World text editor. Word program - getting started with the program

Program interface: Russian


Manufacturer: Microsoft


Microsoft Word Viewer represents free utility, which is designed for some simple operations with Microsoft Word documents. Moreover, this application is installed and runs, regardless of the main Microsoft package Office.

Key features of Microsoft Word Viewer

First of all, it is worth saying that the program file itself, compared to the main office suite, is quite small - just over 24.5 MB.

The main features of the program are not that great when compared even with the main Microsoft Word application. However, the principle of operation of the program is similar to any other viewer, for example, when working with PDF documents. The fact is that this application has two main functions. First - viewing the document Word format, second – fast printing. In addition, the program supports some simple operations with texts. For example, this could be copying the selected range. Document editing itself is simply not supported. So, you simply won’t be able to save the changed document. In this regard, the application is really only designed to view the contents of a Word file.

But among the formats supported for viewing there are enough to satisfy, if not all, but most of the needs of a modern user. As for those formats that can be viewed when Microsoft help Office Word Viewer, then formats such as Rich Text Format (RTF), text files(TXT), Web Page Formats (HTM, HTML, MHT, MHTML), WordPerfect 5.x (WPD), WordPerfect 6.x (DOC, WPD), Works 6.0 (WPS), Works 7.0 (WPS) and Extensible Markup Language(XML). If you look at the file extensions, you will immediately notice that using this application you can open text documents not only the office suite from Microsoft, but also some other developers. First of all, this concerns WordPerfect formats.

But the most remarkable thing is that this program not only does not require the installation of an office package, it does not even require its own installation. IN in this case this app works just like portable version(portable), that is, can be used from any removable media, be it disks, flash drives, or removable cards memory. In principle, sometimes this can be very convenient, and even more so in cases where the main office suite or itself Microsoft application Word is not installed.

To work with text information Special text preparation programs are very effective: so-called word processors and text editors. Unlike the printing press, word processors make it possible to a short time and prepare any document more efficiently.

Today there are hundreds of different text editors, and their number continues to grow. The functionality of various text preparation programs varies significantly, at the same time, most of them have many common properties.

IN general functions, which can be implemented word processors, the following can be attributed:

1) entering text into a computer;

2) text editing (replacement, insertion, deletion, etc.);

3) search necessary information in the text;

4) text formatting (setting the left border of the text, aligning the right edge, setting the indent position of the first line of the paragraph, etc.);

b) transferring and copying text fragments;

6) highlighting parts of the text in a certain font;

7) dividing the text into pages with a certain number of lines and spaces between lines;

8) working with several documents simultaneously;

9) printing text with a given density, quality, etc.; 10) saving text on disks.

Word text editor is one of the most common text editors that to a large extent due to its numerous advantages, which include, first of all, broad functionality. It is difficult to find a task in working with texts that cannot be solved using Word. This editor is part of the Microsoft Office group of programs. Besides him, it includes spreadsheet Excel and database management system Access data, that is, basic programs that can be used to create document flow in institutions. Widely used Word is also supported by its built-in tools for converting files created by other text editors into Word files and vice versa.

There are several versions of Word for Windows, each next version As a rule, it is compatible with the preliminary one and has additional features. Further material will be based on working with the Russified version 7.0.

To install Word on Windows, run Start/Settings/Control Panel. Then, in Control Panel, select Add or Remove Programs, insert the CD into the drive, and click Install. During the installation process, there are on-screen instructions that you should follow. Installation options vary additional features, and therefore the programs that implement these capabilities.

Microsoft Word editor windows

To launch Word, you must execute the command Start / Programs / Microsoft Word, after which an editor window will appear on the screen.

The Word editor window has several standard elements. Some of them are constantly present on the screen, others can be called up at the user’s request. Let's consider the purpose of these elements.

Title line. The top line of the screen is the standard Windows title bar. It shows the name of the program (Microsoft Word) and four buttons: one on the left edge and three on the right. The left button is a button for calling the control menu. The guide menu is typical for any Windows window. The first of the right buttons - Minimize - minimizes the window to an icon on the taskbar, the second - Restore - restores normal size window, the third - Close - closes the window.

Menu bar. Under the title bar in the window there is a menu bar containing the following items:

File - provides for working with document files;

Editing - editing documents;

View - viewing documents;

Insert - allows you to number pages, insert pictures, diagrams, current dates and time, formulas, links, footnotes and other objects;

Format - provides for document formatting (setting fonts, parameters, paragraph indents, creating drop caps);

Service - service functions (spell checking, setting Wordy settings,

Table - for working with tables;

Window - for working with document windows;

Mandrel - reference information about Word.

Each menu item has a corresponding submenu. To open the menu, you must press the Alt or F10 key. After this, one of the menu items will be highlighted in reverse. To select the desired menu item, use the horizontal cursor keys. To open the highlighted item, press the Enter key. At the same time, it is more convenient to do all these operations using the mouse by placing the cursor on the desired menu item and clicking left button.

In the submenu, the desired item can also be selected in two ways: either using the mouse (to do this, place the mouse cursor on the desired item and press the left button), or using the keyboard (use the vertical cursor keys to select the desired item and press the Enter key).

In the names of menu items, the letter e is underlined. This allows you to immediately select the desired menu item by pressing the combination Alt keys+ underlined menu letter. Near some submenu items, to the right of the name, there are key combinations that can be used to select the corresponding submenu item.

The names of some submenu items are gray. This means that they are on this moment are not available (for example, you cannot edit a table if it has not yet been created).

The Word text editor has another way to call commands. If you right-click on the selected text or word, it will display context menu, which contains commands that can be applied to the selected object. The user has the ability to undo the last command entered by executing the Edit/Undo entry function.

Toolbars. Below the menu bar are usually toolbars, that is, a series of buttons that, when pressed, perform a specific action. To press a button, you need to click on it with the left mouse button. When the cursor is fixed on a button, ITS name appears below it. The buttons duplicate the corresponding menu commands, but the buttons on this panel are much faster and more convenient to use.

Word has created several toolbars for the user. To select the one you need, use the View/Toolbar command. A dialog box will appear on the screen and you can select the required panels from the list. By default, Word displays the Standard and Formatting toolbars. Some panels appear on the screen automatically when you perform certain actions (for example, the Drawing panel appears for drawing pictures). Panels on the screen can be moved in a typical Word manner - using the mouse.

Dialog window. Some commands require you to enter additional information to execute. Thus, to execute the File/Open command, you must specify the drive or directory and the file name. To enter such information, dialog boxes are used that contain a number of elements: buttons, lists, checkboxes, switches, input lines, which are arranged in thematic groups and called fields.

Thematic groups have headings that end with a colon. Moving from group to group is done either by using the mouse or by clicking Tab keys. The group name can be highlighted by pressing the key combination (Alt + underlined letter in the field name). Moving within a group is carried out using the cursor keys. When entering auxiliary information, check boxes and switches are set in the dialog box, elements are selected from lists, and text is entered and edited in input fields.

Checkboxes are small squares in which a tick appears after switching on. They turn on independently of each other.

Switches (depicted as circles) are used when it is necessary to select one of several options (parameters). The selected switch is distinguished from the others by a dark dot inside a circle.

Lists are used to select one of several options (for example, a font). While the marker is inside this list, the list can be scrolled by moving the cursor. A list item is selected by pressing the left mouse button or the Enter key.

A special form of list is single-line lists, in which only the first element is shown. Such lists have a downward arrow on the right. To view such a list, place the mouse cursor on the arrow and click left key mouse or the Alt + right arrow key combination. After opening the list and selecting an item, the list closes again. Some one-line lists, in which the elements are numbers, have two arrows on the right side, pointing up and down. Clicking on the down arrow decreases the element's value, and clicking on the up arrow increases it.

On the right side or at the bottom of the window there are buttons for controlling the dialog box.

The OK button (Enter key) closes the dialog box and pressing it confirms all changes made, after which Word executes the command.

Cancel button (Esc key cancels all changes made; the dialog box closes, but the corresponding command is not executed.

In addition to the OK and Cancel buttons, the dialog box, depending on its specific purpose, may have other control buttons.

It is not possible to display multiple dialog boxes at the same time. In this case, tab pages are used. Each tab has a name at the top. To open a tab, place the cursor on the name and click the left mouse button. Dialog boxes also have fields whose names end with a three-dot. When you select such a field, another window opens in which you can also set certain parameters.

WORD text editor for WINDOWS

In the wake of the Windows craze, the well-known word processor was also transferred to this environment Microsoft- Word. Finding itself in a new environment, Word, while retaining the power of its DOS counterpart, acquired new qualities characteristic of Windows applications, which were further developed in Word version 6.0 for Windows 3.1-3.11, versions 6.0 and 7.0 for Windows95 and the latest localized for Russia versions of Word97 for Windows98. In particular, instead of mysterious key combinations, most commands are accessible through the Tool-Bar. Naturally, the editor follows the WYSIWYG principle and uses True-Type fonts. In addition, Word supports OLE, which makes it a full-fledged Windows application that takes full advantage of the system's capabilities and makes working on the document you create most convenient and natural. Ability to import many graphic formats, formula editors, business graphics programs and the possibility of multi-column layout bring Word closer to DTP systems. TO undoubted advantages The presence of a Thesaurus and a spell check system can be attributed to what makes Word great text editor. Built-in Word language Basic - makes the editor extremely flexible and convenient when processing documents of the same type, and allows it, like AutoCAD, to be configured for that subject area in which it is used. The ability to calculate in tables makes Word similar to Excel and similar programs.

Computers are devices that allow dialogue with the user, the form of this dialogue is determined by the operating system. operating room system is a program that automatically loads when the computer is turned on and presents the user with basic set commands with which you can launch other programs, format disks, copy files, etc. After the MS-DOS system, further expanded operating systems Windows 3.1-3.11 and a new construction ideology appeared operating system Windows95. It has radically changed and is as close as possible to the real world, aimed at a user who is used to working at a desk with real documents. From the user's point of view graphical shell Windows3+ and the Windows95 operating system have much in common, as do the programs running in them from the Microsoft Office package, which includes the Word text editor.

Text editor is a word processing program that is used to create new documents (letters, reports, newsletters) or modify existing ones. Modern text editors (including the Word editor) are sometimes called word processors because they contain a very large number of text processing functions. Early text editors for DOS were divided into line and screen editors, such as EDLIN, MULTIEDIT and EDIT.

Microsoft Word allows you to enter, edit, format and design text and correctly place it on the page. With this program, you can insert graphics, tables, and charts into your document, and automatically correct spelling and grammatical errors. Word text editor has many other features that greatly facilitate the creation and editing of documents. The most frequently used functions:

When you enter text, you reach the end of the line, Word automatically switches to next line;

If you make a typo while entering text, the auto-correct feature automatically corrects it. And the automatic spell check feature highlights misspelled words with a red wavy line to make them easier to see and correct;

If you use hyphens to highlight list items, use fractions, sign trademark or other Special symbols, the auto-formatting function will correct them itself;

To present text in table form, you can, of course, use a tabulator, but Microsoft Word offers much more effective means. And if the table contains digital data, then it is easy to turn it into a chart;

Preview mode allows you to see the document in the form in which it will be printed. In addition, it allows you to display all pages at once, which is convenient for making changes before printing.

The program also offers a number of functions that save time and effort. Among them:

AutoText – for storing and inserting frequently used words, phrases or graphics;

Styles – for storing and specifying entire sets of formats at once;

Merge – for creating serial letters, printing envelopes and labels;

Macros – for executing a sequence of frequently used commands;

- “masters” – for creating professionally designed documents.

In every personal computer There is a monitor control board, or a graphics adapter, which is used to display images on the monitor screen. The image on the screen consists of individual dots. Most adapters can operate in two modes: text and graphics.

In text mode, all characters are the same size and cannot be displayed in any location on the screen. The image of the symbols is in internal memory the adapter itself. Due to the fact that the positions of all the points that make up the symbol are known in advance and cannot be changed, text is displayed on the screen quickly. However, in text mode it is impossible to implement the WYSIWG principle ( What You See Is What You Get - what you see is what you get), in which a page of text on the screen looks exactly the same as on paper. Text mode features:

The number of characters in a line is usually 80, and the number of lines is 25;

The number of characters is limited to a set of 256 ASCII codes;

A single, strictly fixed font is displayed on the screen;

The character can only be underlined, but cannot be highlighted in italics or bold;

You cannot show pictures at the same time as text.

In graphics mode, the adapter does not use character images stored in its memory, but controls each individual point on the screen. Any colored dot is formed by mixing several colors in different proportions (usually three: red, green and blue). The symbol image, consisting of colored dots, must be stored and displayed on the screen by the program itself, and not by the graphics adapter. This requires more computer time than when working in text mode. The advantage of graphics mode is that there are no limitations inherent in text mode. The typeface, size, and font style are displayed on the screen, and the pictures can be seen simultaneously with the text. Thus, in graphic mode, the screen representation of the document coincides with the printed one.

There are three main stages in working on a computer: entering information, processing, and outputting results. When typing text (entering information), the keyboard is used. To change the content or design of the text (perform processing), you need to give a command to the computer processor. This can be done using the mouse. The effect of your actions can be seen on the monitor screen or after printing the document on the printer (output of results). Thus, the mouse and keyboard are information input devices, the processor is a processing device, the monitor and printer are output devices. The Windows environment is mouse-oriented: many commands are faster and more convenient to perform with the mouse than with the keyboard.


The word processing program Word for Windows comes either on a 3.5-inch floppy disk (version 6.0) or on a CD as part of the Microsoft Office suite (version 7.0). For using Word for Windows you need:

A computer with a processor no worse than 80286(80386) - for version 6.0 and no worse than 80386(80486) - for version 7.0;

Established Windows versions 3.1, Windows95 or Windows98 versions;

Minimum volume random access memory 4MB (preferably 8 and above);

EGA, VGA or SVGA graphics adapter compatible with Windows 3.1 (VGA or SVGA for Windows 3.11, Windows95, Windows98);

Hard disk with free space from 6 to 28 MB for full or partial installation of Word for Windows;

Drives for 3.5-inch floppy disks (version 6.0);

CD Readers (Version 7.0).

Version 7.0 exists in two versions various options: as a separate software product and as part of the Wicrosoft Office package.


Microsoft Word – This option installs all Word program files. Installation of this component is required. If you refuse it, Word will not work.

Graph, Equation, WordArt – thanks to this group of programs it is possible to insert various diagrams (Graph) into a document, mathematical formulas(Equation – formula editor) and text effects(WordArt). These programs are installed in the MSAPPS subdirectory in the WINDOWS directory, i.e. to the disk on which the Windows environment is installed. This is especially important when the main part Word package installed on another drive. There must be enough free space on both drives.

Proofing Tools – These programs are designed to check spelling, correct typos and select synonyms.

Envelopes, filters and ODBC (Converters, Filters and Data Access) - documents created in other text editors have file formats that differ from the format used by the Word editor. In order for Word to work with such files, special format conversion programs, or converters, are needed. Word 6.0 will “understand” a document created in another program only if the appropriate converter is installed. Word can also import graphics created in other programs and export graphics in other program formats. This is convenient for exchange between various programs. To convert picture formats, special programs - filters - are used.

Online Help, Examples and Demos – reference system Word takes up about 5MB of hard drive space. It contains information about each command and describes the steps that must be performed to obtain the required result. In particular, it contains information about WordBasic (an embedded programming language for creating new word processing functions), which is not described in the printed documentation.

Wizards, Templates and Letters – Wizards and templates allow you to save time when preparing standard documents. By using Word templates it is possible to quickly create letters, faxes, inscriptions on envelopes, etc. This component takes up about 3MB of hard drive space.

Tools - this group includes the installation program, which allows you to change the configuration of MS Word, the Dialog Editor program, the MS Info program, designed to obtain information about the current system Windows configuration, and the Dialog Editor program, which is used to create macros (macros).

Graphics (Clip Art) – the graphics library contains more than 50 drawings that can be used to design documents.


Any program in the Windows environment is presented on the monitor screen as a separate window. Each window has a title bar and a menu with a set of commands. The window may also contain other elements: panels with buttons (toolbars), scroll bars, dialogs, etc. – everything that the developer has provided for the convenience of working with the program.


Before a document can become a document, it must be printed. At computer training texts, this procedure is carried out in several stages. First, enter the text, edit it (correct errors and typos), perform formatting (specify the size, style and type of font, highlight headings, determine the method of aligning lines and highlighting paragraphs, insert pictures, arrange headers and figures, determine page sizes, etc. .), then print the document on the printer and write the created document to HDD or a floppy disk (this operation is called write to file).

After launching the Word program, the program window appears on the screen, and in it empty window document, which is named Document1. The blinking vertical bar in the upper left corner of the window is called the text cursor. The registers are switched using Shift keys. Keyboard layout into languages ​​using Ctrl keys+ Shift or Alt + Shift. On the right and bottom sides Word windows there are so-called text scroll bars.

The entire complex process of editing a document comes down to a few simple operations: deleting, adding, copying and moving. You can delete, add, move, and copy individual characters, words, lines, sentences, paragraphs, text fragments, or even an entire document, both within one document and between multiple documents.

To move or copy sections of text from using Word there are two various techniques: New and elegant Drag-and-Drop, which is especially useful for moving text onto short distances within visible text, and a technique using the right mouse button. Last method used when copying or moving sections of text over long distances.

The so-called Windows Clipboard can be used to move or copy sections of text. The clipboard is an area of ​​memory in which cut or copied text or graphics are temporarily stored. The contents of the buffer can be pasted into the same program or into another. When you place a new piece of text or graphics on the clipboard, the old contents of the clipboard are lost.

In Word for Windows, you can repeat or undo the last command. However, the redo and undo functions do not apply to all commands.


The Word text editor for Windows is a powerful tool for professional document preparation, but makes effective use of all the variety of its functions. The Word editor allows you to create a huge number of special effects. To give the text readable form Usually they use no more than three fonts and change the font style or size for text highlights, signatures, and headings. The format of the document must correspond to its content. Text is perceived better if there is a little free space on the page, margins along the edges of the page, free space between columns of text and before headings. The readability of the text is also greatly influenced by right choice typeface, font style and size, distance between lines of text, padding, paragraph indents, etc.


There are two ways you can create tables using Word for Windows. The first method is to create an empty table and then fill in the cells. The second is to convert existing text into a table. In a table, you can change the number and size of columns and rows, merge cells, or insert new ones anywhere in the table.

Word allows you to present data not only in the form of a table, but also in the form of a chart. From an editor's point of view Word chart is an object that the OLE method is used to work with. Creates and processes this object Microsoft program Graph.


Word for Windows gives you the ability to check your spelling. When checking, each word in the document is compared with samples in a special dictionary. If the word is not found in the dictionary, a dialog box opens in which you can make the necessary corrections.

Repeated or common spelling errors can be corrected using the auto-correction function directly while typing, and the search and replace function allows you to make changes to the spelling of individual words in the entire text or in a selected area. The same function allows you to change text and paragraph formatting settings - both throughout the document and in the selected area.

Word has a module for dividing words into syllables. It is designed to correctly hyphenate words.

There are three types of dictionaries in the Word editor: standard, exceptions and special (custom). Using a standard dictionary, you can check the spelling of a document containing text in different languages. The exception dictionary contains words that the standard dictionary recognizes as correctly spelled. This dictionary is created by the user and includes the words you want to focus on when checking your spelling. If you write articles in a specialty, such as chemistry or physics, you may need a separate dictionary for terms, the so-called user dictionary.

The program offers options for replacing frequently repeated words in a document, which allows you to make the document language more vivid and expressive. The list of synonyms is located in the Tools-Synonyms menu (Tools-Thesaurus).

The Edit menu contains Find and Replace commands for searching and replacing text fragments.

When working with documents, you often have to repeatedly enter the same sections of text. In Word, you just need to enter them once, and then make them an AutoText element with unique name and then insert it anywhere in the document as many times as necessary.

The autocorrection program checks and corrects typical mistakes after entering a single word. For Word fixes uses a list of common errors.

Grammar Checker – This feature only exists in Word 7.0 for Windows95 and higher. It allows you to check and eliminate grammatical and stylistic errors. The checker scans the text for errors. If an error is found, it opens the Grammar dialog box.

To obtain statistical information about the number of characters, words, lines, paragraphs and pages in a document, you need to execute the menu command Service-Statistics (Tools-Statistics). Indicators will also be displayed - level of education, ease of reading, number of complex phrases, euphony.


Word allows you to save time when creating standard documents by presenting a set of standard forms, or templates. If standard templates do not suit you, you can use the Wizard, which will create a document form for you in accordance with the parameters specified in the dialog boxes. To select a template, use the File-New command.


When working with complex documents containing a large number of chapters, sections, and possibly subordinate documents, you can use the powerful Word for Windows tool - creating a document structure. Structure is a hierarchy of documents, sections and headings different levels. To enable outline mode, execute the View-Outlining command.


When working with a program, you often have to perform a sequence of the same actions: open various menus and execute certain commands. Instead of pressing the same sequence of keys every time, you can record a macro command that will be executed by pressing a single key. To do this, execute the Macro command from the Tools menu.


Most documents contain various illustrations: brand names, diagrams, graphs, drawings. You can create such objects using Word for Windows because Word has built-in graphics editor. Using this editor, you can create drawings in the text of a document using the functions of drawing primitives or elementary geometric objects: lines, rectangles, circles, etc. To insert a picture into text as an object, use the Insert-Object command.


Word for Windows provides the user with the Merge Assistant, a special module for preparing large quantity letters of the same content, but to different addressees. You can send faxes directly from Word for Windows. To call, select the menu command Tools-Mail Merge.


Part new version WORD97 includes a wide range of automation tools that make common tasks easier. Most of them were presented in one form or another in previous versions of the editor, but now the automation capabilities have become much wider. Such means include:

Autocorrect, which allows you to automatically correct common typing errors;

Autocomplete, which allows you to automatically continue typing a word or piece of text after entering the first few letters. Now the editor has a certain base of such preparations from the very beginning;

Automatic check spelling now includes spelling and grammar checking;

Abstract: Word97 now has the ability to automatically generate a document abstract. The editor analyzes the text and highlights its key provisions, on the basis of which the abstract is compiled;

Automatic creation And preview styles;

Autoformat as you type, designed to automatically format a document directly as you type or after you complete it. In the Word97 version, the autoformat tools have acquired many new features.


A new tool in Microsoft Office 97 is the Assistant, designed to automatically provide advice and help information you may need as you complete a task.


Word97 has new tools that make it easier to work with tables, borders and margins:

Using the mouse, draw tables of any shape; individual cells can have any width and height; you can merge adjacent cells;

Table cells can be aligned on all sides, text inside cells can be positioned vertically;

Over 150 included various types boundaries;

You can create a frame around each page; the editor has 160 types of graphic page borders.


In the editor new set graphic tools for decorating texts, adding volume, shadows, texture and transparent fills, as well as more than 100 customizable autoshapes, 4 types of fills, etc.

The editor has a connection with the WEB, installation with any file located on an internal or external Web site or file server. The Web Page Wizard allows you to automate the process of creating Web documents. Sound design, video recording, placement of pictures on Web pages, creeping line, use of HTML codes to simplify the creation of Web pages.


Word97 includes special means, simplifying the viewing of electronic documents:

Mode electronic document;

The document outline allows you to quickly access any part of the document;

Document background used different kinds background and texture fill;

Text animation, adding animation effects to text;

Navigate through objects.


New opportunities and tools have appeared that increase the productivity of members of working groups working together on a common document. Versioning, document merging, notes and tooltips, review panel.


Already in Word95, automatic font and language changes were implemented when switching keyboard layouts. In Word97, creating and viewing texts in various European languages ​​has become even easier. In addition, it is possible to view documents created using other localized (national) versions of Word.

Enhanced tools for editing Web pages and editing messages Email. Creation of hyperlinks, access to data address book, formatting WordMail messages, WordMail templates.


1. WORD text editor. Version 6.0 for Windows 3.1 – 3.11 and version 7.0 for Windows95. A.V. Potapkin Moscow 1997.

2. WORD97 from the very beginning. V. Denisov St. Petersburg 1997.


BULAVIN Vitaly Anatolyevich 1st year student of the Faculty of Economics of Lytkarino Optical and Mechanical College, born in 1998.

Only from us you can not only buy a 2010 license, but also download a free one Word version. No registration or filling out forms! Without trial period, just like in the demo versions!

Download (free) Buy (paid license 2016 )

The program has been translated into Russian. Takes up little space on your hard drive.
Installs quickly and starts working without restarting the computer.

You can download Microsoft Word for free or buy a license on our website.

Key Features and Features

Typesetting and printing of documents.
Spelling and syntax checking.
Formatting and editing text.
Visual design with support for inserting photos and pictures. For this purpose, the control panel has special buttons, as well as downloaded templates and design styles.
Support for several dozen fonts.
Ability to save documents in .doc format (97-2003).
Communication and work with documents via the Internet. With the ability for a whole group of users to access work files.

And many others useful functions and settings.


You can view the program interface before downloading it to your computer.
We would like to add that the Free version is less rich in options, however, you don’t have to pay for it.
Click on the picture to enlarge the image.

Important information: The developer no longer distributes programs written before 2007-2013.

You can open or create documents in the .doc extension versions 97 or 2003, but through the "Save As" item.

To save in PDF format need to download additional expansion on the official Microsoft website.

Good day to all!

I think that no one will argue that Microsoft Word is one of the best text editors in the World (at least, without it it’s neither here nor there)! But, unfortunately, it is not installed on all computers, because... paid program...

What should you do if you need to quickly edit or view a document? That's right - use it online editors and Word!

Moreover, if 10 years ago, such editors were only a pitiful semblance of the original (and they could only be used for one small paragraph), but now the situation has changed dramatically! The online editor will allow you to work with documents from any computer connected to the Internet (there is no point in even carrying a flash drive with you now - everything is in the “clouds”).

Okay, let's get to the point...

The best online document editors

Microsoft Word Online

I couldn’t help but put this service in first place (after all, it’s from Microsoft!). At the moment, it is not much different from the program for Windows: there are most of the same tools as in classical program(the screenshot is given above, the browser version is open).

I will note that the documents you work with are saved automatically to a cloud drive (OneDrive, I already recommended it once on the blog pages).

And OneDrive, by the way, is preinstalled in Windows 10 - and in Explorer you can get to this drive with one click. The service rightfully takes first place, one of the most multifunctional. Constantly developing and updating.

Simple and convenient!

Google Docs service

Great service for creating and editing ready-made documents(including the new one is supported Docx format). There are quite a lot of tools presented: detailed setup fonts, rulers, working with tables, with pictures, inserting links, etc.

I would like to note that the service has convenient templates: for resumes, business letter, report, drawing up a plan, etc.

The received documents can be immediately saved to your cloud drive ( Google Drive). By the way, in addition to Word, the service can work with Excel tables and Power Point presentations. In general, a convenient and irreplaceable thing.

Yandex disk

This disk from Yandex is such a convenient thing... Not only can you connect it to Windows in 2 clicks and then to your smartphone (so that all documentation is fully synchronized), you can also create and edit:

  • documents - DOCX/DOC, ODT, DOCM;
  • tables - XLSX/XLS, ODS, XLSM, XLSB;
  • presentations - PPTX/PPT, ODP, PPSX;
  • text documents;
  • view archives.

Creating a document is done in 1 click (example below).

In general, an excellent solution for those who want to have access to their files anytime, anywhere.


Note: To open a document with hard drive, use the File/Import Document tool.

This editor has a somewhat unusual design (the developers put the menu on the left), but this does not affect the functionality: everything is there necessary tools to edit and create a high-quality document.

For example, you can work with pictures and images, tables, shapes, create separate fields for custom inscriptions, insert links and comments, work with sections, configure automatic fields, and much more...

I note that you can start getting acquainted with this editor even without registering (however, is there any point in this if you cannot save the document on their server?).


A simple online editor that covers most software needs fast processing small documents. By the way, this editor supports not only Word files, but also files from OpenOffice and LibreOffice.

Formats supported by the service: Microsoft Word 6.0/95/97/2000/XP (.doc); Word 2007 XML (.docx); WinWord 5 (.doc); LibreOffice ODF text document (.odt); OpenOffice ODF text document (.odt); Rich Text Format (.rtf); Text and CSV (.csv and .txt).

As you can see, the range is quite wide, the editor can replace not only classic Word, but also its competitors...

On the page with the document, you can insert and transfer various objects from your other documents or web pages in 1-2 clicks with the mouse: tables, pictures, shapes.

It is possible to search through the text of a document, including using various masks and filters (using so-called regular expressions).

Additions for interesting online editors are welcome!

And I'll stop there for now...