Application for processing the html protocol. How to detect that an application is installed. How to open your TG file

Many modern mobile devices recognizes phone numbers in HTML code well enough, making it interactive so that you can call the number directly - but this doesn't always work!

What happens if mobile browser or the device does not recognize the phone number and will not make a call when you click on it? The number may have been listed in incorrect format or the number is not recognized by this platform, but in any case it is a missed opportunity. TEL: the protocol will allow you to fix this!

Make your phone number interactive

It's very simple: put your phone number in the anchor tag, but instead of the HTTP protocol * (or whatever you usually use in the anchor) use the tel protocol. This way, even if you used an unrecognized template, the device will still know what it needs to do:

To order at home, call:


Now iPhones, Androids and other mobile devices will easily recognize the number and when you click on the link, they will offer to dial this number. But you need to remember the following things:

  • It must be remembered that in order to support international numbers you need to add an international code (prefix), so people can call from anywhere in the world.
  • If you click on a phone “link” in a browser on a desktop computer, it will bring up the application associated with the phone - Google Voice or Microsoft Communicator, for example.
  • You can specify a fax number using fax: protocol
  • It is possible to dial with a pause, for example when dialing an extension

Support service:

323-579-8328 ext. 22


On this moment Skype uses the callto protocol, not tel. In fact, you can simply ignore this and use the tel protocol everywhere, but if you want to specify in the code to use Skype from the browser desktop computer And standard application from mobile device, then in this case PHP and the definition script will help us mobile platform- Mobile Detect:

Call the number

isMobile()) ? "tel" : "callto"; ?> : +1-579-827-0034">579-827-0034

A little mobile SEO

To make search engines understand and index your phone number even better, you can add a little microdata.


Phone: 850-648-4200

Styling phone links

As a side note, let's make our phone look more attractive using CSS. To do this, we'll use a selector targeting only the :before pseudo link element that contains the string tel: within their href attribute:

This little “^” sign means that it is looking for any elements whose href attributes begin with the string tel: . We have also placed here a small Unicode phone icon \260E; , so we don't even need to use WebFont icons or additional images.

On your computer or phone. This service is now gaining momentum online and internet business tycoons are predicting enormous popularity for it. In addition, instant payment for goods will soon be available via Telegram, which will support Bitcoin and Apple Pay. In general, let's keep up with the times and be in trend.

What is the use of Telegram?

There are a number of factors that make it worth using this service. If we go to the reference, Telegram is a cloud based mobile and desktop messaging application with a focus on security and speed. The main thing is Speed ​​and Security, and these are two important factors when working on the network.

You can share any files, including links, photos, archives, and so on. That is, you can send anything you want to both your loved ones and your subscribers. You can even click on the microphone icon and instantly record a message and transmit it immediately. The advantages here are obvious, aren't they?

Also, Telegram will always be free and without intrusive advertising!

And if we talk about telegram as our channel of communication with our subscribers, then this is generally a super service! The open rate of your messages is about 70%; email newsletters will never reach such figures, but Telegram can do this very easily! And if we talk about SPAM, then your messages will arrive directly to your client’s mobile phone or browser application, that is, directly to the computer!

What else can you do with Telegram?

So if you want to be in trend, be sure to install Telegram on your computer and phone. Subscribe to interesting channels and receive quality information instantly. And I will tell you how to do this later in this article.

How to install telegram on a computer or phone?

First of all, you need to go to Telegram official website and choose the platform that suits you. I recommend installing telegram on all your devices in order to always be aware of all events and to synchronize your main devices and have access to channels from any of the devices. Usually this is a smartphone, computer and tablet. Fortunately, you can install this service for absolutely any platform.

How to subscribe to a telegram channel?

To subscribe to a telegram channel, you need to log into your account, find the desired channel and click on the “JOIN CHANNEL” button at the bottom. After this, you will be subscribed to the channel you need.

For example, my channel can be found through a search in telegram under the name @Evgeny_Vergus.

Best regards, Evgeniy Vergus.

The easiest way to understand what a tel tag is is to imagine that when you click a certain link, the required number will be dialed. This means that when you click on a link, the tel protocol will try to dial the number provided. The link looks like this: tel: +35722444032

The first part of the URI link specifies the protocol, and the second part of the link specifies the called number (which can be in either local or international format). The 3CXPhone client is now integrated with the tel tag, providing the greatest functionality for a softphone.

Using 3CXPhone in conjunction with the tel tag

First you need to install 3CXPhone for Windows on your computer, then do some configuration:

1) Find a web site that contains the tel tag. For this example, we will use the site Click on the link containing the phone number.

2) You will see a pop-up window “External Protocol Request”, select the application (3CXPhone for Windows) that will process this link.

3) Select “ Launch Application” to use 3CXPhone for Windows.

4) 3CXPhone for Windows will start dialing the specified number.

Linking the tel tag to 3CXPhone

3CXPhone for Windows will be registered as a handler for the tel protocol automatically during installation. If you find that another application has registered to handle the tel protocol, you can change the registration back to 3CXPhone:

1) Open the Windows Control Panel and go to the “menu” Default programs“.

2) Select from the list “ Mapping file types or protocols to specific programs”.

3) Scroll to select protocols, find TEL, select it and press “ Change program“.

4) Select “ 3CXPhone for Windows” from the list of proposed programs.

You have now set 3CXPhone for Windows to be the default tel tag handler.

Senior Technology Writer

Someone emailed you a TG file and you don't know how to open it? Maybe you found a TG file on your computer and were wondering what it was? Windows may tell you that you cannot open it, or in the worst case, you may encounter a corresponding error message associated with the TG file.

Before you can open a TG file, you need to find out what kind of file the TG file extension is.

Tip: Incorrect TG file association errors can be a symptom of other underlying issues within your Windows operating system. These invalid entries can also produce associated symptoms such as slow Windows startups, computer freezes, and other PC performance issues. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you scan your Windows registry for invalid file associations and other issues related to a fragmented registry.


TG files are Compressed Files, which are primarily associated with the TuxGuitar Tablature File (TuxGuitar Team).

TG files are also associated with Test & Go Script (QualiControl), NRC Inspection Manual Technical Guidance and FileViewPro.

Additional types of files may also be using the TG file extension. If you are aware of any other file formats that use the TG file extension, please contact us so we can update our information accordingly.

How to open your TG file:

The fastest and easiest way to open your TG file is to double-click on it. In this case, the Windows system itself will select the necessary program to open your TG file.

In case your TG file does not open, it is very likely that you do not have the required application program installed on your PC to view or edit files with TG extensions.

If your PC opens the TG file, but it's the wrong application, you'll need to change your Windows registry file association settings. In other words, Windows associates TG file extensions with the wrong program.

Install optional products - FileViewPro (Solvusoft) | | | |

TG File Analysis Tool™

Not sure what type the TG file is? Do you want to get precise information about a file, its creator and how it can be opened?

Now you can instantly get all the necessary information about the TG file!

The revolutionary TG File Analysis Tool™ scans, analyzes and reports detailed information about the TG file. Our patent-pending algorithm quickly analyzes the file and provides detailed information within seconds in a clear, easy-to-read format.†

In just a few seconds, you'll know exactly what type of your TG file you have, the application associated with the file, the name of the user who created the file, the file's protection status, and other useful information.

To begin your free file analysis, simply drag and drop your TG file inside the dotted line below, or click "Browse My Computer" and select your file. The TG file analysis report will be shown below, right in the browser window.

Drag the TG file here to start analysis

View my computer »

Please also check my file for viruses

Your file is being analyzed... please wait.

Every link on a mobile website should have a well-known resource attribute, and the most important links on a page (there can be up to 10 of them) can be given an attribute for easy access using a keyboard shortcut on devices that support hotkeys (see .). You should avoid using the attribute except in cases where the site is being developed for smartphones with support for tabs and multi-pages.

Some devices support using focus elements (links, form elements) to change the tab crawl order of elements. But, it is not recommended to change the natural order of this traversal, unless this is a project with a complex design and you need to improve the usability of the site.

On devices with focus navigation (typically low-end and some touch devices with a touchpad or scroll wheel, like the Nexus One or some BlackBerrys), it is important to define all interactive areas. For example, if you want both the title and description to be active at the same time, then you need to use one link tag for both elements, rather than making two separate links on the same page.

New windows

Some browsers understand the target="_blank" attribute (XHTML MP standard), but the behavior varies (Table 6.7). In some browsers, the link simply opens in the same window, others open in a new window or tab (and this option allows the user to switch between windows/tabs) or the URL may open as a pop-up window in which case the user cannot return to the previous page, until it closes a new one.

Table 6.7. Support table for opening a link in a new window
Browser/Platform Link in new window
Safari Opens in a new window (maximum number 8)
Android browser Opens in a new window
Symbian/S60 Opens in a new window (it is not easy for the user to navigate between windows)
Nokia Series 40 Will open in the same window before the 5th edition
Opens in a new window in Issue 6
webOS Opens in a new map (OS window)
BlackBerry Opens in the same window before OS 6.0
NetFront Opens in the same window
Openwave (Myriad) Opens in the same window
Internet Explorer Opens in the same window
Motorola Internet Browser Opens in the same window
Opera Mobile Opens in the same window
Opera Mini Opens in a new window from version 5.0

Navigation lists

A navigation list is a list of links that are connected in some way and are listed one after the other. It is recommended to use tags when creating such a list
