How can you delete messages on Skype. How to delete all Skype correspondence or with one specific person

Many people ask the question: “how to delete correspondence on Skype?” After all, correspondence is the personal life of every person, no one has the right to read it. If you corresponded with someone and do not want anyone to be able to read it at all, you need to delete everything; our instructions will tell you how to do this, because in Skype it is impossible to delete messages with one keystroke. All correspondence always ends up in an archive from which you can extract any message.

  1. Delete complete correspondence history;
  2. Delete history with a specific contact.

Delete complete chat history

Before you start deleting your complete correspondence history, think about whether it’s worth doing it at all or not. After all, in this case, you delete all saved sessions, the last conversation, absolutely all correspondence that are saved in the Skype log. Of course, if correspondence is not expensive for you, or it is extremely important to delete something special, proceed to the steps below.

Remember that if you delete your correspondence this way, it will no longer be possible to get it back, even if you try to contact support. And finally, messages are deleted in this way only on your computer; they remain with your interlocutor.

Delete history with a specific contact

We figured out how to delete all correspondence, but on Skype, how to delete correspondence with one person is a much more serious question. There are several programs that can do this. However, their trustworthiness always causes serious mistrust, and very often they are simply blocked by an antivirus.
The best way in this case is to contact the developers. After all, we have the entire database and just need a program that can work with them. We can highlight one main program, and later in our article we will work with it. It is well known and quite easy to download; it is called SQLite. Initially, you need to install it; the installation process itself is not at all complicated. The program is a regular file opener.

Detailed process for deleting correspondence with one person on Skype:

If something goes wrong, we simply return the file that we edited to its place. After this, nothing will change. In general, deleting correspondence is simple, you just need to strictly follow all the instructions.

Good afternoon The content of our chats is powerful incriminating evidence. Sometimes there are very unpleasant phrases that evoke painful memories. That is why the topic of today’s article is the question of how to delete messages on Skype, clear history and delete correspondence, throwing someone out of your life. This function is provided both in the messenger itself and in various add-ons called “plugins”.

How to delete a message on Skype

First, let's look at the simplest option: deleting one message on Skype. This action probably couldn’t be simpler, because you only need to press one button.

Do the following:

  • enter the chat where the unwanted message is stored;
  • find it in history;
  • click on it with the right mouse button;
  • in the drop-down list, select “Delete”;
  • In the window that opens, confirm your choice by clicking on the “delete” button.

In its place in the old version, a trash can icon and the message “Message deleted” will appear, which the second chat participant will also see. In the new one it will simply disappear.

Not all messages can be removed - more about this is written below.

In addition, this way you can clear only the latest messages, and only yours. It is impossible to get rid of those sent. It is also difficult to remove several at a time - it takes a very, very long time.

Don't do anything out of emotion. Remember: you will lose this message forever. You may regret your hasty decision later.

This method is suitable if you want to clear only part of a conversation. If your plans are more global, you can use other methods.

How to delete correspondence (history) in Skype on a computer

If you want to destroy everything that you have just created in the client, then this method is for you. Out of sight and... Out of the computer. But keep in mind: this will also load the PC for some time and cannot be restored.

If you decide, in versions older than 7, do the following:

  • open the program;
  • go to “Tools” - “Settings”;
  • in the window that opens, select “Chat and SMS” − “Chat settings”;
  • click on the “Open additional settings” button;
  • click on “Clear history”;
  • agree with the warning.

So, with one click you can get rid of everything, including calls, conversations, SMS and even a conversation in a group. Radical, so to speak.

Please note that using this method will automatically exclude you from all conversations.

In the new client, all you can do is permanently delete all chat.

If your plans are not so drastic, but more narrowly focused, then the information below will help you. First, let's talk about the “telephone” functions of the messenger.

How to delete SMS and conversation on Skype

In fact, such a thing as an SMS is usually not saved, so this text is only useful if you want to get rid of not only its text, but also erase all mentions of it.

But everything is not so smooth here. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to clear conversations and SMS via Skype - such a function is simply not provided. In this case, you have only two options: either delete it by all means, or use one of the programs described below.

Finally, we need to talk about deleting the call list.

How to delete calls on Skype

Once again I will have to disappoint you with a negative answer. There is no way to selectively remove just calls, and you can’t deal with them individually, like with texts.

You can:

  • clear the entire history;
  • clear the dialogue with some person along with calls (how to do this is described below);
  • use one of the special plugins.

We've more or less figured out the computer, now about smartphones.

Deleting correspondence in Skype on an Android phone and iPad

In fact, you can destroy a sent letter on different systems using almost the same methods.

For iPhones, the algorithm looks like this:

  • open Skype;
  • At the bottom, find the “Recent” menu item;
  • above the inscription, find and click on “Change”;
  • in the list of all dialogs, find the one you want to erase;
  • click on the circle on it.

This is how you can simply remove one separate dialogue. Still, it’s not for nothing that even a person who is new to technology can understand iPhones.

You can get rid of a message on Android in the updated Skype like this:

  • go to chats;
  • select the one you want and hold it for a long time;
  • Click on “Delete conversation”.

In the old version the procedure was different:

  • go to “Settings” on your phone;
  • find the “Applications” item there;
  • Find Skype in the list;
  • click on it;
  • click on the “Delete data” button;
  • wait a little.

Carefully! This way you can clear the entire archive of messages, and along with it your username and password. You will have to enter everything again. Unfortunately, individual messages cannot be erased.

Well, now that we’ve covered general topics, let’s move on to specific ones. Let's talk about how to get rid of video messages.

How to delete a video message from skype

Once again the answer is sad. Regardless of whether you delete it or not, your interlocutor will easily see it at any time. It will remain forever on the server and in the database on your computer. You can’t clear a voice message or get rid of a photo – the situation is the same.

So such messages are actually public.

There is only one thing left for you: to remove it exclusively for yourself in any way possible.

What if you want to clear only some dialogs.

How to clear the Skype history of one contact

The official website will answer this question with a categorical “no!”, but smart users have long found a solution.

You need:

  • remember or write down your exact login;
  • remember or write down the exact login of the required interlocutor;
  • download the Skype Chat Helper program (it is only available for Windows). Completely close Skype;
  • open the program;
  • enter your login in the first field;
  • enter the login of your interlocutor in the second field;
  • click on the big button below.

There are other, more complex methods - for example, working with the main.db file. But why bother if you can do everything in a couple of clicks?

Now let's talk about another technique. Is anything different?

How to delete messages in Skype on a laptop and tablet

You can delete a sent message on a laptop in the same way as on a computer. There are no differences, only if different versions of Skype do not work. However, even in this case the differences are almost minimal.

On a tablet everything is almost the same. It all depends on whether you have an iPad or not. For iPad, read the iPhone algorithm. For other models - the Android algorithm.

Well, now that we’ve sorted out all the equipment, let’s look at the problems in even more detail. Let's highlight group chats separately.

How to delete a group chat on Skype

For example, deleting a conversation without a title is very, very easy. You don't even need to look for how to hide group messages.

  • click on the conversation in the contact list with the right mouse button;
  • Find the “Leave conversation” option.

That's all. You will not have any mention of it - the conversation will simply disappear into the vastness of the RuNet, never disturbing you again.

If you don't want to leave it, but don't want to "shine" the conversation, right-click on it and click "hide".

And it seems like everything was deleted and sorted out, but what to do if they deleted the wrong thing?

How to recover deleted messages on skype

Is it possible to return everything back? Surprisingly, yes, deleted data is restored. But your main enemy is time. The necessary information can simply be replaced by another.

Do this:

  • go to “Start” - “Run”;
  • type “%appdata%\Skype” there;
  • go to the folder named after your login;
  • find the main.db file there;
  • copy it to another computer, replacing the file on it;
  • Perhaps you will see the necessary correspondence on that computer.

However, there are no guarantees.

Well, can this be done on Android?

How to recover old correspondence on Skype on Android

Unfortunately no. Android Skype is very insidious, and since a smartphone is not a computer, there is no access to system files. So there are no options here - unless you are a brilliant hacker, of course.

Well, now about plugins.

What programs are there to delete messages on Skype?

In fact, there are thousands, if not millions, of such programs. And homemade, and written by you personally according to instructions on the Internet, and popular, used by millions. So it’s easy to remove objectionable statements on Skype.

Let's talk a little about the most popular plugins.

Skype log viewer review

This program is designed to view history. We all know that although Skype stores system files on the computer, it carefully encrypts them. And sometimes you really need to look.

That's when this program comes to the rescue. It decrypts all data, bringing it to a form familiar to us, and allows us to save it in common formats.

It is not very suitable for deletion, but rather helps to “pull out” the necessary information, but it is impossible not to mention it.

You can download it for free, in Russian and even using a torrent.

Skype history cleaner review

This program is as simple as twice two. It has a rudimentary interface, but nevertheless copes with its task perfectly.

The program deletes your Skype history. It can either delete the entire history or specific correspondence with a specific subscriber. She can also delete calls along with everything else.

Moreover, you can only delete one type: messages, calls or something else.

Skype history viewer – review

This is a very useful history viewer. It sorts all conversations by time, date and other useful aspects. The program has a number of quite useful functions, such as providing details about each message and taking into account all, even small details.

You can’t say more about it—you can only use it.

Let's look at the most popular questions.

How to delete messages on Skype from your interlocutor

But you definitely won’t be able to delete everything from your interlocutor either - unless you penetrate his computer. In the new version of the messenger, you can delete received and incoming messages only by getting rid of the entire chat history.

There is no other way to destroy someone else's message. It does not matter whether this message is read or not.

Is it possible to delete messages on the skype server

No. No way. Only if you are a top-notch hacker who can hack the official database on the site.

How to transfer skype history to another computer

To do this, just copy the same main.db file. This can be done either by simple “copy-paste” or using the programs described. But it’s not a fact that the transfer will be successful - no one has yet canceled random failures.

Why sometimes you can't delete a message on Skype

It was sent too long ago. With a simple “delete message,” that is, the first method I told you, you can delete only the newest messages.


It couldn’t be simpler - it’s not for nothing that Skype is considered a very simple program, accessible to everyone. Even if at first something seems unclear, just start following the instructions and everything will quickly become clear as you go.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros of being able to delete messages:

  • you can get rid of unnecessary memories;
  • in an almost pure story it is easier to find the necessary phrases;
  • the computer memory does not become clogged (critical if the PC is weak);
  • messages from nameless, unknown users are erased.

Disadvantages of being able to delete a message:

  • You might accidentally delete something important;
  • You can emotionally clear your favorite dialogue, lose valuable photos, and then regret for a long time that you cannot read correspondence with friends.

Video review

Skype remains the most popular instant messenger in the world today. More than 9 million Ukrainians already use this program! If you are not one of them yet, we invite you to visit our website right now and start communicating.

You will quickly figure out how to find and add a contact, how to call and write - the interface is simple and intuitive. But with the question of how to delete messages on Skype, small misunderstandings may arise.

The fact is that the chat history in Skype is located on the server, and not on the local computer, as in many other messaging applications. In addition, if on VKontakte, for example, everything is obvious and simple - just check the box and click the “Delete” button, then in this case the answer to the question of how to delete correspondence on Skype does not lie on the surface. But that's not a problem, let's learn.

It's easy to delete a sent message on Skype!

This is a great option that not all messengers have. Thanks to it, you can cut out your own message from the correspondence even before the recipient reads it. For this:

  1. Right-click on the message.
  2. Select " Delete».

The message text will disappear and the message “ Message deleted", which your recipient will also see.

Similarly, you can delete read messages in Skype. Two clicks and it's done.

How to delete message history on Skype

If you are interested in how to delete correspondence with a person in Skype, let us immediately note that this is possible with one important caveat. Remember, as a result of cleaning, ALL message and call history will disappear. Contacts, of course, will remain, but you will no longer be able to read any messages or find the date of the conversation. Therefore, unfortunately, it is impossible to delete a single conversation of a contact in Skype without affecting the overall history.

If you have read the warning and still intend to completely delete your Skype chat history, follow these instructions:

Once again we draw your attention. By following these simple steps, you can completely delete Skype conversations on your computer, without the possibility of recovery.

How to delete a conversation on Skype (video)

Skype is a convenient program for exchanging information, but unlike other programs, the entire correspondence history is stored not on the computer, but on the server, and in order to clear the message history, certain actions must be taken. Let's find out how to delete messages on Skype.

Not every user, whether a beginner or an advanced one, knows that you can change or even delete something in the Skype program. This applies to message history. There are times when correspondence must be deleted. There is no need to find out the reason; the main thing is to learn how to delete messages from the chat.

How to find chat messages on Skype

You have been corresponding with this interlocutor all day, sharing secrets, but you are worried that the information remains on the server and you want to quickly erase all messages.

How to find correspondence with your interlocutor:

  • Go to the “Conversation” section, press the “Search” key, enter a few phrases from your conversation, and press “ok”.
  • You can immediately press the key combination on the keyboard: “Ctrl + F” or do this: select the interlocutor from the contact list, click on this contact and all correspondence is displayed in the right field.

Deleting individual messages in correspondence

This function is available only if the correspondence is not outdated, that is, not much time has passed.

How to delete a single message in a conversation:

  • Select the information that needs to be removed from the correspondence with your mouse.
  • If you want to remove a message from a conversation using the mobile version of Skype, then you need to press with your finger and hold the message with your fingers for a long time. Wait for the menu to appear.
  • Right-click on the selected fragment and select the phrase “Delete message” from the drop-down list.
  • Confirm your actions, you must click on the “Delete” button. The text immediately disappears from view and in its place you will see the inscription in translucent letters “Message deleted.”

Advantages: fast and convenient, you can do it before the interlocutor has not yet entered the program and has not had time to read the message.

Disadvantages: you can only delete your message, but not all correspondence at once. It only works if not much time has passed since sending.

How to delete all messages in a conversation on Skype?

This program also has another function that allows you to completely clear all chats. How to do it:

  • Find the “Tools” tab in the program menu and click “Settings”.
  • A window will appear in front of you with the following information: “Receive text messages from anyone” and below “Receive text messages only from people on my list” (active). A button “Open additional settings” will appear slightly lower and to the right. Click.
  • In the “Settings” menu, select the “Chats and SMS” item, and in the “Chat Settings” sub-item you must select the “Open additional settings” service.
  • In the window that opens, study the information provided in detail; you may want to change the settings and specify other storage periods for correspondence.
  • Click the “Clear history” button, a “Delete history?” pop-up window will appear, where you will have to confirm your actions again by clicking on the “Delete” button.
  • We remind you that this method only works for correspondence with all contacts, and not selectively, therefore, after confirmation, all correspondence will be completely cleared and the messages will be deleted. The list of your contacts remains, it will not go anywhere.