SEO promotion landing page. Other internal factors. Brilliant technical optimization

Landing page - landing page with high level conversions. There are many techniques to achieve a high level. They all boil down to the fact that the document must persistently and purposefully lead the visitor to a conversion action: purchase, subscription, request for a service, etc. Thousands of articles have been written about this. We will not compete with their authors, but note that many who want to create effective landing pages, what keeps us from doing this is the lack of understanding of how to achieve good rankings with one page. search results. Indeed, in the classic version, a landing page is not an ordinary one-page website. This makes its promotion also not entirely ordinary, in the sense that the set of internal factors changes somewhat. For example, you will not be able to increase the static weight of a page by linking to it from other pages on the site - there are simply none. The formation of a semantic core, which is the basis for other promotional activities - content optimization and link building, also has its own characteristics.

Semantic core

For clarity, we will look at the optimization of a landing page aimed at selling a specific product, for example, an Explay 3G tablet. As with promoting any website, you need to start with selecting a semantic core. High landing page conversion is achieved, among other things, by narrowing the audience it is aimed at - these are target visitors looking for a specific product, service, newsletter, etc. This specificity also affects the formation of the semantic core: it will consist only of low-frequency queries, with a frequency of less than a thousand. And even such requests will be relatively few: landing pages are not focused on the entire assortment; they are usually “tailored” to one product item or a small group of products. That is, if semantic core While a regular website should be made as complete as possible, expanding it due to the presence of high-frequency, mid-range and low-frequency queries and forming it using different themes, the semantic core of the Landing page, on the contrary, will have to be narrowed, limited only to those queries that will give an influx of targeted, easily converted audience, with a firm intention to buy. The subject of requests for such a page will always be the same. You need to decide which key phrase will be the main one in your semantic core. It must correspond to the conversion action. As a rule, this is the most frequent (popular) phrase of the selected ones. In our case, the main phrase by which you will promote your landing page will be “buy an Explay 3G tablet.” This phrase will be meta title tag, it will also have to be included in the h1 header of the document. The number of words by which you can promote a drug is almost endless, the main thing is that these words and search queries exist (these are product modifications, clarifications, characteristics, etc.). Here’s an example: one website page, a product page, brings users to 316 queries and almost 3000 sessions: The Yandex “Word Selection” service can select a small and high-quality core, as well as evaluate the popularity of queries.

Optimizing text on a page

In order for text to rank well in search engines, several factors must be taken into account:
  1. Achieve sufficient inclusion of key phrases from your semantic core
You can find out what this “sufficiency” is by analyzing competitors who are already ranking well for your queries. The Text Analysis tool can help you with this. “Text analysis” analyzes documents from the top to determine the required volume of text and keyword density and checks how well the text on your page corresponds to this. Based on the results of the test, “Text Analysis” gives recommendations for optimizing your page, indicating in detail how many and what words need to be added or subtracted and how to change the volume of text.
Note that there are similar tools on the Internet, but Wizard's Text Analysis, unlike most of them, is free. Remember that the situation in the top is dynamic, periodically check how optimized your content is and follow the recommendations of the same “Text Analysis” - service statistics show that this speeds up promotion by 30%.
  1. The text should be unique and rich in similar terms.
Text uniqueness has been one of the important ranking factors in search engines for many years. Copy-paste is no good. How to measure uniqueness? There are services on the Internet, including free ones, that compare with each other different texts and based on the results of comparison, giving a verdict of uniqueness as a percentage. Besides, search engines Pages that contain special terms related to the topic of the page are ranked higher. Be sure to add terms to the text on the page.
  1. The text must be well written, well structured and professionally designed.
Common cause failures (closing a page almost immediately after opening) are grammatical errors or ill-conceived document structure. Such shortcomings cause mistrust and negative reactions from visitors. This leads to deterioration behavioral factors and lowering the page in the search results. Don't forget to optimize your page meta tags. The title tag must contain the main key phrase, along which you are moving. And with special attention consider filling out the description tag: although it does not directly affect positions in search engines, Yandex and Google sometimes use it to fill out snippets - brief description document on the issue page. Documents ranked lower often have more clicks due to a successful snippet.

Other internal factors

The so-called commercial factors are important for organizing sales, gaining the trust of visitors and good ranking in search engines. Back in 2011, Yandex announced the use of commercial metrics in the ranking formula. Although a landing page is specific, it is still a commercial site and is subject to ranking rules applicable to full-fledged online stores and others. commercial resources. Therefore, attention should be paid to at least the following information: 1) Detailed Contact Information. 2) Availability of delivery service. 3) Availability of technical support (mail, phone, form feedback). 4) Online consultation system. 5) Availability of discounts. 6) Readability of the domain name. 7) Title tag length. Attention to such details will become extra plus for the document. And finally, the most important point that should not be forgotten. Influence technical condition site promotion is not obvious, so many webmasters and optimizers neglect it. It should be borne in mind that the presence technical errors on the site reduces the effectiveness of all SEO activities. Let us briefly list some technical specifications, influencing the ranking of the landing page (a regular site has more of them):
  • Stability of the site and page loading speed.
  • Contents of files.htaccess, robots.txt, sitemap.xml.
  • Presence of viruses on the site.
  • Temporary and cyclic redirects.
  • Incorrect meta tags and page titles.
  • Broken links and images.
It's not easy to track everything on your own. technical problems. And although in the case of a one-page site, which is the Landing Page, the severity of the problem is somewhat reduced, some nuances may still be left without due attention and fatally affect the result of long and painstaking work. A complete list of these and other errors can be obtained using the Technical Analysis tool. It will give you a general list of site errors for free. After reviewing it, you can decide whether it is worth paying for the details.

External factors

As already mentioned, originality Landing pages makes it impossible to promote them with internal links. Therefore, it is necessary to take the formation of a good link profile seriously. Especially considering that the promoted phrases will be, although low-frequency, often very competitive. The main difficulty arises already at the stage of forming an anchor list.
An anchor list is a collection of all text links to your site. After that, these links need to be placed on external sites. To do this, they need to be selected somehow. To select donors, they are assessed based on their parameters and visually. For selection optimal parameters, usually evaluate leading sites that are already highly ranked by the search engine. A multi-hour marathon analysis of the link profiles of TOP sites knocks the sweat out of even seasoned pros. It is necessary to analyze the external links of high-ranking sites for the number of non-anchor links, as well as one-, two-, three-word key phrases. The non-anchor link mass should also be divided into parts consisting of links with a domain entry, as well as the words “here”, “here”, “site”, “brand name” and others. Then unload the donors of each site from the top and draw their general portrait based on dozens of parameters (TIC, PR, nesting, domain zone, quantity external links, AlexaRank, traffic, etc.). So, for 5-10 sites from the top. Then, based on the analysis, create an effective anchor list and determine which and how many donors will be needed. And if we add to this that the bulk of the analysis tools are paid, then it becomes clear why there are so many zeros in the fees of companies engaged in promotion. When selecting donors, it is necessary to take into account the regionality and theme of the site, try to select the most suitable ones for placement relevant to the request pages. When allocating the budget, it is worth using part of it to purchase permanent links and social signals. Social signals - links from user posts social networks. Projects that use such links rise in search results much faster. Of course, such complex work is tedious and fraught with errors, especially if you are just starting to learn the intricacies of SEO promotion. Experienced optimizers have been automating for a long time routine processes, which significantly speeds up the work. Automatic promotion services:
  • will help you choose keywords and tails
  • will create an anchor list
  • analyze sites and select the optimal ones for placing links
  • will tell you how best to optimize the text on the page
Please note that promoting a website to the top is a process that requires time and labor. If you need an immediate effect, then at first, while the page is moving to the top, you can resort to other advertising techniques. For example, use contextual advertising or attract targeted visitors from pages where they usually communicate (certain groups on social networks, forums, professional communities). Tip: Landing pages can be used as landing pages on a regular website. At the same time, conversion is expected to increase and there will be more effective promotion the site as a whole. But this is a labor-intensive process.


Promoting one-page sites focused on commercial requests has some features. Let us highlight among them the size of the semantic core, consisting of several low-frequency queries, the associated optimization of content for only two or three phrases, and the increased importance of link factors. Happy promotion! Author: Yuri Sofin, leading analyst

You have all heard about such an interesting sales tool as Landing Page (one-page website), maybe you even use it. Did you know that there is such a thing as SEO promotion of landing pages?

Many people think that it is impossible to promote one-page websites to at least the TOP 10. After all, they are aimed exclusively at working in conjunction with contextual advertising. Feedback forms in each block, video, big buttons"Buy", great amount pictures and a minimal amount of text - all this is mandatory attributes a one-page site, which makes promoting it in search seem like a waste of time.

However, often these same LPs can be seen in search results. But how did they get there? What needs to be done for the site to start showing up at least in the TOP 10? Let's try to figure it all out.

Landing page features

A one-page website has a number of its own features, which are designed exclusively for working with “hot” traffic from contextual advertising. The first feature is one single page on which all information about a product or service and other elements of interaction with visitors are posted: feedback forms, videos, a large number of pictures.

The second main feature is that the information is presented in such a minimalistic form that a search robot is simply unable to understand it. This is the main problem with SEO website promotion. this kind of, which makes this action almost impossible.

However, there is a chance of getting into the search results - this is internal SEO optimization landing page. Due to the fact that one single page will be optimized for one or several requests (remember the rule: each request has its own page), the robot will be able to index it. And this can only mean one thing: we are guaranteed some position.

Further advancement to the TOP 10 is possible only by optimizing other important factors:

  • Behavioral factors ();
  • Commercial factors;

For the purposes of this lesson, I will only talk about internal optimization Landing page and commercial factors.

Landing Page Optimization

In order for the robot to determine what request the one-page page is tailored to, you need to work with several elements:

  1. Compiling a correct semantic core. For LP, it is advisable to use 1-3 queries that are similar in meaning, otherwise it will simply not be possible to take more or less high places;
  2. Correct filling of the Description meta tag and Title tag. Read more ;
  3. Proper use of headings H1-H6. The page must have one first-level heading (H1) - this is the main rule. Moreover, in H1 it is necessary to use the key phrase in a direct occurrence. More in detail scheduled;
  4. Filling the alt attribute of images. Each image on the site must have a unique alt attribute. It is recommended to use a key phrase in it;
  5. SEO text of 1500 - 3000 characters without spaces. You will learn how to write a good SEO text.

All this will help search robot in determining the relevance of the page, for which you will be included in the index. But that’s not all: it is important to remember about commercial factors that play a significant role in the SEO promotion of commercial sites, which is what a one-page website is.

  1. . This way visitors can clearly see where your office is located;
  2. We add various certificates that increase the trust of visitors;
  3. Add a block with reviews. Reviews have always helped to increase confidence, so we use them to the maximum. Video reviews are preferred;
  4. We add a video about your service or product to the landing page.

Having worked in these directions, you will greatly increase the level of trust of visitors in you, which will be noticed by the PS.

Also mandatory:

  • We adapt the site for mobile devices. Still, search engines take this factor into account and for the presence mobile version the site is ranked higher, especially by Google;

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Very useful and current topic Sergey Koksharov (Devaka) conducted a free webinar on September 25, 2015.

Topic: “How to optimize and promote one-page websites.” That is SEO for landing pages. But specifically for those that have a one-page structure.

Watch the recorded webinar now:

Watch the presentation:

From me:

In fact, you can do 2 types of landing pages:

1. one-pager
2. multi-page
(landing page with a standard main page plus a structure of sections and pages - commercial, informational)

The first type, one-pager, navigation menu usually represents local links that transport the user within a single page.

Considering that there are very few landing pages in the TOP and it is impossible to compete with large powerful sites, the first type is usually not promoted in search engines.

Or it promotes according to its branded queries and several low-frequency queries.

Therefore, here, first of all, any other traffic channels are used - context, social networks, email newsletters, and possibly teasers (although a beginner should definitely not get involved in them).

Or you can come to terms with the fact that even for your branded requests the site will not rank in the top places, and use Xrumer en masse and some methods like for hundreds of boards at once and others automated options, because I don’t care what happens to the domain in search engines, and that it may receive filters.

Free SEO courses from Anna Yashchenko - 20 PDF lessons, for 2019 - Good, for beginners, but also not only, quite deep, relevant. Do you want to learn how to independently promote websites for free? Please.

Of high quality, but free measure - this is just different types sites from, such as:

TOP Base will help, definitely. Both for single-page and multi-page.

For example, my sales always go up when I post any messages on the forums. This could be some kind of article with a link to the desired site, or just an announcement (advertising), simply done competently and in a suitable place. In the database I collect live sites, i.e. there are thousands of live thematic forums and other types of sites collected there.

Also, if you wish, you can sit and assemble all this yourself. I recently wrote instructions on how to find the right sites and forums for posting.

The second type of landing page is a multi-page page with sections.

This is, in fact, a regular website where the main page is a landing page. Its navigation menu is divided into sections of the site.

And you can promote it just like an ordinary commercial website.

Here you can create a normal semantic core ( key queries), make 2nd and 3rd level pages, articles or news and promote it as a normal website. And make a link from all pages in a suitable place in the text to home page, which is the sales page. Plus when pumping different pages site, the main page is also upgraded, and it is easier to access it for the queries for which it is tailored.

What do you think about promoting landing pages? What experience do you have? Write in the comments!

All my projects except this SEO blog:

TOP Base- high-quality base for semi-automatic registration with Allsubmitter or for completely manual placement - for independent free promotion any website, attracting targeted visitors to the site, increasing sales, naturally diluting the link profile. I have been collecting and updating the database for 10 years. There are all types of sites, all topics and regions.

SEO-Topshop- SEO software with DISCOUNTS, on favorable terms, news of SEO services, databases, manuals. Including Xrumer on the most favorable terms and with free training, Zennoposter, Zebroid and various others.

My free comprehensive SEO courses- 20 detailed lessons in PDF format.
- catalogs of sites, articles, press release sites, bulletin boards, company directories, forums, social networks, blog systems, etc.

"Approaching.."- my blog on the topic of self-development, psychology, relationships, personal effectiveness

Good day to all! Today I have prepared very interesting material. While working on this post, I wanted to collect comprehensive information on SEO Landing page. I think I succeeded...

Promotion of landing pages is indeed a very interesting and controversial topic. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that having such high conversion many use it exclusively as a landing page for contextual advertising. And why? It’s just that all attempts at promotion are nipped in the bud - by the studio that developed the landing page, by the friend who took part in it, as well as by the majority of information posted on this topic on the Internet. How to promote a landing page? - no way, for promotion you need a website, and a landing page for Direct and teasers! This is exactly what 97% of people with whom I had the opportunity to communicate on this topic think. And after all, they are in many ways, but let’s be honest, they are right in almost everything, if you lose sight of a few interesting features, namely: Few people understand that Direct can be a powerful SEO tool and for some reason no one tries to focus on undeniable advantages landing page. And the third thing is working with keys. Yes, I’ve already written about this a hundred times, but in relation to landing, working with keywords takes on a new meaning - we may not be able to pull out a landing page for competitive queries (although we can, and at the end of this article you will find out how), but I assure you, dear friends - every niche has very sweet NK requests. And you don’t have to spend money on Mutagen! Just read the article to the end.

Before starting the main story, I would like to give one parting word - even if in the first paragraphs you find a scheme that is ideal for you - do not be lazy to read to the end, as the approach to promoting a landing page becomes more complex, I will tell more and more progressive approaches that can be applied from the very beginning!

[VIDEO 2017] About promoting Landing Page using SEO

The first stage is to clearly set tasks

First of all, we need to clearly define the tasks and capabilities of our project. Let's formulate the problem like this: get cheap traffic from organic search- this will be the most successful formulation! Do you think the task is simple? Why then do most new owners of landing pages and websites in general take on the leading queries in the topic?

We decided to sell teddy bears, so we will promote the request - “buy teddy bears”... No, we will not promote this request, especially if our sales tool is a landing page! Do you catch the difference?! There are no leading queries in the topic; you need to soberly assess your capabilities at the initial stage.

We will return to requests later, but now I would like to tell you this... We have decided on the task! Here are the ways to solve our problem at the initial stage:

1. Work out the landing page conversion in detail. Achieve the maximum possible response from visitors. Apply all the latest techniques to increase conversion. It is conversion that will become our main trump card when we decide to compete for requests with serious sites (not a typo - just sites). Conversion to in this case our everything - it is this that will help us stay afloat in the initial stages and destroy organic matter in the future. Here we do not contradict in any way the basic pre-doctrine of search engines - the site must be for people, interesting to people, convenient and fully answer the query. I’ll get ahead a little, but even when choosing keys, we will choose only those phrases to which our site is capable of not only answering well, but answering at least as well as the best sites in the field, so we immediately reject requests like “product reviews”!

2. We will need Yandex and Google contextual advertising systems ideally. In principle, one Direct message will be more or less enough! And it is very important - the context must be set up very, very decently - it is this that will help us get off the ground

3. As appetites increase, we will need developed accounts on social networks. At a minimum, a high-quality VKontakte account. AND Attention! No bots - we need a live account that generates real traffic. In principle, bots can be caught up at the very beginning, so that real people were more willing to join our group. I won’t talk about creating groups in detail here - the purpose of this article is somewhat different.

4. The technical part of our landing page should not only be good, it should be perfect, but we’ll talk about this in more detail.

5. The semantics of promoted queries should be quite extensive! Few people know, but everyone specific phrase there is a possibility of promotion on this site and it is not always possible to catch it by eye. You just have to understand that only a third of the total number of equally competitive queries can be promoted on an average site under average conditions. Everything is rough, but it still makes it clear what is happening. Of course, it often happens that 100% of requests can be pulled into the TOP, but this is more likely special case, especially if we are talking about young project! Why is that? Yandex itself doesn’t know how complex its Matrixnet has become.

If you have mastered the information a few centimeters above, we can safely move on to the main story!

We will work on our strengths

When a small business enters the market, the only chance for it to survive is to focus on its advantages (unless, of course, this business offers a unique this region product/service). So in our case, the entire emphasis is on the merits. What advantages can we have in comparison with large sites in organic search results? Well, the first and most obvious thing is conversion; in other words, we can, should and will answer the requests put to us better than surrounding sites. Websites never monitor their traffic - if we look at the request statistics - 99% of all online stores have just mountains of garbage traffic that not only do not bring money to the site, but also drag it to the bottom! We shouldn't have this kind of traffic. In practice, this means that in the same Direct we will not run very cheap requests that give a lot of refusals. We only need high-quality traffic that will land on the landing page and turn into money, even if at the initial stages clicks on such requests will cost a lot. In any case, by working with the ad correctly, we can always get a good CTR, and with it a cheap click.

Our second advantage will be mobility in all understandings of the word. On the one hand, the site must be displayed completely correctly on mobile devices ah (have an adaptive layout), and on the other hand, we can easily and naturally implement the most advanced layout technologies on the landing page, which not every online store can afford due to the complexity of architectural transformations.

And our last plus (it must be taken into account at the LP development stage) is unsurpassed speed. After all, we simply won’t have a database overloaded with garbage, always lagging, which is an integral part of almost all modern sites. Personally, I recommend giving up altogether using CMS— with the proper level of customization, we can easily get the fastest website in the niche, but this also imposes certain restrictions- none complex graphics...Good modern means HTML and CSS can do wonders even without using images.

So, 3 pillars on which landing page SEO will rest are:

1. conversion

2. mobility

3. speed

And to these 3 great whales it is worth adding an elephant - correct elaboration of semantics, but for now a few words about technical optimization.

Brilliant technical optimization

The first place to start is with search engines. I think everyone understands that our landing page simply by definition does not have such problems as duplicate pages, broken links, and so on

But despite this, our website must fully comply with the requirements of search engines:

1. The robots must be configured, in which the sitemap and main host are indicated, directives for Yandex are duplicated

2. There must be an XML sitemap, although this makes almost no sense

3. WWW mirrors must be glued together and a redirect must be configured

4. 404 error page must be configured

5. Everyone must be present seo tags(title, description, keywords, h1, h2-5)

6. Favicon must be present

7. The site must have at least Yandex Metrica installed

Everything is extremely simple with this, but it is important, understand - we have a very small site, and Yandex does not treat such sites very well and for it our project is just another potential doorway. The reason for this attitude towards landing is extremely simple - every day millions of similar one-pagers are created with the aim of manipulating search results, and therefore Yandex is keeping an eye out.

Modern technologies

But this is already very important point! Our landing page must be equipped with the most modern elements web. These include:

1. adaptive layout

It is this that will greatly reduce failures when transitioning from mobile devices and when viewing the site by users with a non-standard display resolution. Also, the mere presence of adaptability gives a good bonus in Google results, which the latter has officially recognized. It is likely that in Yandex, the mere presence of an adaptive feature gives a ranking bonus.

2. Shema layout (micro markup)

Micro markup has been actively used for a long time in Google search results and every day more and more actively in Yandex. A site snippet with micro markup elements looks much more attractive, which significantly increases its CTR in the search results, and at the same time the external PF of the site.

3. High speed website operation and content generation

Speed ​​is everything

Next important stage preparing our page - display speed. Firstly, you must have fast hosting, and secondly, the site must fall into the green line for both desktop and mobile devices in the Google test. Test

We select high-quality NDT requests

Our website is almost ready. Now you need to choose low-competition words. I described this process in sufficient detail.

It is worth giving some explanations - in that article I proposed a rather sophisticated way to evaluate the competition, in fact, it is much easier to use the Mutagen service after collecting and initially screening.

It’s even easier to use the KEI formula for Key programs Collector, which gives a result almost similar to Mutagen:

(KEI_YandexMainPagesCount * 6) + (KEI_YandexTitlesCount + KEI_GoogleTitlesCount) + (KEI_YandexDocCount / 73000)

Optimization for NK

Next, we need to prepare a text for our NK requests. Everything here is extremely simple - to get queries to the TOP, you just need to mention each of them once in the text. The most important thing here is not to overspam, although in our particular case this is not so bad, because... even if we inadvertently create strong spam - Higher frequency, shorter versions of our queries will be filtered. Remember a simple rule - we mention 1 request 1 time, no more.

About detailed optimization We will talk about the text at the stage of promoting IC requests.

Landing is made for context, so let context help SEO

So, we have everything ready, but I bet that our newly created project will be included in the index with great difficulty. You can, of course, purchase links, but still this is not the most best option for a landing page, if there was a website, that would be a different matter.

Here we need Direct. We pour more Direct on the site and quick indexing is guaranteed. On at this stage It doesn’t matter at all what requests will be approached, the main thing is that there are not many refusals for them. How much is too much? If we average everything out, I can say that 20 percent or more is no longer the best indicator, especially since high-quality PF will become one of the main promotion tools in our case.

In addition to Direct, you can also use links, especially since Yandex has officially announced that links are working effectively again! (this is exactly the development of events that I predicted when Santa Barbara began)

Analysis of the situation, adjustments, work on failures

Now it's time to take a short break. During this time, we must work out in detail the conversion on the site and Direct. The best way to do this is to use A/B testing. Traffic from contextual advertising must hit the target. If people are satisfied, they will be much more willing to buy. Your goal at this stage is to start receiving stable contextual traffic that will give a minimum of bounces, ideally less than 10%.

A little more than a month will pass before you yourself will notice that many requests will already be within the limit of visibility and specifically in Yandex. Things will be a little worse on Google, but that's only because we don't have any links yet.

After a while, it’s worth buying some high-quality links from GGL with the right anchors. 20-30 pieces will be more than enough. Sapa is also very useful, but working with it still requires experience.

At this step, carefully check the failures of organic traffic. Here average By commercial inquiries this is 18%, we should do much better if we are going to compete with sites in the search results. Carefully study the sources of failures and work on them. Of course, you can simply increase behavioral ones, but we need the site itself to give good PF, otherwise the whole further work It just doesn't make sense.

Having done everything described above, you can be sure that the snowball has started— we have traffic from Direct and organic, which not only brings customers, but also makes our site more and more interesting from the point of view of search engines every day

Let's move on to SK - preparation

This is where the fun begins. To be honest, the SC is the maximum to which we can jump, because... promoting VK on landing pages is already pure extreme and almost beyond the bounds of fantasy, but we will talk about this below.

With NK requests, everything was very simple... We specifically selected such requests that no site on the Internet could answer better than us. And the search acted quite as expected - it gave us decent positions for these queries.

But only NK high traffic don't get it! Why? - it’s simple... If it were a website, we could work with NK until old age, expanding and expanding our website ad infinitum, processing hundreds and hundreds of new requests. On a landing page this is impossible, unless, of course, after a successful experience with NK you decide to convert the landing page into a website

The basis for the promotion of our project will be requests of average competition or those with a competitiveness value of up to 25 according to the Mutagen version (or according to KEY).

And the first step on the path to new heights will be the painstaking setup of Direct for the ICs we have chosen, but first things first, because the requests still need to be selected

The basis here will be the correct selection of these same insurance companies

In addition to the level of competitiveness of the request, here’s what you should also pay attention to - the average number of pages of sites in the TOP. More precisely, not so - in the TOP there must be at least 1 site that has less than 200 pages, and preferably less than 100.

If this condition is not met, advancement is still possible, but its probability becomes significantly lower.

Don't select too many queries. Optimal - 10 or less

Setting up Direct for mid-level competition requests

Now we must squeeze the maximum out of the Yandex contextual advertising system. For each of the queries we select, we must have a perfectly customized ad with clearly defined targeting. We will change the ad text until we get the best CTR possible. After all, it is beneficial for Yandex to show at the top a site that gets a lot of clicks, which means the return to the search engine’s pocket from such a site is the highest.

Having received a good CTR and worked out in detail on the site refusals for requests, we will receive a completely natural, safe and very effective increase in behavioral factors for the requests we have chosen, and this is already a huge step towards our goal.

Subject coverage

And now it’s time to use one of the secrets of modern SEO - topic coverage. This thing allows you to pull out quite competitive queries on weak sites, practically without the use of links and PF cheats.

Yandex has conventional ideas about every topic on the Internet. This includes the query base itself (tails from HF) and similar words and search tips and some other sources. That is, Yandex, at its level, conventionally imagines what relates to a particular topic. And note - sometimes this does not quite coincide with reality, but in the overwhelming majority of cases it still coincides.

And this is where the phrase “bringing something new to the topic” comes from, but this is a topic for a separate post.

We need to create a mind map for our topic. You will have to study Wordstat, organic search and search tips for various tails of the main query. It’s worth saying right away that in this case we do not have the slightest moral right to neglect any directions, for example, very often and in many topics we can come across requests like “... with our own hands” - we will simply be obliged to use them.

After we imagine a topic map, it is necessary to prepare a text based on this map that will describe our topic quite briefly, but describe it as comprehensively as possible, without missing a single branch.

Now this may seem like an unrealistic task to you, but take my word for it - copywriters have already prepared a dozen similar texts for me, so everything is more than realistic.

Setting text relevance

So, we covered the topic completely, but I’m willing to bet that along the way we received just wild text spam as a bonus, and for IC requests this is already a significant problem, but don’t despair - about half an hour of your time and text spam will be finished once and for all

So we have rental links, everlasting links and social signals, but that's not all. We need the most diverse link profile, and without links from forums and communities there is no place in this matter. Crowd marketing was invented especially for these purposes, which, by the way, you can order through me.

The methods described above will be quite sufficient for some requests of average competition, but not for all. Constant monitoring of positions is very important. And if, after 2-3 months from the moment you have done all the manipulations described above, some positions have not gone beyond the TOP 50, you should abandon them.

PF cheats

I’ll say right away - this tool very effective in Yandex and much less on Google. But it is necessary to boost both Yandex and Google at the same time to avoid problems with Yandex. Now read carefully and understand the following axioms:

  1. filter for cheating PF is not a myth. And this filter is the most brutal Yandex filter - this is understandable - Yandex is very dissatisfied with the fact that behavioral ones are being cheated, because their influence on the search results is enormous
  2. the probability of filtering can easily be reduced to 5-10% and for this you do not need to have expert knowledge in the field of SEO. It’s enough just not to “get burned”
  3. in our case (when the site’s natural PF is very high), the risk of falling under Yandex sanctions becomes even less

To boost PF, I personally use the Userator exchange. It’s up to you to decide whether to boost behavioral ones or not, but you should definitely take into account the fact that when promoting a landing page, some words will be too much for us to do without using cheats.

What else can you use?

Often groups are created for landing pages in social networks. And we can use these groups for SEO purposes. VK and FB groups are best suited. There is only one requirement for groups - their community must be real, capable of generating real human traffic.

Also, groups should have a name similar to the search queries being promoted.

Next, we just need to make traffic from the group flow to our landing page and not give up. Ideally, traffic should come to the site daily. To do this, you will need to regularly post interesting messages and news on the group wall, as well as promotions that will encourage group users to come to your site.

In addition to traffic from groups, the following are also important: social factors as user posts on their pages with a link to the site, tweets, likes and other types of mentions. To manipulate them, you, at a minimum, need to place the main social media buttons on your landing page.


In conclusion, I would like to say that it is quite possible to promote a landing page, the main thing is to set feasible tasks and fully use your advantages. The achievable tasks include the requests themselves that we will promote. It’s not worth taking on VK - the budget will simply be wasted, but most correctly selected NCs and even some ICs can quite successfully be brought to the TOP and receive traffic. And note that the value of traffic for us will be many times higher, because the conversion rate of a landing page is on average 2-3 times higher than that of a high-quality website. That is, to achieve the same result (sales level), we will need 2-3 times less traffic. And monitor the landing page, adjust it to the constantly changing search algorithms 10 times easier than the website. On my own behalf I want to say 1 simple thingFor promotion to be successful, the page itself must fully respond to user requests, be of high quality and modern.

But you shouldn’t delude yourself too much here, otherwise, after reading this material, you may get the opinion that moving a landing page is much more profitable than moving a website! No - it’s not more profitable and not easier, but much more difficult! Many sites made “out of the blue” are at the very least poor, but can be promoted. But a well-made and optimized website will grow even on its own, without any purchase of links or optimization of texts. And in a few years, it will completely independently reach a decent level of traffic. With a landing page, you will never be able to do this - in order for it to start receiving traffic from organic search, it must not only be good-looking, but an extensive range of optimization work will have to be carried out on it. Plus - search engines are initially extremely suspicious of this type of site, so any careless action and you can easily get a filter that would not happen with a regular site!

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