Checking for the new Yandex filter. Yandex filter groups. What about Yandex

When writing this article, I was guided by the research of Dmitry Sevalnev and other experts from the Pixel Plus company, where I worked at one time. Dmitry has many articles on this subject; filters themselves are his main “topic” and basically you can get by only with his research. I set myself the goal of structuring the information using Yandex filters to make it convenient to watch.

What filters are there?

Yandex filters (as well as other search engines) are divided primarily into manual And automatic. In general, they can be classified according to many criteria, but first of all, this division must be taken into account.

If you are going to end up, it would be preferable to be subject to automatic sanctions - they will be automatically removed just as automatically as they were imposed. In the case of manual sanctions, most likely, there will be a long correspondence with the search engine technical support.

Manual and automatic sanctions are divided, in turn, into the following:

  • Ban, that is, excluding the site from the database. It is used in severe cases - for example, in relation to doorways or for boosting the PF;
  • Ignoring outgoing links– it would be good if your donors do not fall under this filter. A search engine may underestimate the value of links from sites or not take them into account at all;
  • Ignoring incoming links– if you shop at some Seopult, it may happen that you will simply waste your funds somewhere;
  • Partial exclusion of a site from the search engine database. Previously, it was possible to say with certainty that this included Yandex AGS. Another bonus was the reset of the TCI indicator. Now the pages can remain in the index, but the TIC will be “undefined”. Adult and excessive advertising can also cause search restrictions;
  • Lowering a site in search results.

Classifying differently, we can distinguish 4 types of filters - text, link, for boosting behavioral factors and others (adult, AGS, affiliates, doorways, others).

In addition to this division and the division into manual and automatic sanctions, there is also a division into pre-filters and post-filters. Pre-filters are applied even before the site’s relevance is calculated, at the stage of entering basic search, post-filters are applied already during the ranking process. And finally, sanctions are divided into request-dependent, document-based and host-based. The first leads to a drop in one request, the second - all requests from the page, the third - all requests from the entire site.

Details about filters:

If you want to briefly (or just gawk at Lena Kamskaya), then here is another video:

The reasons for sanctions may be text content, links, advertising, artificial promotions, and so on. By the way, even experienced promoters can talk about filters, when in fact the reason for the subsidence is more prosaic, so let’s figure it out right away.

Before defining filters

Before determining the type of sanction and its treatment, you should first of all make sure that there are sanctions. Perhaps the promoted page was not subject to sanctions, but simply fell out of the index. If Yandex does not find even a piece of text from a page entered in quotes (or a page with a request like – perhaps you should add the page to webmaster tools or, if it doesn’t work, rewrite the text.

It is also possible that the decline in positions is due to a change in the ranking algorithm, as a result of which the positions of a large number of sites were significantly changed and our site was among them. To determine this, you need to comprehensively compare the TOP-10 results for the query of interest “before” the update and “after” (using Search Query Analysis tool in Megaindex). If only our document has significantly lost its position, then this is a sanction. If the changes in the TOP-10 are more significant (4 sites dropped out of the TOP-10, the site in 1st and 2nd place changed, and so on), then this is most likely an algorithm. If we determine that the promoted page is still in the search results, and only our site has significantly changed its position in the TOP, then we are most likely faced with one or another sanctions.

One of the possible reasons for the request to sag is that the request could change its type from the point of view of the search engine logic, and as a result, the results could change significantly.

Types of text filters

Text filters are divided into query-dependent and document-dependent. The first leads to a drop in the issuance of one request or a group of them, the second leads to a drop in all requests from the page. Basically, text filters can be classified as post-filters, and in the vast majority of cases they are applied automatically. But there are also cruel manual text sanctions - in this case, as a rule, most of the requests from the site or even all of them are lost.

Great video from SEO coaching:

If the positions are bad, and there are suspicions specifically about the text (and not about the presence of non-text filters or host factors), then here is the following scheme of work:

  1. We determine the presence of filters for each request (we will show how this is done below);
  2. Where there are no filters, we increase the relevance of the document in accordance with instructions from Pixel Plus. If all the requirements are met, look at point 15, open the monthly scrolling map in Metrica, and use it to determine whether the user is interested in the text;
  3. Where there are filters, we act according to the instructions depending on what kind of filter we are dealing with.

By the way, one way to determine the presence of filters is to apply to add a site to the Yandex Catalog. If there are sanctions, then Yandex support often notifies about this as a justification for the reasons for refusing to accept the site into the YAK.

The most common filters are “Overoptimization” and “Sevalnev Filter”; there is also a filter for identical snippets and “You’re the last”, but you don’t encounter them so often.

I’ll just add that Yandex applies text filters not only taking into account different forms of the same word, but also based on the roots of words. Many people believe that a filter can be imposed, for example, only for the excessive use of the word “construction” in different forms, including “construction”, “construction” and so on. But sanctions can be caught even if everything is in order with this word, but there will be the words “construction”, “build” and other words of the same root, the use of which will lead to exceeding the spam threshold.

Text filter "Overspam" (outdated?)

“Overspam” is one of the first Yandex text filters aimed at preventing excessive optimization of the text content of a page. Implemented since February 2010, not officially announced. Today it is not very common, since it is gradually giving way to the “Sevalnev filter” and “Re-optimization”. Nowadays, new sites practically do not catch “Overspam”. In a few years, this filter will finally become a thing of the past. Although, perhaps, there are topics where it is still used.

How to determine

“Overspam” is a query-dependent filter; with it, one request drops, usually sharply, by 20-40 positions; For other queries, the document ranks normally.

Can be determined by entering a modified form of the promoted query into Yandex (usually morphological or word rearrangement). Let's say, instead of [freight transportation Ryazan] – [freight transportation Ryazan] or [freight transportation Ryazan]. If, based on a reformulated query, our site appears sharply higher in the search results (for example, it was in 37th place, but now is in 14th place), then most likely a spam filter has been applied, the document has been spammed for the promoted query. It is possible to speak for sure about the presence of this sanction only if the query grows with several modifications (since the filter is query-by-query and is superimposed on one query).


An excessive number of pure entries, an emphasis on a given phrase in the text, Title and anchors of incoming links - all this can cause overspam.

What to do

If the site is under a filter, then the methods for removing it can be as follows:

  1. You can first just change the endings keywords(instead of “freight transportation to Ryazan” - “freight transportation in Ryazan”). If it doesn’t work, then resort to more radical measures;
  2. Remove/dilute unnecessary occurrences of keywords using SEO analysis. The maximum number of occurrences should not exceed 2%. How to calculate this amount? We take the number of characters without spaces in the text, divide it by 6.5 (the average length of a word in characters) and multiply by 0.02 (that is, 2 percent). Although it would be more accurate to upload it to, look at the number of words and multiply it by 0.02. Let's get the maximum permissible quantity occurrences - this is where you need to cut the maximum number of occurrences of a word in the text. At the same time, if we can use a word 12 times as much as possible, this does not mean that we can now use all promoted words 12 times. Their number should gradually decrease. For a more detailed analysis, you can use a tool such as Zipf analysis;
  3. Bigrams, trigrams (that is, identical phrases) and so on should also not be too many, optimally they should be repeated no more than once, maximum - no more than three;
  4. Sanctions may also be imposed for over-spamming the alt and title attributes of images, so they should also be cleared of keywords;
  5. You need to check spelling in Word;
  6. Reduce the amount of text on a page (or hide the bottom of the text tag noindex, but this is only for Yandex, so it is better to reduce the volume) by 15-30%, for example, remove water through;
  7. Add pictures, lists, tables, videos;
  8. Remove b, strong and other logical selection;
  9. Checking incoming links and increasing the number of non-anchor ones.

Usually overspam is removed in the first text update after re-indexing.

I’ll say right away that manual diagnostics filters are a labor-intensive task. Professional optimizers use to define filters service by Sasha Arsenkin.

Text filter "Over-optimization"

“Over-optimization” is the most commonly used Yandex text filter today. Implemented since September 2011, the official announcement was on the Yandex blog on This text filter raises the most questions, and in general, during my practice, I observed very different behavior of requests on pages where “Over-optimization” was diagnosed. During the course of the article I will make small comments on this matter.

How to determine

This is a document-dependent filter. All requests leading to the page drop, for example, by 10-30 positions; the document loses most of the search traffic from Yandex; The document ranks poorly even for long (4-5 words) queries. This, in theory, is the main difference from “Respam” - there one request sags, here - all requests from one page.

It seems like a harmonious theory, but it happened that a filter was detected on a page for only one request, but “Overspam” and “New filter” were not diagnosed. It seems like re-optimization, but for one request. And on such pages it was most difficult to remove the filter. My personal opinion is that if such garbage is observed, then, most likely, the content is simply worse in terms of design quality, not texts, than that of competitors.

Unlike the same "Respam", here the positions of queries when words are reformulated (rearrangement or change of endings) do not change or change slightly. But “Over-optimization” can be defined as follows:

  1. Let's enter a request into the Yandex PS;
  2. We look at the place of our site in the search results - for example, 47;
  3. We copy the domain names of several competitors who are located above us - for example, in positions 46, 45, 44 and 43;
  4. We re-enter a request of the form [freight transportation Ryazan ( |].

If, with a request of this type, our site appears higher in the search results than several competitors who were higher than us in the search results for the request without additional operators, then most likely a re-optimization filter has been applied. In this case, it is better to check just a few competitors - there is a possibility that the only competitor with whom you compared your site also has a filter applied, or it will be a large portal with which there is no point in comparing.

Here's another video example:


Inconsistent text, page mismatch with keywords (for which it is optimized), over-optimization of content (text, Title).

What to do

Usually it is necessary to carry out the same set of measures as in the case of spam, but if this does not help, we take more serious measures:

  1. Reduce the percentage of occurrence of key phrases in h2-h6 tags (especially for h2);
  2. Reformat the content, review the structure of the text. Entries and words should be evenly distributed throughout the paragraphs;
  3. Send the text for proofreading, that is, eliminate all inconsistent phrases, difficult-to-read sentences, spelling and punctuation errors.

If in general the text, say, is of poor quality and not thematic in relation to the promoted keywords, consists of a large number of words from the general non-thematic corpus of words (too many introductory words, long sentences, little variety of parts of speech, many adjectives), then the text may you'll have to rewrite it - just cleaning the keys may not help.

Re-optimization is usually removed after one or two text updates after re-indexing.

Sevalnev filter

In 2014, a situation began to be observed in which requests flew beyond the top 200, and standard methods of dealing with text filters did not work. As a result, optimizers came to the conclusion that this is a new Yandex text filter. In general, it was simply called a “new filter”; the names “text antispam” and “Sevalnev filter” are also used, since Dmitry Sevalnev from Pixel Plus was perhaps the first to discover and describe this sanction.

It's already 2016, so I think it's too late to call this filter "new". That’s why I call it “Sevalnevsky” :)

How to determine

Complete loss of traffic on a request (possibly a sharp drop), more often it is groups of requests that sag, but in general we can say that the sanction is not imposed on the entire document, but on a request-by-request basis. At the same time, unlike “Respam”, the position does not increase when reformulated, that is, it can be assumed that the filter is applied to all request forms. Often, a check by comparing two sites shows that our site from 250th place is higher in relevance than the site in 70-80th place.

This is determined new filter about the same as re-optimization. You can distinguish it from “Over-optimization” by the absolute number of lost positions - in the case of the “Over-optimization” filter it is 5-30 points, in the case of “New” the loss is much higher:

  • The site sharply loses positions on requests, the drops range from 50-60 and up to 1000 positions when the promoted document disappears from visibility. Typically queries are in the 200th place with the new filter;
  • The document continues to rank normally for queries to which the filter was not applied;
  • Modifying the request does not lead to significant growth, as is the case with the “Overspam” text postfilter.

From practice, we can conclude that if a site is far beyond the top 100 for a query, but during site-by-site comparison it turns out to be more relevant to the query than sites in the 70th-80th places, with a high degree of probability we are dealing with the “Sevalnev filter”.

In Sanya Arsenkin's tools, the filter is checked in the same place as re-optimization. It's a two-in-one tool.

What to do

To remove the “Sevalnevsky” Yandex text filter, it is recommended to do the same set of works as for “Overspam” and “Reoptimization”, but additionally:

  • Reduce Title length to 70 characters and reduce its spaminess. No word in the Title should appear twice.
  • Reduce the number of pure occurrences of the promoted query in the document text (initially - twice).
  • Review the percentage of occurrences of words from these promoted queries downwards (initially - twofold).
  • Reduce the text on the page - you can, for example, clean it of water.

If the actions described above, after re-indexing the document and several text updates of Yandex search results, did not bring the expected result, it is recommended to completely rewrite the text.

As I already said, filters can be applied for spam of words with the same root. That is, if the maximum allowed number of occurrences on a page is 10, and you use the words “print” and “printing” 7 times each, then a text filter can be applied for this, although the words are, in theory, different.

One more thing - sometimes, when the page does not seem to be spammed at first glance, it is worth looking at the entries in the source code of the page. There may actually be a lot of them there.

Text filter "You're the last one"

“You are the last” - this is, according to by and large, filter for non-unique or irrelevant content.

Moreover, “content” here does not always mean “text”; for using obviously non-unique templates, the site can also fall under this filter.

This filter mainly includes smart people who think that by accumulating a bunch of texts, they will make an excellent website and people will flock to it. That is, these are beginners, schoolchildren and other persons in a state of intoxication. They are intoxicated by “Internet money”, they are like Stephen Abutman from South Park. Remember?

Canada doesn't get enough money! Other countries have a lot of money, we need some of that money! How about... What about the Internet? The Internet makes a lot of money, so give us some of that money! - Yes! Give us internet money!

But instead of Internet money, the young Gates and Zuckerbergs receive the “You're last” filter.

How to determine

If suddenly traffic from Yandex drops significantly, but the site continues to be indexed normally, there is a reason to check the site for availability of this filter. And, accordingly, if the site is indexed, but there is no traffic, there is also a reason to do the same.

Enter a unique piece of text from the Title or from the page in Yandex (you need to take the page that is in the index). If the site is not among the first, most likely there is a filter. Additionally, check the uniqueness of the text using Advego Plagiatus or Etxt Antiplagiat. But the text may not be unique, provided that Yandex considers our site to be the original source - if you enter a piece of text in quotes and whichever site comes first, that is considered the original source.


In addition to non-unique content, the reasons may be duplicate texts or pieces of text on the site.

What to do

Increase the uniqueness of texts to 100%, get rid of duplicates within the site. The easiest way is to simply order new texts. Besides:

  • Even on product cards in an online store, you can receive/write unique reviews and comments, as well as a unique review of the model;
  • Announcements of articles/news and the beginning of the text on the page can also be made different;
  • It is highly desirable that there are no large (more than 150 characters) duplicate text fragments in the code - for example, text in the footer on all pages;
  • The absence of duplication of text on page navigation documents, sorting pages, filters, tags, search pages is also necessary.

Duplication within a site is also duplication of content. It is also important to consider the percentage unique texts on the site (unique shingles) relative to the total number of texts. When ranking product cards, the uniqueness of the text may not play a strong role (although it does in Google), but the overall uniqueness of the information on the site will be important for normal ranking. Also, when ranking, monomials (combinations of factors), say (volume of text) / (user time on the page), can play a role. The duplicates described above can be dealt with using the following methods:

  • Attribute rel=”canonical” tag;
  • Robots meta tag;
  • Restrictions on indexing through the robots.txt file

As for complete duplicate pages, they can be found either using scanners like Screaming Frog, or through the Google Webmaster panel (Webmaster Tools - HTML Optimization) and sometimes Yandex Webmaster (My Sites - Check URLs). In the case of Screaming Frog, the data received after scanning is uploaded to Excel, then the same ones are highlighted Title tags in the file - this way you can calculate duplicates and their URLs.

To get “correct” product cards, you need:

  1. Unique content in the broad sense of the word;
  2. User-generated Content (UGC): reviews, opinions (all this affects conversion);
  3. Text on the topic. More details - technical specifications, composition, and so on;
  4. Template optimization: Title, description, mini-descriptions;
  5. Filter control for identical snippets;
  6. Clickable snippet on SERP;

As an option, you can simply remove keywords from all texts. At the same time, leave them in the Title, but reduce the content of the latter to three words or less. In this case, the spam content of the texts will be zero. We are waiting for re-indexing, and after some more time has passed, Yandex should remove the filter. It is also advisable to remove anchor links if there are many of them. After the site leaves the filter, you can slowly, little by little, return the keys to the texts.

Filter for identical snippets

Yandex excludes a document from the search results if its snippet duplicates a snippet of another document already in the search results. This is called a filter for identical snippets.

This, by the way, also includes sanctions for the same Title.

The filter for identical snippets is most typical for product queries and online store sites. Its purpose is to hide a number of similar results in order to increase the diversity of Yandex search results. Preference is given to those documents whose snippet (Title and description text) differs significantly from the results already presented.


The site completely disappears from the search results for some queries, but if you add the construction &rd=0 to the URL, it appears in the search results.


The page snippet completely or almost completely duplicates the snippet of another page that is in the top.

Removing the filter

To remove the filter you need:

  1. Complete rewriting of text fragments from which the text for the snippet is taken;
  2. Change Title template for product cards and sections;
  3. Template meta-description (sometimes used as a snippet; it should not be spammed or duplicate text from the Title). Sometimes unique Description helps to remove the filter;
  4. It is advisable to place the text for the snippet higher on the page. It should be short and concise sentences. Unwanted fragments can be enclosed in a tag, but this cannot be abused;
  5. Wait for the document to be reindexed and the snippets to be updated.

You might think that if the text from the snippet is unique, then there cannot be a filter. But this is not true. If Yandex doesn’t find anything based on the text from the snippet, it doesn’t mean anything. The snippet is usually taken from:

  • From several different proposals;
  • It can be taken from the description, according to which nothing will be found;
  • Can be taken from YML - similar;
  • And so on.

Types of link filters

Now let's look at link filters - the constant companions of bad SEOs.


A powerful filter launched in 2015 that targets sites that buy links. How does Yandex determine whether a link is purchased? A hint of the method can be found in the Madrid report. In the most concise form - if a site links with commercial anchors (“buy”, “price”) to sites on different topics, then most likely it trades links. But besides everything else, nothing prevents Yandex from simply unloading the databases of link exchanges. In general, little is known about this filter as of June 2015.

Signs: the site drops by about -14 positions for all requests.
Reasons: a large number of low-quality purchased links (Seopult, Sapa, and so on).

Here is a huge expert video on Minusinsk:

Link explosion (obsolete?)

To prevent a situation where a site suddenly jumps to the top purely due to a huge number of purchased links, this filter has been introduced. Penalizes acceptors if there is an unnaturally high rate of link building. Donors involved in the “explosion” are also marked as unreliable.

I’m not sure that with the advent of Minusinsk this filter should continue to work - after all, Minusinsk punishes for purchased links, and sanctions should not be imposed at all for the growth of high-quality links.

However, Yandex hinted that in order to avoid the purchase of links by competitors in order to “fill” the enemy under the filter, only old links can be considered purchased links, so on the other hand, “Link Explosion” may still remain in operation.

Signs: the site “sticks” in certain positions.
Reasons: buying a large number of links in a short period.

Link spam (obsolete?)

Previously, it was one of the main Yandex tools for identifying purchased links. Provides for various types of sanctions applied to sites when manipulating the link mass (link rings, runs, and others).

With the release of Minusinsk, it is not yet clear whether it is being applied now.

Signs: the site drops sharply in search results for all queries.
Reasons: absolute predominance of GS in the reference mass.

Nepot filter

A filter created to combat GS that sell links. Leads to failure to take into account the anchor and weight of the link. That is, when this filter is applied to a site, links from it begin to have a much smaller effect. It seems almost impossible to check all your donors for the presence of nepotism, so when purchasing links you need to make strict demands on donors, track the effect of the purchase, and compile black and white lists.

Internal nepot filter

Failure to take into account internal link links in the presence of excessive (spam) linking within the site. That is, the benefit from your internal linking may go down the drain if Yandex considered it spam and imposed this sanction. The main reason for applying the filter is the spammy content of anchors and their increased length, but the reason could also be, for example, the lack of correct formatting of links.

Filter for cheating behavioral factors

Used to combat behavioral cheating through exchanges. The site is fined for artificially improving click behavior factors using motivated traffic or emulating user actions in the Yandex search engine. The resource continues to be ranked normally only for vital queries and queries with explicit indication of URLs from the site. Behavioral factors are key in ranking sites for mid- and high-frequency queries. And although their number amounts to dozens, the most significant ones, namely the so-called click factors on search results pages, have come under the watchful eye of optimizers:

  • The number of visitors to the document from the search results;
  • CTR of the site in search results;
  • Regional sections of these indicators.

Most promotion services are aimed at artificially improving this group of factors. At the moment, it can be argued that the filter for cheating click behavior factors functions in Yandex along with other sanctions, and the use of this optimization technology exposes the site to a significant risk of losing positions for a period of 6 months or more.

Signs: in some cases – a decrease in the site’s position in terms of queries. Duration – 1 year. Now the best way to diagnose the fact of applying a filter is to contact the Yandex search engine support service through the webmaster panel.

Platons directly report the fact of applying these sanctions to the site, which can be perceived as reliable confirmation and a method of diagnosis.

It is recommended, especially if you are not involved in acts of artificial improvement of behavioral factors, to enter into an honest and reasoned dialogue in which you openly state your position. In some cases, these actions can speed up the filter removal process.

Reasons: increasing click behavior factors in order to increase the site’s position.

Position of the Yandex representative on the PF filter:

Facts of cheating and non-accounting of user actions can be recorded using a large number of algorithmic and statistical methods. Sevalnev, at the Pixel Plus Independent project, spoke about one of the algorithms that is also used in antispam to operate the “Link Explosion” sanction:

  1. There is a threshold value for the growth of site traffic from the search results, after which it is considered to be participating in “cheating”. This could be, for example, a more than 30-50% increase in search traffic with a constant number of site impressions and snippets;
  2. A list of all users (IP addresses) who visited a given resource from the search results for the reporting period is selected;
  3. A set of all sites that are considered “inflated” for the reporting period is selected;
  4. A set of users is formed who took part in 2 and/or more instances of cheating (the threshold can be selected by brute force);
  5. All actions of these users are ignored when calculating click behavior factors.

That is, all sites that have unnaturally large growth are identified and the IPs of the users who clicked on them are compared.

Case on working with sites under the PF filter from Artur Latypov and SEO coaching:

Other filters

Thousands of them! I can’t even claim that I can describe them all in this article.

Yandex algorithm AGS-40

The AGS algorithm (there is no official decoding, but we know that it means “anti-shit site”) was developed to combat low-quality sites (on Google similar function has the Panda algorithm). That is, it is aimed at limiting the ranking and indexing of sites not created for users. Its influence was first noticed on November 1, 2013. Officially announced on November 6, 2013 on the Yandex blog: There were several “waves” of sanctions. The database is regularly updated, a number of sites are released from sanctions, and a number of sites fall under them. Link exchanges and experts give different estimates - some say that of the entire donor base in exchanges, 1% of sites are under AGS, others say that 20% (in general, from 1 to 20 percent).


Since April 2014, the TIC has been reset. Now, if it falls under the AGS, the TCI of the site is reset to zero (when checking this indicator through the Yandex Catalog, the service writes that the TCI is “not defined”), but the site itself can remain in the Yandex index. Previously, there was a common situation when the majority of pages flew out of the index, only from 1 to 101 pages remained.. A couple of days after falling under the influence of the algorithm, I wrote to support - they say, the content is unique, I write a blog for people, what should be corrected? Plato thought for 4 days and then wrote:

Hello Mark!
We apologize for the delay in response.
I checked, everything is fine with the site. The TCI will be updated at the next recalculation.

That is, if you are sure that the site should not have fallen under the AGS, it makes sense to contact support.


Low quality of the site in general, shoddy content.

Research has shown that having a website in the Yandex.catalog reduces the likelihood of falling under the AGS by 2.5 times, and in DMOZ – even higher, by 5.4 times. YACA+DMOZ together reduce the likelihood of falling under AGS by as much as 40 times. Also a good sign here is the presence of As for trading temporary/rental links, some say that such activity does not affect the site’s inclusion under the AGS, while others believe that this is one of the main reasons for its inclusion under the algorithm. Traffic should have a much more clear impact - in a study of 6,986 sites, a sharp drop in the share of sites under AGS was observed among sites with traffic of more than 150 visitors and especially more than 300 visitors per day.

Presentation by Dmitry Sevalnev on a more complete study of AGS:

Removing the filter

  • Change of hosting;

By the way, here’s how to write in TP:

On commercial sites there is a danger of falling under the AGS if:

  • There are no company contacts or details;
  • There are a large number of meaningless (“over-optimized”) or non-unique articles;
  • Poorly designed content (scans, copy-paste, etc.);
  • Website for a long time is not updated;
  • Bad environment (hosting IP address).

Removing the filter

To remove a commercial website from AGS you need:

  • Indication of contacts, opening hours, directions, details;
  • Removing articles and writing 2-3 useful materials;
  • Full technical optimization;
  • Change of hosting;
  • Attracting non-search traffic to the site (about 150 people per day);
  • “Beautiful” design of materials, correct spelling;
  • Letter to technical support after indexing.

By the way, here’s how to write in TP:

What is required to remove an information site from the AGS:

  • Checking page texts for uniqueness and rewriting them if the texts are not unique;
  • More quality articles - not 500 characters, but normal review materials;
  • Remove advertising and sales links;
  • Full technical optimization;
  • Good hosting;
  • Increase quality links to your blog;
  • Attracting non-search traffic.

More tips for getting out from under the filter:

I know one webmaster who is specialized in getting out of the AGS. If you tried everything and it didn’t help, write to me, I’ll give you contact information.

Affiliate filter

Yandex merges similar sites if there is a suspicion that they have the same owner. As a result, out of the entire group of affiliated sites in the visibility zone, only one remains in the search results upon request. I personally have not heard of a filter being applied to information sites, by the way. Also, the affiliation of sites is not an aggravating factor when promoting:

  • Based on non-overlapping lists of search queries;
  • For various regions of Russia.

That is, if your site is promoted according to requests from the group [calling a gas man to your home], and another site is promoting according to requests in the style of [calling Santa Claus to your home], and at the same time you are affiliated, then both sites will not care about it - they just will not feel the gluing.


The complete disappearance of the site from the search results for several queries that were previously in the top or close to it. Also, if a site is progressing poorly even after work has been done on it - most of the queries are in the top 100, but some of the queries are growing, there is a possibility that there is an affiliate of it, which is visible for those queries for which our site is not moving. At the same time, for different requests and in different regions, different sites may be the most relevant.

Here is another method of definition from Igor Bakalov:


Promotion of websites of the same owner for the same/overlapping queries in the same region.

Yandex calculates affiliation through contact information, a duplicate catalog of services and prices (even sites with simply the same prices can be identified by Yandex as affiliated), domain registration data, html layout and cms of the site. On 98-99% of affiliate sites, sanctions are imposed automatically, but affiliation can also be manual.

How to avoid affiliation (gluing sites together into a group)?

  1. Avoid overlapping contact information;
  2. Avoid duplication of catalogue, services and product prices (mass);
  3. The structure of the product catalog (if an online store) must be unique;
  4. Distribute websites across hosting and accounts (Direct, Webmaster). It is not always necessary to be hosted by different providers to avoid affiliation - it is enough to buy a dedicated IP;
  5. Sites must also be located on different IP addresses or class C subnets;
  6. Sites from the potential group must be in different accounts Yandex;
  7. Avoid similarity between domain names and company names;
  8. One site should not redirect traffic to another;
  9. There should be no cross-references;
  10. Domain registration data must be different;
  11. The HTML layout and CMS of the site should not be similar;
  12. External incoming link mass should vary (there should not be many common donors);
  13. Yandex can also impose manual sanctions on affiliation based on complaints to Yandex and “control” calls.

Sites will not fall under the affiliate filter if, for example, they only have the same IP. But if you use services at the same time - for example, one wallet, then the chance of falling under affiliation increases. What to do in this case if the optimizer promotes similar sites? There may be such a way out - to register as an individual entrepreneur, and then you can use one account in the services to work with client sites.

Affiliation check

First, you need to check for the presence of a filter for identical snippets; if such a filter is found, there is no affiliation for the request.
You can quickly identify affiliation based on a request as follows:

  1. upload the top 50 upon request;
  2. cut to domains;
  3. add the construction [request ~~ site:] before each domain;
  4. we remove positions;
  5. If there is an affiliate, we compare its positions against our core. If both sites are in the TOP-40 at the same time for at least one request, then there is no affiliation.

There is also an old Yandex affiliate database: You can enter a phone number, address or email into Yandex, add ~~

Removing the filter

In case of automatic sanctions, we eliminate all reasons:

  • We double-check the contacts;
  • Phone numbers in the Webmaster panel;
  • Phone numbers on the website;
  • Cross references;
  • Hosting;
  • General accounts in Direct;
  • Mentions of a company address from one site on another site;
  • Redirecting traffic from one site to another;
  • A large number of shared external links.

Then we wait - the filter is removed automatically. In case of manual sanctions, you need to do the same thing, but no longer wait, but write to technical support, send scans of registration certificates, lease agreements, and so on.

Filter for excessive advertising

This is imposed due to the presence of aggressive advertising on the site. Lowers the ranking of sites with excessive advertising content (pop-up, clicker and others). The reasons may also be the presence of aggressive advertising, challenging teasers, pop-ups, clickers. Sometimes sites with deceptive content in pop-up windows and notifications are demoted.

To remove the filter for incorrect advertising content, you need to change the placed advertising materials or the connected affiliate program and wait for the resource to be fully re-indexed. To speed up the process, it is recommended that after making significant changes to the site, report this to the search engine support service through the webmaster panel.


It ranks lower sites that are monetized by affiliate programs and do not provide additional value to users. These could be, for example, unpromoted coupons that contain nothing but codes affiliate programs.


Excludes from indexing spam sites aimed solely at attracting traffic using deceptive techniques, which may include:

  • Doorways;
  • “Lists of search queries”;
  • Sites using cloaking;
  • "Clone sites";
  • Other.

Adult filter (“adult” content)

Filtering sites for adults from search results not based on adult queries. The site completely disappears from the search results for all queries except for “adults”, which is accompanied by a sharp decrease in traffic (if, say, a commercial site falls under it). The site appears in search results only for queries with explicit adult content. The reasons are the presence of adult content, links to adult resources, advertising of adult sites.

I have also heard information that the site may be pessimized due to bad behavior, but I cannot yet tell you in more detail how this happens. I'll try to update this article and be aware of all Yandex technologies aimed at preventing unnatural influence on search results. Yes, and if you can’t contact Yandex support, write to

We bring to your attention a full-fledged article in which I will talk about all Yandex filters - directly for the quality of the content and site. I’ll tell you what to do if your site accidentally falls under the filter.

What are Yandex filters?

Typical situation for novice bloggers, webmasters and optimizers: you work on the site, but it’s all to no avail; suddenly most of the traffic from the site disappears; the site doesn’t want to take off, and in general it doesn’t perform well in search results.

You sit like this and don’t know where to run. After all, Yandex will not write to you in Russian in the Webmaster panel that a filter has been applied to the site. You have to contact support, find out what is happening and why, how to solve this situation.

At the same time, sites that deliberately violate the Yandex search license are not necessarily subject to the filter - when webmasters know that they are taking a risk. On the contrary, this often happens simply due to inexperience - when you do something not quite as it should be.

And why all? Because before there were few filters and they were extremely simple. If he violated anything, he would be banned. I corrected it, wrote to Yandex, waited a month or two - the site returned to the search results. Now it’s not like that, now everything is much more complicated - every now and then you have to avoid various pitfalls. Different filters work differently: one is applied to the site, the other - to it individual pages.

And, no matter how much optimizers would like to believe that Yandex is doing this for the purpose of commercial gain from placing Direct advertisements in search results, this is not entirely the case. After all, the output is really getting better. Users are more satisfied, it doesn’t matter to them where to click: on advertising in the search results or on search results - the main thing is that the search goal is achieved. And if earlier it was easier to manipulate this, for example, by buying a dozen links, now everything is noticeably more complicated. Search engines do everything to ensure that only high-quality and useful sites are present in the results.

That’s what we’ll talk about - what not to do and why a filter can be applied to the site. Remember - different filters are applied for different violations. And, accordingly, the removal of the site from sanctions is proceeding differently. Many filters are already outdated, so I will not talk about some of them, but will mention only the most relevant ones.

Yandex filter groups

Before moving directly to specific Yandex filters, I will divide all filters into 4 groups:

  1. Ban - currently applied only for gross violations: cloaking, doorways, mobile redirects, auto generation.
  2. Preliminary filters - reduce or nullify the effects of factors even before calculating the overall relevance of the site (“link boom”, boosting user clicks). The result of such filters is that the site freezes on the way to, well, that’s all.
  3. Post-facto filters - reduce or reset the effects of factors after the moment of calculating the overall relevance of the site. As a rule, these are filters for internal re-optimization: foot wraps, overspam.
  4. Barrier filters - do not allow a site (or its pages) to appear in search results after calculating relevance. The site drops out of the search results (partially or completely), positions go down because PS sanctions are imposed: affiliate filter, filter for identical snippets or adult content.

You can view the summary table of Yandex filters:

Yandex filters AGS-17, AGS-30, AGS-40, AGS-2015

AGS (abbreviated as anti “shit site”) is perhaps the only Yandex filter that algorithm developers provide official information:

The purpose of the AGS family of filters is to remove low-quality sites from search results that do not create value for Russian Internet users. But not so much as to “remove” them directly, just remove their influence on the ranking results. Moreover, since 2014, sites under the AGS filter have their accumulated TIC value reset to zero, i.e. we can say that the filter primarily targets those who like to make quick money through the mass and automatic sale of links.

How do you know if a site has fallen under the AGS filter?

It’s very simple, if, upon requesting indexed pages in Yandex, you see 1-10 pages in the results that are ranked normally (and you should have many more of them), but the rest of the pages are missing - this is AGS. An example of an AGS filter on the site of seven bloggers:

Also, sites under AGS have TIC = 0.

In order to finally verify this, you can look into Yandex Webmaster:

For what reasons does Yandex apply the AGS-2015 filter to the site?

There are several reasons:

  • The site contains automatically generated content (unique, synonymize, copy-paste, mass machine translation, cheap rewriting with errors), or copied en masse from other sites;
  • Your website for people is not working correctly (configured), as a result of which there are duplicates of identical pages on it - under different addresses;
  • We cannot exclude the influence of such a factor as “template” if the site operates on a free and popular template;
  • If the site contains sales content and a large number of outgoing SEO links that are not related to the subject of the site;
  • Incorrect site structure, in which almost all pages are accessible from the main page “in 1 click”, and there are almost no pages in “3-4 clicks” - the search engine understands that this is how you are trying to convey maximum weight and imposes sanctions;
  • The volume of the content part of the site pages on average for the site is less than the volume of the “template” part - there is less useful content than blocks in the sidebar and design, linking;
  • Lack of traffic on all pages - if the entry points on the site are only 1-2 pages, while there are many more pages on the site - especially if the site is visited by up to 100 people a day and there is no bookmark traffic;
  • Low-quality teaser and popunder shock advertising or shock content;
  • There is no link mass to your site or it is of low quality, while the site has an abuse of internal linking;
  • The presence on the site of an unmoderated or anonymous forum or blog - a place where low-quality or spam content is generated.

This is only part of the list of 100 indicators developed by the authors of the “anti-shit site” algorithm. One way or another, the common thread is the goal - to minimize the impact on the ranking of shitty sites, as well as to reduce their number in the search results. I must say, it works. Thousands of sites made to sell links (and not benefit Internet visitors) have already sunk into oblivion due to falling under this filter. Fully automatic!

How to get out from under the AGS filter?

If your favorite SDL fell under the AGS and you were not up to anything bad, write Plato a letter from the Webmaster Panel. Ask a question, say that you are a newbie and don’t really understand what happened.

If one of your hundreds of GS falls under the AGS, there are two options. Kill it and make another hundred GS (only better), or make a full-fledged SDL out of this GS, which you won’t be ashamed to show to your grandmother. Time will pass and the filter will be automatically removed by Yandex (since it is also applied automatically), if the GS actually turns out to be SDL. In practice, this does not happen so often, so some webmasters prefer to simply change the site domain while maintaining search positions.

In any case, if you make a low-quality satellite, you need to understand the risks and be prepared for the fact that in 1-2 AP a site will lose more than 1 thousand pages from the index. The bad thing is that you won’t be able to get out of the AGS quickly - the withdrawal period is up to 4 months.

Instructions for removing from under the AGS filter:

  • Make sure that the site does not have the problems described above (bad content, mass sale of links, templates, etc.); if links were sold, you will have to remove them.
  • Buy strong, trusted links from good sites. You will need not one or two links, but more than a dozen or two - all of them should lead to as many pages as possible. In the next article, read which is better to buy links to the site.
  • Continue to develop the site, regularly update content, add new cool and detailed articles to increase the usefulness of the site for users - this needs to be done in large batches so that >50% of the content is updated.

Don't use young domains and free engines(VP, Joomla, Drupal, DLE) on free templates. Give up free hosting and third-level domains and finally turn a “useless” site into a useful one.

Read more about how to properly get out of the AGS -.

Summing up the Yandex AGS filter, let me remind you of 2 myths about AGS:

  1. The filter is not created exclusively against sites with selling links, it is aimed at reducing the number of low-quality sites in the search results: with poor content and design, and selling links is often a contributing factor;
  2. “Thematic and uniqueness” of the content is not a 100% guarantee from the AGS filter, because even such content is not always relevant for users: the filter also includes sites with rewritten/copyright, but absolutely not readable by anyone, i.e. This is just useless text that is not needed in the search results.

This is how the AGS works - it does not allow meaningless websites to appear in search results, without entering them into the Yandex search database.

Positive consequences of the AGS filter:

  • For Yandex - thanks to the filter, the volume is reduced " search base", i.e. pages that need to be indexed and entered into the database. Consequently, the load on the database and servers is reduced.
  • For a conscientious Russian webmaster, when purchasing links, most of the low-quality sites can be eliminated automatically just by checking the pages for indexing.
  • For those making money on satellites, this is an opportunity to improve their skills or move to another area of ​​online business.
  • For the Russian Internet user (according to Yandex representatives), the search has become better, searching for information has become easier.

Filter “You are the last”

This filter is no longer talked about as openly as the AGS, and the name itself was given to it by optimizers and webmasters who observed one strange pattern.

If you take any unique phrase from the site, the page title or the domain itself and “Google” it in Yandex - you will see that in the results for any such request the site is not in the top ten results or is in last place. That’s why “you’re the last.” The filter is old and this definition is clearly no longer relevant, because Yandex has tweaked something and the filter has become more like the so-called. “Google snot” or supplemental filter (Supplemental).

The purpose of the “You are the last” filter is to pessimize pages that, in the opinion of the PS, are not of interest to users due to non-uniqueness or low quality. You can observe a drop in traffic from the Yandex PS, but the pages themselves are still in the search results (and do not disappear from it as is the case with the AGS) and the site continues to be indexed.

The reason for the filter is content. Such sanctions from the PS signal that the content is outdated, has lost its uniqueness and relevance, perhaps you rarely update the site or use some common templates that are also used on other GS. Or the content from your site was partially copied and placed instead of with the content of other sites on a garbage GS.

The cure for the filter is changing the design, replacing and updating the content. To confirm the “You are the last” filter, you need to contact the Yandex TP and, if they confirm the low quality of the content on the site, start actively working on it. They will help you: new high-quality materials, unique images and photographs, elements for user interaction with the site (various services such as calculators).

If you decide to write articles yourself, then read.

Yandex affiliate filter (affiliate)

The filter is applied by Yandex to similar sites for “affiliation”, namely: when optimizers and webmasters want to immediately take several places in the search results for key queries by several “different” sites.

This is done this way - the same “commercial offer” (prices, addresses, telephone numbers) is posted on several sites and acts as a unifying factor that will allow one company to occupy several places in the top.

The purpose of the affiliate filter is to prevent monopolization of search results by one site/company. This is done by excluding from the search results the least relevant pages from those that are recognized as affiliated.

Direct signs for applying an affiliate filter (the same on several sites): contacts (addresses, map, phone numbers, data in the Yandex Directory), whois+registration time of domains and IP hosting server, similarity of domains, location of sites on the same account in Webmaster/ Metrica (if other signs are present).

Indirect signs for applying an affiliate filter (the same or very similar on several sites): website template design with a navigation structure, high overlap of products/services/prices.

Yandex has long learned to apply a filter not only based on direct characteristics, but also on indirect ones - by analyzing the principle of presenting information and descriptions.

Not only “white” commercial sites are subject to the filter, but also “gray” ones that use the same content or XML feed from affiliate programs. This is because webmasters are too lazy to uniqueize the content and put it in order (and beginners simply don’t know about the affiliate filter).

Symptoms of an affiliation filter - a site simply abruptly disappears from the top for queries (maybe all of them, maybe not), for which there is already another site in the search results, more relevant, but affiliated with this one. Please note that there are no sanctions regarding website indexing - they are indexed normally.

It's funny, but both sites can be in the search results - for different requests, and from time to time they can change places - disappear and appear again. But they will not appear together and at the same time in the search results - it’s a filter.

It’s easy to check sites for the Yandex affiliate filter, here’s the search query:


See only one site, but there should be two? Everything is clear - the second one is under the filter. Are both sites present? There is no filter, the most relevant to the request is placed first (relevance also depends on the order of sites in the request - try it yourself).

What should I do to remove a website from the affiliate filter?

Eliminate the reasons why it was imposed.

From the point of view of the need for a guaranteed result (and preservation of both sites), you can only act strategically - divide key phrases between two sites and promote the sites separately from each other. Tactically to get quick results, the so-called must be removed from any site. “unifying” features - i.e. addresses, telephone numbers, contact details, information about the company, catalogs of goods and services must be different. You may also have to take “strict measures”: change the design and structure of one website, change the owner of the domain name and registrar, and completely redo information about services and products. If you really violated the Yandex license, then only after the above steps can you write to the TP.

You don’t have to write, but wait - over time, the filter will be automatically removed, if everything is done correctly, the sites will be shown in the same results for the same requests. You can protect yourself from this by simply creating sites in advance for different groups of requests.

Remember that in such situations, sanctions from the Russian search engine Yandex can not only be imposed automatically, but also manually - based on a “knock” from competitors or ill-wishers. Kicks you out of the search most often based on a group of queries, i.e. in LF and MF, the site(s) can maintain positions, but in HF they can lose.

It also happens that sites fall under the affiliate filter by mistake. In this case, write to Yandex support from the Webmaster panel - you will have to communicate with Plato and provide compelling arguments.

Yandex filter for cheating PF (behavioral factors)

As you probably know, new ranking factors are constantly being added to algorithms. Relatively recently, indicators of user behavior on the site were added to search algorithms for calculating the usefulness of pages.

Optimizers noticed this and many of them decided to tweak and increase these indicators. Hundreds of experiments on increasing these indicators and it became clear how exactly it is necessary to imitate the behavior of site visitors so that this has a positive effect on the site’s place in search results.

Yandex was not satisfied with this situation and the analyst guys created a filter for cheating behavior factors. Its task is the absence of pages with screwed-up PFs in the output.

Symptoms - the site’s position for commercial queries drops from the TOP-10 to the TOP-40 and TOP-50, as a result of which traffic from Yandex decreases.

Checking the presence of a filter is also simple: you need to compare the site’s positions in simple search results and in search results without taking into account behavioral ones. The second is no less easy to do, add some garbage to the request, for example “vlmtfydvsyazhs”. I'll show you with an example.

To compare a group of queries, it is more convenient to use special scripts. See what the positions of a site filtered for cheating behavioral factors look like:

It is simple to cure a site from a filter - remove the PF cheating, study the behavior of real users on the site in order to make the design and interface of the site more convenient for them.

True, now the sanctions for cheating the PF have changed a little. If previously sites were greatly lowered in search results, now the influence of unnatural clicks is simply leveled out by Yandex itself - it recognizes the cheating of behavioral factors by direct and indirect signs.

Those. Yandex pre-filters information about behavioral factors and, if it is not useful for Yandex, it simply does not take it into account when ranking. In 2016, it is difficult to determine the filter behind the PF - it works as a clear disadvantage for the site only when the site has signs of other violations: internal spam, etc.

In this case, the filter for cheating user behavior acts as a catalyst for one or another pessimization of the site and works on the same principle as the filter for “link boom”.

And manual cheating is easy to determine (not to mention automatic). See for yourself, if there is a certain group of people who continually enter queries into searches all day long, go to the same sites and feign active interest in the content there, then they clearly do this for a reason. All this is tracked.

Remember that the average time it takes to get out of the filter due to the increase in the PF (in combination with other factors) is 3-7 months. Time under the filter can be costly and it’s better not to risk it, so as not to restore your position in the search later.

“You are spam” filter for re-optimizing website pages

Using this filter, Yandex eliminates the search results from site pages that do not provide a comprehensive and complete answer to the user’s request. Yandex lowers the entire site in the search results by 10-20 positions, or its individual pages.

The reason for the imposition of sanctions by the PS “You are spam” is simple. This is over-optimization irrelevant page - there is no answer to the question on the page, but there are more different occurrences of queries than necessary, i.e. meaningless content is posted with an efficiency for the user equal to 0. In some cases, this is: auto-linking, obvious overspam of the text or its unnatural writing strictly for requests, sequential listing of keywords in a row, or abuse of emphasis and text highlighting tags. I think you know what I mean.

For example, a webmaster adds a key entry + “reviews” or “prices” to the page, but there are no reviews/prices on the page itself. Misleading the user and the search robot.

Such a system protects sites with quality content from artificial "surge" bad links competitors. Those. It will not be possible to “fill up” your competitor’s face with links from Varezniks and send him under the filter.

Nepot - Yandex filter

One of the oldest filters called “Nepot” is also used by Yandex to reduce the impact of purchased links on any accepting site. Moreover, unlike the previous three filters, nepot is filtered not by the acceptor site, but by the donor site (on which the links are located).

But such sanctions do not affect the entire site, but apply to individual links or link blocks, reducing their weight and influence to almost zero.

The nepot filter is applied to the site for:

  • Small font of the block of commercial links, lack of text surroundings and punctuation marks between them;
  • The most hidden location of the block of sales links on the page;
  • The links in the block are constantly changing and “blinking”; there are several such links;
  • The links are not thematic and clearly do not look like “friend sites”, i.e. The topics are very different and do not relate to the topic of the site.

The nepot filter is applied automatically and removed automatically. Change the design, remove links and wait. Sometimes you have to make a request to the support service: “Please forgive me, I won’t do it again.”

  • The font in the link block should not be much smaller than the font of the main content on the page, and the color should not make the links invisible to humans;
  • Requires text surrounding links and punctuation to separate individual sentences;
  • There should be no more than 4-5 links in one block, less is better: 1-3;
  • The link block should not be hidden closer to the footer; place it in the middle or top of the sidebar;
  • The subject of the links should be close to your site.


Obviously, over 10 years of ultra-fast development of the Runet, we (webmasters) have boldly stepped into the next decade and are forced to adapt to the ever-increasing requirements of Yandex for websites.

Yandex representatives constantly say “develop the site”, otherwise it’s a filter. At the same time, they remain silent when you show them a “Site for People”, but without SEO optimization, which is poorly represented in the search.

All that remains is to look for the “golden mean” in attempts to please both the soulless, constantly changing algorithm, and users who do not care how you have it configured - content and answers to their questions are important to them.

Therefore, do not rush when promoting sites, use common sense if you want to make any changes to the site, do not use keywords in the text so that they interfere with reading articles, do not cover the site with advertising and do not sell links. Conversely, buy only cool links from quality donor sites, it’s usually not cheap.

Well, now you know the theoretical minimum about Yandex filters. It's time to put it into practice. I wish you success in bypassing filters! Remember that it is better not to fall under them than to then do double work to remove the site from sanctions.

Hello everybody!

Today in this article I will tell you about filters popular Yandex. The search engine uses such filters to punish web resources that do not meet certain requirements.

In I will talk about the most common Yandex filters. I will also show you how to determine the presence of a particular filter on your web resource based on certain criteria. In addition, we will talk about what can be done if you have suffered from the effects of Yandex filters.

In my next article I will talk about, but today we’ll talk about how to check a site for Yandex filters.

Sudden appearance of Yandex filters

Quite recently, about 5 years ago, webmasters had not heard anything about filters for the search engines Yandex and Google.

In those days, the most common and unique filter of the Yandex search engine was a site ban. It was received as a reward by web resources that quite often used prohibited SEO techniques. Today, the Internet has changed globally. Along with this, the requirements of search engines for web resources have also changed.

Search engines, which constantly strive to gain the trust of users, want to attract more and more visitors. Their goal is clear: more visitors means more income for search engines. Therefore, they began to implement their valiant mission - to improve the user experience through the gradual destruction of resources that do not bring any benefit to respected visitors.

Therefore, search engine algorithms are improving day by day, and they are thereby becoming smart enough to recognize useless, worthless resources and hide them away from search engine users.

At the same time, they are often helped to carry out this activity. Today, to filter out web resources on the Internet, search engines have created a fairly large number of different filters that are applied to sites and blogs in general or to their specific pages.

Very often they cannot recognize the filters that a search engine has applied to their web resource. They simply don't realize what their mistake was. Today, any violation of the standard rules of blog optimization can lead to serious negative consequences!

They can cause pessimization (a significant decrease in the rankings of blog pages), as well as the most dangerous thing: deleting all blog pages from search results!

Currently, webmasters are very afraid of various sanctions from search engines, since in a matter of seconds they can move any web resource from the first page of search results to the hundredth or three hundredth position.

Now it's time to talk about the most common Yandex filters! How to act to avoid becoming their victim and what to do if the Yandex search engine did use sanctions to pessimize your website or blog.

Yandex filters. Checking for Yandex filters

  • Affiliation

Yandex gives this filter to sites that have the same author or the same company. It is used if these web resources use the same search query or queries for promotion. The task of the affiliate filter is to create the most diverse and interesting content for users.

If Yandex detects that a certain number of web resources are present in search results for the same search queries and all these resources were created by the same author, then in this case they receive an affiliate filter.

At the same time, in the search results for each individual key query, Yandex will leave one web resource that, in the opinion of the search engine, has a higher value. The search engine will lower other sites or blogs of this author in the search results and most likely they will take a position, but not in the Top 100 and perhaps not in the Top 200.

In this case, the results when entering one query will contain one resource, and when entering another, another will be present.

Indeed, if there were no such filter, then one author or one company could capture all the most best positions in the search results. To do this, you would need to create a couple of dozen web resources with the same content. That's all!

How Yandex calculates resources - affiliates:

In fact, there are quite a lot of signs to identify this Yandex filter. Here are the most common signs. In accordance with these criteria, Yandex filters are checked:

  • the same CMS (web resource content management system);
  • similar domain name registration services, as well as the same registration time for the domains themselves;
  • web resources are located on the same hosting (similar IP addresses or located in the same subnet);
  • web resources have the same information in the “contacts” column (same address, phone numbers, email);
  • these resources have similar design and template elements;
  • the same content on the resource pages (the same information);

How to get out of the Yandex affiliation filter

To remove this Yandex filter, you need to find and neutralize all the reasons that could give you away. If in reality it turns out that a certain amount of resources has one owner, then it will not be easy to free yourself from the influence of the filter!

To change the current situation, it will be necessary to carefully double-check and optimize all the signs that I wrote about above (changing domain names, changing their owners, replacing the design and structure of resources, as well as analysis, rewriting content in the right places, etc.).

Speaking in simple language, it is necessary to work on web resources so that they are not similar. After you complete these steps, you need to contact the Yandex search engine support service. This is the important point here. You need to write to Yandex from different authors, with a request to review the web resource in order to remove this filter.

However, no one will guarantee that the filter will be removed from your resource. From all this it follows that if you do not want to fall under this filter, then you should not promote your sites using the same search queries.

  • Resource re-optimization

The purpose of this Yandex filter is to remove from the search results pages that are optimized for any key query, but do not provide a detailed answer to the search engine user.

This type of sanctions can be determined by a sharp drop in the positions of resource pages for your key queries. Usually positions are reduced by several tens of points (from 10 to 30). However, there were cases when, due to such over-optimized pages, the entire resource was downgraded.

Because of this, such a filter of the Yandex search engine is often impossible to calculate!

If you suspect that your resource has fallen under this filter, it is best to immediately ask the Yandex support service a question.

Usually Platon Shchukin (the name that Yandex support service puts as a signature in the response letter) will write to you about whether this sanction applies to your web resource or not. In addition, it often indicates the reason for the action of this filter.

Reoptimization is an action in which resource pages are optimized for certain search queries, but, in fact, there are no complete and detailed answers to these queries.

Very often, webmasters do not correctly understand the very definition - over-optimization. They confuse it with spam key queries on the resource page.

Previously there was a filter called “Tailored”.

Today it is no longer used, so your web resource will practically not be able to run into a filter due to the abundance of keywords in the article.

Today, the Yandex search engine pays maximum attention to behavioral factors.

And if a visitor to your blog is really interested in a certain article, then Yandex will not pay attention to the fact that keywords are often written in the body of the article.

Reasons for the over-optimization filter, and how to get rid of it.

The reasons for this filter may be the following:

  • spammy structure (keywords do not respond to visitor requests);
  • frequent use of attributes to attract attention ( oily discharge, italics or underlining text);
  • low quality content (bad readable text, lack of proper content and illustrations);
  • lack of text formatting (written without paragraphs, all together);
  • missing or created using a plugin ( automatic linking), and it is less effective compared to manual.

In order to remove the filter, you need to view all pages without exception that fall under it. Edit them until all the reasons described above for removing the Yandex filter are eliminated.

  • Filtering for the quality of incoming links

This filter is very common on the Internet and is applied to a large number of resources on the Internet.

This Yandex filter can be divided into three types:

  • Filter for paid links (commercial)

The search engine tries to minimize the impact of paid or commercial links on the ranking of web resources.

Greetings, dear readers and colleagues! Today I will raise a pressing issue - the imposition of search engine sanctions on websites. In the worst case, they lead to a complete loss of traffic. Therefore, it is important to diagnose and treat them in time. Do you know how this is done?

In this current publication I will describe in detail how to check a site for filters from Yandex or Google. I will also provide a number of recommendations for getting out of them and describe a couple of things in more detail. AGS, Minusinsk, Panda, Penguin - all this, when superimposed on a site, does not bode well for promotion.

The article turned out to be quite succinct. Therefore, for your convenience, I have compiled the content.

Haven't chosen yet? Then I suggest you read the material in full. There is nothing superfluous in it.

The main signs that a site is under filters

To begin with, I will note the saddest outcome.

Complete loss of search traffic and almost all pages being removed from the index.

It's hard not to notice this. There are also less obvious situations, which with a certain probability indicate that the site is under the filters of the Yandex and Google systems. Attention to the list of signs that a site is under existing filters.

  • TIC drops to 0.
  • Departure of pages from the search engine index.
  • A sharp decrease in traffic for one, group or all pages for no apparent reason.
  • Stuck or lowered positions in search results, despite all the merits.

How to watch all this? For example, the TIC can be checked at by adding the address of your website without http after the last slash. To check site positions, I personally like the allpositions service. The number of publications in the index is checked in statistics for webmasters from Yandex and Google.

Why do such unpleasant situations occur? It's simple - errors on the site. Many of them can be detected using a set of checks on labrika. His tools helped me a lot at the time.

Did the site fall under the search engine filter: a simple check

It’s definitely worth checking the site for a ban in Yandex and its reputation in Google if one or more of the above-described signs are noticed. How to do it? For this there is user-friendly interface xtool.

Enter the address and click “check”. There will be a lot of useful information. Among her there are enough interesting points.

I checked several resources. As you can see, one of the sites fell under the Nepot filter. The reason is low-quality outgoing links. If there are about 5 of them, and even more so if they are purchased, and not thematic, then this situation is to be expected. To remove the sanction, they will have to be deleted and after the work has been done, you can additionally write to the search engine support.

Now I will demonstrate what results can be considered excellent.

The probability of sanctions is zero. This project is developing normally without any hindrance to good search engine promotion.

Update from 02/28/17.

Eat good news for those who care about website quality, traffic and income growth. Throwing fairy tales aside, I composed quality list.

We do a comprehensive site check for the presence of filters from Yandex and Google

I will list several fairly serious algorithms that we will diagnose:

  • for manipulation of PF ( behavioral factors);
  • Minusinsk;
  • Panda (Panda);
  • Penguin (Penguin).

The presence of these filters and some others on a site can have a detrimental effect on its development. Let's start diagnosing them. It will require special algorithm and access to the statistics system.

One project helps me a lot in working on my blog - SEOlib. Among its many tools, I will draw attention to a specific one - diagnostics of sanctions. Haven't used its capabilities yet? Let's take a closer look.

To operate the tool you will need access to analytical system Yandex Metrica or Google Analytics. I'll choose the first option.

I temporarily allow access and move on to the next step.

Now I can start checking the site for Google and Yandex filters. To make it clearer, I’ll immediately explain what is shown on the graph.

  • The red and blue increasing lines are the dynamics of the growth of visits. I didn’t understand right away, but then I came to the conclusion that a weekly chart was being built, not a daily or monthly chart.
  • Colored vertical lines mark the time when a ban in the search engine could have been imposed on the resource being checked.

The color of the vertical line corresponds to algorithms that can impose sanctions. In the picture above the scale is small, so I will show the block with larger colors.

By the way, you see that for both search engines there is a link at the bottom with the phrase “chronology of algorithms”. It leads to a page with history, which can also be extremely useful for studying.

Good with graphical representations figured it out. Who thinks that the green vertical lines in the picture above indicate that the project being audited is definitely sanctioned?

Actually this is not true. The fact is that many filters have common feature- drop in traffic. And this feature can be used.

If after the vertical line there was a sharp decrease in traffic, then with a high probability we can talk about the presence of a filter on the site. Which one? Look at the color of the stroke.

I'll show you along the way. interesting opportunity. Under the graph in question there is comparison table.

You can track the dynamics of changes in organic traffic that goes to specific pages or upon request.

It is very convenient for identifying page addresses or key phrases that cause losses. If they are found, as in the first line of the example, then it makes sense to determine the reason.

If this is a banal decrease in the frequency of keys, then everything is in order. However, behavioral factors, usability and design, content quality, and much more can all play a role. It is advisable to understand and eliminate the causes.

We use webmaster tools and draw conclusions

I'll just go through briefly key points necessary to disclose the current topic of publication. Let's start with Yandex Webmaster.

  • We check whether the TIC has dropped sharply or whether pages have started to fly out.
  • We look at the diagnostics of problems on the website.

Now let's go to Google Search Console.

  • We look at scanning errors.

  • Go to the section “search view”, “html optimization”. No problems should be found.

  • Let's look at "security problems".
  • We check the ease of viewing for mobile devices.

It remains to draw conclusions. Are there any errors in any paragraphs? The presence of one or more defects does not always guarantee the application of a filter; it depends on the type and “severity” of the error. Despite this, such shortcomings certainly will not have a positive effect on the promotion of the resource.

AGS filter: how to check a site and get out of sanctions?

He is one of the most serious. There are references to different varieties of AGS-17, 30, 40. The topic of their differences, of course, is fascinating, but that’s not what we’re talking about now. To begin with, I will highlight the main reason for the presence of the AGS filter from Yandex on the site with all the ensuing consequences.

Useless for users.

This may manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent. The essence does not change much from this. Let's see how to check?

You can use one of the services. I'll check it as an example this blog on one of them.

Everything is fine with my project. The AGS check showed that there were no sanctions.

What to do with those sites on which checks have revealed its presence? First you need to identify the reasons.

  • Copied content or poor rewriting (rewriting text in your own words).
  • A large number of pages with minimal semantic load.
  • Duplicate content created intentionally or resulting from incorrect site settings.
  • The presence of sections or a large number of materials that are not related to the main topic of the project.
  • Focusing content primarily on search robots and making profit rather than being useful to people.
  • Deception when the title does not match the content.
  • Poor usability.

Since the AGS operating algorithm is not disclosed, the above points are based on personal observations and study of a mass of publicly available information. I note that the list may not be limited to these points, but everyone has the same effective thought.

If the site is not of particular benefit to people and is trying to artificially influence promotion, then it may well get a filter.

Based on the identified reasons, you should look at how to get out of the AGS from Yandex. Of course, it is advisable to avoid it initially.

Filter Minusinsk

SEO links - a familiar concept? Let me explain briefly. They usually lead to the target site and are purchased through intermediary resources using selected anchors (link texts). The goal is simple - to artificially influence the ranking (increase positions) of the site in search.

For such actions, the site may fall under the Minusinsk filter from Yandex. The consequences are a decrease in traffic and a drop in numerous positions in organic search results.

If this happens, the site can be cured. How to do it? At first glance, nothing complicated - you need to remove SEO links. The difficulty is that this is not always possible, since intermediary projects usually belong to other people. There are other reasons depending on individual cases.

How to get out of Yandex and Google filters?

The answer is simple. We need to use “white” promotion and correct the mistakes of the past.

I'll describe it possible options escape from search engine filters.

We find and eliminate the cause ourselves.

Now at your disposal powerful information- this material. In some cases, he can help you check the selected site in detail for Google and Yandex filters, as well as work to get out of them.

Also, take the time to study in detail the recommendations for webmasters who provide search engines. I just don’t understand why so many people don’t put such valuable information into practice.

We wait up to several months and get results.

Bugs have been fixed. Now we are waiting for the search algorithms to react to the changes. If you wish, you can also write to search engine support if the waiting time is too long.

If everything was done correctly, the filter can be removed. All that remains is to rejoice. However, the state of affairs is not always so rosy.

The cause has not been identified. The filter cannot be removed. What to do?

Yes, that happens too. If you want to normalize the situation, then there is only one way out - turn to professionals. I have never brought my sites to the point of applying filters, so I cannot yet recommend trusted specialists in removing them.

By the way, there are 2 powerful information materials. Perhaps, specifically for your case, they contain information that will help you adjust your promotion strategy better side.

  • To help webmasters who care about the quality of their projects, I provide my course on an integrated approach to promotion. Details at .
  • If you decide to work on the design and its convenience for people, then I’ll give you one more material. It is located here.

This is where I will end the publication. Finally, I will note one thought - if during a site check for various types of filters an AGS was identified, then I would seriously think about large-scale changes to the resource and changing the domain. However, everyone decides for themselves what to do in such a situation.

Any questions or additions? Write comments. The topic is quite interesting and relevant. There is something to discuss.

By the way, are you watching my show on blog promotion from scratch? Some of the thematic publications have been collected.

Are you interested in making money on your website or without it? There are many good ways described in previous publications.

I continue to prepare new materials. Subscribe to email updates or track announcements on in social networks. All the best. See you later.

We got acquainted with their types and ways to get out from under them, and today it’s the turn of the Russian search engine Yandex.

Visitors to my site (for which I thank you very much) asked why I didn’t talk about Yandex filters, since in RuNet it occupies one of the leading places among other search engines, and every novice blogger should know what wrong actions can lead to.

To be honest, everything related to Yandex is not good for me, because initially I took the wrong path of development and this blog fell under one of the filters. 🙁

If you carefully read my posts, then you might have noticed that I very often note the fact that Yandex has imposed sanctions and am constantly looking for ways to solve this problem. As they say, whoever hurts, talks about it.

I won’t beat around the bush, so let me tell you what filters Yandex has and how to deal with them.

Types of Yandex filters

If you are still a complete beginner and don’t understand what we're talking about, then I advise you to use any search and read comprehensive information about the concept of filters.

Filter- this is the impact (sanctions) on pages or a website from the search engine.

As a result of the imposition of sanctions, some pages or the entire blog may fall out of the index. Promoted queries may also fall through, it all depends on the specific filter that the site fell under.

1) "You are the last one." Yandex imposes this filter for the presence of non-unique content, information that is of no benefit to readers. Its essence is that such pages do not disappear from the index, but they do not bring traffic either. Yandex lowers them in search results.

In order to check whether a page falls under this filter, it is enough to take a long phrase from the text and enter it into the search bar; if the site is outside the TOP 10 or at the very bottom of the list of sites, then the presence of a filter is the case.

- use only high-quality;
— rewrite or remove stolen material;

2) “You’re spammy” (re-optimization with keywords). This filter is applied to site pages that have high density, too much text highlighting in bold, underlining or italics, as a result of which the pages are moved down to the top of the search results. Remember, over-optimization is also bad.

Method of exiting from under the filter:

— remove unnecessary optimization from the content;
— do not allow keyword density to exceed 4%;

3) “Nepot filter”. It is imposed on sites that are in massive quantities. As a result, such resources stop transmitting link weight. If you promote queries through such GS projects, you may see a decrease in rankings in search results.

Method of exiting from under the filter:

4) "Affiliation". This filter removes from the search results sites of the same owner, who decided to reduce competition and promotes several projects using the same queries.

Method of exiting from under the filter:

— change the domain owner;
— distribute domains across different hostings;
— change the entire site (content, phone numbers, addresses, etc.);

5) "Redirect". This filter checks sites or blogs for the presence of a java redirect script on pages. This script redirects visitors from one site to another.

Method of exiting from under the filter:

- put away malicious code redirect from pages;

6) “New domain”. This Yandex filter is similar to the . Its essence is that all young sites and blogs automatically fall under this filter until they receive trust from search engines.

Method of exiting from under the filter:

- write regularly;
— write unique and voluminous posts;
— receive external links from high-quality sites (with high TIC and PR);
— increase attendance;

7) “AGS filter”. Now we have come to the most malignant filter, which brings a lot of trouble and hassle to site builders.

This filter borrowed its name from the weapons of the Russian Army ( Automatic Grenade Launcher Easel), however, on the Internet he received his middle name ( Anti Shit Site). As you can see, both names have the same meaning - the fight against low-quality sites.

AGS-17. An early version of the filter, aimed at identifying low-quality sites that are created mainly for the purpose, and not for the benefit of humans (typical GS sites).

After applying this filter, all pages except the main one fly out of the index, although there are cases when several other pages are still hanging in the index, but this does not play any role.

AGS-30. After the AGS-17 filter algorithm failed a lot, since they cannot be called GS either, Yandex developed a much more advanced algorithm “30”, which was finalized and improved.

AGS-40. An updated filter that, instead of excluding pages from the search, resets the site's TIC, resulting in the site being ranked lower than others. Now preference is given to sites that have .

8) "Minusinsk". One of the latest Yandex updates in 2015 was the launch of a new filter to combat sites engaged in the bulk purchase of SEO links.

Now all projects that used purchased links for promotion will go to the bottom of the search results. Read more about Minusinsk.

Why did my blog fall under the AGS (my point of view)

First. Non-unique content. When I first created this blog, it was very difficult to write articles on my own, and so I began to resort to low-quality rewriting of other articles. I also created a separate section on the blog, where I began to post scanned content (the trouble was that after falling under the filter, I checked these articles for uniqueness and was shocked, half of them turned out to be 100% plagiarism).

Please note that all material must be checked for uniqueness, which should be 90% or more. Forget about the “Ctrl + C” and “Ctrl + V” keys once and for all, then you will be happy.

Second. Small volume of articles. It was often very tiring to write a lot and for a long time, so my articles did not exceed 1000 characters (with spaces). You can look at my very first posts and compare them with the latest. There is a difference?

It may take me 2 to 3 days to write articles, spending 3 hours, but it’s worth it. If I have enough strength and I complete the course, then, I hope, writing will be much easier.

Third . Duplicate pages. At first, I didn’t understand why I should create a robots.txt file and block other pages from being displayed, since I had never worked with WordPress before. Now I understand that Yandex considered the same articles as a duplicate, but it’s too late.

Fourth. External links. Initially, I registered on the exchange Sape links and started selling links. The ratio of outgoing links was higher than incoming ones, in other words, I sold 100 links from the blog (most of them were not thematic) when only 60 were linking to the blog.

Fifth. Site age. Threw my brainchild into Sape system me after 2.5 months of indexing. Understanding full well that only after 1 year of the blog’s life it was possible to do this, but the desire to earn easy, quick money took over.

Sixth. Attendance. At that time, attendance averaged from 17 to 30 people per day. It was necessary to at least slightly promote the pages for low-frequency queries and increase traffic.

How to get out from under the AGS (my actions)

1) I write regularly, about once every 3-4 days, only UNIQUE CONTENT;

2) All articles must be at least 3000-4000 characters (without spaces);

4) Created a robots.txt file, thereby removing duplicate pages;

5) No income at the early stage of project development;

6) I work exclusively on attendance (about 200 unique visitors per day).

So far, Platon Shchukin responds to all my letters with standard excuses, they say, develop the site and then it will automatically come out from under the Yandex filter. To be honest, for me it has already become some kind of competition, whether I can win Yasha’s trust or not.

If you want to follow me and my blog, and also find out how the fight against AGS will end, be sure to subscribe to articles and stay up to date.

On my own behalf, I would like to add that if you create high-quality and interesting SDL sites, then no filters from Yandex will be scary for you even in your wildest dreams.

Bye everyone and good luck!