A very small page in Odnoklassniki does not open. How to zoom in or out on a page in Odnoklassniki

How to zoom in in Odnoklassniki? It is not difficult to cope with the task; you will need to clarify the options and offer solutions to users. We are ready to provide instructions and talk about ways to adjust the scale.

Odnoklassniki is a popular site for communication. It provides many useful features, you can exchange messages with other users, play games, explore information in communities, watch videos, listen to music, etc.

People sometimes have problems with the site. It is necessary to cope with certain manipulations; additional instructions cannot be avoided. How to zoom in? For users who are not too versed in all the nuances, tips have been prepared.

When do you need to zoom in on the screen?

  • If it accidentally decreased while using the browser.
  • The user wishes to view individual elements on the display.
  • The set parameters are uncomfortable.
  • The writing on the page is hard to see.

Attention! This article deals exclusively with general algorithms. They are similar for all browsers on computers and phones, but may differ in details. Therefore, study the menu of the program used on the device for web surfing.

Magnification on laptops and computers

How to zoom in on a page in Odnoklassniki? On a PC the algorithm is as follows:

  1. Go to the menu on the side.
  2. Among the points is scale.
  3. You can set a specific value in the window.
  4. Adjustment is made using the plus and minus icons.

In browsers, the zoom settings may be located in a different location. If the option is not in the side menu, then go to all items and view the list. Adjustment takes a minimum of time and does not cause difficulties for users.

How to zoom in on a page in Odnoklassniki on the keyboard

Users don't want to constantly go into the browser menu to adjust settings. Therefore it is necessary to make a change on the keyboard. It is performed according to this scheme:

  • Hold down the "Ctrl" key.
  • Scroll your mouse wheel.
  • The parameters change, you can easily and comfortably configure.

Advantages of adjustment using the keyboard:

  1. No need to constantly visit the menu.
  2. You don’t have to set the parameters in a special item every time.
  3. The procedure takes less time.
  4. The option is convenient; you can quickly set the appropriate scale.

Attention! The method works on a PC running Windows. For Mac, the scheme is different, it is presented below.

Quick zoom adjustment for Mac users

If you have a MacBook or use a proprietary touchpad, then changing the scale is simple:

  • Place two fingers on the panel.
  • Place them on the touchpad.
  • Zooming out occurs by pinching your fingers together.

Advantages of the method:

  1. No need to go to the program menu.
  2. You don't have to use keyboard shortcuts.
  3. The method is simple and intuitive. The user makes natural movements; all gestures on the touchpad have a logical basis for ease of use and learning.

Second method for Mac owners:

  • Hold down the "cmd" key.
  • Adjust the scale using the “+” and “-” buttons.
  • You can set the parameter via keyboard shortcuts.

On a smartphone

In Odnoklassniki the zoom has decreased, how can I zoom in on a smartphone? Necessary:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Find an item with a scale.
  3. Set the parameters in it.

How to reduce the scale of a page in Odnoklassniki if everything suddenly becomes huge? Many users face a similar problem.

It is noteworthy that all other sites function normally, but on Odnoklassniki everything is gigantic (there is one exception).

In this material you will learn how to return the page scale to normal.

Causes of the problem

Most likely, the reason for the increase in scale was the accidental pressing of several keys. This can be “ctrl” and “scrolling the mouse wheel up” (do not press, otherwise you will zoom in here too :). There are also other keyboard shortcuts for zooming, but more on that later.

The problem is not with the site, but with your browser settings. Each browser has its own ways of changing the page scale. But don’t be afraid, fixing this problem is very simple!


There are 2 ways to fix this problem:

  • press the required key combination;
  • Click on the zoom button in the browser.

Keyboard shortcuts are relevant for every browser, but it happens that this command does not work for some reason. In this case, the user is forced to click on a specialized button. Its placement is individual for each browser.


Google Chrome users should open the browser settings menu, this is where the required button is hidden.

For this:


Opera lovers need to do approximately the same steps:

Attention! The button to the right of the plus sign enables full screen mode! This can create new problems for inattentive users!

Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla users will be able to find the desired option using the same algorithm:


In this browser, everything is done exactly the same: right upper corner, etc.

But Edge lacks per-page scalability. Thus, if you change the page scale in Google Chrome, Opera and similar browsers, this change will be active only for the page you are on. In Edge, the scale of all pages changes at once. It is very uncomfortable. For example:

The user resizes the page of his classmates at a percentage that is convenient for him personally. Then, by going to another site (for example Google), the changes will apply to this site.

In order for the browser administration to eliminate this inconvenient feature, it is worth writing to Edge technical support. You can do this in the Feedback Center application.

The more requests there are, the higher the likelihood that the developers will fix the problem.

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer users can also easily find the required option. It’s just that it’s located a little wrong:

How to change page zoom using a keyboard shortcut?

Still, the fastest and easiest way to change the page scale is to press the desired key combination. As was said at the beginning of the article, this can be done using the “Ctrl” key and scrolling the mouse wheel.

Hold Ctrl (located in the lower left corner of your keyboard) and scroll your mouse wheel up or down. The page scale should change, and at the end of the address bar you can observe the changes. Notices of these actions can be found here.

You can also use this combination to bring up the zoom panel, and then configure everything in the pop-up panel (see the picture above).

If there is no wheel (this can happen on old and broken mice, or a person uses a touchtab on a laptop), you can use a keyboard shortcut. Hold "Ctrl" and press "+" or "-". After pressing these keys, the same scaling panel should pop up, and of course, the scale itself should change.

Why adjust the scale?

Some sites have very small fonts and are difficult to read (if at all possible). Or the user has poor eyesight and cannot see anything at the standard scale. This is where our solutions come to the rescue!

It is noteworthy that this option only changes the scale of the text and the page itself, the images remain in their original size.

Some sites have inconvenient settings. As a result, problems may arise with entering captcha. If the captcha is so small that you cannot see it, just zoom in and everything will become readable!

Fans of reading from a computer may need not only changing the scale, but also background settings. You can change the background in the settings. Having called up the usual list in the upper right corner, go to the “Settings” section.

Changing the page scale in the browser is very simple. And every Internet user should be able to configure it. Situations can be the most unexpected and require immediate solutions.

But after reading this material, each of you already knows how to do this thoroughly, and for each of the most popular browsers!

Good luck and good mood!

Many of those registered in Odnoklassniki use various applications and games. For ease of use, they are set to full-screen resolution, and after exiting it, crashes often occur, and objects on the page are displayed incorrectly: most often they become large, and a very small number of them are shown on the page. In this case, there is nothing left to do but reduce the scale in Odnoklassniki.

Why difficulties arise

Most often, failures can occur due to incorrect operation of the browser or careless user actions. This problem can be easily fixed if the situation is not aggravated. Beginner users usually get lost in such cases and start pressing all the keys in a row, which is absolutely not worth doing. You don’t need to immediately start searching for a computer technician’s phone number, because you can do everything completely free of charge yourself. This action will only take you a couple of minutes. Knowing how to zoom out in Odnoklassniki is useful not only to save money, but also so that you can set the settings that are convenient for you at any time.

If you are using a desktop computer

For those who use an ordinary PC to access their page, the simplest answer to the question of how to zoom in on Odnoklassniki is to use a keyboard and mouse at the same time. You can also make the reverse change in the display of objects. Don't be intimidated by using two devices at the same time, as the actions with them will be quite simple.

Before zooming out in Odnoklassniki, find the Ctrl key on your keyboard. There are two of them, they are equivalent, and you can use any of them. Traditionally, these buttons are located on the right and left edges of the main part of the keyboard at the bottom. Focus on the most noticeable key - “Space”; the Ctrl keys we need are on the same row with it. Hold the button and scroll the mouse wheel towards you. In order to solve the problem of how to zoom in on Odnoklassniki, you need to press the same button on the keyboard and scroll the mouse wheel away from you. As you can see, the steps are quite simple, and even the most inexperienced user can handle them.

How to change the scale in Odnoklassniki if you are using a portable device

Such devices include laptops and tablets. Each of them has its own instructions for changing the display of objects on your page on a social network. Tablet computers are the easiest to operate. You can zoom in on pages in Odnoklassniki with a slight movement of your fingers.

Bring your thumb and index fingers clasped together to the screen and, touching the screen, spread them apart as if diagonally. The image below them should increase following your movements. To decrease it is necessary to perform the opposite action. This advice is suitable for those who access their Odnoklassniki page through a browser, and not using a special application.

An increasing number of users have switched from laptops to laptops. The display on them is most often inconvenient to work with from the very beginning of use, and it is worth adjusting it. If you have a mouse, then the solution to the problem of how to reduce the scale in Odnoklassniki is similar to that described for desktop computers.

When traveling or generally outdoors, this method may not be available, then you should use only the keyboard. Find the “+/-” keys, as well as the already familiar Ctrl button. Hold it down and press “plus” if you need to zoom in, and “minus” to zoom out.

Using the browser's capabilities

You can also use your browser to change settings. In some programs (Opera, Internet Explorer) there is a ruler in the lower right corner, with which the page can be adjusted at your discretion using a special slider. If you use a browser from Google, Yandex or Rambler (they all work on the same basis, but the default search system is different), then in the upper right corner next to the group of buttons for changing the window you can find a small icon that opens a menu settings. You need to select “Scale” and set the required values ​​in it. In some versions there is no separate tab, and at the top you can see the value that is currently set and two buttons - “+” and “-”.

Can't read messages because the font is too big and the text doesn't fit on the screen? Having trouble viewing images? Large letters and unreadable inscriptions do not allow you to fully use the capabilities of the sites. Many who do not know how to make a page smaller in a browser begin to write in tech in a panic. support. But there is no need for this, because anyone can understand this issue in just a few seconds.

That is why this article describes all possible ways to reduce the page scale.

How to zoom out in Odnoklassniki

Method No1

If the font on the page seems too large for you, you need to adjust its size so that it becomes convenient for you personally. To begin, hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard, then, while holding it, scroll the mouse wheel. If you scroll the wheel up, the scale will increase, and when you scroll down, it will decrease accordingly. Change the page size until you feel comfortable reading texts and looking at images.

Method No2

The second method involves zooming in or out on the screen on your computer using hot keys on your keyboard. This method is perfect for site users who use Odnoklassniki through browsers installed on a laptop, because they often do not use computer mice.

To change the scale, you need to do a few basic steps. To narrow the page, first hold down the “Ctrl” button, which is located in the lower left corner of the keyboard, hold it down and press the “-“ button. The more times you click on this button, the more the zoom will decrease. If you want to increase the size of the font and images, hold down “Ctrl” and press the “+” key
The plus and minus buttons are located on the right side of the keyboard or in the number row.

Method No3

In addition to those methods that involve pressing keys on the keyboard, there is another - through the browser. If you choose it, you will need to use the settings. In the list of possible browser settings, find the line with the specified percentages, next to which there are the “+” and “-“ buttons. Accordingly, you can simply click on these keys to increase or decrease the screen size.

These are the simple ways to change the page scale of the Odnoklassniki website in a browser on a computer. Now you know what to do when your eyes get tired of large or small print.

Save it for yourself!

Every day millions of Internet users visit the Odnoklassniki website. This is one of the most popular social networks today. Here you can not only communicate with friends via messages, but also watch various videos, read notes and publications on topics of interest. Cooking recipes, useful housekeeping tips, interesting stories from life - this is just a small part of what you can find in your news feed.

Naturally, when spending time in front of a monitor screen, almost no one follows the generally accepted recommendations for alternating periods of work and rest at the computer. As a result, many people experience deterioration of vision. As a result, the usual scale of Internet pages seems small, and the font is difficult to read. For your own comfort, you can use the function of increasing page parameters.

How to zoom in on a page in Odnoklassniki

There are several basic ways to zoom in on the screen. They are quite simple and any user can handle them.

  • To zoom in in Odnoklassniki on a personal computer, hold down the Ctrl key and at the same time rotate the mouse wheel up. Rotate the wheel until you get the desired page size and written texts. If, on the contrary, you want the page to shrink, turn the wheel in the opposite direction, i.e. down.
  • What to do if you need to enlarge a website page on your laptop and you don’t have a mouse? In such a situation, you can use the keyboard. Also, hold down the Ctrl key and press the "+" key until the page options are comfortable to view. If you overdo it, hold down Ctrl and press the “-” sign. This will reduce the page to the desired size.

IMPORTANT! To return the changed page size to its original form, press the Ctrl and “0” keys simultaneously.

  • Another way to change the page scale was invented by Internet browser developers. At the top of the browser menu you can see a number with percentages, on both sides of which there are “+” and “-” signs. Clicking on them enlarges or reduces the page.

IMPORTANT! If you access Odnoklassniki from a phone or tablet, you can expand the page by swiping two fingers from the center of the screen to the sides. To make the format small again, place your fingers on the edges of the screen and slide them towards its center.

Now you know how to set up a convenient viewing scale for the Odnoklassniki website. Using the above methods, you can achieve the desired result by adjusting the page size to the required parameters. You will no longer have to strain your eyes and peer into small elements. All text and image sizes can be adjusted independently!

Save it for yourself!