Templates to make badges for school yourself. How to use Word templates - making a badge

Everyone knows that participant badges are required at conferences. But judging by the examples of badges themselves, many people do not think about what these cards on strings are actually needed for.

Let's go through the main mistakes, laugh at the examples and highlight a few main rules for badge design.

A badge has exactly two main functions: an identifier and a souvenir.

And a badge can perform each of these functions only if it is drawn in accordance with them. The rules seem obvious, but examples prove otherwise.

Function 1: identification of participants.

What is the most important thing in badge design? There is only one answer to this question:

The name should be large and readable.

Moreover, the readability of a name is determined by the following factors:

1. “Large” means the following: a person with average visual acuity should be able to read the name on the badge from a distance that is most typical for the communication conditions of the participants in the event.

If people communicate most during a coffee break, this distance is usually 2-3 meters. This is the standard “safe” networking distance.

If you need the speaker to be able to address a person in the audience by name, test the font size in combat conditions.

2. The person's name should occupy a significant part of the badge area.

The presence of empty space around the name also adds weight.

A good example (all pictures are clickable):

Bad example:

As we can see, all the viewer’s attention should be occupied by the most functional and significant element, and not by all sorts of tricks. And, sorry, certainly not sponsor logos.

3. Sans serif font is best readable. Regular font is easier to read than italics.

This is a serif font:

Here it is - sans serif:

There is a difference? Sans serif fonts are generally neater and more readable. My personal opinion is that italics should not be overused; without it, the life of conference participants immediately becomes easier, because straight letters are easier to read from a distance.

If you came up with the brilliant idea of ​​printing out universal blank badges and letting participants write their name, keep in mind:

4. Match the color and thickness of the marker to the size and design of the badge.

Better yet, have a couple of girls at the front desk with excellent handwriting and clear instructions, otherwise you risk getting something like this:

But you wanted something more meaningful, at least like this:

If so much space is required for a name, then where does everything else go?

Unfortunately, identification is often confused with the formal registration process. Think carefully about the format of your event and answer the question: Is a last name really necessary on the badge? And especially the middle name? At many events these elements will be unnecessary.

If you are trying to create a relaxed homely atmosphere, do not flood the room with Elena Petrovna Evdokimovs and Vasily Eduardovich Kravchenkos.

Participant identification does not end with name alone. There is another important aspect of identification:

A feeling of belonging to the same group.

The psychological factor is important for participants: in a crowd of people, a person can quickly figure out who came to the same event. This creates a feeling of comfort, makes networking easier, and also becomes a universal conversation starter: “Are you going to the conference too? First time here? Nice to meet you, my name is Alexey.”

We're the same blood.

From the point of view of the organizers, the ability to distinguish “us” and “outsiders” from the crowd thanks to high-quality badges simply makes life much easier. Imagine a huge business center where, in addition to your event, a million other events are taking place, office owners and their visitors are walking back and forth... and in this chaos you need to quickly find your people and direct them to the right conference room. You won’t ask everyone: “Are you by any chance going to a conference?”

This subtask is solved by recognizable branding of badges: a sufficiently large event logo or color design that is recognizable from afar. I recently saw a good example at:

The design, the badge holder, and even the “business” identifier - all this helps to quickly figure out which group the Technopark visitor belongs to.

And finally, the last aspect of identification:

Belonging to different subgroups, indicator of status/role.

Badges help both participants and organizers understand who is who at the event.

No, genatsvale! When a society has no color differentiation of pants, then there is no purpose!

What exactly is worth differentiating:

  • Participant Roles(guest, organizer, speaker, volunteer, partner, press, etc.);
  • Tracks(with parallel programs for different tracks, it helps both participants and organizers navigate);
  • Level/status(beginner/advanced/expert or internal/invited participant, city/country representative, etc.).

How exactly to use this?

  • Different colors in the design of the badges themselves(background, design elements)
  • Different color badge holders(of rope)

A good example is my favorite deITology:

Unsuccessful examples are often found at conferences; I will give just a couple here. How can these badges help you understand at first glance which group a person belongs to? The abundance of colors and various elements is distracting:

How to make a badge in Word? The company management instructed you to provide badges to the participants of the information forum, and the forum is tomorrow? What to do? There is nothing easier than making a badge using your own PC at home. To do this, you need, strictly speaking, a computer or tablet, Microsoft Word, an information block for posting and a few minutes of free time.

First of all, you need to think about the information block that you plan to place on the badge. The next step is to go into Word and format the page settings, creating equal margins on all sides.

We propose to adhere to single indents on all sides, which will ensure that the size of our badges falls within existing standards.

After setting the page parameters, we proceed to creating a table.

Based on the number of people who need badges, it is necessary to calculate the number of cells to be created. In addition, you need to set the number of rows and columns. In the case of badges, we recommend creating 2 columns and 5 lines, since this is the number of them that can be harmoniously located on one A4 page of a book spread.

The goal will be achieved by following the following path: “Table” // “Insert” // “Table” or by clicking the icon with a sign in the taskbar. In the dialog box that opens, set the necessary parameters and click “Ok”. We see a Word document with 10 cells for data entry.

Let's move on to formatting the created cells. If the cells are located in the upper corner in a compressed form, then it is necessary to stretch them evenly over the entire A4 sheet. This effect can be achieved by setting the table parameters in its properties. You can call a dialog box with the properties of the created table using the context menu.

Since badges must be printed and cut upon completion of development, we recommend making the borders of the table with dotted lines. Also in the table properties you can adjust the thickness of the border lines, the table fill, or set the desired page properties.

After preparing the page and table, we return to the issue of the information block. Using the icons on the taskbar or the corresponding bookmarks, we will set the format and font size that will be used in the badge. As a rule, the last name, first name and patronymic of the badge owner are highlighted in the largest point.

If the information will be filled out individually by each person, then it is necessary to draw lines for entries. The company and position of the owner of this information card are also often indicated. If there is duplicate information, you can insert an information block into all created table cells.

You can insert information into a cell using the context menu called up in the desired cell and the “Insert” function.

If desired, you can add a photo or company logo to the created cells. You can change the background of the cells or the font color.
Here, as your imagination or management orders tell you. After you are convinced that the work is complete and are satisfied with what you see, you can print the badges. You can view the result using the "File" menu, the "Preview" option. If you often need such badges, you can create templates, but this is a topic for another article.

In Microsoft Word, you can not only work with text, but also with pictures, diagrams, tables, formulas and more. Using the various features of the editor, you can beautifully design the cover of a book, or make a report, formatting it according to all the rules.

Now we will figure out how you can make a badge in Word. I’ll tell you about using templates: where you can download them and how to change them. Next, we’ll look at how to do everything ourselves from scratch: create a block of a suitable size and insert text, a drawing or a photograph into it. Then you will print what you have, cut it out and paste it into a badge.

Using Templates

If you want to use ready-made badge samples, then create a new document in Word.

Then in the search bar for available templates, type either “Cards”, or "Business Cards" and click on the search arrow. You need to look for cards, since there are simply no badges on this list, and they are most similar to them.

In the list of available options, select the one that suits you best and click “Download”.

When the template is downloaded, it will open in a new window.

If you don’t like anything from the displayed list, then you can find an option on the official website: https://templates.office.com/ru-ru/Business Cards

Follow the link, select the item we need on the left, and then look for what you like. Make sure that Word is written under the image. Then click on the name of the template and download it by clicking on the corresponding button.

The next thing to do is to move on to editing and formatting the blank. Almost all the necessary buttons will be on the tab "Working with tables"– “Layout” or “Designer”.

Click on any word and look at the top to see what size the table cell is. In the example, the blocks are 8.82x5.08 cm. This may not always be suitable. The size of a standard badge in centimeters is 8.5x5.5. If you do not have a standard one, it is better to measure the width and height of the leaflet that you will insert there.

I will stick to the standards, so select the table and enter 8.5 in the “Width” field (your value may be different). Then change the height value, where 5.08 is, and press “Enter”. After this, each cell will become the size you specified.

To make it clear where the table boundaries are, you can "Display Grid", click on the corresponding button. As a result, all transparent lines will become a blue dotted line, but they will not be printed.

Let's change the sample - enter your organization name.

Then we delete the text below - select it and click “Delete”.

By pressing “Enter” I made an additional indent from the top line and typed the person’s first and last name. Select them, go to the “Home” tab and here select the appropriate size and font, you can use italics or bold.

The bottom lines remain. We delete them, print the appropriate text, this is my position. Then change the font and letter size. To place words, for example, in the center, left or right, click on one of the stripe buttons.

The next step is to add an image. This is not necessary, so in principle, the badge can be considered ready. If you want your badge to have a picture, then click on the cell that you edited and on the “Insert” tab select “Picture”.

In the window that opens, select either a logo or a photo and click “Insert”.

Then you need to reduce the image using the markers on the frame.

To ensure that it is displayed correctly on the sheet and the words do not move, select it and select it in the drop-down list "Text Wrap"- "before" .

Again using the markers and arrows in different directions on the frame, move the drawing to the desired location. I have it in the top left.

Once one badge is ready, copy it and replace the pattern in the other cells. Then change names and positions. This way, you can make several copies for different workers or schoolchildren.

To print your badge, go to the File tab.

Specify the number of copies, select a printer and click on the desired button.

We do it ourselves

Considering that there are no ready-made templates, and the cards need to be remade, which is not entirely convenient, let's figure out how to make a badge yourself from the very beginning. As for me, this option is simpler - you don’t need to change anything, you immediately indicate the required dimensions, select the design and the like.

Open “Insert” at the top and add a table with the appropriate number of rows and columns to the page. In my example, I will have 2x3.

I insert the picture in the same way as described in the previous paragraph. I change the wrap around it and make it the right size.

Select the text in parts and change the font, size, boldness and more. To make the letters colored, select a color from the drop-down list by clicking on the button with the letter “A”. You can fill a cell with color by placing italics in it, clicking on the paint bucket and selecting any color.

To choose the position of text relative to the cell, use the Align button. The list that opens presents various options.

Often at various events, to quickly and conveniently identify a person, it is necessary to use a badge - an element of the uniform in the form of a card, badge or sticker. It usually contains the full name of the event participant and additional information, such as position.

Making such a badge is not at all difficult: a word processor contains all the necessary tools for this. But if the appropriate program is not at hand, and the matter is urgent, special online services come to the rescue.

Almost all web tools are designed to make certain tasks easier. And the services we are considering in this article are no exception. Thanks to ready-made solutions like complete templates, layouts and other graphic elements, creating badges using the resources described below is unlikely to take more than five minutes of your time.

Method 1: Canva

A popular web service designed for creating designs for various documents, such as postcards, forms, flyers, posters, etc. There is also all the necessary functionality for working with badges. Canvas contains a huge library of all kinds of logos, badges and stickers that allow you to diversify the appearance of your finished nameplates.

  1. So, the first thing after going to the site is to click "Create nameplate".

  2. On the page that opens, indicate what you intend to use the service for.
  3. Sign up for Canva using "account", or.
  4. Then on the new page click "Create Design" in the menu on the left.

  5. Click "Use special sizes" top right.

  6. Please indicate the size for your future badge. The optimal option is 85x55 millimeters. After that click "Create".

  7. Layout your badge using the Canva editor, using ready-made layouts, or compose it from individual elements. You are presented with a wide selection of backgrounds, fonts, stickers, shapes and other graphic components.

  8. To save the finished badge to your computer, click the button "Download" in the top menu bar.

  9. Select the desired document format in the pop-up window and click again "Download".

  10. After a short preparation, the finished image will be loaded into your computer's memory.

If you show your imagination and take advantage of all the capabilities of the resource described above, you can create a stylish and high-quality badge for any event.

Method 2: Badge Online

A free online badge maker that allows you to create name plates either based on templates or using your own structure and imported graphic elements. The service does not require registration and is one specific page with all the necessary functionality.

As you can see, this tool allows you to create badges in just a couple of clicks. Yes, you won’t be able to do anything complicated with it, but otherwise the resource does its job perfectly.

A badge is an element of the dress code, which most often is a card on a cord or clip. It is used as a personal identifier in cases where a group of people unfamiliar with each other needs to communicate and perform some tasks. This often happens at various events or in large companies.

Its standard size is approximately 8 by 5 cm, and its shape is a vertical or horizontal rectangle.

How to make a badge in Word with your own hands

When choosing badge sizes should be considered the amount of information that needs to be placed on it. Badges for company employees are usually made in a standard size of 90 by 60 mm. You can use a template to create a badge, but we’ll talk about that later.

How to make a badge in Microsoft Word with your own hands:

Using Templates

If you don’t have time to make a badge manually, you can use its templates in Word. Microsoft Word already has several categories of templates installed, but this particular one will need to be downloaded from the Internet. To do this, you need to go to the “File” menu and click on the “Create” and “ Sample templates". After that, go to the official website with templates and download any suitable option.

In addition, you can make a badge using business card template. To do this, among the available templates in the program, select the one called “Cards” or “Business Cards”, then click on “Download” when the most suitable option is found. The choice is quite large; you can find badge templates for a first-grader at school or for work.

Once the download is complete, the template will open in a new window and will be ready for design.

To start editing the template, you will need:

  1. go to the tab " Working with tables“, where you will need to select “Layout” or “Design”;
  2. If you need to change the dimensions of the template, select the table and in the “Width” parameter specify the number 8.5. The Height value changes to 5.5. After the dimensions are adjusted to the standard, press the Enter key. This will allow you to consolidate the results of the changes;
  3. In order not to go beyond the boundaries of the table, you should click on the button " Show grid" Thanks to this, transparent lines will be highlighted with a blue dotted line, but when printed they will remain transparent;
  4. then you should write the company name;
  5. To change the text formatting style, you need to select it in the “ home» select the appropriate font, size and other values.
  6. If desired, you can place photographs of a person or an organization logo on the badge. This can be done using the “Drawing” button, which is located in the “Insert” tab. In the window that appears, you need to select the appropriate image and click on “Insert”. To make the picture look beautiful, you should select it and click on the buttons in the drop-down menu Text wrapping" and "Forward";
  7. After editing the template, you need to copy the resulting sample and move it to the remaining cells.

Saving as a template

To be able to use the result obtained in other cases, it should be saved.

To do this you should:

How to Print a Badge in Word

You can print in Word 2010 or any other version as follows:

The best online services

We have collected the most popular sites that will allow you to make a badge online and print it, completely free.


An easy-to-use online service that allows you to prepare a badge without downloading and installing additional programs. Its advantage is that all necessary services are provided free of charge.

The work literally takes place in several stages:

If you are not satisfied with the ready-made templates, you can use your own version. To do this, go to the “Upload your own” section, which is located at the very top of the page, in the “ Information».


This resource is primarily used for making business cards, but it can also easily be used to make a badge.

To get started with it, you should:

Business card

An online resource that is often used in the production of badges and business cards. Perfect suitable for beginners, as it does not cause any difficulties in its use.

To make a badge, you need:

  1. indicate all necessary information;
  2. edit text;
  3. if desired post a photo or logo;
  4. save the finished result.