How to rename photos on Android. Create a folder on your Android phone using a computer. Automatically upload new photos

Anyone active user mobile device is probably familiar with the situation when the number of icons installed games or applications so exceeds the capabilities of the screen that a completely logical question arises - how to create a folder on Android so that search the desired program make it as convenient as possible.

To be on the desktop Android smartphone combine shortcuts into one directory (if using standard launcher), we need to drag one icon onto another, and in place of the second icon a new folder will be formed in which both icons will be located. To do this, click on the desired icon, hold your finger for a couple of seconds and, without releasing, drag:

If we need to drag other icons into the same folder, then we need to open the folder by clicking on it and touching the + icon (“ Add"). Select from the list that opens the icons of those applications that we want to combine in one folder and click “ OK" If we want to give the folder a name, then click below the name that this folder received by default (in the screenshot “ New folder 2"). A keyboard will open, with which we will give a name, after which we press the button “ Ready»:

To launch the application, open the folder by touching your finger and click on the icon of the desired application.

To return the program to the desktop, from open folder Also, by pressing your finger, pull out the desired shortcut onto the free space of the display.

Creating a Folder in TouchWiz

If the Android device uses the shell from Samsung (TouchWiz), then we can use one of two methods to create a folder.

First option: click on an empty space on the display until the menu appears and select the item “ Folder».

And in the second case, call it on the desktop context menu, where we select the position “ Create a folder».

After this we will need to set the folder name:

Using the built-in file manager

A file manager (can be “Manager”, “File Manager”, “Files” or “Explorer”) is special utility, designed to work with file system smartphone. File managers can be pre-installed (built-in) or user-installed.

The standard Android device manager (or rather its icon) is located in the main menu. Having opened the program, we will find ourselves in the section “ Memory", here we need to choose where exactly we will create the folder, in internal memory or on an SD card. After the choice is made, we will see a list of files in this storage, and in the lower left corner there is a folder icon with a + sign, press it, the keyboard will immediately open and a window in which you need to enter the name of the folder, then in the lower right corner of the display press the button “ Ready»:

Using a third-party file manager

If you have already installed an alternative file manager or the built-in capabilities do not suit you, then for the task at hand you can download the necessary software from the Play Market or directly from our website. We will look at the process of creating a folder using the “” application as an example.

So, our actions should look like this. We launch the utility, go to the “Device” section, there we see all our folders, and on the left, on the bottom panel, the “ Create" with a plus, click on it, in the window that opens, select the item " Folder", then, using the keyboard that appears, set a name, press the button " OK" (May be " Ready"), that's it, we can use the created directory:

Creating the obb folder

Active users of mobile devices running Android OS, downloading various gaming applications, it is known that often together with installation apk file The folder containing the game cache is also downloaded, which is placed in the obb directory.

As a rule, this folder is absent in smartphones, and if the game is downloaded from Google Play, then this directory is created automatically, but in cases where the download is performed from third-party sites, then you need to create this folder yourself. There is nothing complicated about this, and the procedure can be performed in any of two ways, which we will now discuss.

The first is using a file manager (see above), standard or installed, that’s not the point. Open the manager, select the item “ External/internal memory", open the folder " Android"(this is where you need to create the directory " obb"), in the lower left corner click + « new folder", enter the folder name " obb", press the button " Save" and in the lower right corner " Ready»:

The second method involves using a computer; read below to see how the obb folder is created using this method.

Using a computer

It is very convenient to create folders using a PC.

If we need to create one in the internal memory of the gadget, then for this we need to connect our Android to the laptop with a USB cable. We wait a few seconds for the PC to detect our gadget. Then click " Start", open the section " My computer", we find our mobile device and click on it double click left mouse button:

We see the file section of our smartphone, open it like any folder by double clicking:

Then, either by empty space, or, having opened the desired directory, click on it free space, in the window that opens, select the item “ Create a folder»:

If you need to create a folder on the SD card, then first make it on the computer desktop and set the name (I created the folder Grand-screen, or you can use any other folder, for example obb) and using a USB cable connection:

In the window that appears on the PC desktop, open the device to view files:

All folders that are in our drive will open. You can directly transfer the created folder here from your computer desktop, or we can (if necessary) open the desired directory and move it to it:

After this, we will see that the folder that we just created has appeared on the SD card of the smartphone:

How to create a folder in the gallery

To create a folder in the application " Gallery"To organize your photos, we turn to the file manager again. We create a new directory, set a name and copy or move the necessary photographs into it. After this, the system will automatically detect it as the directory that contains graphic objects, and the folder will be displayed in the application.

How to hide a folder on Android

Hide a folder with photos or any other content not intended for prying eyes, on Android devices You can also use a file manager.

So, open the file manager, find the directory in which the folder we need is located and open it. Then (as described above) call up the menu, from the proposed list of actions select the item “ Rename" Now, using the keyboard, put a dot in front of the folder name (without a space):

After this, you need to go to the manager settings, and in the “Show hidden files and folders" uncheck the box if it was there, but you will need to view it again in reverse order activate this item. There are other ways to make a folder invisible, .

And that’s all for me, write in the comments whether the information presented was useful to you, how fully and clearly the question is explained, how to create a folder on Android. Good luck!

Almost all versions of the Android operating system provide the ability to create a folder on the desktop. Using this feature, you can group application shortcuts by necessary parameters. However, not everyone knows how to do this. This will be discussed in this article.

There are three main options for creating a folder on Android: on the home screen, in the application menu and on the device’s storage. Each of them has an individual algorithm of actions and involves structuring data in different areas smartphone.

Method 1: Folder on Desktop

In general, there is nothing complicated in this process. You can create a folder in just a couple of seconds. This is done in the following way:

After completing the steps described above, you will have a folder with the necessary applications and name. It can be moved around the desktop like regular shortcut. To move an item from a folder back to working space, you need to open it and drag the application where you need it.

Method 2: Folder in Applications Menu

In addition to the smartphone’s desktop, folder creation is also implemented in the application menu. To open this section you need to press the center button in the bottom panel of the phone's main screen.

Please note that not all devices have the application menu that looks this way. However, at least appearance and will be different, the essence of the actions does not change.

As you can see, creating a folder in the applications menu is quite simple. However, not all modern smartphones This option is available by default. This is due to non-standard pre-installed shell operating system. If your device meets this criterion, you can use one of the many special launchers that implement this feature.

Creating a folder on the drive

In addition to the desktop and launcher, the smartphone user has access to a drive on which all device data is stored. It may be necessary to create a folder here. As a rule, smartphones have a “native” file manager installed and you can use it. However, sometimes you have to install additional software.

In almost all explorers and file managers, the process of creating a folder is one way or another identical. Let's look at it using an example program Solid Explorer File Manager :


As you can see, there are different variations for creating a folder on Android. The user can choose from methods that depend on his needs. In any case, creating a folder both on the desktop and in the application menu, and on the drive is quite easy. This process does not require much effort.

How to rename a photo on Android?

    There are three main ways. 1. Using a PC - connect the phone, find required file and rename it. 2. Using the file manager on the phone itself. 3. Many phones have a pre-installed name replacement function in the settings - select the rename line and write a new name.

    Personally, in such cases, I connect my Android phone to the computer via USB cable. I look through my phone, find a folder with a photo, copy this photo, and rename it on the computer. For me, this method is more convenient than downloading programs that are unfamiliar to me.

    Renaming a photo on all versions of Android is almost the same. To do this, you need to go to the gallery, select a photo and call up additional menus (each device calls it differently) The rename option will appear there. If there are a lot of files, it will be more convenient to rename on the computer.

    If there is a problem with various operations with files from your phone and smartphone on Android, then there are two ways to solve them. Either by connecting the smartphone to the computer, you can change, for example, the name of the photos from it; it’s even better to save the photos not to the device itself, but to a memory card, then you can insert it into the computer and working with it becomes completely elementary, or download some kind from the market file manager. With it, you can manage files on your smartphone as easily as if it were a computer. For example, I use ES file explorer which I have absolutely no problems with, especially when I use this manager to delete old files and photos.

    Firstly, you can connect through the computer itself and manually rename it, but in general, click on the name of the photo and in one of the options through the album, but due to the slowness of this method, it is actually easier through the computer.

    The easiest way to do this is using a computer. Or install a file manager. There is a wide selection available. You can also use the instructions for your smartphone. Or try calling yourself extra menu to photos and select rename there.

    To rename you only need a little bit of intelligence. 1 thing you need to do to rename is to go to the photo album - edit - rename and all you have to do is enter the name of the photo you want to write.

    You can rename photos on your smartphone using the file manager.

    no need to go to the gallery or photo album - go to the explorer (I had it when I bought Fly smartphone 4405) we find the desired photo (do not open), press with your finger and hold until it is highlighted - an additional menu appears at the bottom of the display, there is the lower right (an icon of three vertical dots) and rename and properties appears (at least that’s how it is for me) - select what you need - you're done. Good luck.

    Try downloading the ES Explorer file manager from Google Play Market. It works for free, that's its advantage. And it’s also in Russian, with its help you’ll have access to your photos and be able to rename them.

    ES Explorer is very easy to use; many people choose it.

    in most cases, this can be done by clicking on the option in the picture you selected. But if there is no such option as how to rename it, then you can do it through Explorer, or, as a last resort, copy it to your computer and rename it there.

To group shortcuts on the desktop, in the operating room Android system you can create folders. But, the process of creating such folders is very different, depending on what shell (launcher) is used on this Android device. Therefore, many users are confused and do not know how to create a folder on the Android desktop. In this article we will demonstrate the process of creating folders using an example standard shell Android, as well as TouchWiz shells.

First of all, let's look at the process of creating folders on the desktop Android desktop in a standard shell. Here, in order to create a folder, you need to drag one shortcut onto another. In this case, in place of the second shortcut, a folder will appear in which both programs will be located.

By default, the folder will have no name. If you want to give it a name, then you need to open it and click on the “Untitled” label. After this, the folder can be renamed.

If you are using TouchWiz (the shell from Samsung), then you can create folders on your desktop in two ways. The first method is to long press on an empty space on the desktop. After this, a pop-up menu appears on the screen in which you need to select the “Folder” item.

The second way is to call the context menu on the desktop. After this, you need to select “Create a folder”.

When creating a folder on a phone with shell Samsung system will ask you for the name of the folder.

It should also be noted that you can create folders not only on the desktop, but also in Android memory devices. In this case, you need to use a file manager. You can install any file manager you like from Play Market. We will demonstrate creating a folder on Android using a free file manager.

First you need to open the folder in which you want to create new folder. Next you need to click on the plus sign icon.

After this, a pop-up menu will appear in which you need to select “Folder”.

To finish creating the folder, enter its name and click on the “OK” button.

That's all, this is enough to create a folder on Android.

On Android, you can create folders with different contents: photos, music, application shortcuts. The directories are located both on the desktop and on the device’s memory card. You can create a folder on Android using built-in tools, a file manager or .

Built-in tools

If you need to collect shortcuts into a folder that take up too much space on the screen, you can do this by dragging the icons on top of each other. This method works on pure Android and on most shells. To create a directory on your desktop:

  1. Tap one shortcut and hold your finger to highlight it.
  2. Drag the highlighted icon (without releasing your finger) to another shortcut.

At first it may not work, because the second icon will constantly “run away”, but after a little training you will be able to quickly create directories with shortcuts on your phone or tablet, relieving your desktop.

By default, the created folder has no name. But if you open it and click on the “Untitled” label, a keyboard will appear that allows you to rename the directory. On Samsung phones With the TouchWiz shell, directories on the desktop can be created in three ways:

As you can see, the methods may vary, but the method of simply dragging and dropping shortcuts usually works on all devices, with “pure” Android or a proprietary shell from the manufacturer.

File manager

If you need to create a folder in Android memory, then use a file manager for this. Anyone will do– for example, ES Explorer, Total Commander, File Manager, etc. The process of creating a directory is implemented in the same way:

When creating a directory in the memory of a tablet or phone, location matters. For example, if you need the “obb” system directory to store the game cache, then it must be created inside the “Android” directory. The order won't change much:

But usually “obb” on Android appears without user help. It is much more interesting to form new album in the gallery. This is also done through the file manager: just create a directory and place images in it so that it appears as a new album in the gallery.


Create directories on a memory card or internal storage Android can also be done using a computer. This way, by the way, is very convenient for sorting music. But it can be done system folder"obb".

You can create a catalog of music in the same way. Place albums in folders in the “Music” directory on a memory card or internal storage so that the songs are structured in the Android player. If the built-in player does not display the directory structure, download it from the Play Market third party application to play music.