House of public services personal account. What should I do if I can’t log in? Why sign the user agreement for GIS Housing and Communal Services?

Users who have completed the registration procedure on the website have the right to use the functionality of the state information system for housing and communal services (abbreviated as GIS Housing and Communal Services). This service contains information about every residential building and public utility located in the Russian Federation. Authorized users have the opportunity to find out current information regarding housing and communal services and pay for relevant services.

How to log into the personal account of GIS Housing and Communal Services through State Services?

Only those who have registered on the portal can access the service.

Attention! There are no longer any methods to use the functionality of the state information system. Authorization on the portal is available to both legal entities and individuals.

How is the State Services GIS Housing and Communal Services personal account useful, what sections does it consist of?

It is worth highlighting the main capabilities of the GIS website for housing and communal services:

  • citizens have the right to pay and control the correctness of payments for services for an apartment, house, premises in which the organization is located;
  • if complaints arise against farm employees, the user can submit complaints electronically via the global Internet;
  • citizens can pay for meter readings online;
  • people receive timely information about completed or upcoming work around the house;
  • You can communicate with your neighbors via the network at any time.

The resource is equipped with many sections related to the organization serving the citizen’s home. The main ones are presented at the top of the main GIS page. In order to quickly navigate and quickly find the required section, you just need to open the site map. To find out all the information about your service organization, you will need to go to the “Regulations and Instructions” section.

What operations can be performed through the personal account of the official resource Dom.Gosuslugi?

In the “Programs in the field of housing and communal services” section, users have access to data on upcoming events for the repair or relocation of houses. To obtain information about tariffs, payments and standards in the field of housing and communal services, you need to go to the “Information for Citizens” page. Through the portal you can pay for services related to housing maintenance, contact employees of government agencies, check the license of the management company and perform other operations.

Today, the online resource GIS Housing and Public Utilities is linked only to the portal. That is why, in order to use its capabilities, you must first register on the website. In all other cases, to clarify information and pay for the services of the service company, you must visit its branch or deposit money through Sberbank. Naturally, it is much more convenient and profitable to do this without leaving home or during working hours.

Stages of authorization on the GIS Housing and Public Utilities Internet resource

To register on the portal, you will need to enter the following data in the appropriate fields: indicate your mobile phone number or email, create and, most importantly, remember a password. After this, the options of the state information system will become fully available to you. To use your personal account on the State Services website, you need to create a personal account by indicating your passport details, SNILS number, and INN.

The operation of linking the GIS Housing and Communal Services profile to the account and logging into it?

Linking your personal housing and communal services account to the resource profile and logging into it is carried out in several stages:

  • the user enters the State Services website page using SNILS and a password (it is advisable for legal entities to use an electronic signature to log in);
  • Next, you need to check the box next to the status in which you need to log in to the system (individual or organization);
  • in the window that appears, you must fill in all the details (for organizations providing services);
  • If you are a private person, to use all the functionality you only need to log in to the main page of the housing and communal services service using your login and password.

Possible difficulties during authorization and ways to solve them

When filling out all the required information, try not to make mistakes, otherwise certain difficulties may arise during authorization.

By providing only truly correct data about the user and his place of residence (property), the system will easily “allow” him on its pages. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare all the necessary documents in advance before registering.


It is much more convenient to pay for housing and communal services and find out up-to-date information about the service company using the Internet. You don’t need to waste working time or a day off standing idle in queues – you just need to log in to the resource. For each transaction, a receipt is sent confirming its completion, which you can easily print if necessary.

Many of us have heard about the GIS housing and communal services website. Television, radio. Internet - all these media sources happily report on GIS housing and communal services as a treasure trove of housing and communal services.

GIS Housing and Communal Services is a state information system for housing and communal services, located on the resource: [link].

Who posts the information there?

Management companies, homeowners' associations, resource supply organizations (provide the supply of water, gas, electricity, heating).

For homeowners and control of these organizations by higher authorities.

In 2017, the site received the Runet Prize, but is it justified... Let's look at it in order.

Let's try to find information about our management company, our home, a report on the execution of the management agreement, financial statements in this system.

In the upper right corner in the “Site Search” line, enter the name of your management company; for example, in this line I wrote: “My management company.”

The search gives us a huge amount of information, we will make our life easier by checking the box next to the word search - “strict compliance”

If this does not help, and the list of management companies (management companies) has not decreased, go to the “Search in sections” column and click the “clear all” button

After that, select the item Register of Information Providers.

And, lo and behold... we easily find our management company.

What do we see

General information about the company, but this is just the beginning. Go to the Additional information about the organization’s activities tab

Well, we're almost there. The line “Information about the organization managing apartment buildings” is highlighted in blue, this is exactly what we need. We go in and see:

What do we get as a result?

List of apartment buildings. The most informatively rich tab includes characteristics of the house, structural elements, cost of work provided, utilities provided, tariffs, general meetings, rental of common property.

General information (address, telephone numbers, website, opening hours, etc.),

Key indicators of financial and economic activity (accounting statements)

Information about bringing to administrative responsibility.

Management contract execution report

If you need to view a report on the execution of the management agreement, then go to the List of apartment buildings tab. A sign appears on the screen

Directly below it is a list of houses of your management company, click on the desired house, we get

The next step is to click on the square, I marked it with an arrow, then select Management Report from the drop-down menu

Attention! We recommend setting up and working on the portal in the Internet Explorer browser.

The portals “GIS Housing and Public Utilities” and “Government Services” are closely connected. To register on the GIS Housing and Public Utilities portal, first configure your computer to work on the State Services portal

Then register on the State Services portal as an individual and legal entity.

Proceed with registration on the GIS Housing and Public Utilities portal.

Step 1. Go to the “Government Services” portal

The State Services portal is located at:

There are two ways to enter the State Services portal:

  1. by SNILS and Password
  2. by electronic signature

Step 2. Open access to the GIS Housing and Communal Services system

"GIS Housing and Public Utilities" is authorized through the "State Services" portal. Therefore, open access to the GIS Housing and Communal Services system for your organization.

On the “Government Services” portal, go to the “Organizations” tab.

Click on image to enlarge

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In the “Organizations” section, go to the “Access to systems” subsection.

Set parameters on the page:

  • Organization– “Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation”;
  • System– “State information system of housing and communal services.”

Click the “+Include in group” button opposite the item “Authorized specialist of the organization in the GIS Housing and Communal Services”.

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Add a user by indicating his full name in the window that opens. Permissions for the employee have been added.

Click on image to enlarge

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After adding powers to the employee, exit the “Government Services” portal.

Step 3. Log in to the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal

Log in to the GIS Housing and Communal Services website at:

To register on the portal as a “Homeowners Association” or “Management Company”, click the “Login” button.

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The service will automatically redirect you to the State Services portal.

Log in using your electronic signature on the State Services portal.

The system will ask in what status you want to log in:

  • Private person
  • Organization

Log in as an organization.

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After logging in, the system will return you to the GIS Housing and Public Utilities portal to register the enterprise and assign status.

Step 4. Fill in the registration data in the GIS Housing and Communal Services

The system will fill in some of the data automatically from the data on the State Services portal, but some will have to be filled in manually.

Click on image to enlarge

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Have you filled out all the details? Click the "Add Feature" button.

Step 5: Add Organization Features

In the window that opens, select the function that the enterprise has and the area of ​​activity if necessary.

Click on image to enlarge

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Click on image to enlarge

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Accept the terms of the user agreement and click “Register”.

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At this point, registration on the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal is completed.

The “State Housing and Public Utilities Information System” must contain a database of all residential buildings and utility enterprises in the Russian Federation. The legislation makes it mandatory to enter such information throughout the country. There are penalties for evading this. In order to fulfill this statutory obligation, it is necessary to complete the registration procedure. Citizens also have the opportunity to use the information system to obtain up-to-date information about issues of interest to them in the housing and communal services sector.

Communication between two systems

The Gosuslugi website gives citizens the opportunity to access information related to state and municipal services. On the Internet portal you can see the necessary information or complete documents, which saves time and effort.

The national database “GIS Housing and Public Utilities” is, in fact, one of the sections of this portal. You can access it only after registering on the State Services website.

Is it possible to register for GIS Housing and Public Utilities without going through State Services?

To access the electronic database "GIS Housing and Communal Services" you need to register. This is necessary for individuals who want to receive information they are interested in related to housing and communal services. Registration is mandatory for management companies, which must enter data into the system within the time limits established by law.

You can access the GIS only after registering on the State Services website. This cannot be done in any other way.

Step-by-step instruction

After registering in GIS, the user will have access to certain data, in particular, he will be able to obtain information about the house he is interested in. You can only log in through “State Services”. The user will need to go through a simple registration procedure.

How to log into GIS through Gosuslugi?

First you need to go to the GIS Housing and Communal Services page at As can be seen from the address, this is actually one of the sections of the State Services website. In the upper right corner of the page there is a form for logging into the site for those who have already created an account. You must enter a password, as well as a phone number or email address. If your personal account has not been created, you must click on the “Register” button.

Note! The developers have provided a version of the site for the visually impaired. To use it, you need to click on the corresponding button at the top of the screen. The design will become more contrasting and the font will be larger.

Registration proceeds as follows:

  1. On the registration page, enter your first and last name.
  2. Provide a mobile phone number or email address to provide feedback to the user.
  3. Receive a login and password via SMS or email (based on the contact information provided by the user).
  4. Use the received data to log into the site.
  5. Enter and confirm a new password consisting of letters and numbers.

This is what a simplified registration procedure looks like, which is enough to receive some services. More complete access will be obtained through extended registration. The more information is specified, the higher the user's access level. After entering additional data, you will need to confirm it.

An account can be assigned one of three statuses:

  • simplified - personal data is not entered;
  • standard - phone number and email confirmed;
  • confirmed - all necessary data is indicated.

This video explains step by step how to register on the State Services portal:

How can I find out information about a house in GIS through Gosuslugi?

Through the Gosuslugi website, citizens of the Russian Federation can obtain current information about their management company, utility bills and existing debts.

Information about a specific house is also available. There are two ways to obtain information.

It is possible to use the interactive map of the Russian Federation. It shows those houses whose information is contained in the database. In order to find out the data the user is interested in, just click on the mark on the map that corresponds to a specific house.

The corresponding section of the site also has a main menu, which is located at the top of the page. One of the sections is called “Registers”. When you click on this button, the user will be redirected to another page where you need to select “Register of residential properties.” After this, a list of houses that are included in the database will be shown.

Using the Gosuslugi portal makes it possible to draw up documents and obtain the necessary information without the need to personally visit various authorities. To obtain data on housing and communal services, you need to use GIS. The system is a section of the State Services website.

At the moment, the GIS Housing and Communal Services contains comprehensive information on each house. Information about the house is compiled into several large sections with different levels of access (a resident of the house may not view everything):

Main characteristics (type, etc.)

The main characteristics also indicate:

General information

The section includes the following subsections:

  1. Area of ​​the building (apartment building). This shows the area of ​​residential and non-residential premises, as well as the area of ​​common areas according to the technical passport of the house.
  2. Other structural elements of the house. The following parameters are indicated under this item:
    • availability of underground parking;
    • equipped with water-folding devices;
    • characteristics of the hostel;
    • the presence of insulated (non-insulated) heated towel rail risers;
    • capital group;
    • variety of territories and more.
  3. Land plot. The area of ​​the land plot and the cadastral number of the land plot are indicated.
  4. Without belonging to a group, a number of other parameters are specified:
    • series;
    • type of building project;
    • year of construction;
    • general wear and tear;
    • number of residential and non-residential premises;
    • number of entrances, etc.

Description of housing facilities

Divided into three subsections:

  • Structural elements. The subsection includes the material of load-bearing walls and all structural elements of the building from the facade and basement to the roof.
  • In-house networks. All engineering systems and networks are described in this section.
  • Elevators.

On a note. Also, housing stock objects contain all the information on “Facility Management” and “Assessment of Technical Condition,” but this information is more related to the operation of a residential building, and not to its characteristics.

How to add and change information, step-by-step instructions

From the video you will learn how to place information about an apartment building in the Housing and Communal Services GIS:

Change of data by the management company

To change the data, an authorized specialist for filling out the GIS housing and communal services database of the management company or HOA must go to the appropriate section and indicate the correct information. New data will be displayed only after clicking the “Post information” button.

What to do if the data is not added?

If an authorized specialist of a management organization or HOA follows the above instructions for filling out the database and the data is not added (an error message is displayed, the data is not saved), the question arises: why is this happening? You need to call the technical support of GIS Housing and Communal Services at 8 800 302-03-05.

How can I find information about my home?

After entering or updating information about the house, it becomes available for viewing by all GIS housing and communal services users. To view information about a house you need to do the following:

The following users with different access levels can view information about houses:

  • Supervisory authorities– 100% tolerance.
  • Authorized specialist of the management company or HOA– 100% tolerance and editing.
  • Resident of the house– extended access.

    When registering, the registration address is indicated.

  • Other users– limited access – general information about the house.

Unique numbers

The housing and communal services GIS database structures objects by unique numbers. There are only 3 such assigned identifiers:

  • Houses;
  • premises (block, etc.);
  • rooms.

They are assigned immediately after the object is entered and saved in the database. You can find out the assigned identifiers in the “Object Information” menu, but only users with advanced or full access can do this.

As you can see, GIS housing and communal services significantly facilitates any analytics on houses, makes their maintenance and repair transparent.