messages, use the message archiving function. Sent emails can be archived automatically using the “Send and Archive” function. It is enabled on the “General” tab in the “Settings” menu, in the “Sending and Archiving” section

Archived emails are stored in the All Mail folder, but if someone replies to you from an archived email, it will appear in your inbox again.

Backing up emails

If you are afraid of accidentally losing important emails, attached files and images, Google allows you to create archives of data from any services that are associated with your account. You can archive all mail or select letters with specific labels. For those who do not believe in absolute reliability Google servers, the extension is suitable for Reserve copy Gmvault mail.

If you do not want to see a certain email chain, check the “Ignore” checkbox. To do this, go to the “More” drop-down menu at the top of the window and click the corresponding button there. You will no longer see the flagged email thread unless you search for it through the search bar.

Using emoticons in letters

Emoticons can be added not only to SMS messages. If you want to spice up your chat conversations or make your emails less formal, select the smiley face icon in the chat or new message window. Please note that this feature is only available for the web version of the service.

Checker Plus for Gmail extension for Chrome browser will send notifications of new emails, and will also allow you to read and delete incoming messages without opening the Gmail page.

Unauthorized actions on your account

In a world where online profiles are constantly at risk of being hacked, you need to make sure your account is safe. To make sure that no one but you is messing with your inbox, check your “ Latest actions in the account." This text, in small letters, along with the time when some actions were performed on the account, is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen. By clicking on the link “ Additional Information”, you will open a new window with data about all activities in the current account and active sessions associated with it.

Hopefully, with these tips, you'll be able to use Gmail much more effectively than before.

For those who use postal Google service and sometimes sends the wrong information to the wrong recipients, it's useful to familiarize yourself with Gmail's undo send feature. The truth here is that you need to quickly realize: it only lasts up to 30 seconds from pressing “Send”. Its essence lies in the fact that the letter is delayed by the server for the time allotted for reflection, after which it irrevocably flies away with carrier pigeons. Once you have time to click “Cancel,” you will be able to edit, forward, or completely delete the message.

Although, even if you don’t have time, all is not lost, since the new Chrome Dmail extension provides the ability to recall a letter that has already been delivered, has been in the mail and has been read!

By installing this module in your Google mail, you can send self-destructing messages. After activating the Dmail plugin, a toggle switch appears in the message window, turning it on and off. this function. If the add-on is enabled, you will be offered options to destroy the email after a week, a day, an hour, or never.

However, even if you choose the latter, you can enter the sent letter and recall it at any time. A list of messages created using the Dmail add-on will appear at the top of the Gmail window. Having opened what you need, no matter how long after delivery to the recipient, just click “Recall Email”.

It is worth mentioning that letters sent through the Dmail plugin are not erased without leaving a trace. The email remains in the recipient's mailbox, but its contents become encrypted and unreadable. More precisely, each letter is initially encrypted by Dmail, and when the time comes for liquidation or recall of the letter, its decryption is prohibited.

In order to read the email, the recipient does not need to install the Dmail extension. Those who do not have this add-on will receive a link to a secure message that opens in a new browser tab. Recipients who have the plugin will read Dmail directly from Gmail, just like any other message.

Thus, using the Google mail service becomes even more comfortable: you can cancel the sending of letters at various stages, including a message that has already been delivered and read. The Dmail extension is useful so that your confidential data is not unnecessarily hanging on someone else’s computer, tablet or smartphone, or if you write something that you will regret over time. Time will tell how practical Dmail is. In theory, this is a very useful function.

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Without a twinge of conscience, I ask for “phone number” from guys and girls I don’t know well. To check whether the lock button fits comfortably under your finger and whether the autofocus works quickly :) I would like to visit MWC and conduct a live blog from the thick of things.

  • Dima 08/14/2015

    Great idea. How many times could you help me out? Not using social media, I don’t like them, I even corresponded with the girl via e-mail. After parting, in a moment of weakness I sent her a message. The weakness passed, but I could no longer cancel the messages and I was terribly ashamed, not so much in front of her as in front of myself for this message. I won’t even mention how many messages were sent to the wrong people.

    • Taras 08/17/2015

      Dima's answer:

      I have been using Yandex for seven years and find it the most convenient and functional. Before that I used rambler, their functionality is crooked and antispam essentially doesn’t work (STILL), so I switched to Yandex. Gmail has more than high reliability all these years there was nothing else, judging by specialized forums where hacking gmail mailbox you need to pay 1.5 times more. I also sometimes miss the mark with recipients, and reading this news for the first time in seven years makes me not feel proud of Yandex, but salivate at new feature I'm starting another service. As I understand it, even with the “Chrome Dmail” extension for Yandex, this option will not be available?

Did you know that you can easily return a sent message in Gmail? This is a rather rare feature, but very effective. Therefore, today we will tell you how to return a sent email.

It’s worth making a reservation right away. After sending you will have only 30 seconds to complete this procedure. Be a little late, and the method will no longer work.

Regarding the function. It is part of Gmail Labs and is still in testing. So you have to live with it in case something goes wrong.

Ideally, the Labs function is available by clicking on the green button, as in the screenshot below.

In Russian-language Gmail versions This button is not so easy to find. Therefore, in order to get into Gmail settings Labs follow this link:

You will be presented with a list of Gmail functions. We are looking for the line with “Cancel sending of letter”.

Save the changes.

By default, Gmail has a 10-second time limit for unsending a message. You can set your own criteria: 5, 20 or 30 seconds.

To do this, go to the “Settings” menu (top right) and on the “General” tab find the function you are looking for.

Hello! Tell Is it possible to cancel a sent email?

Yes, in some cases it is possible. Let's look at situations in which the user may need this. Imagine this situation: you sent an email with important, confidential files attached and mixed up the recipient's address, or simply for one reason or another changed your mind and decided to recall the letter after sending. In such cases, it would be a good idea to cancel sending the letter. All popular email services such as Yandex, Mail, Rambler do not yet have this option.

However Google company I recently attached it to my email service Gmail new a function that allows you to cancel a sent letter within a specified period of time. I will tell you how to do this in this article.

Cancel sending a Gmail email

Until now, the Undo Send feature was exclusively in the experimental beta version of Gmail. It was included in the “Laboratory” section of the mail service and was tested by beta testers for many years. Now it has become an easily customizable and accessible option for everyone.

By enabling the function of recalling a sent email, after clicking the “Send” button, the email will be specially delayed on Gmail for a specified period of time, user installed in the settings, during this period of time the “Cancel letter” button will be available to him.

If during specified period time, the user has not canceled the sent message, the letter will be automatically sent to the recipient.

Mail banned by the user will automatically be saved in Drafts, where it can be deleted or edited in the future.

By default this feature is disabled. Now I will show you how to activate it.

How can I unsend an email?

Go to the Gmail mail service and in the top right menu click on the “Settings” gear.

On the “General” tab we find the function “ Cancel sending", activate it and set the desired period of time, after which the message will be automatically sent.

Enable the Undo Send feature
How to cancel a letter

How the Undo Send function works

Now, by writing a message and clicking on the “Send” button, you will have access to a link, clicking on which canceled to sending an email will not be sent to the recipient and will automatically end up in the “Drafts” folder

How to recall a letter

This is how it will look in the “Drafts” section

Have you ever sent emails at the wrong address? Or incomplete messages, for example, forgetting to add an attachment? If yes, then this article is for you.

Popular email services offer the option to unsend an email. It works for a short period of time, but, as a rule, it is enough to understand that the letter was sent to the wrong place or ahead of time. If you do not understand this right away, then canceling the sending will be pointless; the recipient may read your message earlier.

Cancel in Gmail

IN postal service from Google function Until recently, canceling the sending of a letter worked in experimental mode and was not available to everyone. Now there are no restrictions on its use, and if it is suddenly not activated by default, you can enable it manually.

You can set up an autoresponder for the holiday period not only through Outlook. In some cases, auto reply is much more convenient to use through the Gmail service.

This is done through “Settings” - in the “General” tab, find the “Cancel sending” section and check the “Enable cancellation sending function” checkbox. Here you can set the period of time during which your letter can be returned. By default this value is ten seconds, increase it to 30 seconds if necessary. After that, at the bottom of the page, click the “Save Changes” button.

Now there is no reason to worry if you send a message prematurely. At least for the time set in the settings. After clicking the “Submit” button (or using the Ctrl+Enter keyboard shortcuts) at the top of the window you will see special link, by clicking on which you can cancel sending the letter. The link will be available for the specified time.

Favorable advantage Gmail service in this sense, it is possible to cancel the sending of a letter, regardless of the address to which it was sent. However, to use this option, you must send messages directly through the web interface. When sending from desktop email applications It will no longer be possible to return the letter.

Cancel in Outlook

Microsoft's email client also allows you to unsend emails. However, it should immediately be taken into account that we're talking about only about corporate mail, using the Microsoft Exchange protocol, and you can cancel the action only if the letter was sent to a user using the same server as you. That is, the story is purely internal to the corporate. But it is very relevant if you send important letter management.

Setup instructions email address V Microsoft program Outlook 2016.

To cancel, go to the Sent folder and double-click on the sent letter. In the window that opens with the letter, in the ribbon menu in the “Message” tab, look for the “Move” area. Click on the “Actions” button and select “Recall message” from the drop-down list.

You will receive a notification that some recipients may have already read this message, but if you act as quickly as possible, you will significantly reduce this likelihood. You will be given several undo actions to choose from - “Delete unread copies” and “delete unread copies and replace them with new messages.” If the letter has already been opened, you will not be able to cancel its sending.

Also, if you check the “Notify the result of the review for each recipient” checkbox, you will receive a notification about how successful the attempt to unsend the message was.

If you have several email addresses and each time you log in to different sites to check each of them, it makes sense to think about collecting mail on one account. For example, in Gmail.

Another option in which cancellation of sending corporate letter will not work, is the case when the recipient has automatically configured rules for sorting messages. Let's say a rule has been set at your address according to which a letter from the Inbox folder is automatically moved to some other specially created one.