The whole scary truth about making money on the Internet! Is it possible to make money on the Internet, will you be able to do it, do you need investments and how much can you earn per month?

Today I decided to write an honest article on the topic: how can a beginner really make money on the Internet without investment? Practical advice for beginners from many years of experience will be presented here. Only truly working and proven methods.

Below I will describe 5 popular and proven ways to make money online. The topic of making money on the Internet has become increasingly popular in recent years. In our difficult times, many people are looking for additional sources of income, including on the Internet. Today I will tell the truth and only the truth and try to dispel many myths about making easy money on the World Wide Web.

I’ll say right away that I am not a so-called “money maker” who everywhere teach how to quickly and easily make money on the Internet without any investment. Although, I think, I could also teach a lot, since since 2009 I have been very active on the Internet and earn money with my own labor and knowledge (in particular, I provide services for website promotion and contextual advertising). Plus, my websites bring in some income. But today we are not talking about my successes and achievements. Anyone interested in my humble person can always read about me on the appropriate page.

Earning money online without investments and without deception - myth or reality?

By the way, that review collected dozens of grateful comments, even taking into account the fact that my blog at that time had very little traffic. All the advice from it is still relevant today. Therefore, if you want to learn how to confidently distinguish worthwhile offers of income from “scams,” be sure to read the step-by-step instructions presented in the above article.

But now I would like to talk about something else. What do you think: for whom are proposals with promises of easy and quick money online usually written? For example, these:

“How to easily make money on the Internet?”, “How to earn your first money on the Internet quickly and without investments today?”, “How do I earn $500 a day?” etc.

All these offers of easy and quick money are aimed specifically at inexperienced people who know and know little in this area. In this case, it is not you who earns money. The money is on you. After all, as a rule, any “super-effective” and profitable system costs some initial amount, albeit not a very large one. How to understand whether this or that offer is worth your time and attention, I already wrote in.

Moreover, a couple of years ago I even recorded several video lessons on the topic of how to determine the level of trust in a particular site (service) or offer on the network. How to find out: can you trust a “domain”, how to make safe purchases online, etc. Below is the first video lesson from this mini-course.

Video lesson: “How to determine the level of trust in a site (domain) - safe online shopping”

But the most important thing is that I want to convey to you and “put” it into your head forever. Ask yourself the question: “What do you know and can do on the Internet?” Why and for what should someone pay you money? In your real life, do you pay someone just because of your boundless kindness? Do you give out money left and right in large amounts? Are you ready to tell everyone about “money topics”? If yes, then I would like to be on your friends list.

It is worth understanding the fact that the more people use this or that type of “cunning” income, the more competition grows. As a rule, after a “very secret” money topic appears in the public domain, it very quickly stops working or becomes less effective. Do you still believe that super cool “businessmen” want to tell you their secrets for ridiculous money? If yes, then Congratulations, you are a potential client for scammers and scammers.

I will not argue that there are consulting services, when an experienced specialist advises a particular business. I myself provide audit services for certain sites and draw up technical specifications for the client. In it I describe in detail: what needs to be corrected and implemented in order to receive additional targeted clients, how to improve website conversion, how to increase sales, improve search rankings, etc. But experienced specialists rarely sell their practical experience and knowledge (which they have accumulated over the years) cheaply.

So how can a beginner make money online without investment? What types of income are there?

Let's now figure it out: how can you really make money on the Internet without investments and what offers are there for making money online? First of all, I’ll immediately note: if any of you are looking for the “loot” button, forget it. I’ve been actively using the Internet for 15 years now and have never seen anything like this.

Immediately understand that online, as in real life (offline), money is paid either for real goods or for specific services. Simply put, if you do not have goods that can be sold, then there is only one type of income left. Provide some services. Although no! There are many types of income. Is there some more passive types of income - when you sleep and the money “drips”. Did someone think I was joking or trying to scam someone? No, I'm absolutely serious and below I'll tell you what I mean.

Method 1: Earn money online through remote work (freelancing)

First, let's look at the “simplest” type of earning money on the Internet for beginners to understand. This is remote work or so-called freelancing. I myself can call myself a freelancer, since in most cases I provide services to clients remotely. Moreover, I have a whole group of verified freelancers (remote workers) to whom I pay money for certain work.

For those who are interested in this type of income, I advise you to study at least the basic principles of this type of activity before starting work. By the way, a couple of years ago I also recorded a free mini-video course on the topic of making money online on popular freelance exchanges. It examines sites where thousands of job seekers and customers find each other.

The video tutorial below will discuss the most popular remote work exchange on the Russian-language Internet. In particular, not only the basic interface of the service will be shown, but also such issues as “a secure transaction with the customer” will be considered. In particular, you will learn: how to avoid fraud when a potential client pays for your work, and much more.

Video lesson: “Remote work on the Internet (freelance exchanges) - how can a beginner make money without investment?”

I also provide links to the two most popular remote work exchanges in the CIS and

Method 2: “Passive” types of earning money on the Internet (affiliate programs)

Above I mentioned passive income on the Internet. I am sure that many people are interested in this option for generating income. It sounds great: “ You rest or do other things, and the money drips in.” ! It even smacks of some kind of scam or deception. But there is no scam here. This is a passive or active type of advertising of other people's goods or services. Or so-called affiliate programs.

What are we talking about? For example, an online store sells goods. If you attract a client to him who buys the product, you will be paid a commission. Or, for example, some service provides a certain type of service. For example, a hosting company offers to rent its servers for hosting websites. If you register in the affiliate program of a particular store or service, you will be able to receive on an ongoing basis from 30% to 50% from each payment of an attracted client.

It is worth noting that for the same hosting, site owners have to pay monthly and after each payment you will periodically receive your commissions. You can also give as an example the same popular link exchanges that also have affiliate programs and tens of thousands of webmasters and optimizers buy links to them every day.

Simply put, there are a huge variety of affiliate programs of various sites. And at first glance, this type of earnings may seem like an easy task for a beginner. And it’s true that it’s simpler: you go to thematic sites, forums and place your affiliate link in the comments and posts. People follow it, and then for years you receive your share of income from the owners of affiliate programs.

In theory, everything sounds very easy and cool. Moreover, proven and popular sites actually regularly pay large amounts of commission to their partners. Everything is automated there and there is no deception. If a person follows your affiliate link, then a special “cookie” is assigned to him for a whole year. And if he immediately or in the future places an order for a particular product or service and makes a payment, you will immediately receive your commissions. Their payment, as a rule, can be ordered through a special affiliate account once every 2 weeks.

Also a very popular way of earning money is participation in affiliate programs of various information products. Most often these are programs, scripts or educational video courses.

I don’t want to give examples or recommend any specific affiliate programs, since each of them needs to be verified and tested. Sometimes you recommend this or that product to someone, they will spend their money on advertising it, but will not receive the proper return. In the end you will be at fault. Although this could have happened for absolutely objective reasons. For example, the author attracted not the most targeted traffic to the selling site (for example, he failed to correctly set up the same contextual advertising).

It was not for nothing that I said about contextual advertising. Many novice participants in affiliate programs think that in order to make money on affiliate products, they just need to go to different thematic sites and leave their affiliate link there.

I’ll immediately bring you down to earth and dispel your rosy ideas about making easy money on the Internet in this way. I’m sure many have already imagined dollars “flying” before their eyes, etc. If everything were so simple, then many people would only be engaged exclusively in making money on various affiliate programs.

Of course, such earnings are very honest and can bring high income with the right approach. But what is the right approach? As elsewhere, without certain knowledge and skills, you will be able to make sales very unstable and most often “by luck.” Why, you ask?

Firstly, any visited Internet resource (forum, portal, blog) is almost always checked by moderators or site owners. And your wonderful epithets in favor of a particular service or product (along with your affiliate link) will most often be immediately deleted within a day of writing. What to do? Is there no way to advertise for free?

If you use your brains, everything will work out. But to do this, you need to search on forums and websites for questions from real users on the topic of your affiliate product and give them, as if “by chance,” an answer or a recommendation with your affiliate link to a particular site. Or create several accounts and ask under one name and answer under another. Moreover, it is advisable to “hide” the “tails” of your affiliate links through special services. When you get your first link, you will understand what it is. As a rule, in an affiliate link, after the address of the main domain of the site (after the name of the site, for example,, immediately after the slash (“slash”) there are various numbers or letters.

In the picture below, the red rectangle highlights the so-called “tail” of the affiliate link:

Many “advanced” and “greedy” users, when they see such an affiliate link, deliberately cut off this “tail”, copying the site address without it. This will take them to the target site, but if they make a payment, you will not receive any commission. Although I don't quite understand such people. After all, for them the price of the product does not change. Your commissions are paid by the owner of the affiliate program from his earnings.

But many “well-wishers” do not want to express even a small “thank you” to you for your, most often, useful recommendation of a particular service or product. We have such “petty” people. And there are many of them. It doesn’t cost him anything, but on principle he doesn’t want to let you make money.

Therefore, if possible, try to “hide” your links through special services or use other “tricks”. Although this will not help from particularly “smart” users. But still, the chances of your affiliate link being “cut” will be significantly reduced.

Also, do not forget that moderators and site owners are not idiots either and this is not the first time they have seen such “brilliant” advertisers. When all these “recommendations” are added from recently registered user profiles who have not written a single message before, and then suddenly suddenly start talking about a specific site or product - it looks at least suspicious.

The same can be said about groups on social networks, etc. Of course, if you have old accounts on popular sites (maybe you buy them or connect your friends), then everything may turn out to be much simpler. But in general, I’ll tell you honestly and right away - this method of promoting affiliate programs is very complex, time-consuming and very often ineffective.

“But how do people make thousands of dollars on affiliate programs? I saw a screenshot of one partner, so he has hundreds of thousands of rubles in just one month!” - one of the readers shouted back at me.

I willingly believe you, I will answer. I'll say even more. I know partners who earn even more significant amounts. But who are these people? Are they geniuses or just lucky?

As a rule, these are the owners of the sites you visit. They advertise on their sites one or another affiliate product that may be of interest to visitors to this resource. They also include owners of large thematic mailing lists. But this is the whole difficulty. To promote your website or newsletter and achieve high traffic, you need to spend a lot of time or money. Most often you will need both. And how much of these resources you will spend depends only on your knowledge, experience and skills.

"Crap! Why are you destroying all my dreams? Finally, give me a real way to make money on affiliate programs, or better yet, just a loot button! “- shouted another novice partner.

In reality, most partners make money through so-called contextual advertising. Which, if configured correctly, can bring a very large number of targeted potential clients. But it is not free and inexperienced people very often waste almost all their money on it, and receive either “zero” or minimal return.

But this does not mean that contextual advertising does not work! Believe me, with properly configured advertising campaigns, it simply works like a “money machine.” I see this in the example of my clients, to whom I provide services for “promotion” of their sites (SEO + contextual advertising).

Therefore, I would not advise absolute beginners to start making money on affiliate programs. At least until you learn to work with Yandex Direct at least at a basic level. By the way, for absolute beginners in contextual advertising, I once posted an excellent one. But below I will also say a few important words: both about contextual advertising and about the “promotion” of any sites in general.

In general, you can search for any affiliate programs, test them and make money from them. Well, I described the main pitfalls above.
If someone is scared off by the rather complicated way of making money on affiliate programs, then below I will tell you an option that is suitable even for the most beginners.

Method 3: The “easiest” method of making money online for beginners

What type of earnings do 90% of newcomers on the Internet who have no knowledge, skills or initial capital start with? The answer is simple - copywriting. Simply put, writing articles to order. What can almost every at least slightly literate person do? Of course write! There are millions of sites on the Internet and they constantly require new content: articles, news, reviews, etc.

I myself have several proven copywriters who write articles for my and client sites. Moreover, I am engaged in “promotion” of sites, and for this purpose new unique thematic articles are constantly needed. Another thing is that writing beautiful and unique articles is also an art. But for some customers it is enough to simply rewrite certain text in their own words (the so-called rewrite). They don’t pay very much for this, but for an absolute beginner this way of earning money is perfect. Just now you can earn your first reviews on the most popular remote work exchanges and

Almost everyone can check errors in the text using Word, but not everyone can write a beautiful and interesting article without the proper “skill”. Experienced “masters of words” charge for their work from 300 rubles per 1000 characters (this is about a quarter of an A4 sheet). It is worth noting that each character is one letter in the text; commas and other punctuation marks, by the way, also count.

For those who want to earn their living in this way, I advise you to first download a couple of useful programs onto your computer. For example, the same “character counter” in the text (there are a lot of free options), as well as a program for checking uniqueness. For example Advego Plagiatus. There’s no way without her. Not a single customer will pay you a ruble for the text if it is non-unique (copied from some site). The program should show the uniqueness of the text from 90% or higher.

It is worth noting that 80% of customers require rewriting from performers, not copywriting. How are they different from each other? Copywriting involves writing a new, unique article based on your “rich” experience. Ideally, you write exactly your knowledge of a particular topic. Of course, an experienced copywriter does not need to understand every area. It is enough for him to read several articles on a chosen topic and then write a retelling of what he learned from it.

But copywriting (writing original articles) always costs more. This is why many customers ask for rewriting, which is much cheaper. They simply give you the source (for example, a link to an article) and you rewrite it in your own words. Simply put, you retell it. The meaning remains the same, but the synonyms and sentence construction are different.

If we really delve into the technical details, then you need to “break” the so-called “shingles”. I will not “burden” you with this topic in the article now. If anyone is interested, watch the video tutorial below.

Video tutorial: How to check text for uniqueness for free? What is text uniqueness?

I provide links to the most popular exchanges for copywriters. The same Advego, which was presented in the video above and also the well-known exchange TextSale.

Method 4: Earn money and build your own business on the Internet

Most likely, you are interested in another question: what types of businesses exist on the Internet? As you already understood from what was written above, there are many types of earnings and monetization of your Internet resources. But here comes the main problem for beginners – creating their own website.

Method 5: Create your own online store and start making money from it?

Of course, creating a simple website to present your services is not difficult now. You can study some video courses on this topic. You can order the necessary website from freelancers. There are also many free solutions, for example, the same ready-made online store can be created in literally 2 clicks through the popular and reliable service Insales.

It is worth noting that quickly creating your own website or online store is not a big problem nowadays. There are millions of such sites created “in 5 minutes” on the Internet. And they lie “dead weight” and do not bring any profit to their owners (or mere pennies). Another thing is to ensure that your website (for example, the same online store) looks as attractive as possible, enjoys the trust of customers, has all the necessary functions for sales, etc. For this you will need additional knowledge.

You can immediately turn to professional studios to develop a “cool” website or online store. But most often they price their services very expensive. Sometimes their prices reach 300,000 thousand rubles per site and even more. Yes, yes, this is not a typo; some studios ask for the creation of serious projects from 1 million rubles or more. It is clear that such amounts are acceptable only for already existing and successful businesses. And for beginners who are just looking for opportunities to make money on the Internet, such amounts are very frightening and seem like something unattainable.

At the same time, there are many more budget-friendly options for achieving success in the same sales via the Internet. For example, to create an attractive and functional online store, you don’t have to pay a lot of money to freelancers or studios. You can do everything yourself. And this is an even more preferable option, since you will go all the way from scratch and will know your site thoroughly.

And even if in the future you have to turn to specialists to implement certain tasks (for example, order a beautiful design for a website), then you will no longer get bullied because of ignorance of the simplest technical terms. When you already know the technical basics of an Internet business, you can easily draw up a competent technical specification for a freelancer and thereby save your money.

Any specialist immediately sees an amateur and tries to “charge” him a high price for his services. When you know the basics, you will begin to be perceived as an equal. You can even tell the freelancer that you could do everything yourself, but you just don't have enough time right now and you're outsourcing your work to them. “Colleagues” will not “bend” high prices for each other.

By the way, even if you are not able to quickly “promote” your own Internet resource and start making money on it right away, you will be able to provide services for the content, development and technical support of other people’s sites. Believe me, these services are in great demand. There are a huge number of large and small information portals on the Internet, as well as online stores, but there are always not enough “working hands”.

How to independently create a high-quality website for your online business?

If we talk about the highest quality and inexpensive training materials on this topic, I can recommend the video course by the same Evgeny Popov “Quick creation of online stores on the InSales platform.” The course is actually very cool. Everything is literally told step by step and shown using the example of a real store. Before your eyes, a full-fledged online store will be created with an excellent modern design and with all the functionality necessary for sales.

All you have to do is order goods, for example, from China. There are large wholesale sites for Chinese goods, for example, the same Or, in general, there are companies that themselves will bring the goods you need, store them in warehouses, send them to customers (engage in processing, delivery of orders, etc.). And the net profit will be transferred to you.

In words everything sounds very simple. But the most important and most difficult and costly task remains for you - to attract potential clients. If clients themselves came to the site without extra effort, then every day I would create online stores of various types and would be a millionaire. But it's not that simple.

In the search engines Yandex and Google, there is a real competition for each target visitor. In highly competitive niches, website owners invest huge budgets to beat their direct competitors. In such topics as “construction”, “household appliances”, “plastic windows”, etc., there is very fierce competition for first places in the so-called TOP of search engines. Everyone wants to overtake each other, and some unscrupulous competitors even try to somehow “annoy” this or that site that is ahead of them.

But such “massacre”, as a rule, takes place in regions with the highest competition, for example, in Moscow. If you are not going to cover the entire territory of the country at once and fight with everyone, then you can safely “bite off” your part of the market. Especially if you initially promote specifically in your city or region. Don't be afraid of competition. With the right approach and proper positioning, there will be enough clients for everyone.

How to quickly “promote” your website on the Internet and start making your first money on it?

Another thing is how to promote your website on the Internet and start receiving your first clients (real orders)? This is especially difficult to achieve with a new and “young” site (trust my experience). This is a separate and important topic.

By the way, if we talk about the same new online store that Evgeny Popov created in his course “Quick creation of online stores on the InSales platform”, then this young site received its first orders for several tens of thousands of rubles even before the completion of the video course recording. Just a few weeks after its creation. And most importantly, without any material costs!

Of course, you can immediately attract potential customers to your website using the same contextual advertising. But there you need to pay for each attracted visitor from 2-3 rubles to several HUNDREDS of rubles. Yes, in niches with high competition (for example, real estate, cars), the cost of one attracted visitor can reach tens and hundreds of rubles per click.

It is worth noting that out of 100 attracted target visitors, as a rule, 2-3 people make a purchase (it can be less or more - it depends on many factors; for those interested, read about the term “conversion”). So the main problem for beginners is that, due to lack of knowledge and experience, they very often incorrectly set up an advertising campaign in the same way and simply waste their entire budget. Very often they do not receive a SINGLE order.

It is after such “successes” that many newcomers write that advertising on the Internet does not work. You can’t make money on sites, etc. If this were actually the case, then why is it that more and more new sites appear every day, but the old ones are not closed? Are the owners of these Internet resources complete idiots? Don't think…

How, in the case of Evgeny Popov, did we manage to attract customers and receive real orders worth tens of thousands of rubles for a completely new and “unpromoted” online store without spending a penny on it? This is where so-called search engine optimization (SEO) comes in handy. By the way, in this case it could not have happened without my participation. I said at the beginning of the article that my main profile is website promotion. In particular, I am also involved in the “promotion” of popular projects by Evgeny Popov. But promoting old sites, which currently already have more than 60,000 visitors per day and great authority among search engines, is a different story.

In this case, Evgeniy asked me to record a video bonus for his course (the bonus video course was called: “Principles of SEO optimization of a store on Insales”). And immediately tell everything and, most importantly, show it using the example of a newly created online store. Thus, in my videos, I performed basic search engine optimization of certain pages of this online store so that the site could immediately receive its first customers from the search engines Yandex, Google, etc. And the most interesting thing is that in the end it received its first customers and real orders! This is how the author of one of the bonus video courses from Evgeny Popov turned out to be your humble servant, who is writing this article.

Important afterword and conclusions about making money on the Internet

If you are still an absolute beginner and are taking your first steps on the Internet, then you should not immediately buy any paid courses, seminars, webinars, etc. Even the information that was presented above is already enough to start earning your first money via the Internet. And when you have already decided on a way to earn money that can generate a stable income, then you should turn to various (including paid) courses on a particular topic. This will allow you to quickly improve your skills and, accordingly, increase your income.

The most important thing is to do it! At least a little, but do it. Read, watch, immediately do something from what you learn. If you paid money for a particular course, the authors usually have customer support. So implement it without putting some points on the back burner and you will definitely have questions, and the author will help you solve them “hot on your heels.”

And last but most important. Don’t try to immediately become the best in your chosen niche: become the first freelancer on the exchange, create the best and most perfect online store, launch the most advanced service, immediately overtake everyone in search engines, etc. Do everything gradually.

Do not try to immediately create this or that large business or online project. It’s better to get a job with your future competitors (or partners), study and understand the whole “kitchen” from the inside. And only after that you will form an idea: how it all works, what is needed for your business, what competitive advantages you will have, etc.

Feel free to ask your questions and share your opinions in the comments below!

The one who walks will master the road. Good luck to you in all your endeavors! Best regards, Ruslan Savchenko.

Quite a lot of people are constantly looking for themselves. Moreover, most often these are beginners who do not have any knowledge in this area. I dedicate this article to these people.

Faced with certain dubious offers, newcomers are increasingly asking the question: “ Making money on the Internet - is it a scam and a scam, or does it still exist?"? Or maybe there are proven ways to make money on the Internet? This is exactly the topic we will talk about in detail today. You will learn: how not to get caught in a scam and save your time, nerves and money from scammers.

If you are new to making money online, the information described below will be extremely useful for you. After reading about the main methods of online deception, you will learn to competently and soberly evaluate all the dubious offers that you will encounter more than once on the wide expanses of the World Wide Web.

At the same time, if you are already an experienced person and are familiar with many types of “divorces on the Internet,” be sure to read detailed instructions about the most popular types of earning money on the Internet. The article is called: " "? This link provides the most complete step-by-step text and video instructions on all proven and working modern methods of making money on the Internet. In particular, really useful advice is given based on many years of practical experience.

I have no doubt that experienced Internet users (webmasters, online merchants, freelancers, etc.) have already known most of the information below for a long time, but for people just starting their “path”, many of the tips can be very useful. At the same time, even experienced “gurus” will find something interesting for themselves.

To begin with, let me immediately dispel the myth about making easy money on the Internet! If you still think that you can make money quickly and easily on the Internet, then you are a potential “client” for scammers and scammers!

Many have already seen or will see similar offers more than once:

“How to get XXX money tomorrow”, “How to make a lot of money here and now!”, “How to earn $1000 without doing anything?”, “How do I earn $300 a day on the Internet on autopilot?” etc.

Treat such offers with the utmost skepticism. Such offers are most often a deliberate deception and only in rare cases can you earn something from this. At the same time, in such offers, if people receive money, it is only at the first stage, and this is unlikely to be promising. Personally, I advise you not to pay attention and not waste your time on such offers. Believe me, there are enough places on the Internet where you can earn good money with your own work and without participating in various risky adventures.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to dedicate this note to answers to several very popular questions that are often asked not only to me personally, but also to search engines. The most important of them is “is it really possible to make money online?” Usually they ask the same thing and in more detail.

Can this be done without investing money? How much can you earn if you devote two hours a day to this? What do you need to know for this? How long do you need to learn this and how much work do you need to do to get, say, 50 thousand rubles a month? Many people are also interested in ? Let's talk about all this in order.

Money from the Internet

How and who makes money online? This is a key question that plagues many. In addition, most are concerned about the issue of investments, because few people have initial capital that they could put into circulation, and not everyone is ready to invest in something that is not yet fully understood and there is no guarantee that you will not be deceived.

In general, all schemes for making money on the Internet can be conditionally divided into free and paid, i.e. with and without attachments. However, each of these approaches has its pros and cons.

If you are ready to invest, then you have quite a few options for earning money:

  1. You can
  2. You can engage in serious traffic arbitrage (speculation on the flow of targeted visitors - take them cheaper than the profit made from them)
  3. You can quickly (by hiring a team of professionals) create a content project (an article website, a public page on social networks, a YouTube channel) and using various paid methods to quickly promote the whole thing
  4. There are also a lot of less popular and obvious, but no less profitable ways to invest money on the Internet (see article about), and then make decent money on it ().

But what to do when there is no money or a limited amount? How to make money on the Internet in this case and is it possible to do it at all? Yes, it is possible, but not in the way most beginners imagine it.

This is because the newbie asks the search engine the wrong questions that he should. And therefore he does not receive the answers that could really be useful to him. But let's talk about everything in order.

If you are a so-called newbie to Internet marketing and are looking for ways to make money online, then I advise you to take the information below seriously. For some reason, no one really talks about this, at least not often. There are two key points that are worth paying attention to.

Money on the Internet does not come out of thin air - it comes from sales

Hence the conclusion - by joining this scheme, you are either selling something of your own or something else. Everything is sold online - ordinary goods, information, services, etc. The bottom line is that online marketing is always about sales. Moreover, in most cases we are not talking about sales in the literal sense of the word - no one calls anyone or sells anything, unless it is an online store (but there is no way around it).

Most often, in order to make a profit online, it is enough to simply spread the word about the product. And related to this, i.e. either with advertising or with the dissemination of information about goods or services.

Essentially a big market, and if you don’t sell something of your own here, then you are selling (promoting) something else. And making money on someone else’s means using affiliate programs in one form or another.

It turns out that the worldwide network is one big affiliate program. Because if you get paid, it means something has been sold somewhere on the Internet. And you were the reason for this. This means a person passed through you and bought something somewhere. Due to ignorance or inexperience, you may not see this, but it is so (as with that gopher that is not visible, but which is there).

Remember this key idea and the world of online business will become a lot (or a little) clearer for you. If you receive money, it means someone online spent it. There is no other way. Money here (or anywhere else) does not appear out of thin air. They (money) here are not virtual at all, but just as real (they are not printed on a printer) as everywhere else. To get them, someone must spend them (buy something).

How and who makes money online?

In this regard, the popular meme that sounds surprising is that it makes no sense to get involved with affiliate programs online, because you won’t make a lot of money from it. Well, then sell something of your own - goods, services or your time.

Where you can make money quickly without any investments (by selling your time)

Let me touch on the latter in a little more detail - selling your time. I wrote about this in detail in an article about. You can sell time at a high price only if you are a pro in some in-demand field - then you are in or something similar.

If you do not have special skills, then the payment will be significantly lower, but it will be there. The ways to earn money in this case are quite simple:

  1. or something else specific (for example, installation)

All of the above will not require any investment from you and will actually bring you money. But this is more of an extra income, because you can only earn large sums there by “plowing like an ox,” which few people can endure for a significant period of time. However, if you need money here and immediately, then these methods have no competition.

The one who really makes money online is the one who knows how to attract targeted traffic.

However, back to the thought of the day - all the money online revolves around sales. All interaction is based on the principles of affiliate programs - you bring a client, for which you are paid a commission. The scheme may not be so straightforward, but the essence remains the same.

It's simple. The Internet is always about sales, if we consider it from the point of view of extracting material benefits. This leads to the second main conclusion - if you want to start making money (not) on the Internet, then you must learn to attract targeted traffic.

It sounds mysterious, so I’ll explain. The phrase “targeted traffic” refers to interested customers ready to purchase (people, potential buyers of goods, services, information, etc.). It doesn’t matter where you attract them - to goods, information products, services, websites or online services.

What is good about the Internet and how does it differ from offline (real life)? Because here you can quickly find a buyer (target audience) if you know where and how to look for him. And the one who knows how to do this is the one who makes money.

Guys! This is the “bitter” truth. There are no really working super-methods on the Internet called “money button”, there are no programs that will work for you (they are sold in abundance on the Internet) - like, configure, connect and go about your business - the Internet will now work for you . This is all scams, which you are so afraid of and which at the same time you are so willing to fall for!

Is passive income possible?

There is no completely passive income on the Internet. The option of partially passive income generation is possible, but only over time (and not immediately, as many people want), when you have experience and an established scheme. Then yes - these schemes work for you.

If you are a novice webmaster, you should forget about “quickly” and first of all study ways to attract targeted traffic and create earning schemes that will feed you later.

There is no other way. The entire multifaceted business on the Internet is associated with attracting traffic, i.e. people and clients. Because without customers (traffic) there are no sales, and no sales - no money.

And anyone who knows how to attract targeted traffic will be able to make money online on anything and anytime (in any season, on any day of the week). The whole point is in the traffic. No matter who does what (spam, public pages and groups on social networks, article sites, online stores) - all these people have one headache - how to attract targeted traffic.

If there is no traffic, then everything you do on the Internet is useless. All of us here (including me) are engaged in one common task - search and extraction of targeted traffic. And the cheaper it is, the better. Until you understand this, you will not be able to make money on the Internet, because you will not understand what is really happening here (the global goal of this entire process).

So. The Internet always means sales (obvious or camouflaged). The object of sale can be anything, including your time (see above). To be on top here, you need to learn how to attract traffic. Each product has its own target audience. Moreover, traffic can also be an object of sale (the so-called traffic arbitrage, where it is sold and bought).

Is it possible to earn money without investment?

I have already partially answered this question a little higher, when I described several options for exchanging your time for money (for example, VkTarget , Workzila , Etkht , Rukapcha , My opinion , Questionnaire, and so on.). This allows you to receive money without any investments (wasting only your time), but does not allow you to seriously scale your profits. There may be enough to live on, but this is all unskilled labor with all the attendant shortcomings and problems.

In general, beginners should phrase this question differently. In its original version, the best answer would be the “fast, but not much” services described just above, or outright scams. People most often mean something else - “thoroughly, a lot and for a long time.”

In this case, the question “is it possible to earn money without investments” should be replaced with the question “Is it possible to get targeted traffic for free”. And my answer to this question is yes.

Are there free sources of targeted traffic?

Yes, I have. Can they be used? Yes, you can. Almost all methods of making money that are sold on the Internet are dedicated to this very thing - how to attract the target audience for free. The only thing is that some methods work, while others do not (no longer exist, or were never working at all).

The market changes every day, and free methods of advertising are very quickly identified and blocked by those who are interested in selling such things and making money from it. According to the quite fair logic of the Internet, a person should pay for advertising, and not do it for free. But there are always free methods, although they very quickly become “not working” (loopholes are plugged).

These are precisely the schemes for free traffic that have already become obsolete and are being actively sold to everyone who wants to “start earning money without investment.” In fact, these are scams that are no longer capable of generating any profit. Those. A scam is a way of attracting traffic that doesn’t work (and possibly never worked) (a broken sales pipeline).

Well, then how can you attract your target audience for free? If you have a budget, then there will be a lot of ways - advertising on social networks, teasers, traffic arbitrage, and much more. Here the headache will be on a different level - how to choose a suitable advertising channel and how not to waste your budget. But that's another story for another article.

And yet - Is it possible to attract the target audience without money?(without investments)? As I already said, it is possible. But we cannot escape the truism:

Either you invest money (and then you can count on quick earnings), or you invest time.

This is an axiom. And if you don’t have money, then you are unlikely to be able to quickly find targeted traffic, quickly attract it and quickly skim the cream off it (there are exceptions to the rules, but they only confirm the rules). It will be even more difficult for a beginner without work experience to do this.

Personally, I chose the second path and invested (and continue to invest) my time. As a result, the first significant sums began to flow from this blog only a year or even two later, and before that it was “pure nakedness” and everything was based on pure “enthusiasm” and “faith in a bright future.”

Algorithm for searching for free targeted traffic (earning money without investments)

In most cases, the algorithm is simple - we look for places on the Internet where this traffic already exists and try to get part of it for free. What could it be? Well, for example:

  1. search engines. Yes, it costs money, but you can replace it with time according to the above scheme and it is quite possible to receive a free flow of visitors from search engines in quantities sufficient to earn money. In any case, this is what I have been focusing on for many years. An article website, landing page or online store can be a good tool for turning this free traffic into hard cash. All you need is time and desire to study a dozen articles on this blog on the topic of creating, optimizing and promoting websites...
  2. Social media. The good thing is that there is probably even more traffic here than in search engines. The problem is to highlight your target audience in this stream. Here again, you don’t have to pay, but spend your time creating and maintaining your own thematic or groups to attract the desired target audience to them (for free).
  3. Notice boards (like Avito). They are good because the traffic on them is already “warm”, i.e. people came here to buy something anyway, so why not do it with you. These people are already mentally ready to part with their money. All you have to do is get them interested in your ad.
  4. - this is somewhat more than just a social network, and they make good money here without investment. You can work here from anywhere in the world (unlike Avito), you can sell anything (within reason), and there is also the opportunity to eventually achieve semi-passive income when you have your own subscriber base and there is no need to bother too much with promotion of videos.
  5. Spam anywhere - on forums, in comments on blogs, on social networks, various services such as “questions and answers”, including by email. Here the flow of visitors is very poor quality and you need to attract a lot of people in order to get at least some profit from this business. Well, and (not in a boyish way, not in a sporting way, if you like).

It will not be possible to describe everything in detail within the framework of this article, but perhaps I will be able to do this in other publications. Perhaps you will find plenty of materials on this blog alone on the first point - in fact, these are my memoirs.

Once again I want to emphasize and clarify. When I say that you will need to spend time, this does not mean that you will just have to wait for the weather by the sea, lying on the sofa.

All this will have to be plowed for a long time like Papa Carlo, rack your brains and put rest on the back burner. At the same time, at the initial stage, without receiving anything in return (except for moral satisfaction). Ready? Then go ahead and success awaits you. In any case, you have to believe in it. Why? Because there’s really nothing else left.

Can you earn money online and how much exactly?

People are constantly interested not only in the question “how”, but also "When" And "How many" they will be able to earn money using one or another technique. How many hours a day will it be necessary to spend on it? And how long will it take them to reach the area they are interested in? average monthly income. It is possible that while reading this publication, some of these questions are also swirling in your head and are ready to roll off your tongue.

In fact, this is all natural and easily explained. We carry all this into online marketing from our real lives. When applying for a job offline, we discuss all these issues in detail with the employer, and only after receiving a satisfactory answer do we decide whether it is worth getting involved with or not. Why should it be any different on the Internet? Everything is quite logical. But at the same time, it is fundamentally wrong. Why?

Neither I nor anyone else knows and cannot know the answers to all these “ordinary” questions. Anyone who says they know is most likely a scammer and wants to sell you something. There is no exact answer either. You can speak from your own experience, but all people are so different that it is almost impossible to meet a person completely similar to you.

Online business opens up people - there are no bosses, there are practically no mentors and you are your own boss - you can sleep all day, or you can (like me) work yourself to the point of complete exhaustion. Are you by nature a workaholic or a slacker?

The answers to all the above questions depend specifically on you and your innate or acquired abilities (already manifested or still hidden). Especially this important when starting without investment when it is impossible to rely on a thick wad of money that will help solve a bunch of current problems.

This can affect how your natural preferences in the online business itself (for some it will be easier to make money on copywriting, for others it will be more interesting and easier to run their own website, for others it will be perfect for running a channel on YouTube, for others they are a born arbitrage specialist, analyst, etc.), as well as your ability to work in general (without prodding from outside).

But I don’t know this, because I don’t know you. And you may not have any predisposition to any type of Internet (or any other type) business, and your entire endeavor in this field will be doomed to failure in any case. Or, on the contrary, everything will burn in your hands and whatever you don’t take on, everything will bring income and a lot of pleasure. These are two extremes, with countless less radical options in between.

Even more or less income can be predicted in which I cited above. There, in essence, there is an employer who pays for certain actions at a certain rate. What is offered there is also for a pensioner, which means total income depends more on perseverance than on your abilities (although, for example, you will need a competent presentation of thoughts, which is not given to everyone). But there is not the level of income there to satisfy the ambitions of the majority.

When implementing your own schemes for making money on the Internet, there cannot be any specifics. For example, all the names of courses or cases on earning money like “60 thousand rubles per month for...” are no more than . Even if the author was able to earn 60 thousand rubles a month from this, it is not a fact that if he repeated everything exactly again, he would get the same result. Over the past time, the situation may change, and the stars may not align. I'm not even talking about the fact that using his experience another person will earn the same amount. This is far from a fact.

Online business is first and foremost a business, which is practically synonymous with the word lottery. If one of the dozens of tested business schemes works, then that’s great. Everything else is swept aside and efforts are directed towards a successful option. You essentially do not have the opportunity to test different schemes in parallel (without investing money) and you have to choose something specific (often at random), and therefore, even regardless of your control, the result can be anything.

So, friends, you shouldn’t ask questions about when and how much you can earn on the Internet if you devote two hours a day to it. Because the only true answer is everything depends on you and by chance. At the same time, no one knows you better than yourself. No one but you knows your abilities, passions, interests and various individual characteristics, which can either help or, on the contrary, hinder you in such a controversial matter as online business.

Everything is always very subjective. Perhaps the only way to find out the answer to these questions is to take it and try it. For some people this will not be possible at all, not at all. But for some it will be easy. It all depends on personal characteristics. But until you try (more than once, or even twice) you won’t know.

I would also like to advise you to be careful when you ask such “naive” questions to those who sell courses and methods of earning money. Seeing you as a newbie, they may have an overwhelming urge to give you the answer you are looking for in order for you to buy the product from them.

Fast money on the Internet and my attitude towards it

My advice is don’t expect quick results. Even if the method used is proven and guaranteed. Remember that you are starting to discover a completely new, unfamiliar world of online business. And even if the result is very quick, then let it be a pleasant surprise for you. But don’t initially set yourself up for quick money on the Internet - this almost always leads to disappointment.

Although over time (if you don’t quit sooner) you will most likely understand that making money on the Internet is not so difficult (there are jobs that are much more difficult, more tedious and unpleasant). But this comes with time and experience. The Internet is the same as real life, just with its own specifics, which take time to understand. Online business is just as solid as any other offline business.

Therefore, take your time, study, delve into it, test, enjoy the process and you will definitely succeed. If it worked for others, it will work for you too. You can earn and raise a lot of money on the Internet, but this usually works out for those who have experience and knowledge. And most often it just takes time to get them. That's the whole secret of success.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Hello, friends! At some point, most network users ask the question “Is it possible to make money on the Internet?” Therefore, today we will look in detail at how to make money on the Internet!?

The main methods presented do not require financial investments, and are thus suitable for almost everyone, regardless of age and social status. Perhaps even a lazy person can earn small amounts without investment.

To achieve a good income, of course, you will have to try. The size of the amount will depend only on your own efforts. If you want to earn decent money, then get ready for a difficult but interesting path.

To be honest, the list of earning options was not so small - but we tried to cover in as much detail as possible all the best ways: starting from simple tasks and ending creating your own business in the Internet!

Towards the end of the article we will also present to your attention TOP 10 earning sites ! We are sure that everyone will choose something for themselves!☝️

Well, make yourself comfortable, we have prepared for you the most popular types of earning money on the Internet.

Why is it possible and necessary to make money on the Internet?

Did you know that there is a huge amount of money circulating on the Internet - billions of dollars?? You just need to make an effort and reach them!

Many people (I used to be one of them?) simply don’t understand where that kind of money can come from on the Internet! It's really simple - you need to have some value that other people can pay you for!

For example, you can earn income on the Internet in the following main ways:

  • perform certain tasks (from simple to complex);
  • work through exchanges or directly with customers;
  • place advertisements (links) and earn money from them;
  • work with affiliate programs;
  • invest money;
  • create useful channels on YouTube, public pages, websites and services;
  • open your business on the Internet.

Many sites for making money on the Internet offer small rewards, which are enough to pay for the Internet, a mobile phone and the purchase of pleasant little things. Usually these are books, questionnaires and similar resources.

But don't limit yourself to them. Today on the Internet there are a lot of decent options for making money, which we will discuss in detail below. And you will find specific sites (services) for making money and their reviews a little further!

The main thing is to know that you can make money on the Internet - all that matters is your desire and desire!?

Option No. 1: Earning money on Android and iOS mobile applications

One of the easiest and simplest ways to make money is to make money from applications for Android and iOS. This method is suitable for absolutely everyone who has a phone!

What do you need to make money?
To work, you just need to have a smartphone at hand, a stable Internet connection and a couple of free hours a week.

Most tasks ask the user to install certain software (applications and games) on their device, and payment is made for this. After payment, there is no need to leave the installed application on your phone - if you don’t need it, you can simply delete it.

But in addition to downloads, many people pay for reviews, app ratings, ad views and other various actions. Typically, developers are aimed at increasing the popularity of their software, so they are ready to pay rewards to those who contribute to this.

Option #2: Writing texts

This method is known to almost every freelancer, and is quite in demand. Article writing isn't for everyone, but anyone can try it.

All that is required of you is the ability to correctly express your thoughts, correctly compose sentences, and you also need a good knowledge of the Russian language. You must also have perseverance and attentiveness.

Copywriting - this is a full-time job, only remote, and therefore requires appropriate attention, but is accessible even to a beginner.

The principle of operation on exchanges:
1. You are looking in a special section for an order that suits you, apply for it and after approval, you can start writing the text. Expensive tasks are usually not immediately available to beginners, but it’s worth a try so as not to waste time on low-paying work. If you have no experience, then you can try to complete a simple order to get acquainted. Usually there are a lot of them on exchanges.

2. The text of the task provides the conditions that the result must meet. After verification by the customer, the funds are credited to your account balance. And then you can easily withdraw money to any electronic wallet or bank card.

Of course, you can not use exchanges, but look for work on the Internet, but then the risks will increase, since there are always enough scammers. But on the other hand, you can find higher paying orders!

The cost is mainly determined by the number of characters. For example, for beginners this is approximately 30 rub/1000 characters. In this case, for an article of 7000 characters you will receive 210 rubles. With long-term work and experience, the rate increases significantly and often reaches several hundred rubles.

Option number 3: Earning money on social networks

Ideal for anyone who likes to spend a lot of time on various social networks. Earning money like this doesn’t take a lot of time, and anyone can earn money absolutely easily.
  • Voting.
  • Reposts.
  • Joining communities.
  • Likes and much more.

In general, as you understand, there are no difficulties - you click on the buttons on social networks and earn money.

The number one site in RuNet for making money today is. Great site for beginners. A fairly large number of tasks are published on it every day.

☝️This is important:
The number of tasks available to you mainly depends on the “quality” of the linked accounts, for example, the more friends you have, the more tasks will be available. Also, to avoid possible blocking, it is worth creating separate accounts.

You can register on VKtarget.

It is impossible to earn large sums of money this way, but a good amount for small purchases, paying for the Internet and replenishing the balance of a mobile phone is quite possible. Here's my example:

An example of making money on social accounts using the Vktarget service

Option number 4: Earn money on simple and uncomplicated tasks

If you are looking for simple and easy income without investments, which does not require any skills, abilities and knowledge, then surely this option is just for you!?

Of course, Tolok has its drawbacks, for example, it would be useful to raise the payment for completing tasks. But even despite all the shortcomings, Yandex Toloka is definitely a worthwhile resource, which for many newcomers to the Internet is a good source of income!

Option #5: Earn money on YouTube and your videos

This method is ideal for those who are interested in videography. Video hosting provides an opportunity to make good money for all users. Posted videos can generate significant income for authors, but this first requires work.

It’s not worth rushing to shoot a video and hoping to immediately earn fabulous amounts of money. First you need to study all the subtleties on which income depends. The topic of the video can be anything, the main thing is that the target audience is interested.

Here is an example of a popular YouTube channel " Amazing facts", who in a short time managed to gain more than 2 million subscribers:

Channel “Amazing Facts” with more than 2 million subscribers

An important point is channel promotion, since even a very interesting video can go unnoticed. The number of videos also affects the amount of earnings. The more interesting they are, the better the quality of the channel.

You can monetize your channel in different ways. The most popular is Google Adsense. Profit directly depends on the number of views.

You’ve also probably noticed that even before the start of a video on YouTube, the owner of the channel inserts a small affiliate video, in which they offer to follow a link in the description to a website and buy something. This is also advertising that can bring good income !

Option #6: How to make money on the Internet with surveys

This is another fairly popular online way of making money on the Internet with withdrawal of money - these are surveys! To earn money from questionnaires, just register, after which you will be sent invitations to fill out thematic questionnaires by email.

Option #7: Earning money from reviews and comments

Making money by writing comments and reviews is available to absolutely everyone, even schoolchildren. This type of earnings will be especially interesting for those who like to share their impressions about goods, services and much more.

Most webmasters pay for a user to leave a good review about a site or store, especially on a third-party resource. It turns out that you can make money on expressing your opinion , the main thing is to learn how to formulate it correctly.

For example, the site and will help you with this (we also reviewed it in this article)!

Earning money on a women's website with 7,000 visitors

How can you monetize your own website? There are several options:

  • Publication of advertising articles— in this case, you don’t have to search for content, just post it on your resource.
  • contextual advertising- even sites with low traffic today can use this method. It is the most popular and is able to generate stable income. You simply insert a special code into the website page and advertising is automatically selected depending on the target audience.
  • Selling links- in this case you will have to place links to other sites on the resource. There are special exchanges for selling and buying that make it easier for webmasters to find such offers - for example,
  • Partnership programs- profitable and simple. Your partner will transfer funds for advertising his site on yours, including a percentage of sales, if any.

Option #10: Trade goods from China

Recently, this type of income has begun to gain popularity. Everything happens remotely; it is only important to organize the process correctly and constantly monitor it. The income is decent, and such a business is always profitable.

The earning scheme is simple - buy cheap, sell for much more. To order goods from China, you can use such online platforms as Aliexpress , Alibaba , Taobao and others!

But before you start working, it’s worth considering some points, namely what products you will sell and develop a sales strategy.

At one time, for example, flying toys were popular - fairies, Angry Birds, etc. Such toys cost about 250-350 rubles to purchase in China (a little more expensive in Russia), and they are sold for 1290-1490 rubles.

Option number 16: Earning money from a group on social networks

One of the popular communities on VKontakte “Laugh until you cry” - more than 10 million subscribers

First, you need to create a thematic community and start filling it with interesting content that does not contradict the rules. It is worth thinking carefully about what you will publish. If the group is uninteresting, then it is unlikely to be of much use.

It is advisable to choose a topic that you are well versed in. Then you should start promoting. Many people hire moderators for this purpose, who guarantee successful promotion.

About promotion!
You can promote a group for free or for a fee - 2 excellent promotion services will help you with this: and .

After the group gains a sufficient number of subscribers and there is good activity, advertisers may be interested in it. This is where your first earnings begin.

You can also use special services with native advertising that provide pay-per-view videos, or various affiliate programs. In the second case, income depends on the number of sales/registrations/downloads...

The main factor influencing the amount of earnings is the number of subscribers, topic and activity.

Create really interesting and high-quality communities and you will always have many subscribers, and as a result, good income.

?An example from personal experience!
So two guys from a small town have already created about 3 communities on VKontakte, each of which has about 1 million subscribers. They have long understood how profitable this niche is and, accordingly, have not needed money for a long time!?

Option #17: Earn money by blogging

Absolutely anyone, both schoolchildren and retirees, can now create their own blog without much difficulty or difficulty!

You can write articles on almost any topic - and still preferably choose those that you like best!

Well, of course, you can post on the site affiliate links for useful projects, online stores and other online services! Income from affiliate programs can sometimes even exceed total advertising income!

The advantages of contextual advertising are that it is possible to customize advertising to match the design of the site, so it does not spoil the overall appearance. Search engines treat this method well, since in most cases they are fully consistent with the theme of the site

To achieve decent earnings, you need to make your own blog as interesting as possible for the target audience, since they visit such resources mainly for reading.

This is a very real and accessible way for everyone to make money online!?

Option #18: Earning money from affiliate programs

Affiliate programs are a tool for earning money that generally involves sales.

The bottom line is that you must interest potential customers so that they follow an affiliate link (posted on your resource or on other sites on the Internet) and order a product, register, download something, or perform another specific action.

Transcribing audio into text - examples from the freelance exchange

Now, regarding payment. Everything here is not so simple, it all depends on the customer, the duration and quality of the recording, etc.

But basically the price of one minute of translation fluctuatesfrom 5 to 15 rubles(average price - approx.7-10 rub..). So, for example, for transcribing a half-hour recording you can usually earn about 200-300 rubles.

As a result, transcription can be a good temporary alternative for beginners (schoolchildren, students) who do not yet have any specialized skills (for example, website creation, design development...), but want to start making money on freelance exchanges!?

Option number 22: Earning money by writing coursework

This is a type of income close to copywriting; in this case, you can also use special exchanges (for example

Customers are usually students, so the demand for coursework, essays and dissertations is more seasonal. To work you need to be a prepared person, with good thinking and a high level of literacy.

Cost of work

The cost depends mainly on the complexity of the task - it may fluctuate from 300 to 20,000 rubles. Some work requires laboratory tests, and accordingly, their price will be much higher.

You can also place advertisements on various resources. Over time, with a large flow of orders, many create entire teams.

Option #23: Working as a designer

Designers are now especially in demand all over the world. If you already have experience as a designer, then you should not discard this option, since you can work remotely, at a time convenient for you, and get decent money.

To get started, all you need is creative streak , Internet access , laptop or computer And special software , which you will need to create projects (it can be downloaded for free).

Designer services are in demand in many areas - from creating website projects to various fashion accessories.

The average salary of a qualified specialist is estimated at $1000 per month, but this is not the limit.

Option number 24: Earning money by creating websites

Literally anyone can create websites! In fact, you can learn to create simple websites with minimal training in just 2-3 days!

Option No. 26: Trading through an online store or one-page websites

To make money from your online store, you first need to create it. You can try to do this yourself if you have certain website building skills, but the fastest option is to order it from specialists.

It is also possible to create an online store using the designer yourself in 30 minutes. For example, I can recommend one of the best designers for online stores -

If you want to create a one-page website for free, then the website is suitable for these purposes - Store advertising is necessary, so in some cases small investments will be required, which will later compensate for sales. Income can reach large sums, it all depends on your approach to business.

Option #27: Mobile application development

If you have developer skills and want to earn a decent amount, then this method is for you.

But it is worth considering that you need to spend a lot of time and effort on it. The prospect of a serious and constant income compensates for the costs.

If an application becomes popular, it is easy to monetize it - for example, using the same advertising, offering a full version or additional paid services.

About app promotion!
To increase your rating, you will have to do your own promotion. Special services for promoting applications to the TOP for queries in Google Market and App Store can also help with this (for example, one of the market leaders is

Sites for making money on the Internet - list of the 10 best sites

So, we looked at ways to make money. It's time to get acquainted with those sites that have long established themselves as bona fide platforms for freelancers. We present to your attention a list of the ten best resources for making money.

Service 1: VkTarget

Provides an opportunity to earn money for everyone who is registered on social networks, such as: VK, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.

From my own experience, I can say that this is one of the best online sites for beginners to make money! Vktarget has a lot of advantages compared to similar sites for making money!

About tasks and their costs!
The tasks are simple and take little time to complete. They are completed in a matter of seconds! The cost of one varies approximately from 0.20 to 1.5 rubles.

This type of earnings can be compared to axle boxes, only the rewards here are much higher.

The tasks are different, basically you need to post a post on your page, leave a comment, join a group or like it.

The earnings are small, but it’s enough to pay for the Internet and top up your mobile balance.

Those who want to earn more actively use the affiliate program and invite referrals. From their earnings is calculated 15% Mostly here you can find works on writing texts, but there are also orders under the terms of which you should leave a review,

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site. Vasily Blinov is in touch and today we will discuss such a large and serious topic as making money on the Internet. In this article I will tell you what real ways to make money online exist. Where you can earn good money, and where the deception is hidden and where it is better not to interfere.

I’ll share a little of my story, how I started studying this whole topic, where I got burned, what difficulties arose and how I make money now. I will also give advice to beginners on how and where to start creating sources of income via the Internet without investing money.

If you have been familiar with the blog for a long time and regularly read my articles, in which I mainly write about remote work, about the creation and development of my projects and how to travel the world independently, then you know that at the end of 2014 I accepted the decision to get rid of office and production work that requires being tied to a specific place.

I began to look for opportunities to earn money remotely, having only a computer and the Internet. Back then I had no idea how many of these opportunities actually existed, and what I would do in the future. As they say, everyone has their own path in this life and we gradually move towards who we want to become.

Starting with the simplest things you can do to make money on the Internet, I learned about things I never even knew about before. And you, now reading this article, may not understand or see how money is made in one way or another. But I will try to explain it in as simple a language as possible. If anything, you can always ask your questions in the comments and I will help you figure out what is not clear.

By the way, being able to ask the right questions is one of the skills that will help you get what you want faster. In our case, learn how to make money on the Internet.

Where does money come from on the Internet, and who will pay you?

I think this is the main thing in today's article that you need to understand. Let's go in order so as not to get confused.

What is earnings?

We all spend money every day in our lives, purchasing various goods and services, for example, food, clothing, paying for entertainment, education, a roof over our heads, etc.

To do this, we have to work somewhere and do something, somehow earn money. Each of us works somewhere, and if he doesn’t work yet (I can assume that schoolchildren and teenagers will read the article), then your parents or those who provide for you work for you.

Where do you work? Or did you work? Maybe you were fired and you decided to start looking for money on the Internet and don’t know where to start. What does your organization that you work for or have worked for do?

There are only two possible answers:

  1. Produces or sells some product.
  2. Provides some kind of service.

The point is that if you are paid a salary, then this organization is selling something. This product or service is bought by other people who need it. It turns out that you are paid by the people whose problems you solve.

The Internet works in exactly the same way, only here you cannot produce any physical goods, but through it you can sell goods. So, the entire Internet works by selling some goods and services. Advertises them in every possible way.

All earnings on the Internet are based on helping someone sell something. A simple example is the VKontakte website, which everyone uses, or the search engines Yandex and Google. The main income of owners and developers is advertising.

How do you think they earn millions of dollars?

We use them for free for our own interests (to have fun, learn something, chat with friends, etc.), while looking at thousands of advertising banners that we no longer notice, and then we come to the store and buy some that's the thing. Whoever sells this product pays huge amounts of money for advertising.

As a result, all earnings on the Internet are as follows:

  1. You create a project with an audience of users in order to make money by selling advertising or selling your goods and services.
  2. You work for those who create such projects and sell something.

Both methods have their pros and cons, we will talk about them further.

Making money on the Internet - my myth and reality

When I understood how the entire Internet works and where the money comes from, my view of it completely changed. You can earn money here in the same way as in ordinary life. Knowledge and skills are also required.

I also realized then that many processes are moving to the Internet; it is developing very quickly. New areas of activity are emerging. Woke up, had breakfast and sat down to work. There is no need to go to the office and sit there and do the same thing from 10 to 17:00, and even spend a couple of hours on the road and getting ready.

It’s getting to the point where some people don’t even need a computer; one phone is enough to earn money. I met one girl while traveling who worked from her phone. I was involved in promoting traditional businesses (restaurants, sports centers, beauty salons, etc.) through Instagram. Yes, it turns out that this is possible.

According to research from 2016, about 1,000,000 people are now working remotely in Russia, which is 0.6% of the total population. While, for example, in the USA this percentage reaches almost 10%. This figure will only grow in the near future, I think you yourself understand why.

Therefore, you need to start mastering skills in some area right now.

Now about investments

Friends, who are looking for how to make money on the Internet without investment. I would like to say a few words about the belief that to create some of the methods of earning money that I describe below, you need financial investments. Yes, I’ll be honest, in most cases you need to invest money to speed up the development process, but you can do it without a penny.

Have you seen the movie “The Social Network” about Facebook? In which the real story of the creation of this multi-billion dollar project was filmed. Even it was created without a penny of investment by the author, or rather, there were small investments to rent servers for the site, but Mark Zuckerberg borrowed them from his dorm neighbor.

Most successful projects were started penniless. Based on just the idea of ​​doing something and the desire. Opportunities appear along the way.

That's it, let's get down to business.

TOP 20 ways to make money on the Internet

It was difficult to classify them somehow, but I had to sort them out according to the same principle.

  1. Business. Creation of projects. Internet entrepreneurship.
  2. Distant work. Freelancing.
  3. Earnings for schoolchildren.
  4. Deception. Risk. Games.

I won’t go through everything in detail, I’ll try to explain only the essence of each method and how to make money from it. We will go deeper into them in separate articles and free instructions.

Business. Creation of projects. Internet entrepreneurship

In this section, there are ways in which you can have the highest earnings and passive income, but in order for them to appear, you may have to work on them for more than one year. And it’s not a fact that your business will enter the market and generate income.

Let's start with something simple and clear.

Online store

Creating an online store and selling goods through it is, I think, the most understandable way for beginners to make money on the Internet. Are there still people who have never bought anything online? Not counting the adult generation, which does not know how to use a computer.

An online store is a complex multi-process business. You need to find suppliers, create a website, advertise it somewhere to attract buyers, process orders, send goods and much more. We won’t go deeper, I know that 99.9% of people won’t do this.

Sale and resale of goods, auctions

This is a simplified way to make money from an online store. You don’t need a store website; you can get by with other sources of product sales advertising:

  • Advertising and announcement sites like Avito or Yula (k42wBV - promotional code for promoting advertisements).
  • Social media.
  • Sending messages.
  • Forums, various Internet portals.
  • One-page sites.

How does this usually happen? Chinese goods are purchased or goods are purchased at wholesale prices from manufacturing companies and sold at retail to people at 2-3 or more times the price.

It’s another matter when you create a product with your own hands (for example, make souvenirs from stone or knit colored socks) and sell it through the same advertising sources on the network. You send it to customers by mail and receive 100% payment for your work. Reliable and proven option.

Creation of services, programs and applications

Another difficult, in my opinion, income that is not accessible to everyone. But I couldn’t talk about him.

What is an Internet service? Well, for example, the same well-known Avito is a service that helps some people sell unnecessary things, and others buy.

Useful computer programs that you use, most of them are not free and were developed by someone. Various applications are the same.

Here, either you are a programmer yourself, or you can find a programmer who will implement your idea for money or a percentage of future profits.

Service Agency

If you have organizational skills, you don't have to figure things out on your own. You can hire a specialist who will do the work for you, and you will find him clients and pay him a salary from the profit received.

Examples of what such agencies can do:

  • Website development.
  • Design.
  • Translations and writing texts.
  • Promotion of websites and social networks.
  • Advertising, etc.

Yes, the niches are highly competitive, but you can do something unique even in these niches and earn big money by completely managing everything remotely.

Information sites

Do you often read news or articles on the Internet like this? Are you looking for an answer on how to do it, how to do it, all sorts of recipes, etc.?

So you find the answers on such information sites, I also combine it with a personal blog. In addition to useful articles, I write about various life events and travels.

Anyone can create such a website in a couple of hours with a minimal investment of a few hundred rubles. But to fill it with high-quality material, promote it and start making money on it - you already need to make an effort, and a considerable one.

From scratch, from my own experience, I can say that in a year you can achieve an income of 20 - 30 thousand rubles per month or more.

Training and information business

Information business is the sale of information (educational courses, trainings, webinars) on various topics. For example, you know how to play the balalaika well and can teach another person to play it.

The essence of this income is that you can create sequential lessons, package them into a course “How to learn to play the balalaika” and sell them for a certain amount on the World Wide Web.

You don’t have to record lessons, but teach people live through modern means of communication, such as Skype or webinar rooms (if there are several students at once).

A higher level of information business is producing. Find a talented person who, for example, knows how to play the balalaika, help him create a course and then sell this course yourself, paying his fee to the author.

Creation of videos, books, music
I also think this creative way to make money online should be on this list.

You write an interesting book and sell it online, many people do this and make money. Some people create cartoons, post them on YouTube and make money, others create games, graphics, photographs, music, which can also be sold for money on services special for this.


To some extent, consulting can also be called an information business. If you are a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, astrologer or an expert in some matter, a good option for you to make money on the Internet is to consult people.

Today, this type of consultation via the Internet is becoming more and more in demand than in person. Again, there is no need to go anywhere or waste time.

Payment can be accepted through the website or directly through electronic wallets and a bank card. You can also advertise your services through all available methods.


I also decided to make this area a separate proven way of earning money, since I know many (very many) people who earn money only through YouTube.

They created their own channel on some topic, record videos and similarly advertise something in these videos for money. Cool? Do you watch videos on YouTube?


Blogging is now at the peak of development in Russia and the world. You can maintain your blog on various resources:

  • (There are free ones, for example, LiveJournal).
  • Video blog on YouTube.
  • Public VKontakte, Facebook.
  • Instagram page.
  • E-mail newsletter.

These are the best and most popular.

People are interested in following the lives of others, especially when they are doing something cool and entertaining.

The earnings of popular bloggers go off scale, hundreds and millions of rubles a month. They are watched and trusted. Therefore, their advertising is the most expensive and profitable for various companies.

Only a few are able to share their personal lives and gather an audience around them. I, too, once couldn’t even post a photo of myself on a social network; I’m already silent about the caption. Well, before that time was like this, the Internet was just appearing.

And now, if someone writes to me on VKontakte with a picture on their avatar, I don’t even respond, most likely it’s a bot or some kind of hater.

Social media

Groups and public pages on social networks with a large audience of subscribers are also very good earnings. Humor, quotes, trips and much more, what we scroll through in the news feed every day and repost on our wall.

Everything is done to attract subscribers and make money by selling advertising posts.

For example, on a VKontakte public page with a million subscribers, one post costs on average 1000 - 2000 rubles (depending on coverage and activity), such posts can be made according to the rules of 5 pieces. in a day. So calculate how much you can earn.

True, it’s not easy or cheap to promote a community to such a number of subscribers now, but if you start now, then someday it will grow for you and will generate income.

Here are detailed articles on social media. networks:

Purchase and resale of projects

If, for example, you don’t want to promote a group or website from scratch, then you can buy a ready-made project. Improve it, maybe hire an employee who will deal with it, pay him a salary and make a profit.

But here you definitely need not only start-up capital, but also experience that will allow you to find a profitable project, and knowledge on how to improve it.

Affiliate programs and referral systems

It seems to me that every second person on the Internet already makes money this way. Because it is the easiest and simplest. You simply recommend a product or service to someone through an affiliate link and receive a commission. Or you attract referrals to the system.

Having just a personal VK page you can earn money. I have already talked about this on my blog more than once and even try to do it monthly on one or another affiliate program.

Take a free week of our online marathon "" and learn more about them.

Network marketing

Companies distributing their products through network marketing (Oriflame, Avon, LR) began to gradually integrate into the Internet and distributors of these companies are building their structures without leaving home.

I also had experience working in a network business even before I started switching to remote work. But then we didn’t work on the Internet, and all meetings and signings of clients were held live.

Then, having understood how this business works, I left it. Some people like it and you can really make good money there.

Traffic arbitrage

The combination of these two words is difficult to understand.

But here's the point. Standard scheme: take a product with the same affiliate program. You make a one-page website for it, which tells about this product in detail, and buy traffic to it.

Typically, traffic is bought through contextual and teaser advertising. These are the same advertisements and banners that we see on every website.

Well, the last type of earnings in the category of Internet business.

Trading and investing

In fact, these are slightly different things, but I combined them into one method.

Trading is the trading of securities on the stock market. Also trade in the foreign exchange (Forex) and commodity markets. I think many people have heard about Forex. In ours you can learn a lot about it and learn how to trade.

But we’d better talk about investing in a separate article (link will come later). Many people consider investing on the Internet to be investing in various pyramid schemes and hype projects. Well, yes, it fits the definition of the word “investment”.

Only then the majority are left without their investments. I will also mention this in the section on earnings associated with deception.

Now let’s look at the most suitable and fastest way for beginners to make money.

Distant work. Freelancing

The difference between freelancing and remote work is that in remote work you work consistently with one employer, but in freelancing you are not tied to one employer and are looking for orders every time.

To make it clearer, I’ll explain that I’m a photographer by profession. In the first case, you are part of some staff of the organization, and you have a shooting schedule for every day. The salary is stable and fixed, possibly with bonuses. In the second, you work for yourself. Today you were booked for a photo shoot, but tomorrow you are not. All the advantages and disadvantages, I think, are obvious here.

I probably won’t be able to list the areas that you can engage in while working remotely; there are really a lot of them. For example, get a job remotely from home in an online store: as a designer, copywriter, caller, manager of some department, advertising manager, sales manager, programmer, store promotion administrator in some social network. networks and much, much more.

The average salary of remote employees is no different from office employees and is also 20 - 40,000 rubles throughout the country. For Ukraine and Belarus, this is generally an excellent income. Professional specialists can receive from 50,000 rubles per month for their services. The more unique your services, the more you will be paid.

If you want to receive a salary in dollars, you can get a job in foreign companies.

An interesting film about freelancing and remote work.

If you wish, you can learn specialties in a month, and in some you don’t even need to study. On my blog you can find a ton of information about remote work. And in the Knowledge Base, our step-by-step course with a mentor “”, in which you, with our support, will go through all the steps of switching to remote work and earn the first 1,000 rubles.

The next 2 sections describe methods that I do not recommend, but you can, of course, try to understand that you cannot make money from them. I want my readers not to do nonsense on the Internet, not to waste their lives, but to do really useful things that bring benefits, knowledge and money.

Earnings for schoolchildren

Why for schoolchildren or teenagers? Because with these methods you can earn money only for pocket expenses. No knowledge is required, just sit and do the same type of tasks.

By completing tasks like these on some exchange:

  • Watch video.
  • Viewing advertisements.
  • Surfing sites.
  • Axle boxes.

Here, of course, some manage to earn 200, 500, and even 1000 rubles per day. But you'll get stupid doing it every day. No development or professional growth. Do you need it? You won’t do this for the rest of your life, so why start?

Advice: look for something you would like to do for the rest of your life, and develop in it.

Deception. Risk. Games with money withdrawal

It’s even worse if you make money from this section. And many will! Do you know why? Because man is a lazy creature, and we are looking for something where there is less work.

There are no freebies on the Internet; here you need to work hard, especially at the initial stage, when you have no experience. Well, think about it, what kind of fool would pay you for nothing?

So, as a result of searching for freebies, everyone comes across projects where “give 100 rubles - get a thousand.” This is not an honest income, this is a scam.

Such projects survive by attracting the same freeloaders and their money. Yes, you can manage to make money, but at the cost of what someone else will lose. I was lured into such a freebie twice. Then, a seemingly official successful project, doing something useful with the money you invest in it, and you are paid a percentage, simply collapsed.

Such projects are usually related to trading, investing, and Forex. Games with money withdrawal are the same. Anything that requires you to invest something before receiving it is 90% a scam.

Other projects that involve risk are independent trading on the same Forex, sports betting, online casinos, I also do not recommend them. Well, or try it, only later, when you can’t pay off your loans, remember this article.

I personally don’t have any friends who make money from this, but at first they had profitable transactions, but then the excitement dragged on and they only came to their senses when they had 50-80 thousand loans. Is this how you make money on the Internet normally?

If you have yet come across any types of scams, scams, scammers, write in the comments.

Where to start earning money?

Well, now you know how you can make money. Where are you planning to start? Which direction did you like?

I'll tell you how I started. Well, first of all, I came across cheats and methods for schoolchildren, because they are basically written about in all the articles on this topic. Then I started following the guys who traveled around the world, they introduced me to remote work, which they themselves were doing.

I began to master the profession of administrator of VKontakte communities, found and led several groups on construction and club topics. At the same time, I began to study copywriting and creating websites on the WordPress platform. I studied everything from scratch.

Realizing that I definitely wanted to learn how to earn money remotely, I made a decision and quit my regular job (working as an installer), cutting off all sources of stable income. It was tough, but the situation allowed me; for those who have a family and children, I would advise combining them at first.

The first few months my income ranged from 2 to 10 thousand rubles per month. Gaining more and more experience and knowledge, earnings began to stabilize and grow. While making custom websites on WordPress and minor corrections, I became acquainted with the opportunity to make money on an informational website.

I first launched my first blog (it no longer exists). Then this one. At the same time, I began to get acquainted with other methods and slowly study and try them. After a year of working with the blog, it began to bring in the first income of 5 - 10 thousand rubles per month. Further more.

I think you should also become an expert in some field, and, combining, trying, discover ways to earn money from the first section of the article. Now there are many paid and free courses in every niche, you can buy or download.


Friends, perhaps I missed something or don’t know about something, I admit that it’s impossible to know everything. But we must strive for this.

I hope this article was useful to you, and you won’t do nonsense, but start making money on the Internet the right way, creating some kind of value and developing yourself.

I look forward to your comments, let's talk more about this topic. If the article was useful, then share it with your friends on social networks, I can assume that they are also looking for an opportunity to earn money remotely.

Thank you for your attention, see you in the next articles. We will analyze each method in detail. Good luck, friends.