Check if the page is indexed. How to check page indexing. Why indexing should be fast

A Firefox user profile is the totality of all his settings and confidential data. To put it simply, there are all sorts of passwords, bookmarks, settings, etc. are recorded in several special files and stored in separate folder. This is the profile.

Often, ordinary users and beginners simply do not know that there can be more than one profile in a browser. And each of them can be customized individually. Starting from logins and passwords of social network accounts and ending home page, design theme, etc. People more often start downloading and installing browsers from different manufacturers for this purpose. Thus creating additional inconvenience for yourself. Therefore, multiple Firefox user profiles on one machine may be needed for two reasons:

  1. With the main "work" Firefox profile, problems arose technical problems. Then creating a new profile is part of the diagnosis, as well as Possible Solution any problems that have arisen.
  2. Several people have access to the computer with their own tastes and preferences regarding settings.

Create a new profile.

To create 2-3 Firefox profile and freely switch between them, you need to slightly edit the browser shortcut. To do this you should:

Open the properties of the “Mozilla Firefox” shortcut (Right click – “Properties”).

In the window that appears, you need to add “–p” separated by a space to the line “C:\Program Data\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe”. And click OK. It should look like this:

“C:\ProgramData\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe” -p

Now launching the browser using this shortcut will open the profile manager window.

For most users, their profile is called “default” i.e. - "default". Further:

1. You need to click on the “Create” button. Read with interest the explanations from Firefox and click “Next”.

2. Type the name of the new profile and click “Done”.


  • You can leave the suggested name “Default User”, but in order to increase security, and just for convenience, it is worth changing it.
  • The profile name can be set in Russian. But it is recommended to use Latin letters, because... This will help avoid a number of problems in the future.
  • You can set the storage folder yourself ( blue arrow in Fig. 3), but this is not necessary.

Create shortcuts for each profile.

If you leave the browser shortcut with this addition “firefox -p”, then every time you start the program you will need to select desired profile click the mouse and click “Launch Firefox”. In this case, you should uncheck the “Do not ask at startup” checkbox.

Otherwise, at the next start Firefox programs will no longer “ask” anything, but will open the same profile.

But! If people use the car different levels computer knowledge (there are different mothers and grandmothers), it is better to create separate shortcuts for each profile. If, for example, Vasya and Masha work on a PC, then you need to:

  1. Create a copy of an existing shortcut. Rename for convenience to “Vasya. Using the above method, open its properties and after “firefox.exe -p” add (separated by a space) the user name Vasya:
    “C:\ProgramData\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe” -p Vasya
  2. Repeat these steps for user Masha.


Pay special attention to the correct placement of spaces in shortcut paths! All switches, like -p, must be entered in Latin!

As a result, there will be three shortcuts on the desktop:

– Shortcut “Mozilla Firefox”. It should be left for convenience further work from on creation, etc. browser profiles.
– Vasya. This shortcut will launch Firefox immediately with the Vasya user profile. With his established beloved home page, bookmarks, history of visited sites, saved passwords, etc.
- Masha. This shortcut will launch a browser with the personal data and settings of the user Masha.

Such a simple technique can help in solving computer and family problems, in the spirit of “Who erased my Odnoklassniki password again?!” In addition, this action increases the security of storing personal data for all browser users.

Firefox saves your personal information such as bookmarks, passwords, and user preferences in a set of files called your , which is stored in a separate location from the Firefox program files. You can have multiple Firefox profiles, each containing a separate set of user information. The Profile Manager allows you to create, remove, rename, and switch profiles.

  • If you have (or plan to have) multiple installations of Firefox in one computer, see Dedicated profiles per Firefox installation .
  • If you are troubleshooting a problem with Firefox: The Refresh Firefox feature can fix many issues by restoring Firefox to its factory default state while saving your essential information. Consider using it before going through a lengthy troubleshooting process.

Table of Contents

Starting the Profile Manager

Manage profiles when Firefox is open

Type about:profiles into the address bar and press the EnterReturn key. This will open the About Profiles page.

The following options are available:

To manage profiles, find the profile you want to change and choose from these buttons underneath that profile:

  • Launch profile in new browser: This option is not used to manage profiles. It"s intended for advanced users who have launched Firefox with a special startup command.When you click this button, another Firefox window will open using that profile.

Start the Profile Manager when Firefox is closed

Note: Another way to start the Profile Manager is from the Search box in the Windows Start menu. Close Firefox (if open), press , type firefox.exe -P and press enter.

If the Profile Manager window does not appear, you may need to include the full path to the Firefox program, enclose that line in quotes, then add a space followed by -P. Examples:

Firefox (32-bit) on 64-bit Windows

  • "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -P

Removing a profile

After starting the Profile Manager as explained above, you can remove an existing profile as follows:

Renaming a profile

After starting the Profile Manager as explained above, you can rename a profile as follows:

  1. In the Profile Manager, select the profile to rename, and then click Rename Profile... .
  2. Enter the new name for the profile. Type in the new profile name, and click on OK .
    • Note: The folder containing the files for the profile is not renamed.


Work Offline

Choosing this option loads the selected profile and starts Firefox without connecting to the Internet. You can view previously viewed web pages and experiment with your profile.

Use the selected profile without asking at startup

When you have multiple profiles, this option tells Firefox what to do at startup:

  • If you check this option, Firefox will automatically load the selected profile at startup. To access other profiles, you must start the Profile Manager first.
  • If you uncheck this option, Firefox will show you the Profile Manager each time you start Firefox, so that you can select a profile to use.

Without normal site indexing it is basically impossible.

The first thing to do is to index the site and make sure that new content it was quickly indexed by search engines.

In this article we will look at 12 reasons why your site may have problems with indexing in Google and Yandex search engines.

Let's move on to the reasons:

1. Googleand Yandex has not yet found your site

This happens if you have just published your site and have not done anything to ensure that search engines notice it.

In this case, you should not expect fast indexing. But this can be easily fixed.

To do this you need to do:

  • Add a site to search engines (Add url)
  • Add a site to Google and Yandex webmaster

After that, you need to wait a little and your site should be indexed. This usually takes from a couple of hours to a couple of days or more.

2. The site or pages are closed in robots.txt

This is often a reason that developers do not take into account and make the site closed from indexing in the robots.txt file. But this can be easily corrected.

If you don't have much technical sections, then you can get by with this robots.txt:

But if you need to close a lot of things on the site, then:

  • read the article at the link above
  • we close only those sections that do not need to be indexed
  • we leave everything else for indexing

Then everything with your site should be fine.

3. Private settings enabled

If you use the WordPress site management system, then the default settings may be private. This may indeed be the reason why the site is still not indexed.

To do this you need to go to:

  • Settings
  • Reading
  • Visibility for search engines
  • Uncheck

Many people forget to uncheck this box and then cannot understand what is the reason for the site not being indexed.

4. The site is closed from indexing innoindexin meta tags

Indexing of content or pages can also be closed using a meta tag. It looks like this:

All that is needed:

  • check the code for the presence of such a tag and what is written in it
  • remove line of code
  • or just do follow and index

From our experience, we have also encountered sites where this was the reason for indexing.

If many errors occur during scanning, then the search bot may simply not reach the necessary pages.

To check this:

  • Go to Google Webmaster Tools
  • Scanning

If there are any critical errors. You just need to fix them and everything will be fine.

6. The site is blocked in.htaccess

This file usually contains . But in it, you can also block it from indexing by search engines.

To check this:

  • find the .htaccess file on the server
  • in the code we check that the site is not closed

This could be the reason, but many don't even think in this direction. But as an option we should not exclude it.

7. Hosting or server is not stable

If at the moment when the search bot comes to the site to index pages, the site is not accessible, then this may be the reason for non-indexing.

At a minimum, you should make sure that your server’s up time is good and your hosting is stable.

There are many services that allow you to control this. If you need it for free, then Yandex Metrica notifies you when the site is not available.

As I said, there are many services, we enter uptime checker into the search and get many service results. And then we choose according to taste and color.

8. Problems with AJAX/JavaScript

It's no secret that Google indexes AJAX and JavaScript. Here is a link for developers with instructions:

But on this moment The search engine does not index these languages ​​as easily or simply as HTML.

If you have not correctly configured everything for search in AJAX and JavaScript, then Google will not index your site and pages.

Here is some useful information from Google Help on this matter:

9. You have a lot of duplicate content on your site

If your site has a lot of duplicate content, like:

  • pages
  • meta tags

Firstly, you can get sanctions from Google Panda. Secondly, this may be the reason that the site is not indexed.

This reason is worth paying attention to. Since now this is the No. 1 reason for which you can get sanctions and difficulties in the further promotion of the site.

Website loading speed affects positions and is one of the ranking factors. Therefore, if your site takes a very long time to load, then it is likely that it will not be indexed properly.

After that, you need to take into account all the issues with the loading speed and make it very fast.

This happens often. When:

  • register a good and resonant domain
  • backlinks are fine
  • make a good website with a normal design
  • fill it with unique and meaningful content
  • but he doesn’t want to be indexed in any way

In this case, things are not very good. But it can still be fixed. Namely:

  • write a request for revision (if Yandex, find out what the reason is)
  • write on the Google forum (try to find out what the reason is)
  • develop the project

But I’ll tell you from experience. If the domain doesn’t work within 3-4 months, it’s fine. It is better to develop the project on another domain. At a minimum it will be faster and much easier.

12. You don't havesitemapOnline

This can very rarely be the cause. But it still can be. Therefore, you need to make a sitemap and add it like Google webmaster, and in Yandex webmaster.

If there are problems with indexing, first of all you need to check robots.txt and sitemap.xml.

Any search engine has a large database where it lists all sites and new pages. This base is called an "index". Until the robot crawls the HTML document, analyzes it and adds it to the index, it will not appear in search results. It will be possible to access it only through a link.

What does "indexing" mean?

No one can tell you about this better than Yandex’s indexing specialist:

Indexing is a process during which a search robot crawls a site’s pages and includes (or does not include) these pages in the search engine index. The search bot scans all content, conducts semantic analysis text content, quality of links, audio and video files. Based on all this, the search engine draws conclusions and puts the site in the ranking.

While the site is out of the index, no one will know about it, except those to whom you can distribute direct links. That is, the resource is available for viewing, but it is not in the search engine.

Why do you need an index?

The site must be visible in order to promote, grow and develop. A web resource that does not appear in any PS is useless and does not benefit either users or its owner.

In general, here is the full video from the Yandex webmaster school; if you watch it in full, you will become practically an expert in the issue of indexing:

What does indexing speed depend on?

The main points that determine how quickly your site can come to the attention of search robots:

  • Domain age (the older Domain name, the more bots are favorable to him).
  • Hosting (PS do not like free hosting at all and often ignore it).
  • CMS, code cleanliness and validity.
  • Page refresh speed.

What is a crawl budget?

Each site has a crawling budget - that is, the number of pages beyond which it cannot be included in the index. If the site’s KB is 1000 pages, then even if you have ten thousand of them, there will only be a thousand in the index. The size of this budget depends on how authoritative and useful your site is. And if you have a problem of such a nature that pages do not fall into the index, then as an option, you need, no matter how trivial it may sound, to improve the site!

Site indexing

When creating a new website, you need to correctly fill out the robots.txt file, which tells search engines whether the resource can be indexed, which pages to crawl and which ones not to touch.

The file is created in txt format and placed in the root folder of the site. Proper robots is a separate issue. This file primarily determines what and how bots will analyze on your site.

Typically, it takes search engines from a couple of weeks to a couple of months to evaluate a new site and enter it into the database.

Spiders carefully scan every allowed HTML document, determining the appropriate topic for a new young resource. This action is not carried out in one day. With each new bypass, the PS will introduce more and more larger number html documents to your database. Moreover, from time to time the content will be re-evaluated, as a result of which the positions of pages in search results may change.

The robots meta tag and partly canonical also help manage indexing. When checking the structure and solving problems with indexing, you should always look for their presence.

Google indexes pages first top level. When a new site with a specific structure needs to be indexed, the home page is the first page to be indexed. After this, without knowing the structure of the site, the search engine will index what is closest to the slash. Later, directories with two slashes are indexed. This means that even if the links in the content are high, they will not necessarily be indexed first. It is important to create an optimal structure so that important sections are not located behind big amount slashes, otherwise Google will think that this is a low-level page.

Page indexing

When Yandex and Google have already become familiar with the site and “accepted” it into their search database, the bots will return to the resource to scan new, added materials. The more frequently and regularly the content is updated, the more closely the spiders will monitor it.

They say that the PDS pinger plugin for Yandex search helps for indexing - To do this, you must first install Yandex search on your website. But I didn’t feel much benefit from it.

When a resource is well indexed, it is much easier to display individual, new pages in the search. But nevertheless, the analysis does not always occur uniformly and at the same speed for all simultaneously updated html documents. The most visited and promoted categories of the resource always win.

What sources of information do search engines have about URLs?

Once upon a time, I hired a quick robot to work on a competitor who had not renewed his domain, so that he would be lowered in the search results - this did not give any result.

How to check indexing

Checking the visibility of html documents is carried out differently for Google and Yandex. But in general there is nothing complicated. Even a beginner can do this.

Verification in Yandex

The system offers three main operators that allow you to check how many HTML documents are in the index.

The “site:” operator shows absolutely all resource pages that are already in the database.

Entered into the search bar as follows: site:site

The “host:” operator allows you to see indexed pages from domains and subdomains within the hosting.

Entered into the search bar as follows: host:site

The “url:” operator – shows the specific page requested.

Entered into the search bar as follows: url:site/obo-mne

Checking indexing with these commands always gives accurate results and is the most in a simple way resource visibility analysis.

Google check

PS Google allows you to check the visibility of a site using only one command like site:site.

But Google has one peculiarity: it processes commands differently with and without www entered. Yandex does not make such a distinction and gives absolutely the same results, both with and without registered www.

Checking by operators is the most “old-fashioned” method, but for these purposes I use a browser plugin RDS Bar.

Verification with Webmaster

IN Google services Webmaster and Yandex Webmaster you can also see how many pages are in the PS database. To do this, you need to be registered in these systems and add your website to them. You can access them using the following links: - for Yandex. for Google.

If the text is not yet in the saved copy, but is on the page, then it can be found by searching [this text] - this will mean that it has already been indexed, but has not yet entered the main index

Bulk checking of pages for indexing

If you run, then checking all pages for indexing is a matter of three minutes.

  1. Go to the distribution file
  2. Select all URLs in the URL column
  3. “Data” tab – “Remove duplicates”, this will leave a list of all promoted pages
  4. We massively check pages for indexing using Comparser. You can also use the Winka browser plugin - it can work with a list of links in isolation from Sapa (call the plugin menu - check the list of links).

Is it possible to speed up indexing?

You can influence the speed of loading HTML documents by search robots. To do this, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Increase the number of social signals by encouraging users to share links in their profiles. Or you can take tweets from live accounts in Prospero (klout 50+). If you create your own Twitter whitelist, consider that you have received a powerful weapon to speed up indexing;
  • Add new materials more often;
  • You can start spinning Direct for the cheapest queries in your topic;
  • Enter address new page in Addurilki immediately after its publication.

High behavioral factors on the site also have a positive effect on the speed of page updating in search. Therefore, do not forget about the quality and usefulness of content for people. A site that users really like will definitely like search robots.

In general, everything is very easy in Google - you can add a page to the index within a few minutes by scanning it in the webmaster panel (item crawl/view as Googlebot/add to index). In the same way, you can quickly reindex the necessary pages.

I also heard stories about guys who sent URLs via Yandex mail so that they would get into the index faster. In my opinion, this is nonsense.

If there is a real problem, and all the previous tips did not help, all that remains is to move on to heavy artillery.

  • We configure the Last-modified headers (so that the robot checks for updates only documents that have actually changed since its last call);
  • We remove garbage from the search engine index (this garbage can be found using Comparser);
  • We hide all unnecessary/junk documents from the robot;
  • Let's do additional files Sitemap.xml. Usually robots read up to 50,000 pages from this file, if you have more pages, you need to make more sitemaps;
  • Setting up the server.

Good day, dear friends. Many novice webmasters who independently promote their sites do not pay enough attention to indexing their resource. This leads to loss of time and money spent on creating an ineffective Internet platform that search engines and, accordingly, users and advertisers do not like.

Therefore, today, continuing the series of articles on website building, we will talk about how to check whether the site as a whole and its individual pages in particular are indexed, and we will also discuss how and why you need to speed up the indexing process.

We have already said more than once that it is possible only if high level traffic, interesting to potential advertisers.

Most users get to a certain resource from search engines by entering queries that interest them. Search robots check these queries against their database and display optimal search results. In order for a site to be included in this database, it must be indexed by a search engine. Otherwise, visitors simply will not be able to find it.

At the same time, it is very important that not just a resource, but each of its new page was taken into account by the search engine as quickly as possible. It is optimal if it contains internal linking, which allows you not only to add new material to the database, but also to update the old one using the specified links.

Why should indexing be fast?

In addition to increasing visitor traffic, indexing speed also affects many other resource indicators.

Every day new sites appear on the Internet, the topics of which compete with your web platform. All of them are filled with similar content, which, as the number of competitors grows, loses its uniqueness. This happens because most sites publish numerous rewrites. In simple terms, if you wrote a unique article and did not immediately take care of it being taken into account by the search engine, it is not a fact that at the moment the material will remain unique.

In addition, unindexed content becomes a tasty target for scammers. Nothing prevents an unscrupulous webmaster from simply copying the material to his resource, carrying out quick indexing and obtaining the right to authorship from search robots. And search engines will consider your article not unique in the future, which can lead to a ban on the Internet site. Therefore, controlling and speeding up the indexing process is especially important for young resources making their way.

Another point that depends on fast indexing of each page is the ability to receive money for paid links. After all, until the article with the link is indexed by search engines, you will not receive your reward.

How to check if the site as a whole is indexed?

First, you should make sure that your site is included in the search engine database. To do this, you need to find out the total number of its pages. In the presence of modern system web resource management, view this figure possible in the administrative part. In this case, the total number of pages and records is taken into account.

If for any reason this information is not available, you can use the service. Please note that it is free only when working with sites that have up to five thousand pages in their arsenal.

Having found out the required number, you can start checking the indexing of the site in the main search engines - Yandex and Google. There are several ways to do this:

  • Using special tools for webmasters: And . By registering with them and adding your resource to the system, you will have access to not only data on the number of indexed pages, but also statistics of other “bellies”.
  • Manual check via input special teams to the search bar. In this case, in Yandex you need to enter the construction host: site name + domain or host: www + site name + domain, for example, host: For this, the system will display all indexed pages. To check in Google you will need to enter the query: site: site name + domain, i.e.
  • Usage automatic services, checking indexing in both search engines at once. These include, for example,, or You can also add the RDS Bar plugin to your browser, which will show information about the resource, including indexing of the pages you are on.

Using any of these methods, you can find out whether the site as a whole is indexed and determine the number of resource pages included in the search engine database.

What to do with the information received?

Ideally, the number of site pages should match the number of indexed pages. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Two scenarios are much more common:

  • The indexed number of elements is less. Accordingly, you lose a lot in traffic, because for many user requests your site remains inaccessible to them.
  • The number of indexed pages exceeds the actual number of such pages. If you have a similar option, you shouldn’t be happy. Most likely, there is duplication of pages, which dilutes their weight, increases the number of repeated material and interferes with the promotion of the resource.

Both problems need to be resolved as quickly as possible. Otherwise, you risk getting an ineffective web platform, on which you can only make money in your dreams. And to do this, you will have to check the indexing of all pages separately to find out which of them were “rotated”.

How to check the indexing of individual or all pages

Checking a separate page is needed when you need to make sure that new published content is successfully “noticed” by search engines. Or when you purchased a paid link on someone else’s resource and are now looking forward to its indexing. This can be done via:

  • Entering the page URL into the Yandex or Google search bar. If there are no problems with the perception of the page by search engines, it will be displayed first in the search results.
  • The already mentioned RDS Bar plugin.

To check the indexing of all site pages, you will need a list of their addresses (URL). To do this, you can use any web resource map generator, for example, Sitemap Generator. To collect only page URLs, do not forget to add a mask of unnecessary addresses, for example, for comments, in the “Exclude Patterns” window. At the end of the process, you should go to the Yahoo Map/Text tab, from where you can copy the generated list of all addresses.

Having it in hand, it will not be difficult to check the indexing of all pages using the program Simply add data to the list of source URLs and select one of the suggested search engines: Google, Yandex or Rambler. Click the “Start Test” button and get satisfactory or not so satisfying results.

How to improve and speed up the indexing process?

Having learned the list of unindexed pages, you need to understand the reasons for this. First of all, it is worth checking the quality of the hosting and the web site itself and making sure that the materials posted are unique. Next, monitor the resource for content that is too short (up to 2,000 characters without spaces), containing more than 2-3 links to third party resources, or a lot of Java and Flash links. All these factors can primarily influence the fact that your material remains “invisible” to search engines.

You can speed up the site indexing process by using:

  • frequent updates of unique material, which is highly valued by search engines;
  • competent internal page layout, allowing search engines see new and update content already contained in the database;
  • publishing links to articles in all social networks and thematic forums;
  • purchasing links from a boosted account.

I hope you understand that fast indexing of resource pages is the basis for its promotion in search engines, on which your potential income directly depends.