Technical SEO. What does correcting technical errors provide? Technical SEO as a Product

the main task technical optimization – to ensure maximum indexing of all pages of the site. If this is not done, then other measures to promote to the TOP may be in vain.

Of course, technical optimization should be handled by professionals - website developers. Those who are not well versed in HTML code should not try to change anything - it can only cause harm.

If everything is done correctly, the site loads without delays, errors or failures, does not contain broken links or images, and is quickly indexed. To achieve this result, you need to take into account a number of factors.

Site loading time

Website loading time is the period it takes to full load all its elements from the moment the request was received. It consists of:

  • server response time;
  • the time it takes for the first byte sent by the server to arrive on the computer – TTFB (Time to first byte);
  • time HTML processing and downloading content;
  • time before rendering begins - the moment when the page becomes visible.

The speed of these processes depends on the purity of the code, the “weight” of the files, correct layout and proper optimization of CSS and JC.

Google openly admits that site load time is a ranking factor. The MOZ company conducted a study on this matter, which gave interesting results:

Yandex, although it does not make official statements, indicates in the webmaster’s certificate that "When choosing hosting for a website, you should take into account access speed and mean time between failures", and advises "use the hosting that will provide best speed access to the site and the shortest time during which the site may be unavailable due to technical problems."

You can check your loading speed using the PageSpeed ​​Insights service.

Also, we must not forget that behavioral factors. If the page loading speed is low, this has a significant and negative impact on the browsing depth and bounce rate. The user may lose patience without waiting for the end of the download and simply go to competitors. Moreover, than longer delay, those fewer pages viewed in one session.

Server response

You can check the server response with the appropriate Yandex.Webmaster tool. The list of main service responses can be found in the "Help" section of Yandex.Webmaster.

When checking web pages, be guided by the server response of 200 OK (“good”). This means that everything is fine with the page - nothing is prohibited from indexing and there are no redirects.

Other common server responses:

  • 301 Moved Permanently (“moved forever”) – a permanent redirect is configured. This means the page has moved to new address forever, and the link redirects to another page. Users cannot see them, so the search robot does not index them, but it does index the page on which the redirect is installed.

    It is used in cases where it is important to preserve the space occupied by the old URL in search results, traffic and link juice. However, try not to abuse redirects. The site’s position in search results may decline: a 301 redirect transfers link juice by no more than 90% and increases loading speed. Replace all internal links with new ones and minimize the number of redirects.

  • 302 Moved Temporarily – temporary redirect. The requested resource is temporarily located under a different address and it is implied that the page at the old address will soon be available to users. Unlike a 301 redirect, a 302 redirect does not transfer link juice to the new page address.

    It is appropriate to use a 302 redirect in case technical work on the site, to temporarily display to visitors any materials (which may change frequently), without making changes to old page– for example, promotions of online stores.

  • 404 Not Found(“not found”) – the page does not exist. The main task of such a page is to receive traffic via broken links. The search robot treats it normally if it follows external link, but when moving along the internal one it causes a negative reaction.

    To reduce the failure rate, it is important to optimize it. The design must correspond to the overall style of the site, and also provide the user with options for solving the problem. Indicate the main links on this page and place a site search form.

  • 503 Service Unavailable (“service unavailable”) – the server is temporarily unavailable and cannot process requests for technical reasons(overload, maintenance, etc.).

Installing 301 redirects from all non-main website mirrors to the main one

Decide on the main thing domain name and specify it in the .htaccess file for search engines so that the same site is not perceived as a duplicate. This includes gluing together mirrors like “” and “”, as well as mirrors with “www” and without “www”.

Duplicates and clones

If there are clones of your site on the Internet, this has a bad effect on promotion - search engines are likely to impose their own filters. Duplicate pages must be closed from indexing, or better yet, deleted altogether.

Site structure and page nesting level

Use a wide structure instead of a deep one. The closer the page is to the main page, the better it is indexed and promoted.

Page addresses

The best page address is a human-readable URL - CNC. It is easier for the user to remember and also helps to navigate the location on the site. Within one resource, one option for compiling CNC should be used - either translation or transliteration.

Robots.txt file

This file contains a list of allowed and prohibited pages for indexing. The site may be difficult to index because the search robot leaves the page as soon as it encounters a ban on indexing. The administrative part of the site, pages with personal information users, site search, ordering and shopping cart.

Setting up robots.txt also includes creating and specifying a sitemap.xtml file, which will help the search robot better understand the site structure and quickly index as many pages as possible.

Title, Description and headings

Title, Description and headings also partially influence technical optimization. There should be no pages with duplicate meta tags and titles.

An h1 heading containing a keyword cannot appear more than once on a page. Each page can have several h2-h6 headings, following the gradation: the h2 tag follows h1, h3-h6 comes after h2. The h2 header is no less important for promotion, since Yandex forms additional headers for snippets from h2, it can be used for promotion low frequency queries. Headings should not be used as website design elements (contacts, telephone, promotions, news).

Every mistake in technical optimization made at the initial stages will definitely come to light later. What looks insignificant now will create certain problems in the future and hinder your progress to the top of the search results. It’s a shame to lose customers because of such seemingly trifles, so optimization is a process that requires the closest attention.

To improve the internal technical indicators of the resource, it is used technical optimization. The technical component is the site’s program code and that’s it functional elements related to the performance, potential and security of the site.

On the role of technical optimization

Importance this stage work is difficult to overestimate. Any website consists of program code, which interacts with other programs - browsers, search engines, built-in modules, software server. An error in one of these links inevitably leads to other serious troubles.

If the technical side contains errors, the site does not respond to user requests or takes too long to load and is not displayed by browsers, visitors will not see a unique design, good usability, high-quality texts, or product cards. Similar problems will be observed with search engines, when robots will not be able to access pages.

Technical site optimization is necessary even when no problems are observed. In this case, optimization will improve the quality of the site, speed up its operation, and eliminate duplicate pages and broken links.

Technical optimization

To check your download speed, it is better to use a publicly available tool from Google called PageSpeed ​​Insights. The same service will tell you in which direction to carry out further technical optimization, what parameters to improve and what problems to eliminate.

It is impossible to describe all the tips for speeding up a website here, but among general recommendations note:

Optimization (compression) of images without loss of quality;

Move to the end of the download list of all executable scripts(JavaScript, CSS);

Combining elements into single files(scripts to scripts, styles to styles);

Combining small pictures into single sprites (sheets of pictures);

Cleaning page code from style descriptions and unnecessary, “junk” code;

Enabling compression and archiving of static fragments;

Using caching capabilities in user browsers.

2. Broken links. All resource links (external and internal) must work flawlessly and point to real pages or services. Ridding the project of so-called “broken” (non-working) links - an important part technical optimization.

The links are followed by search robots and users who want to receive necessary information. A broken link leads the visitor to a dead end, points to a page with a 404 error, leads to crashes and has a bad effect on the usability of the site. All “broken” links must be immediately removed or corrected, otherwise over time there will be even more of them.

3. Doubles. Duplicate pages are sections of a site that have identical or similar content but different URLs. When indexing and ranking such pages, natural confusion arises. As a result, the search results may be filled not with the pages promoted by the webmaster, but with their duplicates. Duplicates also lead to a dispersion of page importance, loss of uniqueness, and reduction in static weight.

To get rid of this unpleasant moment and eliminate a technical error, you need to:

Competently design the structure;

Add restrictions to the robots .txt file (commands for robots);

Use noindex tag and the nofollow link attribute;

Use special canonization attributes (rel = “canonical”).

4. URLs. It is difficult to carry out technical optimization of an already launched and working resource in relation to URLs. Any interference with the addresses of indexed pages ends badly. However, for new and young sites this element has not yet been established, and it can still be improved.

The essence of URL optimization comes down to increasing its readability, memorability, using CNC (“human-readable URLs”), simplification, introducing keywords, bringing the address to static view. Simple and readable addresses that remain stable are better perceived by users and robots, which is exactly what an optimizer needs.

5. Layout. This component is responsible for exactly how the site will be displayed in different browsers and on various devices. The software code that makes up the site has its own syntax rules, and they must be followed.

To assess the quality of the layout, a code validation (validity, cleanliness, correctness) check tool is used. In this case, assessment and technical optimization are subject to:

Basic HTML code (according to the specified document type);

Style code (CSS validity);

Executable script code (JavaScript, PHP).

Additionally, the layout is assessed visually for visual errors. For this purpose, the easiest way is to open the site in different browsers and analyze the result. By the way, all of the above work must be carried out to ensure complete and mobile version project so as not to lose an important share of mobile traffic.

6. Headings. Technical optimization will be incomplete without checking the uniqueness of page titles. The site cannot have 2 pages with the same headings, and this parameter can be easily checked with special technical audit tools. If such an incident occurs, it should be eliminated.

7. Server response. On last stage optimization it is useful to check the server response with different pages resource. A response of 200 is considered normal, but redirects are also allowed (301, 302, etc.). In turn, the 404 response is considered critical error and an explicit pointer to current issues website (except for the special 404 error page).

Thus, you can see how much work goes into the technical optimization of a website. Certain aspects cannot be disclosed in a short article, and many operations are individual in nature and depend on the type of a particular site, the specifics of its operation, features of the program code and server (hosting) settings.

Let's move on to consider the issues technical optimization of the site.

What is technical website optimization?

Technical optimization of a website involves the implementation of a set of measures to eliminate technical flaws in the operation of the website that prevent the site from being correctly indexed by search engines and used by users. The first nuance technical website optimization is that it is usually carried out only once at the beginning of the promotion.

A common mistake of beginners or unscrupulous optimizers is the exclusion of this stage from the process. search engine optimization site. As a result of such a negligent attitude towards the resource, it may not be fully indexed, which significantly limits the possibilities for promotion.

Elimination technical points the site should be handled by specialists, because Inept changes can not only cause harm, but also completely disrupt the functionality of the site and its performance.

What technical improvements to the site should I pay attention to?

In the publication about I already mentioned technical optimization. Now I would like to provide some grouping that will help more accurately identify problems, eliminate them, or assign tasks to technical specialists if it is not possible to carry out the modifications themselves.

Technical problems of the site that hinder effective promotion can be divided into the following groups:

    Problems with hosting and software code. This factor is one of the most critical, because Not only how search engine robots will index it, but also the loyalty of resource visitors depends on the speed of hosting and the correct operation of the program code. Malfunctions, website unavailability and other problems caused by low quality hosting and content management systems can negatively affect. If you are various reasons Still, we chose cheap hosting, then I recommend reading reviews about it and, if possible, ordering test period to make sure your hosting is reliable and suits your needs.

    Setting up redirects and error pages. This group includes setting up site mirrors and indicating the main ones, gluing duplicate pages. Care should be taken to ensure that all pages of the site return the correct codes, and links to non-existent pages either lead to a 404 error page or correctly redirect to its new address or home page site.

    Setting up a website for search robots. This group includes setting permissions and restrictions on indexing in the robots.txt file, as well as creating and specifying a sitemap.xml file, which allows search robots to better study the structure of your site and report on all the pages existing on it that you want to index.

    Adjustment of template, navigation, structure. This group of technical site optimization includes adjusting the appearance of the site so that it is indexed by search engines as efficiently as possible, displays correctly in different browsers, and is easy to use. This is especially true for sites made using Flash technologies, an abundance of JavaScript and other modern technical bells and whistles that may not be correctly perceived by search engine robots.

    Setting up URLs for pages. For effective search engine promotion of a website, it is considered that links to various pages sites were permanent and included keywords(an example would be the address of this publication). This type of address can be configured in a special section of the CMS or using special directives in the .htaccess file. If appearance links were not initially specified at all in a suitable manner and they had to be changed, it is worth taking care of correct redirection from old addresses to new ones. This will allow search engines to re-index the site more quickly and correctly, as well as save the already acquired weight of pages from incoming links to them.

    Removing duplicate pages and clones. It is worth making sure that there is no duplicate content on the site. Moreover, it is important that the content is not duplicated on other resources or so-called . The presence of duplicates and affiliates can negatively affect the possibility of website promotion, because high probability

Website promotion begins with technical optimization. As a rule, this procedure is carried out once, allowing only minor adjustments to be made in the future.

Any shortcomings in the operation of the resource are identified through a technical audit. If pages load slowly, the site is poorly indexed search robots, and errors appear when opening links - it’s time to technically optimize the site.

Technical optimization of a website is a set of actions aimed at ensuring the most complete and fast indexing pages, improving interaction with search engines, effective promotion site. This is serious work, which together is the basis for a high-quality and long-term SEO company.

The work on technical website optimization is divided into several stages.

Code layout and optimization

The stable and automated operation of the resource attracts visitors who open pages not only in different browsers, but also through various devices. The site must be displayed correctly on screens of any resolution, as well as on mobile devices.

The more “garbage” in the code, the longer the pages take to load, and this affects behavioral factors users.

Setting up redirects

Redirects (redirections) are created using the .htaccess file. Search engines can treat an address with or without www as completely different. different domains. So that users typing the site address differently can get to the resource, it is necessary to register the correct redirect.

Setting up 404 errors

Appearance non-existent pages may scare away many users, and the presence of errors in links leads to a decrease in site indexing. Therefore, before promoting a resource, it is important to configure the correct handling of 404 errors.

Robots.txt file

The presence of copies of pages (duplicates) - both external and internal - may entail the imposition of sanctions by search engines. By adjusting the constituent elements of the site, the operation of the entire resource is improved, unnecessary “garbage” and unused status codes are removed.

The robots.txt file contains directives to search engines, indicating which sections and pages of the site can be indexed and which cannot. As a rule, all duplicate pages in this file are closed from indexing.

Setting up page URLs

It is important that all page addresses on the site have the same design.

Often, website page addresses contain: lower case, and capital letters. In this case, when the user searches for a page, errors may be generated. To prevent this situation, it is better to use only lowercase letters in addresses.

Also of particular importance is correct setting redirects from old links to new ones.

Other technical improvements

The technical optimization checklist is quite long. In each individual situation, various shortcomings and problems may arise that require an individual solution (for example, changing the structure or adjusting the design).

A neglectful attitude towards making improvements prevents many sites from achieving top positions in the search, that is, it negates all further efforts to search engine promotion. Correct and complete technical optimization of a website is the key to successful promotion in search engines.

Hello friends! Technical website optimization at the on-page SEO stage will provide the basis for the successful promotion of any WEB project. I recommend paying attention to several factors that influence. We'll talk about this today!

Projects that offer high quality, user-friendly and adaptive user interface, are able to attract the attention of representatives of the main target audience. Of course, the quality of page content plays an important role, but without optimization technical parameters the operation of the site itself is impossible. As a result, the technical stages of on-page SEO should be considered as a solid foundation from which the consistent promotion of the project begins through various advertising activities, link building and content management.

Goals of technical website optimization:

  1. Elimination of various failures.
  2. Raising pages.
  3. Creating conditions for on-page SEO.
  4. Improved user interface.
  5. Implementation of high-quality navigation.

When performing technical optimization of a website, it is necessary to focus on modern requirements for setting up web pages, taking into account the parameters of digital marketing. Useful tips They are also provided by large search engines that insist on improving the quality of optimization in order to improve the relevance of search results. Every website needs a strong foundation, so technical SEO is considered as the initial step of promotion.

At the first stage, site performance increases, the optimizer creates conditions for improving ranking indicators. On the list search results Well-optimized web pages will appear at the forefront, thereby ensuring that they attract the attention of future visitors.

Technical audit

Before proceeding with optimization, it is necessary to determine technical condition site and understand the reasons why its promotion is difficult or impossible. allows these reasons to be identified. The process involves collecting and analytical processing data for further improvement various parameters page work.

Tasks of technical SEO audit:

  1. Analysis of the site for failures and breakdowns of varying degrees of complexity.
  2. Checking the status of a file required for search indexing.
  3. Evaluation of work on mobile and desktop devices.
  4. Search and elimination.
  5. (scaling and adding meta tags).
  6. Analysis of the current XML map, architecture and user interface.
  7. Studying internal link structure, redirection quality, etc.
  8. Assessing the accessibility and loading speed of individual pages.
  9. Scanning a site to search possible errors and weak points.
  10. Collection of analytical and statistical data for further monitoring of the site.

The result of professional technical settings the site is his. Pages that have excellent configuration occupy higher positions in the search results list. In turn, even minor errors can lead to serious problems. A timely audit will allow you to determine technical details that affect the subsequent ranking and promotion of the site.

Removal of penalties

The analytics obtained during the technical audit will allow us to develop an effective one. The main services of companies involved in technical optimization include restoring the positions of sites that were subject to search filters. Usually sanctions are imposed as a result of reduced loading speed, non-uniqueness of content, link promotion, as well as other problems that affect the availability of web pages.

Identifying problems early will reduce the risk of your site being targeted by search filters. Current indexing algorithms penalize sites that have poor technical equipment. As a result, not only violators have problems with ranking user agreement, applying the strategy, but also using permitted optimization methods, projects that encounter technical failures.

At the technical optimization stage it is necessary:

  1. Eliminate errors that caused the site to fall under the influence of search filters.
  2. Restore lost positions in the search results list.
  3. Return the optimal level of site traffic.
  4. Maintain and improve your reputation by increasing trust from search engines.
  5. Reduce the risk of repeated punishment due to problems with indexing individual pages.

Owners of websites that have been blacklisted by search engines are advised to seek support from specialists. Similar problem usually accompanied by a rapid decline in positions for reasons unknown at first glance. Timely technical optimization of the site will reduce the risk of problems with search engines, and correct configuration of web pages will ensure the return of positions in the search results list.

Analysis of links on the site

That's all for today, good luck to everyone and see you again!