How to get back an old contact. How to make an old VK on a PC by changing the address in the browser. Restore old dialog design

  1. Disable auto-update of the VKontakte application in Google Play;
  2. Delete new version VK;
  3. Restore old client In contact with.

Disabling VK auto-update on Google Play:

  1. Run Play Store, go to “Options” by clicking on the corresponding icon (Alternatively, the icon with three horizontal stripes next to the inscription “Google Play”);
  2. Select "Settings" and uncheck "Auto-update apps" (in some versions of the application you need to check the box "Never").

After these steps, the VK application installed from Google Play will no longer be able to update automatically, and you will be able to use the usual old version VK for Android, without worrying that the client interface can change at any time due to next update programs.

Uninstalling a new version of VK:

  • Go to "Settings", then to "Applications", then select the new VKontakte application that disappointed you and delete it from your Android device.

Restoring the old VK client for Android:

Download and install previous version official client social network VK for Android (you can find it by going to).

All. You have returned to your smartphone or tablet the familiar version of the VK application with an interface convenient for you, and it will not go anywhere again without your consent. Automatic updates there is no need to be afraid of the client of the social network VKontakte - you have blocked this opportunity.

The new version of the VKontakte application allowed us to once again verify that not all changes intended to improve and increase the usability of the application lead to these improvements. The tastes, habits and needs of users are purely individual. Fortunately, you can almost always find a way to return to the old proven version of the program and continue communicating on a social network (in in this case) under normal conditions.

Information from 10/04/2017 : As a result of a change in VKontakte's audio recording policy in older versions of the client no longer available. Official response from VKontakte technical support on this matter.

Causing outrage among users on the Internet. Members of the social network opposed the transition to new design. Many page owners demanded to retain the ability to use the old version of the VKontakte design, which, in their opinion, is much more convenient.

One of the dissatisfied users mandatory installation new design of VKontakte, even created a petition on demanding that users be given “the right to choose”, while maintaining “the ability to use old design».

Many users complained that with the new design, VKontakte became too similar to Odnoklassniki, Twitter and Facebook. At the same time, it is not possible to return to the previous design option on the social network - with today old interface completely disabled. Appeared online unofficial way, which solves the problem.

How to return the old VKontakte design:

Step 1: Install the Stylish browser extension or .

Step 2: Open for the old VKontakte design. Click the "Install with Stylish" button to download the theme.

Step 3: Confirm the installation of the Stylish add-on.

Step 4: Reload the VKontakte page in your browser to see the changes.

The style developers promise to fix all the shortcomings in the near future. Users will only need to update the style using the Stylish extension. To do this, find the Stylish extension icon in the browser panel, select “Manage installed styles” and click the “Check for updates” button.

VKontakte announced the new design on April 1. Almost every section of the social network has undergone a radical overhaul. There are fewer items in the left menu, and the most popular sections have moved to top part screen. The “Messages” section has also changed a lot. In this version of the design, a list is displayed on the left side of the screen latest dialogues, and on the right - current correspondence.

After transferring 100% of users of the social network VK to a new design, many were dissatisfied with the changes. The previous option, according to most, was more convenient. There are several ways to return old style VC. They will only work for computer owners; there are no options for Andriod and iOS software yet.

How to return the old VKontakte design through the VK menu

There were a certain number of users on the social network who became voluntary taxi drivers of all those aspects that the developers wanted to change. They were the first to switch to the new version of the site; they were able to evaluate the changed layout of pages, comments and video sections. The developers left them the opportunity to return to the previous view with one click of a button:

  • in the left menu you had to go to the very bottom;
  • on gray background find the gray inscription “Return to old version...”;
  • click this link.

This was the easiest way to make the old interface in VK. The first wave of changes began for all computer owners in April 2016, but by August everyone began to switch to the “fresh version” forcibly without the opportunity to refuse. The line with the option to switch to the old version has disappeared, and no one else has such a function.

How to make an old VK on a PC by changing the address in the browser

In some cases, for some reason, testers did not display the button that helped them change the interface version. However, observant visitors were able to find a way to make the old VK design. When trying to log into their page at the old address, a person might notice the prefix “new” before the id of the account owner. It turned out that the user was redirected to a different address upon login. To disable this interface and work as usual, you just had to remove the word new from the line and press the enter button.

IN this moment this method does not work, because when you enter your profile, you are no longer redirected to another page, you remain on yours and the word new is not in the address. This happened due to the implementation of this version of the design on a full-fledged basis and the interface was changed immediately for all users of the site. The opportunity to refuse the innovation was not provided.

How to return to the old VK design using plugins

The developers of the social network did not leave their clients a single built-in option on how to return an old Contact. In their opinion, everything changes made help to open the resource from the other side and there should be no way to cancel them. Third-party programmers do not agree with this and offered their own option on how to return the old VKontakte design - install plugins.

Applications are just starting to appear, so in some cases they may not work correctly. They help disable the new VK, but do not always ensure the functionality of the resource’s functional elements. This option is available to disable VK updates exclusively for computer users and at the moment it only works with Google Chrome.

How to return the old look of VK using Stylish

This was the very first way to return the old VKontakte design. The plugin is available in the official Chrome browser store for downloading for free. Since its release, the creators have been constantly improving the utility, but there are still shortcomings in its work. You can turn it on and try this decision, and if you don’t like it, just remove it from the list of applications. Installation process:

  1. Go to official store Chrome apps.
  2. Find the Stylish plugin through the search.
  3. Install the extension by clicking on the blue “Install” button.
  4. Go to the plugin website using the link from the extension.
  5. Find the inscription “Old VK design”.
  6. Install extensions by clicking the green button.

Old VKontakte interface for Google Chrome

Another popular extension, how to return the old VKontakte design, can be found in the store Chrome browser called "Vkold". If you enter it in the search, the extension page will appear in front of you. Click on the “Install” button and confirm your decision. IN automatic mode The application will install and turn on. For now, you can only remove the new version of the VKontakte interface in the Google browser.

According to reviews from users of this plugin, this is the most similar version of the old design to at this stage but many people complain about a large number of defects. The site becomes old only in appearance, but the functionality is still displayed in the new style. Owners encountered problems widescreen monitors, when scrolling, the page does not expand, remains narrow, and the font is small. This plugin needs serious improvement, but you can use it if you wish.

Video: how to return to the old VK design

  • page freeze. As a rule, this happens in the case of sending spam or using programs associated with the so-called cheating;
  • the page was hacked. That is, outsider gained access to your account by guessing your password, spreading a virus, or in any other way;
  • The account was previously deleted. It is worth noting that this is one of the most simple problems problems that may arise if it is necessary to restore the VK page;
  • There are some problems with logging in. In this case, there are usually problems with linking a phone number or e-mail addresses, as well as loss of password.

Freeze page

If your page is frozen for the first time, then there is no need to worry, since you will be able to resume activity almost immediately.

Important! The more bans you have, the longer each of them lasts.

What do you need to unfreeze your account?

The page has been hacked

It is worth understanding that the account will be blocked by the administration if spam is sent from it. If someone simply knows your username and password and periodically visits your page, the system has very little chance of tracking down the fraud.

How to restore a page after it has been hacked?

Important! The phone number must be entered in full: “+” and the country code cannot be omitted.

The account was previously deleted

If you deleted the page yourself for some reason, then if you try to access it again, a window will appear in front of you notifying you that the page has been deleted. The date until which you have the right to freely restore your page will also be indicated.

Important! If the account was deleted more than seven months ago, the possibilities of restoring it in this way are exhausted.

How to restore a page after self-removal in this case?

On a note! Such restoration will take quite a lot of time than that which takes place within seven months after removal. When restoring the page after seven months, the site will request information confirming your identity, namely: a page with a photo from a document confirming your identity; photo against the background of the monitor, where you can see the question for technical support.

Login problems

When entering your login and password, you must be logged in to specific page In contact with. Otherwise, there is an error when entering this information.

But suppose you sent a request for recovery, entered the attached login and password, but even after that nothing happens.

Important! The solution to the problem is quite unusual, but it is still worth knowing about: you need to submit a second application for restoration. In most cases this procedure can be implemented only after this, and 10% of users receive full rights to the page even after the third application.

This may be to ensure that your intentions regarding recovery are genuine. Or perhaps technical support simply does not have time to process all requests.

Overall, restore old page VK, regardless of the methods of its removal, is not particularly difficult. The main thing is patience and willingness to follow instructions.

Video - How to restore an old page in Contact

The majority of users have already noticed how the design of the popular social network VKontakte has changed. This “nightmare” happened on August 17, 2016 early in the morning and now all VK users are displaying a new updated design. Now no one can return the old version of the resource, since the developers do not officially provide for this.

At the moment, the Internet is full of discussions about the global redesign of the Russian social network; many users are unhappy with the new changes. However, the developers left the following message for supporters of the old version of the site: “We got rid of unnecessary details and made the resource easier for you to understand.”

Dramatic changes affected the font, icons, navigation bar, avatar design. According to the lead developer V. Dorokhov, work on the new design of the social network was carried out over a year and a half. Since April 2016, the developers started testing a new type of site, and any user could take part in this. Over the entire period, more than 2,500 minor and significant corrections were made to the resource code, listening to the wishes of users. The main task is to improve the stability of the site, as well as switch from outdated Flash technologies to the new one - HTML5.

I repeat once again, official way return old VKontakte design alas, no, despite the dissatisfaction of many users social network. However, there is still one way to correct the situation. Below we will look at how you can return the old version of VKontakte to your PC in a few clicks.

How to return the old VKontakte design in a couple of clicks

So, in order for the design of the website to acquire old look, we will use with you a special extension for Google browser Chrome. This extension is called “Return old VK design”. For now, revenge is one of a kind, but I believe that over time there will be a considerable number of analogues. Today there is one caveat: the version of this extension is still damp, so you can observe some bugs when surfing the social network, but the developer often releases an update to this extension, eliminating errors found by users. To change the design of the site, go to the Google store and install the extension.

Click on the “Install” button, a window will appear where we click “Install extension”.

After the extension is installed, click once on the icon:

and update the VK page. Below you can see what the page looked like in the new design:

and here’s what it looks like after installing the extension, which changes the new version of the site to the old one:

Time will pass, and there will be a sufficient number of such extensions. You can find out which of them is the best by rating in the Google store. However, I believe that many users will simply get used to the new VKontakte design and the need for the old version will automatically disappear.

As you can see, friends, change the new version of VK to the old one very simple: just do a few simple actions. If you liked the instructions, share it with your friends using social buttons at the bottom.