Applying thermal paste. Correct replacement of thermal paste. How to apply thermal paste to a processor? Detailed instructions and useful recommendations

Hi all. As promised, I’m telling you about applying thermal paste. In the last article, let me remind you, we learned, and today we will learn how to apply thermal paste correctly.

There was a time when there wasn't much information on the Internet. Having learned about something interesting, people tried to experience everything themselves, not really knowing how it was done and why. But these are people... they have logic. Its. Not always logical. In the end, it turned out to be incomprehensible.

This was the case with the first attempts to apply thermal paste - they applied it in the wrong place, in the wrong way, and not as much as needed:

Now I need to say thank you to the Internet! You can find any information. But you should be careful, because not all information can be trusted.

Correct replacement of thermal paste on the processor

As I said, not everything you read on the Internet can be trusted. And there are enough advisers. Be careful, they may advise you to use grease instead of thermal paste. Yes, I saw this on the forums.

How often should you change thermal paste?

First you need to understand whether you need to replace the thermal paste. You should not listen to “experts” who recommend changing it every six months. This is all nonsense. Yes, it dries out over this period, but this does not mean that it needs to be changed. For your information, only when it dries does it begin to perform its functions 100%. And once you have applied it, the thermal conductivity will not be maximum.

So remember - there is no mandatory period for replacing thermal paste! You need to proceed from the circumstances.

For each separate model processor has its own critical temperature, so don't stick too closely to generally accepted indicators. NO STANDARD optimal temperature can not be. Everything is individual.

So, if the system problems are precisely due to the processor temperature, then time to replace the thermal paste! In other cases, it's better not to.

Still her have to Replace if you are removing the CPU cooling system. It also has to be replaced every time the laptop is cleaned from dust. Because in a laptop, in order to clean the cooling system from dust, it must first be disconnected from the processor. By the way, if yours is, then it’s time to clean it from dust.

I think the question “ How often should you change thermal paste?" I answered. Let's move on.

When you remove the cooler heatsink from the processor, you will see remnants of dry thermal paste on both the processor and the heatsink. Before applying a new one, you should get rid of the old one, otherwise you will not notice the benefits of replacing thermal paste.

By the way, sometimes it happens that the heatsink sticks to the processor so tightly that it is not so easy to disconnect them. In this case, do not try to use a knife, screwdriver or other flat metal objects. It will be enough to twist them along the central axis using brute force. But be careful not to bend the processor legs.

The second way to remove the heatsink from the processor is to heat them with a hairdryer. Take a regular hair dryer from your wife or mother (or daughter) and heat the processor for 1-2 minutes. Under the influence of temperature, the thermal paste will become a little softer, even though it is dry. This is due to the fact that it contains metal pollen, and any metal becomes a little more elastic when heated.

If everything went well, then you will have a processor in one hand and a radiator in the other. Now you need to erase the old thermal paste from both the processor and the heatsink. This is done with cloth or cotton wool. And if it doesn’t come off well, use an eraser (eraser). And if everything is really bad, then you should use alcohol. Just don't overdo it.

Under no circumstances should you wash off old thermal paste with rough objects, because you can damage the surface and create microscopic scratches on it, which will then be unfavorable for heat dissipation.

Let's summarize. How to remove old thermal paste from the processor and cooling radiator? Answer - cloth, cotton wool, soft paper, eraser and you can use alcohol, but not cologne, only pure alcohol.

Now we get to the most important question todayapplying thermal paste. If you search on YouTube for something like “ correct replacement of thermal paste" or " correct application of thermal paste", then I assure you, you will only get confused. You will be faced with a lot of options, under each video there will be almost as many dislikes as there are likes and a whole bunch of abuse.

Some apply it in one drop in the middle of the processor, others spread it like a sandwich. There are people who experiment and apply it either around the perimeter, or in the center, or with a plus, or with a cross, or with a stripe, or in a checkerboard pattern. And what? The difference is ultimately 1-2 degrees!

Now you know what it is correct replacing thermal paste when rules- in fact, there are none. Such is the paradox. Good luck with your application! =)

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Faced with overheating, users often do not know how to change the thermal paste on the processor. They think that it is too complicated and that they need to contact a service center.

In fact, you can do this yourself. To do this, you only need a new one, which can be bought at any store with computer equipment, a screwdriver and some free time.

Step No. 1. Prepare the computer for replacing thermal paste.

If you want to change the thermal paste on the processor, you will have to disassemble system unit. To do this, you must first disconnect the power cable from the system unit that connects to the power supply, as well as all other cables. After this, you need to put the system unit on its side and remove the side cover so that you have easy access to the insides of the computer.

Step No. 2. Removing the cooling system from the processor.

The next step is to remove the cooling system (CO) from. This procedure very often frightening experienced users. They often feel that removing and installing the cooling system is too difficult. It's actually very simple and can be done with just a few movements.

The first thing you need to do is disconnect the cooler's power cable from the motherboard. It is better to do this first, otherwise this cable will interfere with you and complicate further actions.

After the cooler's power cable is disconnected, you can begin removing the cooler and radiator. Various systems cooling is fixed on motherboard in different ways and it will not be possible to describe them all in one article. Therefore, we will look at the two most common options.

On the sides of the standard Intel cooler There are four legs with slots for a screwdriver. Each of these legs must be turned half a turn counterclockwise. After which the cooler and radiator can be removed.

In order to remove standard system AMD cooling you need to turn the handle, which is located on the side of the radiator. Then you need to release the radiator mounts on the sides and lift the radiator along with the cooler.

Step No. 3. Remove the processor.

In order to change thermal paste, it is better to remove the processor from the motherboard. Otherwise, you may damage something while you are wiping off the dried thermal paste.

In order to remove the processor from the motherboard, you need to release its mount. This is done using a metal lever that is located on the side of the processor. Move the lever to the side and lift it up. After this, the processor can be removed.

Step No. 4. Remove the old thermal paste.

Once the processor is removed from the motherboard, you can finally change the thermal paste. To do this, you first need to remove all the old thermal paste using toilet paper or cotton wool. If the thermal paste has stuck and cannot be removed, you can soak it a small amount alcohol

In the same way, you need to remove the remains of the old thermal paste from the bottom of the radiator.

Step No. 5. Install the processor and apply new thermal paste.

After the processor is cleaned of old thermal paste, install it back on the motherboard. Installing a processor is performed in the same way as removing it, only in reverse order. The only thing you need to pay attention to is correct location processor.

In one of the corners of the processor there is a so-called key (in the form of a triangle). This key must match the key on the connector, then the processor will be installed correctly.

Thermal paste is a thick substance, often white or light gray. Her most important property- high thermal conductivity. Therefore, thermal paste is applied to CPU and a video card chip so that these heat-prone elements dissipate heat better.

Over the years, thermal paste dries out, which often leads to overheating of the computer. If the temperature of the processor and video card in your PC and the thermal conductivity composition have not been updated for several years, then you need to act. The service center will gladly replace the thermal paste for a fee. But you can also do it yourself and save money.

Thermal paste needs to be changed as in desktop computers, and in laptops. This guide will help in any case.

1. Prepare everything you need

First of all, you need the thermal paste itself. It can be purchased at any computer store.

Which pasta to choose is a debatable question. There are no large-scale studies on the effectiveness of thermal pastes on the Internet. But service centers Zalman, Noctua and Arctic brands are often recommended. A syringe with four grams can be purchased for 300–400 rubles. This should be enough for several replacements.

There is also a popular a budget option- thermal paste KPT-8, but reviews about its quality are contradictory.

In addition to thermal paste, you will need:

  • screwdriver for disassembling a computer;
  • dry paper napkin, cotton swabs and alcohol to remove remnants of the old substance and excess of the new one;
  • vacuum cleaner for cleaning dust (preferably);
  • plastic card or brush for applying new thermal paste.

2. Disassemble your computer

Turn off your computer and unplug the power cord. Then remove the housing cover using a screwdriver.

Improper disassembly and cleaning may damage your computer. If you are not confident in your abilities, do not take risks. And remember: opening the case will void the warranty.

At this stage, it won't hurt to carefully vacuum the insides of the computer. By getting rid of dust, you will reduce general temperature systems. But don't overdo it: the vacuum cleaner should not touch the parts.

After unscrewing the bolts on the cooling system, disconnect it from the motherboard - you will see under it a metal plate with the remains of old thermal paste. This is the processor. Next to it there may be another plate - a chip of the built-in video card.

It happens that the laptop case interferes with separating the cooling system from the motherboard. In this case, you will first have to pull the motherboard out and only then disconnect the radiator from it, as in the video example above.

If your computer has a separate video card with its own cooling, remove it, and then remove the radiator from it. Underneath it, the video card should also have a plate with remnants of the old substance - a video chip.

If you have any difficulties disassembling your computer or individual components, look for YouTube video with servicing the same device model as yours.

3. Remove any remaining old substance

Take a dry cloth and carefully remove the old thermal paste from the processor, video card and cooling elements. If the substance does not give in, wet the cotton swabs with a small amount of alcohol and try to remove the residue with their help.

4. Apply new thermal paste

Squeeze a drop of thermal paste from the syringe onto the processor and distribute the substance in a thin, even layer over the entire area of ​​the plate. To do this, use a brush, if it was sold as a kit, or plastic card, or any suitable item. The main thing is that it is dry and cannot scratch the processor. If any substance gets outside the plate, wipe it off with a paper towel.

To replace thermal paste on a built-in or external video card, apply the substance to its chip in the same way as to the processor.

You can apply thermal paste both to the chip itself and to the heatsink (see video). Or you can get by with just a chip: that will be quite enough.

5. Build a computer

After replacing the thermal paste, install all components in place. Make sure they are well secured and you haven't missed any bolts. Then close the housing cover.

Turn on your computer and monitor the temperature of the processor and video card. If its average value drops, then replacing the thermal paste will benefit the devices. If unsuccessful, consider .

Despite its small dimensions, the processor is, one might say, the heart of a personal computer and it must work properly. But, performing hundreds of operations per second, the processor is very heats up because of which it can fail, simply by burning out. Precisely to prevent similar situation And need thermoplastic, which is an additional cooling element.

So, thermoplastic is substance, which is applied thin layer on the processor for better heat dissipation.

Most cooling takes over cooler And ventilation, since they are capable of cooling even the hottest processor in less than 15 seconds, and thermoplastic is only needed for improvements coupling of the cooling element with the device.

Many users ask the question - Why change the paste at all? Over time, its layer dries up and it performs its functions less and less effectively. As you already understand, the absence of a protective layer leads to overheating, which in turn will cause unstable work myself operating system(OS is trying limit performance in order to lower temperature of the hardware of the personal computer), and also tries to protect the entire hardware of the PC, since the processor, along with other elements, can burn out. Therefore, periodically, but still recommended replace thermal paste.

In addition, you need to choose the right pasta. The best products with heat-dissipating elements (for example, silver), which several times improve the process of heat exchange between PC elements. When applying such a paste, you get a thin layer of the substance itself and an additional layer of silver, which removes heat.

How to apply thermal paste correctly

High-quality cooling directly depends on correct application pasta. The slightest flaws will significantly reduce the cooling efficiency of even the most powerful system. Basic principles are:

Not worth it remove the radiator after installation to check whether the thermal paste is evenly distributed. Thus, you will disrupt the adhesion of the surfaces and will have to start the process all over again, completely removing the already applied layer.

Replacing thermal paste on the processor

Before you start replacing the paste, you must purchase it. Costs about 150 rubles per tube. Well, now, you can get started:

Changing thermal paste on the video card

The essence of replacing the paste on a video card is as follows:

Replacing thermal paste on a laptop

Replacing thermal paste on a laptop with almost nothing is not different in replacement with personal computer. The only thing worth noting is that the hardware elements on the laptop will be placed differently (the type of arrangement of the elements depends directly on the laptop model and manufacturer). But, as a rule, each element of the device is located in a special cell and is easy to get for subsequent processing.

Below we will look in detail at removing, cleaning, lubricating with oil and, ultimately, installing a cooler on a computer processor.

If suddenly the cooler begins to make noise, the processor begins to overheat, then you need to try to clean the cooler from dust, perhaps change the thermal paste and loud noise fan - lubricate the cooler itself.

Let's begin.

In the photo we see an ordinary “boxed” (which comes with the processor) Intel cooler. A little noisy, but overall normal. Mounting a cooler to a motherboard is perhaps the most common and most inconvenient to install. Without knowing and without reading the instructions, many break the fastening antennae, push the board through and suffer in every possible way during installation of this type fastenings We will be happy to take a closer look at how to install it correctly and easily.

Stage 1. The simplest.

If you see deposits of dust that have clogged all the fins in the radiator, then perhaps it will be enough for you to remove the fan and vacuum the radiator with an ordinary vacuum cleaner. It might not be amiss (if it makes noise).

If just a vacuum cleaner is clearly not enough and you need to remove the entire cooler, move on to

Stage 2 – removing the cooler assembly (fan and radiator).

If you don't have it, don't remove the cooler yet. Buy it and then proceed to removing the cooler. It is strongly not recommended to install a radiator on old thermal paste. Overheating is guaranteed.

Gently rock the cooler to the sides (hold on to the radiator) and remove it from the motherboard.

In order to coat the surfaces well with fresh thermal paste, you first need to remove the old one. And from the processor too.

To do this, you need to remove the processor from the board.

We remove the processor from the socket (socket).

You can use wet wipes for wiping office equipment/screens, etc.

Do not leave moisture on the processor; wipe dry.

The layer should not be thick. The paste should not be squeezed out when installing the radiator. Squeeze the paste out of the syringe (bag) around the perimeter and spread it evenly over the heel of the radiator. Don't go over the edges. Especially if you find “silver” thermal paste. This paste conducts electricity and can easily short-circuit elements on the board. Try to use white thermal paste. Silver-colored paste contains metallic impurities and suits us worse. Conducts current and, accordingly, can cause trouble on the board.

(load position yandex)

When purchasing toothpaste in a paper bag or tube, it is not necessary to squeeze out the entire paste. It is packaged “with reserve”.

After the paste is spread, you need to prepare the cooler for installation. Turn all 4 latches counterclockwise until they stop, pull them towards you (the latches should stretch out a little) and turn them counterclockwise until they stop (90 degrees).

Check to see if the plastic tabs at the ends of the clips are bent. Squeeze them a little if they are too far apart.)

Place the processor in the socket. Check carefully that you are installing the processor into the socket correctly. Usually there are special “keys” (notches) on the processor, with the help of which the processor cannot be installed incorrectly in the socket. Also, triangles are usually drawn in the corners of the processor, which need to be aligned with the triangles on the socket.

Install the processor. It should fit easily into the socket. There is no need to put in any effort. If installed incorrectly and then tightened, the processor will fail and damage the motherboard. Be careful!

Lower the frame, lower and latch the lever that presses the frame against the processor.

We begin installing the cooler back. Direct the tabs of the clamps into the corresponding holes on the board. Don't try too hard. Make sure that the antennae fit completely into the holes and do not bend (you will break it and the cooler can be thrown away).

Gently swing the cooler to the sides by the radiator and insert the antennae into all 4 holes in the board. Without turning the latches, start pressing them (towards the board). Simply put, push them, push them. Until the clasp clicks. Next, press the latch that is located diagonally from the one that has already latched. Click – Click! Clicked. The clamps are in the clockwise position until they stop. We don't spin them, we just put pressure on them. We check the reliability of the latches by pulling them. If any of them come off easily, it means they didn’t click completely (press a little harder) or the plastic tendril on the latch broke off.

We also snap in the remaining 2 latches. Connect power to the cooler. Turn on the computer.

If the cooler does not fit tightly, the heat dissipation is insufficient and after a couple of seconds (minutes) of operation the processor overheats and turns off the computer. On older computers, the processor may burn out due to overheating. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Let's consider the same procedure with a different type of cooler and a different type of processor.

The cooler will be held in place with latches and clamps; the processor has legs.

Turn the clamp levers from above to loosen the cooler fasteners. Using a screwdriver, carefully press out the 4 plastic legs of the cooler that hold it on the motherboard. Remove the cooler assembly. Under the cooler you can see the processor in its socket. Raise the lever and release the cooler from the clamp.

We remove the processor and wipe off any remaining thermal paste from it. Be careful not to bend your legs. Unlike the previous processor, this one has legs. To bend it or, even worse, to break it will be very offensive and costly.

After wiping off the old thermal paste from the cooler’s radiator, apply new one to the processor (or the cooler’s radiator, whichever is more convenient for you)

When installing the processor back into the socket, pay attention to the presence of the so-called key. Usually this is a drawn triangle on one of the corners of the processor, which must be combined with the same triangle on the motherboard slot. This could be the absence of legs in either corner of the processor and, accordingly, the absence of holes for them on the slot.

This is done so that when installing the processor its position is not confused. Be careful!

After placing the processor down, lower the lever that locks it in the socket.

After all this, we put the cooler in place. Carefully and slowly place the cooler in place. Make sure the latches click into place and the heatsink is firmly seated against the processor. If the radiator is skewed, rock it from side to side. This will help install it well and spread the thermal paste a little on it.

Connect the cooler to the power supply on the board.